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TOPEX/Poseidon On-line Tutorial

This series will familiarize you with the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) mission, science, and products that are available for Earth-related studies. It has 22 "slides" (presented in 3 parts) and accompanying text.

Part I. addresses the following questions:
  • Where Can You Find T/P Data?
  • How Does the T/P Satellite Work?
  • Why is There Motion in the Ocean?
  • What is the Connection Between Wind & Waves?
Part II. addresses the following questions:
  • What is Ocean Circulation?
  • Where do Ocean Eddies Come From?
  • What Causes Hills & Valleys in the Ocean?

Part III. addresses the following questions:
  • What Does Ocean Topography Look Like?
  • What Can We Learn About Currents from T/P Data?
  • How Does Sea Level Change Over Time and Why?
  • Why Are These Changes Important to Our Weather & Climate?

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