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EDUCATION - Class Activities

OSTM/Jason-2 Education Outreach

The OSTM/Jason-2 education activities are conducted jointly with those of Jason-1. A primary focus has been the inception of the CNES-developed Argonautica oceanography education program in the United States. As part of Argonautica operations, student teams construct experimental buoys that are dropped into the ocean and monitored by satellite. Dr. Mohamed Abid, A. Project System Engineer for OSTM, mentored a team of 12 students from the Los Feliz, California campus of the Lycee International de Los Angeles through the design, building, and testing of an experimental buoy onto which they had chosen to add eight temperature sensors. The completed buoy was launched in January 2006 as part of the 2005-2006 Argonautica operations in the Drake Passage in Antarctica. Annie Richardson, outreach coordinator for Jason-1 and OSTM/Jason-2, coordinated the team's activities, which included JPL visits, teleconferences, web conferences, and videoconferences.

The links below will direct you to feature stories about JPL/CNES joint education activities, the Argonautica program, and the LILA buoy project.

For complete information regarding NASA/CNES ocean surface topography education and public outreach activities refer to the education section.

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