BeppoSAX (-WFC & -NFI) GRB Observations

This table contains information about observations (or attempted observations) by BeppoSAX (WFC and NFI) on GRBs. It is updated automatically in real-time. The most recent observation is listed first (reverse time order).

The 2 left-most columns (GRB) are the date and time of the start of the GRB.

The next 5 columns (Observation) come from the results of the various observations and analyses by the SAX WFC and NFI instrument teams. These columns contain: the Instrument that made the observation, the RA,Dec (J2000) location of the GRB, the error (arcmin radius, sys+stat) uncertainty in that location, the Flux of the detected source (in units of mCrab), a Comment describing the observation results, and if there is any Other related information (usually links). If a column's information is not available or is not applicable, then that entry is listed as "n/a".

For more information on the two BeppoSAX instruments: SAX.

Mail questions/suggestions/complaints to Scott Barthelmy.

SAX GRB Observations
GRB Observation
Date Time UT Inst RA Dec Error Flux Comments
02/04/11 01:49:05.00 WFC 78.111 +68.257 0.083 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. Possible GRB or X-ray Flash. GRBM was switched off during burst
02/04/10 10:41:20.00 WFC 331.768 -83.821 0.030 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. Possible GRB or X-Ray Flash. GRBM was not available during burst.
02/04/09 21:11:25.00 WFC 131.310 +66.688 0.053 1700.00 SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. GRB020409 detected by BeppoSAX GRBM & WFC1
02/03/22 03:51:30.00 WFC 270.220 +81.080 0.050 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. This imported message had no comments.
02/03/21 04:20:40.00 WFC 243.270 -83.710 0.080 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. "Springtime Burst". Non optimal attitude configuration.
01/12/11 19:09:21.00 WFC 168.818 -21.929 0.033 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. A BeppoSAX NFI follow-on has been planned and will be very soon performed
01/12/11 19:09:21.00 WFC 168.812 -21.935 0.083 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. X-ray Rich GRB detected in WFC1 (XRF011211)
01/11/21 18:47:12.00 WFC 173.606 -76.027 0.030 17000.00 SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. refined BeppoSAX WFC coordinates
01/11/21 18:47:12.00 WFC 173.326 -76.033 0.080 8000.00 SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. This is a very bright GRB triggered by BSAX GRBM and detetcted in WFC L. Piro BSAX MS
01/04/12 21:46:27.00 WFC 294.913 +13.618 0.100 1100.00 SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. GRB010412: refined positions Refined coordinates from WFC are: R.A.(2000)= 294.913 DEC.(2000)= 13.618 The error radius is 6'. Luigi Piro BeppoSAX Mission Scientist
01/02/22 07:23:30.00 WFC 223.051 +43.012 0.042 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. This imported message had no comments.
01/02/22 07:23:30.00 WFC 223.069 +43.035 0.083 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. We are planning a BeppoSAX-NFI observation
01/02/20 22:51:07.00 WFC 39.400 +61.708 0.100 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. We are planning a BeppoSAX-NFI observation.
01/02/14 08:48:11.00 WFC 265.252 +48.544 0.050 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. This imported message had no comments.
01/02/14 08:48:11.00 WFC 265.191 +48.564 0.083 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. A BeppoSAX follow-up is being planned
00/11/09 09:23:17.00 WFC 277.531 +55.301 0.042 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. This imported message had no comments.
00/11/09 09:23:17.00 WFC 277.507 +55.307 0.067 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. We are planning a BeppoSAX-NFI observation
00/10/11 15:54:50.00 WFC 275.768 -50.899 0.033 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. A BeppoSAX/NFI follow-up is not feasible due to the presence of the moon in one of the startrackers.
00/10/11 15:54:50.00 WFC 275.865 -50.902 0.080 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. A BeppoSAX/NFI observation is being planned
00/06/20 05:33:38.00 WFC 113.821 +69.193 0.060 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. This imported message had no comments.
00/06/20 05:33:38.00 WFC 113.872 +69.199 0.083 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. We cannot perform a follow up due to solar constraints
00/06/15 06:18:24.00 WFC 233.168 +73.848 0.033 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. This imported message had no comments.
00/06/15 06:18:24.00 WFC 233.141 +73.795 0.083 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. This imported message had no comments.
00/06/08 08:51:42.00 WFC 6.253 -69.034 0.067 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. This imported message had no comments.
00/05/29 08:43:11.00 WFC 2.348 -61.531 0.070 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. This imported message had no comments.
00/05/29 08:43:11.00 WFC 2.282 -61.527 0.100 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. We are planning a BeppoSAX NFI follow-up.
00/05/28 08:46:35.00 WFC 161.276 -33.983 0.030 unknown SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. Thanks to BeppoSAX staff personal efforts we are planning a NFI follow-on, with the instruments switched on during the whole night.
00/05/28 08:46:35.00 WFC 161.354 -34.002 0.070 n/a SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. The follow-on is technically feasible, but the unavailability of Mission Planners during Sunday and the switching-off of instruments during weekend nights doesn't allow a useful and fast repointing of satellite (see GCN 634)
00/04/16 14:32:54.00 WFC 258.760 -71.560 0.067 n/a Further analysis to establish the nature of the transient are in progress.
00/04/16 14:32:54.00 WFC 258.760 -71.560 0.067 n/a BeppoSAX MAIL n. X-ray burst or X-ray rich GB (GRB000416) On April 16 at 14:32:54 UT a burst was detected in WFC n.2 with a peak flux of about 2 Crab in the 2-26 keV range. The burst lasted about 25 s. Preliminary position is: R.A.(2000) 258.76 DEC(2000) -71.56 with an error radius of 4'. We name the source 1SAXJ1715.0-7134. A marginal detection of the burst in the GRBM (40-700 keV) woul to classify the event as an X-Ray rich GRB, although we could not exclude a type I X-ray burster on the basis of the WFC hardness ratio. A fast TOO observation was technically feasible but we could no t perform it because of budget reduction of BeppoSAX operations (see Bepp oSAX mail n. 00/06).
00/02/14 01:01:01 WFC 283.573 -66.455 0.130 n/a SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. "Valentine's Day GRB"
00/02/10 08:44:06 WFC 29.812 -40.669 0.034 n/a SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. Faint X-ray rich event with a marginal detection in GRBM. The position error is the standard statistics+systematic, but the satellite was in testing mode, so the estimation is very preliminary [GCN OPS NOTE (10/02/00): This comment is erroreous due to a processing error; see above.]
99/12/17 04:12:20 WFC 345.867 +0.228 0.100 n/a SAX-WFC GRB Coordinates. Faint X-ray rich event with a marginal detection in GRBM. The position error is the standard statistics+systematic, but the satellite was in testing mode, so the estimation is very preliminary
99/11/06 10:54:27 WFC 336.202 54.365 3.2 n/a Refined position.
99/11/06 10:54:27 WFC 336.211 54.365 4 n/a Preliminary position.
99/11/05 16:40:44 WFC 180.871 -66.757 3.6 n/a Refined position.
99/11/05 16:40:44 WFC 180.753 -66.814 3.6 n/a Refined position. GRB991105 was detected simultaneously by the GRBM and WFC of BeppoSAX (also BATSE trigger #7841).
99/11/05 16:40:44 WFC 180.80 -66.76 5 n/a Preliminary position. GRB991105 was detected simultaneously by the GRBM and WFC of BeppoSAX (also BATSE trigger #7841).
99/10/14 ??:??:?? WFC ?? ?? ?? n/a n/a
99/07/12 16:43:02 WFC 337.957 -73.407 2 n/a Refined position.
99/07/12 16:43:02 WFC 337.830 -73.346 5 n/a Preliminary position. Due to Sun constraints BeppoSAX cannot perform a follow-on observation with the NFIs.
99/07/05 16:43:02 NFI 77.489 -72.132 2 n/a Preliminary position. A BeppoSAX follow-up of GRB990705 started about 11 hr after the burst. A quick look analysis of the first five orbits of the MECS data at SOC shows only one object, previously unknown, inside the refined error circle of the WFC and located near the edge of the LMC. BeppoSAX will continue its observation and monitoring of this source up to a total observing time of 100 ksec.
99/07/05 16:43:02 WFC 77.467 -72.134 3 n/a Refined position. A follow-up with NFI is in progress.
99/07/05 16:01:25 WFC 77.382 -72.145 6 n/a Preliminary position. Due to the less-than-optimal attitude configuration the error radius is of about 6'. A follow-on with NFI is being planned.
99/07/04 17:30:20 WFC 184.873 -3.803 7 n/a Due to a trivial typo in coordinates conversion the reported WFC refined position in BeppoSAX Mail 99/13 is wrong.
99/07/04 17:30:20 NFI 184.872 -3.840 1.7 n/a A BeppoSAX follow-up of GRB990704 started about 8 hr after the burst. Preliminary analysis of the first three orbits of the MECS data at SOC shows a previously unknown source inside the WFC error circle. BeppoSAX is continuing its observation.
99/07/04 17:30:20 WFC 184.79 -3.80 7 n/a Refined coordinates. Due to the less-than-optimal attitude configuration the error radius is of about 7'. A follow-up with NFI is in progress.
99/07/04 17:30:20 WFC 184.87 -3.796 8 n/a Preliminary coordinates. Due to the less-than-optimal attitude configuration the error radius is of about 8'. A follow-on with NFI is being planned.
99/06/27 05:00:51 WFC 27.1055 -77.0883 3 n/a Final coordinates from WFC.
99/06/27 05:00:51 WFC 26.895 -77.092 5 n/a GRB990627 was detected simultaneously by the GRBM and WFC of BeppoSAX. A follow-on with NFI is being planned.
99/06/25 00:24:33 WFC 6.64 -31.2 ~60 n/a GRB990625 was simultaneously detected by the GRBM and WFC aboard BeppoSAX (also BATSE trigger 7619). Unfortunately the attitude configuration at the time of the GRB does not allow to reconstruct the GRB position to better than about 1 degree radius. Due to the large error box, BeppoSAX is not going to observe this location with the NFI.
99/05/10 08:49 NFI 204.605 -80.490 1.5 n/a A BeppoSAX follow-up of GRB990510 started about 8 hr after the burst. Preliminary analysis of the first two orbits of the MECS data at SOC shows a previously unknown strong source in the center of the WFC error circle. Considering its strength, this X-ray source is likely the X-ray afterglow of GB990510. BeppoSAX is continuing its observation.
99/05/10 08:49 WFC 204.5248 -80.4925 3 n/a Final coordinates. GRB 990510 was detected by the GRBM and WFC of BeppoSAX on May 10, around 8:49 UT. A follow-on with NFI is being done.
99/05/10 08:49 WFC 204.691 -80.470 6 n/a Preliminary coordinates. GRB 990510 was detected by the GRBM and WFC of BeppoSAX on May 10, around 8:49 UT. A follow-on with NFI is being done.
98/12/26 09:47 NFI 352.40 -23.93 1.5 n/a Preliminary NFI coordinates. A follow-up with the NFI of GB981226 started yesterday Dec.26 around 20:34 UT. Preliminary analysis of the LECS and MECS detectors for the first 6 orbits shows a previously unknown source (a few x 10**-13 erg/cm2/s) within the WFC error box. At this stage of the observation we cannot yet establish whether the source is fading. The observation will finish tomorrow evening.
98/12/26 09:47 WFC 352.433 -23.942 8 n/a Preliminary WFC coordinates. A GRB (GB981226) was detected by the GRBM and WFC of BeppoSAX on Dec.26, around 9:47 UT. The error radius is about 8', including a systematic error due a less-than-optimal attitude configuration. A follow-on with NFI is being planned.
Prior bursts to be added as time permits. n/a n/a n/a

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This file was last modified by a human on 26-Nov-99.