Visit to an Ocean Planet


  1. What is on this CD-ROM that makes it so special?
  2. Where can I get a copy of the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" CD-ROM?
  3. I cannot get the movies to work on my PC.
  4. When I try to read the PDF files on my MAC, I get the message "Symbol font not present - reinstall acrobat."  What is the problem?
  5. When I try to read PDF files, I get an error message that says I need "Adobe Type Manager version 3.6 or newer."
  6. When I try to read curriculum PDF files, I get an error message that says "-108."  What's wrong?
  7. Can I run the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" from my hard drive?
  8. Will it run in Thousands or Millions of Colors?
  9. When I play the program, I don't hear any sound. What's wrong?
  10. Sometimes the "Print" button doesn't work.
  11. The "Back" button doesn't work when viewing El Nino data.
  12. After the title page runs with both video and sound working, when the program tries to move to the next step I get the error "The program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down."   When I go to details it says, "VISITW95 caused an invalid page fault in module VISITW95.EXE at 0217:0041081a."  I have tried other CD-ROMS and they work properly and all the software on my computer works properly as well.
  13. On my PC, the link to the glossary  from the PDF files does not seem to work;  it takes me to the Glossary Addendum page, which only has about 6 definitions on it.  What's wrong?
  14. I have Mac OS9, and when I try to access a Classroom Activity or the Glossary, the menu bar flashes and then nothing happens.
  15. I have Mac OS9 and can't get the CD to run.
  16. What do I do if none of these FAQs addresses my problem?



  1. What is on this CD-ROM that makes it so special?

    This is an innovative CD-ROM in that science, ocean, climate and life education is made fun and interactive.  It has interactive learning games that kids really enjoy.  It also contains activities that can be directly imported into a classroom. 

  2. Where can I get a copy of the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" CD-ROM?

    You can obtain a copy of the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" CD-ROM from NASA CORE 

  3. I cannot get the movies to work on my PC.

    You need QuickTime v2.1.2 for Windows installed on your system.   If you have a later version the movies will not run.  Consequently, you will need to install the older version that is on the CD-ROM.  The two versions of QuickTime will co-exist peacefully on your machine.

  4. When I try to read the PDF files on my MAC, I get the message "Symbol font not present - reinstall acrobat."  What is the problem?

    There are two possible problems here, either:
    a) there are too many fonts installed in your System:Fonts folder, or
    b) the Apple GXGraphics extension is installed and active.

    In order for Adobe Acrobat Reader to run, the following fonts need to be installed in the "Fonts" folder in the "System Folder":
    Adobe Sans MM,
    Adobe Serif MM Courier,
    Symbol ,
    Zapf Dingbats (may also be called "ITC Zapf Dingbats").

    When you run the Adobe Acrobat Reader installer, it will install these files in your System folder for you, unless you have too many font suitcases already installed.   The maximum number of font suitcases that may be in your "Fonts" folder at any one time is 128.  The solution is to remove some of your fonts and reinstall Acrobat Reader.

    If the Apple GXGraphics extension is installed and active, the solution is to disable the Apple GXGraphics extension, restart the computer, and then reinstall Acrobat Reader.  

    Both problems are described at Adobe's Technical Support WebSite:

  5. When I try to read PDF files, I get an error message that says I need "Adobe Type Manager version 3.6 or newer."

    This error occurs when the installer does not properly install Adobe Reader 2.1.  To correct the problem, run the Acrobat Reader 2.1 installer, and then move Adobe Type Manager (the filename is "~ATM") to the Control Panel folder in your Mac's System Folder, and then restart your Mac.  If after restarting your Mac you still get the above error message, you can read Acrobat PDF curriculum files directly off of the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" CD-ROM.  All of the curriculum files are located in the "PDF" folder on the CD-ROM.

  6. When I try to read curriculum PDF files, I get an error message that says "-108." What's wrong?

    A -108 error occurs on the Macintosh when there is not enough memory in the system heap to run the requested application.  The most likely problem is you do not have enough free memory to run both the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" program and the Acrobat Reader program.  Try freeing up system memory to run both programs simultaneously.  If the problem persists, you can run Acrobat Reader without the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" application.

  7. Can I run the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" from my hard drive?

    You cannot run the program from your hard drive - it will only work running off  the CD-ROM. 

  8. Will it run in Thousands or Millions of Colors?

    The program was designed to run under 256 colors. However, it will run without problem at higher bit depths (i.e. 'Thousands' or 'Millions' of colors.) In fact, the image quality of QuickTime movies is much better at 'Thousands' or 'Millions' of colors. However, the program may run slower at higher bit-depths, and some images with custom 8-bit palettes may appear strange at 'Thousands' of colors. If you have a fast Macintosh and a video display that supports 'Thousands' of colors, it is recommended that you run the program at 'Thousands' of color. If program playback seems slow, switch back to 256 colors.

  9. When I play the program, I don't hear any sound. What's wrong?

    You need a Windows compatible sound card.

  10. Sometimes the "Print" button doesn't work.

    The "Print" button doesn't work in "Questions to Consider" screen in "Gulf of Mexico" section.  It works everywhere else in the CD.

  11. The "Back" button doesn't work when viewing El Nino data.

    This is a documented bug.  You can work around it by using the "Back to Data Set", or "Select Another Month" button.   You can also use the navigation tools on the upper left: "Home" to go to the start screen, "Mission" to the Mission section, "Guide" to the Curriculum Guide section, or "Map" to a navigable map of the CD.

  12. Error:  VISITW95.EXE

    The type of error you are experiencing is called "General Protection Fault" or GPF.  It is a common problem with Windows 95.  It occurs when 2 programs try to access the same block of memory.  Usually, the problem clears up after rebooting the computer.  If it persists, then it is likely that either the operating system or one of the applications were not installed properly.  Another possibility, though an extremely rare one, is that you might have a faulty segment on your memory chip.

  13. The link to the Glossary does not work.

    Unfortunately, this is a bug in the CD-ROM which we will fix in version 2.  We cannot do anything to make it run off the CD.  But if you just want to look at the curriculum files (backgrounds and activities), you can copy the pdfs folder (inside Media folder) onto the hard drive.  Then delete the glossary.pdf file, rename glossary.pd1 to glossary.pdf.  Open the curriculum files in Acrobat.  The glossary linking should work now.  The curriculum files are the ones that start with TS1, TS2 or TS3.

    Here is the file mapping:

    TS1 - climate
    TS2 - oceans
    TS3 - life in the oceans

    EN - energy
    HI - human interactions
    ME - measurement
    PC - process and change
    SI - system and interactions
    SS - scale and structure

    BG - background information
    AC - activities
  14. I have Mac OS9, and when I try to access a Classroom Activity or the Glossary, the menu bar flashes and then nothing happens.

    Our Activities and many other materials are provided as PDF files. If your computer is running Mac OS9, the "Visit to an Ocean Planet" CD-ROM requires that you use Adobe Type Manager (ATM) version 4.5.2 or higher. (You can check ATM's version number by launching "~ATM" from the Control Panels under the Apple menu.) To download the latest version of Adobe Type Manager, visit and select "ATM Light".

    After installing ATM and restarting the computer, you may get an error message when trying to launch the PDF files from the CD: "The fonts 'Adobe Serif/MM' and 'Adobe Sans MM' must be installed.  Please install both fonts before continuing.  Acrobat Reader will now quit."

    If that's the case, go to the "Acrobat Reader" folder on your hard drive. Open "Resource" folder, then "font".  Copy "AdobeSanMM" and "AdobeSerMM" files into your "System Folder".

  15. I have Mac OS9 and can't get the CD to run.

    You may have ATI RAGE graphics acceleration. If so, turn the acceleration off, and the CD should run.
  16. What do I do if none of these FAQs addresses my problem?

    Please contact Margaret Srinivasan.