GUV Homepage
Guest Information System (GIS)
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GUV Homepage

Those visiting Brookhaven National Laboratory for an extended period of time must enter their information into the BNL Guest Information System in order to obtain a BNL Guest (photo ID) badge.

Once you have completed this form, you will automatically receive e-mails in response to let you know what further instructions are necessary prior to your arrival. Upon initially completing the online form you will receive an e-mail giving you a GR Number; this number is only a tracking number. This is not your final Identification Number. When your GIS submission is fully approved, you will receive another e-mail indicating that you have been approved and you will receive your final Identification Number.

Upon arrival at BNL, you will have to go to the Guest, User, Visitor Center (GUV) located in the Research Support Building to check in. Please make sure to bring proper identification.  [ Directions ]

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