PAN Pesticides Database - Chemical Toxicity Studies on Aquatic Organisms

Search for Ecotoxicity by Species

The Aquatic Ecotoxicity section includes 223,853 aquatic toxicity results from U.S. EPA's AQUIRE database. These data can be searched by species, Chemical or Effect.

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Search by Species

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Amphibians The Amphibian group includes the three major amphibian orders: caudata (salamanders and newts), anura (frogs and toads) and apoda (caecilians, worm-like burrowing creatures).

Annelida The Annelida group includes segmented worms including earthworms and their relatives, leeches, and marine worms known as polychaetes. See also the Nematodes and Flatworms group and the Marine Benthic Community group.

Aquatic Plants The Aquatic Plant group includes all aquatic plants excluding phytoplankton. The aquatic plant group is distinct from the terrestrial plant group in that these plants live either wholely or primarily in water. See also Terrestrial Plant and Phytoplankton groups.

Cnidaria The Cnidaria group includes jellyfish, corals and anemones. The four major orders of cnidaria are anthozoa, which includes corals, anemones, and sea pens; cubozoa, which is composed of box jellies; hydrozoa, which includes siphonophores, hydroids, fire corals, and medusae; and scyphozoa, jellyfish.

Crustaceans The Crustacean group includes crabs and shrimp. Note that the division between the Zooplankton and Crustacean groups is sometimes unclear as the distinction is based on the size of the organism, with very small crustaceans being included in the Zooplankton group. See the Zooplankton group for additional information.

Echinoderms The Echinoderm group are marine invertebrates which include starfish, sand dollars, sea cucumbers and sea urchins.

Fish The Fish group includes all fishes including eels. Though not true fish, we have also included chordata including the the lancelets (Cephalochordata) in this group.

Nematodes and Flatworms The Nematodes and Flatworms group includes the platyhelminthes: flatworms (turbellaria), flukes (trematoda and Monogenea) and tapeworms (cestoda) as well as nematodes. See also the Annelida group which includes earthworms.

Fungi The Fungi group includes all fungi. We include all chromista, some of which were once considered fungi, in the phytoplankton group. Also included in this group are the water molds which are not formally considered to be fungi.

Insects The Insect group include includes all insects. The U.S. EPA AQUIRE dataset, from which our aquatic data is derived, mostly includes insects in their aquatic settings, i.e. toxicity to the larval forms of stoneflies, damselflies etc.

Marine Benthic Community The Marine Benthic Community group is a catch-all group that includes many different mud (benthic) dwelling marine organisms that don't fit within broader groups. These include sea squirts, sponges and bryozoans. Molluscs, nematodes, flatworms and annelida which can also be found in the benthic zone, have their own groups.

Molluscs The Mollusc group includes snails, clams, mussels, squid and octopi. Some larvel forms of molluscs may be included in the zooplankton group. See also the Marine Benthic Community group.

Phytoplankton The Phytoplankton group includes microscopic plants and other photosynthesizing organisms that live in water. Phytoplankton are the foundation of the aquatic food chain; they include algae, photosynthetic diatoms, dinoflagellates and coccolithophores. Phytoplankton are distinguished from aquatic plants by size. The largest group of phytoplankton, microplankton, are 20-200 microns in diameter.

Terrestrial Plants Because our source dataset, the U.S. EPA AQUIRE database, is an aquatic toxicity database, all of the terrestrial plants included in this dataset live near or in water. Aquatic plants are generally divided into submerged, floating and emergent groups. The Terrestrial group includes all emergent plants. The submerged and floating groups are included with the Aquatic Plants group. See also the Aquatic Plants and Phytoplankton groups.

Zooplankton The Zooplankton group is a catch-all group that describes an ecological niche. Zooplankton are very small animals that feed on phytoplankton. These include copepods, hyperids, krill, salps, water fleas, very small cnidarians and others. See also the Cnidaria, Crustaceans and Phytoplankton groups.

~Un-Assigned The un-assigned group are species for which we have not yet identified a group.

Search by Chemical

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Please note that this Chemical search searches the AQUIRE chemical database NOT the Pesticideinfo chemical database. As a consequence, your results may include non-pesticidal chemicals. Also note that while you must use the Aquire chemical name spelling, you can use partial names. i.e. searching for 'mala' will find 'malathion' as well as several additional chemicals.

Search by Effect

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Use this section to find all studies that report a specific effect. See the AQUIRE documentation for more information on effects.
Accumulation is a process by which chemicals are taken into and stored in an organism. Included in this section are lethal body burden studies. View Accumulation Studies.
Behavioral Effects
Find studies where activity and behavioral effects are noted. This seach has three subgroups, View Avoidance Studies, View General Behavioral Studies and View Feeding Behavior Studies. Please note that all effects related to reproductive behavior are listed under the Reproduction effect group.
Biochemical Effects
Included in this section are biochemical effects including biotransformation or metabolism of chemical compounds, modes of toxic action, and biochemical organism responses. This section has three subgroups, biochemical, enzyme and hormonal effects. View Biochemical Studies, View Enzyme Effect Studies and View Hormonal Effect Studies
Cellular Effects
This section includes studies where changes in structure and chemical composition of cells and tissues in organisms were noted. There are three cellular subgroups: View Cellular Effect Studies, View Genetic Effect Studies and View Histology Studies.
Growth Effects
This category encompasses studies which note the following effects: individual organism weight, length, development and morphology. Developmental effects include tissue organization in growing early life stages. Growth effects include length and weight changes at any point in the life cycle. Morphology effects include the structure (bones) and form (organ/tissue development) of an organism at any stage of its life history. There are three growth effects subsections, they are: View Developmental Effect Studes, View General Growth Effect Studies, View Morphology Studies
This category includes death of individuals or measurements that indicate death. View Mortality Studies
Physiological Effects
This category includes basic cell and tissue activities. Subgroups include: View Injury Studies, View Immunological Effects Studies, View Intoxication Studies
Population Effects
This category includes effects on species as a whole or a taxonomic group occupying the same area at a given time. View Population Effect Studies
Reproductive Effects
This category includes all studies where reproductive behavior, physiology, care of progeny and avian/reptile eggs measurement effects are noted. Note that developmental effects on offspring are found in the growth effect group. This category has only one subsection: View Reproductive Effect Studies
Ecosystem Effects
This category includes ecosystem processes including community structure and function and microbial processes. View Ecosystem Process Studies
No Group Code
This catchall category includes studies where multiple effects are noted or the study endpoints are non-specific. View Studies where no effect is coded
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