PAN Pesticides Database - Pesticide Links and Resources

Links to Other Pesticide Resources

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Chemistry and Science

Chemical Information

Chemical identification and physical properties
Index of pesticide names and uses
USDA-ARS Pesticide Properties database
U.S. EPA STORET physical property data
Environmental fate and breakdown
EFDB Environmental Fate Database
University of Minnesota Chemical Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database
Inert ingredients
U.S. EPA Inerts list
U.S. EPA Statement on inerts
Scientific literature Reviews
Libraries and Search Services
WWW Virtual Library for Agriculture
US EPA Pesticide program Freedom of Information Act info

Human Health Effects

Pesticide Factsheets and Safety Cards

Fact Sheets
U.S. EPA Factsheets, REDs
US EPA New Pesticide Fact Sheets
U.S. EPA Organophosphate Toxicity Summaries
Total Environment Centre Factsheets
NJ Right to Know Factsheets - Detailed consumer report
ExToxNet - Chemical Toxicology Summary
Scorecard - Compilation of chemical information
NCAP Pesticide Factsheets
PAN UK Pesticide Factsheets
NPTN Pesticide Factsheets
BCERF Pesticides and Breast Cancer Factsheets
ATSDR ToxFAQs - Consumer Factsheets
Cornell Pesticide Active Ingredient Information
International Chemical Safety Cards
International Chemical Safety Cards - English
International Chemical Safety Cards - Chinese
International Chemical Safety Cards - Finnish
International Chemical Safety Cards - French
International Chemical Safety Cards - German
International Chemical Safety Cards - Japanese
International Chemical Safety Cards - Korean
International Chemical Safety Cards - Malaysian
International Chemical Safety Cards - Russian
International Chemical Safety Cards - Spanish
International Chemical Safety Cards - Swahili

Medical and General Toxicology Information

Medical Diagnosis
U.S. EPA Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisoning
General Toxicology
U.S. EPA Factsheets, REDs
US EPA New Pesticide Fact Sheets
U.S. EPA Organophosphate Toxicity Summaries
U.S. EPA Reference Doses
HSDB - Comprehensive toxicology summaries
PAN Asia Pacific pesticide database
California DPR Toxicology Summaries
Toxline - Toxicology Literature Search
Toxnet - Medical and research data
U.S. NTP Chem Health and Safety Dbase
IRIS U.S. EPA Health Effects Assessments
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Vermont SIRI MSDS Archive
Cornell MSDS Collection
Where to find MSDS on the Internet
Product Labels
Crop Data Management Systems (CDMS)
U.S. EPA Label Database
Acute Information
PAN dbase Acute Toxicity documentation
U.S. NTP H&S database
WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides
Cancer Information
PAN dbase Carcinogenicity documentation
Carcinogen Potency Database
U.S. EPA Cancer List
NTP 9th Report on Carcinogens
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
International Toxicity Estimates for Risk (ITER)
U.S. EPA IRIS database
NIOSH RTECS database sources
BCERF Breast Cancer Bibliographic database
National Cancer Institute SEER site, cancer epidemiology
Cholinesterase Inhibition
PAN dbase Cholinesterase Inhibition documentation
Extoxnet Cholinesterase Inhibition paper
PAN dbase Develop/Repro toxicity documentation
CA Prop 65 listings
U.S. Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Hazard listings
Endocrine Disruption (ED)
PAN dbase Endocrine Disruptors documentation
European Endocrine Disruptor list
IPCS Endocrine Disruption Research Inventory
Environmental Estrogens and other Hormones
U.S. EPA Environmental ED report
Environmental Endocrine Laboratory
Endocrine Disruptor News

Pesticide Incidents

Environmental Incidents
UK Wildlife poisoning incidents
UK Poisoning Incidents
Human Incidents
CA Pesticide Illness dbase
Chemical Injury Information Network (CIIN)
PAN AP Community Pesticide Action Kits (C-PAK)
UK Poisoning Incidents

Business, markets and economics

Pesticide Use - Maps and statistics

U.S. Pesticide Use
EPA pesticide sales estimates
NCFAP estimates for US pesticide use
USGS Pesticide Use by Crop
U.S. Pesticide Use by State: California
California pesticide use maps
PAN Report on California Pesticide Use
CA DPR Pesticide Use Reports
UC Davis CA pesticide use search
PAN CA pesticide use search
U.S. Pesticide Use by State: Oregon
Oregon Pesticide Use Reporting
U.S. Pesticide Use by State: Massachusetts
Massachusetts Pesticide Use reporting form
U.S. Pesticide Use by State: New York
NY pesticide sales and usage
NY pesticide use - Environmental Advocates report
Import/Export/Manufacturing Info
HSDB - Manufacturing and export data
USDA Pesticide Pipeline dbase
Prior Informed Consent chemicals
FAOSTAT Global pesticide trade and consumption

Economics of pesticide use

Crop Loss estimates
'Pest Management in Agriculture' in Techniques...
'The True Price of Pesticides' in Bugs in the System
'Environmental and Socio-Economic Costs of Pesticide Use' in Techniques...

Environmental Effects and Resistance

Ecotoxicity Data

Ecotoxicity Data
U.S. EPA Ecotoxicity (AQUIRE)
USGS Ecotoxicity database
Environmental Estrogens and other Hormones
Locustox - African ecotoxicity data

Pesticides and Water contamination

Water Quality Standards and Criteria
Canadian Water Quality Guidelines
Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines
U.S. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (pdf)
U.S. Current Drinking Water Standards
U.S. EPA Water Quality Documents
CA Drinking water standards (MCLs)
CA Drinking water Public Health Goals (PHGs)
U.S. EPA Pesticides in Groundwater dbase
Water Pollution
USGS National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA)
USGS Report on nations waters
CA Surface water dbase
U.S. EPA Ground water contamination
General Water Information
U.S. EPA Office of Water
The World's Water website
Water Librarians' Home Page


Storage and Disposal

FAO Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides
International HCH and Pesticides Assoc

Environmental Effects and Resistance

Pesticide Resistance

Insect Resistance
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee
Michigan Insect Resistance database
Fungal Resistance
Fungicide Resistance Action Committee
Fungicide Resitance table
Weed Resistance
Int'l survey of herbicide resist weeds
Clemson University Pesticide Resistance Links
NAS Pesticide Resistance Book

Laws, Regulations and Treaties

Pesticide Exposure (Residues, ADIs, RfDs, MRLs, Tolerances)

National Maximum Residue Levels
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Pesticide Residues in Food
Australian Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs)
Canadian Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs)
EU Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs)
Japanese Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs)
New Zealand Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs)
Taiwan Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs)
UK Pesticide residues in food
U.S. USDA/FDA Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs)
Food Residues
FAO Pesticide Residues Program
U.S. FDA Pesticide Monitoring dbase
U.S. EPA Natl Pesticide Residue dbase
Exposure General
U.S. IRIS dbase (contains RfDs)
ATSDR Minimum Risk Levels
CDC NHANES report on U.S. exposure
CU report on pesticide residues in U.S. food

International Treaties

International Treaties
BAN Intl treaty scorecard
Basel Convention (Hazardous Waste transport)
Text of Basel Convention
Basel Action Network
BAN Basel convention scorecard
International Code of Conduct
International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
Montreal Protocol (Ozone depletion)
Text of Montreal Protocol
Rotterdam Convention (Prior Informed Consent)
FAO PIC website
PIC Overview
UNEP PIC program
Stockholm Convention (POPs Elimination)
The International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN)
Greenpeace POPs program
NRDC Breastmilk program
WWF POPs program
UNEP POPs program
International Legal Resources
The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Stockholm Convention (POPs Elimination)
Globelaw International and Transnational Law
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (E-LAW)
Hieros Gamos The Comprehensive Law and Government Portal
Practicing Attorney's Environmental Reference

International Organizations

International Organizations
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
Codex Alimentarius Commision
FAO Pesticide Specifications
FAO Pesticide Management
Global Information Network on Chemicals (GINC)
ILO International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS)
ILO Global Harmonization of chemical labels
OECD Pesticide program
Pan American Health Organization
UNITAR National Chemicals Management Profiles

National Pesticide Registration

National Pesticide Registration
List of European regulatory bodies
European Chemicals Bureau (ECB)
European Union registration
South Africa
Taiwan Toxic Chem list
Taiwan Toxic Chem Categorization
U.S. EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP)
U.S. National Pesticide product data
U.S. National Pesticide product search
U.S. State Registration Authorities: Complete list

Pesticide Industry

Manufacturer and Industry sites

Aventis (Rhone-Poulenc)
Cerexagri (ELF Atochem)
Dow Agroscience
Rohm and Haas
Syngenta (Novartis and Zeneca)
Herbicide Company Genealogy
Trade and Lobbying Organizations
Global Crop Protection Federation (GCPF)
Asia Pacific Crop Protection Association (APCPA)
American Crop Protection Association (ACPA)
Latin American Crop Protection Association (LACPA)
European Crop Protection Association (ECPA)
European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)
Crop Protection Institute of Canada
GCPF list of links
Brisith Crop Protection Council (BCPC)
Industry websites and magazines
Pest Control Magazine
BCPF Industry Positions
Web-Agri agricultural web search
Watchdog groups
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) Industry funding Non-Profits

Environmental Organizations

Pesticide Activist Groups

PAN Worldwide
PAN International
PAN Africa
PAN Asia Pacific
PAN Europe
PAN Germany
PAN Latin America
PAN North America
Canadians Against Pesticides (CAPs)
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)
Campaign for Pesticide Reduction Ontario (CPRO)
Green Communities Association pesticide program
Sierra Club Canada Pesticides campaign
Sierra Legal Defense fund toxics program
Society Targeting Overuse of Pesticides (STOP)
The Pesticide Education Network - Ontario
World Wildlife Fund Canada Pesticides Campaign
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
U.S. Based
Beyond Pesticides (NCAMP)
Californians for Pesticide Reform (CPR)
Environmental Defense (ED)
Environmental Working Group (EWG)
Friends of the Earth SafeFoods program
Greenpeace Toxics program
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) pesticide program
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP)
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)
Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Toxics program
Californians for Alternative to Toxins (CATs)
NY Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
Washington Toxics Coalition
South Africa
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
United Kingdom
Friends of the Earth - UK
The Soil Association
The UK Food group

Pesticide news, newsletters and reports


News Services
PAN pesticide news feed
PAN PESTIS database
Environmental News Network
The Epicenter
News Letters
PAN UK Pesticides News
PAN Partners Update Newsletter
Global Pesticide Campaigner
PANUPS pesticide updates
Pesticide News Updates
News Reports
PANNA Reports
CPR Reports
PSR Reports

Business, markets and economics

Economics of pesticide use

Crop data
UC Agricultural and Resource Economics Cost and Return studies
FAO Ecocrop
Australian Active Constituents
United Kingdom
U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 40 - Pesticide Programs
U.S. Endangered Species Act
U.S. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
FQPA Background
CU FQPA Monitoring
New Pesticide Fact Sheet for Topramezone, US EPA
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