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Jason-1 Education Poster

Jason-1 poster: Ocean's Music: Climate's Dance Jason-1 Education Poster (low-res) JPEG (244 K) Jason-1 Education Poster (hi-res) TIFF (17 MB) Ocean's Music: Climate's Dance

The "Oceans' Music: Climate's Dance" highlights the ocean-climate link and provides educational activities that can be used in the middle school or informal education venues. This eye catching poster stimulates conversation about the ocean, and provides a point of entry into inquiry-based learning about the connections between ocean circulation and global climate. On the back there are black and white educational activities designed to be reproduced directly from the poster for use in the classroom. These activities are provided below in PDF format.

Ocean's Music Climate's Dance Poster - Back

Information and Classroom Activities (back side of the poster - in PDF format)

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