This CD-ROM is now available. Order your copy from NASA CORE today.

Have questions about the CD-ROM? Visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to see if they have already been answered.

Below you will find a brief description of each of the three main sections on the CD-ROM. Vugraphs are available on-line, and in PDF format, to provide information about the CD-ROM. In addition, you'll find the complete set of classroom activities in PDF format, and a brief description of some of the sub-sections.


Plan a scientific cruise to the Gulf of Mexico to study whales, explore El Niño 1997, or Meet the Oceanographers.

Gulf of Mexico El Niño '97 Meet the Oceanographers

From here, you will discover many details about the TOPEX/Poseidon mission and learn about the previous and future missions.
Mission Overview How We Measure Ocean Topography What's on Board?


This multimedia CD-ROM follows widely accepted science curriculum standards and has lessons and classroom activities in Climate, Oceanography, and Life in Our Oceans. This section also contains movies, images, and background materials for planning your lessons.

Have questions about the CD-ROM? Visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to see if they have already been answered.