
March 31, 2008, 1:46 pm

Food Allergies Hit the Music Charts

Food allergy advocacy groups often struggle to be noticed. Except for families who have a child with a life-threatening allergy to peanuts or another food, most people don’t worry much about the issue.

INSERT DESCRIPTIONTrace Adkins (Stephen Chernin/Associated Press)

But now the problem of food allergies is in the national spotlight, thanks to country music star Trace Adkins, who last week ended a stint on Donald Trump’s popular NBC program “The Celebrity Apprentice.” Although contestants in the original “Apprentice” competed to work for Mr. Trump, the celebrities were competing to win donations for their favorite charities.

In addition to money raised during the show, the celebrity winner also receives a $250,000 bonus for his or her charity. Mr. Adkins, the show’s nice-guy favorite, picked the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network, a group he says has helped his family cope with his daughter’s severe food allergies.

In the show’s finale, Mr. Adkins lost to British television personality and former tabloid editor Piers Morgan, and the $250,000 went to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, which supports both severely injured war veterans and families of United States military personnel killed in Iraq and elsewhere.

But the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network, or FAAN, got a bonus of its own. At the show’s finale, Mr. Adkins performed his current hit single, “You’re Gonna Miss This,” which is topping the country charts. Between March 27 and April 10, the music site iTunes will donate proceeds from the sale of the song to FAAN. For more information and to listen to part of the song, click here.

From 1 to 25 of 34 Comments

  1. 1. March 31, 2008 9:47 pm Link

    I’ve got a 15 year old daughter with food allergies. FAAN has always been a great resource for me and for her. Thanks, Trace!

    — From FL
  2. 2. March 31, 2008 10:52 pm Link

    Anything which makes people aware about food allergies is commendable!

    Alexa Fleckenstein M.D., author.

    — Alexa Fleckenstein M.D.
  3. 3. April 1, 2008 6:59 am Link

    Having had two fairly severe instances of anaphylatic shock–from tree nuts–that required emergency medical treatment,I’m very grateful for the work that FAAN and Mr. Adkins are doing. Food allergies are no joke.

    — Eva
  4. 4. April 1, 2008 8:27 am Link

    I am happy this cause is finally getting the attention it deserves! Seven years ago I was almost laughed out of Family Court on a child support issue on why my daughter had to go to private school. The public school was not protecting her sufficiently in grade K. Just the aroma of another child’s peanut sandwich would cause her face to swell and her eyes droop as though she just came out of boxing match. These symtoms would also follow her throat closing and a full blown asthma attack.
    Despite complaining to the Principal and the PTA the public school’s “bright” decision was her in solatary confinemment during lunch (in the waiting area of the Principal’s office). It was heart breaking for me as a single parent to witness how ignorant and insenstive some educators and government officials can be.
    At the time I was juggling four part-time jobs and could not come to school during lunch time more than twice a week. I would get yelled at if I were were more than 2 minutes late to return my daughter from lunch and recieved zero assistance from lunch aides.
    I wish I knew then of FAAN. I wish I knew that I could have fought the NYC districts to protect my child-unfortunately back then I was too distracted on getting a degree and making ends meet on a few part-time jobs and a lousy $698/month child support. The truth is this happens more oftenn to the POOR!
    Despite all this- I have carried the solo financial burden of private school due to NYC preverse child support laws and survived.
    My daughter now has the support and care from the private schools she has attended since 1st grade;which I can barely afford-but at least I know she is safe!

    — Lisa B in NYC
  5. 5. April 1, 2008 9:26 am Link

    As a parent of a child with life-threatening food allergies (dairy, eggs, and peanuts), I am thrilled with Mr. Adkins’ support of FAAN and of his bid to raise awareness of food allergies. It is an invisible yet insidious affliction, where the very food that nourishes and sustains growth can actually cause harm.

    Anaphylactic food allergies govern so many aspects of our lives now, from choosing only restaurants and airlines that don’t serve peanuts to avoiding major-league baseball games (too much peanut dust).

    Bravo Trace Adkins!

    — Colleen
  6. 6. April 1, 2008 3:47 pm Link

    I have a 1 1/2 year old with allegies to dairy,wheat,peanut and egg. People don’t understand not only the severity but also how it changes your whole life. It is hard to go out to eat because of being affraid to give my daughter anything that may cause her to have a reaction. It is hard to travel. I cook meals for the road just so I will have something to feed her. Some fast food places won’t even take time to make a salad that has no cheese on it. Well this needs to change!! I commend Trace so much for making people aware of food allergies!!!! I hope things will change so restaurants including fast food will think about people with food allergies. Everyone should be able to eat wherever they are and not worry about it.
    Thanks, Trace for all that you do!!

    — Trish
  7. 7. April 1, 2008 4:12 pm Link

    My hat is off to a first class guy with his heart in the right place! The world needs more like Trace to exhibit the qualities that are in high demand and short supply. Working in the medical field I see so many in need that it is refreshing to see someone not only got to bat with all he has to benefit others, but to do it with exemplary class. I have gained a new respect for you Trace! So many don’t realize how critical food allergies can be. Thank you! God Bless and I wish the best for your daughter and her allergies as well as all the others afflicted with them.

    — Janita
  8. 8. April 1, 2008 7:16 pm Link

    I’ve had a lifelong tree nut allergy that people don’t “get.” No, I can’t have “just a little” of your sweet potato casserole with the pecan topping. No, I can’t just “scrape off the nuts.” I like food, but not enough to risk death for a taste.

    Thank you Trace, and please continue to support FAAN!

    — Heather M.
  9. 9. April 1, 2008 11:46 pm Link

    When going the alternative medicine route one is often left to research and experiment to find the right products and resources. Here is a new site that is beginning to gather all the resources in one place. You can research conditions for various therapeutic modes, including Ayurvedic medicine, and get information about the effectiveness of therapies and remedies. The site is also a launching point for researching integrated alternative medicine therapies on the web. Go to .

    — layla111
  10. 10. April 2, 2008 5:32 am Link

    While not a fan of Donald Trump, “reality TV” in general and “The Apprentice” in particular, I applaud Trace Adkins for his great work on behalf of those with grave food allergies. [And, I'm not usually a fan of country music, but I also, as a parent, think "You're Gonna Miss This" is a GREAT song! Beautiful melody and very heart-warming, poignant message-- so a perfect match w/ FAAN's efforts to protect children! I encourage fellow country-skeptics to check it out!]
    And, like others in this thread, I have stories explaining my views– 2 loved ones (and not even genetically related to each other) with life-threatening allergies to peanuts and tree nuts, who have suffered repeated anaphylaxic episodes, often AFTER making diligent, explicit inquiries of restaurant staff and being assured of NO offending ingredients, only to have them say in puzzlement, when the ambulance arrived, “Gee, I didn’t think a LITTLE (peanuts, walnuts, Brazil nut powder, or whatever)counted!” Or, maybe even the wait-staff won’t know about such “creative” touches as peanut-butter as a thickener for chili!?!
    My own, less lethal, but still anaphylactic-potentiating, food allergy is to carrots (of which I’ve even had doctors scoff “Ridiculous! I’ve never HEARD of that!”), something also requiring constant label-checking b/c they are prone to be a hidden ingredient, expected in soups and salads, but also common in salad dressings, commercial spaghetti sauces (WHY?! b/c they are cheap filler), and even the “Mrs. Dash” I’d hoped would reduce my sodium craving.
    And, Tara, I know people’s eyes glaze at such long posts, but I thought since this one is one of those “orphan causes” w/ comments still in single digits… have you done any articles on perfume/fragrance allergies and migraine triggers? That’s another one I have that is IMPOSSIBLE to avoid– at work, on public transportation, at public gatherings, even at temple and doctors’ offices! This very painful sensitivity is very similar to dangerous and ubiquitous potential allergens as peanuts, tree nuts and seafood which deprive one of carefree enjoyment of such simple pleasures as pot-lucks and buffets. And like these, fragrance allergies/triggers NEED increased public awareness, b/c as Lisa in NYC (#4) notes, they are NOT trivial, are NOT mere inconveniences, and should NOT constantly be the subject of uninformed mockery and “boy, regulation is really going too far when my child isn’t allowed to bring Snickers to the class party” types of commentary.
    Again, applause to Trace Adkins for giving these food-allergic children (and the adults we become) a bigger voice!

    — Mary
  11. 11. April 2, 2008 8:38 am Link

    Food allergies means that the bodies cells are not functioning properly, not communicating optimally and the body therefore has a type of auto-immune reaction to certain foods.
    Allergies are best dealt with by natural remedies, not more toxins that adversely affect the immune system and the functioning of the body’s cells.
    In addition to pure avoidning the ususal suspects, we need healthy living water, exercise, attitude, breathing, rest and nutrition. we must resist the quick fix and the prescribing of remedies that are in fact counterproductive. Addressing the symptoms covers the underlying problem which can only resurface more vehemently later.
    Proper nutrition which cannot be found in today’s foods and nutritional supplements are minerals, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, glyconutritients, living water, etc.
    We have a long way to go to get people to understand and accept that we are what we eat, drink and breath, and as important, how we react to life events and we actually live.

    — healthinfo
  12. 12. April 2, 2008 12:58 pm Link

    Hooray for his efforts to raise awareness. FAAN has been an invaluable resource to educate those (school, church, friends etc) about my 11-year old’s food allergies. He has anaphylatic shock to peanuts, potatoes, soy protein, garlic, mustard, green beans, split peas, lentils (basically all beans). This is serious stuff and lifelong (sad). It’s like having a disability that no one can see.

    — Melanie, Charlotte, NC
  13. 13. April 2, 2008 5:53 pm Link

    I understand that food allergies are a huge problem, but as a person who has very severe allergies to animals, in particular dogs and cats, my problems are getting increasing difficult to deal with in modern life. As people seem to take their pets everywhere with them these days, and I am not talking about service animals, my health has been at risk. Just a few weeks ago…on a flight from Florida to Philadelphia, I was sandwiched between two “carry on” dogs. When I asked to be moved, it was met with some inconvenience by the very surly flight attendant, who threatened to have my husband thrown off the plane, because he couldn’t believe that the seat relocation was such a big deal. Granted, my husband was being a bit “nasty” in his complaining, but not threatening or boisterous. Anyway, I was moved…to the seat next to the wife of the man who had the dog…the dog and man were moved, I sat next to his dog hair covered wife….and sneezed and wheezed the entire flight. By the way…the airline made sure no peanuts were served on the plane…just pretzels.

    — Jennifer
  14. 14. April 2, 2008 6:26 pm Link

    Re post #11: When my throat is closing up and I’m headed into anaphylaxis, I’ll take the “quick fix” — a shot from the epi-pen, a shot of antihistamine, and a shot of prednisone. I want real medication in that instance, from real physicians. I don’t want someone telling me to drink more water and rest. That will make me dead, which would kind of mess up my schedule for the week.

    What’s more, it is completely possible to be raised in a healthy way and still have life-threatening allergies. My mother grew our own veggies organically when I was a child (back in the early 70s), and we never had any convenience foods; I didn’t even taste a McDonald’s burger until I was 8 years old. And yet…I had multiple food allergies and multiple contact/inhaled allergies.

    The best way to handle allergies — severe and no-so-severe — varies by individual. Effective treatments are available for many allergic conditions, and more are under research from medical doctors with real degrees. Since medical doctors have saved my life a few times, I’ll hang my hat on them, not on the notion that drinking water and making my body’s cells happy will somehow stop the mast cell/leukotriene/histamine/etc. waterfall that is an allergic reaction.

    — Heather M.
  15. 15. April 2, 2008 7:58 pm Link

    I am amazed at how many people do not understand food allergies and are inclined to think they are some sort of personality problem or not really a problem at all, just an inconvience. Even many people who don’t have hay fever or related allergies seem really clueless as to how debilitating it can be.

    — R
  16. 16. April 2, 2008 10:31 pm Link

    To #11

    So-called natural remedies have caused my heart to stop beating. People with anaphylactic-level allergies have an immune system overreaction to protein strands which are far more common in natural or organic substances than in chemicals. Due to an allergy to natural rubber latex and the 72 different amino acid strands found within, I can tolerate very few plant-derived substances of any kind.

    The misinformation you’ve posted here killed 3 of my friends who’ve tried herbal remedies and nearly killed me.

    — Patti
  17. 17. April 3, 2008 10:02 am Link

    I have been to ER for anaphylactic shock caused by bee sting, eating snow crab legs and cigarette smoke. Ever try to stay out of the cigarette smoke? The no smoking regulations are a great help especially when they are enforced. Thanks Trace maybe more people will began to understand that these things are not just an inconvenience. Without medical assistance it literally takes your life.

    — Pat T
  18. 18. April 3, 2008 12:02 pm Link

    The prevalence of food allergies has been increasing for years, especially for peanuts and unfortunately campaigns for awareness and government sponsored research has been slow to catch up to this need. I hope we see more support from high profile members of our society such as celebrities to help further the cause. Deaths from food allergy are preventable and new treatments are on the way.

    Dr. Stahlman Allergy specialist allergyinatlanta

    — Dr. Jon Stahlman
  19. 19. April 3, 2008 11:26 pm Link

    Why do members of the alternative medicine industry continue to publish the falsehood that allergies are curable or treatable with herbs? How many lives must their dangerous misinformation threaten or even take before the alternative medicine industry will accept the indisputable fact that they are wrong?

    — Charlene
  20. 20. April 13, 2008 3:25 pm Link

    It is such a relief to have this extremely uplifting spotlight on food allergies. Many people have been trying very hard to get the word out about food allergies, and Trace really helped push the point. Thanks Trace

    -Andrea G.

    — Andrea Garza
  21. 21. April 15, 2008 12:09 am Link

    Trace, thank you very very much for educating and advocating for children with severe food allergies. My daughter has a severe peanut and tree nut allergy and every day it requires constant vigilance and dedication to keep her safe. Hopefully Food Allergy Network will take some of the money that you raised from your wonderful song and find a cure for our children. I hope the vignette they did on your daughter in her classroom opened a lot of people’s eyes to protecting children with food allergies. Thank you!!

    — Victoria
  22. 22. April 16, 2008 10:42 am Link

    Somebody close to me is allergic to peanuts and walnuts. It is great to see the increasing awareness of food allergies especially in the schools.

    Mark Salinas, MN

    — Mark Salinas
  23. 23. April 16, 2008 7:00 pm Link

    Trace has done a great thing by creating awareness to this cause. If fact I just established a website forum called because I watched him on The Apprentice. It’s designed to get people helping each other and communicating about all allergies in one central location. There are so many allergy websites and information dealing with specific allergies it’s overwhelming. I’ve got allergies and I hate hearing about these children and parents dealing with allergies.

    So check out the site.

  24. 24. April 23, 2008 3:25 pm Link

    It is heartening to read about other people’s similar experiences. I have had a lifelong milk allergy and am tired of people saying “Oh, lactose intolerant?”, or worse “Can’t you just scrape off the cheese?”. Raising an allergic child in the 80’s meant that my mother learned the hard way that the “hydrolyzed protein” found in canned tuna fish was actually hydrolyzed casein. I rarely see casein listed as an ingredient in tuna anymore, and never see it listed so vaguely. Even though the new trend of listing allergens in bold underneath the ingredients is helpful, I still read the entire thing. A good habit that I learned as early as three years old, when I asked my parents to read the ingredients on a container of fresh strawberries. :)

    Though there have been improvements, more allergy awareness is still needed. Good job, Trace.

    — Breuk
  25. 25. April 23, 2008 3:30 pm Link

    I appreciate the link to , lot’s of great information!

    Mark Salinas, MN

    — Mark-Salinas-MN

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