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  4000 East 30th Ave. Eugene, OR 97405  (541) 463-3000
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Thank you for visiting Lane Community College's web site!  We are happy to answer any additional questions you may have or send you some additional information.  To help us better direct your inquiry, please choose from the options below:

Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Ave
Eugene, OR 97405

Area Code


Main Campus 463-3000
Enrollment Services/Admissions 463-3100 or TTY 463-4722
Employee Directory  
ABSE/GED 463-5214
Bookstore 463-5256
College Departments Listing  
Continuing Education and Educational Outreach 463-5252
Counseling contact information  
Disability Services 463-5150
Financial Aid 463-5205
English as a Second Language 463-5253
Multi-Cultural Center 463-5276
Women’s Center 463-5353

General Information Requests

  • To ask a general question about the college or to request that general information be sent to you in the mail, please email
  • To ask a question about financial aid, please email or call (541) 463-3100
  • To ask specific questions about majors or major requirements, please email the counselor or advisor for that major.
  • If you've been admitted to Lane and aren't sure what to do next, email or call (541) 463-3100
  • For general information about Enrollment Services, visit
  • One of the best ways to learn more about Lane is through a guided tour of main campus. Tours are led by current students. If you would like to arrange an individual or group tour, send an e-mail to or call the Student Recruitment and Outreach office at (541) 463-5688.
  • For all other general inquiries, please contact Enrollment Services-
    Enrollment Services
    4000 East 30th Ave., Eugene, OR 97405
    Student Services Building #1 Lobby
    Phone - (541) 463-3100

Academic Calendar
KLCC-FM Events and Announcements Calendar


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For information about student programs and services, contact Enrollment Services.
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Revised 10/13/08 (llb)
© 1996-present Lane Community College