FDA Data Element Number.

CDER Data Element Number. C-GEN-10301

Data Element Name. Educational Level

Description. This standard specifies various human educational levels. It is for the highest level of education attained.

Source. FDA Standardized Nomenclature Program

Relationship. Person Given Name (GEN-00201), Person Surname (GEN-00203), Person Family Rank (GEN-00204), Person Middle Name (GEN-00202).

FDA Specifications. None.

CDER Specifications. Educational level terminology will consist of alphanumeric text with a maximum length of 60 characters. Corresponding codes shall be represented alphanumerically with one character. Valid abbreviations from the list below are mandatory.

FDA Approved Date.

CDER Approved Date. February 13, 1996

FDA Revised Date.

CDER Revised Date.

Data Values.

Less Than High School Diploma Literal 1
Correspondence School Diploma Literal 7
Completed One Semester of College Literal 8
Currently in High School Literal 9
Adult Education Diploma Literal B
Occupational Program Certificate Literal C
Associate Degree Literal D
Test-Based Equivalency Diploma Literal E
Overseas General Education Degree Literal F
Professional Nursing Diploma Literal G
Home Study Diploma Literal H
High School Certificate of Attendance Literal J
Baccalaureate Degree Literal K
High School Diploma Literal L
Masters Degree Literal N
Post Masters Degree Literal R
High School Senior Literal S
Doctorate Degree Literal U
First Professional Degree Literal W

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