
December 27, 2007, 10:59 am

Wii Video Workouts Don’t Beat Real Sports

Wii tennisDoes Nintendo Wii give you more than a virtual workout? (Janene Outlaw/The New York Times)

Children who play sports video games on the Nintendo Wii burn more calories than they would playing regular video games, but not as many than if they played the actual sports, a new study shows.

The research, reported this month in the British Medical Journal, is believed to be the first published study on the calorie-burning effects of the popular Wii gaming console, which was one of the hottest toys this holiday season. Several recent studies have shown that new active video games, such as Dance Dance Revolution and the Sony EyeToy system, encourage more activity than traditional sedentary video games. However, data has been lacking on the new Wii, which has surged in popularity since being introduced in fall 2006.

The Wii is different from sedentary games because it uses a motion-sensitive wireless controller that requires players to simulate swinging a tennis racket or throwing a bowling ball. Dance Dance Revolution requires the player to stand on a pad and copy dance moves, while the EyeToy is controlled as the player moves his or her arms and body.

The latest study, from researchers at Liverpool John Moores University, included six boys and five girls between the ages of 13 and 15. The children were fitted with a calorie-counting monitoring device while they played games on the Xbox 360 and the Wii. The kids burned up to 66 percent more calories playing the Wii than the Xbox, the researchers found. That translates to about 179 calories burned an hour playing Wii tennis compared to 107 calories on the Xbox. At rest, a child expends about 70 calories.

But the most active game, Wii Tennis, fell far short of the calorie-burning effects of the real game. The researchers estimated kids playing real tennis for an hour would burn about 270 calories.

The study authors noted that while the gains in energy expenditure from the Wii are still less than real sports, the active games are an improvement over sedentary games.

“The exercise was not intense enough to contribute towards the recommended amount of daily physical activity for children,” wrote the study authors. “Nevertheless…the children were on their feet and they moved in all directions while performing basic motor control and fundamental movement skills that were not evident during seated gaming. Given the current prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity, such positive behaviors should be encouraged.”

To learn more about research into the effects of video games on activity and reading habits, read my recent Well column, Moving Beyond Joysticks, and Off the Couch.

From 1 to 25 of 29 Comments

  1. 1. December 27, 2007 11:24 am Link

    Who’d Thunk!

    — steve
  2. 2. December 27, 2007 11:45 am Link

    I know, right? What’s next for the egghead scientists & the reporters who love them? FLASH: Moon not really shiny, it’s only the reflected sunlight!!!!


    SNAP: Real driving more dangerous that video game driving!!!!

    Think of all the hungry that could have been fed by using the funding $ for one needless survey for food.

    — fbaker4
  3. 3. December 27, 2007 12:30 pm Link

    I think the point of this research is to remind parents that the occasionally sweat-inducing Wii games their children play are no substitute for real exercise. I think enough parents allow their children to lead unhealthy lives that a reminder is in everyone’s best interest.

    And by the way, I’m impressed that Tara allows so many sarcastic, insulting comments to make it through moderation. Kudos. I would be deleting comments left and right if I was in her shoes.

    — Usman
  4. 4. December 27, 2007 12:59 pm Link

    Do you believe that parents are so out of touch with their children and reality that a study such as this will suddenly make them realize there is a difference between the two? Please, give us a break!

    From TPP — There was a time when people said all video games were bad for kids and led to sedentary lifestyles. But the games have changed, so it’s important that exercise researchers understand the benefits and the limits of these new exer-games. The good news here is that for kids who like video games, active games like the Wii or DDR are better options than the traditional “joystick” based games that many kids are playing now. But it’s also important to emphasize that even though they are an improvement, they are not better than active outdoor play. There is a lot of hype around these “exer-games,” so I think having accurate data is important to help parents make good decisions.

    — Pete
  5. 5. December 27, 2007 5:17 pm Link

    Lanugage Log says that this story is a spoof.

    From TPP — The story is not a spoof, but it is included in a “light-hearted” issue of the British Medical Journal. The British Medical Journal traditionally puts a number of lighter topics in its December issue. I contacted the study author directly and this is his response:

    It was a real study. The aim of the study was to quantify the energy expenditure of adolescents whilst engaged in exer-gaming. The research group within the Research Institute for Sports and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University are particularly interested in activity interventions and locating effective ways of increasing the energy expenditure of young people. Our data demonstrated that whilst Wii games could not emulate authentic sports they were more effective than a traditional PC game. This led us to conclude that exer-gaming could be a useful adjunct to light to moderate activity levels in young people. Bearing in mind that children play computer games for around 12 hrs per week the accumulation of activity whilst exer-gaming may be significant.

    Dr Gareth Stratton
    Professor of Paediatric exercise science
    Liverpool John Moores University

    — Wulfstan
  6. 6. December 27, 2007 10:16 pm Link

    For those who are upset about money spent on this research and those defending the scientists (and those who would take this article seriously), I’d like to point out that the article referenced appeared in the ’spoof’ holiday edition of the British Medical Journal — in the same issue as:

    ‘Origins of magic: review of genetic and epigenetic effects’ and ‘Accuracy of comparing bone quality to chocolate bars…’

    I wouldn’t take this article too seriously.

    To see for yourself (one should always try to apply reason and critical thinking skills) go to:

    From TPP — Please note my response to a similar concern above. The British Medical Journal traditionally puts a number of lighter topics in its December issue. This year there is an article about the genetics of witchcraft based on the characters in the Harry Potter series. Another article looked at whether beer or champagne is a better celebratory alcohol based on risk of swallowing the bottle top or cork (champagne won.) One of the most popular stories ever to appear in the BMJ was in previous December issue about the risks of sword swallowing. That doesn’t mean the other articles that appear in the same issue are less credible. The goal of the December BMJ is to make it a particularly good read, and it is.

    — Mel
  7. 7. December 28, 2007 12:24 am Link

    “Wii Video Workouts Don’t Beat Real Sports”

    I have to score this as the biggest Duh headline of the year. Or is that Doh! ? :)

    — Jack at Fork & Bottle
  8. 8. December 28, 2007 10:34 am Link

    Given the fact that we are a very sedentary and overweight society, it is extremely important that we reinforce any and all movement that people do!

    I think this study helps show that some video games can benefit increasing physical activity among children - something that is essential for their continued good health throughout their life.

    We can focus on the fact that the tennis video game doesn’t burn as many calories as “the real thing”, but if someone is not inclined to play tennis (or something else) than they won’t burn any of those gold standard 270 calories. Having kids be physically active in ANY WAY they can will facilitate their feeling more comfortable and confident with moving their bodies. Let’s encourage kids to move “for fun”, even if it starts with playing video games. Once they get comfortable and enjoy playing a sport via a video game they may be more likely to try the actual game. Now that would be an interesting study.

    — Michelle Segar, PhD, MPH
  9. 9. December 28, 2007 10:39 am Link

    “Real sports” could be better for health than “active video games”. Unfortunately, they are also less popular with kids.

    If anyone has a solution how to make “real sports” more attractive than “active video games” this would be a preferred solution. However, “active video games” are probably better than “inactive video games” and therefore their development is probably a step in the right direction.
    How often do you feel unwell?
    It’s too often…

    — WellnessAid
  10. 10. December 28, 2007 10:50 am Link

    OK, the headline may be off, but the research is important for the industry and parents who may think this will help kids who are sedentary gamers who won’t exercise. If it helps them just a little to be more active, it’s great. But of course, it’s not a replacement, and it’s important that parents still get these kids moving with real cardiovascular exercise.

    — Marj
  11. 11. December 28, 2007 12:55 pm Link

    Yes, but I still want a Wii — as for the value of Wii exercise — it’s better than other game stations AND how many kids actually have access to a tennis court or any of the other games Wii offers. Additionally, and this is antidotial from my friends who have Wiis — they claim to have worked up wuite a sweat playing certain games with their friends.

    — Kurt
  12. 12. December 28, 2007 2:51 pm Link

    Maybe I’m unique in this, but I’ve heard my friends (who are all in their 20s and 30s) and co-workers with adolescent kids talking about how the Wii is a good way to ‘get active’.

    Given that, I think a comparison between sedentary gaming, Wii gaming, and interactive sports is valuable. The results are not a surprise, but it’s worth quantifying.

    I’d also be interested in finding out whether frequency and length of gameplay was considered. For example, my co-workers say their kids play Wii for two or three hours a day, most days. Even though Wii tennis burns fewer calories in time-equivalent quanties, at what point does more time spent in gameplay balance the caloric burn of a kid with a one-hour tennis lesson twice a week? I mean, not everyone can be on the tennis team; even some kids who play ‘real’ sports or work out will only do so for an hour or two a week.

    From TPP — I agree with you. Personally, I think the Wii is a great gaming system My daughter got one for Christmas and it is fun and active. I think that’s what the researchers were saying — it’s a video game system that gets kids moving. No it’s not as active as a treadmill or other device aimed at replacing outdoor exercise, but it is a better option for kids who play video games. I also think it’s fun for adults.

    — Rowan
  13. 13. December 28, 2007 5:30 pm Link

    Again, master of the obvious. Why not just eliminate the gaming systems all together and have the kids play outside– maybe even a sport… gasp!

    From TPP — the reality is that kids like games and they are here to stay. we can keep fighting it or we can create better games. And yes, of course, game time shoudl be limited and outdoor play encouraged as well. they are not mutually exclusive.

    — susan
  14. 14. December 28, 2007 10:07 pm Link

    Personally I’m creeped out by the popularity of video games like Wii, but not nearly as much as I am by the popularity of Guitar Hero. But I’m speaking as someone who loved real sports as a kid and loves a real musician in real life. I can’t understand this massive embrace of the indoor, touchless going-through-the-motions thing. It’s the touchless-ness, the lack of CONTACT, and the subsequent lack of developing a real art or skill or even just competency, that drives me nuts about this stuff. We’re just becoming a pretend culture in so many ways.
    I know, I sound like a fogey, but I wouldn’t trade my runs on the beach and sweet-spot tennis moments for anything on a giant screen. WHAT a feeling when power and grace reverberate into your very bones as the ball leaves your racket and whishes low over the net, or when you perfect a serve that is a true challenge to return. Wow! Did I just do that? Yes I did!

    — francois
  15. 15. December 29, 2007 8:06 pm Link

    The Wii Boxing is the only one that is an extremely good workout, its just like shadow boxing, but with the gratification of the video game.

    — Samuel
  16. 16. December 31, 2007 10:46 am Link

    I think the best workout for the wii is more likley be bowling and plus it is really fun to play wii bowling. Unfortunatly it dosen’t burn as much calories as real bowling. :):(:P:S

    — AL
  17. 17. December 31, 2007 1:08 pm Link

    I would like to mention the fact that the Wii allows our family to “play sports” all together. My 3 1/2 year old daughter can play tennis with me in the living room, but had we been on an actual court, this would definitely not be the case. She is active in two other sports that are not on the Wii (figure skating and gymnastics), so for us the Wii is more for entertainment and a complement to real sports. However, for sports like bowling, the game is a substitute, but bowling on the Wii has motivated us to go to the actual lanes today! As the original Nintendo system was my first game console/system to play, and that was completely sedentary, as a parent I’m very happy to know that my daughter’s first gaming experience will be much more active than pressing a control pad and A & B buttons, only.

    — Nicole
  18. 18. December 31, 2007 11:49 pm Link

    I agree with #15 that the wii Boxing is the one that’s the best workout of the sports package by far. You use both arms, move around a lot more than in the tennis, and it’s addictive. As a matter of fact, I have found myself so engrossed in the boxing that I have to rest a few days before my arms stop hurting! It’s fun, it’s a good workout, and I don’t get those nasty bruises and bumps you would actually get from boxing with a real person. The wii also keeps track of your progress for you, which is handy for setting goals.

    There’s also a dance game for the wii based on the Dance Dance Revolution game…I have mine ordered but heard from somebody who already has one that it’s a great workout too. Can’t wait for that one to get the legs a good workout as well. Who doesn’t like to dance?

    The point is well made that the actual sports may be much better workouts if you are able to participate in them, but as a quick substitute - especially in bad weather - wii sports cannot be beat.

    — LM
  19. 19. January 1, 2008 12:27 am Link

    I haven’t seen one mention of the benefit “engaging in sports activities/games” the Wii CAN and DOES provide to “up” the activity level of seniors stuck in nursing homes across the country!! I think it’s just wonderful!! Not that it provides so much “calorie burning,” but it does a lot towards socialization, brain level activity, etc.

    Why has everything remotely “technical” have to be centered on people under the age of 25 or so?

    Do I sound like I’m old and crotchety? Nope - just realistic and sensitive of the needs of REAL adults - those over the age of 30!

    From TPP — You’re totally right. A lot of docs I’ve spoken with have found that the active games like the Wii are really useful to people with arthritis and to seniors…they are fun, active and low impact.

    — Kathy
  20. 20. January 1, 2008 3:06 pm Link

    You may this is funny but what is a Wii because I heard it is really fun so someone please explain.

    From TPP — A Wii is an active video game system that is controlled by body movement. Instead of using a joystick to control the action on the screen, you hold a controller and move your body in ways to mimic the sport — bowling, fishing, tennis. A sensor on the game unit detects your body movement and you essentially are playing virtual tennis etc. It is fun.

    — Justin
  21. 21. January 1, 2008 3:09 pm Link

    Wii sports is fun :)

    — Bobby
  22. 22. January 2, 2008 12:06 pm Link

    Ok im going to buy myself a wii and the first game i am buyin is Wii sports :)

    — Justin
  23. 23. January 2, 2008 12:08 pm Link

    I am going to buy myslef a wii so the I am going to buy is hmmmmm… (well Wii sports already come with the Wii) i dont know i will just pick random.

    From TPP — The Wii usually comes with a Wii sports package. Have fun!

    — justin again
  24. 24. January 26, 2008 1:48 pm Link

    When my friends and I play games on the Wii, not only do we burn calories, but we also put ourselves at risk of Wii-related injuries (whacked elbows, jammed fingers, and rugburnt knees to name a few staples).

    Of course, the same can be said for table tennis at our apartment…

    Perhaps environmental factors should be better taken into account with this research.

    — Thom Hale
  25. 25. January 30, 2008 12:08 am Link

    “A Wii is an active video game system that is controlled by body movement. Instead of using a joystick to control the action on the screen, you hold a controller and move your body in ways to mimic the sport — bowling, fishing, tennis. A sensor on the game unit detects your body movement and you essentially are playing virtual tennis etc.” - TPP

    This is not entirely accurate. The Wii does not sense body motion. The Wii-mote controller contains an accelerometer (tilt sensor more or less) and an infrared camera that is used in conjunction with the infrared light output of the ’sensor bar’ to provide ‘pointer’ functionality. The nunchuk also contains an accelerometer.

    As far as playing some of the Wii sports games - I can play most of them by minor hand twitches while sitting in a chair and slouching. This is hardly different than a classic video game controller scheme.

    However, I am excited about the addition of a balance board in the upcoming ‘Wii Fit’. I assume getting the whole body involved is what’s really needed - these can’t be games you play sitting down and only require minor twitching on your part. It’s only the player’s enthusiasm that determines their energy requirements.

    It’s all in the implementation - the game developers working with the Wii platform haven’t exactly been designing games to ensure that they burn more calories. Also, there are technical limitations that the relatively unsophisticated controller system presents.

    — Max Maidak

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