COPD Event Listing

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Activity title: 2009 Respiratory Rally

Activity Dates: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 8 am - 3 pm
Activity Location: The Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa, 9495 W. Coyotes Blvd., Glendale, AZ

Abstract: This special COPD education day is open to all those affected by lung disease, their families, and caregivers to learn more about chronic lung disease and ways to better manage it. The day is full of inspirational messages, sound medical education, free medical screenings, and exhibits. It will also include a buffet breakfast and a wonderful lunch designed with the nutritional needs of the respiratory patient in mind. A comfortable treatment room will be available; fun entertainment and door prizes are lined up too.

Registration is just $10 per person. Join us for a special day out—relax, learn, and take it easy! The 2009 Respiratory Rally is hosted by the American Lung Association. For more information, call 602-258-7505 or e-mail


Activity title: Better Breathers Club- Piedmont Hospital

Activity date: Quarterly for four consecutive Tuesdays. The next quarter’s four sessions will begin in February. Groups meet from 1 to 2:30 pm.
Activity location: Piedmont Hospital, 1968 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA 30317

Abstract: The first step in living with lung disease means learning about lung disease. Join the thousands of others with chronic respiratory disease across the country who participate in the American Lung Association Better Breathers Clubs. These free classes are taught by a professional with expertise in lung disease, and they provide participants with information on lung disease, medication, nutrition, and exercise.

Families are also welcome to attend these Better Breathers COPD Support Group meetings to have their questions answered as well. For more information, contact Nita Cadic at 404-605-3564.

New Jersey

Activity title: Better Breathers Club – Cherry Hill

Activity date: Dates vary, 2 pm
Activity location: Advantage Therapy Center, 1998 Route 70 East, Cherry Hill, NJ

Abstract: This Better Breathers Club does not meet on a set date. For more information about the group and to learn when it is meeting next, please contact Mary Shue at 856-424-2000.

Activity title: Better Breathers Club – Browns Mills

Activity date: Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 10 am
Activity location: Winderman Auditorium at the Deborah Heart and Lung Center, 200 Trenton Road, Browns Mills, NJ

Abstract: This Better Breathers Club meets the first Wednesday of every other month, starting in February. For more information, please contact Diana Barker at 609-893-6611, extension 5256.

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