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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

New Web-based system makes travel reimbursements quicker

Laboratory employees approved for official domestic travel will be able to make their own flight, hotel and car rental reservations, submit expense claims electronically, and be reimbursed more expeditiously as part of a new travel system the Lab is piloting.

Scientists model hepatitis C virus
One of the most common life-threatening viral infections in the United States today is hepatitis C virus (HCV). The standard treatment is successful in only about 50 percent of treated HCV chronic patients, with no effective alternative treatment for those who fail to clear the virus.
Nomination deadline approaching for Women’s Career Development Mentoring Awards
Nominations are being accepted for the annual Women’s Career Development Mentoring awards.
Wildlife safety
As warm weather approaches, people engage in outdoor activities such as hiking, walking, and jogging.

Sami Ayyorgun

Ayyorgun breeds wireless nodes
Self-organizing sensor network research wins award

Wireless sensor networks soon may allow engineers to wirelessly monitor miles of gas and oil pipelines, rescue workers to detect signs of life under rubble, and monitor illicit trafficking and intrusions on international borders . . .

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Currents, the Laboratory's monthly employee magazine, highlighting people in the workplace.

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