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Friday, November 30, 2007

Visit highlights progress on Laboratory facilities, efforts

New Mexico Sen. Pete Domenici, left, watches Rep. Ellen Tauscher, D-California, sign a steel beam during a ceremony Wednesday at the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Facility Replacement project construction site at Technical Area 55. The steel-beam is part of the Radiological Laboratory/Utility Office building, which is one phase of CMRR.

Employee information session on work force restructuring
The next information session for phase one of the Laboratory's work force restructuring plan for employees is at 9 this morning in the Physics Building Auditorium.
DOE to invest funds for concentrating solar power
The Department of Energy will invest $5.2 million to support the development of low-cost concentrating solar power.
Smolen to head NNSA defense programs
Retired Major General Robert L. Smolen is the new deputy administrator for defense programs at the National Nuclear Security Administration.
Molasses cleanup ... and more
The latest issue of DOE Pulse is available online. Pulse is an online newsletter about accomplishments at the Department of Energy's national laboratories.

Sami Ayyorgun

Ayyorgun breeds wireless nodes
Self-organizing sensor network research wins award

Wireless sensor networks soon may allow engineers to wirelessly monitor miles of gas and oil pipelines, rescue workers to detect signs of life under rubble, and monitor illicit trafficking and intrusions on international borders . . .

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Currents, the Laboratory's monthly employee magazine, highlighting people in the workplace.

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