"McGill is only as great as what it can offer to students, to society and to the advancement of knowledge; and in that respect, the life and learning that each of our students experiences while at the University is a measure of its success."
Principal's Task Force on Student Life and Learning

Frequently asked questions...

Teaching at McGill

  • Where can I get ideas for enhancing my students' learning?

    Teaching and Learning Services offers workshops, individual consultations and other resources to help instructors create adaptable and innovative learning environments. More information

  • How do I design a course?

    Read more about our intensive course design workshop, with a focus on microteaching and alternative teaching strategies. The workshop is offered several times a year. More information

  • What are the requirements for course outlines?

    Browse our helpful tips and download McGill's course outline creation guide. More information

  • Where do I get information about course evaluation policies and procedures?

    The TLS website features policies, procedures and other information about course evaluations. More information

  • How do I prepare a teaching portfolio?

    Learn how to prepare a teaching portfolio when applying for reappointment, tenure or promotion to full professor. More information

  • Where can I get support on implementing new technologies in my teaching?

    Teaching Technology Services, Content and Collaboration Solutions, supports faculty members' implementations of new technologies in their teaching. More information

  • How do I find out about using myCourses (WebCT Vista) to enhance my teaching?

    The myCourses (WebCT Vista) site provides all the information you need to begin working with WebCT Vista as an instructor or course designer. More information

  • How can I get emergency help with technology in the classroom?

    Find out how to access classroom help line services. More information

  • Where do I go to get help with students with special needs?

    The Office for Students with Disabilities offers a host of information on writing exams, student rights, services and other topics. More information

  • How do I find out about exam regulations and protocols?

    Find all the information you need about exam regulations, invigilation, conflicts and dates, as well as your responsibilities as an instructor. More information

  • How do I create links to online library resources?

    Learn how to create persistent, direct links to online documents listed in course syllabi or reading lists within myCourses. More information

  • How do I view my teaching schedule?

    Learn how to use Minerva to access information related to your classes and teaching schedules, view the results of course evaluations and enter final grades. More information

  • Where can I get support as a graduate student instructor/TA?

    This page outlines the many resources available to graduate student instructors in areas such as teaching, facilitation and presentation skills. More information

Learning at McGill

  • How do I get an academic advisor?

    Learn about the different types of advising and the services advisors offer. More information

  • How do I get a tutor?

    Whether you are having difficulty in a given subject, require assistance preparing for exams, or need a paper proofread, our qualified tutors are here to help. More information

  • Where do I go to find out about exams?

    Find all the information you need about exam regulations, conflicts and dates. More information

  • What do the letter grades stand for?

    Numerical equivalents and policies regarding letter grades can be found in Section 3.5 of the 2008-2009 Undergraduate Course Calendar. More information

  • How do I fill out an online course evaluation?

    Learn how to evaluate your courses and instructors online through Minerva. More information

  • Where do I go to request a reread of a grade?

    Under the Charter of Student Rights, students have the right to request a reassessment or reread of any grade they receive. Find out how

  • How do I get help using the library?

    McGill's libraries offer useful tips on research, citing sources, finding multimedia holdings and more. More information

  • Where do I get help as a special needs student?

    The Office for Students with Disabilities offers a host of information on writing exams, student rights, services and other topics. More information

  • How can I get help with writing?

    The Centre for the Study and Teaching of Writing offers a wide range of services, including day and evening courses, writing seminars and communications workshops. More information

    Also, the English and French Language Centre (EFLC) offers courses which are designed to develop academic writing and critical thinking skills. More information

  • How do I improve my English?

    Find out how you can take English as a Second Language courses to help develop your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. More information

  • What do I do if I am ill during an exam?

    A number of options exist for students who cannot complete assignments or write exams due to illness. More information

  • How do I access my online course materials and activities?

    The myCourses (WebCT Vista) site provides all the information you need to access your course materials and activities successfully as a student. More information

  • Where can I find information about course offerings?

    Current course offerings at McGill are all found on Class Schedule, an online tool designed to help students register for their courses. More information

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