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LLC Publication Protocols     
32KB Author: LLC Published: 2008 Posted: 8/22/2008 [Summary]     
Scratchline Issue 8 Winter 2004     
Knowledge management is getting the right information to the right people at the right time. ... or work practice that is captured and shared to promote repeat application.
269.7KB Author: Paula Nasiatka Published: 2004 Posted: 5/25/2004 [Summary]     
Scratchline Issue 11     
Knowledge management is getting the right information to the right people at the right time. ... In This Issue
1.7MB Author: LLC Published: 2005 Posted: 3/9/2005 [Summary]     
Scratchline Issue 12     
A lesson is truly learned when we modify our behavior to reflect what we now know. ... By Mark T. Bailey, ACTAR No: 1075
1.1MB Author: LLC Published: 2005 Posted: 5/3/2005 [Summary]     
Scratchline Issue 13 - Dozer and Tractor Plow Lessons Learned     
A lesson is truly learned when we modify our behavior to reflect what we now know. ... Special thanks are extended to these dozer and tractor plow operators for sharing their important lessons and practices with the ...
1.1MB Author: Paula Nasiatka Published: 2005 Posted: 8/10/2005 [Summary]     
Scratchline Issue 14 Special Edition on Hurricane Response 2005     
A lesson is truly learned when we modify our behavior to reflect what we now know. ... At peak deployment, during Katrina, 5,346 wildland fire resources, including 3 area command teams and 26 incident management teams, ...
1.1MB Author: LLC Published: 2005 Posted: 12/6/2005 [Summary]     
Scratchline Issue 15, 2006; Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Lessons Learned     
Although these teams function in the spirit of interagency cooperation, they retain some operational differences. ... BAER teams have 12 months from the date of the fi re’s con-How to Contact Us: tainment ...
1.1MB Author: LLC Published: 2006 Posted: 3/15/2006 [Summary]     
Scratchline Issue 18, Line Officer Lessons Learned     
1MB Author: LLC Published Published: 2006 Posted: 11/27/2006 [Summary]     
Scratchline Issue 19 - WUI Part I     
1.49 MB Author: Paula Nasiatka Published: 2007 Posted: 5/7/2007 [Summary]     
Scratchline Issue 20 - WUI Part 2I     
1.61 MB Author: Paula Nasiatka Published: 2007 Posted: 5/7/2007 [Summary]     
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Disclaimer: Information is provided with the intent to share knowledge to improve safety, performance, efficiency and organizational learning throughout the entire wildland fire community. However, no warranties or guarantees are implied because much of the data provided is beyond the control of the Center. No endorsement of any company or product is given or implied.