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01-Alaska.pdf      [View Related Documents (1)]
The state of Alaska is a vast area of approximately 375 million acres, of which 220 million acres is vulnerable to wildland fire. The state can be divided into four major fire regimes.
116 KB Posted: 1/1/2004 [Summary]     
Black Tiger Fire Case Study     
3MB Author: NFPA Published: 1992 Posted: 1/11/2007 [Summary]     
Case Study: Incident Management Teams as Vehicles of HRO Implementation     
Author: Anne Black Published: 2008 Posted: 11/4/2008 [Summary]     
Cerro Grande Home Destruction     
I arrived at Los Alamos on May 14, 2000 to conduct an examination of the home destruction associated with the Cerro Grande Fire. ... My examination occurred between the afternoon of 5/14 and late afternoon on 5/16.
902.8KB Author: Jack D. Cohen Published: 2000 Posted: 5/5/2006 [Summary]     
Chisholm Final Report     
The Chisholm Fire Review Committee carried out this review in the summer of 2001 through a public outreach process, a review of department policies and procedures and discussions with department staff. ... ...
2.6MB Author: Chisholm Fire Review Committee Published: 2001 Posted: 5/5/2006 [Summary]     
The purpose of this study was to examine the challenges and commonalities experienced by the personnel who commande urban interface fires and how future fires prepared for. Commonalities were significant and uniform ...
38.8KB Author: Michael S. Rohde Published: 2002 Posted: 1/1/2004 [Summary]     
Command Decisions During Catostrophic Urban-Interface Wildfire: A Case Study of the 1993 Orange County, California, Laguna Fire     
Thanks to Dr. James Koval and Chief Patrick McIntosh for their participation on my thesis committee, to Phyllis Parmet for her assistance, and to Chief Kirk Summers for his inspiration and brotherhood. The addition of a ...
681.7KB Author: Michael S. Rohde Published: 2002 Posted: 5/25/2004 [Summary]     
Cramer Fire Fatalities     
United States ... Department of
1.1MB Author: Investigation Team Published: 2003 Posted: 5/5/2006 [Summary]     
Fire Fighters Exposed to Electrical Hazards During Wildland Fire Operations     
Among the various hazards fire fighters face are electrical hazards during wildland fire suppression activities. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports that 10 fire fighters died from contact with ...
24.5KB Author: NIOSH Published: 2004 Posted: 12/20/2004 [Summary]     
Fire Storm     
The information from this report is provided to assist planners, local officials, fIfe service personnel, and homeowners in developing fIfe safe homes and communities in the wildland/urban interface. ... Fire fighters ...
6.3MB Author: NFPA Published: 1991 Posted: 5/5/2006 [Summary]     
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