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Browsing Applied Ecology
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A national fire effects prediction model     
Author: Elizabeth D. Reinhardt Published: 2006 Posted: 12/10/2007 [Summary]     
A Toolkit for Assessment of Hazards     
Author: Joint Fire Science Program Published: 2007 Posted: 12/5/2007 [Summary]     
Behavior Modification: Tempering Fire at the Landscape Level     
1MB Author: Mark Finney Published: 2008 Posted: 5/9/2008 [Summary]     
Case Study Launched about Burned Area Emergency Response      
437 KB Author: Fire and Aviation Management Published: 2007 Posted: 3/12/2007 [Summary]     
Climate Change and Fire: Key Points     
Author: Susan Conrad Published: 2007 Posted: 12/7/2007 [Summary]     
Communities at Risk from Wildfire: How much is on federal lands?     
1MB Author: Greg Aplet Published: 2003 Posted: 6/24/2008 [Summary]     
Considering Social Acceptability of Fuels Treatments     
155KB Author: Pamela Jakes Published: 2006 Posted: 6/19/2008 [Summary]     
Controlling exotic invasive plant species after fuel reduction with herbicides and native seeding     
58KB Author: Becky Kerns Published: 2007 Posted: 1/16/2008 [Summary]     
Dead Trees and Healthy Forests: Is Fire Always Bad?     
686KB Author: Greg Aplet Published: 2003 Posted: 6/24/2008 [Summary]     
Development and evaluation of a semi-physical crown fire     
532KB Author: Cruz, Butler, Alexander, Viegas Published: 2006 Posted: 1/10/2007 [Summary]     
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  Applied Ecology (73)
Disclaimer: Information is provided with the intent to share knowledge to improve safety, performance, efficiency and organizational learning throughout the entire wildland fire community. However, no warranties or guarantees are implied because much of the data provided is beyond the control of the Center. No endorsement of any company or product is given or implied.