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2006 Wildland Fire Use AAR     
84.5 KB Author: Gary Cones Published: 2007 Posted: 6/15/2007 [Summary]     
2008 S-520 AAR Power Point     
Author: Curtis Heaton Published: 2008 Posted: 4/1/2008 [Summary]     
6 Critical Tasks of a Learning Organization     
6 C ri t i ca
83.5KB Author: David Garvin Published: 2000 Posted: 12/19/2005 [Summary]     
This document was prepared by CALL, Fort Leavenworth, KS. Last Update: 4 Dec 1998 (jjs) Your comments are welcome ...
266KB Author: U.S. Army, Center for Army Lessons Learned Published: 1998 Posted: 12/14/2004 [Summary]     
AAR Rollup for National IMT closeouts     
29KB Author: Lessons Learned Center Published: 2007 Posted: 3/27/2008 [Summary]     
AAR Rollup Form     
The purpose of the AAR Rollup is to identify both successes and challenges on an incident that can be used as a learning tool for others. The lessons learned in the rollup will also be used to improve training ...
28.5KB Author: LLC Published: 2004 Posted: 1/4/2005 [Summary]     
AAR Tips & Tactics Sheet     
Tips for Conducting AARs Schedule shortly after the activity is completed. Establish clear ground rules: encourage candor and openness, this is dialog -- not lecture or debate, focus on items that can be fixed, keep all ...
59KB Author: LLC & Leadership Development Team Published: 2005 Posted: 3/17/2005 [Summary]     
AAR Workshop Role-Play     
Go through the AAR Process in a practice environment and learn from the Learn how common attitudes, behaviors and beliefs can be addressed in an AAR. ... This exercise is not about the details of the burn.
145.7KB Published: --Choose One-- Posted: 1/1/2004 [Summary]     
After Action Review (AAR) Form     
An AAR should be conducted shortly after an activity is completed. Establish clear ground rules, encourage candor and openness, focus on what can be fixed, focus on what not who.
26KB Author: LLC Published: 2005 Posted: 1/20/2005 [Summary]     
After Action Review Process     
1.84 MB Author: Paula Nasiatka Published: 2004 Posted: 7/28/2006 [Summary]     
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  AAR (78)
Disclaimer: Information is provided with the intent to share knowledge to improve safety, performance, efficiency and organizational learning throughout the entire wildland fire community. However, no warranties or guarantees are implied because much of the data provided is beyond the control of the Center. No endorsement of any company or product is given or implied.