Solar Living Institute
Promoting Sustainable Living through Inspirational Environmental Education
HomeWelcome to the Internship Program!

Intern Village

Following the devastating flood of 2005, which destroyed the interns beloved 'dome home,' the staff and board of the SLI committed to upgrading the infrastructure and experience of our hard-working interns.

Following a design charette in March of 2006, construction began on our new intern village, which will eventually accomodate the interns in as sustainable and organic manner as possible.

As of this writing, projects completed include:
  • construction of the "Great Wall of Hopland," a roofed, hand-plastered strawbale wall that separates the village from Highway 101;
  • completion of a cob bench, fire circle and earthen oven;
  • installation of two yurts, including one office and library yurt, and a 30-foot kitchen and living space;
  • completion of our new kitchen inside the large yurt;
  • a naturally built showerhouse with indoor and outdoor shower facilities;
  • chicken coop with 12 laying hens;
  • and naturally build intern house.
Current projects for 2009 include:
  • a second naturally build intern house;
  • village landscape design and implementation;
  • new greywater system for kitchen and showers;
  • composting toilets;
  • and village kitchen garden.
The coming years will see much more work to complete this section of the Solar Living Center. Stop by to look, make a contribution to future intern life, or volunteer to help out in a work party!

Thanks to our generous village patrons, including the Colorado Yurt Company, Flooring Alternatives, and Sonoma Tile Works.

Program Overview
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Intern Village
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Intern Wish List
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