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Current temp: 34°F

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Forum on DOE's Complex 2030 December 6 at Lab

Laboratory employees can learn and ask questions about the Department of Energy's vision for the nuclear weapons complex at a forum December 6. George Allen of the National Nuclear Security Administration/DOE Office of Transformation, will lead the Complex 2030 forum, which begins at 8:30 a.m. in the National Security Sciences Building at Technical Area 3.

Open enrollment ends Thursday
Los Alamos National Security active employees have until Thursday to make changes to their health care coverage for 2007 during open enrollment.
Fall colors are fleeting
The brilliant red leaves on this Bradford Pear tree are likely long gone this morning, thanks to the colder temperatures and recent winds.
Smoking cessation clinic today at Lab
Having trouble quitting smoking? Been thinking about quitting but need some help?
Grand opening today at NSSB coffee kiosk
Laboratory employees can get half-price Starbucks coffees today at the grand opening of the ARAMARK Corp. coffee kiosk in the National Security Sciences Building at Technical Area 3.


Table-top lasers compete with large accelerators

George Rodriguez adjusts argon gas pressure inside two-color plasma ionization gas cells

Table-top ultrafast laser based plasma terahertz sources are beginning to rival pulse energies previously obtainable only at large accelerator-based facilities.

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Currents, the Laboratory's monthly employee magazine, highlighting people in the workplace.

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