National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Small Business Innovation Research & Technology Transfer 2007 Program Solicitations


Chapter 1 Program Description

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Program Authority and Executive Order
1.3 Program Management
1.4 Three-Phase Program
1.5 Eligibility Requirements
1.6 General Information

Chapter 2 Definitions

2.1 Allocation of Rights Agreement
2.2 Commercialization
2.3 Cooperative Research or Research and Development (R/R&D) Agreement
2.4 Cooperative Research or Research and Development (R/R&D)
2.5 Essentially Equivalent Work
2.6 Funding Agreement
2.7 HUBZone-Owned SBC
2.8 Infusion
2.9 Innovation
2.10 Intellectual Property (IP)
2.11 Principal Investigator (PI)
2.12 Research Institution (RI)
2.13 Research or Research and Development (R/R&D)
2.14 SBIR/STTR Technical Data
2.15 SBIR/STTR Technical Data Rights
2.16 Small Business Concern (SBC)
2.17 Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Individual
2.18 Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Small Business Concern
2.19 Subcontract
2.20 Technology Readiness Level (TRLs)
2.21 United States
2.22 Women-Owned Small Business

Chapter 3 Proposal Preparation Instructions and Requirements

3.1 Fundamental Considerations
3.2 Phase 1 Proposal Requirements
3.3 Phase 2 Proposal Requirements
3.4 SBA Data Collection Requirement

Chapter 4 Method of Selection and Evaluation Criteria

4.1 Phase 1 Proposals
4.2 Phase 2 Proposals
4.3 Debriefing of Unsuccessful Offerors

Chapter 5 Considerations

5.1 Awards
5.2 Phase 1 Reporting
5.3 Payment Schedule for Phase 1
5.4 Release of Proposal Information
5.5 Access to Proprietary Data by Non-NASA Personnel
5.6 Final Disposition of Proposals
5.7 Proprietary Information in the Proposal Submission
5.8 Limited Rights Information and Data
5.9 Cost Sharing
5.10 Profit or Fee
5.11 Joint Ventures and Limited Partnerships
5.12 Similar Awards and Prior Work
5.13 Contractor Commitments
5.14 Additional Information
5.15 Property and Facilities
5.16 False Statements

Chapter 6 Submission of Proposals

6.1 Submission Requirements
6.2 Submission Process
6.3 Deadline for Phase 1 Proposal Receipt
6.4 Acknowledgment of Proposal Receipt
6.5 Withdrawal of Proposals
6.6 Service of Protests

Chapter 7 Scientific and Technical Information Sources

7.1 NASA Websites
7.2 United States Small Business Administration (SBA)
7.3 National Technical Information Service

Chapter 8 Submission Forms and Certifications

    SBIR Forms and Certifications
      FORM A - SBIR Proposal Cover
      FORM B - SBIR Proposal Summary
      FORM C - SBIR Summary Budget
      SBIR Check List

    STTR Forms and Certifications

      FORM A - STTR Proposal Cover
      FORM B - STTR Proposal Summary
      FORM C - STTR Summary Budget
      Model Cooperative Agreement
      Model Allocation of Rights Agreement
      STTR Check List
Chapter 9 Research Topics for SBIR and STTR

    9.1SBIR Research Topics 9.2 STTR Research Topics

Appendix A: Example Format for Briefing Chart

Appendix B: Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Descriptions

Appendix C: NASA SBIR-STTR Technology Taxonomy

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