The University of Tennessee at Martin

The University of Tennessee - Martin

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Office of Counseling and Career Services
213 University Center
University of TN at Martin
Martin, TN 38238
Phone: 881-7720





  • Who?

We offer services to any student enrolled at UT Martin. Our staff consists of trained mental health professionals.


  • What?

We provide individual, couples, and group counseling. We offer Wednesday Forums, which are "lunch and learn" programs on mental health topics. We sponsor the Stress Free Zone, an activity center designed to help students relax during final exam week. By request, we offer outreach programs on a wide variety of topics to classes, student organizations, and residence halls. Group sessions on a variety of issues are available.


  • Where?

We are located in Suite 213 of the Boling University Center.


  • Why?

College can be stressful! Students come to see us for a variety of reasons: problems in relationships, worries about academic performance, depression, anxiety, family concerns, past or present sexual assault issues, self-esteem and self-confidence, communication difficulties, wellness, drinking or drugs, and many other reasons. No problem is too big or too small! If we don’t feel we can be of help, we will assist you to find other resources.


  • How?

It is as simple as picking up the phone to make an appointment at 881-7720. There is no cost for services, and all counselors are bound by law and ethical guidelines to maintain student confidentiality. If you are concerned about another student, you may also request a consultation appointment to discuss ways to encourage that person to seek treatment.


  • When?

Our office is open from 8 am to noon and from 1 pm to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. We do not provide after-hours emergency services, but we will direct you to local after-hours resources.