The University of Tennessee at Martin

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Tennessee Governor's School for the Humanities
223 Clement Hall
University of TN at Martin Martin, TN 38238
(731) 881-7579

(800) 829-8861 x7579

(731) 881-3579 fax
Director: Dr. Jerald Ogg





Welcome to the Tennessee Governor's School for the Humanities on the web. 


A five-week summer program built on the program’s rich tradition as Tennessee’s first Governor’s School, this program offers rising high school juniors and seniors an opportunity to earn six semester credit hours from UT Martin.  GSH celebrates the expression of who we are, what we believe and the power of ideas in creating shared communities.


With 84 gifted and talented high school juniors and seniors from across Tennessee and dedicated faculty and staff, the 2008 Governor's School for the Humanities was very successful.  Scholars rated the overall program 4.87, with five being 'Excellent'.


The 2009 program is in the planning stages.  Details will be added when available.  You can browse our site, by visiting the links to the left.  To view the websites of other Tennessee Governor's Schools, click here.


Timeline for the 2009 Governor's School for the Humanities:


  • November 21, 2008: Applications must be received by the GSH office


  • January 23, 2009: Notifications mailed to all applicants

  • February 6, 2009: Invitation response due

  • February 9, 2009: Alternates will be contacted for available openings

  • February 13, 2009: Alternate invitation response due

  • May 31, 2009: Dormitory check-in and Opening Ceremony      



Normally, we provide a five-week program for the Scholars, but due to the

State's economy and recent budget cuts, we have elected to condense our

program to four weeks. You will still receive the same quality education,

number of credit hours and overall experience as in a five-week program,

but you will not be away from your family and friends for quite as long.


Visit again for updates!  If you would like to contact us, please e-mail us at , or call us at 731-881-7579 or 800-829-8861 x7579.