The University of Tennessee at Martin

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University of Tennessee at Martin Martin, TN 38238

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The Department offers three concentrations within the Biological Sciences major:

The Cell and Molecular Biology Concentration -Students who are interested in pursuing professional education in medicine, pharmacy, optometry, dentistry, or other health sciences should choose this concentration which was designed to include the broadest range of entrance requirements for area professional schools. (See Health Science Pre-Professional Program ).

The Environmental Biology Concentration- offers students a choice of three emphasis areas including Aquatic Biology, Environmental Botany, and Environmental Zoology. Participants in the Environmental Biology concentration train in diversity studies, as well as field methods for ecological analysis to prepare for careers as field biologists with government agencies and industry or to prepare for graduate studies in field biology.

The Organismal Biology Concentration is designed for students interested in studying the diversity of life from bacteria through the most complex multicellular plants and animals and is specifically for students interested in a well-rounded, general biology program, education, and some of the health sciences such as Pre-Physical Therapy.


The faculty members of this department serve as academic advisors in the health science areas.  The program for the biology major leads to the Bachelor of Science degree.  A minor in biology is also available.


The departmental office is located in 249 Brehm Hall and faculty offices are also in Brehm or are on campus.  The department directs teaching and research activities on campus, and at Reelfoot Lake Teaching and Research Center.


Off campus Biological Sciences courses are also taught at Selmer, TN. See the Extended Campus and Continuing Education website for more information.


The Department of Biological Sciences is affiliated with the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, where a full summer program of courses is offered.


For additional information about the Department and its curriculum, please contact:  Dr. David W. Sammons, Chair, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, TN  38238.  Phone: (731) 881-7171; Fax:  (731) 881-7187;