Population Action International

Population Action International (PAI) is an independent policy advocacy group working to strengthen political and financial support worldwide for population programs grounded in individual rights. Founded in 1965, PAI is a private, non-profit group and accepts no government funds.

Our Mission

Population Action International works to ensure that every person has the right and access to sexual and reproductive health, so that humanity and the natural environment can exist in balance and fewer people live in poverty.

What We Do

PAI fosters the development of U.S. and international policy on urgent population and reproductive health issues through an integrated program of research, advocacy and communications. PAI seeks to make clear the linkages between population, reproductive health, the environment and development. Serving as a bridge between the academic and policymaking communities, PAI disseminates strategic, action-oriented research publications; participates in and sponsors conferences, meetings and seminars; and works to educate and inform policymakers and international colleagues in related fields.

Under the guidance of a distinguished and active board, PAI focuses on two program areas.

Research – PAI’s research and analysis focuses on key issues for reproductive health and population policy, such as strategies for improving the quality of and access to reproductive health care and for mobilizing the funds and political will to support these efforts. Through evidence-based and persuasive reports, PAI examines the impact of population change on the environment and its implications for human security and sustainable economic development. To support its advocacy, PAI’s research translates and synthesizes complex information for policymakers.

Advocacy – PAI’s global advocacy efforts seek to mobilize political and financial support for family planning programs and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Our advocacy also focuses on highlighting the linkages between population and family planning and critical global issues such as poverty reduction, human security, and environmental sustainability. In the U.S., PAI works with national policymakers and opinion leaders, particularly in Congress and the Executive Branch, to strengthen U.S. policies and funding for these programs. Internationally, we partner with non-governmental organizations around the world to help enhance their own advocacy capacity through the provision of financial and technical assistance. We also monitor the U.N., the World Bank, and other multilateral organizations to assess progress achieved on the development and implementation of international population and reproductive health policies.
