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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Laboratory refers employee activities to law enforcement

Laboratory officials have referred the activities of two employees to law enforcement authorities in connection with alleged fraudulent purchasing activities. In addition, both employees have been placed on leave pending the outcome of internal and external investigations. Both employees could face discipline up to and including termination. The activities of the two employees do not appear to be related.

Pedicini to discuss NTS evidence of plutonium aging
Evidence from the nuclear testing program that helps us understand how long the plutonium pits in the stockpile will last is the focus of a Classified Director's Colloquium by a noted weapon designer today.
Summer outdoor activities may lead to encounters with wildlife
As summer and warmer weather approaches, people once again embrace their favorite outdoor activities, such as hiking, walking and jogging. This also can lead to an increase in encounters with potentially dangerous animals.
Mandatory SPAC meeting for students is today
The annual all-student meeting with the Student Programs Advisory Committee is scheduled for 1 this afternoon in the Duane Smith Auditorium at Los Alamos High School.
Recruiting event, new tool helps Lab identify technical candidates
The Recruiting Office in Staffing (HR-S), in partnership with the Postdoctoral Program Office in the Science and Technology Base Programs (STB) Office, now has two new initiatives to assist postdocs in their search for long-term employment at the Laboratory, while also providing the opportunity to build research collaborations.
Radiological, nuclear detection discussed at Wednesday seminar
Calvin Moss of Advanced Nuclear Technology (N-2) talked about detection devices in place at ports on the west coast at the latest "Homeland Security" summer seminar Wednesday at the Laboratory.
Public, news media look at Lab's ASPECT plane
Channel 4 news camera person Ray Seva, films Chemistry ( C ) Division Leader Vahid Majidi talking about the Airborne Spectral Photometric Collection Technology, or ASPECT plane, on Wednesday at Los Alamos Airport.


Table-top lasers compete with large accelerators

George Rodriguez adjusts argon gas pressure inside two-color plasma ionization gas cells

Table-top ultrafast laser based plasma terahertz sources are beginning to rival pulse energies previously obtainable only at large accelerator-based facilities.

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Currents, the Laboratory's monthly employee magazine, highlighting people in the workplace.

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