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    Mommy Moments

    Have I mentioned lately on here that I LOVE Montessori??  Each week I get a little sheet that shows what Veg is working on so I get to feel involved... even when he doesn't want to tell me because he says its none of my business.  *smile*

    A couple things on [...]

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    Posted: January 17, 2009, 1:45am EST by vegmom
  • "...Part of the Same Hypocrisy"


    Remember this little gem from Governor Bredesen?

    The strategy that produced our national win came at a real cost to Democrats here in Tennessee. We lost seats in the Senate, and this morning we have the first Republican House since the civil-war era. With the red landslide here in Tennessee, [...]

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    Posted: January 17, 2009, 1:31am EST by Andy Axel

    Mommy Moments

    Number of comments: 0

    Veg brought home two pennies today.  A clean one and a dirty one.  He said they did a science experiment in class, and this is what they discovered:

    Real Lemon Juice will clean a penny, but Fake Lemon Juice will make a penny dirty.... It was a great chance for him to see [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 11:49pm EST by vegmom
  • Tango.....

    Straight White Guy

    ...... for the record, I'm a huge Tom Waits fan...... and I truly do enjoy his music..... sure, his voice is an acquired taste - but getting past that facade to sink your teeth into the amazing lyrics is worth... [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 8:48pm EST by Eric
  • We don’t need no education


    Other than commenting on the overwhelming Christian influence in Eastern Tennessee, I’ve made a point to be careful about what I say about Knoxville and Tennessee in general.  After all, I don’t want to piss off too many people that I may have to deal with on a day to [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 8:18pm EST by Gary
  • Crank Up That Heat Baby!

    Rambling Redundant

    Number of comments: 0
    It's cold...damn cold!
    But I a not going to yammer on about the weather, instead...I choose to yammer about money.

    It's amazing to me what is going on with "money" in our country. It's everywhere but locally I am seeing and FEELING the impact of our rapidly declineing [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 6:44pm EST by Krisha
  • Osama VS Obama


    According to an ABC News story, Osama bin Laden directly challenged soon-to-be-President Barack Obama.  According to the story Osama bin Laden questions whether America “is capable to keep fighting us for more years”.

    Stay tuned - Osama VS Obama has a nice ring to it.  I’m guessing Obama will come [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 6:24pm EST by Gary
  • Our Next Governor...Zach Wamp

    Brian's Blog

    This video details why I support Zach Wamp for Governor of Tennessee over the guy that is Mayor of Knoxville. Zach is one of us. Zach was raised like we were. Zach and Kim began their family like all of us. Zach worked real jobs and raised his two kids [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 5:43pm EST
  • CYA Dubya


    Goodbye Pres. W. We will miss you. What may be good for Pres. O is that expectations are so low and that the country is beaten down to the point where the only hope for the American Dream left is making it to the final round of American Idol. I [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 4:34pm EST by StaceyDiamond
  • TVA in the news

    Because I said so

    From the CSM today:

    More than 1,300 coal-ash waste sites are dotted across the United States, about half of them actively used, federal data show. Some are landfills. The rest are "surface impoundments" (storage lagoons), which, like the one in Tennessee, mix ash with water.

    Coal ash has some beneficial [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 1:42pm EST
  • Diary 6 Part 3

    Reflections of Dannick

    Reese and I watched as The Runt clomped down the 2A stairs in his oversized combat boots back to his little friend. Sam was impatiently waiting at the bottom. The Runt jumped over the last three steps and landed with a loud thud, together again the two gutter rats ran [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 12:27pm EST by Marsha
  • Robin phenomana

    Deerfield Diary

    Number of comments: 0

    On Thursday the bright sunshine and threat of single digit temps brought out the robin show we had seen only once before in Southern Indiana.

    Robins by the hundreds filled our woods both in the trees and on the ground. They seemed to be [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 12:01pm EST by Vince Vawter
  • Tennessee Needs Negedu


    Number of comments: 1
    An All-Points-Bulletin should be issued regarding the whereabouts of Vol freshman Emmanuel Negedu.  He’s been missing in action from the court recently and was nowhere to be found on the floor in Tuesday night’s home loss to Kentucky. I’ve been advocating more minutes for Negedu for several weeks now.  His hustle and aggressive [...]

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 11:38am EST by Tom Wilson
  • Mmmm coffee.


    Mmmm coffee.

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    Posted: January 16, 2009, 10:52am EST
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