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That's quite a yarn!
When Deep space 1 flew past asteroid Braille on July 29, 1999, both the spacecraft and asteroid were about 188 million kilometers from Earth! How far is that?
If you had a piece of yarn that long, it would weigh 80 million kilograms (about 88,000 tons), or about as much as 40 fully fueled space shuttles. Dr. Marc's yarn
Dr. Marc sometimes thinks of great distances in terms of balls of yarn!
That's more than enough yarn to make sweaters for every person in the United States!
If you made a ball of that much yarn, it would be 100 meters (330 feet) high. That's as tall as a 32-story building or over twice the height of the Statue of Liberty!
BIG ball of yarn!

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Last Updated: September 08, 2005
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