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Deep Space 1 spacecraft art On July 29, 1999, the Deep Space 1 spacecraft came closer to an asteroid than any spacecraft has ever done before. Asteroid Braille was 188 million kilometers (117 million miles) from Earth when Deep Space 1 zipped past it at a distance of only 26 kilometers (about 15 miles). This is the closest any spacecraft has ever come to a solar system body without actually landing on it.
What's more, the spacecraft was going 35,000 miles per hour at the time! This speed is 50 times faster than a commercial jet and twice as fast as the Space Shuttle!
Deep Space 1 art, asteroid flyby What an amazing feat of navigation! What's more amazing is that the spacecraft piloted itself! The spacecraft takes pictures of known asteroids, with the stars in the background. It can recognize the star patterns and figure out exactly where it is. Then it automatically corrects its course using its propulsion system to reach its destination. By the time the spacecraft reached its target, it had flown about 650 million kilometers (about 400 million miles). To be this accurate, a soccer player would have to kick a ball on Earth and score a goal on the Moon! The primary mission of Deep Space 1 is to test out new technologies in space. You can find out more about Deep Space 1 and asteroid Braille at these other Space Place pages:

Make asteroid potatoes

Amazing fact: How far will Deep Space 1 travel to reach Asteroid Braille?

Launch a rocket from a spinning planet.

See ions in action and find out about Deep Space 1's astonishing ion engine.

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Last Updated: September 08, 2005
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