Solar Living Institute
Promoting Sustainable Living through Inspirational Environmental Education

Green Collar Jobs

The Solar Living Institute is proud to be part of a ground-breaking green jobs training program in Richmond that is moving low-income residents and youth of color into the green economy.

As the idea of green-collar jobs as a pathway out of poverty builds momentum throughout the nation, our program is among the first to "walk the talk" by providing low cost and free solar system installation to low-income homeowners and training low-income residents from the community to do the work.

In collaboration with partnering non-profits Solar Richmond, Grid Alternatives, and the city’s RichmondBUILD program, four times a year the Solar Living Institute trains 25 youth with a foundation of technical skills they need to be part of the emerging solar economy. The youth are inspired, provided practical skills to enter the job market, and receive assistance with job placement in local solar installation companies.

We plan on expanding this program in 2008; stay tuned for more information!

For more information on how to support this incredible initiative, please email

Read the September 2007, East Bay Business Times story entitled Solar Partnership Trains Richmond Residents.

Green Collar Jobs
Student Stories
2008 Workshop Catalogue

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