Population Action International

My Features

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White House Transition: The New President and International Family Planning

In the wake of the historic November 4 election, PAI has been working on a variety of fronts to seize upon the opportunities for family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) afforded by the incoming Obama administration.

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Global Gag Rule Timeline Update

The Global Gag Rule is a U.S. policy that denies foreign organizations receiving U.S. family planning assistance the right to use their own, non-U.S. funds to either engage in any abortion-related public policy debates or perform legal abortions.

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PAI launches multi-disciplinary initiative to explore the complex connections between climate change and population issues

The drivers of climate change and its impacts on human communities have significant—but complex—connections to population issues.

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Comprehensive HIV Prevention: Condoms and Contraceptives Count

Prevention must remain a top priority in the continued fight against HIV and AIDS and, as this report shows, both condoms and contraceptives count as key components of comprehensive HIV prevention.


My Highlight

"The Silent Partner: HIV in Marriage" was produced by Population Action International to raise awareness of the the risk of HIV within marriage and to illustrate the particular challenges facing married women. Read More >>


Interactive Toolbox

The Shape of Things to Come

Why Age Structure Matters to a Safer, More Equitable World
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Progess and Promises

Trends in international assistance for reproductive health and population
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Global Advocates' Toolbox

The Global Advocates' Country Database compiles and presents information on 192 countries across a variety of indicators.
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People in the Balance

The interactive maps and data tables presented on these Web pages chronicle this growing scarcity in many of the world’s countries.
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ICPD At 10: Where Are We Now?

These data tables provide a stop-action portrait of where 133 countries stand today on a range of indicators that are ICPD goals and Millennium Development Goals.
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