Solar Living Institute
Promoting Sustainable Living through Inspirational Environmental Education
Home Resources

Alternative Transportation Resources

Biodiesel Now
Biodiesel Solutions
Electric Auto Association
National Biodiesel Board
The Veggie Car
Yokayo Biofuels

Children's Links

Dr. E's Energy Lab
Earth Dog
Energy Ant
Energy Quest
Planet Energy

Education Programs

Emerald Earth
Eco-Schools Directory
Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) Course Database
Occidental Arts and Ecology Center

Green Careers

Green Careers
Green Career Central
Green Collar Blog
Green Planet Careers
Jim Cassio-Career & Workforce Info.
Angeles Career Consulting

Green Jobs Boards

Biodiesel Jobs
Business for Social Responsibility
Environmental Career
Environmental Career Opportunities
Environmental Construction, Engineering, Architectural
Green Collar Economy
Green Energy Jobs
Green Jobs Network
National Registry of Environmental Professionals
Renewable Energy World
Solar Energy International
Solar Jobs
Sustainable Business
Tree Hugger

Mendocino County Environmental Organizations

Greater Ukiah Localization Project
Mendocino Environmental Center
Willits Economic Localization

Natural Building and Design Resources

American Institute of Architects Committee On the Environment
Arkin Tilt Architects
Building for Health Materials Center
California Straw Building Association
Environmental Building Design and Construction Portal
Green Resource Center
Hybrid Adobe
Living Shelter Design Architects
Seven Generations Natural Builders
Straw Bale Home Construction
Sustainable Architecture, Building and Culture Resources
The Last Straw

Oil and Natural Gas Depletion

Citizens Committee on Oil and Peak Decline
Crisis Energetica
Culture Change
Die Off
Energy Bulletin
Global Public Media
Hubbert's Peak
Life After the Oil Crash
Peak Oil Center
Post Carbon Institute
Surviving Peak Oil

Other Links

EcoArtSpace - Eco-friendly event ticketing system.
Rock Ridge Windmills

Permaculture Resources

International Institute for Ecological Agriculture
Permaculture Association (Britain)
Permaculture Credit Union
Permaculture in New Zealand
Permaculture Institute
Permaculture Institute of Northern California
Plants for a Future
Regenerative Design Institute
The Permaculture Research Institute (Australia)

Publication Links

Chelsea Green Publishing Co.
Home Power Magazine
Mother Earth News
Natural Home Magazine
Permaculture Magazine
Solar Energy Industries Journal
Solar Today
The Last Straw

Renewable Energy Associations and Non-Profits

American Solar Energy Society
American Wind Energy Association
California Solar Center
Canadian Association for Renewable Energies
Center for Alternative Technology (CAT)
Center for Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technology (CREST)
Centro de Estudios de la Energia Solar (Censolar-Spain)
China New Energy
European Wind Energy Association
Florida Solar Energy Center
International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC)
Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA)
North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP)
Northern California Solar Energy Association
One Block off the Grid
Pacific Energy Center
SoL Energy's Solar on-Line: Learning Center
Solar Energy Industries Association
Solar Energy International
Solar Energy Society of Canada, Inc.
Solar Schoolhouse
SolarOne: Green Energy, Arts and Education Center
The Rocky Mountain Institute
UK Solar Energy Society

Renewable Energy Educational Sites

Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy
Green Home Building
Planet Energy
PV Portal
Review of Solar Cooker Designs

Renewable Energy Events

American Solar Challenge
ASES Solar 2008 Conference
Formula Sun
Midwest Renewable Energy Fair
Solar BikeRayce USA
Solar Decathalon
SolWest Fair
West Coast Green

Renewable Energy Resources

Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy
Forum on Science and Technology for Sustainability
Shine Solar
Source for Renewable Energy
The Solar Cooking Archive

Rural Development Organizations

Builders without Borders
Plenty International
Solar Electric Light Fund

Sustainable Agriculture

Friends of Troy Gardens
National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Living Associations & Non-Profits

Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)
Californians for GE-Free Agriculture
Cloud Forest Institute
Earth Policy Institute
Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch
Ecological Farming Association
Environmental Capital Network (ECN)
Foothill Collaborative for Sustainability
Foundation for Environmental Education
Institute for Sustainable Futures
Laguna Farm: Community Shared Agriculture
Low-Impact Living Initiative
PLANET Organic
Robyn Van En Center for CSA Resources
Sustainable Building Industry Council (SBIC)
Sustainable Communities Network
Worldwatch Institute

Sustainable Living Resources

EcoLogic - Creating a Sustainable Future
Green Architecture and Sustainable Living Websites
Reduce, Reuse Remodel Blog on

Women's Organizations Links

Global Fund for Women
Society of Women Engineers
Tradeswomen, Inc.
Women in Technology International
Women's International Center

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