Solar Living Institute
Promoting Sustainable Living through Inspirational Environmental Education
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Earth Day for Kids

Beginning in 2000, the Solar Living Institute has Earth Day for Kids at The Solar Living Center during the spring. Each year, 300-500 third, fourth and fifth graders and their teachers from Mendocino, Lake, and Sonoma Counties have attended. From hydrogen fuel cells and coyote stories to power pedaling and solar cookie baking, the students learn about renewable energy, eco-responsibility and their interdependence with the environment. The event is a fun-filled and inspirational day for all.

Teachers and students around the world promote Earth Day by getting involved in worthwhile school and community projects which emphasize the protection, conservation, restoration, reuse, recycling and enhancement of our natural resources. During Earth Day for Kids at the Solar Living Institute, students and teachers have the opportunity to learn about renewable energy, ecological design and sustainable living.

For more information about Earth Day for Kids 2008 on May 28, email us.

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Earth Day for Kids
Redwood Empire Solar Living Association

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