Population Action International

Abstaining from Reality: U.S. Restrictions on HIV Prevention

Filmed in Kenya and Uganda, this short documentary provides a snapshot of the Bush administration's abstinence-only approach to HIV prevention as part of its global HIV/AIDS assistance. Abstaining from Reality examines how these ideologically-driven programs are actually endangering the lives of the people they're supposed to be protecting.

Access Denied: U.S. Family Planning Restrictions in Zambia

Produced by Population Action International, this seven minute documentary details the impact of the Global Gag Rule on reproductive health programs in Zambia, one of the poorest countries in Africa. At a time when one in five adults is infected with HIV and nearly 70 percent of the population is under the age of 24, the gag rule has deprived Zambia's primary family planning agency of critical U.S. assistance.

Finding Balance - Forests and Family Planning in Madagascar

This award-winning documentary journeys to the edge of a rapidly disappearing world in Madagascar, where population growth continues to fuel the cycle of poverty and deforestation.

The Silent Partner: HIV in Marriage

The Silent Partner: HIV in Marriage examines the risk of HIV within marriage and the particular challenges facing married women. Conventional HIV prevention strategies do not meet the needs of married women who cannot practice abstinence, cannot control the faithfulness of their husbands, and find it difficult to negotiate condom use.