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Planets and the solar system
New Activity - Build a Moon Habitat Build a Moon Habitat Build a Moon Habitat
Help the astronauts prepare to go back to the Moon!
Planet X-treme Weather Planet X-treme Weather
Want better weather? Check out these destinations.
Marshmallows? Chewy caramel? Nuts? Marshmallows? Chewy caramel? Nuts?
Find out what's really inside a comet.
I See Ice! I See Ice!
Find the alien, icy places in the solar system with this special viewer.
Ode to Aerogel Ode to Aerogel
Hear a story of invention and discovery.
Who is the King of the Ice Dwarfs? Who is the King of the Ice Dwarfs?
Model Saturn Decoration Model Saturn Decoration
Turn an old CD into Saturn's rings.
Asteroid Potatoes Asteroid Potatoes
Asteroids sometimes look like potatoes, so let's eat!
Blast off for a Mars Adventure! Blast off for a Mars Adventure!
But first, what will you take with you?
Solar System Switch-a-roo! Solar System Switch-a-roo!
Put clues together to find the planets and moons.
Find the Comet Words Find the Comet Words
Learn about these beautiful "Stars with Tails."
Solve a Telescope Crossword Solve a Telescope Crossword
Learn about the largest light telescopes in the world.
Tails of Wonder Tails of Wonder
Test your comet IQ and grab some comet dust.
Why collide with a comet? Why collide with a comet?
What is the "secret code" of the Voyager spacecraft? What is the "secret code" of the Voyager spacecraft?
What do you get when you cross an Earthquake with a tidal wave? What do you get when you cross an Earthquake with a tidal wave?
Why do the planets go around the Sun? Why do the planets go around the Sun?
Why don't we see planets near the North Star? Why don't we see planets near the North Star?
What is Dr. Marc's favorite planet? What is Dr. Marc's favorite planet?
Is there life on Mars? Is there life on Mars?
How do scientists know the distance between the planets? How do scientists know the distance between the planets?
How do we know the temperature of the cloud tops of Jupiter? How do we know the temperature of the cloud tops of Jupiter?
How do we weigh planets? How do we weigh planets?
If Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants, could you fly straight through them? If Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants, could you fly straight through them?
Can a space ship land on the rings of Saturn? Can a space ship land on the rings of Saturn?
What powers a comet? What powers a comet?
What can you tell us about the Moon? What can you tell us about the Moon?
What protected the Apollo astronauts from meteoroids while they were on the moon? What protected the Apollo astronauts from meteoroids while they were on the moon?
How long does each phase of the Moon last? How long does each phase of the Moon last?

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Webmaster: Diane Fisher
Last Updated: November 06, 2008
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