NASA 1997 SBIR Phase I

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Knowlede Complementarity Assessment


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Intelligent Automation, Inc. will develop and

evaluate the "Knowledge Complementarity

Assessment Program" (KCAP), an automated

approach to assessing the effectiveness of

individual and crew/team training. KCAP is an

innovative combination of Latent Semantic Analysis

(LSA), a statistical procedure for text analysis, and

Intelligent Agents for Instruction (IAI), an

agent-based technology to optimize resource

selection for instruction. KCAP assesses individual

and team performance and training requirements;

evaluates the relative merits of training resources

to enhance each team members' knowledge and

performance for these requirements; and provides

adaptive, individualized training for each team

member, based on their role in a team. KCAP is a

context-independent, low-cost alternative to

domain-specific intelligent tutors. It can be used

developmentally (to monitor and plan training as it

progresses), summatively (to evaluate the team and

individuals at the completion of a sequence) and to

monitor learning retention over time. We will

explore new methods of using KCAP to assess

team members' training during their performance of

real tasks. These advances supports NASA in

evaluating training effectiveness for individual/crew

performance, and in reducing error in tasks such as

aircraft maintenance. KCAP can develop into an

affordable new training and assessment technology,

suitable for use in many operational environments.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed work will result in development of a

powerful technology that will be effective and

efficient in providing methods to assess the

effectiveness of training for groups or individuals,

and to use that information to guide training

programs. Using the Web, small training programs,

without sufficient financial resources to conduct

significant evaluation studies alone could use

KCAP through a "fee-for-service website."

Another product/service will be providing

KCAP-based validations of performance based

assessments, which could be provided through the

Web or through typical commercial software

distribution mechanisms. These will complement

IAI's other education and training-oriented Web

services and products.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Jacqueline A. Haynes

Intelligent Automation,Inc.

2 Research Place, Suite 202

Rockville , MD 20850

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Joseph E. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Intelligent Automation, Inc.

2 Research Place, Suite 202

Rockville , MD 20850

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972551

Proposal Number: 01.01-4386A

Project Title: Fatigue evaluation and countermeasures using real-time video analysis

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The feasibility of a system to measure blink rate, percentage eyelid closure, blink amplitude, and blink duration from real-time video analysis to detect operator fatigue and produce countermeasures will be evaluated. The system produces an alarm when the onset of fatigue is detected (or the eyes remain closed longer than a selected interval). An active pixel camera will be used to acquire video images of the operator's eyes. Active pixel cameras are produced by a relatively inexpensive CMOS fabrication technique that can produce both analog to digital conversion circuitry on the same chip, thus the active pixel camera can produce digital video that is usable directly by a computer with no intermediate video boards, etc. A compact computer system will process the video images using specially designed algorithms to detect and quantify features of the eye in real-time. An inexpensive and non-invasive fatigue monitoring system would have broad commercial applications in aviation and ground transportation. The interruption of the circadian cycle in space flight and long distance aviation, and the continuous state of alertness required during certain tasks make alertness and fatigue monitoring especially important in these situations.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

An effective, low-cost, unobtrusive fatigue monitoring system has large commercial potential because of the scale of the problem. Such a system could be widely used in commercial aviation, space missions, and ground transportation. The technology has potential for low-cost production because it is based on low-cost standard hardware components with specialized software. Early adopters of this fatigue monitoring system would probably be groups who are at high risk for fatigue-related accidents because of the hours they work including astronauts, commercial airline pilots, air traffic controllers, and long distance truck drivers.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jeffrey Bishop

Future of Technology and Health, LC

PO Box 1233

Iowa City , IA 52244-1233

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Jennifer Bishop

Future of Technology and Health, LC

PO Box 1233

Iowa City , IA 52244-1233

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Collaborative Decision Making

Airspace Visualization Tool

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This effort will develop a collaborative decision

making visualization

tool that will benefit dispatchers at Airline

Operations Centers

(AOCs), aircraft flight crews, Air Traffic

Management (ATM), and

scientific researchers who are designing decision

support systems for

these decision makers. As new Free Flight

procedures remove jetway

routing, positive control, and other constraints, an

added emphasis

will be placed on collaborative ATM techniques and


control. Our innovation provides a visual tool for


information and collaborating with a common visual

model. This tool

can assist in keeping track of aircraft, negotiating


detection and resolution options, observing weather

systems and

special use airspace constraints, and viewing

operations data - these

data are dynamic and originate from multiple

sources. Before any of

Free Flight changes take place, scientific

researchers can use this

tool to visualize solutions to problems associated

with the AOC, the

flight crew, and the ATM system. Additionally,

researchers may

visualize conflict detection and resolution results for

analysis, and

evaluate distributed systems concepts like

collaborative decision

making. This visualization tool will assist NASA

achieve effective

and safe control of multiple aircraft in the National

Airspace System

(NAS) through the visual integration of air and

ground-based air

traffic information.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The commercial potential for a collaborative

decision making system is

very high because (a) air traffic continues to grow

worldwide and the

demand for more timely, efficient, reliable air travel

is strong on

the part of the airlines and the traveling public; and

(b) the trend

in air traffic control is towards giving airlines more

and more

autonomy while maintaining safety. The FAA,

CAAs, airlines and other

fleet operators will require collaboration tools to

assist with

providing Free Flight operations.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jimmy Krozel, Ph.D.

Seagull Technology, Inc.

16400 Lark Avenue

Los Gatos , CA 95032-2547

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Jan Betke

Seagull Technology, Inc.

16400 Lark Avenue

Los Gatos , CA 95032-254

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Air Traffic Controller Agent Model for

Free Flight

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to examine the human factors needs of

air traffic controllers operating under free flight

through the development of a modeling and analysis

tool based on an agent representation of the overall

controller/air traffic system. The approach relies on

a multi-stage agent-based representation of the

controller's SA and decision-making behavior, and

a multidimensional metric that reflects SA,

performance, and error propensity. We propose to

incorporate the controller agent into a simulated

free flight environment that contains a set of

semi-autonomous pilot agent models. Our objective

is to develop a simulation tool that will support the

development of rules and procedures for free flight

implementation, via simulation-based analysis of

controller behavior and airspace system safety

under alternate free flight configurations. One of

the key innovative features of the resulting free

flight simulation tool is a distributed

decision-making model embedded into the

multi-agent architecture, which will provide air

traffic management system designers with a basis

for the formulation of effective decision allocation

between ground control and pilots in free flight.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed technology will directly support

closing the human factors loop on the development

of free flight ATM concepts. The underlying

modeling approach will also support human factors

assessments in other domains (e.g., nuclear power

plants, chemical processing centers, power dispatch

stations, intelligent vehicle highway system control

centers, etc.) where it is desirable to determine how

system design affects operator awareness and

performance before committing to a specific

configuration. We also plan to extract the belief

network algorithm that emulates air traffic

controller situation assessment in the presence of

uncertainty, and develop a commercial-quality

software tool for computer-based reasoning under


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Sandeep M. Mulgund

Charles River Analytics

55 Wheeler Street

Cambridge , MA 02138-1125

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Greg L. Zacharias

Charles River Analytics

55 Wheeler Street

Cambridge , MA 02138-1125

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972456

Proposal Number: 01.02-5000

Project Title: Integrated Ground Traffic Control (IGTC) System

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The overall objective of the technical effort proposed is to develop advanced innovative system design ("GROUNDTRAC") that will allow safe movement of ground vehicles and aircraft under adverse weather conditions at airports. Requirements and Hardware Implementation Designs will be developed for integrating and simultaneously controlling the surface movement of aircraft and airport support vehicles under adverse weather conditions. The problems associated with expanding to a large mixed fleet that involves simultaneous movement of aircraft and ground vehicles will be addressed. The technical effort to be performed will define system designs, modifications and system requirements that when implemented will allow compatible operation of ground vehicle navigation system with aircraft navigation systems such as those defined by the NASA TAP Program in 1997. These Systems must be integrated such that simultaneous control and operation of a large mixed fleet of vehicles from a Single Control Center can be achieved at Airports during adverse weather conditions. This proposed advanced system design effort will identify the system requirements, technical designs and technology developments needed to achieve this integration.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

GROUNDTRAC has broad application at airports worldwide. By developing this integrated system design for near term deployment, NASA will help airport authorities and local government agencies avoid costly and time consuming redesign or retrofit that will occur when navigation systems used by aircraft and surface vehicle are implemented that are not the same and not compatible.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ronald R. Teeter

Orbital Technologies Corporation

Space Center, 1212 Fourier Drive

Madison , WI 53717

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Eric E. Rice

Orbital Technologies Corporation (ORBITEC)

Space Center, 1212 Fourier Drive

Madison , WI 53717

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

A Turbulence/Vortex Detection System

Using Optical Scintillation Techniques

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA, FAA, and U.S. Air Force have identified the

need to detect the aircraft trailing wake turbulence

generated by aircraft during take-off and landing

operations. At the present time, one of the major

problems of wake turbulence assessment is the lack

of an operational system to measure it in real-time.

As a result, FAA instituted operational and physical

guidelines to reduce the vortex wake hazard. These

conservative procedures put extra limits on airport

capacity and efficiency.

Scientific Technology, Inc. (ScTi) proposes to

develop a vortex/ turbulence detection system

including a set of scintillometers deployed in the

airport to measure ground and near ground runway

crosswind, turbulence, and wake vortex using

atmospheric turbulence- induced optical

scintillations. ScTi will perform system analysis and

design of the proposed system to detect

occurrences, location, magnitude, and persistence

of wake turbulence. With the simultaneous

measurements of crosswind and turbulence, the

sensor may even be able to forecast the arrival

time of the airplane generated wake vortex drifting

to a nearby runway. Successful development of the

system will serve as a decision support tool to ATC

for the next generation Air-Traffic Management

system to accommodate growth in air traffic while

reducing the aircraft accident rate.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Accurate crosswind, turbulence, and wake vortex

measurements are critical for improving airport

safety and efficiency. Successful development of

the proposed sensor technology will lead to the

large scale deployment of the proposed systems at

commercial and military airports around the world.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Ting-i Wang

Scientific Technology, Inc.

205 Perry Parkway, Suite 14

Gaithersburg , MD 20877

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Chung-Dyi Hsu

Scientific Technology, Inc

205 Perry Parkway, Suite 14

Gaithersburg , MD 20877

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Navigation and Situation Awareness for

Landing and Runway Crossing

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Faced with a projected increase in air traffic in

excess of 30% in the United States over the next

decade, government agencies such as NASA and

the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are

developing advanced technologies to increase

traffic-handling capacity at existing airports. Efforts

to increase airport capacity approach the problem

on two fronts: the first obvious solution is to

increase the number of runways (i.e. quantity), and

the second approach is to develop new technologies

to achieve reduction in aircraft separation and

consequently a corresponding increase in landing

rate per runway (i.e. efficiency). Both approaches

have to be accomplished without compromising

safety. The first approach based on increasing

usable runways also imposes new technical

problems. Modifying an existing airport layout

increases surface traffic complexity with increased

volume of aircraft and surface vehicle traffic,

resulting in increased occurrences of runway

crossing. The innovations advanced in this proposal

include both automatic and manual control of the

aircraft for runway crossing that will be tightly and

seamlessly integrated with products currently being

developed under the NASA TAP program. In

addition, the proposed effort includes performance

and benefit analyses to identify the maximum

possible capacity impact, and the potential

achievable benefits from such technologies.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Like most of the products being developed under

the NASA Terminal Area Productivity program, the

technologies developed under this SBIR proposal

are targeted for civil aviation. As the global travel

volume increases and the major airports execute

their plans to increase capacity through expansion,

runway crossing will quickly become a major issue

at these airports. The technologies to be developed

under this SBIR will be useful for developing new

avionics systems for improving ground traffic.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Victor H.L. Cheng

Optimal Synthesis

450 San Antonio Road, Suite 46

Palo Alto , CA 94306-4638

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. P.K. Menon

Optimal Synthesis

450 San Antonio Road, Suite 46

Palo Alto , CA 94306-4638

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

SafePath for Airport Surface


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Safety and efficiency are primary concerns in the

planning and conduct of vehicle movement on the

airport surface area; yet in many areas of

transportation management and system logistics,

safety and efficiency are competing goals. During

this Phase I SBIR effort Wyndemere Incorporated

proposes to study a system that will meet these two

challenges in a complementary manner through the

development of a detailed plan for airport surface

movement. This plan, formulated through

constraint-based optimization methods to increase

efficiency, will also allow warnings to be issued

when vehicles deviate from the plan, rather than

when an incursion or incident is imminent. The

innovation proposed is the research and prototyping

of a constraint-satisfaction based algorithm for the

generation of efficient airport surface movement

paths. This innovation will provide the fundamental

technology for a complete decision support system

to increase both safety and efficiency in airport

surface movement, considering aircraft and other

airport vehicles during normal, low-visibility and

emergency conditions. This technology will fit well

with NASA's Surface Movement Advisor project

and the recent demonstration of the Low Visibility

Landing and Surface Operations program at

Atlanta's Hartsfield Airport.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Technology aimed at increasing the safety and

efficiency of airport surface movement is in rising

demand. The United States has set aggressive

goals for the reduction of the aviation accident rate

in general, and runway incursions in particular. It is

expected that significant investment in safety

improvements will be made by the US government

and international aviation authorities over the next

few years. For airlines and air cargo operators,

ground movement efficiency is a major cost

concern; potential losses from aviation delays

creates a strong market for technology and

products that can increase the efficiency of airport

surface operations. In this regard, Wyndemere has

been working cooperatively with Federal Express to

identify the characteristics of traffic flow, airspace,

airport layout and air traffic control procedures that

contribute to inefficiency in their air cargo

operation. FedEx is interested in supporting the

research, development and use of this proposed

technology at Memphis International Airport, and

in-kind contributions have been committed to

Wyndemere by FedEx to support this Phase I SBIR


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

William S. Pawlak

Wyndemere Incorporated

660 Northstar Court

Boulder , CO 80304

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Susan S. Nedell

Wyndemere Incorporated

660 Northstar Court

Boulder , CO 80304

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972088

Proposal Number: 01.03-2200

Project Title: In-Flight Icing Detection Radar

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA has a mission to develop real-time, in-flight, remote sensing of hazardous icing conditions, characterized by a super-cooled water droplet environment several miles ahead of the aircraft. Technology Service Corporation (TSC), with informal consulting from Mr. Robert Kropfli, NOAA/ERL, proposes to develop, test and demonstrate a dual frequency, differential attenuation radar for this mission. The radar is based on modifications to a commercial weather radar, operating with (a) an X/Ka-band single aperture antenna developed for NASA/LaRC, b) a commercial signal processor developed for NASA/ARC and (c) special waveforms and discrimination algorithms. The radar will also be used for data gathering to resolve technical issues identified during the 1991 Winter Icing and Storm Project, WISP91.

Phase I will conduct engineering analysis, performance predictions, algorithm development and a radar design. Phase II will integrate the differential attenuation technique into a commercial weather radar and field test the radar in both data gathering and concept demonstration modes out to 10 nmi.

The radar's form factor allows it to be installed directly into commercial aircraft and rotorcraft, thereby enhancing Phase III transition.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The benefit from this program, if successful, will be a practical solution to the aircraft icing detection/avoidance hazard that can be employed on most aircraft currently using weather radars. The applications range from commercial propeller-driven commuter/regional aircraft up to large jet airliners. Military applications include fixed-wing aircraft, RPV's and helicopters.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Carl J. Furchner

Technology Service Corporation

11400 West Olympic Blvd. Suite 300

Los Angeles , CA 90064

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ladd M. Jones

Technology Service Corporation

11400 West Olympic Blvd. Suite 300

Los Angeles , CA 90064

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972592

Proposal Number: 01.03-2281

Project Title: Detection of Icing Through Aircraft Parameter Identification

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed development will result in the DIDS system, designed to detect an icing problem onboard an aircraft in flight from real-time identification of degradation in key aircraft dynamic characteristics and aerodynamic parameters. This will be implemented using cross-spectral methods to generate frequency response characterizations of aircraft input/response relationships. Icing will be detected from changes in a suite of characteristics and parameters over time. Icing degradations of key longitudinal parameters will be estimated including: drag coefficient, lift coefficient and lift curve slope, static margin, elevator effectiveness and elevator hinge moment for aircraft with reversible mechanical primary flight control systems. Lateral-directional dynamics would be considered in Phase II. Icing detection from the DIDS system would ultimately be fused with onboard ice detection sensor data and off-board meteorological data to improve the overall resolution, accuracy and reliability of advisories to the pilot. A primary innovation of the DIDS system is the direct estimation of aerodynamic parameters most fundamentally related to icing phenomena and to aircraft stability and control. A related innovation is the use of established flying qualities criteria to integrate the degradation estimates into a severity metric for the pilot.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The DIDS system will be marketed as a product together with related, highly technical, consulting services. The consulting services may range from training the customer in the use of the DIDS system to continually assessing and improving its effectiveness. The initial customer target will be the airline and business aviation sectors of the industry. Emphasis will also be placed on demonstrating the effectiveness of the system to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) with a view towards having the DIDS declared as a mandatory system on air carriers. We anticipate that the airlines as well as the FAA will require our consulting services to refine the software based on their specific requirements and practical needs. We anticipate an initial market penetration into the commuter airline and business aviation industry where the safety hazards due to icing are the greatest. There has been a rapid growth in the commuter airline industry following the adoption of the "hub-and-spoke" method of operation of the major airlines. There has also been rapid growth in the business aviation industry in recent times.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Thomas T. Myers

Systems Technology, Inc.

13766 S. Hawthorne Blvd.

Hawthorne , CA 90250

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


R. Wade Allen

Systems Technology, Inc.

13766 S. Hawthorne Blvd.

Hawthorne , CA 90250

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Multi-Formal Hardware Verification


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Levetate Design Systems, Inc., as the prime

contractor, and Derivation Systems, Inc., as a

subcontractor, propose to develop an advanced

system for verifying digital electronic hardware

systems. The system addresses the problem of

verifying gate- or register transfer-level design

models against abstract specifications represented

as state machines. Innovative aspects of this

system include: (I) new methods to address the

problem of state explosion in large systems, (ii) new

methods based on theorem proving algorithms

implemented as user- friendly tools featuring

automated operation, fast execution times, and

effective debug support, and (iii) new methods to

implement rigorous, proof-based verifications that

feature automated construction of the proof steps

required by existing mechanical proof checkers.

The proposed research addresses elements of

NASA subtopic 01.04, Reliable and Safety-Critical

Software, by constructing

automated tools to support developing

safety-critical systems. The objective of the

proposed research is to develop a verification

system into an advanced prototype suitable for beta

testing by the end of Phase II. The successful

completion of this goal would go a long way in

moving the electronics design industry towards

methods of greater rigor and automation.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The main commercial applications for our proposed

work are electronic design automation (EDA) tools

for digital hardware design and verification. The

commercial potential for tools offering this

combination of automation, verification speed, and

proof security is, conservatively, well above $100


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. David A. Fura

Levetate Design Systems, Inc.

4756 Univ. Village Pl. NE, #168

Seattle , WA 98105

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. David A. Fura

Levetate Design Systems, Inc.

4756 Univ. Village Pl. NE, #168

Seattle , WA 98105

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971844

Proposal Number: 01.05-0686

Project Title: Real-Time Equipment Analyst & Monitor

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

AbTech Corporation proposes to apply its unique statistical network data mining technology to develop a real-time diagnostic and on-line health monitoring product for equipment that automatically 1) analyzes equipment operational performance data, 2) learns and models the expected characteristics of specific equipment sensor data, parameters, and failure modes using AbTech's advanced data mining technology, and 3) applies these learned models onboard and on-line to monitor and predict the health of equipment components for "just in time" maintenance and to identify unexpected values and concerning trends in current equipment performance.

The proposed system, called the Real-Time Equipment Analyst & Monitor (RTEAM), will be able to identify and interpret complex relationships in equipment behavior to substantially reduce the likelihood of incipient failures and performance degradation being undetected until they cause significant damage to critical equipment components. RTEAM will automatically analyze expected versus actual values of specified sensors, and provide indications of the significance of the differences (i.e., probability of anomaly). It will automatically learn how to detect and isolate anomalous equipment behavior based on operational performance data.

The objectives of this effort are to prototype RTEAM and to demonstrate its exceptional potential value for a selected aircraft or spacecraft application.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A major goal of this program is to enable RTEAM to be implemented and adapted to equipment hardware so inexpensively for the value offered that it will quickly become popular on many different commercial aircraft and aerospace applications as well as other mission-critical machinery subsystems and structures.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Gerard J. Montgomery

AbTech Corporation

1575 State Farm Blvd., Suites 1 & 2

Charlottesville , VA 22911-8611

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Michael L. Araiza

AbTech Corporation

1575 State Farm Blvd., Suites 1 & 2

Charlottesville , VA 22911-8611

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972559

Proposal Number: 01.05-9903

Project Title: Aircraft Integrity Radio Network Evaluation Technology (AIRNET)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The advancing age of the U.S. commercial and military aircraft fleets pose increasing challenges to those personnel involved in insuring reliable aircraft maintenance and safety. Replacement costs and price competition encourage aircraft life extension. Current safety records indicate success with failure management. However, aging aircraft, inspection cost reduction, and recurring air carrier accidents demonstrate room for improvement. An airframe integrity monitoring system is needed that will provide constant inspection. The system is a multi-sensor, radio frequency, store-and-forward relay communications network capable of monitoring in-flight aircraft performance. Data from wireless sensor nodes installed throughout the aircraft is stored on a central communications node and is then transferred to an air-to-ground radio link. Ground stations are connected to telephone communications switches that provide data routing anywhere in the world. AIRNET data outputs would be switched to Internet web-sites. Condition-based maintenance (CBM) algorithms process data as it is collected in each of the sensor nodes. With such a system available, measurements and critical flight data are available that were previously restricted by installation complexity and cost. Because CBM technology is still in infant stages of development, the proposed system would also make raw data available to researchers in the business of algorithm development.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Invocon, Inc. is working with several large manufacturers of heavy equipment (earth moving) to define wireless systems that could eventually display vehicle health on the Internet. These companies feel the need to increase the level of service and product maintenance and thus are motivated to acquire data on the performance of the vehicles as they operate on a day to day basis. This not only requires wireless sensors at the data collection points, but also the low cost data transmission capabilities of the common user dial-up phone networks. As the Internet grows in acceptance as well as capacity, it too offers commercial data monitoring at attractive prices.

Manufacturing processes also benefit from conditioned based maintenance (CBM) data generated from wireless data acquisiton. Wiring in heavy manufacturing environments increases sensor monitoring hardware costs to prohibitive levels. Installation flexibility in a manufacturing arena is important for quick re-configuration of machines and processes. Integrated CBM data acquisition sytems can provide warning of impending failures in areas where the failure may leverage huge costs due to assembly line shut-downs. It can also provide tighter integration of the manufacturing processes by moving information from the factory floor to central points of analysis and decision making.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Michael Walcer


9001 I-45 South, STE 530

Conroe , TX 77385

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mary Pate


9001 I-45 South, STE 530

Conroe , TX 77385

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Wave Turbine Engines: Improvements

to an Existing Wave Turbine Test


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Wave rotors are a key technology to enable

significantly increased gas turbine peak

temperatures. Higher specific power results,

providing a more compact unit with the additional

benefit of increased efficiency. These benefits are

realized especially for small gas turbines since

self-cooling is a fundamental feature of the cycle.

Self-cooling is especially applicable to the

improvement of auxiliary power units (APU's) and

small turboshaft engines. Because the expansion

and compression processes occur on the same

rotor, part count and engine complexity is reduced.

The objective of the proposed research is to

determine the requirements for upgrading an

existing wave turbine and, in Phase II, fabricate and

test the resulting upgrades. The primary goal is to

design for improved start-up operation, addressing

an important issue in wave rotor engines. This wave

turbine, the only known operating engine of its

class, was recently resurrected, meticulously

characterized, and partially tested to determine

problems, limitations, and requirements for

continued research. The proposed approach will

minimize the time and cost of developing this timely

technology for improving the APU's specific power,

efficiency, and simplicity. The upgraded

demonstration unit will serve as a research test

platform and an engine demonstration to encourage

commercialization by engine manufacturers.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Wave turbine engines have the potential to improve

a wide range of emgine products; in particular,

small engines for propulsion and power (i.e.,

auxiliary power units, APU's). Having established

its benefits in the small gas turbine market, wave

turbine engines can be expanded to larger power

class systems including off-the-road vehicles, high

bypass turbofans, and turboshaft engines.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

John F. Crittenden

UNISTRY Associates, Inc.

1901 Darby Road

Havertown , PA 19083

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Robert M. Carroll

UNISTRY Associates, Inc.

1901 Darby Road

Havertown , PA 19083

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972175

Proposal Number: 01.06-9077

Project Title: Mixed-Compression Inlet for Supersonic Cruise with High Performance and Operability

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This proposal identifies a new supersonic inlet design. It introduces a unique mixed- compression inlet concept with very high performance, increased safety by maintaining large operability margins, reduced weight/complexity, and a large transonic airflow capability. Each traditional inlet design concept has a deficiency in at least one of these characteristics. A new variable geometry scheme enables a breakthrough in axisymmetric inlet design that offers a large transonic flow capability. This proposal responds to the SBIR research subtopic by proposing a invention in inlet design that will enable the development of a commercial supersonic aircraft. The objective of the effort is to provide a preliminary aerodynamic design of the new inlet, a conceptual layout of the inlet and variable geometry scheme, and an analysis of the aerodynamic capabilities of the new inlet. It is expected that this Phase I effort will identify and deliver a revolutionary new inlet that will be selected for both experimental and analytical validation in a follow-on SBIR Phase II. This revolutionary advance in inlet technology will enable the development of an efficient and safe propulsion system for a US high speed civil transport (HSCT). This type of enabling technology is the goal of NASA's HSR Program.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The commercial application of the proposed new inlet design is based on the expectation of achieving very high inlet performance while maintaining the desired operability margins, reduced weight, and sufficient transonic airflow capability. The increased efficiency and versatility provided by the proposed new inlet concept will enable the development of a propulsion system for a supersonic aircraft that offers increased range, payload/profit, and safety. Commercial applications include aircraft used for transportation of people and packages throughout the world.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Bobby W. Sanders

TechLand Research, Inc.

28895 Lorain Road, Suite 201

North Olmsted , OH 44070

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Bobby W. Sanders

TechLand Research, Inc.

28895 Lorain Road, Suite 201

North Olmsted , OH 44070

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Active Combustion Control Using

Micro-Fabricated Sensors and Actuators

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) proposes to develop a

closed-loop combustion control system for gas

turbine engines utilizing micro-fabricated sensors

and actuators. In previous and on-going work, PSI

has demonstrated the feasibility of active control

systems to suppress combustion instabilities and

improve combustor pattern factor, both of which can

lead to improved engine performance and

efficiency. The primary motivation for incorporating

micro-fabricated components into the system design

is to achieve a compact and highly-integrated

control system which is compatible with the size and

weight constraints of operating within a gas turbine

engine. Additionally, micro-fabricated components

have the potential to provide improved performance

over their macroscopic counterparts, allowing a

wider range of control strategies to be

implemented. PSI proposes to integrate a

micro-fabricated valve directly into a commercial

gas turbine fuel injector for active fuel flow control.

Additionally, strategies for actively controlling

spray patternation with embedded micro-actuators

will be developed. The active fuel injector designed

in the Phase I program will be fabricated and tested

in the Phase II program as part of an overall

combustion control system.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Successful development of the proposed technology

will represent one of the first commercial insertions

of micro-fabricated sensors and actuators in gas

turbine engines. A higher level of control over the

operation of gas turbine combustors will be

achieved with the proposed system, and along with

it, improvements in engine performance and

efficiency over the entire life of the engine. The

micro-actuator and sensor based combustion

control system also has the potential to lower the

costs of gas turbine engine development by relaxing

some of the constraints on the combustor design


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Michael F. Miller

Physical Sciences Inc.

20 New England Business Center

Andover , MA 01810

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


George E. Caledonia

Physical Sciences, Inc.

20 New England Business Center

Andover , MA 01810

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972093

Proposal Number: 01.07-0533

Project Title: Smart Coatings for In-Situ Monitoring of Engine Components

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Fatigue cracking and plastic deformation occur in both new and aging aircraft engines requiring periodic manual inspections with ultrasonic and eddy current robes. Often cracking occurs in inaccessible areas which require engine disassembly just to perform the inspection. In many cases, the cost of is assembling/reassembling the engine far exceeds the cost of inspection and can also induce new damage.

IDI will address this problem by developing Smart Coatings - under 10 micron thick coatings that contain planar sensors sandwiched between layers of tough protective insulators. By directly depositing these Smart Coatings onto the part, you add a life-extending protective coating that also performs important structural sensing.

During Phase I IDI will work with Cornell University's National Nanofabrication Center to develop Smart Coating eddy current sensors for detecting cracking and plastic deformation in metals. We will use standard deposition, sputtering, and photolithography methods to deposit gold/silicon nitride sensor patterns onto steel coupons, and then will destructively test those coupons to quantify their sensitivity to stress and fatigue-induced damage.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Military and commercial aircraft fleet operators could immediately use this technology to create tailored embedded sensing solutions to known engine maintenance problems. When coupled with emerging technology for depositing thin diamond films on 3-D surfaces, one could add embedded sensing to virtually any mechanical part, such as turbine blades, bearing races, and hydraulic valves.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Bruce W. McKee

Innovative Dynamics, Inc.

244 Langmuir Lab, 95 Brown Road

Ithaca , NY 14850

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Joseph J. Gerardi

Innovative Dynamics, Inc.

244 Langmuir Lab, 95 Brown Road

Ithaca , NY 14850

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Hi Temp.Fiber Optic Eng.Mtd.

Ceramic Press. Transducer

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The demand of advanced aircraft propulsion

systems on sensor technologies to operate at


temperature ranges has to date been primarily

focused on redesigning existing measurement


techniques. This proposed program will show the

feasibility of a new remote fly-by-light technology


possible by the availability of high temperature

air-clad sapphire optical fibers. The LEL concept


applying this technology to pressure and related

measurements is electrically passive-optically

active. No

electrically active parts reside in the sensor,

minimizing temperature effect on the sensor output.


sensor's input and output optical fibers can be

integrated in the engine's composite structure or


through traditional wire ways to traditional

electronic components which are located remotely

from the

sensor. A primary feature of this new sensor design

concept is to measure differential motion as


to absolute motion, typical of diaphragm designs. A

properly designed differential motion sensor

measures only the input parameter not the side

effects caused by temperature and induced


both static and dynamic. This fiber optic

miniaturized ceramic transducer is "Thermally

Hardened" by

material modifications allowing it to operate in a

high temperature (1000 degrees C) environment. It


not require active temperature compensation or

linearization to achieve specified accuracy.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The disclosed pressure transducer will provide an

essential input to an engine monitoring system

for the prediction of engine maintenance and stall.

In addition, this sensor technology can be used by

industries such as oil drilling, petrochemicals,

hydraulics, heavy construction equipment,

geothermal, geopressure wells, metal cutting, oceanography,

nuclear power plants and research organizations,

with similar gains in performance and reduced cost.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Charles A Liucci

LEL Corporation

5 Burns Place

Cresskill , NJ 07626

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Charles A Liucci

LEL Corporation

5 Burns Place

Cresskill , NJ 07626

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971957

Proposal Number: 01.07-8777

Project Title: LWIR Microthermopile Aircraft Engine Monitor

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA has a need for integrated sensors and controls utilizing Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). Of particular interest is the quantification of OH, NOx, CH, CN, formaldehyde, free radicals, and small molecules in aircraft exhaust. Current technology based on Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) is only capable of identifying one species at a time and in a single direction. An on board exhaust monitor capable of quantifying multiple species, in multi-directions, with full IR spectra would enable real time determinations of engine health and enable feedback control.

In ongoing Phase II SBIR programs with NASA, Ion Optics has developed a spectrometer-on-a-chip which provides mid-wavelength infrared spectroscopic gas analysis in a lightweight, miniaturized, and vibration resistant system. To address NASA's needs we propose to adapt our spectrometer technology to JPL's high performance uncooled linear MEMS detector arrays, and an advanced low-noise readout multiplexer to enable long-wavelength IR (8-14mm) analysis of aircraft exhaust. The integration of these three advances will provide a high ensitivity, low power consumption instrument which is small enough for onboard propulsion monitoring and control. Ongoing projects have demonstrated technical feasibility of these three key components and set the stage for development, integration, and validation of an onboard monitoring system.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A small, lightweight, and rugged sensor capable of identifying and quantifying chemical species in the long wavelength regions of the infrared would have widespread commercial appeal. Such a sensor system could be immediately applied to compliance monitoring on commercial aircraft. Additional applications include adaptation to on board analysis of automobile exhaust, smoke stack monitoring, and chemical process control.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Edward Johnson

Ion Optics

411 Waverley Oaks Rd. Suite 144

Waltham , MA 02154

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Peter Loges

Ion Optics, Inc.

411 Waverley Oaks Rd. Suite 144

Waltham , MA 02154

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972408

Proposal Number: 02.01-1322

Project Title: Quantitative Combustion Diagnostics for Fuel Sulfur Oxidation in Jet Engine Combustors

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Quantitative combustion diagnostics are needed to study the fuel sulfur oxidation chemistry in jet engine combustors which affects aerosol loading in the atmosphere. Absolute concentration measurements of key combustion radicals and intermediates provide a platform to validate the current sulfur oxidation model and to predict the aerosol loading by jet engines. Current laser-based combustion diagnostics exhibit high spatial and temporal sensitivity, but they often yield relative concentration profiles especially under high pressure conditions due to extreme sensitivity to changes in collisional quenching. We propose to develop a spatially resolved, high sensitivity quantitative combustion diagnostic based on a novel tunable UV source that is compatible with high pressure and high temperature combustor conditions. The tunable UV source, based on nonlinear upconversion of a tunable diode laser beam with fixed frequency radiation, will be used to perform line-of-sight high sensitivity absorption and laser induced fluorescence (LIF) measurements simultaneously. In Phase I, we target spatially resolved concentration measurements of OH in laboratory flames for the feasibility demonstration. In Phase II, we plan to extend the UV wavelength coverage to include other key species relevant to sulfur oxidation chemistry including SO2, and to validate the measurement approach through a series of jet engine combustor measurements.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed technology will be useful as a quantitative combustion diagnostic tool in development of rocket and jet engines, turbines, and wind tunnel combustion facilities. The tunable UV source developed in this project will also be useful for environmental monitoring of many important trace species emitted by power plants, municipal incinerators, chemical plants, and oil refineries.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Daniel B. Oh

Southwest Sciences, Inc.

1570 Pacheco St., Suite E-11

Santa Fe , NM 87505

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Alan C. Stanton

Southwest Sciences, Inc.

1570 Pacheco St., Suite E-11

Santa Fe , NM 87505

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Thin Film Sensors for Measurement of

Engine Emissions

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Emissions from aircrafts and automobiles are of

significant environmental concern. Various

communities are aggresively planning to set tighter

emission limits for exhausts including those from

aeronautical and aerospace operations. NASA's

goal is to reduce emissions of future aircrafts by a

factor of three within 10 years and five within 20

years. A key enabling technology for this goal are

exhaust sensors for NOx, SOx, HOx, atomic

oxygen, and hydrocarbons. Nanomaterials

Research Corporation (NRC) seeks to develop and

demonstrate nano-precision engineered sensors for

emissions monitoring. Phase I will systematically

establish the proof-of-concept; Phase II will

optimize, scale-up and fabricate prototype devices

for exhaust applications; Phase III will

commercialize the technology.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Emission sensors will enable intelligent operation of

sub-sonic engines to prevent pollution and to

increase fuel efficiencies. Spin-off applications

include emission sensors for catalyst monitors in

automobiles (mandated by law in the U.S., Japan,

and Europe), sensors for diesel engines and


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Charlie Xu, Ph.D.

Nanomaterials Research Corporation

2849 East Elvira Rd

Tucson , AZ 85706-7126

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Tapesh Yadav, Ph.D.

Nanomaterials Research Corporation

2849 East Elvira Rd

Tucson , AZ 85706-7126

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A Catalytically Stabilized Lean Direct

Injection Combustor for Advanced

Subsonic Technology Emissions


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A catalytic lean direct injection (LDI) design is a

practical approach for achieving NOx emissions

reduction for the Advanced Subsonic Technology

(AST) combustor. Our novel catalytic LDI design

integrates the underlying catalytic combustion

principles behind Precision Combustion's prior lean

premixed prevaporized(LPP)designs with effective

LDI principles applied to liquid fuels. This combines

the benefits of LDI, including avoiding preignition,

with the improved stability and ultra-low NOx

emissions of catalytically stabilized combustion.

Catalytic enhancement of flame stability offers

potential breakthroughs for NASA's advanced

subsonic program gas turbine engine through very

low pressure drop, high inlet duct velocity, high

turndown and stability, and low NOx at pressure.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

High efficiency and low emissions are twin

objectives of future aerospace gas turbine engines.

This design approach contributes to these

objectives by enhancing stability, mixing, and

turndown of Lean Direct Injection Designs, offering

design flexibility to engine designers. This

combustor is being developed with a focus upon

ease of implementation into engine manufacturers

Advanced Subsonic Technology combustors

designs, and has the potential to create significant

value-added for the aircraft engine manufacturers.

Spinoff low NOx dual fuel stationary gas turbine

applications for this technology also show

significant promise.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Gilbert Kraemer

Precision Combustion, Inc.

25 Science Park, MS 24

New Haven , CT 06511-1968

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Paul Donahe

Precision Combustion, Inc

25 Science Park, MS 24

New Haven , CT 06511-1968

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Rotorcraft Blade Vortex Interaction

Control with Induced-Strain Actuation

of Blade Twist

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. (SPA)

proposes to develop a Mach-scaled smart

helicopter rotor with on embedded piezoceramic

elements for blade-vortex interaction (BVI) noise

reduction. SPA will use directionally attached

piezoceramics as actuators and sensors, for

closed-loop higher harmonic pitch control of the

main rotor blades. These pitch perturbations will

generate unsteady blade loads that would in turn

counteract loads generated by the BVI, with little

impact on the nominal steady-state rotor thrust. In

the proposed Phase I effort, SPA will use

Euler/Navier-Stokes computational fluid dynamics

(CFD) codes as a Òvirtual experimentÓ to examine

the 3-D interaction of a simplified vortex system

with a rotating blade (for low-speed descent flight)

and the associated aeroacoustic noise to establish

the required performance metrics (i.e., blade twist

deflection, actuator power, frequency response,

etc.) to reduce BVI by 10dB. The calculated leading

edge pressure differentials at several spanwise

stations in the outboard (60 to 90 percent of span)

region of the blade will be used as inputs to simple

control algorithms for determining the appropriate

twist actuation required for BVI noise suppression.

Finally, the CFD calculations will be repeated with

the variable twisting actuation to determine the

actual noise reduction achieved.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The successful development of a smart rotor

system will offer unprecedented benefits to military

and commercial rotorcraft. Reductions of BVI and

low frequency rotor noise (and the associated

higher-harmonic rotor vibrations) will reduce the

detectability of military platforms during Nap of

Earth (NOE) operations, while improving the rotor

performance for air-to-air combat. For commerical

rotorcraft, reductions in rotor noise would allow for

operation in urban environments with aircraft noise

restrictions. Furthermore, the reduction of harmonic

blade loads would reduce the maintenance

requirements and associated high cost of all

rotorcraft systems subject to premature failure of

rotor components due to high dynamic stresses.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Peter C. Chen, Ph.D.

Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc.

2000 N. Beauregard St. Suite 400

Alexandria , VA 22311

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Phillip E.Lantz

Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc.

2000 N. Beauregard St. Suite 400

Alexandria , VA 22311

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972262

Proposal Number: 03.01-3400

Project Title: Autonomous Far-Field Cancellation of Broadband Noise from Ducted Fans

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to show that two new active control algorithms can reduce the noise radiated from a ducted fan by more than 10 dB in the far-field. This demonstration will provide strong evidence that the difficult noise standards of FAR 36, Stage 3 will be attainable, at least in part, with active control, at substantially reduced cost and performance when compared with passive methods alone. The two new algorithms we propose to apply have the following features, which together constitute a new, enabling capability for the control of broadband and tonal fan noise in the far field: they automatically account for feedback from the control actuators to the disturbance reference microphones; they control multiple duct modes in a coordinated fashion; they adapt on-line to changes in the system dynamics over flight conditions; and they perform their computations in a particularly efficient manner due to the small number of parameters required by their system representations. The existence of two highly relevant, already funded efforts makes it possible to demonstrate feasibility within the funding and time constraints of Phase I: one which makes key measurements on a NASA noise control testbed, and another which develops the theory for the algorithms.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The specific product that will be developed with this SBIR effort is a fully adaptive, autonomous controller for multiple-input, multiple-output systems in which there is significant feedback from the actuators to the disturbance sensors. This product can be applied to many different structural or acoustic control problems, including: ducted fans for aircraft transport propulsions, low-noise propulsors for submersible vehicles, commercial and industrial cooling and ventilation fans and ducts, and almost any lightly damped structure in which motion can be sensed for later cancellation. Initial development will focus on high-valued systems, such as aircraft engines and submarines, where there is a large financial incentive for noise reduction.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Larry Davis

Planning Systems Incorporated

7923 Jones Branch Drive

McLean , VA 22102

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Alan Friedman

Planning Systems Incorporated

7923 Jones Branch Drive

McLean , VA 22102

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Advanced Prediction Tool for

Simulation of Turbomachinery Noise


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Serious concerns regarding the adverse

environmental impact of aircraft noise have led to

increasingly stringent regulations on the allowable

acoustic emissions from commercial transport

aircraft. To facilitate future growth in air

transportation while ensuring compliance with

international noise regulations, urgent attention to

noise prediction and reduction technologies is

required at this time. The perceived aircraft noise

levels during both takeoff and approach phases are

controlled by the turbomachinery noise, in

particular, its fan component. Here, an accurate yet

highly efficient numerical technique based on a

(high-order) computational aeroacoustics (CAA)

algorithm is proposed for simulating

turbomachinery noise. This approach is innovative

in tapping the potential of CAA to provide an

enhanced physical understanding of and integrated

prediction methodology for turbomachinery noise.

In addition to providing guidance and checks for

preliminary design tools, simulation tools of this

kind will minimize the overall design cycle time and

significantly enhance the competitiveness of U.S.

engine manufacturers in the global aviation market.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Turbomachinery design, engine noise reduction

technologies for subsonic commercial transports,

aerodynamic and aeroacoustic prediction, validation

of analytical prediction tools for turbomachinery

noise, computational electromagnetics, radar

detection and avoidance, wireless communications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Meelan M. Choudhari

High Technology Corporation

28 Research Drive

Hampton , VA 23666

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mujeeb R. Malik

High Technology Corporation

28 Research Drive

Hampton , VA 23666

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Active Control of Broadband

Rotor/Stator Noise in Turbofan


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed innovation is a compact active control

system for reduction of tonal and broadband noise

radiated by rotor/stator interaction in turbofan

engines. The concept employs pressure transducers

on stators (outlet guide vanes) to capture signals

correlated with radiated noise. The signals are

processed and distributed to circumferential arrays

of actuators that serve as anti-sound sources to

cancel the rotor/stator noise. Circumferential

arrays of sensor microphones provide error signals

for the adaptive control system. Correlations

between stator vane fluctuating surface pressures

and radiated noise will be measured in the

NASA/LeRC ANCF fan to assess the feasibility of

the concept. Favorable results will lead to a

computer simulation of a simple active noise control

system and implementation of an in-situ

demonstration on the ANCF fan.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

If successful, the proposed active noise control

system would suppress the lower frequency

(between 0.5 and 1.5 BPF) range of rotor/stator

noise. This would allow passive engine liners to

more effectively target high frequency noise in the

2 BPF to 4 BPF range and to be shallower, taking

less space.

The design concept of the system is such that the

actuator arrays could be integrated with active

control systems directed at tones.

There may be non-aircraft applications for the

concept, such as compact silencers for industrial

axial flow fans commonly used for air exhaust in

power generation systems, mining, parking

garages, etc. where personnel or community noise

exposure are often critical issues.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Bruce E. Walker

Hersh Acoustical Engineering, Inc.

780 Lakefield Road, Unit G

Westlake Village , CA 91361

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Alan S. Hersh

Hersh Acoustical Engineering, Inc.

780 Lakefield Road, Unit G

Westlake Village , CA 91361

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Low-Cost Surface Treatment for

Bonding Titanium Panels

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

High speed travel requires reliable airframe

structure and low-cost fabrication technology.

Current adhesive joining methods for Ti panels are

not cost-effective. The resultant junctions are also

limited by the operating temperature under 430K

and the lack of long-term durability. This project

will develop new surface treatment processes to

create unique surface texture and chemistry for

strong and durable bonding with advanced

high-temperature adhesives. Phase I will

demonstrate the feasibility of two physicochemical

surface treatment processes to produce strong and

stable adhesive bonding for Ti panels. Phase II will

select one or two promising processes to optimize

performance, uniformity and cost effectiveness.

These surface treatment processes will be applied

to both monolithic and composite materials, and

titanium and other high-temperature metals, to

achieve a greater thermal stability of adhesive

bonding. Phase III will involve the development of

practical treatment procedures and equipment for

small-scale applications.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Physicochemical treatments are needed to prepare

stable metal surfaces for high-temperature

adhesive bonding. High performance and durable

adhesive bonding resulting from these new

processes could be used in high-temperature

aircraft and ground transportation applications. By

using little or no hazardous chemicals, these

processes could also reduce environmental

concerns associated with the use of hazardous and

toxic chemicals.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Rong Wang

Wamax, Inc.

4473 142nd Ave SE

Bellevue , WA 98006

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dora F. Wang

Wamax, Inc.

4473 142nd Ave SE

Bellevue , WA 98006

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Variable Cell Blanket Sandwich Panel


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This project's purpose is to determine the viability

of mathematically modeling the load transfer

properties of uninterrupted variable cell blanket

structures. Variable cell blanket sandwich panel

technology integrates varying density areas into a

laser welded expanded honeycomb core structure

without the need for costly core splicing. The fully

integrated varying cell blanket configuration

creates an uninterrupted load transfer from one cell

size to another.

This effort will consist of the physical testing and

mathematicaly modeling of the properties of

samples of laser welded titanium honeycomb core in

a variety of cell sizes, and foil thicknesses. It is

anticipated that a viable approach to the modeling

of variable cell blanket structures will be

developed. This approach will be the model used in

designing low cost titanium sandwich panel


Variable cell blanket sandwich panels offer reduced

weight, lower cost and higher strength over other

fabricated panel structures. NASA and the

aerospace industry will benefit for this improved

structural design concept. Complex aircraft designs

requiring both low weight and strength can utilize

this technology to stay within their design


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Initially, the aerospace industry, both commercial

and military, will receive the greatest benefit from

variable cell blanket technology. Variable cell

technology offers decreased cost, decreased weight

and increased strength for all honeycomb sandwich

structures. There are a number of commercial

markets that will potentially benefit from this

technology. It is expected that the significantly

lower cost and flexible design possibilities afforded

by this product will encourage the use of

honeycomb in industries such as automobile,

construction, and shipbuilding.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jeffrey Johnson

Benecor, Inc.

5320 West Main

Parsons , KS 67357-8830

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Kristen Johnson

Benecor, Inc.

5320 West Main

Parsons , KS 67357-8830

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Low Cost Processable High

Performance Materials for High Speed

Research Applications

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Imitec proposes to make processable low molecular

weight polyimides such as LaRC-PETI-5 and

LaRC-LV type resins from solvent free or low

solvent procedures using simulated extrusion

conditions. The proposed "melt" process is an

innovation because polyimides are traditionally

synthesized using solution polymerization

techniques generating significant quantities of

waste. Efforts will focus on the types of polyimides

currently being tested in NASA's High Speed

Research Program. The project objectives include

the successful synthesis of polyimides via extrusion

like melt processes with resin properties equal or

better than traditional routes and suitable for low

cost fabrications. NASA and the aerospace industry

have significant demands for high performance

polyimides in the need to replace metal components

with light weight composites. Polyimide powders are

becoming more desirable to prepreggers as stricter

environmental regulations are being enforced. In

addition, solvent free polyimides are needed in

various fabrication techniques both by NASA and

the aerospace industry. These techniques include

Advanced Tow Placement (ATP) and Resin

Transfer Molding (RTM). The anticipated results

of polyimides made this way are better composite

properties due to absence of residual solvents and

better wet out because low molecular weight

polymer chains are not extracted.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Advanced Tow Placement and Resin Transfer

Molding to make large aerospace components out

of composites. Low density structural foam


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Betty Tung

Imitec, Inc.

1990 Maxon Road

Schenectady , NY 12308

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Stephen T. Terney

Imitec, Inc.

1990 Maxon Road

Schenectady , NY 12308

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Reducing Cost, Weight, and NOx of

Combustors by Incorporating Novel

Mixing Techniques.

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This program introduces novel mixing techniques

for supersonic transport propulsion low emission

combustor designs to dramatically reduce cost,

weight and complexity and to improve performance.

This innovation employs advanced multi-staged

lobed mixers to very rapidly mix fuel and air, both

temporally and spatially, with minimum momentum

loss to the flows. In demonstrations for other

applications, the concept has proven to improve the

transition from air/air mixing to liquid/air mixing.

This proposed work builds upon and extrapolates

the existing body of knowledge to develop a

predic-tive model for the HSCT combustor

environment. The Phase I results will be an

analyti-cal proof-of-concept, characterization of the

anticipated benefits and generation of mixer

designs suitable for verification testing in Phase II.

This program targets the de-fined Subtopic need for

environmentally and economically compatible

improvements directed at combustors for

supersonic transport propulsion systems.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed multi-staged-lobe-mixer devices can

find commercial application in a multitude of

aerosol spray devices where a liquid must be

dispersed into a co-flowing, non-reacting gas

stream. Applications include air/fuel mixers for

supersonic transport propulsion systems in addition

to other flight and land-based gas turbines. Other

appli-cations which will be pursued include paint

sprayers, humidifiers and, snow making de-vices.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Stuart S. Hay

FTS Inc.

5448 Westchester Rd

Westchester , OH 45069

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Julio E. hernandez

FTS Inc.

5448 Westchester Rd

Westchester , OH 45069

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:





Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Precise air temperature measurements currently

can not be made from high-speed aircraft. We

propose to solve this problem by using a

remote-sensing radiometer. The High-altitude Air

Temperature Radiometer (HATR) will operate in

the 15um CO2 absorption band, near the peak of

the thermal emission for stratospheric air

temperatures. This wavelength region has not been

used for commercialradiometers but has been

explored at Ophir. Using multispectral polarization

modulation and detection techniques, combined with

Ophir's experience and innovations in radiometer

design, we will minimize errors from housing and

window thermal radiance thereby permitting

accurate air temperature measurements on high

speed/high altitude aircraft such as the High Speed

Civil Transport. The unique design will enable the

radiometer to measure true air temperature out of

aircraft traveling at Mach 2.4 at altitudes up to

20km with 0.3C precision, corresponding to a Mach

number uncertainty of 0.002. These air temperature

measurements will be needed for precise control

ofsupersonic engine operation to maximize fuel

efficiency. A multiple wavelength design will allow

prediction of upcoming air temperature variations

to prevent engine unstarts.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Potential Commercial Applications

The proposed radiometer will enable accurate air

temperature measurements from high-speed

aircraft and could become an important component

of the HSCT program. In addition, range-resolved

temperature measurements will warn of potential

engine unstart conditions.

The proposed radiometer may find an immediate

market on commercial aircraft providing warning of,

and possibly permitting avoidance of, clear air

turbulence. Additionally, it may allow detection of

approaching icing conditions.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Stuart P. Beaton

OPHIR Corporation

10184 West Belleview Avenue, Suite 200

Littleton , CO 80127

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. James F. Miller

OPHIR Corporation

10184 West Belleview Avenue, Suite 200

Littleton , CO 80127

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972333

Proposal Number: 04.02-2490

Project Title: Development of a SiC/SiC Ceramic Composite Combustion Liner and Other Components

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Refractory Composites, Inc. (RCI) proposes a ceramic composite hydrocarbon ueled gas turbine combustor development program in which advanced ceramic composite materials are developed in experimental combustor liner composite configurations and experimentally evaluated. In Phase I, RCI will fabricate and test a baseline SiC/SiC combustor and demonstrate an advanced transpirationally cooled CMC configuration. By tightly coupling composite materials development and combustion based evaluation, rapid, inexpensive and realistic assessments of CMC performance status and key composite improvement needs can be obtained.

During Phase II, RCI plans to address long life performance issues such as interface degradation and silicon monoxide vaporization damage under realistic combustor conditions. The process and composite constituent improvements needed to meet those challenges will be incorporated into Phase II combustor liner test articles for rapid assessment and repeated composite development cycles. By the completion of Phase II, RCI expects to advance at least 4 CMC composite generations and achieve comparable or superior durability and operational condition performance to the Si rich SiC/SiC materials presently being eveloped.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Both supersonic and subsonic (reduced emissions) commercial transport gas turbine engines will benefit greatly from the development of ceramic composite combustors and other stationary hot engine component applications. The commercial jet industry is the largest export income generating industry in the U.S.A. These enabling CMC technologies will allow us to maintain our dominance of the international market.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Frederick S. Lauten, Ph.D.

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Edward L. Paquette

Refractory Composites, Inc.

107 North Langely Road

Glen Burnie , MD 21060

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:




Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Environmental acceptability and economic viability

are crucial issues in the development of the next

generation HSCT (High Speed Civil Transport) and

low noise exhaust nozzle technology has a

significant impact on both issues. The design noise

level requirement for the next generation HSCT is

the FAR36 Stage III subsonic rule, with margins.

Since the propulsion system jet is nearly the sole

contributor to the community and sideline noise, the

technology for low noise exhaust nozzle is key to

the HSCT environmental acceptability. To be

economically viable, the low noise exhaust nozzle

must be simple, light weight, and have good

aerodynamic performance throughout its operating

range. A simple axisymmetric plug suppressor

nozzle is presented that reduces the jet velocity at

takeoff, to meet FAR36 Stage III noise levels,

including margin requirements; delivers high

specific thrust at transonic and supersonic cruise;

and delivers high nozzle efficiencies (greater than

0.95), for high performance, at takeoff, transonic

acceleration, subsonic and supersonic cruise flight

conditions. A conceptual design study is proposed

to investigate a low pressure axisymmetric

suppressor nozzle. The conceptual design will

address acoustics, aerodynamic performance, and

mechanical design requirements, as well as their

effects on aircraft takeoff gross weight (TOGW), of

FAR36 Stage III compliance and good nozzle


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This effort will provide conceptual design of a low

pressure, axi-plug suppression exhaust nozzle for a

high flow, low pressure (VFX) engine concept. The

proposed nozzle concept utilizes proven suppression

technology that will reduce jet noise, provide good

aerodynamic performance, while save nozzle weight

and reducing mechanical complexity. When applied

to a HSCT or supersonic aircraft, the proposed

exhaust nozzle in conjunction with a VFX engine

cycle has a unique advantage over MFTF engine

cycles using ejector/suppressor nozzles, in its ability

to meet FAR 36 Stage III noise requirements, with

margin, at takeoff conditions.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Bernard Niehaus

Diversitech, Inc.

110 Boggs Lane, Suite 325

Cincinnati , 0h 45246

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James Askew

Diversitech, Inc.

110 Boggs Lane, Suite 325

Cincinnati , OH 45246

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972247

Proposal Number: 05.01-1220

Project Title: Innovative Affordable Head-Mounted General Aviation Pilot Information System

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

AVROTEC will research emerging current-off-the-shelf technologies and develop preliminary designs for an innova-tive affordable head-mounted pilot information system for small general aviation aircraft. This system will incor-porate a light-weight, small form factor (but full "page") display with a voice command and aural communication system in a single comfortable, non-view-limiting appliance. This innovative new pilot information system will make total situational awareness feasible for the many general aviation cockpits that currently have no practical installation path for full size panel mounted large LCD systems. AVROTEC'S research program will advance human factors engineering technology and certification methods for cockpit displays, advanced input evices and the syn-thesis of visual and aural outputs. The system will be designed to optimize pilot performance using AGATE-developed integrated display formats for weather, navigation & terrain, traffic, systems status and ATC messaging. AVROTEC'S innovative system will enable the option of small, low cost, low-power displays in existing aircraft and in new airframe designs, greatly increasing safety and utility of small general aviation aircraft. The AVROTEC head-mounted pilot information system will also substantially reduce aircraft electrical power demand and instru-ment panel/cockpit cooling requirements compared to large, high-brightness, panel mounted LCD displays.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The market potential for AVROTEC'S head mounted system is excellent. Much of the existing general aviation fleet does not have sufficient panel space to install the more fully featured graphic map and control systems being devel-oped to run on PC type platforms. AVROTEC's "target" models of general aviation piston engine aircraft in the ex-isting fleet total more than 135,000 units or approximately 62.7% of that fleet. Also included in the potential are experimental (amateur built) aircraft, of which approximately 17-20,000 are flying, and helicopters. In addition, this product is ideally suited to a wide variety of non aviation mobile applications. The new AGATE aircraft will also provide a growing market for the system as a supplement to panel-mounted equipment

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Kenneth A. Foote

AvroTec, Inc.

115 N.W. First Avenue, Ste 401

Portland , OR 97209-4024

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mary T. Nolan

AvroTec, Inc.

115 N.W. First Avenue, Ste 401

Portland , OR 97209-4024

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Pilot Voice Recognition for GA Aircraft

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The innovation proposed by Advanced Creations,

inc.(ACi) is to provide

a generic hands-free interface for general aviation

avionics systems.

ACi will analyze the impact of aircraft vibration,

ambient noise

levels, stress, G forces and atmospheric pressure

changes on the

accuracy of speech recognition algorithms,

developing the basis for an

innovative speech interface that will be low cost,

highly noise

immune, and capable of high level word command

recognition. The ACi

development will leverage the extensive speech

recognition research

funded by the banking community, Wright

Patterson AFB, and others,

coupled with advanced headphone/microphone

technology research being

performed by the cellular phone industry, and the

cockpit research

performed by the military. While tremendous

speech recognition

progress has been made, the existing research has

focused on rather

benign environments when compared to the cockpit.

Incorporation of

solutions for reducing the effects of ambient noise

through integrated

microphone/ headphones will be vital to program

success. We will

utilize the research results from various Air Force

and military

research programs via a Cooperative Research and

Development Agreement

already in place. The interface redundancy offered

by the proposed

system will ensure that performance and safety

levels in general

aviation cockpits increase significantly.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The achievement of the objectives of this proposed

SBIR program will

result in a readily exploited commercial product

with tremendous

market demand. An affordable generic hands off

interface will permit

the 21st century pilot to take full advantage of the

advanced avionics

systems being developed under the AGATE

program and others.

Achievement of the full potential of the AGATE

developments will

demand full utilization of the latest avionics systems

that permit the

pilot access to real-time weather and traffic data

and rapid

replanning capabilities. To fully utilize these

advances in a high

stress environment, a hands off pilot-system

interface will contribute

toward increased pilot performance and enhanced


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mr. Curtis W. Wray

Advanced Creations, Inc.

4403 Dayton-Xenia Rd.

4403 Dayton-Xenia Rd , OH 45432

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Raymond C. Wabler

Advanced Creations, Inc.

4403 Dayton-Xenia Rd.

Dayton , OH 45432

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971872

Proposal Number: 05.01-2800

Project Title: Integration of Materials and Technologies into an Innovative,

Low-Cost, Composite, Spray-Up Toolings System (STS)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The propesed innovative Spray-Up Tooling System incorporates low-cost foam, resin and metallic-arc sprays in the fabrication of dimensionally accurate, durable, composite patterns, molds and assembly fixtures used for rapid prototyping and low-cost manufacturing of composite parts and assemblies. The proposed Spray-Up Tooling System integrates several existing technologies to produce precision tooling using labor with less than "master" skill levels. The STS tooling concept also uses integrated engineering, drafting, and anufacturing

computer tools for design and fabrication, resulting in increased accuracy and repeatability unattainable in hand-fabricated patterns, molds, and fixtures. A thorough investigation of materials and processes will result in the selection of primary candidates for specific testing. The then best-tested processes and materials will be down-selected at the end of Phase I for completion and demonstration of a complet Spray-Up Tooling System in Phase II effort. Successful development of the proposed STS will represent significant improvements in composite tool economy, reductions in prototype design and fabrication lead times, precision fit of composite assemblies, and lower overall life-cycle costs of composite tooling for General Aviation (GA) parts and assemblies.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Completion of the Spray-Up Tooling System will result in immediate incorporation into the certified production process of the Global GT-3 Trainer Airplane and the Global QCS Propeller. Global Aircraft Corporation (GAC) also plans to utilize STS in tool fabrication and rapid prototyping of composite parts for GA aircraft as well as other commercial applications. The STS and services provided by Global Aircraft will benefit smaller composite production companies who are seeking improved component quality and ower unit costs. A Spray-Up Tooling System will make composite technology advances more readily available and affordable to General Aviation manufacturers and consumers. The low-cost aspects of the Spray-Up Tooling System will facilitate success for the commercialization endeavor.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Michael Pastelak

Global Aircraft Corporation

P.O. Box 850

Starville , MS 39760

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Michael R. Smith

Global Aircraft Corporation

P.O. Box 850

Starkville , MS 39760

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Automated Manufacturing System For

Grid Stiffened Structures For General

Aviation Aircraft

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

In the 1980's, the General Aviation Industry went

into a tailspin due to liability issues. During the

subsequent hiatus in activity, several proof of

concept developments appeared. These concepts

have matured in the 1990's, under the impluse of

the Advanced General Aviation Transport

Experiments Program and others. As a result the

industry has renewed technical potential to


To date innovative lightweight/low cost, dolphin

shaped, composite airframes, which blend the wings

and the engines into the structure at their ideal

location, have been designed and test flown.

Superior strength/weight performance has been

obtained with structures which are Grid-Stiffened

along geodesic lines. Additionally many first time

observers are stunned by the amount of

unobstructed space available within the airframe.

What is currently lacking is an automated

manufacturing capability for grid stiffened

(geodesic) structures. This issue, if unresolved, will

keep the General Aviation Industry from

developing beyond the level of prototyping and

therefore revitalization would almost certainly be

out of the question.

W. Brandt Goldsworthy & Associates, Inc.

(WBG&AI) propose to solve this problem by

integrating current composites winding and

fiber-tow placement technology with blow-molding

technology to form a liner.

The results, which we need to obtain to consider

this program a success, is a turnkey composites

manufacturing cell which is capable of making a

dozen airframes per day. This challenge is so

profound that it will require entirely new ways of

thinking, and and it will likely have to include the

advantages of thermoplstics technology.

At the end of Phase I we expect to have developed

the concepts and designs necessary to automate

grid stiffened structures manufacturing.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The benefit, as described in the abstract, is that a

sorely needed manufacturing capability is created.

This will give rise to high technology and affordable

general aviation aircraft. There is also a significant

potencial to use this manufacturing technology for

producing components and tankage for the big

commercial airliners. As commercial space

initiatives continue to develop WBG&AI also

expects that payload shrouds and rocket tanks will

be made with the automated grid stiffened

manufacturing technology.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

W. Brandt Goldsworthy

W. Brandt Goldsworthy & Associates, Inc.

23930-40 Madison Street

Torrance , CA 90505

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


George Korzeniowski

W. Brandt Goldsworthy & Associates, Inc.

23930-40 Madison Street

Torrance , CA 90505

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972269

Proposal Number: 05.01-7079

Project Title: Shared - Bandwidth Broadcast FIS System

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NavRadio proposes to develop a system which allows a single aviation VHF frequency to be shared by an existing audio broadcast signal and a VDL Mode 2 digital datalink broadcast system. This will allow addition of datalink broadcast capability to numerous existing facilities, without using any additional frequency spectrum or bandwidth, and without the need for coordination or assignment of new frequencies in potential conflict with existing services. The end result is enhanced effectiveness of the existing facility by adding digital dissemination, and enhanced VHF spectrum capacity by accomplishing FIS data broadcast without use of additional spectrum, thus reserving scarce spectrum for other interactive analog and digital services. The system is designed to be easily retrofitted to existing certificated facilities without change to any hardware or software, except for replacement of the in-lace VHF transmitter with a new one. The proposed product also includes all necessary data interfaces and processing to connect a variety of Flight nformation Services (FIS) data sources to the Shared Bandwidth transmitter, and manage the dual flow of voice and data automatically.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Upgrade of or initial installation with audio broadcast NAVAIDs such as automated weather systems (AWOS, ASOS, automated unicoms), voice advisory systems (ATIS), Remote Communication Outlets, or Automated Voice Altimeters (AVA) for addition of digital data broadcast. Potential customers include federal, state and local governments, airport authorities and operators, air carriers, and government and industry providers of Flight Information Services (FIS) worldwide. In addition, near-term deployment of a digital FIS broadcast capability, using the international VDL Mode 2 open standard, will fuel econdary commercial opportunities for a variety of end-user products such as airborne displays, receivers, and information services. Such a near-term deployment is facilitated by the lack of need for additional VHF frequency spectrum.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Brian D. Haynes

NavRadio Corporation

6300 34th Ave. South, Suite 200

Minneapolis , MN 55450

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Don T. Moore

NavRadio Corporation

1726 Cole Blvd., Suite 110

Golden , CO 80401

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 970444
Proposal Number: 05.01-9765
Project Title: Integrated Design and Manufacturing Software Tool for Windows
Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)
Affordable and rapid implementation of advanced technologies is an increasingly important aspect of general aviation (GA) product development. Resource optimization for new products and processes requires close coordination between all participating team members. The primary barrier to effective communication is intuitive data integration. As the organization expands, in membership and geographic location, the difficulty in achieving IDM optimization increases.

Recent advances during the last 2 years - in three key areas - have provided a foundation for an effective solution to this problem. The performance of computers continues to improve at an exponential rate allowing the migration of high-powered software tools onto one low-cost hardware platform. Likewise, as the storage price ($/meg) continues downward, increasing amounts of information are now being digitally developed and archived. Given these factors, the PC environment is now poised for significant use within GA product development.

The Phase 1 effort involves the technical feasibility of transferring existing NASA funded research from a large aircraft application to GA. Phase II would then lead into the development of prototype software system, which fully integrates a Client/Serve Database system with ActiveX and OLE2 compliant software. Using this IDM technology will help generate tremendous savings to the life cycle cost of GA.
Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)
All successful companies search for ways to add value to their products, increase efficiency, and improve the bottom line. This is a delicate balancing act where the merit of fresh ideas and technologies are weighed against the realities of the business climate. Success depends on making the best decisions in the shortest amount of time. Today, global markets and scarce resources have greatly raised the stakes. Fortunately, information technologies have matured allowing for the creation of powerful analysis tools. The next logical step is to create an intuitive IDM technology that enables companies to maximize their team efficiency.

Continual improvements in product development, cost and performance are key for survival of most organizations. By its very nature, effective communication within a multi-disciplinary team will need to span organizational boundaries. An IDM tool would improve critical product development communication across the design, production and management roles. With widespread use, companies utilizing IDM technology will require a significantly larger number of licenses than would be typical of computer-aided design (CAD) tools. Therefore the market potential is larger than the current market for CAD products (+2 Billion 1996).
Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Christopher M Fulgham
TeamVision, Inc.
P.O. Box 24207
Federal Way , WA 98093-1207
Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Brian Deutsch
TeamVision, Inc.
P.O. Box 24207
Federal Way , WA 98093-1207

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:



Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposal concerns a novel flight control

system, called "Delta Flaps" (Patent Pending) for

the generation of high lift and for stall/spin recovery

of General Aviation (GA) aircraft. The invention

addresses the need to reduce GA aircraft cost while

improving utility, performance and safety.

Compared to conventional high lift devices (HDLs)

such as flaps, the new invention requires much less

installed weight. It is simpler to integrate into the

wing design and can be deployed when the aircraft

is already in a stalled mode. The objective of the

proposed work is to generate a data base that

proves that the proposed high lift concept works

and can be used toward the development of a

generic design for the GA market. The Phase I

effort calls for flow visualization tests, for the

measurement of the polar of the model wings in a

wind tunnel, a first analysis of the aerodynamics of

the proposed HLD and flight tests of a radio

controlled airplane model with fully functional Delta


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Delta Flaps serve as high lift generating device

during take-off and landing of aircraft, as lift

enhancing device for existing onventional flaps and

as stall/spin recovery device with either hand

operated or automatic deployment. They can be

used as either original or as retrofit system.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Dieter Nowak




Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Dieter Nowak




Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Low-Cost Piston Engine Health

Monitoring and Control System for

General Aviation

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The innovation proposed is a unique combination of

low cost sensors coupled with advanced adaptive

signal processing. The resulting system will

simultaneously provide vital engine diagnostics, and

advanced engine control. Sensors utilized in Phase

1 will include accelerometers and in-cylinder

pressure transducers. Event isolation will be

accomplished using active noise suppression

techniques. It is expected that by utilizing low-cost

multi-use sensors and on-board processing, the

diagnostic components of the system will more than

offset their costs due to a reduction in maintenance

requirements. Phase 1 will concentrate on

development and validation of an innovative

approach to diagnosing engine mechanical fault

conditions. The approach will be demonstrated on

two mechanical faults: excessive connecting rod

bearing wear and compression loss due to piston

ring wear. It is anticipated that the same approach

will be applicable to early detection of a number of

additional mechanical faults including piston skirt

slap, valve seating anomalies, maladjusted valve

train components, and preignition. The diagnostic

components of the production system would provide

failure prediction, thereby enhancing safety,

reducing scheduled maintenance costs, and

extending the required time between overhauls.

The control components will reduce emissions,

enhance performance and efficiency, extend enginelife, and enable single lever control.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This engine monitoring and control system

developed for piston powered general aviation

engines has direct commercial potential in the

aviation market. While very few piston powered

general aviation airplanes have been manufactured

recently, there is a promising future for growth in

the market as existing airplanes disappear from the

market and there is great potential for retrofitting

the system to existing airplanes either before or

during engine overhaul. Also, the system or a

similar system could be used in much larger

numbers in automobiles, commercial diesel, marine,

and industrial motors. Finally, adaptations of the

system could be used on turbine engines, electric

motors, or any other rotating machinery.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Keith D. Hoffler

ViGYAN, Inc.

30 Research Drive

Hampton , VA 23666

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


E. Richard White

ViGYAN, Inc.

30 Research Drive

Hampton , VA 23666

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Lightweight Aircraft Diesel Utilizing

Carbon-Carbon Technology

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

DeltaHawk proposes to utilize carbon-carbon

technology in a lightweight 2-cycle diesel engine we

are developing for general aviation use. Our

engine's design represents substantial

improvements over the current fleet's engines:

lighter weight, smaller, fewer parts, lower BSFC,

smoother running, preferred fuel type, liquid

cooling, no electromagnetic interference,

single-lever power operation, and lower cost.

Carbon-carbon pistons and liners would provide our

engine with additional improvements in:

Efficiency -- Carbon-carbon components provide

the potential for increased thermodynamic

efficiency by reducing heat transfer from the

working gas through the liner, piston crown and

cylinder fireplate. Thermodynamic efficiency

translates in operation to improved fuel efficiency.

Pollution reduction -- Higher cylinder surface

temperatures promote more complete combustion

and shorter ignition delay, and therefore less

pollutants. This benefit would augment the

inherently lower pollution levels of the engine's

diesel (excess air) combustion cycle and use of

unleaded Jet-A fuel.

Weight reduction -- The higher strength and lower

density of the carbon-carbon material can reduce

engine weight by allowing lighter pistons and

smaller crankshaft counterweights.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Many dynamics are driving the general aviation

marketplace interest in diesel engines: the need to

migrate to a non-leaded fuel; the need to reduce

emissions; fuel availability, reduced flammability

and price advantages of diesel or Jet-A over

100LL; simplicity of operation; track record of

durability; and fuel economy. The DeltaHawk

diesel technical design will provide these benefits,

and has advantages over known diesel prototypes.

DeltaHawk is within six to eight months of

producing (in Experimental status) the first aviation

diesel in our business plan: the standard upright

V-4 200 hp model. Future development, phased

over the next 2 years, includes an offset drive V-4,

standard and offset-drive 400 hp V-8 models and

potentially V-4 100 hp models (all designed for the

general aviation market). The FAA Certification

process will be initiated for each model as soon as

design is stable. The DeltaHawk 200-400 hp models

will be suitable for most aircraft currently using

150-500 hp gasoline piston engines. Sales are

anticipated for new Experimental aircraft,

replacement engines for both Experimental and

Certificated aircraft, and potentially for new

Certificated aircraft.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Douglas A. Doers

DeltaHawk, Inc.

10698 S. 76th Street

Franklin , WI 53132-9541

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Diane E. Doers

DeltaHawk, Inc.

10698 S. 76th Street

Franklin , WI 53132-9541

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972120

Proposal Number: 05.02-9207A

Project Title: Piezoelectric Ignition and Sensing Device

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The four stroke engine remains the main power source of light aircraft and motor vehicles. Constant efforts concentrate on improving the efficiency and reducing harmful emissions from engines. A Piezoelectric Ignition and Sensing Device has been formulated that will improve efficiency and reduce harmful emissions of four stroke engines. Approximately ten percent of the electrical power produced by an internal combustion engine is used for ignition. By removing the ignition power requirements, a smaller alternator can be used and overall system efficiency will be improved. Internal combustion engines still have significant environmental harmful emissions. These harmful emissions mostly occur when the engine is running with misfiring, knock and mistiming. To date, the sensing of these conditions rely on secondary sensing. Using the piezoelectric element as a pressure sensor will give a direct indication of the presence of knock, misfiring and mistiming.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

All the manufacturers of engines, light aircraft and automotive, will welcome any improvement on current engines. Federal regulation requires new generation engines to be more fuel efficient and environmental friendly.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Aaron Bent

Mide Technology Corporation

247 Third Street

Cambridge , MA 02141

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Marthinus C. van Schoor

Mide Technology Corporation

247 Third Street

Cambridge , MA 0214

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

An advanced system for dynamic model

deformation and angle-of-attack


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The development of a commercially viable model

deformation and angle-of-attack measurement

system is proposed. The system will have a

real-time dynamic measurement capability of at

least 60 Hz, and an accuracy of 0.005 degrees or

better. The Phase I effort focuses on performing a

thorough optimization study and selecting an

appropriate implementation, along with the

demonstration of a prototype system. A follow-on

Phase II effort would result in a ruggedized

commercial version for operation in major NASA

wind-tunnel facilities. The significance of such a

system is that it has the potential to replace the

conventional accelerometer-based angle-of-attack

system under difficult dynamic load conditions. In

addition, it can shorten the wind-tunnel testing

process by providing accurate wind-on model

deformation information for the proper

interpretation of loads data. The approach is

innovative in its combination of the convenient

single-camera photogrammetric approach with

modern digital video systems and a new real-time

target-tracking process. By providing an accurate,

easy-to-use, non-contact measurement of several

very important model parameters, the system will

reduce wind-tunnel testing cycle time and improve

the value of performance data.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Current video-based photogrammetry systems in

use at NASA wind tunnels are still in the

development stage, and the importance of these

systems is widely recognized. In the area of

angle-of-attack measurements, there is a clear

need for an optical method to replace the current

accelerometer-based system under dynamic

conditions. Commercial active-target systems have

already been used in some NASA facilities, showing

that a market clearly exists for these systems.

Since it is built with off-the-shelf technology, the

proposed system has the potential to provide

optical angle of attack at a substantially reduced

cost compared to existing systems. In addition to

wind-tunnel applications, there is a huge market for

remote optical measurements in many other areas.

Machine vision systems are now routinely used in

factory environments for quality inspection and

process control. Other industrial applications

include architectural and terrestrial surveying, and

forensic reconstruction. In the medical field, the list

of potential applications includes the diagnosis of

muscular and skeletal problems, studies of

anatomy, and reconstructive surgery. Many of

these applications could benefit from the dynamic

capabilities of our proposed system.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ronald H. Radeztsky, Jr.

High Technology Corporation

28 Research Drive

Hampton , VA 23666

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mujeeb R. Malik

High Technology Corporation

28 Research Drive

Hampton , VA 23666

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors for

Simultaneous Measurement of Shear

Force, Strain, and Temperature for

Aerospace Applications

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

SEACOM proposes to develop new fiber Bragg

grating (FBG) sensors for wind tunnel

instrumentation to measure shear force, strain, and

temperature simultaneously. Innovations include:

· a pair of cross-tilted FBG's subjected to shear

force producing Bragg wavelength shifts in opposite

directions while producing strain and thermally

induced shifts in the same direction. A differential

measurement of Bragg shifts gives a measure of

the shear force independent of strain and

temperature. Currently such an instrument is not

commercially available;

· a dual wavelength method using co-written Bragg

gratings to measure strain and temperature

simultaneously during structural deformation of

wind tunnel models.

The Phase I research objective is to verify the

proposed concepts by conducting experiments on

FBG's subjected to fluid flow, mechanical strain and

thermal stress. In the Phase II research, sensors

will be developed that are capable of distributed or

multi-point measurement to provide more data per

tunnel-occupancy-hour. The all-optical nature of

FBG sensors makes them suitable for remote

operation and for measurement in a severe

environment of electromagnetic interference or

vibration. The proposed FBG sensors will be useful

to NASA for both cryogenic and high temperature

testing of wind tunnel models.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Commercial Applications:

- Remote and distributed flow measurement in an

explosive environment such as oil and gas pipes

- Water flow measurement in hydroelectric power


- Industrial processes requiring flow and

temperature measurements

- Shear force measurements in the design of


- Health monitoring of structures such as bridges

and buildings

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jianli Zheng

Science & Engineering Applications Company


4317 Country Club Circle

Virginia Beach , VA 23455

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Arnel C. Lavarias

Science & Engineering Applications Company


4317 Country Club Circle

Virginia Beach , VA 23455

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Vibrostatic Buffeting Alleviation

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA Langley Aeroelasticity Branch is addressing

aircraft lifecycle costs by actively reducing the

vertical tail buffeting due to vortices originating at

wing/fuselage leading edge extensions ("LEX")

during short duration high-alpha maneuvers. In a

departure from previous methods, the system uses

an piezoelectic induced strain actuation ("ISA")

mechanism. As applied to the 1/6 scale F/A-18

Transonic Dynamic Tunnel ("TDT") model, the

port vertical tail is equipped with piezoceramic

elements that enables alleviation of buffet loads

through active means. However, the current system

appears to a number of deficiencies. Although

piezowafers are lightweight and easily

attachable/embeddable the present system requires

bulky electronics and undue control power and

complexity to achieve necessary bandwidth and

stroke requirements. The system provides no level

of passive damping on the vertical tail either in high

strain flight condition or in normal flight. Moreover,

there is insufficient actuator authority to affect

modes other than the fundamental root bending

moment. EMF proposes a new concept of

vibrostatic damping and d33 bimorphs that

increases the control authority, minimizes the drive

electronics requirements and substantially reduces

power consumption while simultaneously

introducing a measure of passive damping at both

low and high alpha regimes.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

EMF's vibrostatic damping concept creates a new

product for a multifaceted commercial marketplace.

The proposed system has application to almost any

intermittent damping vibratory systems positioning

or attenuation incorporating piezoelectric or

electrostrictive devices. Opportunities include:

Ground and Space-borne Optics, Ultrasonic

Cleaners and Sports & Leisure Equipment.

Exploitation of the size and power reduction in

active mode combined with added passive damping

achieved under this project would make the

technology viable for a wide variety of such

applications. As noted in the support letter, EMF is

developing strategic partnerships for commercial

applications of this technology with Boeing Long

Beach. In particular, significant interest exists for

its application to wing flutter for the HSCT. EMF is

further developing strategic partnerships with

Blatek Corporation and Quiet Power Industries for

direct commercial applications of the outcome of

this research.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Gareth J Knowles

EMF Industries, Inc.

1700 Riverside Drive, Phillips Business Park

So. Williamsport , PA 17701

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Robert Coppola

EMF Industries, Inc.

1700 Riverside Drive, Phillips Business Park

So. Williamsport , PA 17701

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

CFD/CSD Interfacing via an

Innovative Structural Boundary

Element Method

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

An innovative structural Boundary Element

Method (BEM) Solver is developed for interfacing

the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and

Computational Structural Dynamics (CSD) grids.

Formulated as a solid mechanics problem with a

minimum strain energy requirement, the BEM

Solver generates a truly three dimensional (3-D)

Universal Spline Matrix. The Universal Spline

Matrix is a vector operator which includes the

coupling of displacements and forces along all axes.

Based on a similar formulation, an Exterior BEM

Solver is also developed to account for the flow grid

deformation. Thus the BEM Solver allows a unified

treatment of the displacement and force

transformation for CFD/CSD interfacing as well as

the computation of the flow field grid deformation.

The solution procedure is fully automated and

requires no further user interaction, therefore it is

ideally suitable for Computational Aeroelasticity

(CAE) and Multidisciplinary Optimization (MDO)


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Considerable growing interest is being generated in

new methodologies for aircraft aeroelasticity and

rotorcraft/STOVL aircraft CFD/CSD and

computational aeroelasticity (CAA) interactions

requiring high-level, high-resolution CFD solutions

through CFD/FEM grid interfacing. The BEM

Solver can meet this requirement to provide

accurate and effective data transferal in high

fidelity between grid systems, thus improving

solution accuracy in aeroelastic predictions in

problems such as limit cycle oscillation and flutter.

The commercialized BEM Solver will act as a data

transferal modem requiring minimum user learning

time. Meanwhile, ZONA's reputation and track

record in supporting the aerospace industry with the

ZONA codes for aeroelastic applications will assure

the success of the future commercialization of the

BEM Solver.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ping Chih Chen

ZONA Technology, Inc.

2651 W. Guadalupe Rd., Ste. B-228

Mesa , AZ 85202

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


ZONA Technology, Inc.

2651 W. Guadalupe Rd., Ste. B-228

Mesa , AZ 85202

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Dynamic Stall Control on Rotorcraft

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A program for the development of an active control

system for controlling dynamic stall on rotorcraft

blades is proposed. The system utilizes an array of

pulsed jet actuators near the blade leading edge to

control unsteady lift and flow separation during

transient pitch-up. The control system will be

developed and tested on a rotor blade section

mounted in a low-speed subsonic wind tunnel at

Physical Sciences Inc. The ability to control and

delay dynamic stall events during oscillatory

pitching of the model will be evaluated in open-loop

experiments. Results from the open-loop tests will

be used to develop a state-space model to describe

the unsteady aerodynamic loads both with and

without control. Using the model, control algorithms

will be tested in software using MATLAB/Simulink.

The active controller will be implemented on a

high-speed digital signal processor and evaluated

on-line in its ability to suppress dynamic stall. The

experimental results will be used as guidelines for

the design of a Phase II prototype control system

for large-scale testing at flight conditions.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The performance of both commercial and military

rotorcraft may be enhanced through the application

of the proposed control system. The system will

alleviate problems which currently limit high-speed

forward flight and which produce excessive noise

and vibration in certain flight regimes. The

successful development and application of this

control system will result in the design of more

versatile and quiet rotorcraft and VSTOL vehicles.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Keith R. McManus

Physical Sciences Inc.

20 New England Business Center

Andover , MA 01810

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


George E. Caledonia

Physical Sciences, Inc.

20 New England Business Center

Andover , MA 01810

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

A First-Principles Based High Order

Discontinuous Galerkin Methodology

for Rotorcraft Flowfield Studies

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A first-principles based high order Discontinuous

Galerkin (DG) methodology for rotorcraft flow field

studies is proposed. A 3rd/5th spatial order compact

DG methodology will be developed. The scheme

developed will be compact, i.e., the cell update

overtime depends only on the information from the

cell and its immediate neighbors. A unique

advantage of the compactness of this method is that

it does not require any special treatment near

boundaries and Chimera intergrid boundaries to

maintain high order accuracy.

The compact DG scheme will be implemented in

conjunction with an innovative selective overset

refinement method. This will ensure that the

rotor-blade tip vortices convect over large

distances without dissipation. Thus, this

methodology strives to achieve the philosophy of

h-p refinement for optimal computational efficiency

in the most practical manner. The compact high

order DG/selective overset refinement will be

implemented in an ENO-based high order 3D,

unsteady, overset NS solver specifically developed

for rotorcraft studies by the Principal Investigator

and the Consultant at Georgia Tech during the

demonstration phase.

The proposed methodology will be validated and

tip-vortex core velocity profiles will be compared

with experiments for a rotor in hover. The

comparative costs (CPU, memory overhead),

robustness of the proposed high order compact DG

method with conventional wide-stencil ENO,

MUSCL schemes will be analyzed. Information

fidelity during intergrid flow-feature transfers in

overset grids will be examined.

In Phase II, the focus will be on porting this

methodology to standard NASA platforms such as

OVERFLOW, and their application to handle

complex issues such as rotor-blade interactional

noise issues, generic rotor craft interactional

problems, and tip shape acoustic characteristics


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed first-principles based efficient

resolution of vorticity-laden flowfield will be

applicable to diverse application such as non-linear

lift systems, high lift systems, and vortex buffeting

in fighter planes. Commercial application to civil

aviations include studies of wing-trailing vortex

dynamics from large aircrafts such as 747's, and

prediction of the life-span of such vortices.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Nathan Hariharan

CFD Research Corporation

215 Wynn Dr.

Huntsville , AL 35805

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Andrzej J. Przekwas

CFD Research Corporation

215 Wynn Dr.

Huntsville , AL 35805

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Reduced Order Free Wake Modeling

for Near Real Time Simulation of

Rotorcraft Flight Mechanics

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Rapid, realistic simulation of rotorcraft flight

mechanics is a continuing challenge for the

mission/flight simulation community, aircraft

designers, and control system specialists.

Accelerating flight dynamics models while

integrating them with state-of-the art performance

analysis tools is a particularly promising way to

streamline the design, testing, and certification of

new rotorcraft, particularly novel civil tiltrotors.

Efficient modeling of complex

wake/fuselage/empennage aerodynamic

interactions lies at the heart of this problem, though

rapidly evolving computational methods are now

bringing advanced aerodynamic modeling

techniques within reach for these applications. The

thrust of this proposed effort is to address the

limitations of current flight dynamics modeling tools

by developing dramatically accelerated, reduced

order embodiments of validated free wake models.

This will provide high fidelity treatments of

rotor/wake and rotor/body interaction for flight

mechanics and simulation activities while yielding

near real time performance on modern

workstations. This new model will also address

current limitations in predicting helicopter and

tiltrotor response to control inputs for general flight

conditions and will also incorporate

body/empennage effects. While integrating

smoothly with established performance analysis

tools and possessing strong "stand-alone"

capabilities, the model will be designed to be

operable with a variety of existing flight dynamics

codes for maximum utility.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Development of this capability would address the

need for new insight into the flight mechanics of

civil tiltrotor designs or other novel dual-rotor

configurations. It would also improve the fidelity of

fixed and moving-base helicopter flight simulators,

as well as aid the development of advanced flight

controls. In addition, better understanding of

helicopter and tiltrotor flow fields could also aid

commercial operators concerned with safe

operating procedures around ground obstructions or

in unusual attitudes or operating conditions caused

by environmental conditions or noise abatement


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Todd R. Quackenbush

Continuum Dynamics, Inc.

P.O. Box 3073

Princeton , NJ 08543-3073

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Barbara A. Agans

Continuum Dynamics, Inc.

P.O. Box 3073

Princeton , NJ 08543-3073

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Control and Alteration of Wing-Tip

Flowfield for Induced Drag Reduction

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The ability to alter positively the wing-tip flowfield

is a dominant factor for reducing drag-due-to-lift

and improving the aerodynamic efficiency of civil

transports. The induced drag problem exists due to

the finite span of the wing and consequently, the

formation of a tip vortex. A novel technique for

reducing induced drag is proposed. This research

focuses on effective control of the wing-tip vortex

through modifications of the tip geometry, thereby

altering the vortex initiation flowfield and

reducing the intensity of the shear-layer roll-up

process. The technique is innovative because of its

simplicity. The effort focuses on the control of

vortex-induced drag for moderate to high aspect

ratio wings and simulation of the modified tip-vortex

flowfield. The reduction in fuel burn associated with

enhanced aerodynamic performance will help

NASA meet its goal of environmental compatibility


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Design of fuel efficient wings for commercial and

military aircraft, better design of rotor blades to

improve rotorcraft performance, accurate

simulation of trailing-line vortices for developing

wake hazard reduction strategies.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mehdi R. Khorrami

High Technology Corporation

28 Research Drive

Hampton , VA 23666

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mujeeb R. Malik

High Technology Corporation

28 Research Drive

Hampton , VA 23666

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Space-Time Conservation Element

Solution Element Method for Pulse

Detonation Engine

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to develop a computer code for

simulating Pulse Detonation Engines (PDEs). This

code will be based on the space-time conservation

element-solution element method. The basic idea of

this method is global and local flux conservation in

a space-time domain. In this method conservation

variables and their derivatives are treated as

unknowns which are defined on the solution

element. A time marching scheme is constructed

using local conservation within each conservation

element. It has been demonstrated by that this

method yields high resolution for shocks,

rarefaction waves, acoustic waves, vortices,

detonation waves, and shock/acoustic,

shock/vortices interactions.

During Phase I of this project, we propose to

develop robust computer codes, based on the above

methodology, for unsteady, implicit one dimensional

and quasi one dimensional PDE problems, with

multistep chemistry. These codes will be extended

to solve general combustion problems, validated

with benchmark problems and compared with

MOZART code.

At the end of Phase II, PDE and combustion

software packages will be available for

axisymmetric and three dimensional geometries

using structured and unstructured grids with full

multistep chemistry.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The analytical formulations and their numerical

implementations proposed in this research will

enhance the capability in numerical simulation of

combustion problems and computational fluid

dynamics in general. The computer codes for

deflagration and detonation reactions developed in

the Phase I and Phase II of the proposed

developments, will result in significant performance

improvement in analysis of a wide range of engine

systems. Moreover, they can be utilized to perform

numerical experiments in the design phase, instead

of building expensive prototypes over and over

again. This will benefit new and emerging markets

both in the United States and abroad.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Tae Park

AYT Corp.

2001 Aerospace Parkway

Brook Park , OH 44142

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ayo Oyediran

AYT Corp.

2001 Aerospace Parkway

Brook Park , OH 44142

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971885

Proposal Number: 06.06-2321

Project Title: Automatic Optimization of Engine Component Design Through Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed work aims to automate the optimization of aeroengine components through the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to state-of-the-art component design tools. The design of aeroengine components is a complex process requiring many steps and hundreds of minute design decisions in an iterative process. These steps range from meanline (or 1D) design through 3D viscous flow calculations (CFD) and finite element structural analysis (FEA). In the proposed work, AI will be employed to optimize the turbomachinery design process and reduce, to the degree possible, repetitive actions required by the

designer. Both neural networks and genetic algorithms will be implemented in a commercially accepted meanline design program, which is part of a complete design system for gas turbine engine components. AI will be used to create and optimize designs which will be compared to designs created and optimized manually. While initial work will be for meanline design, this work will form the foundation for adding AI to other steps in the overall component design process in Phase II. If properly applied and tested, this technology has the potential to revolutionize the design process for turbomachinery, resulting in the ability to achieve superior performance within a reduced design cycle time.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Commercialization for this technology will be very straightforward. The proposer is an established publisher of design software tools for the turbomachinery industry, with users such as Pratt&Whitney, General Electric, Allied Signal, Nuovo Pignone, General Motors, Ingersoll-Rand, Dresser-Rand, Solar Turbines, Honda, and MHI. This AI technology will first be commercialized through integration into an existing commercial meanline design program. Later work will extend it to other parts of the complete design system.. The strong client base which the proposer enjoys can be expected to warmly embrace these improvements.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Peter Weitzman

Concepts ETI, Inc.

4 Billings Farm Road

White River Jct., , VT 05001

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Jonathan Stearns

Concepts ETI, Inc.

4 Billings Farm Road

White River Jct., , VT 05001

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron 972574

Proposal Number 97-1 06.07-1008

Project Title Reliability-based Optimization for Aircraft Structural Design

Technical Abstract

This proposal describes a six month study to demonstrate the feasibility of applying a

recently formulated algorithm for reliability-based optimization (RBO) to the structural

design of advanced aircraft. The goal of the project is to develop a computationally

efficient RBO capability for practical applications involving large numbers of design

variables and constraints. The new algorithm will be integrated with an existing commercial

structural design optimization code, ASTROS, originally developed for the Air Force Wright

Laboratory. Commercialization and maintenance of the code have been taken over by Universal

Analytics Inc. (UAI) under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRDA) with

Wright Laboratory. ACTA is teamed with UAI as a subcontractor on this project.

Application of RBO requires the quantification of modeling uncertainty. A second innovation

is proposed to derive modeling uncertainty statistics from readily available dynamic and

static analysis and test data. Dynamic mode shapes and frequencies have previously been

used to generate databases of structural modeling uncertainty for spacecraft and automobiles. The same will be done for aircraft under the proposed contract. In addition, static analysis and test data will be collected and processed to create a historical database of structural modeling uncertainty for aircraft.

Potential Commercial Applications

Structural design of commercial and military aircraft.

Structural design of space structures.

Structural design of automotive structures.

Structural design of advanced structures in general.

Name and Address of Offeror

Firm: ACTA Inc

Name: James Hudson

Street: 2790 Skypark Drive, Suite 310

City: Torrance

ST: CA ZIP: 90505

Name and Address Of Principal Investigator

Firm: ACTA Inc

Name: Timothy K. Hasselman

Street: 2790 Skypark Drive, Suite 310

City: Torrance

ST: CA ZIP: 90505

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Reliability-Based Multi-Disciplinary

Optimization of Large Multi-Component

Systems Using Interdigitation

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed research will develop a new

formulation that makes multi-component

reliability-based optimization (RMDO) problems

only slightly more computationally intensive than

conventional MDO problems. ARA and Northrop

Grumman will team with Engineous Software to

build on Engineous' commercially successful

optimization approach that couples methods

(interdigitation) and develop an algorithm that

explicitly treats uncertainties during the design

optimization. Key to success of this approach is the

use of innovative analysis strategies. Without such

strategies RMDO will be prohibitively expensive.

First, we will use the concept of results sharing

wherein we use the reliability-based analysis results

in the design space search process. Because

solution of the probabilistic analysis problem can be

formulated as a sub-optimization problem, gradient

computations in the random variable space can be

used by the optimizer. Second, we will employ the

Engineous rule-based system to limit probabilistic

analysis to a working set of constraints and random

variables. Third, we will use efficient direct

differentiation and successive approximation

techniques. RMDO obviates the need to do costly

sensitivity analyses after the optimum is found

since uncertainties and variabilities are accounted

for during optimization and RMDO results in a

robust solution since the range of operating

conditions is considered during optimization.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The recent strong demand for reliability-based

design methods in the aerospace, automotive, and

civil infrastructure industries provides a strong

market for optimum design methods that can work

within the reliability-based framework. No

commercial RBO tools exist. By working with a

commercially successful MDO package, the

chances of commercial success are quite high.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Robert H. Sues, Ph.D.

Applied Research Associates, Inc.

811 Spring Forest Rd., Suite 100

Raleigh , NC 27609

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Applied Research Associates, Inc.

4300 San Mateo Blvd, NE, A220

Albuquerque , NM 87110

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Uncertainty-based Multidisciplinary

Design Optimization for Aerospace


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed effort is concerned with the

development of a multi-disciplinary design

optimization [MDDO] software program. This

software would permit the consideration of

numerous different measures of product

performance as well as reliability in order to

determine the optimal product configuration. The

MDDO software would enable engineers to

consider the impact of design changes on all

relevant measures of performance simultaneously.

The software is innovative for several reasons.

First, it would be the first methodology capable of

handling both measures of product performance and

reliability. Second, it would enable the consideration

of variable uncertainty in the analysis of the

product design. The incorporation of variable

uncertainty would enable the designer to determine

the impact such uncertainty plays in the desired

product performance and reliability. The software

would directly estimate the sensitivity of each

performance measure to each random variable, as

well as the performance sensitivities to random

variable uncertainties. The ability to consider

variable uncertainty in a multi-disciplinary

optimization routine would be unique, and would

represent a significant advance over existing design


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed software program would permit

multi-disciplinary evaluation of product designs and

include both variable uncertainties, measures of

product performance, and reliability. This software

capability would dramatically improve the

performance and reliability of aviation, aerospace,

and other large complex systems. The capability of

assessing a product design under consideration of

multiple performance measures and reliability is a

significant improvement of existing methods.

Application of the software would be found in any

complex product or component where engineering

expertise has been used to determine the

appropriate trade-off in design and performance.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Michael T. Kowal

PerSyst Development Group of Paul Holland & Assoc.


5123 Virginia Way, Suite C-21

Brentwood , TN 37027-7519

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Michael T. Kowal

PerSyst Development Group of Paul Holland & Assoc.


5123 Virginia Way, Suite C-21

Brentwood , TN 37027-7519

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972200

Proposal Number: 06.08-5223

Project Title: Software Modules in Structural Control Laws, Optimizer and Solid Modeler.

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Integration of individual aircraft subsystems (aerodynamics, structure, propulsion, control, ...) made possible by increased computing capabilities, has potential of improving performance and safety of the aircraft if considered early in the design phase. Integration, however, makes the system model much more complex and opens new issues not dealt with before. To be able to design and verify such a complex system, it is crucial to have efficient software tools or simulation, analysis and prediction of their behavior under the simultaneous influence of the subsystems. The goal of this project is to define and build the environment for development and verification of new control laws, and for the comparison of new and existing control methodologies relevant to the aerospace industry. Also, the goal of the project is the development of a solid modeler and a structure optimizer routines and their integration with controllaws design module as well as with existing general purpose codes. The environment will consist of the tools for design, simulation, and analysis of various linear and nonlinear control theories. For this purpose the commercially available design tools Matlab and NASA software packages (STARS) will be used asa powerful combination for control laws development and verification. All necessary interface code between various tools will be developed to make whole environment user friendly. Finally, the testbed will be designed and constructed with the aerospace application in mind, but would also be kept general enough to be attractive for commercial utilization.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Computer-aided design and analysis software package will be developed for the design, analysis and verification of control laws for complex multivariable systems. Also, a solid modeler and an optimizer will be developed which together with control law design will yield an effective multidisciplinary aerospace vehicle design tools. This environment will be very attractive for commercial utilization as an invaluable tool for research and practicing engineers in industry.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Dusan Petranovic

Control Systems Engineering (CSE)

7970-1 McClellan Rd.

Cupertino , CA 95014

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Dusan Petranovic

Control Systems Engineering (CSE)

7970-1 McClellan Rd.

Cupertino , CA 95014

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972347

Proposal Number: 06.08-5538

Project Title: Balloon Launch Return Vehicle (BLRV)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This proposal describes an innovative low cost approach to launch small payloads into space and return them to a selected location on Earth. The innovation to be developed will be an analytical model of a rocket powered aerodynamic lifting body or aerospace plane lofted by a high altitude weather balloon to over 80,000 ft. for a ballistic launch into space (over 50 nautical miles) which then glides back with payloads to a designated site.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This extremely low cost approach to carrying payloads and instrumentation to space and returning them safely to Earth is expected to receive wide application by customers such as NASA, military services, National Weather Service, Universities and news/weather networks if it can be proven that safety concerns can be successfully resolved. Typical applications are gathering of data for general weather prediction and environmental studies. It is expected that the BLRV approach to space flight will be adopted as a low cost test method for vehicle propulsion system and aerodynamics evaluations.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Leighton E. Young

High Altitude Research Corporation

1019-A Old Monrovia Road, Suite 168

Huntsville , AL 35806

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Gregory H. Allison

High Altitude Research Corporation

1019-A Old Monrovia Road, Suite 168

Huntsville , AL 35806

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Resolving Turbulence-Chemistry

Interactions in Supersonic Combustion

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Beam Technologies will develop a hybrid


DensityFunction (PDF) code which will significantly

enhance the

ability ofNASA/Langley and industry to study

supersonic combustion

problems. Current finite-volume CFD codes used

for supersonic

combustion (e.g., NSAS's LARCK code) take no

account of the

turbulence-chemistry interactions, which can have


order-of-maganitude effect on the mean reaction

rates. PDF

methods are known for their ability to treat the

nonlinear chemical

reaction terms without modeling, thus resolving the


turbulence-chemistry interactions. For this reason,

PDF methods are

becoming the approach of choice in, for example,

the gas-turbine and

chemical processing industries. The proposed

project will extend the

PDF's ability to handle supersonic reacting flows

and integrate the

PDF code with the LARCK code for efficient

simulations. The finished

code will also allow users to choose between

several modules which

will provide both the LARCK code's efficienty in

simulating the

turbulent velocity field and the PDF code's

accuracy in predicting the

thermochemistry. The proposed work directly

supports NASA objectives

in hypersonic and SCRAMJET design.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Beam's proposed code will provide significant

improvement for

predicting high-speed reacting flows with complex

chemistry. The code

will make a significant contribution to the

hypersonic industry: it

will be an important step towards the reliable

computer based design


The PDF modules developed will be suitable for

connection with other

finite-volume codes.In other applications, the

proposed work will

allow the chemical and power industries to evaluate

the performance of

their products before any prototype or pilot plant is

built. This will

not only significantly reduce their capital

investment but also

provide more flexibility to the design and

modification processes.

These advantagesassure a large commercial

market and potential for

other turbulent reacting flow applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Kuochen Tsai

Beam Technologies, Inc.

110 North Cayuga Street

Ithaca , NY 14850

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Gal Berkooz

Beam Technologies, Inc.

110 North Cayuga Street

Ithaca , NY 14850

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Microfabricated, Low Maintenance Skin

Friction Sensor for Highly Transient


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Although skin friction measurements have been

made in highly transient facilities in the past,

accurate measurement of wall shear stress with

adequate spatial and temporal resolution has been

difficult to perform due to the physical size of the

instrumentation and due to high maintenance

requirements. Earlier designs required oil to fill the

interior of the gage, but by utilizing new

microfabrication techniques, such as stereo

lithography, new design possibilities will allow skin

friction sensors without the oil and its intendant

high maintenance and care but with higher spatial

and temporal resolution.

This instrumentation is crucial to the development

and operation of affordable, safe, and efficient 21st

century aircraft and other high-speed transportation

systems. The accurate measurement of wall shear

stress in fluid dynamic devices is important for

understanding the basic fluid physics involved and

assessing the performance of the device, leading to

improvements in the design and operation of future

high-speed transportation systems.

An excellent development team has been

assembled including Professor Joseph Schetz of

Virginia Tech, a world leader in wall shear stress

measurements, and F&S, a leader in sensor

development and commercialization. The F&S team

is both qualified and motivated to build upon their

combined demonstrated capabilities.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The materials and technology now exist to construct

a microfabricated sensor for the accurate

measurement of skin friction in highly transient

wind tunnels. This instrumentation is crucial to the

development and operation of affordable, safe and

efficient 21st century aircraft and other high-speed

transportation systems. The accurate measurement

of wall shear stress in fluid dynamic devices is

important for understanding the basic fluid physics

involved and assessing the performance of the

device, leading to improvements in the design and

operation of future high-speed transportation


In addition, research in the wide temperature range

instrumentation area will provide transducers with

commercial uses that will include transportation

system design, development and operation,

semiconductor fabrication, commercial jet engines,

automobile engines, the metal, ceramic and wood

processing industries, and the power generation and

monitoring systems for coal-fired, nuclear and

fuel-cell technologies. F&S has identified many end

users of the microfabricated wall shear stress

sensor within the government such as Air Force,

NASA, NASP, ARPA, Army, Navy, and the DOE.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Wade Pulliam

F&S, Inc.

2801 Commerce Street

Blacksburg , VA 24060

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Garnett S. Linkous

F&S, Inc.

2801 Commerce Street

Blacksburg , VA 24060

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Concept Map-Directed Hyperlinking for

Collaborative Design

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA, which depends on the services of many

diverse units to accomplish its missions, is

challenged by a multiplicity of information and the

geographical distribution of its personnel working

towards a common goal. This Phase I effort

proposes a novel technology developed within a

cognitive framework to fulfill the collaborative

design and information sharing needs of NASA

multi-operator teams. Our initial effort is focused

on geographically distributed operators who

generate information products and deploy these

products to a central server. Our Concept

Map-Directed Hyperlinking for Collaborative

Design has three development phases: 1)

identifying the relationships and dependencies

among pieces of information needed and generated

by operators via knowledge elicitation; 2) using the

results from the knowledge elicitation to construct a

concept map to blueprint the cognitive processes of

a multi-operator team; and 3) developing a

server-side software agent to generate hyperlinks,

directed by the concept map, between similar and

related information. Our approach is unique in that

it automatically generates meaningful hyperlinks

among information residing on the server, therefore

facilitating information sharing in a way that

corresponds naturally to the team cognitive


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The technology developed under the Phase I effort

has several potential commercial applications.

Market areas that can be targeted include the

Internet, corporate intranets, and other large

networks. Specific applications include: 1)

automatic hyperlinking capability for

Internet/intranet-based research groups; 2)

corporate data sharing through hyperlinking; 3)

intelligent-agent directed hyperlinking; and 4)

prevention of dangling hyperlinks.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Christine Illgen

Charles River Analytics

55 Wheeler Street

Cambridge , MA 02138-1125

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Greg L. Zacharias

Charles River Analytics

55 Wheeler Street

Cambridge , MA 02138-1125

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Intelligent Solution Optimization Using

Artificial Neural Networks Applied to

Numerical Flow Solvers

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

General purpose flow solvers are designed to treat

a wide class of fluid flow problems. Simulation of

any one particular class of problems is therefore

rarely optimized. Moreover, many algorithms

require frequent user monitoring and adjustment of

code parameters to ensure a successful run. A need

therefore exists to automatize code execution, with

concomitant run-time, problem dependent

optimization of the computational effort. Artificial

Neural Network (ANN) approach offers a natural

solution to this problem of "intelligent" algorithm

control. The networks inherent nonlinearity and

trainability allows the development of algorithm

control and optimization software capable of

self-tuning to any problem at hand. ANN-based

code optimization will be applied on two levels. High

level control will automatically determine the best

combinations of code parameters that determine

the most optimal overall simulation convergence

rates. Low level control will optimize performance

of individual computational modules. This project is

of direct benefit to NASA, as the work will result in

a new computational paradigm capable of radically

decreasing design cycles which rely on interaction

between simulations and hardware development.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Commercial potential for the developed software is

very high as it will allow, for the first time,

non-experts to use high fidelity CFD simulators. It

will also be of great interest to engineers who

routinely use flow simulators for hardware design,

as the software would significantly reduce

simulation times and increase throughput.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Maciej Z. Pindera

CFD Research Corporation

215 Wynn Dr.

Huntsville , AL 35805

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Andrzej J. Przekwas

CFD Research Corporation

215 Wynn Dr.

Huntsville , AL 35805

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Coordination Tool for Large, Complex

Aerospace Designs Using Artificial

Intelligence (AI) Techniques

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The overall goal of this project is to reduce design

errors and design time of aircraft by developing an

Aerospace Design Coordination Tool (ADCT),

which would coordinate a distributed team of

engineers. It will track design decisions, save

decision rationale, recognize conflicts and aid their

resolution, monitor design changes, and coordinate

the design change and updating process - a leading

source of errors in distributed aerospace design

teams. ADCT will use several concepts from AI

which have been combined into a system, called

Redux, of theories, capabilities, concepts, and

formalisms, explicitly to aid the management and

coordination of complex designs and design

changes. The ADCT would be interfaced to current

Aerospace design tools and be useable over several

different kinds of networks, to coordinate a large,

distributed team of engineers. We will prove its

feasibility by developing and demonstrating a

proof-of-concept, limited prototype.

SHAI has complemented our extensive AI R&D

expertise in the field of collaborative design with

Ken Price, a member of Boeing's Aerospace design

team who participated in all phases of the design of

Boeing's 777 and supplies familiarity and

experience with the Aerospace design process and

with design tools used.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The primary benefit of this project will be the

dramatic reduction of errors and design time and

the increased quality of designs for complex

aerospace systems. The Aerospace Design

Coordination Tool (ADCT) will facilitate the

management and coordination of complex

aerospace designs and the associated engineers

who are often geographically distributed and in

separate organizations. Use of a Boeing design

engineer facilitates commercialization.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Richard H. Stottler

Stottler Henke Associates, Inc.

2016 Belle Monti Avenue

Belmont , CA 94002

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Christopher J. Rognier

Stottler Henke Associates, Inc.

2016 Belle Monti Avenue

Belmont , CA 94002

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972516

Proposal Number: 06.10-8092

Project Title: Evidential Reasoning Tools For Risk Management in CFD

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

CFD managers are continually confronted with the task of deciding how to achieve project objectives within time, budget, computational, and manpower constraints. In addition, CFD engineers that run analyses are also continually confronted with the task of deciding such things as what flow features to model, how to parameterize and construct grids, what code to use, and so forth. All real-world decisions must be based on varying degrees of uncertain information, and consequently with some degree of risk. Currently, the process of assessing project risks is adhoc, largely experiential, and highly manual in nature. Even automated tools to dynamically assess the fidelity of flow calculations and to predict the risks of continuing or altering flow calculations are lacking. The proposed innovation involves using probabilistic and fuzzy logic methods as the foundation of automated tools and computer-based applications that are designed to help users manage uncertainty and to assess the risks associated with CFD-related tasks. Having such tools is expected to help CFD users and managers identify and address those aspects of tasks that have the greatest potential to negatively impact CFD activities and to consequently take appropriate actions to mediate undesirable events.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The need for decision tools within the CFD community is significant. Having a structured and formal way to identify areas and aspects of a task that might have the greatest impact on the quality of CFD products or the overall success of a project is expected to generate a large market for such capabilities throughout the private, government, and academic sectors. With such capabilities, problems can be addressed earlier rather than sooner, thus reducing cost, time, and wasted resources.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Leonard P. Wesley


5932 Killarney Circle

San Jose , CA 95138

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Leonard P. Wesley


5932 Killarney Circle

San Jose , CA 95138

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

An Innovative Aerodynamic Engine for

the Next Generation Design System

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The key to maintaining the United States' lead in

the commercial and military aircraft markets lies in

the reduction of design cycle times. A shorter

design cycle means lower development costs, more

rapid market response, the potential for multi-point

design optimization, and the opportunity to

incorporate future high risk technologies into new

designs. Continuum Dynamics, Inc. proposes the

development of a new "aerodynamic engine" for

this next generation design system. The central

innovations in this approach are: a fast panel

methodology providing order of magnitude

reductions in both computation time and storage

requirements over existing panel methods; a

modular fast kernel which may be integrated

directly into existing panel codes, providing aircraft

manufacturers tremendously improved performance

while maintaining their existing knowledge and

design bases; and the integration of a free vortex

particle formulation into this fast panel

methodology, providing designers with an efficient

tool for modeling vortical wake and separation

phenomena. The development and integration of

these key concepts will both lead to a major

reduction in design cycle times and provide

designers with an expanded envelope modeling tool

to understand and potentially exploit unsteady,

vortical flow structures in future aircraft designs.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The ability to rapidly calculate both inviscid and

viscous/vortex-dominated flows about complex

bodies over an entire flight operating range,

constitutes a powerful new tool for assessing

performance, loads, and flow characteristics of new

and existing configurations. The technological

innovations to be developed and implemented here

will power a family of new aerodynamic design

products including: (1) a fast-panel kernel which will

be marketed directly to aircraft manufacturers and

to panel code developers for incorporation into

existing panel based design systems to yield an

order of magnitude reduction in both computation

and storage requirements; (2) a new "aerodynamic

engine" with the potential of revolutionizing the

aircraft design process, by enhancing the flow

modeling fidelity in the preliminary stages of

design; and (3) with the integration of emerging

solid modeling and optimization technologies, a

completely new preliminary design system with the

power to perform multi-point design optimization

and rapidly evaluate high risk technologies.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Alexander H. Boschitsch

Continuum Dynamics, Inc.

P.O. Box 3073

Princeton , NJ 08543-3073

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Barbara A. Agans

Continuum Dynamics, Inc.

P.O. Box 3073

Princeton , NJ 08543-3073

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

High Density Energy Storage System

Based on an Extremely Lightweight

Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel

Cell/Electrolyzer Set

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) aircraft,

especially unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offer a

unique combination of capabilities for use as

observation platforms and relay links. They operate

closer to the ground and at lower cost than

satellites, while being capable of staying over a

small area for extended periods and remaining aloft

virtually indefinitely. Staying aloft indefinitely

requires that the aircraft be energetically

self-sufficient, and the most promising way of

achieving this is the use of solar electric power.

Keeping a solar powered aircraft aloft through the

night, requires storing surplus electric power during

the day for use at night. A lightweight proton

exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer to convert

electric power into hydrogen and oxygen in

combination with a lightweight PEM fuel cell to

generate electricity at night offers the means for

achieving this. The performance needed requires

lighter fuel cell and electrolyzer hardware than is

currently available. Equipment meeting these needs

can be economically fabricated through the use of a

combination of lightweight metal and polymer

components. The metal components can be

protected from corrosion using little, if any precious

metal plating, and bonded metallurgically to achieve

the highest possible internal conductivity, while

allowing the greatest reduction in mass.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The potential commercial applications for HALE

aircraft include meteorology, where they can make

detailed observations to support forecasting and

storm tracking, environmental monitoring, forest

fire detection, tracking and monitoring marine life,

multispectral imaging for locating mineral deposits,

and long range communication relays in sparsely

populated areas. The same lightweight fuel cell and

electrolyzer technology that is required as an

enabling technology for HALE UAVs can also be

used to produce lighter weight and more compact

PEM fuel cells for terrestrial applications, such as

clean portable power units and zero pollution


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Alan Cisar

Lynntech, Inc.

7610 Eastmark Drive, Suite 105

College Station , TX 77840

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Oliver J. Murphy

Lynntech, Inc.

7610 Eastmark Drive, Suite 105

College Station , TX 77840

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Hybrid Propulsion System for

Very-High Altitude Subsonic Aircraft

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A hybrid propshaft/jet propulsion system is

implemented with a novel piston engine that can

provide either or both shaft and gas power

regardless of atmospheric density. Utilizing a

facultative adiabatic internal-combustion engine

(FAICE) experimentally demonstrated to be

capable of delivering shaft power with and without

aspiration, a controllable hot gas generator for

producing useful reaction propulsion at high

altitudes and low airspeeds is shown. Fueled by

direct-injected nitromethane and backpressured

with a variable area expansion turbine, the engine

combustion power available is divided between

shaft power produced by the expansion of the

combustion products against a piston and by

expansion in a turbine driving a ducted-fan-powered

jet to produce reaction on the vehicle. Maximum

subsonic motive power is found to occur when the

high enthalpy, low mass flow engine exhaust

products are used to augment the total mass flow

ejected and to moderate the ejection velocity by

aspirating, compressing and mixing with available

ram air. Additional impulse energy is shown to be

available by liberating the residual chemical energy

of the underreacted exhaust gases through catalytic

ignition and combustion in the duct with the

inducted air prior to final expansion to ambient


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The performance of very-high-altitude aeronautical

and reusable aerospace vehicles can be enhanced

by using a combination of shaft and reaction power

capabilities available from a hybrid internal

combustion engine that can operate with and

without air to minimize consumption and fixed

weight. Such an engine has application to

maneuverable and recoverable single-stage-to-orbit

spacecraft as well as high-altitude atmospheric

research aircraft. Variations of the system have

merit for general aviation aircraft as well.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Alvin Lowi, Jr.

Lion Engineering, Inc.

2146 Toscanini Drive

Rancho Palos Verdes , CA 90275

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Alvin Lowi, Jr.

Lion Engineering, Inc.

2146 Toscanini Drive

Rancho Palos Verdes , CA 90275

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972310

Proposal Number: 07.02-3088

Project Title: Distributed Fiber Sensor for Aerospace Stress Monitoring and Vibration Analysis

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Physical Optics Corporation (POC), proposes to develop a state-of-the -art structural monitoring system using a distributed array of strain- sensitive fiber Bragg gratings with an optoelectronic demultiplexer sensor read-out system that directly delivers stress and vibrational analysis data. The ultimate goal is to develop and deploy a structural health monitoring system with sensor fibers forming an integral part of the critical structural elements in an aerospace vehicle. The fiber Bragg grating arrays will be temperature- compensated by independent temperature measurement and software temperature correction. The grating demultiplexing system will measure slowly varying strains at 1-2 Hz caused by constant load applied to the structural elements, as well as higher-frequency vibrations up to 1 MHz from vibrations due to air flow along the aircraft or spacecraft. Since the optical system is capable of operating at ultrasonic frequencies, with a change of the data acquisition, the system can also be used to detect laser ultrasound NDE. In Phase I, POC will fabricate a benchtop model multiple-fiber Bragg grating structural sensing array with demulti- plexing instrumentation and software temperature compensation to prove this technique is suitable for monitoring quasi-static strains and higher frequency vibrations in NASA vehicles.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A system that permits continuous multi-point monitoring of strain and vibration inside structural elements would have a large number of commercial applications. The technology could be used in commercial aviation construction and in e automotive industry. Instruments based on this system could also be mounted on the thousands of deteriorating U.S. bridges and overpasses to monitor their structural integrity, and could be incorporated in other civil structures (e.g., buildings, roadways) as well.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Lothar Kempen, Ph.D.

Phsical Optics Corporation

20600 Gramercy Place, Suite 103

Torrance , CA 90501-1821

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Gordon Drew

Physical Optics Corporation

20600 Gramercy Place, Suite 103

Torrance , CA 90501-1821

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Multimeasurand Optical Fiber Sensors

for Flight Test Applications

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Optical fiber sensors are rapidly emerging to

replace conventional electrical-based sensor

instrumentation in specific applications where small

size, low mass, multiplexing capability, and high

temperature resistance is a requirement. The

advantages offered by state-of-the-art optical fiber

sensors are particularly important for flight testing

applications where the extremely low-profile

geometry of a hair-thin optical fiber sensor permits

precise measurements of pressure, temperature,

skin friction, and heat flux with minimal intrusion

into the flow field. F&S, Inc. and researchers within

Virginia Tech's Aerospace Engineering

Department propose to develop a novel combined

optical fiber pressure, temperature, and skin

friction gage for distributed hypersonic flow

measurements during aircraft testing. The Virginia

Tech subcontract will be under the direction of Dr.

Joe Schetz who is a world expert in the modeling

and measurement of complex flow fields and the

first researcher to simultaneously measure skin

friction and heat flux at a single location. During

Phase I, together with Dr. Schetz, F&S proposes to

leverage previous experience in the development of

combined optical fiber pressure and skin friction

sensors developed primarily for wind tunnel

applications and investigate the feasibility of

miniaturizing and ruggedizing these sensor arrays

to make them compatible with the harsh aircraft


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

In addition to NASA's need for high-performance

optical fiber sensors for flight test applications,

there is a large commercial market for such sensors

for wind tunnel test applications, transportation

system design, development and operation,

semiconductor fabrication, commercial jet engines,

automobile engines, the metal, ceramic and wood

processing industries, and the power generation and

monitoring systems for coal-fired, nuclear and

fuel-cell technologies. F&S has also identified many

end users of micromachined optical fiber sensors

within the government such as Air Force, NASA,

DARPA, Navy, and the DOE.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Scott Meller

F&S, Inc.

2801 Commerce Street

Blacksburg , VA 24060

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Garnett S. Linkous

F&S, Inc.

2801 Commerce Street

Blacksburg , VA 24060

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971904

Proposal Number: 07.03-1580

Project Title: Sub-Scale Remotely Piloted Micro-Turbine Powered Hypervelocity Shape

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

SWB Turbines offers Phase I integration of transonic Micro-Turbine propulsion into a sub-scale remotely piloted vehicle of a candidate hypervelocity shape. Construction of a dual-purpose mock-up has a primary purpose to provide a means to investigate flight control systems, engine integration, cooling schemes, fit of the propulsion system mounts, and mass distribution issues. The secondary purpose of the same mock-up is that it may be transformed, in a labor-saving manner, directly into a male-plug from which a Phase II female mold can be constructed. The innovative shape proposed is more rapidly realized in a Phase II flight demonstrator, using this process. Additional innovations include the use of a transonic micro-turbojet propulsion system, in a form directly off-the-shelf with 70 lbf thrust (1997), or in an advanced low-frontal area form from 140 lbf thrust (dual SWB-2, NAS3-97068) to 350lbf thrust in advanced SWB-2 cycles (afterburner, ramjet, turbo-rocket) and a minimum diameter high thrust engine (NASA 97-1 Phase I).

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

SWB Turbines has determined that sub-scale testing of advanced shapes provides a cost-effective means to study vehicle flight performance. International interest in hypervelocity vehicle has increased, in recent years, and continues to create a market niche that offers considerable spin-off, including development and testing of advanced cycle sub-scale propulsion, CAD to CNC conversion methods for aero shape production, and potentially breaking new ground for future commercial air travel industry.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jeffrey L. Seymour

SWB Turbines

2418 Industrial Drive. Unit F

Neenah , WI 54956

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Jeffrey L. Seymour

SWB Turbines

2418 Industrial Drive, Unit F

Neenah , WI 54956

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron 971610

Proposal Number 97-1 07.03-4646B

Project Title Flight Tests of the Low Speed Characteristics of a Hypersonic Waverider Configuration

Technical Abstract

A series of flight tests of the LoFLYTE(TM) aircraft are planned, with the goal of fully

characterizing LoFLYTE(TM)'s aerodynamics, evaluating possible modifications and

enhancements to the aircraft, evaluating LoFLYTE(TM)'s neural adaptive flight control

system, and verifying the controller's generiticity. In the former area a series of flight

tests directed towards the exploration of LoFLYTE(TM) flight envelope, characterization of

its SERN nozzle, and elimination of the dutch roll phenomena are anticipated. In the

control area, flight tests designed to evaluate the performance of the flight controller in

extreme environments; in the face of aircraft modifications, system failures and/or

aircraft damage; and under fully autonomous control are anticipated. A Flight Test Program

Plan will be developed to ensure safe and efficient conduct of the flight test experiments.

Potential Commercial Applications

Fully developing the low speed characteristics of a hypersonic waverider configuration with

an advanced neural vehicle management system provides several near term applications of the

resulting technologies to subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic flight vehicles. The benefits

of this program exhibit tremendous longer term potential applications to operational

military and civilian vehicles. Research applications include subsonic target drone

applications, Mach 2 to 4 ramjet powered vehicles and Mach 4 to 8 dual mode ram/scramjet

powered vehicles. The United States Navy in its Mission Needs Statement has identified the

requirement for a hypersonic vehicle for military missions.

Name and Address of Offeror

Firm: Accurate Automation Corp

Name: Robert M. Pap

Street: 7001 Shallowford Road

City: Chattanooga

ST: TN ZIP: 37421

Name and Address Of Principal Investigator

Firm: Accurate Automation Corp

Name: Walter Sefic

Street: 7001 Shallowford Road

City: Chattanooga

ST: TN ZIP: 37421

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972035

Proposal Number: 07.03-9915

Project Title: Flight Demonstration of EM Enabling Technologies for Hypersonic Vehicles

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Utilizing plasma and electromagnetic interaction on hypersonic vehicles for aerodynamic control, drag reduction, thermal management and propulsion is being explored in aeronautics. Innovative schemes have been proposed by US agencies and industries and foreign governments, e.g., the Russian AJAX. This SBIR will to explore this subject and produce hardware for plasma/EM systems that form "Enabling Technologies" for advanced hypersonic aircraft.

National initiatives in hypersonic vehicle development will lead to flight vehicles within the next five years. Both the Hyper X and HySID programs have this purpose and provide unique opportunity to host experiments to explore EM concepts/systems at actual conditions. Their timeline is ideal to provide the testbed for Phase's II and III.

The Phase I SBIR program will peform R/R&D to screen plasma/EM/MHD/MGD hypersonic vehicles and propulsion concepts and identify those enabling technologies for advanced vehicles within the next decade. The work plan combines scientific assessment of hypersonics subject to plasma/EM phenomena with aircraft design and propulsion engineering. It will perform analysis, engineering, system trade-off and vehicle integration studies to select systems for development in Phase II. Phase I will define a Phase II technology "road map" for verification in laboratory and flight tests to produce flight hardware for Phase III.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The plasma/EM technologies are cited for direct commercial application to future, advanced hypersonic vehicles that are under development by NASA and other government agencies under national aeronautic initiatives. It is envisioned that a many potential commercial applications will also exist for related "spin-off" technologies that will be derived from this program. Among these are methods/devices for air plasma production, active flow manipulation, electromagnetic plasma power generation, lightweight/compact high field magnets,

etc., with application to areas/markets that include U. S. government agencies (e.g., NASA, DoD, DOE), ground test facilities, aircraft manufacturers,

commercial diagnostics, utilities, and research institutions.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)


ERC, Incorporated

1940 Elk River Dam Rd, P.O. Box 417

Tullahoma , TN 37388

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,



ERC, Incorporated

1940 Elk River Dam Rd, P.O. Box 417

Tullahoma , TN 37388

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972059

Proposal Number: 07.04-1580B

Project Title: Minimum Frontal Area High-Thrust Engine

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

SWB Turbines proposes to develop a minimum frontal area high thrust turbojet engine, ultimately suited for hypersonic shape vehicle propulsion. A diameter of 5" is achieved with a two-stage compressor, yielding 174 lbf thrust, SLS. Advanced aerodynamical design of the rotating components is achieved, resulting in a 10:1 pressure ratio operating regime, at full thrust. Innovations enabling a frontal area specific thrust of 8.9 lbt/in2 at low cost include high-efficiency aerodynamics with mixed flow two-stage compressor, uncooled net-shape cast combustor liner, high-work single stage mixed flow turbine with simple vaneless exhaust, and other innovations adapted from a line of micro-turbojet engine technologies. A unique team of SWB Turbines and Sundstrand Power Systems enables rapid engine prototyping, and the offering of an innovative, low-cost casting approach for the hot sections. Previously developed SWB turbojet engines SWB-3, SWB-4, SWB-5) for similar applications have proven to be very reliable and have exceeded specifications, logging many hours in both test cell and unmanned aerial vehicles. Previously developed Sunstrand engines include the TJ-50 turbojet, TPR-80 turboprop, and the ATR-120 air-turbo-rocket engine. Sundstrand also provides a cost share initiative to the Phase II effort.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A strategic commercial plan developed by SWB Turbines, included in part in this proposal, identifies a host of commercial users, including those that have provided letters of interest outlining Phase III commitments, and vehicle integration planning sessions. Use includes unmanned aerial vehicles for Teledyne-Ryan, Boeing Hypersonics Division, Naval Air Systems, Accurate Automation Corporation, and others. Vehicles may be used for reconnaissance, DOD missions, earth observation, SSTO vehicle research, and advanced high-speed vehicle testing.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jeffrey L. Seymour

SWB Turbines

2418 Industrial Drive, Unit F

Neenah , WI 54956

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Jeffrey L. Seymour

SWB Turbines

2418 Industrial Drive, Unit F

Neenah , WI 54956

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972034

Proposal Number: 07.04-2720


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A hypersonic engine application may require a sophisticated system to maintain the hot wall structure of the combustion chamber within structural temperature limits. Insulation protects the structure for single mission requirements, but regenerative cooling is required for reusability or severe flight envelopes. At the upper limits of the hypersonic engine operating envelope, transpiration film cooling may be required, possibly in indeterminant localized regions due to combustion variations or operating requirements. A hybrid hot-wall cooling panel is proposed which incorporates a regenerative cooling design that will automatically add localized film cooling when the hot wall reaches a critical temperature where regenerative cooling is insufficient to maintain structural integrity. Film cooling is injected along the surface at local hot spots or throughout the panel for general high temperature operation to augment the regenerative cooling. The film coolant is injected at multiple discrete locations along the boundary layer to minimize local flow disturbances and to prolong the effectiveness of the film isolation of the hot combustion gases from the cooled wall for the longest distance; thus minimizing the amount of added coolant flow required to maintain acceptable operating wall temperatures. Automatic injection of film coolant is accomplished by thermally activated hot wall elements.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Next generation aerospace engines will operate at significantly higher temperatures both for military and commercial transport. This innovation will service these advances. Other applications include a hazardous waste incinerator which could benefit from the higher combustion temperatures provided by the cooling panel concept, which also can accommodate varying temperatures as well. Turbojet afterburner ducting for military and commercial aircraft could also benefit from the cooling panel formed in an axisymmetric configuration.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Albert Malek

joseph hepp engineering

22323 Lanark Street

Canoga Park , CA 91304

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Joseph H. Hepp

joseph hepp engineering

22323 Lanark Street

Canoga Park , CA 91304-3809

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Large-Scale Performance

Improvements of RBCC Engines Using

the Dynamic Ejector

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A unique and innovative approach to significantly

increasing the thrust performance of

ejector-configured, rocket-based combined-cycle

(RBCC) engines is proposed. The approach

involves oscillating (switching) the rocket exhaust

at high frequency (the dynamic ejector), rather than

permitting it to simply flow coaxially with the

induced air as in a conventional ejector

configuration. Since the sole mechanism for

transferring momentum and energy between the

two streams in a conventional ejector is viscous

shear through turbulent jet mixing, very large

losses result. This leads to lower thrust levels

(hence, specific impulse) than those achievable

using a more efficient method of momentum and

energy exchange. It is shown herein that oscillation

of the rocket exhaust using secondary fluid

injection (as in thrust vector control techniques)

results in a far more efficient transfer of momentum

and energy, leading to very significant increases in

specific impulse, probably in excess of 50% thrust

augmentation. The proposed concept is responsive

to the solicitation's subtopic calling for "high thrust

performance of take-off of the

hypersonic vehicle..." Indeed, the performance

benefits derived from the proposed concept occur

principally at take-off.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Ejector ram/scramjets will be found to be a cost

effective, high performance propulsion system

technology in the near future. The participants in

NASA's ARTT program have already committed to

this technology. We will seek to move the

technology developed in Phases I and II into

prototype and full-scale engine development in

Phase III, with application to three market sectors:

the military, civil and commercial marketplaces,

both domestic and foreign. The Phase III objectives

will be to continue the process of evolving the

integrated, dynamic ejector-based, RBCC ejector

ram/scramjet, and further reducing the technology

risk through system demonstration at the

prototype, then full-scale level. The reduction of

technical risk is a required precursor to the

reduction of business risk. This, then, is a precursor

to positive investment decisions.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Wallace Chinitz

GASL, Inc.

77 Raynor Avenue

Ronkonkoma , NY 11747-6648

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


John I. Erdos

GASL, Inc.

77 Raynor Avenue

Ronkonkoma , NY 11747-6648

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A Pulsed Detonation Engine Ejector

Concept for High Performance


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

MSE Technology Applications, Inc. (MSE)

proposes to evaluate and test a Pulsed Detonation

Engine-Ejector (PDEE) concept for hypersonic

vehicle design. Due to its high specific

performance, design simplicity, and low weight, the

Pulsed Detonation Engine (PDE) is a good

candidate for the low-speed propulsion system for

hypersonic vehicles if the PDE thrust levels can be

increased. This cannot be easily accomplished by

increased pressurization, and there is a practical

size limit on the PDE that can be integrated into the

vehicle. The ejector concept solves that problem by

using the mass flow of a secondary stream for

thrust augmentation. Using the Ramjet/Scramjet

engine as the secondary channel makes use of

existing hardware and does not increase the overall

engine weight. The proposed engine design relies

on the unsteady ejector concept, which is proven to

be much more efficient than the steady ejector,

such as the Rocket-Based Combined-Cycle

(RBCC) engine. This innovative concept also

extends the combustion regime of previous

unsteady ejector designs to the detonation mode,

which can produce higher ejector performance. The

proposed PDEE can therefore simultaneously

achieve the high specific impulse and high

thrust-to-weight required for single-stage

hypersonic vehicles.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed PDE-Ejector concept can be used for

the design of the low-speed propulsion system for

hypersonic vehicles. The successful design of this

engine component is extremely important for

NASA, the Air Force, and several private-sector

companies interested in the manufacture of

reusable launch vehicles for the placement in orbit

of a constellation of satellites. The concept can be

applied to large reusable hypersonic vehicles or as

boosters to expendable vehicles. Further

refinement of the technology, notably

miniaturization and soundproofing can also lead to

cruise missile applications and the design of

propulsion systems for a wide range of military and

civilian applications. MSE is also presently

collaborating on PDE technology development with

United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) and

Pratt & Whitney, who may be partners in the

proposed R&D effort and in the commercial

development of the technology.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jean-Luc Cambier

MSE Technology Applications, Inc.

P. O. Box 4078

Butte , MT 59702

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Michael R. Tuck

MSE Technology Applications, Inc.

P. O. Box 4078

Butte , MT 59702

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971811

Proposal Number: 08.01-0092A

Project Title: Optimal and Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Vibration Control for Reusable Launch Vehicles

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

In this Phase I project, a Genetic Algorithms (GA's) based fuzzy logic control (FLC) approach is proposed to attenuate acoustic and structure-borne disturbances for reusable launch vehicles. The application of smart materials to reduce the acoustic and structure-borne disturbances will be developed and demonstrated by an advanced prototype. Smart piezoelectric sensors and actuators, GA's based fuzzy logic control, real-time control software development, and hardware-in-the-loop simulation are included in the technique. The developed real-time active vibration control experimental system will be used to verify and demonstrate the active vibration control technique employing fuzzy logic and Genetic Algorithms. The results from the proposed approach will be compared with those from other methods.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This project will lead to an intelligent structure vibration control which is of great commercial potential. Possible applications include the spacecraft and aircraft production industry, ship and submarine design, automobiles and high rise buildings.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ching-Fang Lin

American GNC Corporation

9131 Mason Avenue

Chatsworth , CA 91311

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ching-Fang Lin

American GNC Corporation

9131 Mason Avenue

Chatsworth , CA 91311

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Novel Conformal Sandwich Panel


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed program will demonstrate the ability

to produce novel conformal titanium sandwich panel

structures. Specifically, techniques will be

demonstrated for controlled thermal spraying and

selective laser sintering of functionally gradient,

conformal, porous titanium structures. Further

enhancements to the specific stiffness will be

achieved through an innovative process enabling

ceramic microspheres to be co-sprayed with a

titanium matrix. The resultant structure will have

controlled porosity varying from 0-60%, with

graded distributions of both porosity and ceramic

fillers. Structures fabricated using the proposed

process will be suitable for use in high speed flight

vehicles and space structures including cryogenic

tanks, cowlings, thermal protection structures and

substructures, and other flight vehicle structures.

The program will develop, using laser fusion and

thermal spray techniques, titanium structures

graded from 100% dense to less than 50% dense in

a relaible, repeatable manner. The processing

method relies on the use of innovative sintering aid

titanium encapsulated metal powders and fillers and

controlled heat input during thermal spray

deposition. This spraying of semi-solid particles will

result in a fully dense deposit ranging from 30 mils

to over 1/2 inch in thickness.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Anticipated Program Results: Successful

completion of the proposed program will result in

thermal spray/lasar fusion parameters and

microentineered raw materials enabling the buildup

of conformal Ti structures ranging from fully dense

to 60% porous in a repeatable, controlled manner.

These structures will ifnd applications in launch

vehicle structures, including thermal control

structures for operation at 400-800 degrees C,

aircraft structures, combustion engine structures,

injectors, and corrosion resistant coatings.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Animesh Bose

Powdermet, Inc.

416 Trinity Court

Petaluma , CA 94954

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Andrew J. Sherman

Powdermet, Inc.

9960 Glenoaks Blvd., Unit A

SunValley , CA 91352

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Prediction of Launch Vehicle Ignition

Overpressure and Liftoff Acoustic


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed research addresses a problem of

importance to the design of both expendable and

reusable launch vehicle structures and the satellites

they carry. During rocket engine ignition at liftoff, a

shock wave and exhaust gas mass flow are

produced which interact with the launch pad to

generate pressure waves (Ignition Overpressure or

IOP) that impact the vehicle and cause both

overpressure loading and acoustic concerns. In

addition, the rocket plume generates acoustic

waves which, in turn, interact with the launch pad

geometry and impact the launch vehicle.

The proposed work will extend an existing

simulation of rocket ignition and plume generated

overpressure and acoustic fields to a wide range of

launch vehicles and launch facilities and allow rapid

determination of the structural forcing functions

imposed during launch.

An existing database of Shuttle and Titan data will

be expanded to include all available flight and test

data. The data will be characterized in terms of the

rocket and launch complex characteristics. Selected

data records will be employed to validate the

numerical predictions. Code modifications will be

completed during Phase II of the project.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The application of this technology to commercial

launch vehicles and satellites will enable the

determination of critical design loads when

launching a payload on any particular launch

vehicle at a selected launch complex and will offer

methods to predict mitigated overpressure and/or

acoustic environments if the payload and/or launch

vehicle survival is in question.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Gary M. Ogg

Applied Research Associates, Inc.

5941 S. Middlefield Road, Suite 100

Littleton , CO 80123

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Peter T. Dzwilewski

Applied Research Associates, Inc.

4300 San Mateo Blvd., NE, Suite A220

Albuquerque , NM 87110

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

An Integrated Aerodynamic

Design/Analysis Approach for Advanced

Launch Vehicles

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A unified aerodynamic design and analysis

procedure for advanced reusable launch vehicles is

proposed as a means to reduce the number of

design iterations for a new vehicle. State-of-the-art

analysis methods, recent technology advances, and

historical knowledge and experience will be

assembled into a knowledge-based system to

provide an economical, unique, and practical means

to analyze and evaluate new designs during the

conceptual, preliminary, and final design phases of

new launch vehicles. The proposed approach is

based on techniques which have proven successful

for a number of launch vehicles. The goal is to

efficiently evaluate the impact of vehicle

aerodynamics on performance, structures, guidance

and control, and cost early in the design. In Phase I,

the feasibility of the design/analysis procedure will

be demonstrated with a prototype system which

includes the latest advances in computational

technology as well as experience from the past. The

proposed procedure is needed by NASA, DoD, and

the new launch provider companies to decrease

design cycle time and thus design costs. Its

commercial potential has been demonstrated by

NEAR during aerodynamic analyses for

commercial booster designs.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed aerodynamic design and analysis

method will have commercial application to NASA,

DoD, and commercial launch service providers who

are designing new advanced launch vehicles. The

method will help reduce the number of design

iterations, thus reducing vehicle development costs.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Michael R. Mendenhall

Nielsen Engineering & Research

526 Clyde Avenue

Mountain View , CA 94043-2212

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Michael R. Mendenhall

Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc.

526 Clyde Avenue

Mountain View , CA 94043-2212

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972438

Proposal Number: 08.02-0010

Project Title: Magnetic Compression of Colliding Spinning Micro Tori for Fusion Space Propulsion

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A compact fusion rocket burning the two nonradioactive fuels: deuterium and helium 3, both space resources, would enable NASA to conduct ambitious commercial, robotic and human exploration. The D-He3 fusion reaction is particularly attractive for space propulsion because its reaction products are energetic charged particles, which can be shielded and confined by magnetic fields. The key physics of this fusion rocket concept are the collision and magnetic compression of spinning FRCs (Field Reversed Configuration) plasma tori. The tori are heated by compression to thermonuclear temperatures. D-He3 fusion will heat the plasma, causing it to react back against the magnetic field, recharging the compression circuit and expelling plasma as rocket exhaust. This device would have high pay-off commercial power generation applications on Earth, and has the potential to reduce cost and increase performance of deep space propulsion systems. The important aspect of this concept addressed in this proposal is the demonstration of feasibility of the magnetic tori collider-compressor. An existing experiment, CMTX (Colliding Micro Tori eXperiment), will be upgraded for stronger compressions of the collided tori with the goal of 10KeV ion temperatures. This will allow rapid transition to Phase II work in which actual D-He3 fusion reactions will be triggered.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The harnessing of D-He3 fusion in a compact reactor-rocket engine would create an energy-space economic synergism and dramatically increase commercial activity in the space frontier leading eventually to a multi-planetary economy. It would lead to a He3 based energy economy for Earth, since the compact reactor can be modified to produce electric power instead of thrust for terrestrial use. Lunar and later planetary He3 mining would then allow cheap non-greenhouse, non-radioactive waste producing electric power for the terrestrial economy while leading to massive expansion of human activity into the solar system.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

John Brandenburg

Research Support Instruments

4325-B Forbes Blvd.

Lanham , MD 20706

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Michael Corson

Research Support Instruments

4325-B Forbes Blvd.

Lanham , MD 20706

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Rocket Thrust System for Reusable

Launch Vehicle Powered by the QED

IEF Power Plant

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The QED Engine concept offers to the space

program of the 21st Century

a potentially economical means of space access

using single-stage to

orbit and highly reusuable launch vehicle

technologies. Based upon

the posited existence of a compact, lightweight

fusion electric power

source, the QED Engine involves the conversion of

fusion power into

the heating of a working fluid whose subsequent

expansion produces

thrust. The specific innovation proposed here is the

means by which

this power coupling is achieved, and in how the

heated propellant is

to produce thrust. In the proposed effort, the

coupling of power from

an electron beam into a plasma for the purpose of

heating the plasma

to conditions appropriate for producing thrust will

be examined. The

expansion of the heated plasma through a nozzle

created by a carefully

tailored magnetic field, and how this magnetic

nozzle and the plasma

parameters can be configured to optimize thrust will

also be examined.

Phase I will culminate in an understanding of the


parameter regimes for the electron beam, the

in-flowing working fluid,

and the magnetic field of the nozzle. This will lay the


for more specific investigations and


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The effort proposed here forms the basis of a larger

and longer term

effort whose success will result in a widespread

commercialization of

space. Involvement of the private sector in

developing early

engineering models of the QED Engine will produce

the earliest

commercial returns from licensing agreements

involving technology

developed in this program.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Michael H. Frese


1400 Central Ave., SE, STE 2000

Albuquerque , NM 87106-4811

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Michael H. Frese


1400 Central Ave., SE, STE 200

Albuquerque , NM 87106-4811

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972157

Proposal Number: 08.02-0261

Project Title: Demonstrate the Feasibility of fabricating a Dual Microstructure YBCO Toroid Suitable for Gravity Shielding Experiments

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Results published by E.E. Podkletnov (1) describe a multiphase YBCO superconductive disc which, when levitated and rotated at temperatures below 70 Kelvin provides partial shielding of gravitational forces. Attempts by US researchers to duplicate the apparatus and specifically the superconductive toroid have not been completely successful. In the Phase I program we will demonstrate the feasibility of manufacturing a superconductive toroid with dual microstructure similar to that used by Podkletnov. Two approaches will be explored to fabricate small scale discs. The most promising scaleable technique will then be used to fabricate a nominal 8" OD, 2" ID, 0.5" TK superconducting toroid. The core of the toroid will be further characterized by the research team and the toroid itself will be delivered to NASA for further gravity shielding experiments.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Large size, melt textured YBCO superconductor is a key component of the Gravity Shielding apparatus described by Podklentov. Gravity Shielding could revolutionize the economics of space vehicles, airplanes, railroads and automobiles. YBCO superconductors can also be useful for commercial devices such as Frictionless Bearings, Current Leads, and Fault current limiters.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Suvankar Sengupta

Superconductive Components,Inc.

1145 Chesapeake Ave

Columbus , OH 43212

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


J.R. Gaines, Fr.

Superconductive Components,Inc.

1145 Chesapeake Ave

Columbus , OH 43212

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

The Terminator Tether: A Low-Mass

System for End-of-Life Deorbit of LEO


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The Terminator Tether will utilize propellantless

electrodynamic tether drag to provide a low-mass

means of removing LEO spacecraft from orbit at

the end of their operational lifetimes to prevent the

build-up of orbital debris. The Terminator Tether

will be a small autonomous package that is attached

to a spacecraft before launch. When the satellite

fails, or is no longer needed in orbit, the system will

deploy a conducting tether weighing a small

percentage of the spacecraft mass. This tether will

interact with the Earth's magnetic field, generating

a voltage along the tether. The induced voltage will

drive a current along the tether. The interaction of

the current with the geomagnetic field will generate

a force opposed to the spacecraft's orbital motion.

This drag force is sufficient to deorbit the

spacecraft within several weeks or months,

compared to decades or millennia for atmospheric

drag alone. The SBIR effort will develop innovative

concepts for lightweight subsystems for deploying

survivable conducting tethers, controlling the

dynamics of the tether, and emitting electrons from

the negative end of the tether. These innovations

will enable the Terminator Tether to provide a rapid

deorbit method that requires significantly less mass

than a conventional rocket system.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The Terminator Tether will find commercial

applications on every satellite and upper stage

placed into orbits between 500 and 1500 km

altitude. Within the next decade, the number of

satellites in LEO will grow rapidly. Unless these

spacecraft are removed from LEO at the end of

their lifetimes, LEO will soon become filled with

derelict spacecraft and orbital debris. The standard

method of deorbiting a satellite is to use rockets.

This method, however, requires that a large fraction

of the satellite launch mass be allocated for deorbit

propellant. Moreover, it requires that the rocket

and guidance systems be functional. The

Terminator Tether can provide rapid deorbit while

requiring only a small percentage of the launch

mass, maximizing the amount of payload mass that

can be used for transponders and stationkeeping

propellant. In addition, it can deorbit satellites even

after the satellite's power and attitude control

systems have failed. Commercial potential is

demonstrated by the fact that Teledesic has

expressed a strong interest in using the Terminator

Tether on their satellites and dispensers, a launch

system company has offered free test flights worth

$4,500,000, and an investment group has expressed

interest in providing $2,000,000-$5,000,000 in

Phase III funding.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Robert P. Hoyt

Tethers Unlimited, Inc.

1917 NE 143rd St.

Seattle , WA 98125-3236

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Robert L. Forward

Tethers Unlimited, Inc.

8114 Pebble Ct.

Clinton , WA 98236

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:




Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The objective of this effort is to develop a compact,

efficient, gas-fueled pulsed plasma thruster (PPT)

for space propulsion applications. Pulsed power to

drive the thruster will be delivered via a highly

reliable, all-solid-state nonlinear magnetic pulse

compressor to be optimized specifically for pulsed

plasma thruster applications. Initial

proof-of-concept demonstrations conducted at

Princeton University's Electric Propulsion and

Plasma Dynamics Laboratory (EPPDyL) have

demonstrated up to 50% electrical efficiency with

mass utilization efficiencies approaching 100%. The

thruster has also been designed so as to be

propellant insensitive, opening up the possibility of

utilizing propellants which might be mined at the

destination for the return trip.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Successful completion of this SBIR will result in a

new class of efficient, reliable, lightweight electric

thrusters for space-based propulsion. These

thrusters will be suitable for providing either

primary propulsion or stationkeeping requirements

to a vast array of commercial satellites.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)





Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,






Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Antimatter Production at a Potential


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Current antiproton production techniques rely on

high energy collisions between beam particles and

target nuclei to produce particle and antiparticle

pairs, but inherently low production and capture

efficiencies make these techniques inadequate for

the cost-effective production of antimatter for space

propulsion and other commercial applications.

Based on Dirac's theory of the vacuum field, an

innovative antimatter production technique is

proposed in which particle-antiparticle pairs are

created at the boundary of a steep potential step

formed by the suppression of local vacuum fields. A

quantum mechanical analysis of spin-1/2 particle

tunneling and reflection from a potential barrier is

presented which shows that matter particles will be

reflected from the potential step while antimatter

particles continue through the potential barrier,

where they can subsequently be collected and

stored for future use. Techniques for generating the

required potential barrier are discussed, and an

experimental Phase I research program is outlined

that will demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed

technique for antiparticle production. If successful,

the proposed research will lead to the development

of an efficient, cost- effective method to generate

antimatter in sufficient quantities for commercial

and space exploration activities.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

If successful, the proposed technology will provide

a cost effective method to produce antimatter in

sufficient quantities for spacecraft propulsion and

other commercial applications, including on-site

medical radiation treatments, nondestructive

material testing, and material processing


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Michael R. LaPointe, Ph.D.

Horizon Technologies Dev. Group

4168 Rocky River Drive

Cleveland , OH 44135-1188

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Michael R. LaPointe, Ph.D.

Horizon Technologies Dev. Group

4168 Rocky River Drive

Cleveland , OH 44135-1188

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Design of a High-Efficiency Antiproton

Degrader/Accumulator to Support

Advanced Propulsion Research

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Antiprotons offer the highest potential performance

in advanced space propulsion systems. Several

concepts for using antiprotons for propulsion have

been developed during the past decade. To date,

however, a source of low energy antiprotons to

perform feasibility experiments has not been

available. Because of the recent development of the

high-capacity portable trap developed by G. A.

Smith at Penn State University, the storage

technology now exceeds the production capacity at

the world's acclerators. We intend to design and

computationally verify a new solid-state degrader

that will allow a two order of magnitude increase in

the availability of storable antiprotons. This will

allow the new traps to be filled in hours instead of

months which will enable antiproton reearch to

advance in a number of directions including

proof-of-concept experiments in advanced


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The potential for commercial applications using

antiprotons is tremendous. Although several

researchers have postulated the need for a portable

source of low energy antiprotons for physics

research and energy source development, the most

promising near term commercial use is in the

production of short-lived, biomedical radioisotopes.

These isotopes are currently used to detect many

forms of cancer using Positron Emission

Tomography. The isotopes, however, are currently

limted to expensive production facilites. A portable

source would allow a 100 fold increase of the

availablility of PET scans across the nation. In

addition to the PET application, antiprotons can be

used in conjunction with proton beam therapy to

precisely locate the end-point position of the proton

beam. Proton therapy is a rapidly growing

procedure at the Massachusetts General and Loma

Linda facilities. Both of these industries could be

revolutionized or enhanced by the development of a

portable source of antiprotons that can be rapidly

refilled. This proposal will enable that technology.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Steven D. Howe

Synergistic Technologies, Inc.

19 Karen Circle

Los Alamos , NM 87544

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Steven D. Howe

Synergistic Technologies, Inc.

19 Karen Circle

Los Alamos , NM 87544

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:





Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Aluminum powder is an additive to many

propellants. For more than 60 years attempts to use

it as an energy enhancer for hydrocarbons were not

very successful. Metastable electroexploded

nanosize aluminum powder (Alex), could revitalize

NASA's Metallized Propellant Program. Alex and

other metals produced by the electroexplosion of

metal wire are metastable, producing additional

energy and burning rate. Alex based gels with

water, hydrazine or mixtures of the two, melt as low

as -92C, and burn to produce hot hydrogen at flame

temperatures around 3,200K. Alex may be

passivated by microencapsulation in paraffin

coatings that protects it from spontaneous reaction

with air or reaction in boiling water. Yet, recent

tests show that such Alex when mixed into

kerosene will burn to completion in a

hydrocarbon/air flame, while coarser aluminum in

kerosene could not be ignited or burned at all. The

objectives of the Phase 1 study are to formulate

water and RP-1 gels and test them to determine

combustion characteristics. In Phase 2 we would

perform rocket motor tests to prove the utility of

both Alex/ water as a monopropellant as well as

using Alex to increase the energy and speed of

burning of RP-1.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Alex/water gels have application as

monopropellants for small space rockets. They may

also have application as a convenient and energetic

pyrotechnic that can be used as a hydrogen source,

generating heat and light in underwater

applications, and as a heat source in certain welding

and joining applications. Alex additives to

hydrocarbon fuels may find use in ramjets,

scramjets and other air-breathing engines to

enhance the specific mass-energy density of such

engines, and to stabilize their burning. Proving the

utility of Alex gels would enhance the sales of Alex,

already being manufactured and sold by Argonide

for propulsion and energetic applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Frederick Tepper

The Argonide Corporation

240 Power Court, Suite 108

Sanford , FL 32771-9530

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971666

Proposal Number: 08.05-0688

Project Title: Advanced UV Raman Diagnostics for Rocket Engine Tests

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

To contain the increasingly high costs of ground test data, development of advanced, non-intrusive diagnostics which are capable of generating reliable, quantitative flow field information is imperative. Laser diagnostics have the potential to provide a cost-effective measurement tool for ground tests. Spontaneous Raman has been successfully applied to high pressure rocket engine tests for the qualitative measurement of major species and temperature. By analytically and experimentally addressing issues concerning system calibration, laser-induced interferences, and stimulated Raman processes, we anticipate the development of an advanced quantitative Raman system for rocket engine test applications. This diagnostic will be of direct benefit to a wide range of difficult measurement applications such as a rocket-based combine cycle or hybrid rocket motors.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

An advanced Raman diagnostic system capable of quantitative species and temperature measurement will enjoy a wide commercial appeal. Endeavors which are particularly attracted to this technology are automotive and marine engine research, aerospace propulsion testing, wind tunnel testing, CFD validation experimentation, environmental monitoring, and process control.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Peter DeBarber

MetroLaser Inc.

18010 Skypark Circle Suite 100

Irvine , CA 92614-6428

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James Trolinger

MetroLaser Inc.

18010 Skypark Circle Suite 100

Irvine , CA 92614-6428

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Emission tomography for non-intrusive

three-dimensional measurements of

density, temperature, and chemical

composition in rocket engine plumes

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This proposal presents an economical instrument

for making global measurements of density,

temperature, and constituent concentration of

rocket engine plumes. This innovative technique is

based on collecting emitted flame radiation from a

large number of viewing angles; the irradiance

depends on the integrated effects of gas and

particulate temperature and species concentration

along the optical path. Using a large number of

intersecting optical paths allows the resulting set of

radiative transfer equations to be inverted to obtain

the spatial temperature profile of the flame or

plume. This emission tomography approach is

appealing because, unlike conventional

transmission tomography, neither probe beams nor

their associated optics are required. Therefore,

only simple optical access to the combustion

chamber is required to implement this technique.

Emission tomography can be used with both

stimulated and spontaneously emitted radiation,

and spectroscopic methods may be used to isolate

the concentration of one or more constituents. By

using two emission lines of a known species, the

temperature may be extracted by a simple two color

technique. Prior simulations and experiments

presented here illustrate that with simple optical

geometry and a single camera, the reaction zone of

a diffusion flame may be accurately identified; this

illustration applies equally well to temperature

measurement. Iterative algorithms are necessary to

account for self-absorption and refraction effects.

This technique may also be applied directly to other

gas phase processes.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed instrument will provide three

dimensional density, temperature, and constituent

concentration measurements using spectroscopic

emission computed tomography. This instrument

will be useful in both research and industrial

monitoring applications, having applications in

areas requiring three dimensional measurement.

Significant applications include high temperature

gas dynamics, welding, plasma spray, and other gas

phase flows.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Timothy D. Upton

Northeast Photosciences, Inc.

18 Flagg Rd.

Hollis , NH 03049

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Paul Bagley

Northeast Photosciences, Inc.

18 Flagg Road

Hollis , NH 03049

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971916

Proposal Number: 08.05-3550

Project Title: Propellant Leak Detection System(709CR2067)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Current liquid leak detection methods rely on electrically coupled analyzers which in fact analyze for vapor already present in the environment. A passive, non-invasive technique which detects leaks AT THE SOURCE would speed up the leak detection process, decrease the total leakage, and decrease the hazards associated with ignition sources in proximity to the propellant and worker exposure. Mainstream proposes the use of fluorescent leak detection, the compounds being specifically designed to the fuel so as not to degrade the performance of the system. This is possible since many compounds we have identified for use in these systems are actually performance improvers, and the concentrations needed to produce a fluorescent signature are only fractions of a percent. The detector light and compounds are patent-pending technologies of Mainstream for related applications, and the transference of the innovative systems to advanced propellant systems is the next natural progression. Phase I will optimize and match these compounds for specific advanced propellant systems, and Phase II will package the entire system into prototype, field-use design for prove-out testing by NASA.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The development of a passive, non-invasive leak detection technology has applications in the commercial and government space launch industry, in addition to commercial and military aircraft. This technology will increase safety during missile launch, servicing, and handling of volatile fuels. A detector such as this could also be used as part of a fuel "tag" program, and in assisting the development of new, advanced commercial jet fuels.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Charlie Ramos

Mainstream Engineering Corporation

200 Yellow Place

Rockledge , FL 32955

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Patricia Eder

Mainstream Engineering Corporation

200 Yellow Place

Rockledge , FL 32955

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971681

Proposal Number: 09.01-1100

Project Title: Miniature PCR/ Fluorogenic DNA Probe Biosensor for Space


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

SPEC, in collaboration with Dr. Carl Batt of Cornell University, has developed a design for a miniature biosensor capable of performing PCR and fluorometry in a single compact chamber for target amplification, detection and identification. In the Phase I, SPEC will construct a breadboard instrument for use in demonstrating proof of concept of this novel device for molecular biology, environmental, and medical applications in space. SPEC and Dr. Batt will explore the use of DNA probes with fluorogenic direct hybridization and PCR-based assays for detection and quantification of DNA, RNA, and oligonucleotides in a microgravity environment. These two distinct nucleic acid chemistries both have as the basis for their detection a reduction in the quenching of the intact probe molecule when the target template is present. In both formats, a fluorescent reporter dye covalently linked to an oligonucleotide probe is quenched by a second dye molecule also attached to the probe. The release of quenching, due to either the unfolding of the probe or the hydrolysis of the probe, is measured by fluorometry and is quantitative. The prototype instrument to be built in the Phase II will be small (3inx3inx5in), low power, low weight, and self-contained for use in microgravity.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The development of a small, highly sensitive, DNA probe instrument capable of providing rapid results has significant commercial applications as home diagnostic devices, medical research tools, food processing monitors, clinical instruments and environmental detectors as well as for NASA and the Department of Defense. DNA probes can provide high specificity in the detection of genes, pathogens, and environmentally hazardous biological organisms. This instrument will combine the specificity of DNA probes with the sensitivity of PCR amplified fluorometry.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Robert C. Chin, Ph.D.

Systems & Processes Engineering Corp.

401 Camp Craft Road

Austin , TX 78746-6558

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James McNeal

Systems & Processes Engineering Corp.

401 Camp Craft Road

Austin , TX 78746-6558

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971718

Proposal Number: 09.01-9591

Project Title: Modular System of Microscopic Observation Chambers for the Study of Fluids and Living Systems

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Improved techniques for microscopic observation of cells, proteins, microcapsules, and fluids in general, are commercially important for both space and ground-based research laboratories. Modular components, which can be configured to function in multiple applications, compose an innovative system of microscopy equipment. A uniquely designed hollow microscope slide offers an opportunity to study the effects of magnetic fields, electrokinetic fields, and microscopic hydrodynamics on a wide range of fluids and biological samples. The key element of the system is the hollow slide, which interfaces with other modular components, providing novel opportunities to manipulate the sample. Three sets of endcaps, each specifically designed to accommodate magnets, electrodes, or pumps, offer flexibility, stringent control of the applicable field, and user-friendly interfaces for the investigator. Now, rather than maintaining a large inventory of different slides and culturing dishes, the investigator can purchase a modular system of components that can be assembled to perform a multitude of experiments and variety of field application research. Whether used in the gravity-free environment of space or in ground-based research and analytical laboratory applications, our modular observation chamber system has the potential to be an efficient technique for observing specific biological components in, or interactions between, fluid materials.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Commercial applications will capitalize on the widespread need for unique microscopic observation techniques both on earth and in the low gravity environment of space. The commercial product anticipated from this proposed research program is an innovative microscopic observation system for use in both space and ground-based laboratories. Such a system has potential applications in areas such as magnetically delivered therapeutics, electrokinetic phase demixing, particle aggregation in electric fields, electrophoretic mobility of particles and drops, and the motion of solutes in simulated iontophoresis. Microscopic observations of interfaces provides an opportunity to examine: the coalescence process in aqueous two-phase systems; solutocapillary motion during macrovoid formation; macromolecular crystallization when free diffusion is used as the crystal growth method; and tracking of solute movement in simulated transdermal delivery experiments. Additional spin-off products and services are expected to have broad applications in numerous scientific and medical research fields; hence, the market for our technology is the widely segmented biomedical field. While our technology will have broad global applications in the ground-based markets, our target market niche is application of the technology in the unique environment of space in the glovebox on the International Space Station.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

D. Scott Dunn

Space Hardware Optimization Technology (SHOT), Inc.

5605 Featherengill Road

Floyd Knobs , IN 47119

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mark S. Deuser

Space Hardware Optimization Technology (SHOT), Inc.

5605 Featherengill Road

Floyd Knobs , IN 47119

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971735

Proposal Number: 09.02-1100

Project Title: Metabolite/Chemical Monitoring Using Molecular Imprint (MI) Technology

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Systems & Processes Engineering Corporation (SPEC) and Dr. J.P. Chambers of University of Texas at San Antonio propose to use molecular imprinting (MI) technology to fabricate artificial receptors for the detection of mechanistic biomarkers/chemicals. The MI technology will provide a means of developing receptors for metabolic/chemical biomarkers which currently do not exist. The need for a metabolite/chemical measurement system is critical to assessing animal or human physiology and growth in space environments. A number of protease enzymes and metabolites have been used to evaluate mechanistic responses to various physiological and environmental stresses, and growth stimulates, by immunological and immunoassay methods. However, for a number mechanistic biomarkers, no biochemical sensing/receptor components are available for biosensing applications. Furthermore, with existing sensing elements including enzymes, antibodies and lectins, requirements such as stability cannot be guaranteed. In Phase I, SPEC and Dr. Chambers propose to develop and demonstrate the MI technology for biosensor detection of a candidate biomarker of interest to NASA. In Phase II, SPEC will proceed to develop, construct and fabricate a prototype MI biosensor for biomarkers/chemicals

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The development of compact, stable biosensors based on MI receptors has significant commercial applications as home diagnostic devices, medical research tools, food processing monitors, clinical instruments and environmental detectors as well as for NASA and the Department of Defense. In addition to its use for biomarkers/chemicals in humans and animals, the MI biosensor can be used to detect toxins, dangerous chemicals, and hazardous environmental agents. MI devices could significantly impact on the projected half-billion dollar market for biosensors in the year 2000.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Robert C. Chin, Ph.D.

Systems & Processes Engineering Corp.

401 Camp Craft Road

Austin , TX 78746-6558

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Jim McNeal

Systems & Processes Engineering Corp.

401 Camp Craft Road

Austin , TX 78746-6558

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972600

Proposal Number: 09.02-5000

Project Title: Bioregenerative Testbed Unit for Integrated Animal/Plant Research

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Biologically closed life support systems will be extremely important in all aspects of longer duration future space flight and have significant potential application to improved recycling techniques for ground application. A key feature in the performance and functionality of a biologically closed life support system are the gaseous and liquid flows between plant and animal components. ORBITEC proposes the preliminary design and prototyping of critical elements that will allow monitoring of the gaseous and liquid exchanges between sealed plant chambers and a sealed rodent chamber on Space Shuttle or Space Station. The Biomass Production System developed by ORBITEC is significantly modular to accommodate independent plant and rodent environments with the capabilities of metering liquids and gases into and out of the chambers. This enables analyses of the quantity and quality of exchanges between the two environments. The SBIR will bridge the existing plant-only systems into an integrated plant/animal facility with sufficient separation between plant and animal habitats to allow monitoring of gas and liquid transfers.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The BTU will be provided to NASA as an operational facility similar to BPS and offered to users through commercial means (e.g., direct purchase, lease, lease through SpaceHab). Through the SBIR process, development becomes streamlined in a more commercial vain and actual flight products have resulted that perform better than state of the art. The system could be provided for ground-based research such that scientists could run preparatory experiments and ground controls.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Thomas M. Crabb

Orbital Technologies Corporation

Space Center, 1212 Fourier Drive

Madison , WI 53717

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Eric E. Rice

Orbital Technologies Corporation (ORBITEC)

Space Center, 1212 Fourier Drive

Madison , WI 53717

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A digital holographic monitor for

protein crystals and materials science

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Proposed innovation: Holographic methods

measure how crystallization parameters influence

protein crystal size, quality, and growth rates.

Traditional holography is labor-intensive and

difficult to use in-orbit. We propose a Digital

Holographic Monitor (DHM) that records on a

CCD array and numerically reconstructs

interferometric and high resolution images in near


Project objectives: The central goal is to

demonstrate digital holographic recording of crystal

growth and important materials science parameters

such as temperature and concentration. We build on

and tailor technology we developed for marine


Effort proposed: (1) Determine measurement

parameters and operational constraints; (2)

construct test samples and record holographically;

(3) verify critical modules under flight conditions;

and (4) develop a Phase II DHM design.

Results anticipated: Phase I results should include

a detailed Phase II DHM design and development

roadmap. The Phase II DHM will be a near flight


Expected NASA applications: The DHM supports

experiments such as the Interferometric Study of

Protein Crystal Growth (IPCG) that differentiate

low-g growth from the ground-based process. The

DHM is also valuable for materials science

experiments in fluid mechanics, mixing,

solidification, and other processes that require

monitoring of density fluctuations or high resolution

imaging through deep depths of field.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

In addition to the proposed biotechnology and

materials science applications, holography has

proven useful in non-destructive testing, surface

characterization, and particle classification and

monitoring. A compact, robust, and stable

instrument such as the DHM should be important

for high-precision industrial monitoring and testing

and environmental sensing.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Robert B. Owen

Owen Research inc.

2525 Arapahoe Ave/Suite E4-262

Boulder , CO 80302-6720

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Brian L. Sperry

Owen Research inc.

2525 Arapahoe Avenue/ Suite E4-262

Boulder , CO 80302-6720

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

A Validated Computational Model to

Enable Real Time Control of the Pulsed

OMCVD Process for Heteroepitaxy of

Compound Semiconductors

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Pulsed Organo-Metallic Chemical Vapor

Deposition (OMCVD) is being investigated for

ground-based and microgravity applications by

NASA and North Carolina State University (NCSU)

as an effective technique to eliminate defects

during heteroepitaxial growth of compound

semiconductors. This technique requires tight

process control to regulate the sequence and

duration of pulses in response to instantaneous

growth patterns. It is proposed to develop and

validate an advanced computational tool as a

critical enabling technology for process control for

pulsed OMCVD.

Phase I will focus on developing a kinetic model for

the surface reaction pathways during OMCVD. The

model will be tested by implementation into an

existing CFD code. A multi-dimensional

computational model will be developed for the

NCSU OMCVD reactor and detailed simulations of

flow, heat/mass transfer and gas/surface chemistry

will be performed. The model predictions for

ground-based growth will be validated against

measured NCSU data . The model will also be used

in support of the NCSU space flight experiment

design and operation. The Phase II work will focus

on extensive validation of the chemistry models

over a range of operating conditions. Advanced

Monte Carlo models will be applied to understand

the microstructural evolution of the film. A series of

parametric simulations will be performed to

determine optimal operating conditions for the

reactor. The model will be fully validated using

ground-based and microgravity flight data.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Heteroepitaxy of compound semiconductor

materials on heterogeneous substrates is a vital

technology for optoelectronics in the blue to

ultra-violet wavelength region and non-linear optics

in the infra-red region and power devices and

integrated sensor devices. The proposed model will

be an enabling technology in demonstrating

defect-free heteroepitaxial growth by facilitating

appropriate control of the pulsed OMCVD process.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Samuel A. Lowry

CFD Research Corporation

215 Wynn Drive

Huntsville , AL 35805

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Andrzej J. Przekwas

CFD Research Corporation

215 Wynn Dr.

Huntsville , AL 35805

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Gasless Combustion-Driven Furnace for

Materials Research in Microgravity

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The limits of electrical power available for furnaces

in space-based materials science experiments

severely restricts the maximum attainable

temperatures and the size of the processed

samples. The overall energy density stored in

chemical fuels is several orders of magnitude

greater than electrical batteries or fuel cells.

Conventional fuels, however, cannot be used in

space because of the hazard caused by the

generation of large quantities of hot gaseous

products. A novel concept for heating elements

utilizing gasless combustion of compacted powders

will allow very high temperatures (T > 3000 K) and

high energy densities for use in materials

processing. Furnaces using these heating elements

will be extremely simple and economical, and due to

the wide variety of the reactants available they can

be tailored to the specific needs of a particular

experiment (maximum temperature, duration). The

feasibility of the concept will be demonstrated by

assembling and testing gasless combustion-driven

heating elements that will provide short-duration

peak temperatures in the range of 2500-3000 K or

long-duration stable temperatures in the range of

1000-1500 K. Phase II research will target higher

temperatures (3000-4000 K), and a variety of

combustion-driven heating elements will be

designed for microgravity materials science


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Gasless combustion-driven heating elements will

supplement or replace existing furnaces for

materials processing in space. These elements will

be especially useful for applications which require

short-duration high-peak temperatures, in sounding

rockets and satellites where the available electrical

power comes from batteries, and in trial

experiments where designing a permanent

specialized furnace is not economically feasible.

Spin-off of the work may also lead to the

development of heating cartridges for geological

analysis in the field (analysis for dissolved gases),

safe heating elements for canned foods, etc.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Samuel Goroshin

Combustion Technologies International

P.O. Box 090080

Brooklyn , NY 11209-0080

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Samuel Goroshin

Combustion Technologies International

P.O. Box 090080

Brooklyn , NY 11209-0080

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Apparatus and procedures for

microgravity synthesis of photonic


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The innovation proposed comprises a system which

will support the first ever synthesis of a mesoscopic

crystal in a microgravity environment by external

illumination. This organization of microparticles will

be effected in an evacuated cell by

counter-propagating beams generated by a compact

laser. The resulting structure will have lattice

dimensions directly determined by the incident

field. With the apparatus to be developed for

microgravity operation, the particles will be

practically motionless unless disturbed directly or

through electromagnetic force. This will make the

flux intensity requirement for self-organization

considerably less than the necessary intensity on

earth, which must overcome convection forces.

Phase I will entail an investigation which will result

in an in-depth expertise in the system to be

developed. The investigation will deal with

microparticles in a fluid suspension to compensate

for gravity. Phase II will involve the design and

prototyping of a unit that can serve in orbiting

microgravity experiments.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Commercialization can be implemented for

spaceborne applications. The basic nature of the

requirements for the desired effects are easily

translated into a low-cost system. The capabilities

of such a system will fill the needs of missions both

in space and on the ground. Ordered phases of

materials are extremely valuable in electronics,

optics and acoustics. In electronics: solar cells and

other photovoltaics will operate with dramatically

increased efficiency due to the emission

modification of the periodic structure imposed. In

optics: frequency-agile filters can be formed with

the particles in a fluid or vacuum host, due to the

wavelength dependency of the lattice constant.

Acoustical filters can be effected as well. Scaled-up

versions of this system can foreseeably make

possible the management of debris. Thus, as space

missions become more cost-contained, the stable

environment for binary media (particle

distributions) provided by this system will be

available to and utilized by an increasing number of

government and industrial customers: aerospace

agencies, communication and surveillance entities,

scientific research companies alike, will have a

need for a system with the capabilities described,

and the means to attain this system will be within


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Laurence Malley, Ph.D.

Altair Center

48-12 Briarwood Lane

Marlborough , MA 01752

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Sergei Krivoshlykov, Ph.D.

Altair Center

48-12 Briarwood Lane

Marlborough , MA 01752

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Applying X-ray Topography &

Diffractometry to improve Protein

Crystal Growth

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed innovation is to develop a process

that is sufficiently non-destructive to detect and

analyze protein crystal defects and still permit a

complete conventional diffraction analysis. By

providing a quantitative means to evaluate protein

crystals it will be possible to gain insights into how

to improve their quality. By this process,

experimental and theoretical research in utilizing

the influence of microgravity in protein crystal

growth can be advanced.

The project is mainly concerned with the

microscopic technique called X-ray topography. An

understanding of the defect structures formed in

macromolecular crystals is important if growth

conditions are to be optimized. To a large extent the

success of the semiconductor industry in growing

large, defect free crystals of silicon and germanium

is due to efforts similar to the effort we are


While X-ray diffraction is an inherently destructive

process for many protein crystals and in time will

destroy a macromolecular crystal, the process that

will be developed during this research is expected

to be sufficiently non-destructive that after the

topographic analysis it should be possible to

perform a complete conventional diffraction

analysis, determine the structure of the

macromolecule, and evaluate the quality of the

structural parameters which result.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Once fully developed and demonstrated this

process will be a vital tool in growing crystals that

can yield high resolution structural data for

structure-based drug design and for government,

industry and university macromolecular

researchers. To those performing protein crystal

growth on the shuttle and Space Station it will

enable the crystal growing process for the species

being studied to be optimized on the ground before

using these costly and limited resources.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Leonard Arnowitz

BioSpace International, Inc.

335 Paint Branch Drive

College Park , MD 20742

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Leonard Arnowitz

BioSpace International, Inc.

335 Paint Branch Drive

College Park , MD 20742

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972072

Proposal Number: 09.03-9892

Project Title: Non-Contact Furnace and Quencher for Microgravity Environments

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This research proposal will investigate the feasibility of developing a non-nontact furnace capable of maintaining the position and shape of a sample in microgravity. Our innovation involves the supply of a quenching or heating inert fluid without disturbing liquid or solid phases in microgravity.

The ability to transport samples will also be assessed, and thermal fluxes and pressure gradients will be logged and analyzed for feasibility. It is anticipated that a compact and non contaminating materials processing chamber can be demonstrated feasible through an appropriate investigation under surface gravity conditions.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Commercial applications for our innovation could relate to improving the performance of convection furnaces. Non contaminating processing and transport of solid phases under gravity could also be developed. Other applications as heating and quenching relating to thermal management of electronics and materials could be developed. Furnaces with selective surface temperatures and slow cooling rates could also be developed for specialized materials processing.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Meredith C Gourdine

Energy Innovations, Inc.

8709 Knight Rd.

Houston , TX 77054

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Clement Isonguyo

Energy Innovations, Inc.

8709 Knight Rd.

Houston , TX 77054

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Tunable UV Light Source for

Quantitative Microgravity Combustion


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Combustion studies in microgravity are critical to

ensuring the safety of personnel onboard space

craft as well as for improving our knowledge of

combustion phenomena. Under microgravity

conditions, flame ignition, propagation and

extinction become simplified due to the lack of

buoyancy. Quantitative monitoring of combustion

radicals, which control combustion kinetics although

present in trace quantities, is critical to

understanding of combustion and provides tests for

flame modeling. Many currently available

laboratory-based combustion diagnostics cannot be

adapted for microgravity experiments due to unique

space and power constraints. We propose

developing a near-UV laser source for quantitative

combustion radical diagnostics. The instrument will

measure absolute concentration distributions in

laminar and turbulent flames and will be compatible

with NASA Lewis drop tower rigs. Our approach

uses nonlinear upconversion of diode laser light to

measure simultaneously line-of-sight optical

absorbance and laser induced fluorescence images.

We target quantitative monitoring of CH and C2

radicals with 10 Hz (or better) time resolution per

two-dimensional LIF image. With the continued

development of high power diode lasers especially

at visible wavelengths, we envision this technique to

be readily extended to deeper UV wavelengths to

access other species including OH.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed technology could be used as a new

combustion diagnostic tool in wind tunnel

combustion facilities, development of new

generations of rocket and jet engines, and turbine

development. In environmental monitoring

applications, many important trace molecular and

atomic species can be probed by accessing strong

electronic transitions using tunable UV and blue

radiation generated by diode laser up conversion.

Such applications include continuous emissions

monitoring of stationary power plants and municipal

incinerators, and perimeter monitoring of chemical

plants and oil refineries.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Daniel B. Oh

Southwest Sciences, Inc.

1570 Pacheco St., Suite E-11

Santa Fe , NM 87505

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Alan C. Stanton

Southwest Sciences, Inc.

1570 Pacheco St., Suite E-11

Santa Fe , NM 87505

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Fast Infrared Linear Miniature


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I

project involves a feasibility study for a Fast

Infrared Linear Miniature Spectrometer (FILMS)

system for transient, simultaneous measurements

of carbon dioxide and water vapor concentrations,

soot volume fractions and temperatures in reacting

flows. Such measurements will lead to improved

understanding of the structure of turbulent and

laminar flames. Emission spectroscopy has been

used previously in laboratories to obtain

information on carbon dioxide concentrations, soot

volume fractions and temperatures in luminous

flames. However, a commercial instrument that can

reliably provide simultaneous gas concentration,

soot volume fraction and temperature

measurements at a high data rate is not available.

The stand-alone FILMS system that will be

evaluated using a flame spread experiment at the

Japanese Microgravity Research Facility, which is

part of an ongoing NASA project to understand

ignition and the transition to flame spread of solid

fuels. The proposed FILMS will be the first

instrument, capable of obtaining the infrared

spectrum from 2500 to 5000 nm, resolved to 15 nm,

at 500 Hz.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Continuous monitoring of the gas species

concentrations, soot volume fractions and

temperatures is useful in all industries that utilize

hydrocarbon fuels as an energy source. The major

motiviating factor that drives development in

continuous monitoring equipment is the ability to

control the combustion process, both to achieve

greater efficiency and lower pollutant emissions.The potential market for continuous monitoring

equipment includes such diverse industries as fire

protection engineering, waste processing, gas

turbine combustors, power plants, powder metal

processing and chemical manufacturing.

For utilizing either species concentrations or

temperatures as control variables, information on

these is required at a very fast rate. The proposed

FILMS is the first spectrometer that is capable of

obtaining the full infrared spectrum from 2500 nm

to 5000 nm at 500 Hz. This is an essential step for

building process control systems. Therfore, the

commercial potential of the FILMS will increase in

the future.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Yudaya Sivathanu

En'Urga Inc.

1291-A Cumberland Avenue

West Lafayette , IN 47906-1385

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Yudaya Sivathanu

En'Urga Inc.

1291-A Cumberland Avenue

West Lafayette , IN 47906-1385

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron 970921

Proposal Number 97-1 09.05-5000B

Project Title Moisture and Oxygen Content Sensor Suite for Nutrient Delivery Systems

Technical Abstract

This project will develop a small, low power instrumentation package which includes a two

part sensor suite: 1) sensor for monitoring profiles of moisture content, and 2) sensor to

detect O2 concentration in porous substrate nutrient and water delivery systems designed to

support plant growth in space. Long-term plant growth experiments aboard the Mir Orbital

Station have demonstrated that management of water and O2 in porous substrates is

substantially more difficult than in similar systems on earth. The instrument package will

consist of several pairs of moisture-oxygen sensors used to measure concentration profiles

simultaneously. The substrate moisture content sensor will use the thermal pulse method,

which detects changes in thermal conductivity as the substrate moisture content changes.

Significant innovations exist in the concept and design of each sensor as well as the

integration of the sensor into a usable electronics module with calibrated control.

Innovative improvements in moisture sensor construction, reliability, and improved sensor

design will allow calibration transfer from earth to microgravity. The companion O2

concentration sensor will monitor O2 in close proximity to the moisture content sensor to

allow the two profiles to be compared simultaneously. The innovative design of the O2

sensor includes features permitting the miniaturization of an existing commercial sensor

core to provide safe use in wet, O2 diffusion limited environments.

Potential Commercial Applications

The moisture content and wet oxygen sensors will be important additions to advanced plant

nutrient system maintenance and control for space and ground applications. Near-term space

applications include the Biomass Production System and the Plant Research Unit. These

Sensors could become standard sensor additions to commercial growth chambers, be used in

all types of commercial growth systems where monitoring of appropriate moisture content and

aeration are important. The market is significant, especially in ornamental and more

expensive plant materials. Also markets exist for commercial maintenance plantscapes.

Name and Address of Offeror

Firm: Orbital Technologies Corp

Name:Dr. Eric Rice

Street: 1212 Fourier Drive

City: Madison

ST: WI ZIP: 53717

Name and Address Of Principal Investigator

Firm: Orbital Technologies Corp

Name: Jon Frank

Street: 1212 Fourier Drive

City: Madison

ST: WI ZIP: 53717

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Mars Aromatic Hydrocarbon and

Olefin Synthesis System

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The Mars Aromatic Hydrocarbon and Olefin

Synthesis System (MAHOSS) is a device for

producing low hydrogen to carbon (H/C) ratio

hydrocarbons on Mars with minimal power

requirements. It works by combining the CO and

hydrogen output of a RWGS reactor over a

Fischer-Tropsch catalyst to prepare paraffinic

hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons are thermally

cracked to produce compounds such as ethylene,

propylene, toluene and acetylene. Its primary

advantage is the production of fuel hydrocarbons

that are low in hydrogen content relative to

normally considered fuels, such as methane. This

reduces the amount of liquid hydrogen that must be

imported or the size and power requirements of an

in situ hydrogen recovery unit by a factor of two for

ethylene and propylene, or a factor of four for

toluene and acetylene. The other advantage of the

MAHOSS is the generation of important chemical

feedstocks for plastics production. These uses

make the MAHOSS an attractive concept for early

robotic and manned missions and a critical

technology for development of a permanently

staffed Mars base. Despite the importance of these

compounds, to date there has been no experimental

work done on building an apparatus for in situ

Martian production of aromatic hydrocarbons and


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The potential commercial applications of a

combined RWGS/Fischer-Tropsch reactor are

numerous, particularly with the current

international interest in reducing CO2 emissions.

The RWGS can use a carbon dioxide feed from a

power plant or other source and can create syngas.

The Fischer-Tropsch reactor can reform the syngas

into liquid fuels for automotive or chemical use.

This project will be the first demonstration of an

end-to-end CO2 abatement system that produces

useful products.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Brian Frankie

Pioneer Astronautics

445 Union Blvd. #125

Lakewood , CO 80228

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Robert Zubrin

Pioneer Astronautics

445 Union Blvd. #125

Lakewood , CO 80228

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Atmospheric Water Vapor Adsorption

for Mars In Situ Resource Utilization

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The innovation addressed in this proposal is a

method for extracting water vapor from the

atmosphere of Mars in an efficient, lightweight, and

reliable manner. Through the use of molecular

sieve technology, the Water Vapor Ad-sorption

Reactor (WAVAR) would provide a dependable

source of water to future exploration missions from

sources indigenous to the red planet. This water can

be used as feedstock for propellant production, for

direct human con-sumption, or as the basis for a

multitude of industrial, agricultural and biological

processes. Using locally available materials at the

site of an interplanetary misson is known as in situ

resource utilization (ISRU). Missions employing

ISRU techniques can attain dramatic cost savings,

while improving mission robustness, by reducing the

amount of raw materials that have to be transported

from Earth. The most important of these materials

is water. The WAVAR would meet this need,

providing a crucial technology for future missions.

The effort described in this pro-posal would

positively impact NASA¹s Mars Surveyor,

Planetary Science and Human Exploration and

Development of Space (HEDS) programs by

enabling the development and commercialization of

low cost, high performance WAVAR technology.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The innovation described in this proposal would

provide a reliable, low cost and high performance

method for extracting water from the Martian

atmosphere. Incorporating the Water Vapor

Adsorption Reactor (WAVAR) into future Mars

exploration missions would provide substantial

increases in crew safety and operational flexibility

while reducing cost, risk, and Earth- and

Mars-launch mass. By providing self-sufficiency

and reducing risk, the WAVAR would enable

commercial and industrial development of Mars,

thereby expanding human presence in the solar

sys-tem. Follow-on commercial oportunities exist in

a wide variety of markets where separation of fluid

species is required.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mr. John Williams

Adroit Systems, Inc.

411 108th St. NE Ste. 1080

Bellevue , WA 98004

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Thomas R.A. Bussing

Adroit Systems, Inc.

411 108th St. NE Ste. 1080

Bellevue , WA 98004

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972311

Proposal Number: 10.01-6606

Project Title: Oxygen Generation System Using Carbon Dioxide

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NexTech Materials, Ltd. and its subcontractor (LoTEC, Inc.) will develop a ceramic electrochemical system for extracting oxygen from the carbon dioxide rich atmosphere of Mars. The key innovations leading to this development are the identification of novel ceramic electrolytes and electrode materials which provide reduced operating temperatures and the incorporation of these materials into a novel monolithic electrochemical cell design. In Phase I, novel electrolyte materials will be evaluated for separating oxygen and carbon dioxide at temperatures between 600 and 800�C. Cermet electrode materials providing efficient catalytic performance at these low temperatures will be developed using ceramic-based catalysis-enhancing additives. A preliminary design of the electrochemical cell will be conducted, and a specifications of balance-of-plant components will be generated. It is expected that the combination of the new materials and the novel design will provide a means to extract oxygen in a system that is smaller, less energy intensive, more reliable, and less expensive than currently available technology allows.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Successful development of this technology will lead to numerous commercial and military applications related to oxygen generation, solid oxide fuel cells, and ceramic membrane reactors. Examples of military applications include oxygen supplies for military aircraft, medivacs, and mobile hospitals. Commercial applications include industrial oxygen production, semiconductor manufacturing, home health care, and commercial aircraft.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Scott L. Swartz

NexTech Materials, Ltd.

720-I Lakeview Plaza Blvd.

Worthington , OH 43085

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


William J. Dawson

NexTech Materials, Ltd.

720-I Lakeview Plaza Blvd.

Worthington , OH 43085

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972459

Proposal Number: 10.02-1100

Project Title: Reusable, Reagentless Biosensor for Monitoring of Spacecraft/habitat Environment

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Systems & Processes Engineering Corporation (SPEC), in collaboration with Professor Carl Batt of Cornell University, proposes to develop a miniaturized, reusable and reagentless biosensor for monitoring of the chemical and microbial quality of the spacecraft/habitat environment. The proposed biosensor measures the fluorescence lifetime of a strategically placed fluorophore near the receptor binding pocket to monitor ligand binding to the receptor. The proximity of the ligand to the fluorophore results in a fluorescence lifetime shift which can be accurately detected and measured by SPEC's proprietary frequency domain lifetime technology. This innovative concept combines the sensitivity and specificity of biological ligand-receptor systems such as antibody-antigen or drug-receptor interactions with the reliability, accuracy and discrimination of fluorescence lifetime measurements. SPEC will utilize its experience in building flight-worthy systems to develop a compact, lightweight, low-power and rugged instrument for space applications. Dr. Batt will direct the molecular biology development effort. For the Phase I, the model biological receptor-ligand system b-lactoglobulin and its ligand retinol will be used to demonstrate proof-of-concept. SPEC will construct a breadboard system for lifetime measurements of the model receptor-ligand system. In the Phase II program, a prototype system will be constructed and delivered to NASA for field testing.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The development of a compact, low-cost receptor-ligand diagnostic instrument capable of providing rapid results has significant commercial applications as home diagnostic devices, medical research tools, food processing monitors, clinical instruments and environmental detectors as well as for NASA and the Department of Defense. Biological receptors can provide high specificity in the detection of chemicals, pathogens, and environmentally hazardous biological organisms. The use of lifetime fluorometry results in a commercially valuable reusable and reagentless diagnostic device.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Robert C. Chin, Ph.D.

Systems & Processes Engineering Corp.

401 Camp Craft Road

Austin , TX 78746-6558

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James McNeal

Systems & Processes Engineering Corp.

401 Camp Craft Road

Austin , TX 78746-6558

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971941

Proposal Number: 10.02-2100A

Project Title: Miniature, Semiconductor, Sharp Bandpass Detector for Biological Fluorescence Detection

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

In this Phase I SBIR project wide band-gap semiconductor p-i-n photodiodes with sharp bandpass responsivity will be developed for use in ultraviolet fluorescence detection of biological contamination of high purity water systems. AlxGa1-xN, grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) will be used to fabricate photodiodes having high quantum efficiency spectral response in the ultraviolet. The innovation in this proposal is to combine a short wavelength absorbing, electrically non-active overlayer with the electrically active p-i-n structure photodiode to produce a sharp bandpass photodetector. Such a device will have near quantum efficiency response inside the bandpass and ~105 rejection of radiation outside the bandpass. The sensor will allow replacement of

fragile and power hungry photomultiplier tubes currently used for fluorescence detection. The all semiconductor, ultraviolet sensitive photodiode for biological fluorescence detection will be compact, rugged, and low power consuming, which are important attributes for sensors on manned space missions. For the Phase I project, the essential amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine will be evaluated as model systems for biological detection. Tryptophan and tyrosine are present in nearly all proteins, and their detection can be used as a warning of biological contamination. Both of these amino acids can be excited by the 254 nm line of mercury discharge lamps commonly used for sterilization of high purity water systems.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Miniature semiconductor photodiodes for biological fluorescence detection will have applications in water quality assurance testing, in-situ monitoring of bio-reactions, and in bio-analysis.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jody J. Klaassen

SvT Associates, Inc.

7620 Executive Drive

Eden Prairie , MN 55344

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Peter P. Chow

SVT Associates, Inc.

7620 Executive Drive

Eden Prairie , MN 55344

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972025

Proposal Number: 10.02-6100

Project Title: Optical Sensor for Multi-Species Air Quality Monitoring

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Rapid measurements of trace air contaminants are required for the maintenance of crew safety in spacecraft and human-rated ground test facilities. Currently, these measurements are carried out using a variety of gas-specific instruments. Separate instruments must be installed for each target gas (occupying valuable space) frequent calibration is needed (increasing ground test costs), and response times are slow. Our innovation is a rugged mid-77infrared spectrometer, based on difference-frequency mixing of two diode lasers, which will detect multiple trace gases using absorption spectroscopy. The device will have a wide wavelength tuning range, allowing the detection of multiple species by a single instrument. Concentrations will be measured directly and in real time, eliminating the need for repeated calibration and allowing rapid remedial action. Compact diode lasers will be used in this instrument, thus making it lightweight and small enough for space flight. During Phase I we will build a mid-infrared laser source, demonstrate wide tunability, and make simultaneous concentration measurements of two trace air contaminants such as formaldehyde and methane. In Phase II we will produce and deliver a portable laser spectrometer incorporating our innovations for use in NASA ground test facilities for life support systems.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A compact, affordable infrared spectrometer for the quantitative remote sensing of trace gasses would be attractive to industries trying to keep up with tightening EPA regulations, as well as to those trying to implement stricter controls over manufacturing processes.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Konstantin Petrov

Gemfire Corporation

2440 Embarcadero Way

Palo Alto , CA 94303

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James H. Stanley

Gemfire Corporation

2440 Embarcadero Way

Palo Alto , CA 94303

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Microsensor Arrays for Monitoring of

Multiple Chemical Species

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Manned space mission require a variety of

environmental monitoring and biomedical activities

to protect crew health and to counter the effects of

space on human physiology. To successfully

accomplish this, there is a critical need for

microsensor devices capable of multifunctional

monitoring of various chemical species found in air.

This program seeks to focus on demonstrating a

technology that can enable such devices. The

approach proposed is based on proprietary

nano-precision engineering of sensor arrays.

During Phase I, NRC will demonstrate the

proof-of-concept. Phase II will optimize, build

prototypes, and field test the technology. Phase III

will commercialize the technology.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The technology will help detect, identify, and

quantify multiple chemical species in real time. For

NASA, this would help ensure crew safety and

extend long-term operations. Spin off applications

include clinical diagnosis for lower cost health care,

chemical and petrochemical process control,

pharmaceutical discovery, safe transport of

chemicals and significantly improved home and

office HVAC systems.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Tapesh Yadav, Ph.D.

Nanomaterials Research Corporation

2849 East Elvira Rd

Tucson , AZ 85706-7126

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Neil Lupton

Nanomaterials Research Corporation

2849 East Elvira Rd

Tucson , AZ 85706-7126

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Novel Electrochemical Ozone Generator

for Disinfection of Spacecraft Water

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Development of an advanced electrochemical ozone

generator for evolution of ozone directly into water

streams to be treated is proposed for water

reclamation applications on long-duration space

missions. The primary innovation is development of

a biologically inert anode catalyst to replace the

lead dioxide presently used, eliminating the

possibility of lead contamination. The

electrochemical ozone generator will be compact,

lightweight, easy to use and maintain. The water to

be treated is the only reactant, eliminating the need

for expendable biocides. Possible applications of

the ozone generator include: wastewater treatment,

production and maintenance of potable water, and

sterilization of potable-water systems.

The objectives of the proposed program are to

develop the anode catalyst and anode electrode

structure and demonstrate performance and

stability of this structure. The program will

culminate in demonstration of a breadboard

prototype ozone generator and development of a

system design model.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Ozone is a powerful disinfectant, with wide potential

applications for water treatment and sterilization.

Due to the compact size, low cost and ease of use of

the proposed electrochemical ozone generator,

there are a myriad of potential commercial

applications in the dental, medical, pharmaceutical

and food industries for this device. Applications

include sterilizing dental units and dialyzers and

general hospital and laboratory disinfection.

Treatment of drinking and waste waters in homes

and public and private utilities is another potential


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Cecelia Cropley


14 Spring Street

Waltham , MA 02154-4497

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

A Functional Visual Assessment Test For

Human Health Maintenance And


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We will develop a portable computer-based test of

functional visual acuity that can be applied to

conditions involving whole-body perturbation that

are common in aerospace operations and in the

activities of daily living. Our visual-acuity test is

innovative in that (a) it can be applied while the

observer is walking, in a vehicle cockpit, or in

standardized optometric conditions, (b) it is

commensurate with international standards for

optometric procedures and diagnostic information,

and (c) it allows for differentiation between

ophthalmic and neuromuscular causes of impaired

acuity. These unique characteristics of our

innovative test are relevant to Topic 10.03,

On-Board Human Health Maintenance and

Countermeasures, because they can enhance

"understanding of the effects of microgravity and

other components of the space environment on the

physiological systems of the body" by allowing for

standardizable quantification of visual acuity and

coordination of the associated neuromuscular

systems through "novel software methods for

documentation, storage, retrieval, analysis and

diagnosis of crew health." Moreover, by enhancing

diagnostic differentiation and generality, our

innovative test can support the development of

"countermeasures against deleterious changes in

body systems in flight or upon return to the ground

[including]... post-flight reduction in neuromuscular


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Aerospace medicine.

Research & design of displays & controls for

vehicle cockpits.

Clinical medicine: diagnosis, rehabilitation


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Gary E. Riccio

Nascent Technologies Limited

3171 Research Boulevard, Suite 171

Dayton , OH 45420-4014

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Gary E. Riccio

Nascent Technologies Limited

3171 Research Boulevard, Suite 171

Dayton , OH 45420-4014

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Novel RF Coils for MRI/MRS of the

Human Bone and Muscle

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an elegant

modality for performing volumetric measurements

and obtaining metabolic information of the human

bone and muscle, in-vivo, non-invasively without the

use of ionizing radiation. A major aim of this project

is to provide novel RF coil hardware to support the

on-going pre/post space flight protocols and bed

rest studies performed on astronauts/cosmonauts at

the Baylor College of Medicine. The proposed

SBIR research is relevant to NASA's subtopic

10.03 On-Board Human Health Maintenance and

Countermeasures. In Phase I, a homogeneous, RF

coil volume array with a further 30-40%

improvement in S/N for high-resolution calcaneus

imaging will be developed at 1.5T. Phantom

measurements (S/N, uniformity) will be made and

compared to existing coils. Phase II will involve

extensive volunteer evaluations to assess

trabecular bone quality. We will extend our RF coil

technology and build a custom detector array for

high-resolution imaging of the neck muscles.

Furthermore, we intend to build a hybrid

quadrature, dual-tuned 31P-1H volume resonator

for 1H anatomical imaging as well as obtaining 31P

metabolite information from the entire human calf

muscle. All three coils will be extensively tested

with phantoms and volunteers first.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Clinical applications include non-ionizing,

non-invasive and a cost effective approach toward

diagnosis of arthritis and musculoskeletal diseases

of the knee, wrist and hand, foot and ankle when

compared to the invasive arthrography. The

proposed R&D will provide improvements to MR

phased array and dual-tuned RF coil technologies

including sequence and technique optimizations. If

clinical value is demonstrated, MR systems based

on this technology will find wide spread applications

in MR imaging and spectroscopy of the joints and

the human musculoskeletal system.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mr. Ravi Srinivasan

Advanced Imaging Research, Inc.

540 East 105th Street, Suite 350

Cleveland , OH 44108

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Ravi Srinivasan

Advanced Imaging Research, Inc.

540 East 105th Street, Suite 350

Cleveland , OH 44108

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971821

Proposal Number: 10.03-9770

Project Title: Non-Invasive Method for Assessment of Human Fine Motor Control

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

VeriFax proposes to develop a biometric instrument to monitor human fine motor control. Through non-invasive action of signing a signature or reproducing cursive symbols, the device can measure and record an individual's motor skill characteristics. The designers have focused on how a person writes as opposed to how writing looks. Any two signals which represent repeated realization of the same handwriting samples are compared with use of the VeriFax's proprietary technology in order to provide characteristics of stability, smoothness, and synchronization of the handwriting movements. The method uses a new approach for Correlation Function Analysis applied to behavioral signals, such as handwriting


A prototype unit based on digitized grid non-instrumented pen configuration will be built and tested. An experiment on the effect of environmentally induced variations in stress level will be performed. The experimental study will determine if the level of stress experienced by college students throughout an academic semester is correlated with changes in handwriting dynamics. resumably, as stress increases, handwriting motor skills should deteriorate.

The device might be used as an early warning tool bringing attention to causes that may result in neurological impediment, or risks to health, or performance ability. NASA applications include:

- Early detection of the cognitive and motor skill decline as a result of low concentrations of inhaled toxic compounds, oxygen depletion, or sustained and intense stress. - Assessment of countermeasures developed to prevent deleterious changes in neuromuscular coordination and loss of muscle mass.

High accuracy, simplicity, portability, and low power consumption of the device will make it a valuable tool for monitoring well-being of astronauts in long-duration space missions.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The instrument has great potential for the following commercial applications:

- Assessment of motor skill deterioration as a result of environmentally induced stress will be used for 1) design of methods for identification of high risk stress level; 2) development of stress management programs at schools and other settings; 3) optimal scheduling of continuous hours and breaks on production assembly lines, or other demanding work environments.

- Assessment of motor skill impairment caused by decline in muscle mass will be used for design and monitoring of strength training programs for older adults to increase their activities and the quality of life.

- Non-intrusive screening of professionals for alcohol/drug impairment where public safety is a concern; further research of mechanisms of intoxication and identification of individual high risk factors; monitoring people with alcohol/drug abuse problems going through treatment programs.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Ruth Shrairman




Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Ruth Shrairman

VeriFax Corporation

7783 Cornwall Circle

Boulder , CO 80301

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Blackbody Photoreactor for

Space-Based Water Treatment

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

While many forms of chemical waste are easy to

destroy via simple oxidation processes, others are

not. These include propellants, explosives, dyes,

halocarbons, and wastes tainted with heavy metals.

However, these materials, as well as simple

organics, are amenable to treatment via advanced

oxidation processes (AOPs) such as ultraviolet

(UV)/peroxide treatment, UV/ozone treatment, the

use of Fenton's reagent, and titanium dioxide

(TiO2)-assisted photocatalysis. While all AOPs

operate by generating OH_ radicals, TiO2-assisted

photocatalysis has the greatest promise for low-cost

operation due to the fact that it requires only air (or

water) and sunlight. The primary drawback to

TiO2-assisted photocatalysis reactors is the low

solar absorptivity of TiO2. Only a small fraction

(1-2%) of the visible light is absorbed, while the

rest is transmitted and lost. Such low absorptivities

yield low oxidation rates and are an

impediment to the commercialization of this

technology. In this Phase I project, Ultramet

proposes to design and fabricate a novel reactor

that will yield order of magnitude increases in the

removal rate. This will be achieved by fabricating a

blackbody cavity of the catalyst material, which will

result in virtually all of the incident radiation being

absorbed by the catalyst. A second innovation will

be the use of a TiO2 aerofoam as the catalyst. This

high surface area, high absorptivity, low pressure

drop material can be used as a fixed catalyst bed,

eliminating the need to separate the catalyst from

the effluent stream. Techniques such as doping the

TiO2 with other catalytic oxides or noble metal

clusters and using charge injection from organic

dyes will also be investigated.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The applications for an efficient photocatalyzed

reactor in both the government and private sectors

are numerous. With over 65 metric tons of

hazardous solvent waste and 60 metric tons of other

chemical wastes being generated by the chemical

process industry each year, the demand for a

cost-effective, high-efficiency treatment process is

immense. Military stockpiles are also in need of

remediation. And although the U.S. is the leading

producer of waste chemicals, other industrial

countries are also in need of a low-cost remediation


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Arthur J. Fortini, Ph.D.


12173 Montague Street

Pacoima , CA 91331

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Craig N. Ward


12173 Montague Street

Pacoima , CA 91331

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972315

Proposal Number: 10.04-3088

Project Title: Sol-Gel Glass Holographic Light Shaping Diffusers

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Physical Optics Corporation (POC), R&D Division proposes to develop an innovative Glass Light Shaping Diffuser (GLSD) technology to enhance light transmission and distribution efficiency in controlled crop/plant production facilities. High thermal damage threshold (?1000�) and high transparency ((?90%) in the UV-vis-NIR make this material ideal for use in high-temperature and high-illumination environments. GLSD will increase the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) efficiency of plants in controlled growth chambers by homogenizing and shaping the light distribution from high intensity discharge sodium lamps and/or fluorescent bulbs without loss of transmission efficiency. Specific objectives of the proposed project include: 1) Demonstrate holographic glass light shaping diffusers with high transmission and distribution efficiency, 2) Demonstrate GLSDs that diffuse light at a variety of angles (1� to 120�) and shapes (circular and elliptical), and 3) Demonstrate that GLSDs substantially enhance PAR efficiency. Design, fabrication, and testing activities carried out to achieve these objectives will ensure a smooth transition to Phase II development and Phase III commercialization.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The development of GLSDs will significantly enhance the capabilities of POC's commercially successful light shaping diffuser product line, opening broad new markets in lighting systems, projection systems, and advertising displays. Additional applications include motor vehicle and aircraft lamps, street, sport, and entertainment industry lighting, high energy laser beam homogenizers, and office lighting.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Edgar A. Mendoza, Ph.D.

Physical Optics Corporation

20600 Gramercy Place, Suite 103

Torrance , CA 90501-1821

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Gordon Drew

Physical Optics Corporation

20600 Gramercy Place, Suite 103

Torrance , CA 90501-1821

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972220

Proposal Number: 10.04-3390

Project Title: Advanced Waste Management in Space Missions

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This NASA SBIR Phase I project is a feasibility study for treating wastes generated during space missions and producing emissions that are within the Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations (SMAC), using wet carbonization and advanced combustion technologies. EnerTech's innovative wet carbonization technology will transform heterogeneous metabolic wastes and trash components, through a moderate temperature and pressure carbonization, into a uniform and pumpable slurry, which the Energy & Environmental Research Corporations's (EER) advanced combustion technology of Hybrid Fluidized Bed Incinerator (HFBI) will combust with emissions that are within SMAC standards. The CO2 and H2O generated during conversion of the wastes can be used to support plant growth systems and provide for a closed-loop, regenerative life support system. The objective of this Phase I proposal is to determine the characteristics of the product slurry from wet carbonization experiments and an acceptable range of combustion onditions to are within SMAC standards. In Phase I, wet carbonization and advanced combustion experiments will be conducted with existing bench-scale facilities using actual metabolic wastes and trash components. It is anticipated that Phase I and Phase II research will produce a prototype unit that can be integrated into a functional life support system in Phase III.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The commercial product and technology to be developed under this Phase I and Phase II proposal is being targeted at the specific needs of NASA, the ultimate customer. The commercial product to be developed will be an integrated wet carbonization and advanced combustion unit, with associated automated control systems, capable of treating the wastes generated from a four person space ission and producing emissions that exceed SMAC standards. In addition, the small-scale unit to be developed will form the basis for much larger units that will be necessary for larger spacecraft missions (e.g. S.S. Freedom) or lanetary colonization. In addition to NASA applications, the technology to be developed has potential applications for treatment of wastes generated on-board U.S. Navy ships and other commercial vessels at sea and radioactive and hazardous wastes generated at laboratories.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Michael Klosky

EnerTech Environmental, Inc.

739 Trabert Ave., N.W.

Atlanta , GA 30318

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Kevin Bolin

EnerTech Environmental, Inc.

739 Trabert Ave., N.W.

Atlanta , GA 30318

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972508

Proposal Number: 10.04-3554E

Project Title: A High Performance, Gravity Insensitive, Enclosed Aeroponic System for Food Production in Space

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

EnviroGen, Inc., an industry leader in aeroponic technology and rapid plant propagation techniques, has teamed with BioServe Space Technologies, a Commercial Space Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder, to develop an enclosed aeroponic nutrient delivery system, insensitive to gravity, for use in spaceflight food crop production and gravitational biology research. Other non-aeroponic enclosed plant growth technologies for use in low gravity have been and currently are being developed. However, aeroponic plant propagation dramatically increases biomass production rates at higher plant densities while reducing nutrient solution mass, plant-to-plant disease transmission, and time spent planting and harvesting, critical when weight and space are at a premium on long-term space flights. Additional advantages of the proposed aeroponic system include efficient water/micronutrient delivery (using controlled misting interval and duration), environmental parameter adjustment based on plant growth/health, and plant physiological monitoring. The team has identified innovative approaches, integrating forced convection, capillary flow, and porous plate water recovery techniques, to deal with low-gravity two-phase flow resulting from aeroponic misting. The development, testing, and qualification of such a system will serve to broaden aeroponics' commercial use in terrestrial crop production, pharmaceutical research and production, and plant biology research.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Terrestrial markets would be food crop production companies as well as pharmaceutical companies that require technology to rapidly regenerate plant material for metabolic extraction of pharmaceutical products. Other flora that could be grown include a wide variety of trees, shrubs and ornamental horticultural crops. A tremendous amount of research and development to be carried for optimizing the specific environmental parameters for a given plant species in enclosed environments. Aeroponic environmental parameters can be modified and adjusted to greatly influence growth for a specific crop; this data model can be stored in the aeroponic system's computer. Once this data model is obtained it can be used to optimize conditions to achieve even higher yields and/or increase biomass. Given the hundreds of plant species that can be grown in an aeroponic system data modeling would be valuable for reproducibly maximizing yields and crop turn-around times. Utilizing an enclosed aeroponic system as method and apparatus in conjunction with vegetative propagation could reduce the reliance on seeds as well as eliminate the need for extensive tissue culture procedures and hardware. This would be an invaluable tool for low gravity and terrestrial crop expansion. The market optional for this technology is vast.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Richard Stoner

EnviroGen, Inc.

333 Springhill

Berthoud , CO 80513

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Richard Stoner

EnviroGen, Inc.

333 Springhill Lane

Berthoud , CO 80513

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972621

Proposal Number: 10.04-6629A

Project Title: The Manufacture of Ethylene and Other Useful Products in Life Support Systems for Manned Spacecraft and Planetary Bases

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Our program is based on these premises: (1) Ethylene and other useful products, e.g., polyethylene and ethanol, can be manufactured from metabolic wastes, e.g., carbon dioxide and water, as an adjunct to Life Support Systems (LSS) required in manned spacecraft and planetary bases, e.g., Moon and Mars; (2) These products are best manufactured using inorganic processes based on chemical engineering principles, and (3) These processes make use of the major components of metabolic waste, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Our program satisfies the requirements of Subtopic 10.04 Spacecraft Life Support Infrastructure:

"Advanced life support systems are essential for the success of future human planetary exploration." It focuses on (1) Direct Catalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide and (2) Catalytic Reforming of Methane to produce Ethylene in conversions greater than 95%. Benefits are: (1) The conversion of metabolic wastes to useful products, including potential foodstuffs, (2) Weight savings which may result from reduced on-board foodstuff requirements; (3) Manufacture of useful products based on engineering principles, not life processes, e.g., plants, and (4) reduced resupply from Earth.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Conversion of carbon oxides to hydrocarbons and carbohydrates using catalytic processes shall have very important commercial benefits in the future as carbon-based fuels, i.e., petroleum and natural gas, are exhausted. The use of low-grade coals to synthesize such products as methane and ethanol will form the basis for a new, important chemical process industry in the United States which has vast coal reserves.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Sanders D. Rosenberg




Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Sanders D. Rosenberg




Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

On Demand Electrochemical Production

of Reagents to Minimize Resupply of


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Electrochemical methods are proposed for the

on-demand generation of strong

acids (HCl, H2SO4), strong bases (KOH, NaOH),

and oxidants (KHSO5, Na2S2O8). Acids,

bases, and oxidants are required for the operation

of a variety of present and future

components of regenerative life support systems.

They will also be needed for use in

analytical instruments, and as reagents in

experiments and commercial processes which

exploit the unique aspects of the microgravity

environment. Because these chemicals are

highly reactive, their storage and use aboard

spacecraft must satisfy very stringent

containment requirements. Their use also imposes

a significant resupply burden.

UMPQUA Research Company proposes the

development of a microgravity and

hypogravity compatible process for the production

of acids and bases from the

corresponding salt by electrodialytic water splitting.

Strong oxidants such as oxone and

persulfate will be produced by the electro-oxidation

of sulfuric acid. The ability to

produce these chemicals, when needed, offers many

advantages with regard to

operational flexibility, storage, containment, safety,

and resupply logistics, and will be

particularly beneficial in support of future long

duration manned missions in space.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The primary commercial application for the

on-demand electrochemical

generation of acids, bases, and oxidants will be as

Flight Hardware purchased by NASA,

or by an aerospace contracting firm on behalf of

NASA, to provide enhanced capability

with minimum resupply requirements for component

processes in future advanced life

support (ALS) systems needed for long duration

manned missions in space, such as a

space station retrofit, a permanently inhabited

Lunar base, or a manned mission to Mars.

The technology may also be employed in support of

earth based systems which are used

in remote locations such as Antarctica, where

resupply of chemicals is difficult and


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

James R. Akse, Ph.D.

Umpqua Research Company

P.O. Box 609 - 125 Volunteer Way

Myrtle Creek , OR 97457

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


John S. Aker

Umpqua Research Company

P.O. Box 609 - 125 Volunteer Way

Myrtle Creek , OR 97457

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972384

Proposal Number: 10.04-7819C

Project Title: System for Removal of the Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur from Incinerator Effluents

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Long duration missions will use plant growth to produce food and oxygen. However, plant-based systems produce large amounts of waste biomass, much of which will ultimately be burned. In addition to producing CO2 and H2O, this process also makes a variety of harmful by-products including particulates, CO, hydrocarbons, SO2 and NOx. Current systems for removing acid gases such as SO2 and NOx use a combination of selective catalytic reduction (of NO) and absorption on copper oxide (a low capacity SO2 sorbent). Because this method only reduces NOx by 50%, a carbon bed is needed to complete the process, leading to large expendable consumption in addition to the use and emission of ammonia, a hazardous and toxic chemical. TDA Research Inc. proposes to remove these acid gases by oxidizing the NO to NO2, absorbing SO2 and NO2 in water, neutralizing the acids, and concentrating the resulting salts into a small amount of olution. The result is a safer, more effective process for acid gas control and a significant reduction in consumable materials required.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The successful demonstration of NOx control technology would find immediate application in many areas, including control of emissions from gas turbine power generators and nitric acid plants.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. David T. Wickham

TDA Research, Inc.

12345 W. 52nd Ave.

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Michael E. Karpuk

TDA Research, Inc.

12345 W. 52nd Ave.

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Low Temperature Lightoff, Lightweight

Catalytic Oxidation Reactor for Life

Support Systems

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A new class of catalyst technology for catalytic

oxidation is developed based on ultra-short channel

metal monolith(USCMM)substrate with a high

specific surface area (SSA) slip coat. The

technology provides smaller, lighter, more energy

efficient catalytic systems than are possible with

conventional monolith or pellet substrates.

Catalytic oxidation is highly effective in destroying

a wide range of contaminants in applications

ranging from industrial sources such as solvents to

trace airborne contaminants in life support systems.

The technology builds upon Precision Combustion's

previous success in developing an electrically

heated catalytic oxidizer for NASA's Trace

Contaminant Control Subassembly (TCCS) that was

based on a low SSA USCMM catalyst system. This

new catalyst technology combines the excellent

transport properties of the USCMM (low thermal

inertia and excellent mass transfer) with the lower

temperature activity of the high SSA support.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The technology can provide lower overall launch

and resupply costs and lower power requirements

when integrated into NASA life support systems for

the Trace Contaminant Control

Subassembly(TCCS), catalytic oxidation for waste

water reclamation, or treatment of exhaust gas

from solids waste incineration. There are

substantial spinoff commercial opportunities for this

technology, primarily for automotive catalytic

converters, air cleaners, clean burners, and

chemical reactors.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Robert Carter

Precision Combustion, Inc.

25 Science Park, MS 24

New Haven , CT 06511-1968

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Paul Donahe

Precision Combustion, Inc.

25 Science Park, MS 24

New Haven , CT 06511-1968

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

ICAT Enhanced Multimedia-Based


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

LinCom Corporation is proposing an innovative

approach to improving training for ground support

and mission operation personnel by embedding the

capabilities of NASA's award winning Intelligent

Computer Aided Training (ICAT) software into

mainstream commercial Computer Based Training

(CBT) tools. NASA has invested over ten years of

research and development into ICAT technology.

ICAT reflects state-of-the-art technology for

developing high-fidelity interactive training

systems. However, this technology has primarily

been confined to federal laboratories, universities,

and a few corporations. Traditional Computer

Based Training (CBT) software is now beginning to

require extensive high-end features beyond the

standard integration of sound, video, and animation.

Current corporate expectations include advanced

student interactions, sophisticated user tracking,

and extensive navigation features similar to those

already available in ICAT. The innovation of

integrating ICAT, whose focus is on "learning by

doing", with CBT would be a natural fit and would

satisfy this demand. Since the use of

commercial-off-the-shelf CBT authoring tools for

training in mission operations at NASA is an

established and growing practice, intelligent

tutoring that would encompass student performance

throughout a CBT training module would

dramatically increase the power of the training

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Anyone who develops courseware using the most

popular CBT authoring systems - such as

Authorware, Toolbook, Quest, IconAuthor, and

Director - is a potential customer for the ICAT

CBT Plug-In. This includes courseware developers

from industry, government, education or in CBT

consulting. These developers will typically maintain

a portfolio of products that expand the functionality

of their work. The ICAT CBT Plug-In will be

designed for seamless integration into any delivery

method, whether via CD-ROM, Internet, LAN or

DVD, thereby assuring the broadest possible

commercial application. A follow-on market for

upgrades, technical support and custom

development will also be created.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ms. Grace Hua

LinCom Corporation

1020 Bay Area Blvd., Suite#200

Houston , Tx 77058-2628

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Bob Culpepper

LinCom Corporation

1020 Bay Area Blvd., Suite #200

Houston , Tx 77058-2628

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Space Shuttle Frozen Dessert System

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The Joseph Company (TJC) proposes to develop

The Space Shuttle Frozen Dessert System, which

will address the requirements of Subtopic 10.05,

Space Crew Performance Enhancements and

Accommodations. It will provide cold and frozen

desserts for the Space Shuttle crew using a simple,

lightweight system. This is a novel food system for

microgravity, which allows the crew to make ice

cream and other desserts in the Shuttle during the

mission by evaporating water based refrigerant at

vacuum pressures in a small Heat Exchange Unit

(HEU). The cross tie connection to the potable

water overboard dump nozzle provides unlimited,

ultra low pressure vacuum for the HEU to dump the

evaporated water vapor overboard. The system will

require no additional power, be lightweight and


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

There is tremendous potential and need for civilian

consumers to purchase a shelf stable portable

instant ice cream novelty for children's lunches and

outdoor recreational food supplies. Currenly,

Baskin Robbins is entertaining a possible joint

venture with TJC to develop and market the

commercial version of the results from this SBIR.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jeffrey W. Chen

The Joseph Company

28202 Cabot Road, Suite 310

Laguna Niguel , CA 92677

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mitchell J. Joseph

The Joseph Company

28202 Cabot Road, Suite 310

Laguna Niguel , CA 92677

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Intranet/Internet Accessible Inventory

Management System (IA-IMS) for

On-Board and Ground Based Mission


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

APTEK proposes an innovative approach for

accessing real-time spacecraft and ground

operations inventory data using Java and the

Intranet/Internet. Our approach uses

object-oriented Internet technology to enable

astronauts, ground support and mission training

personnel to efficiently and accurately manage their

inventory. This is innovative in that for the first

time, inventory data will be accessible from any

computer connected to the Internet that is capable

of running a Java-aware Web browser. With

extensive security measures in place, astronauts,

ground support, and other authorized personnel

from around the world can have real-time access to

the on-board Inventory Management System (IMS)

for scientific and/or educational purposes. In

addition, hard to represent storage configurations

will be more accurately modeled using the powerful

graphics available through Internet technology. The

proposed improvement to the current IMS will

increase overall crew and ground operations

performance and productivity and reduce inventory

management costs by providing the following

specific benefits to NASA: 1) Improved distribution

and reliability of data; 2) Reduced support and

maintenance costs; 3) Reduced hardware and

networking costs; 4) Reduced learning curve for

IMS operations; 5) Improved habitability of

extended space missions; 6) Increased availability

throughout NASA and to other educational and

scientific communities.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed APTEK Intranet/Internet

Accessible-Inventory Management System

(IA-IMS) innovation has significant commercial

potential for both the government and the private

sectors. For the government, the IA-IMS will

provide a software system which is accessed via the

Internet whereby all participants on a project can

have instantaneous access to the identical

inventory information associated with that project.

A key feature of the innovation proposed is the

Java software capability. The Java software allows

a central data base to reside on a central computer

and the capability to rapidly download the

information of interest to individual clients. The

initial commercial application is envisioned to be for

NASA in support of the International Space Station

(ISS) project. All foreign and domestic researchers

and mission operations personnel associated with

the ISS can access the current inventory on board

the ISS. Additional commercial activities exist

whenever multiple remote operations are concerned

with a central inventory. This is a characteristic of

virtually every large corporation, particularly those

with international operations. Military logistics and

operations are another prime example where the

APTEK IA-IMS software can produce a significant

reduction in operating costs and an increase in

efficiency. Thus the potential markets for the

IA-IMS software are huge.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Carolyn M. Yeager


1257 Lake Plaza Drive

Colorado Springs , CO 80906

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Eugene A. Fitzgerald


1257 Lake Plaza Drive

Colorado Springs , CO 80906

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Inflatable Structure for Mars Trans


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The shape and strength of inflatable structural

components can be closely controlled by taking

advantage of the high specific strength and stiffness

of fibers such as Kevlar and Vectran in forming the

skin for inflatable structures. Enhanced dimensional

control during inflation has been demonstrated by

selectively controlling the type and direction of the

structurally dominant fabric fibers in all material

layers. This proposal describes the use of this

demonstrated capability to select the optimum

structural fabric material for an inflatable structural

shell, select a compatible elastomeric adhesive,

perform an investigation of winding and braiding

fabrication techniques including a finite element

structural analysis of the optional configurations,

and construction of a scale model of the Trans Hab

module using the selected fabrication techniques.

Conduct of this program will result in identifying the

optimum construction method for the inflatable

toroid used in the Mars Trans Hab concept

developed by NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC).

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The fabrication materials and techniques to be

identified/developed during this project are suitable

for other large inflatable structures needed for

space applications, including: expanding the space

station habitat and storage modules to

accommodate more crew members and a greater

number of experimental facilities; and potential

applications for inflatable structure concepts

suitable for both Lunar and Mars habitats.

This methodology for building inflatable structures

also has potential terrestrial uses. Large collapsible

storage vessels can be constructed using these

techniques that would be suitable for moderate

pressure storage and transport of gases and liquids

with temperatures ranging from cryogenic to 200


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Glen J. Brown

Vertigo, Inc.

458 Thayer Road

Santa Cruz , CA 95060

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Glen J. Brown

Vertigo, Inc.

29885 2nd St. Unit N

Lake Elsinore , CA 92532

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971828

Proposal Number: 10.06-1141

Project Title: Habitat Skin with Integrated Thin-Film Power Subsystem

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

As Johnson Space Center and other NASA centers study long-term manned missions to the moon and Mars, one of the key enabling technologies is provision of a livable, self-sustaining habitat. However, while this habitat must represent a safe haven, it also must be practical to launch, erect, and maintain.

ITN believes that integrated systems represent an elegant, achievable means to these ends and is currently developing a number of thin-film power system technologies which could be integrated with the habitat skin to create a Multifunctional Habitat Skin. Specifically, ITN proposes herein a revolutionary integrated skin concept comprising:

Integrated Power Pack (IPP), a multilayered laminate of thin-film hotovoltaics, thin-film battery, and thin-film power management and distribution electronics

Direct integration of IPP with the habitat�s structural skin element, whether flexible or rigid

Key advantages of our IPP concept, compared to a conventional power subsystem with separate solar array, battery, and power electronics components, include the following:

reduced launch mass, volume, and number of launches to field a given system

reduced assembly procedures; assembly of habitat also deploys the power subsystem

reduced mass of structural elements; increased mass fraction for science, consumables, fuel, or margin

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The Integrated Power Pack subsystem, proposed herein for integration with Trans-Stage and Planetary Habitats, will have significant spin-off potential, including:

Tent/Shelter Power Supply: This concept is virtually identical to that proposed herein, except applied to a terrestrial system. For the military user, IPP would replace or augment diesel generators, thereby reducing fuel resupply demands, and noise and IR signatures. It can also provide critical power for civil deployments, such as �medical missionaries�. If IPP can be produced very cost-effectively, it could even be implemented on consumer products such as camping tents and trailer awnings.

Portable Electronics Power Supply: The IPP/skin concept can serve as a stand-alone power supply for many portable electronics systems. Military applications include radios, data relays, and GPS. Commercial applications include laptop computers, camcorders, and cell phones.

Unmanned Space Systems and Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): Many unmanned systems, including spacecraft, the Pathfinder UAV, and some balloons, use solar energy for primary power. IPP could replace the conventional solar cells with a complete power subsystem, providing significant, mass, volume, and payload benefits.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Bruce Lanning

ITN Energy Systems, Inc.

12401 West 49th Avenue

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Janet Casteel

ITN Energy Systems, Inc

12401 West 49th Avenue

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Lightweight, Low Thermal Conductivity

Cryogenic Penetrations

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Foster-Miller proposes to refine and utilize its

proprietary and patented liquid crytalline prolyemrs

(LCP) processing technology to produce low weight

and low thermal conductivity cryogen tank

penetrations such as feed lines, vent lines and

instrumentation feed throughs. Our biaxially

oriented LCPs are ideal for cryogenic applications

because of their proven compatibility with LOX,

retention of ductility and strength at cryogenic

temperatures, low permeability to gases, far lower

density than metals or composites, and

exceptionally low thermal conductivity. Our

proposed approach is expected to reduce cryogen

tnak thermal induced losses by 17-25%. This will

result in significant reductions in the cryotank

weight or major increases in strorage capacity if the

original tank weight is maintained. Such savings can

extend mission life or increase payload capacity.

Potential savings are expected to range from

$275,000 to $2,000,000 per launch/mission.

In Phase I Foster-Miller will demonstrate the

feasibility of our minimal heat transfer LCP

cryogenic tank penetrations. We will produce

tube/pipe at varying biaxial orientations and wall

thicknesses, and establish their mechanical,

thermomechanical (CTE) and thermal conductivity

properties. A cost/benefit analysis will then be used

to establish the technical and economic viability of

our LCP cryogenic tank penetration components.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Commercial applications include high strength

tubes for aerospace and astrospace structures

where zero axial CTE can provide major benefits,

accurate gauge medical tubing for endoscopic

instruments and tools, and high voltage electrical

tubing and conduit. In addition a larger scale

version of this technology may be readily applied to

advanced-high performance solid rocket motors.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Leslie S. Rubin

Foster-Miller, Inc.

350 Second Avenue

Waltham , MA

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Adi R. Guzdar

Foster-Miller, Inc.

350 Second Avenue

Waltham , MA 02154-1196

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Heat-Driven Pyroelectric Pump

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Pumps with moving parts are prone to failure and

are often subject to gravitational limitations.

Proposed is demonstration (Phase I) and

development (Phase II) of a novel heat-activated

pump using the pyroelectric effect. With materials

whose dielectric constant is a strong function of

temperature, this effect can be used for heat

engines. Direct pumping of liquids is also possible,

by heating them within the electric field. Water is

an ideal fluid for this application because the

dielectric constant changes rapidly with

temperature. Recuperation of sensible heat yields

an efficient pump with no moving parts, and staging

can be used to achieve a large pressure head. The

electric field is not consumed, so electric power

consumption for field generation is limited to

leakage losses. Heat in any form can drive the

pump. The lack of moving parts (motor,

transmission, etc.) will not only increase reliability

but will also reduce weight, especially for small

capacity pumps. The heat-driven pyroelectric pump

is proposed as an alternative to

"piezoelectric/magnetoresrictive driven pumps with

high reliability" suggested under subtopic 10.08.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

If proven, this innovative pump would find use in

many applications where its special features

(heat-driven, no moving parts, maintenance free)

are desirable. Specific examples include: (1)

solution pumps on sorption refrigeration systems,

where heat is available and electric pumps add

considerably to operating costs, (2) very small flows

where motors and mechanical pumps are very

inefficient and reliability is a problem, and (3)

pumps for solar heating systems, in which case the

pump would be heat driven with pumping rate

increasing as more heat was available.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Lance Kirol

Rocky Research

1598 Foothill Dr.

Boulder City , NV 89005

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Rocky Research

1598 Foothill Dr.

Boulder City , NV 89005

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Low Energy Plasmas Applied to

Transparent Organic Optoelectronic


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The anticipated results of the proposed research

could lead to basic improvements in the

performance of organic high-emitting devices

(OLEDs) poised to enter the electronic display

market. Specific objectives: 1) Confirm the concept

of low energy plasma deposition of thermally

evaporated organic precursors to form sandwich

layers. 2) Demonstrate a practical deposition

process which excludes air. 3) Verify that such

layers can be electrically excited to controlled light

emission. 4) Confirm the luminosity, transparency,

and flexibility of prototype OLEDs. 5) Demonstrate

extended life and reduced power drain after

prolonged flexing of hermetically sealed prototypes.

6) Characterize the layers' surface structure and

electroluminescent performance. 7) Relate results

to a Phase II development of a prototype to meet

NASA's requirements. 8) Analyze the Phase III

commercial potential.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Portable displays (radio receivers, cellular

telephones, calculators). Automotive instrument

and safety displays. Flat panel displays. Flexible

optoelectronic displays. Electroluminescent and

photosensitive polymers. Heads-up displays for

windshields, helmets, visors, and mirrors.

Information readout: panel meters, test and audio

equipment, and home appliances.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Hiroshi Nomura, Ph.D.

NeoMecs Inc.

4832 Park Glen Road

St. Louis Park , MN 55416

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Hiroshi Nomura Ph.D.

NeoMecs Inc.

4832 Park Glen Road

St. Louis Park , MN 55416

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Advanced display for immersive

telepresence system

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Flogiston Corporation proposes to design and

develop an advanced display system for immersive

telepresence applications which provides full

spherical field of view, using its proprietary Bubble

Dome technology, combined with a Head Mounted

Display (HMD) to provide high resolution stereo

vision in the foveal area. Astronauts will use the

compact display system on board the Space Station

to interact with and control robotic systems such as

the Robonaut, perform inspections of external

systems using autonomous EVA robotic cameras,

and view immersive virtual and telepresenced

environments for training and communications.

Existing robots retain their current head tracked

stereoscopic cameras, while adding fixed fisheye

view cameras. The fisheye image is back projected

on to the exterior of the small dome, called a

telesphere, to provide a general field of view

without lag that engages peripheral vision, while the

stereoscopic image is displayed on the HMD for

detailed inspection. This enables the astronaut to

look around freely inside the telesphere, providing

a sense of presence that HMDs alone cannot

convey. This display significantly increases the

capabilities of humans to control robotic systems

and put their awareness at the robot's location.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The advanced display has many applications in

commercial telepresence and immersive

cyberspace applications. Flogiston is already

marketing the Flostation with its basic dome for

commercial use in the entertainment, research,

education and medical fields. Any improvements to

the display can readily be assimilated into the

Flostation and improve the image quality. The

addition of a high resolution HMD to compliment

the dome has practical applications for surgery

training, telepresence surgery, control of remotely

piloted aircraft, submersible vehicles, hazardous

area robots, and in the entertainment field. The

complete telesphere also has applications for

remote viewing of sites for surveillance and


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Brian Park

Flogiston Corporation

16921 Crystal Cave Drive

Austin , TX 78737

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Brian Park

Flogiston Corporation

16921 Crystal Cave Drive

Austin , TX 78737

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971800

Proposal Number: 10.10-1732

Project Title: Rapidly Prototyped Single-Wall, Fullerene Nanotube-Reinforced


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA is seeking rapid prototyping (RP) processes that can produce functional prototypes and working models, which will establish state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies to construct future spacecraft. Single-wall nanotubes are expected to exhibit spectacular mechanical, electronic, and magnetic properties. With such great promise, a logical use of nanotubes is in composites to improve the properties and performance of the matrix material. Lone Peak Engineering (LPE) proposes a RP process to directly produce composites reinforced with single-wall nanotubes. These composites will be used in functional applications as prototypical components or as tools to form other components needed to build future spacecraft.

In this Phase I project, the feasibly of LPE's RP process to build functional nanotube-reinforced composites (NTRCs) will be demonstrated. Two matrix materials will be examined: 1) an epoxy-based resin that will result in composites similar to the pre-pregs that are currently used as tooling at NASA and 2) titanium metal matrix composites, which can be used as functional prototypes and working models.

During Phase II, the RP process will be refined to allow LPE to fabricate pre-preg-like composite tooling. This tooling will be delivered to NASA-Johnson for evaluation in the production of panels for the X-38 spacecraft. Functional titanium-matrix composite prototypes will also be prepared for evaluation in specific NASA-related applications. The tooling and functional prototypes will be delivered to NASA for evaluation in their intended applications at the end of the Phase II project.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The commercial applications of this technology lies

in the rapid fabrication of tooling, functional

prototypes, and working models. There is strong

commercial demand functional prototypes with

shorter turnaround times, especially when only

small quantities of parts are ordered. The RP

process can meet this commercial demand for

functional RP components. Industrial sectors

interested in this capability include the aerospace,

medical, sporting goods, transportation, and power

generation industries.



Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Curtis Griffin

Lone Peak Engineering, Inc.

12660 S. Fort St.

Draper , UT 84020

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


E. Alair Griffin

Lone Peak Engineering, Inc.

12660 S. Fort St.

Draper , UT 84020

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Carbon Nanotubes for High Capacity

Fuel Storage Systems

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

One of the most intriguing applications of

nanotubes is in use as an absorptive/adsorptive

material for hydrogen storage, where the high

surface area dn graphitic naure of carbon

nanotubes can be used to significantly reduce the

pressure and temperature of containment, as well

as potentially dramatically increase the storage

capacity of a storage vessel with a given volume.

The observation that carbon nanotubes can absorb

and adsorb large amounts of hydrogen offers the

prospect that carbon nanotubes can be used for

high capacity, low volume fuel storage vessels for

improved range and/or reduction of tank volume.

The availability of low-cost carbon nanotubes based

on the high volume production process of nanotubes

will enable cost-effective near-term exploitation of

this physical phenomenon. The objectives of the

Phase I work are to demonstrate the feasibility of

using carbon nanotubes for hight capacity hydrogen

storage, and to determine relationships between

fiber size and morphology to hydrogen storage

capacity and thermal stability of the system.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Potential aerospace uses of this technology include

hydrogen storage for propulsion or power (fuel

cells). Compact storage of hydrogen could be

enabling technology for the transportation industry.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

David J. Burton

Applied Sciences, Inc.

141 W. Xenia Ave. PO Box 579

Cedarville , OH 45314-0579

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Max L. Lake

Applied Sciences, Inc.

141 W. Xenia Ave. PO Box 579

Cedarville , OH 45314-0579

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Applications of Single-Walled Carbon


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The overall goal of this program is to develop a new

class of nanocomposite electronic materials from

single-walled carbon nanotubes. The properties of

carbon nanotubes offer a unique solution for

fabrication of practical electronic materials.

However, development of practical carbon

nanotube devices has been limited, and still remains

at the laboratory level, despite the substantial

amount of time and money that has been devoted to

studying their properties.

Specifically, in Phase I, we will demonstrate the

feasibility of our approach by preparing useful

materials that utilize single-walled carbon

nanotubes, fabricating prototype electrodes, and

then testing the them for the following electronic

properties 1) specific capacitance (farads/g), 2)

specific energy (Wh/kg), 3) energy density (Wh/L),

4) cycle lifetime, and 5) ease of manufacturing and


Based on successful proof of feasibility in Phase I,

we will pursue a Phase II program where emphasis

will be placed on optimizing the most promising

candidates identified in Phase I. Phase II will

involve the design and development of prototype

devices and demonstrating their utility.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The projected market for energy storage devices

such as ultracapacitorsis expected to exceed

exceeds 1.3 billion dollars by the year 2000. This

represents a substantial economic opportunity for

development of such devices. Utilization of carbon

nanotube technology in this arena will require

improvements in technical performance and cost

specifications in order for a practical device to

reach the marketplace.

The electronic devices we propose to develop in

this program will have widespread application in the

automotive industry, consumer electronics, energy

management in computers for start-up and memory

back-up, cellular phones and emerging


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Thomas A. Reynolds


63140 Britta St., Suite C-100

Bend , OR 97701

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Thomas A. Reynolds

ReyTech, Inc.

63140 Britta St., Suite C-100

Bend , OR 97701

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972361

Proposal Number: 10.10-7819B

Project Title: Large Scale Synthesis of Single-Walled Nanotubes

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) or Buckytubes, with a diameter of only 1.5 nm, represent the ultimate carbon fibers. The high tensile modulus of the tubes, combined with their extremely large aspect ratio and low density, make them ideal candidates for use as structural reinforcements in composite materials. However, before such applications can be taken seriously, a truly large scale, economic process for the synthesis of SWNTs must be developed. The leading current method for their production utilizes an electric arc between two catalytic metal doped carbon rods, a batch process that yields only grams per day. TDA Research, Inc. (TDA) proposes a new synthesis route based on the thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons in the presence of a gas phase metal catalyst, a continuous process that can be readily scaled to industrially relevant capacities. A modification of this process is currently used for large scale commercial production of fullerenes at TDA.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

SWNTs have been proposed as lighter, higher strength replacements for carbon fibers in composite materials, as well as field emitters for flat panel displays, replacing liquid crystal displays. Other applications include lubricants, in vivo biological sensors, and vessels for performing nanoscale chemical synthesis.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. J. Michael Alford

TDA Research, Inc.

12345 W. 52nd Ave.

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Michael E. Karpuk

TDA Research, Inc.

12345 W. 52nd Ave.

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

VOC-Compliant Primerless Silicone

Coatings for Corrosion Control

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A VOC-compliant anticorrosion coating is proposed

for maintaining structural metals such as aluminum

and steel in corrosive field environments. The

proposed research explores the feasibililty of using

an aqueous dispersion of silicone resins stabilized

with novel polymeric surfactants and pigmented

with non-toxic anticorrosive additives to yield

coatings with excellent inherent adhesion to metals

and high corrosion inhibiting ability. The proposed

anticorrosion formulations, although waterborne,

would possess the ability to displace absorbed

water from the surfaces of poorly treated metallic

substrates and adhere strongly without the need for

pre-coat priming. The substitution of multi-function

polymeric surfactants for conventional surfactants

should significantly reduce the emissivity of the

resulting coatings. The interaction of the proposed

coating components and hydrated metal surfaces

will be computer simulated to optimize the unprimed

coating-substrate adhesion and barrier properties.

The VOC-compliant coatings would be tested

against conventional solventborne silicone coatings

for adhesion and corrosion inhibition. The ability to

form inherently adherent, durable barrier coatings

over poorly treated structural metal alloys without

the need for volatile organic solvents would

represent a signficant advancement in corrosion

engineering and aerospace maintenance


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The benefits of a waterborne coating for improving

the corrosion resistance of structural metals include

reduced workplace health hazards, lower disposal

costs, greater system reliability, and improved

mission readiness. Potential commercial

applications lie in the manufacture and maintenance

of military, industrial and aerospace vehicles and


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Francis L. Keohan

Cape Cod Research, Inc.

19 Research Road

East Falmouth , MA 02536

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Katherine D. Finnegan

Cape Cod Research, Inc.

19 Research Road

East Falmouth , MA 02536

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Self-Priming Silicone Coating

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Silicone coatings are exceptionally hydrophobic and

stable to most common chemical and weathering

processes, making them excellent anti-corrosion

coatings for materials subjected to extreme

environments. Unfortunately the adhesion of most

silicone coatings to metallic substrates is poor

without the application of a primer coat. To

maximize the adhesion and corrosion protection

afforded by silicone coatings, TDA Research Inc.

(TDA) will develop polymeric additives which will

act as internal priming agents for a wide array of

commercial silicone coatings. These additives are

expected to be effective adhesion promoters even

at concentrations below 1%. Self-priming silicone

coating formulations will save the time and money

associated with application of a separate coating of

primer. Additional potential benefits include the

reduction of volatile organic chemical (VOC)

emissions during the coating process and improved

corrosion protection of the coated metals.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Self-priming silicone coatings would find

commercial application in most of the fields where

silicone coatings and sealants are currently used,

including high temperature-resistant,

corrosion-resistant, and hydrophobic barrier

coatings as well as silicone caulking and

construction materials. Silicones are also being

developed as biofouling-resistant marine hull

coatings to replace the environmentally

unacceptable metal salts currently employed. All of

these silicone coating systems would potentially be

improved by incorporating self-priming silicone


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Bryan Smith

TDA Research, Inc.

12345 W. 52nd Ave.

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Michael E. Karpuk

TDA Research, Inc.

12345 W. 52nd Ave.

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Corrosion Protection Using Surface

Spontaneous Polymerized Coatings

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The environment around Kennedy Space Center

(KSC) is extremely corrosive. Not only are

structures subjected to near tropical sea coast

conditions of salt spray, humidity, rain, and high

temperatures, but acidic rocket exhaust further

accelerates material degradation even on

struc-tures removed from the blast zone. A new

coating procedure, surface spontaneous

polymeriza-tion, offers a low-cost, environmentally

benign process to deposit high-performance

coatings on a variety of materials. In this

procedure, a solution of monomers and organic

inhibitors is ap-plied to a substrate. Unlike

conventional coating methods, polymerization does

not occur in so-lution, but only at the surface. The

result is a conformal, adherent, tough polymer

coating with-out the small defects inevitable in

traditional coatings. The coatings can be used as

stand-alone coatings or as primers for topcoats

depending on service conditions and required

coating proper-ties. The surface spontaneous

polymerized coatings have been demonstrated for

both aluminum and steel in the laboratory and initial

salt spray testing has shown excellent corrosion

protection. In response to NASA 11.01, DACCO

SCI, INC., in conjunction with the University of

Connecti-cut, proposes a Phase I SBIR program to

develop this coating procedure to provide improved

corrosion protection to KSC ground support

equipment and infrastructure.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The technology developed in the program is

generally applicable to wherever systems and

structures need to be protected from corrosion. The

economic and environmental advantages of the

surface spontaneous polymerized coatings give

strong incentives to replace existing coatings. Such

coatings could be used for bridges/highways,

aircraft, automobiles, ships, pipelines, under-ground

and above ground storage tanks, and reaction

vessels. The ability to locally control

po-lymerization on the surface suggests that

decorative finishes may also be a use of this

technol-ogy. This broadening of potential

applications would further increase the commercial

potential and the return on investment.The

technology developed in the program is generally

applicable to wherever systems and structures need

to be protected from corrosion. The economic and

environmental advantages of the surface

spontaneous polymerized coatings give strong

incentives to replace existing coatings. Such

coatings could be used for bridges/highways,

aircraft, automobiles, ships, pipelines, under-ground

and above ground storage tanks, and reaction

vessels. The ability to locally control

po-lymerization on the surface suggests that

decorative finishes may also be a use of this

technol-ogy. This broadening of potential

applications would further increase the commercial

potential and the return on investment.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Guy D. Davis, Ph.D.


10260 Old Columbia Road

Columbia , MD 21046

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Chester M. Dacres, Ph.D., P.E.


10260 Old Columbia Road

Columbia , MD 21046

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Enhanced In situ Bioremediation of

Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Soil and groundwater contamination by chlorinated

ethenes, such as trichloroethylene and

dichloroethylene, is a widespread environmental

pollution problem. In many instances, it is standard

practice to excavate and transport the

contaminated soil to a suitable landfill or to

incinerate the soil to remove the contaminant. Such

practices are expensive, environmentally disruptive

and require extensive permitting. On-site and in

situ biological treatment of contaminated soil is a

safer and more economical method of permanently

solving this problem. This proposal describes an

unique in situ treatment method that uses low-cost

reactive micro-particles, introduced into the soil or

ground water to enhance biological degradation of

contaminants by the soil's native microorganisms.

The method has a high potential for public and

regulatory acceptance because of its low

environmental impact. The targeted contaminants

are degraded and the materials that remain in the

soil are environmentally benign. The method is

entirely passive, offering the potential of lower

operating and maintenance costs compared to

existing in situ methods. Adding the particles to the

soil does not require engineering modification of the

site and the flow of ground water is unaffected. If

the Phase I feasibility study is successful, a field

study of the method will be carried out at a NASA


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The commercial potential of the proposed method

arises from its ability to be used as a primary or

secondary technology for the treatment of

underground formations contaminated with

hazardous organic wastes. The method can be set

up promptly after accidental pollution takes place,

and it has the potential to be easily applied. This

technology can be readily transferred to the

commercial sector.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

G. Duncan Hitchens

Lynntech, Inc.

7610 Eastmark Drive, Suite 105

College Station , TX 77840

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Oliver J. Murphy

Lynntech, Inc.

7610 Eastmark Drive, Suite 105

College Station , TX 77840

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Fiber Optic, Molecularly imprinted

Sensors for Long Term Monitoring

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This proposal describes a fiber optic sensor based

on a molecularly imprinted coating for the specific

and continuous monitoring of hazardous

environmental compounds. Sol gel films

polymerized in the presence of the target molecules

will coat the optical fiber, creating molecular

imprints of the target. Fibers will be coupled to a

compact, low power fluorometer for evanescent

field excitation, detection and data recording. The

use of molecularly imprinted sol gels, rather than

antibodies, will create a durable probe for extended

use and long term storage. Unlike other sensor and

synthetic ligand projects, this effort applies

optically compatible and durable materials (sol gel)

to a sensor system that is well suited to reliable

field monitoring. Phase I objectives are to fabricate

molecularly imprinted probes to detect toluene and

polychlorinated biphenyls, demonstrate their

operation with compact instrumentation, and

characterize the stability of the system over a 1-2

week period. Successful Phase I and II efforts will

result in a prototype fiber optic sensor system for

continuous field monitoring over periods of weeks

to months. These systems would be deployed at

testing and launch sites to monitor runoff,

groundwater, and storage tanks.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

In the waste treatment and environmental hazard

industries to monitor ground and surface water,

bilge, storage ponds, and recycling systems.

In chemical and biochemical manufacturing as an

on-line chemical process monitor.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jeffrey T. Ives

Tacan Corporation

2330 Faraday Avenue

Carlsbad , CA 92008

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James H. Bechtel

Tacan Corporation

2330 Faraday Avenue

Carlsbad , CA 92008

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:



Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Oxigraf has developed a small, rugged oxygen

sensor using laser diode absorption spectroscopy

over a 0.1 m path which meets all the NASA

requirements except range. Oxigraf will adapt the

sensor to a compact, multipass 1 m cell to

demonstrate all requirements including range in

Phase I. In Phase II, the design will be tooled for

low cost manufacturing, greatly extending the

practicality of the technology for medical and trace

oxygen analysis. In addition, in Phase I, Oxigraf will

investigate adapting the small (0.001 cubic meters)

sensor with other laser diodes to measure hydrazine

and monomethyl hydrazine. If laser diode

measurements of hydrazine are feasible, Oxigraf

can implement a combined oxygen/hydrazine

analyzer in Phase II.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Oxigraf has manufactured over 1500 laser diode

oxygen sensors for use in medical operating room

and intensive care monitors and has submitted a

510K application to the FDA for approval of a

stand-alone oxygen analyzer. These sensors

measure oxygen from 5 to 100% with a response

time of 0.1 second and accuracy of 0.1%. If this

technology can be adapted at low cost to trace

oxygen analysis (250 ppm) and to "mainstream"

measurements on the respiratory circuit airway, the

market can be expanded by a factor of ten. In

addition, the capability for trace analysis will permit

industrial applications such as food processing and

semiconductor processing.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Bruce W. McCaul

Oxigraf, Inc.

1170 Terra Bella Ave.

Mountain View , CA 94043

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Bruce W. McCaul

Oxigraf, Inc.

1170 Terra Bella Ave.

Mountain View , CA 94043

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:



Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

ARVC will develop portable, reliable, and easily

operated instrumentation for reliable tension

measurement in critical bolts, based on correlation

and other mathematical and physical techniques.

Specifically, we will combine multiple mathematical

algorithms including cross-correlation and

phase-slope delay determination with improved

transducers and electronics having multifrequency

and/or chirp capability in order to increase the

number of ultrasonic echo time determination

modalities, and thus increase the reliability of the

time measurements and the consequent estimations

of bolt tension. We will incorporate temperature

measurement into the ultrasonic transducer to

increase the reliability and user-friendliness of the

overall system. We expect to greatly increase the

accuracy and performance reliability of ultrasonic

bolt tension measurements, as well as the ease of

use of the instrument itself. The resulting

instrument will find application throughout NASA

and all of industry, and its benefits will be improved

accuracy and reliability of tension measurement in

critical fasteners.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The advanced bolt gage developed from this work

will find application wherever critical fasteners

(very lightweight in comparison to the loads they

bear) particularly bolts or stud bolts are used. This

bolt gage will find application in all of aerospace

industry and vehicles, in all of defense industry and

vehicles and weapons, in all of the chemical and

other process industry, in all pipelines, in all

manufacturing, in all of the nuclear industry -

anywhere high strength, lightweight in comparison

to design load bolts (or other fasteners) are used.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Stuart Gleman

American Remote Vision Company

3561 Alan Dr.

Titusville , FL 32780

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Stuart Gleman

American Remote Vision Company

3561 Alan Drive

Titusville , FL 32780

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:




Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to develop a miniaturized nitrogen

dioxide point sensor suitable for leak detection at

rocket motor test and launch facilities. Based on a

proprietary technology (patent pending) for

nondispersive gas filter correlation spectroscopy,

nitrogen dioxide will be detected by visible light

absorption; a remote multi-pass absorption cell

(also governed by an Aerodyne Research patent)

will be linked by a fiber optic hookup to a central

analysis unit which houses all light sources,

detectors, and associated electronics. This detector,

which isolates the test sites from any electrical

signals or moving parts, will be easily capable of

detecting 1-100 ppm nitrogen dioxide with one

second time response.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The primary commercial opportunity is for the

measurement of pollutant NOx (a combustion

byproduct) for flue gas control processes. Possible

users include utility operators of coal-fired boilers,

gas turbine operators, and industrial users(

chemical plants, municipal waste combustion

facilities and refineries).

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Paul L. Kebabian

Aerodyne Research, Inc.

45 Manning Road

Billerica , MA 01821

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Charles E. Kolb

Aerodyne Research, Inc.

45 Manning Road

Billerica , MA 01821

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A Software Tool for Industrial

Engineering Process Analysis and


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The objective of this SBIR effort is to research and

develop a user-friendly decision support software

system to support the application of innovative

industrial engineering (IE) models and technologies

for complex processes at the Kennedy Space

Center (KSC). The system will facilitate the design

and measurement of maintenance, support, and

other service operations at KSC and provide

decision support capability for relating

process-level and organizational-level metrics.

Deliverables of this Phase I SBIR program include

a working model for at least one KSC process and a

prototype of the software. Overall, this effort

addresses the generic challenge of "doing more

with less" and is aimed at reducing cost and

turn-around time of KSC operations.

AET, Inc. proposes to develop industrial

engineering models for the KSC operations and to

integrate these models into a user-friendly

software-based decision support system. AET has

had several years experience at developing

statistical simulation tools for complex

manufacturing and design activities. At the heart of

these tools is the use of a statistical technique

known as design of experiments (DoE). This

technique is embodied in a software technology

called STADIUM which has been developed by

Florida Institute of Technology under funding from


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This research will lead to the commercialization of

previously funded DOD work, and will focus on

industrial engineering models for the KSC

operations and to integrate these models into a

user-friendly software-based decision support

system. The AET, Inc. management team has the

capability to develop, commercialize and supportthis software product.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Glenn T. Hess

AET, Inc.

P.O. Box 33071

Indialantic , FL 32903

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Thomas J. Sanders

AET, Inc.

P.O. Box 33071

Indialantic , FL 32903

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972608

Proposal Number: 12.01-6610

Project Title: Raman Spectroscopy as a Non-Invasive Indicator of Protein Crystal Quality.

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Protein crystallography research supporting structur-based drug design requires that a single crystal be selected prior to mounting and freezing for x-ray diffraction. The only method available for determining which crystals are candidates for x-ray diffraction, I.E. which are more perfect in molecular arrangement, is by visual inspection by a trained observer. A non-invasive tool for determining which crystals could provide better data in x-ray diffraction would prove very useful in structure-based drug design by speeding the time from crystallization to structure determination. Raman spectroscopy is just such a technique. It is an optical light-scattering technique for determining the molecular composition of materials or their crystal lattice structure. This technique would increase the likelihood of obtaining high quality structural data for a particular protein at reduced cost by decreasing the use of expensive and time consuming x-ray diffraction facilities by screening crystals prior to diffraction for the degree of perfection. This innovation will further NASA's long standing support for the advancement of protein crystallography and structur-based design.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed innovative crystal evaluation system will be of tremendous value to crystallography, chemistry and pharmaceutical laboratories worldwide. The combined market for these scientific disciplines is substatial and the proposed devices will play a vital role in their future. Protein crystal growth is generally recognized as the major bottleneck in crystallographic structural investigations, which are of paramount importance in elucidating fundamental structure/function relationships and in structure-based drug design. This non-invasive method of crystal evaluation utilized prior to x-ray diffraction will produce better structural data at a lower cost.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

William Rosenblum, PhD

Diversified Scientific, Inc.

2800 Milan Ct. Suite 381

Birmingham , AL 35211-6908

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Thomas E. Gester

Diversified Scientific, Inc.

2800 Milan Ct., Suite 381

Birmingham , AL 35211-6908

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972429

Proposal Number: 12.01-8008A

Project Title: Low Cost Fabrication of High Temperature Polyimide Matrix Composites

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This project addresses the fabrication of composite materials suitable for high temperature launch vehicle and spacecraft applications, where high specific strength and stiffness reduce weight and increase performance. Organic matrix composites have been formulated which demonstrate good performance at temperatures up to 371 C (700 F). These composites are typically fabricated with polyimide matrix materials, which are difficult to process due to high viscosities, use of solvents, production of volatiles during cure, and high molding temperatures and pressures. The high cost of reactants as well as the toxicity of some components are also significant issues. This fabrication method combines aspects of resin transfer and resin infusion fabrication methods, and allows for removal of solvents and condensation by-products during the cure cycle. This method reduces tooling, labor, material, and scrap costs. A low-cost polyimide, which has demonstrated excellent performance at temperatures up to 371 C (700 F), was selected for development of the process. This material is representative of the entire class of materials, and fabrication methods developed in this program will be directly applicable to other condensation polyimide systems. The utility of the materials and processes will be demonstrated by characterization of their mechanical properties at temperatures up to 371 C (700 F).

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed program will enable the fabrication of composite parts using intractable polyimide matrix materials by low cost processes. The materials and processes will be immediately applicable to fabrication of aerospace components and cost reductions will allow insertion of this technology into automotive, industrial, and commercial applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

james B. Schutz



Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Eileen E. Sammells

Eltron Research Inc

5660 Airport Blvd #105

Boulder , CO 80301-2340

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971679

Proposal Number: 12.01-9591

Project Title: Integrated Dynamic Cell Culturing System for the Bioprocessing Facility

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Space bioprocessing has evolved into a dynamic R&D program that explores factors affecting human habitation of space, development of biomedical technologies, and enhancement of life on Earth. A significant component of this program focuses on biomedical research at the cellular level, resulting in the need for innovative equipment for culturing cells. The proposed innovation is a teleoperated, perfused cell culturing system, which incorporates internal video and the ability to filter cells from medium and wash them before fixation. Our proposed system incorporates micro-sensors, which monitor the pH and glucose levels within the culture to provide investigators with the unprecedented opportunity to control the growth and development of the cells on a real-time basis. Further, our system fits within a compact, lightweight and fully contained bioprocessing cassette that allows on-orbit sample changeout and enables easier transport to and from the International Space Station. The resulting integrated DYNAmic Cell CULTuring (DYNACULT) cassette operates within the BIOprocessing FACility (BIOFAC) developed by SHOT. DYNACULT is capable of producing a wide variety of cultured cells and transplantable tissues, and has the potential to significantly impact future space exploration, commercialization of new biomedical products and services, and the quality of life on Earth.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Our Phase I research is expected to result in commercial product and research applications of the DYNACULT technology that will be useful both in space and on Earth. Commercial product applications for both NASA and the private sector are anticipated from innovations associated with miniaturization of DYNACULT's video, sensor and sampling technology. These innovations could have significant impact on the biomedical equipment market, as well as other markets associated with communications and transportation equipment where miniaturization is an ongoing effort. Research application of the DYNACULT technology could result in transplantable tissue and protein products from cells, microencapsulation of pancreatic cells, and improved treatments for dysfunctions associated with aging, the immune system, and nerve cell disorders. Tissue obtained from microgravity culturing could be used for vessel wall repair and for heart muscle patches. Tissue cultivated through biotechnology processing could replace synthetic materials being used in joint replacements. DYNACULT research in microgravity could increase production and reduce the cost of protein products harvested from leguminous cells, which are used for the treatment of cancer and alcoholism. Furthermore, DYNACULT ground and space experiments with lymphocytes could facilitate design of drugs to slow the aging process.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mark Wells

Space Hardware Optimization Technology (SHOT), Inc.

5605 Featherengill Road

Floyd Knobs , IN 47119

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mark S. Deuser

Space Hardware Optimization Technology (SHOT), Inc.

5605 Featherengill Road

Floyd Knobs , IN 47119

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971707

Proposal Number: 12.02-4393

Project Title: Color Multifunction CMOS APS Imager for Telemedicine

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed innovation to be addressed in this work is the development of a low cost, high resolution CMOS Active Pixel Sensor digital color camera-on-a-chip for Telemedicine and Health Diagnostic Services. Multifunction sensor design will allow NASA to use the CMOS APS camera for both Dynamic and Static Imaging applications.

Dynamic imaging provides full-motion, high resolution images and may be divided into interactive televideo (IATV), with parties at both ends communicating in real time, and store-and-forward, with video clips transmitted for review at a later time. Static single-frame imaging genereates visual images of much higher resolution than is required for IATV consultations.

In Phase I, optimal architectures to achieve both excellent image quality and a reasonable cost will be investigated. The technical feasibility of obtaining the color images with ultra-high resolution of up to 2Kx2K will be studied. Physical layout and main circuitry to implement the multi-million pixel camera-on-a-chip will be designed and simulated.

In Phase II, the multi-million pixel camera-on-a-chip architecture will be revised and updated. A complete chip, suitable for NASA and commercial applications will be designed, fabricated and characterized.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

High-resolution CMOS APS technology is expected to be applicable to many consumer, commercial and military applications, ranging from astronomy and biology, HDTV and electronic photography, medical and computer imaging, security and home video to star tracking, target detection, vehicle navigation, automatic inspection and the other CCTV and machine vision systems.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Vladimir Berezin

Photobit Corporation

2529 Foothill Blvd. #104

La Crescenta , CA 91214

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Nicholas Doudoumopoulos

Photobit Corporation

2529 Foothill Blvd. #104

La Crescenta , CA 91214

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972396

Proposal Number: 12.03-2567

Project Title: Gesture Based Multimedia Information Kiosk to Enhance Science Understanding

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose the development of a public kiosk information system to interact with customers, such as the general public and school children, allowing them to learn about and study programs developed by the Human Exploration and evelopment of Space program in innovative and exciting ways. People will access the kiosk's multimedia information through gesture recognition technology. The self-contained kiosk will contain information updateable on site or through the Internet, and protected against theft and tampering. The information in each kiosk will be tailored to specific audiences and be placed in appropriate locations, such as grade schools, universities, research centers, and public administrative and commercial centers. Using gestures as the kiosk interface has many practical advantages over other forms of input, such as speech or keyboard, including longer input device life (no moving parts), improved hygiene, less system degradation due to noisy environments, and a more intuitive command interface. The goal of the Phase I effort is to design a kiosk using standard video and an inexpensive PC-based multimedia system. Gesture commands will be processed in real-time, with the inputs transformed into information retrieval commands, thus giving the kiosk a "futuristic feel" which has always been associated with NASA.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Kiosks are in use almost everywhere, from mall information sites to movie theater ticket purchasing areas. But currently none of them uses gesture recognition, instead relying on unsanitary touch screens or buttons that can break off or get jammed. These kiosks are also unsanitary due to the large number of people who touch the screen or poke the buttons. Our proposed multimedia kiosk, which will use gesture recognition as its mode of input, can be used in all of these places. In addition, such a gesture recognition system could make banking at Automated Teller Machines more intuitive and user friendly. Indeed, automobiles could have built in gesture recognition systems to control various functions (such as the radio, or a map interface). Such gestural control would be more appropriate in an automobile over other forms of control. No need to worry about noise drowning out a voice recognition system, or having the driver loose concentration on the road while searching for appropriate buttons to touch. Finally, if hand and body motions (gestures) can be recognized, then the kiosk could also serve as a surveillance camera, tracking suspicious activity and alerting security when something suspicious takes place.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Charles J. Cohen, Ph.D.

Cybernet Systems Corporation

727 Airport Boulevard

Ann Arbor , MI 48108

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Heidi N. Jacobus

Cybernet Systems Corporation

727 Airport Boulevard

Ann Arbor , MI 48108

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972235

Proposal Number: 13.01-3155B

Project Title: Software Design Methology for Multiagent Software

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The Phase 1 SBIR project herein proposed is based on an innovative software design methodology for designing and implementing multiagent systems that are robust, reliable, and high-performance. Autonomous agent technology is extremely suitable for complex decision making systems in a wide range of applications, including factory automation, supply-chain integration, electronic commerce, and transportation logistics planning. Until recently the work on multiagent systems has been mostly academic, and progress has been impeded by the lack of software design methodologies and support tools for implementing industry-strength multiagent systems. Intelligent Automation Inc. has been working on multiagent systems for several years. As part of our implementation efforts, we have developed the beginnings of a software design methodology for agents which facilitates reusability of both designs and implementations, as well as facilitates clear communication among participants in the analysis, design and implementation phases. It has the potential to significantly reduce the software development cycle duration and cost, and improve the quality and maintainability of the resulting implementations. The work herein proposed will refine the methodology, and will develop tools based on this methodology.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

We expect the resulting agent technology and commercial tools to be used to develop on-line commerce applications, factory automation, logistics, and other applications. Our work has instigated great interest in companies specializing in software design and development platforms. Following our research effort, we expect to produce a commercial suite of agent design tools.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Kutluhan Erol

Intelligent Automation, Inc.

2 Research Place, Suite 202

Rockville , MD 20850

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Joseph E. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Intelligent Automation, Inc.

2 Research Place, Suite 202

Rockville , MD 20850

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Java Empowered Intelligent Agents for

Collaborative and Distributed NASA

Mission Operations

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Building complex software for large information and

data systems is time consuming and expensive.

Likewise, interfacing with and using legacy

software systems is difficult under the best of

circumstances. NASA has a requirement to conduct

mission operations on a smaller budget and

resources for developing new systems and

maintaining legacy systems are severely limited.

NASA requires new methods and techniques for

constructing large complex information systems.

Intelligent agents and agent-based software have

the potential for significantly changing the way

complex information systems are constructed.

Using intelligent agents, software development

becomes a much simpler and cheaper process

because the software developer deals with

high-level abstractions (agents) rather than

low-level software abstractions (such as objects).

Using the agent paradigm, programming is simply

the process of defining agents and their behaviors.

Reticular Systems Inc. proposes a research effort

leading to the development of a family of DYNamic

Agents for Mission Operations (DYNAMO).

DYNAMO will significantly enhance the software

development process, reduce software development

time and provide additional capabilities (e.g.,

planning, learning and autonomous operations) that

are otherwise difficult to provide in information

systems. The goal of the DYNAMO project is to

show how intelligent agents can be used to

implement mission operations systems.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The use of the collaborative agent to create a

framework and environment for distributed

commercial design projects could have a large

horizontal market. In addition, many of the

capabilities of the data retrieval agent, data

archiving agent, and database agent could find use

in many different vertical markets-such as the

travel industry, web searching, industrial design

projects, etc.-where intelligent agent-based

retrieval utilizing conceptual information could be

profitably employed.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dan R. Ballard

Reticular Systems, Inc.

4715 Viewridge Avenue, Suite 200

San Diego , CA 92123

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dan R. Ballard

Reticular Systems, Inc.

4715 Viewridge Avenue, Suite 200

San Diego , CA 92123

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Silicon-Based APD Arrays for 1064 nm


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Many ongoing and future NASA lidar and altimetry

systems and experiments use Nd:YAG lasers

operating at 1064 nm. Single-element,

reach-through silicon avalanche photodiode (APDs)

are presently used as the optical detector at this

wavelength. These systems could all benefit from

the development of a low-noise, silicon-based

imaging array technology with greater than 40%

quantum efficiency at 1064 nm.

The proposed innovation is based on using

advanced materials and device designs to enhance

the APD quantum efficiency at 1064 nm to greater

than 60%. APD arrays will be fabricated and

characterized for optical response, uniformity, dark

current and noise performance. These

photodetectors will have responsivity greater than

100 A/W and detectivity greater than 1E13 Jones at

1064 nm. This design will be scalable to sub-100 µm

pixel dimensions and be compatible with wafer-level

bonding to silicon CMOS readout and preamplifier

integrated circuits.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

There are many commercial and military lidar

applications at 1064 nm that would benefit from an

imaging APD hybrid array. The APD arrays

developed on this SBIR program would have

enough spectral sensitivity at 1064 nm to enable

those systems to be developed.

This technology can also be readily adapted to a

host of lower-frequency, low-light level applications

including night-vision equipment. Night vision

systems that require several line pairs/mm

presently employ second-generation vidicon

displays based on micro-channel plate technology

typically operating at several kV. A low-cost,

low-voltage, low-power semiconductor APD hybrid

array with pixel dimensions on the order of 10 µm

would be suitable for this application and provide a

substantial market opportunity for this technology.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Joseph C. Boisvert

Lawrence Photoelectronic Laboratories

2444 Rikkard Drive

Thousand Oaks , CA 91362

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Lamonte H. Lawrence

Lawrence Photoelectronic Laboratories

2300 West Huntington Drive

Tempe , AZ 85282

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Fractured Zone Plates for spatial

separation of frequencies

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The output of a Fabray-Perot interferometer is an

interferometric zone plate when the input is a

monochromatic diverging wave. In a similar fashion

the output of a polychromatic wave will be a

geometric zone pattern of radially changing

frequencies. The individual annular bands can be

sensed directly with a zoned sensor or alternatively

the zone plate pattern may be spatially separated

into individual focused spots with a diffractive

optical element (DOE) or holographic optical

element (HOE). Prior work consisted of fabricating

HOEs with off axis focal planes. Composites were

made by individually masking and stablizing each

zone exposure and replication of a composite could

not be done because of shadows at the smallest


This proposal deals with near on axis DOEs and

ultra thin master HOEs that can be mechanically or

optically replicated as complete devices in one step.

The DOE segments will be formed by punching out

offset annular pieces of several master zone plates

and then assembling the annuli into a secondary

multiplexed zone plate for replication. The offset

distance is the distance between frequency

channels at the DOE focal plane. Hoe designs are

of two kinds, thinly covered master circle to point

converters and master line to point converters. The

latter will enable the use of diffraction gratings in

place of Etalons for wider band frequency

component discrimination. Both cases will enable

the collection of all available signal light into fast

photo diodes arranged in a line or other discreet


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Commercial wind lidars for air traffic safety are a

good application mainly due to the much lower cost

of direct frequency detection over more

conventional heterodyne coherent lidars. Patterns

can also be made to work with high dispersion

gratings, which are easy to use in some broader

bandwidth configurations like wavelength division

multiplexing. An optical Dopplar radar for the

measurement of the relative motion of two objects

may be a viable application. We have no application

in mind to devleop for ourselves but a free space

optical communication company has expressed

interest in a similar multiplexed HOE which would

be enabled by succeding at this product

development effort.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr Richard D Rallison

Ralcon Development Lab

8501 S 400 W

Paradise , UT 84328-0142

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Richard D Rallison

Ralcon Development Lab

8501 S 400 W

Paradise , UT 84328-0142

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972325

Proposal Number: 14.01-9284

Project Title: Geometric Transformation Using Computer Generated Optical Elements

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Space Applications Corporation (SAC) proposes a simple, innovative method to convert circular interference fringes into a linear pattern by using geometric transformation with a computer generated optical element. This unique method when included in Fabry-Perot interferometer systems would be a powerful tool for planetary atmospheric observations. The proposed approach exploits the concept f high-sensitivity Moire interferometry. The resulting linear fringe pattern contains nearly all the transmitted energy and can be scanned using commercially available linear array detectors. This method retains the inherent throughput advantages of FPI by enabling the detection of the full intensity pattern. Considerable output signal gain can be realized, thereby reducing the long integration time required for low-emission sources and very extended astronomical objects such as the Gum nebula. The proposed optical elements are simple to fabricate, light weight, low cost, and very reliable and will result in a flight-worthy instrument that is ideally suited for small satellite observations. This new technique for scanning the circular fringe pattern produced by a FPI will have numerous application in various scientific, commercial, and industrial fields and is a major improvement over the state-of- the-art CLIO-FPI technique proposed for many future astronomical observations.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Applications include: plasma research; astronomy; remote sensing; x-ray microscopy; neutron imaging; IR surveillance devices; automatic inspection systems for quality control; angle multiplexing for optical fiber communication; solar energy concentrator; accessing optical disk; low and geosynchronous orbits planetary exploration; and comet probe missions.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Hemant Dave

Space Applications Corporation

9315 Largo Dr. West

Largo , MD 20774

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Benita Richardson

Space Applications Corporation

9315 Largo Dr. West

Largo , MD 20774

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Miniaturized multispectal imaging

system for small portable UAV

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The innovation is a miniaturized Multispectral

Imaging Sensor System for use on small UAV's for

aerial remote sensing of the environment. The

airborne sensor will provide imagery in the

400-1100 nm range with 10 nm spectral resolution,

less than 1 meter spatial resolution at 0.5 km swath,

and weigh 2 kg or less. Filters will be selectable and

interchangable for specific applications. A character

generator may be incorporated to insert important

information for post processing into each frame of

video. All data will be transmitted and stored on the

ground at the point of operation.

The system is meant for integration into small

UAV's, as such flexibility and timeliness will be

dramatically increased for data collection of coastal

regions and almost anywhere else as a result of this

innovation. Incorporating this system into a small

UAV will have the advantage of reduced operating

costs and quick transport for data collection. A

small UAV is able to operate in many more areas

than larger UAVs because the operating area

necessary for take off and landing is significantly

less. Systems such as these will further increase the

remote sensing capability of NASA and other

government agencies.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Commercial applications of this technology include

the production of sensor systems capable of

integration into low cost and small fixed, free or

rotary wing UAV's. They can be used in aerial

remote sensing applications for agriculture and

water systems as well as other commercial aerial

imagery requirements such as environmental clean

up monitoring, and land management and


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Robert Lahnemann

Sky High RPA's, LLC

8673 Commerce Dr, #4

Easton , MD 21601

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Robert Lahnemann

Sky High RPA's, LLC

8673 Commerce Dr, #4

Easton , MD 21601

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Reflection and Thermal Band

Hyperspectral Imager

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The principle innovations will be a hyperspectral

system covering both the reflection and thermal

infrared bands, and a system which provides

real-time radiometrically calibrated data to

accelerate use of the data. The Phase I project will

provide a detailed conceptual design of a

hyperspectral imager for airborne applications. The

system will cover both reflection band (0.4 to 2.5

microns) and the thermal band (8-11 microns).

Spectral resolution will be 10 nm spectral resolution

from .4 to .9 microns (60 bands), 20 nm resolution

from .9 to 2.5 microns (60 bands) and 125 nm

resolution from 8 to 12 microns (30 bands). Spatial

resolution will be 1 m and 500 m swath width in the

reflection bands (.4 - 2.5 microns) and 1 m ground

resolution and 250 m swath width in the thermal

bands (8-12 microns). The proposed system will

include real time radiometric calibration of all

wavebands. The system will also include active

image stabilization.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

There are currently no commercial imaging

spectrographs flying which cover both the reflection

band and the thermal band in one high-resolution

sensor. The real-time calibration feature provides

an opportunity to collect high quality calibrated

data, also not available in current airborne systems.

The design of this system should easily lend itself

to activities supporting various commercial, civil,

and military applications. There are a large number

of applications in the areas of geology,

environmental assessment, agriculture, tactical

military and reconnaissance which would strongly

benefit from this technology.

Pacific Island Technology plans to aggressively

pursue a teaming arrangement with an established

aerospace corporation to manufacture, market, and

field complete airborne remote sensing systems

based on this design.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Paul G. Lucey

Pacific Island Technology, Inc.

1497 Hiikala Place, Suite 14

Honolulu , HI 96816

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Keith A. Horton

Pacific Island Technology, Inc.

1497 Hiikala Place, Suite 14

Honolulu , HI 96816

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Ultralightweight Silicon Carbide

Space-Based Hyperspectral Sensor for

Coastal Research

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Remote sensing of coastal regions is a complex

problem which requires very high spatial and

spectral resolution. Space based sensor concepts

are being pushed to provide this high resolution

information within compact, lightweight, and

integrated payloads. SSG proposes the

development of an ultralightweight, innovative,

moderate resolution hyperspectral sensor concept.

The sensor proposed integrates several innovative

technologies: ultralightweight Silicon Carbide (SiC)

optics, a, low-distortion spectrometer relay optical

design, and a newly developed dual-blazed grating

fabrication process. The combination of these

technologies will provide a wide field-of-regard,

high-resolution, ultralightweight sensor concept

which is suitable for coastal monitoring/evaluation.

SSG has extensive experience with SiC optical

systems, the superior bulk materials of SiC,

superior thermal stability (8x better than aluminum)

and excellent specific stiffness (80% of beryllium),

make it ideally suited for ultralightweight, thermally

stable, space-based remote sensing applications.

The innovative, low-distortion reimaging optics and

dual-blazed grating proposed have both been

developed by NASA. SSG will utilize these

important technical advances to produce an

ultracompact, modular reimager. A number of these

1:1 reimager sections will be combined with a wide

field-of-regard, all-reflective optical front end in

order to obtain an innovative high sensitivity,

hyperspectral sensor concept. During Phase I the

overall concept design will be reviewed and a set of

opto-mechanical designs will be generated. The

critical component in the hyperspectral sensor

concept proposed, the low-distortion 1:1

spectrometer relay, will be produced and tested

with support from NASA personnel. A successful

Phase I effort will lead to the development and

testing of a fully functional prototype during Phase


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A number of NASA, DoD, and commercial

end-users are very interested in space-based

hyperspectral imaging for a number of applications.

Coastal monitoring applications include

environmental effluent/ contamination and

commercial fisheries. From a military perspective

mine countermeasures, submarine detection, and

monitoring of the environmental impact of training

and operations are all areas of interest.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Joseph Robichaud

SSG, Inc.

65 Jonspin Road

Wilmington , MA 01887

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Alan H. McEacharn

SSG, Inc.

65 Jonspin Road

Wilmington , MA 01887

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972557

Proposal Number: 14.03-0668A

Project Title: High Energy Single Frequency Solid State Laser for Atmospheric Remote Sensing at the Eyesafe 1.5 Micron Wavelength

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Practical lidar laser transmitters for atmospheric remote measurement applications must be environmentally rugged, efficient, and capable of tuning over a specified wavelength range. Lite Cycles is developing solid state Raman eye safe laser technology for operation at 1.56 microns for applications such as rangefinders and coherent lidar wake vortex detection systems for use around airports with high traffic rates and large aircraft. System Specifications typically require that the output beam quality be nearly diffraction-limited (less than or equal to 2 TDL), with large pulse energies (less than or equal to 500 mJ/pulse) at high repetition rates (less than or equal to 10 Hz), and with a high overall wall-plug efficiency (greater than 6%). Some applications require these sources to be capable of operating in a coherent mode (i.e., injection-locked to a local oscillator). This transmitter has a diffraction-limited output beam and is ideally suited for use in remote sensing applications. We propose a 0.5 J/pulse 10 Hz coherent transmitter that is based on a master oscillator/Raman amplifier scheme that uses existing solid state Raman converter materials.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols and clouds, both for military and commercial purposes, are of interest. Systems for detection of chemical and biological aerosols to give early warning of the existence, location, size, and possibly identification of potentially dangerous substances in the atmosphere are viable applications for this technology. Other commercial applications include eye safe ranging and velocity measurement lidar, wind and wind shear measurement lidar, and eye safe night vision systems.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

James T. Murray

Lite Cycles, Inc.

2010 N. Forbes Blvd., Suite 100

Tucson , AZ 85745

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


William L. Austin

Lite Cycles, Inc.

2010 N. Forbes Blvd., Suite 100

Tucson , AZ 85745

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:



Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to develop a new micro Raman lidar

(MRL) for remote measurement of atmospheric

water vapor and aerosols. Although its basic

principle is simple, because of the low signal levels,

practical Raman lidars are bulky, expensive and

operate mostly at night. Our proposed MRL

overcomes these limitations by utilizing the Micro

Pulse Lidar concept, to result in a rugged,

affordable lidar with routine day and night

operational capability. A high repetition rate,


diode-pumped frequency quadrupled Nd:YAG laser

(266nm), operating in solar blind wavelength region,

eliminates solar background to allow daylight

operation. A 35cm telescope collects the weak

signal and efficient detection is achieved with

photon counting after blocking elastic scattering

with rejection filters. Water vapor mixing ratios up

to 3km altitude are obtained with vertical resolution

of 100-200m, for 1mJ/pulse laser energy. Ten

minute averaging yields high accuracy (5%) and

good signal to noise ratio (~20) even at 2 km. With

SESI's extensive MPL technology basis, a

moderate cost innovative MRL will be developed.

In Phase I, we will perform a feasibility study, and

critical system performance analysis, as well as

demonstrating a bread-board Raman lidar. After

building a prototype MRL, measurements will be

performed in Phase II.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

In addition to the NASA's applications of lidars for

remote sensing of atmospheric water vapor many

other applications are envisaged. Raman lidar

systems for measurements of, temperature, O3,

pollutants, atmospheric aerosol etc, for weather and

climate prediction and modeling, for environmental

monitoring, chemical and biological species in

battlefields are some of the anticipated


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Coorg R. Prasad

Science & Engineering Services, Inc.

4032 Blackburn Lane

Burtonsville , MD 20866

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Hyo Sang Lee

Science & Engineering Services, Inc.

4032 Blackburn Lane

Burtonsville , MD 20866

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Auto-Alignment and Lag Angle

Compensation Technologies for

Autonomous Coherent Lidars

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Doppler Lidar is uniquely capable of meeting

NASA's EOS tropospheric wind sensing needs.

However, these autonomous coherent lidar systems

will potentially suffer significant SNR loss due to

component misalignment and lag angle effects.

Launch vibration and thermal loading induced

component misalignment is a serious concern which

can potentially be solved using clever

auto-alignment schemes. For a space based

transceiver, lag angles on the order of 100's of

beam widths result, even for moderate scan rates

(~7 RPM). To date, neither of these technologies

have been sufficiently developed to satisfy NASA's

EOS measurement needs. CTI also has a strong

interest in solving these technological problems for

its ground based autonomous lidar systems.

Auto-alignment technologies will result in

lower-cost sensors with greater autonomy. Lag

angle compensation will facilitate faster scan rates,

larger apertures, and greater volumetric coverage

capability. In the proposed Phase I effort CTI will

investigate designs exhibiting a high level of

synergism between NASA's and CTI's

requirements for the following three lidar

subsystems: 1) laser auto-alignment, 2) transceiver

auto-alignment, and 3) lag angle compensation. This

Phase I effort will leverage upon experience and

knowledge gained during a previous CTI R/R&D

program, which investigated transceiver

performance as a function of laser and transceiver


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Potential commercial applications for these

lower-cost faster scan rate autonomous sensors

include, use of the sensor at airports for detection

of hazardous aircraft wake vortices and windshear,

increasing airport capacity, improved helicopter

operations onboard small to medium sized ships,

and airborne wind measurement systems for

improved ride quality and gust alleviation. In

addition, the auto-alignment concept will find many

commercial applications wherever two or more

beams need to be aligned to each other, such as is

required in non-linear optics, single-mode fiber

optic beam launching, etc.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Philip Gatt

CoherentTechnologies Inc.

655 Aspen Ridge Drive

Lafayette , CO 80026

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Robert M. Huffaker

Coherent Technologies Inc.

655 Aspen Ridge Drive

Lafayette , CO 80026

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

355 nm Laser Design for Atmospheric


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Development of a 355 nm, 300 mJ pulsed diode

pumped laser which is efficient, relaible, rugged and

compact is a non-trivial issue. It requires that many

preliminary issues be studied carefully such that the

proper design choices are made. For example, the

3rd harmonic materials themselves need to be

studied carefully for proper selection.

CEO will develop the design for this important


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

There are enormous potential applications.

Viurtually any firm that is interested in cutting or

drilling and also has the concern that the cuts/holes

be very a high quality finish free of burrs or jagged

edges will be interested. One of these commercial

applications is for laminar flow. Titanium materials

require many thousands of very small holes. This is

done with a high power, high rep rate laser which

drills numerous holes at one time.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mark Kushina


Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Chuck Ratermann

Cutting Edge Optronics, Inc.

20 Point West

St. Charles , MO 63301

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Ultrabright Laser Diode for Lidar Wind


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Solid-state lasers of Tm:Ho:YLF are being

investigated for remote detection of atmospheric

turbulence on aircraft and at airports. These lasers

are most efficiently pumped by 791 nm laser diodes,

but the two current types of laser diodes are either

efficient but unreliable or reliable but inefficient.

The proposed new laser diode will eliminate serious

operational limitations that plague the two

presently-available types (AlGaAs which exhibits

facet degradation at high power levels, and

InGaAsP which has low efficiency). By utilizing an

InGaP guide layer (which does not exhibit facet

degradation) and an AlGaAs cladding layer (which

is in a region of the laser where the optical field is

almost zero) the proposed laser diodes will have a

combined reliability and efficiency not currently

possible. The proposed program involves design,

fabrication, and test of such a 791 nm

InGaP/AlGaAs laser diode. It is anticipated that

this laser will exhibit no facet degradation at peak

output power levels of 250W. This exceeds present

laser diode output power by over a factor of 2. With

the successful demonstration of this laser diode,

NASA will be able to demonstrate a reliable and

efficient lidar system for remote atmospheric

turbulence detection.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Reliable Ho:Tm:YLF lidar systems are urgently

needed for atmospheric windshear and microburst

detection on commercial and civilian aircraft and at

airports. Medical applications for Ho:Tm:YLF

lasers abound because of the strong absorption of

tissue at 2.1 mm. Other commercial applications for

high power, reliable 791 nm laser diodes include

welding, cutting, marking, and materials processing.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Kurt J. Linden, Ph.D.

Spire Corporation

One Patriots Park

Bedford , MA 01730-2396

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Everett S. McGinley

Spire Corporation

One Patriots Park

Bedford , MA 01730-2396

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

High Power 0.79um Surface Emitting

Laser Arrays

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

High power, low cost laser diode arrays are needed

to fill many applications including solid state diode

pumps, industrial fiber delivered laser cutting and

scribing as well as many medical and NASA

applications. The usefulness of high power

(>150mW) edge emitting lasers is limited by many

unfavorable characteristics including astigmatism,

highly diverging or spatially incoherent outputs,

poor temperature performance and high production

costs. Princeton Electronic Systems, inc., (PES)

proposes to develop a novel laser architecture

based on the Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting

Laser (VCSEL) technology for pumping at 0.79um

to provide unparalleled performance including high

power (100mW-10W+ CW, 2-1000W+ pulsed),

temperature insensitive operation (threshold

current variation of ± ~1mA over >150°C

temperature range expected), high temperature

operation (to 150°C+), scalability for higher output

powers (10W-100W+ CW potentially achievable)

and low production costs (a 500umx500um array

producing 10W CW can be manufactured for

roughly one dollar). By the end of Phase I, PES will

obtain optimized 0.79um VCSEL design for high

power, low divergence operation. By the end of

Phase II, PES will deliver high power (to10W CW,

1000W+ pulsed) VCSELs for commercial and

NASA applications.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

High power VCSEL arrays exhibiting narrow, single

lobed outputs would find many applications

including diode pumps for Ho:YAG, Tm:LuAG etc.

Ho and/or Tm doped solid state lasers, sources for

fiber delivered applications which require a small

heat affected zone and high power sources for a

broad range of medical applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Kaiyan Zhang

Princeton Electronic Systems, Inc.

196 Princeton-Hightstown Road

Cranbury , NJ 08512

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Chuni L. Ghosh

Princeton Electronic Systems, Inc.

196 Princeton-Hightstown Road

Cranbury , NJ 08512

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972301

Proposal Number: 14.03-7671

Project Title: Investigation of Packaging Technology for Long-Lifetime Space-Based Lasers

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Fibertek, Inc. proposes in this SBIR Phase I work to investigate the packaging technology for long lifetime space-based lasers. We will look at the issues related to the lifetime of high-power diode-pumped lasers to be operated on a satellite. The significance of Fibertek?s proposed work is to seek and identify method(s) that will allow the high-power diode-pumped lasers to be safely operated in the space for an interval of 3 years or longer, and be fired for 5 billion shots. Such methods may include the design, development, and improvements of prototypes and new processes to meet the long lifetime equipment of the future space mission.

The Phase I technical objectives are to seek and

devise methods and processes to reduce the failure probability of long lifetime space-based lasers due to particle and outgasing contamination. Our primary objective is to study and characterize the issue of outgasing contamination. We want to find the methods and processes such that, when implemented, they will reduce the risk level of outgasing contamination. We will conduct experimental tests to verify the results of the study, and draw conclusions from the tests. Based upon the conclusions, some conceptual designs of a proposed Phase II prototype laser will be given.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The results of this NASA SBIR have their primary application in space-based laser systems. The packaging methods and processes developed in the program provide the basis for the development of practical long lifetime space-based laser applications. Fibertek has found strong commercial support for space-based laser applications including earth resources and global atmospheric sensing.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ti Chuang

Fibertek, Inc.

510 Herndon Parkway

Herndon , VA 20170

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ralph Burnham

Fibertek, Inc.

510 Herndon Parkway

Herndon , VA 20170

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Near Real-time Forest Fire

Information System (FireCam)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Forest fire fighting crews require timely, accurate

information about

the location and progression of a fire for strategy

and decision

making. Existing fire information sources are

deficient in accuracy,

timeliness or both. An advanced system combining

an intelligent

airborne sensor/processor flying over the fire in a

UAV or small

aircraft, air-to-ground data link, and a ground

processor for

providing fire information is proposed. An existing

or new

miniaturized infrared sensor provides input to a new


processor which extracts vital fire information from

the image in the

aircraft, adds GPS coordinates, compresses the

data and sends it to

the ground processor through a satellite

communication link.

Improvements derive from linking the two

processors in near real-time,

locating the ground processor at the fire command

post and

coregistering images to a database of high

resolution reference

images. An operator at the ground processor

overlays and conforms the

fire images to the stored reference images. The

resulting images

contain the background scene, fire boundaries, fire

intensities and

locations. Special algorithms and image

compression in the airborne

processor bring the data volume within satellite link


Successful implementation will provide accurate,

easily interpreted

fire status data that is minutes, rather than hours,


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Daedalus scanners are used worldwide for fire

fighting applications.

These IR scanners and imagers have been used to

combat forest fires

over the past 20 years but their utility for the fire

fighting team

has been limited by spatial inaccuracies, high

operator skill

requirements and slow response times. The

proposed system, with its

improved capabilities, is a candidate replacement

for these systems.

Every year, Daedalus receives numerous serious

inquiries for fire

mapping systems from the USA, Europe, Asia,

Australia, and South

America. However, the potential buyers need better

performance than is

possible with existing systems. The capability and

performance of the

proposed system meets the needs of these potential

customers. In

addition, this system concept is ideal for use with

the new generation

of high altitude UAV's. NASA, California Forest

Service, and the US

Forest Service/USDA are all candidate customers

for the system on a


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Frederick G. Osterwisch

Daedalus Enterprises, Inc.

300 Parkland Plaza

Ann Arbor , MI 48103

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Charles G. Stanich

Daedalus Enterprises, Inc.

300 Parkland Plaza

Ann Arbor , MI 48103

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971895

Proposal Number: 14.04-6100

Project Title: Room-Temperature IR Source for Atmospheric Trace Gas Measurement

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Quantitative measurements of trace gases in the stratosphere are required for a better understanding of atmos- pheric chemistry. Direct detection of stratospheric trace gases by absorption spectroscopy in the mid-infrared spec- tral region is now performed by lead-salt lasers which require cryogenic cooling, cannot always be tuned to the de- sired wavelengths, and cannot be easily replaced if they fail. Our innovation is a replacement for lead-salt lasers based on the nonlinear frequency conversion of two diode lasers operating in the near-infrared. This laser source meets or exceeds the all of performance specifications of the lead-salt laser, while offering room temperature opera- tion, tunability to any desired wavelength, and modular construction using readily available components. The use of two input lasers allows us to implement a novel scheme for stabilizing the infrared power, leading to more sensitive trace gas detection. During Phase I we will prove feasibility by building a mid-infrared laser source, implementing the power stabilization scheme, and measuring the detection limit for a trace gas such as methane. In Phase II we will produce and deliver a portable laser spectrometer incorporating our innovation to NASA for use in the meas- urement of trace gases relevant to stratospheric studies.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A compact, affordable infrared spectrometer for the quantitative remote sensing of trace gasses would be attrac- tive to industries trying to keep up with tightening EPA regulations, as well as to those trying to implement stricter controls over manufacturing processes.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Douglas J. Bamford

Gemfire Corporation

2440 Embarcadero Way

Palo Alto , CA 94303

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James Stanley

Gemfire Corporation

2440 Embarcadero Way

Palo Alto , CA 94303

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

An Advanced UAV System to Support

GSFC - Mission To The Planet Earth

Remote Sensing Validation Programs

(GSFC Code 935)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This proposal is to develop an advanced low cost,

highly modular UAV system capable of supporting

various NASA MTPE missions. A need for the

capability to provide extended ground truthing,

repeat coverage for environmental monitoring,

rapid response time, flexibility of operating

performance and ease of payload integration have

been well defined for many research and

commercial applications. A wide variety of

applications exists in the commercial and

government markets for both civil/environmental

and defense/intelligence. Freewing Aerial Robotics

Corporation (Freewing) will utilize its unique

Freewing Tilt-Body design UAV to develop a highly

stable remote sensing UAV system. This system

will have the capability of accepting any number of

small stand-alone remote sensing instruments, and

therefore will support various research and

applications requirements. In Phase I Freewing will:

1) conduct an analysis of MTPE requirements and

develop a detailed conceptual design indicating how

advanced UAV systems can meet these

requirements, 2) conduct multivariate parametric

analysis using its existing computer models and

extensive wind tunnel data to define performance

criteria versus mission requirements, 3) develop a

conceptual design for an advanced, multipurpose

UAV system, and 4) develop a preliminary system

test plan and operations concept.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Since the results of this effort will be the

development of a highly flexible low cost UAV

system, its commercial potential is significant and

covers all remote sensing applications.

Potential applications involve the detection and

mapping of a wide variety of objects and materials.

Commercial applications include: management and

monitoring of coastal zones, wetlands, forests,

agriculture, urban planning, municipal zoning and

management, reef assessment, pollution

monitoring, and low cost field testing of new


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

David Bonorden

Freewing Aerial Robotics Corporation

3800 Raymond Stotzer Parkway

College Station , TX 77845

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Hugh Schmittle

Freewing Aerial Robotics Corporation

3800 Raymond Stotzer Parkway

College Station , TX 77845

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Self-Tuning Kalman Filter for

Autonomous Orbit Estimation

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

For any NASA mission, a key component to the

operational success of the mission, for both

operations planning and science data processing, is

orbit determination. Traditional methods of orbit

estimation are very good at producing state

estimates when the force and data noise models are

well defined. However, practical implementations of

orbit estimation require a large staff of operations

personnel to manually adjust tuning parameters to

account for irregularly occurring but repeatable

variations in the force and data noise models. Such

labor intensive processes are costly.

AI Solutions proposes to develop a self-tuning orbit

estimation system that uses a Kalman filter to

estimate orbit states and a neural network to

actively monitor and control the estimation process.

A neural network integrated with a Kalman filter

will remember and classify the complex

relationships between dependent (state estimation)

and independent (tuning parameters) data. Based

on these complex relationships and error feedback,

a neural network will tune the Kalman filter,

thereby replacing the manual tuning process and

significantly reducing operations costs. Once

proven on the ground, this system can then be

integrated with on-board maneuver control systems

for an autonomous on-board navigation and control


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

With the current growth of the commercial

spacecraft market, there will be many industry

customers who can benefit greatly from this

innovative technology. A self-tuning Kalman filter

for orbit estimation will be of immediate use to all

government agencies and companies who are

performing spacecraft operations. This autonomous

orbit estimation tool will allow significant reductions

to operations costs for commercial companies who

must constantly monitor and perform orbit

determination on numerous spacecraft.

Constellations such as IRIDIUM, ORBCOMM,

and Teledesic are just a few of the potential

commercial customers of this technology.

Kalman filters also have numerous applications in

other areas where large amounts of data with

complex relationships need to be processed for use.

Signal processing is one such area where a neural

network / Kalman filter combination that can be

trained to operate autonomously would be of

significant value in the commercial market. The

ability to create a Kalman filter / neural network

combination that can be easily customized and

trained to accept any form of data will allow this

product to be marketed in many forms throughout

the aerospace and telecommunications industries.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Darrel Conway

AI Solutions, Inc.

10001 Derekwood Lane, Suite 215

Lanham , MD 20706

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Robert Sperling, Jr.

AI Solutions, Inc.

10001 Derekwood Lane, Suite 215

Lanham , MD 20706






Project Title:




Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to develop a miniature three channel

spectrometer to

measure cloud top height from space and airborne

platforms. Cloud

top height is a key parameter required for accurate

ozone retrieval

from TOMS and SBUV measurements, and for

proper analysis of earth's

radiation balance, in radiation and general

circulation models.

Radiometric measurements of thermal-IR that

currently provide cloud

top height are prone to serious errors, and their


determination is thus essential. Our proposal

combines three

complementary techniques - thermal-IR (11-12um),

oxygen band

absorption technique in near-IR (760-770nm), and

filling-in effect

of solar UV Fraunhofer Calcium K and H lines

(390-400nm), to

simultaneously measure radiation from the same

region of the cloud.

Solar radiation scattered from the cloud and its

thermal emission are

collected by a small telescope and analyzed with a

novel 3-band

spectrometer with moderate resolution. Spectra of

the Fraunhofer lines

and oxygen A band are obtained with a diode array

detector, while a

HgCdTe detector measures the thermal IR through

a pass band filter.

In Phase I we will design and demonstrate the

feasibility of the

instrument. In Phase II, a rugged compact

spectrometer will be

built and flown on an aircraft to measure cloud top


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Several applications for the cloud top height sensor

are anticipated.

Most of the environmental, meteorological and

military satellites

require a miniature passive sensor for accurate

determination of cloud

top height. We also expect to further develop this

concept into an

inexpensive passive sensor for use as a cloud

ceilometer for avionic

applications at airports and other military launch


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Coorg R. Prasad

Science & Engineering Services, Inc.

4032 Blackburn Lane

Burtonsville , MD 20866

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Hyo Sang Lee

Science & Engineering Services, Inc.

4032 Blackburn Lane

Burtonsville , MD 20866

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

A Multi-Spectral Imaging Sensor

Utilizing a Fabry-Perot Etalon

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The goal of this project, is the construction of an

LWIR (8-12 mm) liquid crystal Fabry-Perot etalon

coupled with a LWIR imaging system. This

combination of technologies will result in a versatile

spectral imaging instrument. We propose to adapt a

technology that has been developed and refined by

SSI in the .5 - 2.5 mm spectral region to the 8-10

mm spectral region. We will use birefringent liquid

crystals as the tuning element of a large diameter

(2" for phase I) etalon. The etalon will have no

moving parts and will require no active feedback for

control, making it much more robust than PZT

based systems. This LC etalon, which is a single

monolithic unit, is nearly impervious to vibration or

shock making it ideal for use in chemical imaging or

spectroscopy systems that need to operate in

hostile environments. The sensor system proposed

here is ideally suited to current NASA

requirements for smaller, hyperspectral imaging

systems capable of being used in-orbit or on

airborne platforms.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Numerous environmental and related applications

benefit from monitoring with spectroscopic

methods. The proposed sensor would be able to

monitor currently regulated molecular species such

as, oxides of sulfur, carbon and nitrogen. Spectral

imaging makes it possible to identify chemical cloud

composition and to determine the physical location

and extent of chemicals. In agricultural applications

spectral imaging techniques can be used to monitor

the affect and distribution of water, insecticide and

herbicide remotely. If multiple crops are growing in

the same land area spectral imaging can identify

the type and extent of each type of plant. Another

important application is medical imaging, tumors

can produce temperature differences in or near the

skin, which can be imaged with this type of system.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

John Noto

Scientific Solutions Inc.

22 High Street

Medford , MA 02155

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


William Schneller

Scientific Solutions Inc.

22 High Street

Medford , Ma 02155

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971819

Proposal Number: 14.05-2820

Project Title: A Small Rugged Uncooled LWIR Hyperspectral Imager

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

By optimally sampling the spectrally encoded output from a Fourier-Transform Interferometer with an imager consisting of a staring, uncooled microbolometer Focal Plane Array Camera, Visidyne proposes to develop a Spectral Imager capable of acquiring simultaneous high resolution Thermal Infrared (TIR), spectral and spatial data. The design provides for a complete trade-off, if so desired, between frame rate, spectral resolution, spectral coverage, and sensitivity, and allows such tradeoffs to be made in real time in the field or in orbit. Key to the design is the capability to precisely and rapidly position the interferometer moving mirror, which makes it possible at one extreme to generate broad-band images (the imaging radiometer or FLIR mode), while at the other extreme maintaining a spectral resolution of / 1% (the hyperspectral imaging mode). In the latter mode, the rapid mirror positioning capability can be used to selectively under-sample the interferogram, which produces high spectral resolution over a limited spectral band width. The concept addresses NASA's stated need for hyperspectral imaging instrumentation for Mission To Planet Earth-observing and other exploration programs with a design that is logistically undemanding in terms of size, weight, power, and that requires no cooling.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The availability of a dependable, small, rugged uncooled instrument to measure thermal infrared spectral an spatial emissions opens up new commercial possibilities for such applications as the Driver Vision Enhancement, environmental monitoring and of course remote sensing, which is become increasingly commercialized.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mr. Geert Wyntjes

Visidyne, Inc.

10 Corporate Place

Burlington , MA 01803

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. John W. Bates

Visidyne, Inc.

10 Corporate Place

Burlington , MA 01803

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971747

Proposal Number: 14.06-0092

Project Title: A Hyperspectral Imagery Exploitation Tool Using Evolutionary Computing Methods for Remote Sensing Applications

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

An innovative software imagery exploitation tool is proposed for visualizing and assessing large volume imagery sets like hyperspectral data using state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques. The application incorporates methods from Evolutionary Computing that includes an Artificial Neural Network in combination with an Evolutionary Algorithm to automatically solve the materials detection and subpixel spectral mixing problem. The proposed Evolutionary Computing approach provides a non-parametric search of the solution space which is guided by a model based cost function that allows for rapid and flexible exploitation of the imagery data. The solution to this problem permits the identification of the constituent materials that comprise a pixel subtense (footprint) on the terrain from remotely sensed data and allows an end user to automatically identify objects, chemicals, environmental effects and specially tagged materials that are useful in search and rescue operations. The end product to be developed during this project is a commercial software application that will provide end user visualization of hyperspectral imagery and automated interpretation of spectroradiometric data in a user friendly environment.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This project will lead to innovative large volume imagery exploitation algorithms and software tools which have wide commercial applications, such as assessment of environmentally sensitive locations, detection of potential mining sites, forestry, urban planning and agricultural assessment.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ching-Fang Lin

American GNC Corporation

9131 Mason Avenue

Chatsworth , CA 91311

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ching-Fang Lin

American GNC Corporation

9131 Mason Avenue

Chatsworth , CA 91311

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Automated IFSAR Classification


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Telesis Corporation proposes to develop an

Automated IFSAR Clasification System that will

produce radiometrically corrected maps of the

normalized cross section (sigma-0), with classified

regions and delineated features, from

interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IFSAR)

data. The Phase I research will focus on necessary

pre-processing, clustering, and classification

algorithms that can identify and measure the

vegetation coverage, soil moisture, and soil

roughness on either flat or mountainous terrain.

The algorithms will use the digital elevation model

(DEM) produced by the IFSAR to correct the

sigma-0 values in the SAR image that were

estimated using a flat earth assumption. They will

also use this DEM to measure the dependence of

various parameters on incidence angle, such as

sigma-0, or for polarimetric SAR, the amplitude

ratios or differences in phase of various terms in

the polarimetric covariance matrix. These

dependencies on incidence angle, along with other

features derived from the SAR image, will be

compared to a library of feature vectors stored in a

database and used to cluster and classify the

regions in the image.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The system will improve the utility of SAR imagery

for land cover and land use analysis, including the

classification of vegetation coverage and the

measurement of forest canopy height, biomass, and

soil moisture. The greatest improvements will be in

mountainous areas having significant terrain relief.

The software will be useful to vendors of

commercial IFSAR data for the creation of

value-added products that complement the SAR

ortho-mosaics and DEMs already on the market.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Milan Karspeck

Telesis Corporation

706 8th Street, Box 1126

Berthoud , CO 80513

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Milan Karspeck

Telesis Corporation

706 8th Street, Box 1126

Berthoud , CO 80513

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Automated Resolution Enhancement of

Satellite Images

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Commercial imaging satellites will soon be capable

of economically producing 1 to 3 m resolution

panchromatic images. This resolution needs to be

improved to support urban planning, agribusiness,

land use, forestry management, etc., where aircraft

sensors customarily produce 0.15 m resolution

imagery, at relatively high cost.

Recent advances in image resolution enhancement

and precise image navigation will be applied to

limited resolution satellite image data to produce

significantly finer resolution images. Software will

be developed to apply these technologies as routine

and efficient integrated procedures, to fill the need

for timely processing of available large scientific

and commercial data sets.

Existing, directly applicable technology is

sufficiently mature for this innovation. An

a-posteriori estimation procedure, applied to

repeated AVHRR images with a resolution in the

range of 1 km, has achieved a five-fold

improvement. The ability to reliably enhance

topographical features, man-made objects, and

vegetation will provide scientific and commercial

users a new fertile source of detailed data.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

With the advent of commercial satellites, data

acquired from remote sensors is finding application

in the private sector. Increased resolution of these

data is needed in order to make commercial use

cost effective. We have a commitment from a

private company in the field of urban planning

photogrammetry to commercialize applications

resulting from this study for a transition from

conventional aerial photogrammetry, and for

increasing the use of data acquired by aircraft.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

John C. Tsucalas

Tactical Technical Solutions Inc

PO Box 656

Broomfield , CO 80038

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Harvey S. Gold

Tactical Technical Solutions Inc

PO Box 656

Broomfield , CO 80038

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972263

Proposal Number: 14.07-4545

Project Title: Station-Keeping, Ocean Observing Terminus (SKOOTER)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This SBIR Phase-I project combines the aerospace expertise of Jackson and Tull (J&T) in satellite communications and advanced data systems technology with the oceanographic expertise of Woods Hold Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to design a Station-Keeping, Ocean Observing Terminus (SKOOTER) buoy. SKOOTER features an end-to-end command and data link between the oceanographic researcher's desktop computer and the remotely programmable, relocatable buoy. Wind- and solar-energy power both instrumentation and the propulsion system which SKOOTER uses to keep station. Remote programming allows its data-collection program to be altered in response to changing conditions; mobility and GPS for location information allows the SKOOTER to be programmed to move to new observing stations. The design will build on innovations developed by the J&T/WHOI team for its Modular Offshore Data Acquisition System, a 1995 NASA STTR project, and from its Nomadic Exploration Marine Observatory (NEMO), a 1996 NASA SBIR project, including an autonomous data system and two-way satellite communication system. The output of the Phase-I effort will be a conceptual design along with a numerical model that describes the horizontal motion of SKOOTER in response to wind, waves, and current, thus defining its practical regions of use.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The SKOOTER buoy will fill a need in the oceanographic community for an inexpensive alternative to moored buoys for long-term observations in remote, deep-water regions of the ocean. SKOOTER will be very easy to deploy, be much smaller, and have no mooring resulting in a much less expensive platform that performs most of the functions of the moored buoys with some significant advantages. Our buoy system will incorporate two-way satellite communications, advanced data systems, and be able to move to new locations on command. Taken together, these features add up to a breakthrough in buoy technology. With the same budgets, researchers will be able to put more buoys in the water while significantly increasing control over data collection.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Jeffrey N. Shaumeyer

Jackson and Tull

7375 Executive Place, Suite 200

Seabrook , MD 20706

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Knox W. Tull, Jr., P.E.

Jackson and Tull

7375 Executive Place, Suite 200

Seabrook , MD 20706

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972478

Proposal Number: 14.07-7100

Project Title: Scaleable UAV Navigator

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is making low-cost navigation

accessible to aviation users as never before. In addition to area navigation, low-cost sensors for flight control and payload instruments are possible. However, while GPS makes these low-cost sensors possible, GPS does not fulfill the requirements alone. Area navigation needs continuity and integrity; flight control and payload need high bandwidth and attitude measurements. High bandwidth, continuity and attitude measurements are qualities which fall naturally into the performance characteristics of an Inertial Navigation System (INS). Unfortunately, navigation-grade INSs developed for airline and military use are currently priced in the $50,000 range and above, making them unaffordable for low-cost Uninhabited Aerospace Vehicle (UAV) applications. It is the combination of GPS with lower-grade INS that makes both low-cost and high-performance simultaneously possible. Our innovation is a low- cost, high-performance GPS/INS navigator that has low power requirements, is UAV-mountable, and is scaleable in both performance and functionality. Our navigator can provide (i) position, velocity and attitude for the UAV flight control and autonomous flight, and (ii) position, pointing information and precise time for payload purposes, such as measurement tagging.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Our low-cost, high-performance scaleable UAV navigator has a variety of applications including: (1) Low-cost UAV scientific and commercial applications, such as earth resources, high altitude atmospheric research, forest fire fighting and spotting, natural disaster management, large search and rescue missions (such as rescues at sea), aerial mapping, and severe weather penetration (hurricane studies); (2) Robust fault-tolerant approach-certified GPS/INS unit for General Aviation and Corporate Aviation use; (3) A low-cost GPS/INS attitude and heading reference system (AHARS) for autopilot systems for General and Corporate Aviation; (4) A reduced-order GPS/INS navigator for low-cost land vehicle navigation.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

E. Harrison Teague

Seagull Technology, Inc.

16400 Lark Avenue

Los Gatos , CA 95032-2547

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Jan Betke

Seagull Technology, Inc.

16400 Lark Avenue

Los Gatos , CA 95032-2547

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972525

Proposal Number: 14.08-5700

Project Title: Lightweight Deployable Antenna Structure

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Achieving a smaller stowed volume for antennas can be achieved by folding or rolling the reflector surface for the launch configuration. This study contract will define and evaluate designs which integrate existing technology of rigid, lightweight, composite reflector structure designs with flexible (unfurlable) surfaces and/or deployment hinge hardware/technology. The end goal is a deployable reflector design that has small stowed volume that maintains very precise surface dimensions. Currently, reflector designs are typically "rigid" sandwich structures made from aluminum or composites. This study will develop designs which overcome difficulty of maintaining precise surface dimensions after deployment. Our hinged concept design(s) will address precision installation of hinge hardware at surface section joints, and define compatible interfacing materials with respect to stiffness and thermal expansion. Our flexible/unfurlable skin design will ensure the proper deployed contours are achieved and no undesired plastic deformation occurs while stowed. The resulting design(s) will yield an antenna reflector that is lightweight, precise dimensional tolerance, small stowed volume, high stiffness, dimensionally stable and low cost. One design concept may be more suitable for the largest of apertures while another may be better for or higher frequency applications deploying moderately sized apertures on smaller launch vehicles.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A demand for large lightweight deployable space based antenna apertures has existed for many years. The need for these apertures is expected to increase in the future. Many of these future apertures will be at high frequencies and will be required to fit within a small launch volume. Current aperture technologies will drive the satellite's launch volume. The shrinking government budgets, as well as commercial requirements, may not tolerate the costs associated with the technology that is currently being used. In recent years, considerable progress has been made toward the design and fabrication of lightweight antennas from Polymer Matrix Composite (PMC) Materials. These antennas are approximately one half the weight of conventional lightweighted aluminum designs. However, additional development is required to provide even lighter structures which will meet the requirements of future military, science and commercial systems. COI has identified several new materials, design concepts and manufacturing approaches that offer a genuine opportunity to move these lightweight PMC antennas into future space systems. Our proposed Phase I SBIR program is an important step in the development and implementation of these technologies.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mark E. Bonebright

Composite Optics, Incorporated

9617 Distribution Avenue

San Diego , CA 92121-2307

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


J. P. Gormican

Composite Optics, Incorporated

9617 Distribution Avenue

San Diego , CA 92121-2307

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Inflatable Spacecraft Using

&quotRigidization On


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA, DoD and the commercial sector have a

rapidly growing need for large-scale and low-cost

inflatable spacecraft with high reliability. The

principal need for this technology is in the area of

high-frequency space communications. This

proposal represents new thinking in the area of

spacecraft materials and systems and is intended to

evaluate the unique "Rigidization On Command"

(ROC) technology. This proprietary chemistry uses

photocurable epoxy resins as a means to build the

rigid structural components of inflatable spacecraft.

These unique polymers solve a great many

problems currently associated with inflatable

spacecraft. Their use results in elimination of

rubber/fabric instabilities, rigidization when

required ("Rigidization On Command"), predictable

behavior, improved mechanical properties, and

indefinitely long storage life. The rigidization

process is initiated by simply switching on a

low-power ultraviolet light. The use of photocurable

epoxy technology permits deployable structures to

be fabricated that have low thermal mass, high

stiffness-to-weight ratios and considerable

reduction in overall mission risk. Low cost and ease

of fabrication also make this technology an

attractive candidate for new classes of very large

inflatable structures.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The commercial applications of inflatable

spacecraft are numerous, but concentrate on the

space deployment of very large antennas for the

purposes of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), and

military and commercial communication systems.

Low-cost, pre-fabricated systems with indefinite

shelf life and immediate launch capability have

significant commercial potential in these sectors.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Ronald E. Allred

Adherent Technologies, Inc.

9621 Camino del Sol NE

Albuquerque , NM 87111

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ms. Susan K. Switzer

Adherent Technologies, Inc.

9621 Camino del Sol NE

Albuquerque , NM 87111

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Autonomous Unified Orbit and Attitude

Control for Formation Flying using GPS

and LQG/LTR Controller

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This proposal provides an approach to the problem

of autonomous orbit and attitude control of

satellites flying in formation. In this approach, the

GPS data will be used for autonomous real-time

estimation and closed-loop on-board feedback

control of both the satellite orbit and attitude. While

existing literature show some progress on modeling

of formation flying dynamics with control law based

on nearest neighbor-tracking, the implementation

details of such control, including the method of

obtaining necessary observational information for

implementation have not been solved. Additionally,

the control system proposed here not only

maintains the formation pattern using GPS code

pseudorange data, but also provides the attitude

determination and control using GPS differential

phase pseudorange. Because attitude dynamics and

kinematics equations are nonlinear, one of the

innovations being proposed is application of

nonlinear control technique to solve the nonlinear

feedback problem. The additional innovation is the

unified architecture for orbti and attitude control

system. This topic is in direct response to NASA

GSFC's specific interest in advanced formation

flying for its 'Mission to Planet Earth' Guidance,

Navigation and Control need of the future.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

With commercial communication satellite operators

shifting their attention to low-earth orbit satellites,

opportunities are opening up for commercial

application of designs involving autonomous

on-board orbit and attitude control systems. While

initial efforts are on constellation operations,

formation flying is of potential interest to these

operators because of their inherent advantages in

providing precise patterns and advantages such as

in providing 'virtual aperture' and similar advanced

techniques. There is also potential application of

formation flying to geostationary communication

satellite operations. With increasing number of

satellites vying for shrinking number of available

geostationary slots, multiple satellites are being

station-kept within the same stationkeeping box

using the techniques of co-location. These

collocation methods involve phasing the eccentricity

and inclination vectors of the satellite orbits to

provide sufficient spatial separation between

satellites. However, there is enough uncertainty

and inaccuracy in the current methods to warrant

implementation of formation flying for co-location.

Formation flying will also enable co-location of a

much larger number of satellites than is currently


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Shabbir A. Parvez

Space Products and Applications

2702 Copper Creek Road

Herndon , VA 20171-3520

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Shabbir A. Parvez

Space Products and Applications

2702 Copper Creek Road

Herndon , VA 20171-3520

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) tool

for the evaluation of Mission to Planet

Earth Satellite guidance, navigation, and

control (GN&C) performance.

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Illgen Simulation Technologies, Inc. (ISTI)

proposes a computer-aided engineering (CAE) tool

that directly supports the development and

validation of Global Positioning System

(GPS)-based approaches to space-based guidance,

navigation, and control (GN&C). Model innovation

includes the application of Wide Area

Augmentation System (WAAS) signals to

space-based GN&C and the development of

space-based receiver and accelerometer


ISTI proposes to enhance its current simulation

(iWAASs) of the Federal Aviation Administration's

(FAA) Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) to


1. Development and demonstration of prototype

WAAS messages,

2. Development and demonstration of a

space-based WAAS/GPS receiver model for

determination of platform dynamics and orientation.

Together with the current capabilities of iWAASs,

these added features will address the key risk

areas in the development of an integrated

computer-aided engineering (CAE) tool for the

modeling and assessment of Global Positioning

System (GPS) based guidance, navigation, and

control (GN&C) processes for satellites in the

Mission to Planet Earth program or other space


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Use of WAAS-augmented GPS signals for

determination of space-based platform dynamics

and orientation is a promising and attractive

alternative to traditional GN&C techniques,

particularly because the GPS/WAAS approach

provides the basis for high-precision determination

and control of these parameters on-board the

satellite. A commercial CAE tool for design,

modeling, and assessment of GPS/WAAS-based

GN&C systems performance would be of interest

for satellite system design, mission planning,

mission operations, and performance assessment of

satellites using this technique.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

John Kirk

Illgen Simulation Technologies, Inc.

130 Robin Hill Road Suite 200

Goleta , CA 93117

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Richard W. Jones

Illgen Simulation Technologies, Inc.

130 Robin Hill Road Suite 200

Goleta , CA 93117

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971850

Proposal Number: 14.09-4393

Project Title: Radiation Hard CMOS APS Circuits for Star Trackers

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

It is proposed to develop key circuit components for a radiation-hard active pixel sensor (APS). Specifically, we propose to develop and model radiation-hard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) APS circuits optimized for use in spacecraft microstar and feature tracker applications. APS image sensors enable true micro-star and feature trackers by providing a highly integrated, ultra-low power camera-on-a-chip solution. Radiation induced damage in solid state image sensors leads to degraded sensor performance, consequently reducing the capability and accuracy of the tracker. However, APS circuit designs may directly draw on the large base of experience and techniques used in the solid-state device industry to create radiation-hard CMOS devices (e.g. memory and Infrared focal plane multiplexers). We will study and model key radiation-hardening techniques used in the CMOS design community, leading to innovative, radiation-hard APS circuit designs. The innovation of these APS circuits greatly enhances the survivability of micro-trackers over a much wider range of radiation hazards and space missions than currently possible. The proposed radiation-hard sensor circuits offers NASA unprecedented image sensor functionality and dramatically increased system robustness.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The APS circuits proposed in this effort are applicable to micro-star and feature trackers as well as other science and defense spacecraft instrumentation. Practically all terrestial high radiation environments needing video monitoring will benefit from a radiation-hard APS array. These include a wide range of medical imaging and diagnostic systems, cameras for nuclear power plants, and radiation waste management operations.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Eric Fossum

Photobit Corporation

2529 Foothill Blvd. #104

La Crescenta , CA 91214

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Nicholas Doudoumopoulos

Photobit Corporation

2529 Foothill Blvd. #104

La Crescenta , CA 91214

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Low Cost Beaconless Laser Search and

Rescue System

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A new beaconless technique for search and rescue

is proposed that promises to be simpler and more

cost-effective than existing techniques. This new

technique incorporates a laser scanner instrument

and unique passive retroreflector markers attached

to aircraft and watercraft to accomplish detection in

the presence of glint and other background

reflections with a very low false alarm rate. It will

permit rapidly searching large areas in daylight or

night conditions. The new technique builds upon the

experience gained from a similar LASAR (LAser

Search And Rescue) technique, now in the

prototype testing stage, but utilizes simpler and

lower cost system components than the existing

technique. These simplifications would result in

reductions in the instrument size, weight, and power

requirements. This smaller, lower cost, instrument

could be installed onto light aircraft such as the

Cessna-172 used by the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) or

the HH55 helicopter used by the U.S. Coast Guard

(USCG). The proposed work will determine the

feasibility of the new technique through

experiments conducted using the existing prototype

laser scanner system (LASAR) developed by

Daedalus. The feasibility test results will be

analyzed with regard to the requirements of typical

CAP and USCG search and rescue scenarios.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A large international market exists for instruments

to assist in the search and rescue operations for

survivors of airplane crashes and boat accidents.

The high failure rate and high false alarm rate

caused by unintentional activation of emergency

radio beacons have produced a need for an

alternative means of improving search and rescue

operations. The proposed laser search and rescue

technique offers a cost-effective alternative to

emergency radio beacons. A commercial market

will exist in the United States provided that the U.S.

government mandates are established to require

the installation of air and watercraft retroreflector

markers and government agencies commit to the

use of the instrument on search and rescue aircraft.

It is estimated that those mandates and

commitments would result in a worldwide market

for more than 340 instruments and over 7,000,000

square feet of retroreflector material.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Karl G. Wesolowicz

Daedalus Enterprises, Inc.

300 Parkland Plaza

Ann Arbor , MI 48103

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Charles G. Stanich

Daedalus Enterprises, Inc.

300 Parkland Plaza

Ann Arbor , MI 48103

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Nonlinear Dynamical Techniques for

Analyzing Spacecraft Data

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This projet will study the feasibility of near

real-time analysis of spacecraft data for

characterizing complexity in images and for

prediction. Nonlinear dynamical techniques have

the ability to recognize the structures and their

dynamical evolution, independent of a priori

assumptions, thus capturing the essential features

inherent in the data. Models of the near-Earth

geospace developed with these techniques have

given good predictions of the global dynamics and

the capability to incorporate the extensive

information contained in the images obtained by

orbiting spacecraft need to be developed. The

proposed research will develop tools for using

spacecraft data for real-time or near real-time

predictions of space environment, and for

characterizing complexity in images. The focus is on

the development of interactive tools for extracting

the leading features in large data bases, in paricular

satellite images. These tools will be developed in

object oriented graphical programming language

such for use in on-line browsing and computation of

leading features. At the conclusion of the Phase I

effort a proto-type tool for on-line analysis of

complexity or patterns in images and prediction of

the space environment, and the feasibility of

commercialization report will be provided.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The rapidly escalating size of space borne data such

as images undescore the need to extract the leading

features from these large volume data sets.

Innovative techniques for characterizing the trends

and patterns in such data bases are expected to

have extensive applications and commerial

potential. Further, the predicting ability of these

techniques will yield reliable and accurate

forecasting tools for space weather, which has

become essential due to the increasing economic

use of outer space and the increasing complexity of

the technology base such as electric power and

telecommunication systems.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Suman Ganguly

Center for Remote Sensing, Inc.

11350 Random Hills Rd. Suite 710

Fairfax , VA 22030

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Suman Ganguly

Center for Remote Sensing, Inc.

11350 Random Hills Rd. Suite 710

Fairfax , VA 22030

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Remote Sensing Enhancement of

Shallow Water Bathymetry

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The littoral environment is characterized by

complex bathymetry and current systems that

constantly evolve in response to storms and human

intervention. Consequently, coastal morphology is

poorly known in many regions or represents old

data in others. Yet, coastal bathymetry is important

to land management, hazard assessment and

mitigation, and many military operations. Pacific

Sierra-Research (PSR) proposes a fusion approach

to multispectral (MS) optical and SAR imagery to

enhance low-resolution coastal bathymetry or to

update old surveys. Each provides a different

spatial picture of the bathymetry; MS provides a

very high resolution picture while SAR provides a

hydrodynamically filtered picture. The fusion of the

two, especially in an area where low resolution

bathymetry is available, reduces the impact of

unknown optical and meteorological parameters

while providing a high resolution bathymetric

mapping capability. The approach takes full

advantage of the physics of differential optical

attenuation in seawater, and seasurface roughness

perturbation scattering to optimally utilize the

strengths of each sensor. A neural network

approach to rapidly estimate SAR surface

scattering results in a high speed algorithm. This

neural network approach greatly extends current

capabilities to interpret SAR imagery in terms of

shallow water bathymetry and provides a means for

rapid mapping.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Rapid bathymetric mapping in coastal regions is

key to understanding the littoral environment, and

human impact upon it. Rapidly mapping is required

to evaluate the near-term effects of natural

disasters on the littoral environment. The proposed

software merges information from two of the best

remote sensors to provide new bathymetric

information. The algorithms can be directly used by

the developing remote sensing industry or by

individual users or researchers with access to

imagery. If successful, coastal cities, planner, and

relief organizations will have need of the code or

bathymetric results.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Kenneth A. Poehls

Pacific-Sierra Research Corporation

2901 28th Street

Santa Monica , CA 90405

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Raymond H. Brasser

Pacific-Sierra Research Corporation

2901 28th Street

Santa Monica , CA 90405

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Open-Cell Silicon Foam for

Ultralightweight Mirrors

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) will

require large optics that are superior in many

respects to those of the Hubble Space Telescope

(HST). In particular, the NGST will require a larger

primary optic, lower mass, usability over a greater

range of temperatures (as low as 20 K), and greater

thermal stability. Whereas many of the features of

the HST resulted from "brute force" engineering,

the goal of the NGST is to use a more elegant

design to achieve extremely ambitious optical

goals. The most significant technical challenge in

producing components for the NGST will be

reducing the areal density of the primary optic. The

feasibility of using open-cell silicon foam mirror

support structures combined with silicon facesheets

has been demonstrated at Ultramet, and areal

densities as low as 11 kg/m2 have been achieved.

Manufacture of the silicon foam, however, is

presently a time-consuming process. In the

proposed project, Ultramet will develop an

innovative process for manufacturing open-cell

silicon foam for use in lightweight silicon mirrors.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The commercial applications for lightweight silicon

mirrors are numerous, but the primary near-term

goal is to supply the primary optic of the NGST.

Other applications that would benefit from this

technology include all mirror applications in which

weight and/or athermal behavior is critical, such as

fast steering mirrors, uncooled laser optics, and the

space-based laser. The proposed silicon foam

fabrication route is an enabling technology for the

silicon foam mirror support structure required by

these applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Arthur J. Fortini, Ph.D.


12173 Montague Street

Pacoima , CA 91331

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Craig N. Ward


12173 Montague Street

Pacoima , CA 91331

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Integrated Design and Optimization of

Thermal/Structural/Optical Systems

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Without an ability to share design tools, the

disciplines of thermal control, structures, and optics

levy worst-case performance requirements on each

other such that each specialty can contribute to a

design independently. This results in a stack-up of

margins and inevitably to over-design to the point

of rendering advance missions such as the NGST,

with its cryogenic large aperature optics, difficult to

achieve without an integrated design approach. For

example, temperature gradients in a mirror support

structure are inconsequential as long as the

required optical performance is achieved, yet

derived limits on such gradients often become a

design driver for thermal control specialists.

Recent innovations by the proposed development

team have eliminated many of the stumbling blocks

that stymied previous attempts to achieve a tight

integration between thermal control, structures, and

optics. These advances include a finite

element-compatible thermal radiation analyzer,

thermal tools compatible with CAD databases,

optimizing thermal/fluid solvers, and integrated

structures/optics design and optimization. It is now

possible to achieve not only an integrated tool suite,

but also one that can automatically find the

mimimum mass design that meets required optical

performance under all structural load cases and

thermal environments. Revolutionary designs are

expected from a revolution in the design process.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The demand for high-performance designs with

tight alignment requirements is not limited to

optical systems. Mortorola's next-generation

Iridium project, for example, is expected to employ

a small phased-array antenna with over 6kW of

dissipation and little tolerance for deflections. This

and other commerical demands for high-level

design optimization tools will assure the

commercialization of the resulting software,

including the results of the Phase I project.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Brent A. Cullimore

Cullimore and Ring Technologies, Inc.

9 Red Fox Lane

Littleton , co 80127-5710

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Brent A. Cullimore

Cullimore and Ring Technologies, Inc.

9 Red Fox Lane

Littleton , CO 80127-5710

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Deformable Mirror Multiplexer Driver


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

For spaced-based adaptive-optics systems the

deformable mirror must be small, rugged, and

lightweight while still delivering stroke and

accuracy exceeding ground-based systems. To that

end, Xinetic's work on high-density deformable

mirrors under a Phase I SBIR demonstrated that

mirrors suitable to these requirments can be built.

The deformable mirror represents only half of a

total system, however. The driver electronics must

also deliver high-accuracy in a small package

suitable for satellite applications. Current driver

systems fill a 7' rack, weigh over 400 pounds, and

dissipate multiple kW's of heat for a 349-channel

system. For the 16,000 channel systems envisioned

for NGST we need much lower frequency response

but they must be highly efficient designs. To satisfy

these requirements Xinetics proposes a digital

multiplexer driver system. By taking advantage of

the unique dielectric characteristics of the Xinetics

PMN actuators and digital multiplexer circuits we

can generate a small, high efficiency electronic

system which can fit in a single chassis. The

multiplexer will use a single amplifier channel along

with a digital switching system to send commands to

the individual actuators in a raster mode. In this

way hundreds or even thousands of channels may

be contained on a single driver board.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Correction system for Space Telescopes (Hubble,

NGST), Opthalmic Fundus Cameras,

Adaptive-optics system for satellite laser

communication, High resolution visible VLSI

fabrication systems, High-resolution confocal

microscope, Adaptive-optics tracking system for IR


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mark B. solomon

Xinetics Inc.

37 MacArthur Ave

Devens , MA 01432

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mark A. Ealey

Xinetics Inc.

37 MacArthur Ave

Devens , MA 01432

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972404

Proposal Number: 15.01-1373

Project Title: Fully Active Scale Telescope (FAST)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

In this Phase I SBIR research project Blue Line Engineering will design a fully active 1/8th scale replica of the current NASA baseline for the NGST mission. This scale telescope will serve as an optically correct model of the full scale 8 meter version. The novelty of the proposed project is that it leads to an extremely useful and versatile asset for the NGST program. The main purpose of the telescope is to serve as a reality check and validation for computer models and simulations of control systems for the active primary mirror. Control algorithms may be implemented on the telescope with little modification. The scale telescope can also function as a fieldable 1 meter astronomical telescope with active figure control. It will feature hinged mirror petals and a deployable secondary as in the NGST baseline. This will allow the telescope to be stowed in a compact configuration for transport to NASA meetings and reviews. By packaging what is primarily a functional testbed as what appears to be a reasonably detailed model of the NGST telescope, we will provide NASA with a very powerful tool for the dual challenges of developing control algorithms and winning public support.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

One commercial application we have identified at this time is to offer a limited edition of these telescopes for sale as high-end collector's items for connoisseurs and serious amateur astronomers.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Steven C. Bygren

Blue Line Engineering Company

711 South Tejon, Suite 202B

Colorado Springs , CO 80903

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Gregory H. Ames

Blue Line Engineering Company

711 South Tejon, Suite 202B

Colorado Springs , CO 80903

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972198

Proposal Number: 15.01-4200

Project Title: Low Current HTS Coils for High Temperature Superconducting Actuators

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

American Superconductor Corporation proposes the development of a high strength, high current density, low heat leak HTS wire directly suited to the construction of cryogenic actuators for a variety of space applications, including the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST). The proposed innovation consists of evolving present HTS conductor technology, which has been developed for high current electric utility applications, to produce a HTS conductor suitable for spacecraft applications. To date, no fully suitable cryogenic optical actuator technology has been demonstrated. Fundamental materials issues argue against using the customary piezoelectric actuators at low temperatures. However, he Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has recently demonstrated small scale magnetostrictive devices operating at cryogenic temperatures that provide the building blocks for the required actuators. These devices used large cross section HTS conductor and required operating currents larger than those practical on a spacecraft. The proposed program would develop the conductor required for low current, low power operation.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The work proposed under this grant will advance the state of the art of HTS conductor design and manufacture and address the issues of increasing current density and reducing the conductor's cross-sectional area. Advances in this area of conductor design are required for the development of commercial HTS applications, including cryogenic actuators, cryogen flow valves, mechanical heat switches, IR spectrometer tuning actuators, vibration isolation actuators, linear actuators and generic space-based applications that would benefit from HTS coils, partularly those employing passive cooling.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

John Voccio

American Superconductor Corporation

Two Technology Drive

Westborough , MA 01581

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Robert Schwall

American Superconductor Corporation

Two Technology Drive

Westborough , MA 01581

Sol-Gel Coatings for Mirror Surfaces Project Summary

Chron: 972528
Proposal Number: 15.01-5700C
Project Title: Sol-Gel Coatings for Mirror Surfaces
Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)
Composite Optics, Inc. (COI) proposes the development and demonstration of silica-based sol-gel ceramic coatings as secondary surfacing materials for composite mirrors that could be polished to a surface roughness and RMS figure accuracy comparable to bulk glass. With such a coating technology, large all-composite, visible quality mirrors would become a reality. The objectives of the Phase I program are to select 2 - 3 commercial silica sol source materials and develop a process for obtaining a thick, coherent coating on a cyanate ester based graphite composite substrate. Coatings will be evaluated for adhesion, polishability, and moisture and thermal stability. The most promising coating will be applied to a 6" diameter composite mirror structure, and polished to optical finish. The surface figure of the 6" mirror will be measured from ambient to 80K. It is anticipated that at least one coating approach will result in a surface that not only adheres well to the substrate and is polishable, but is also compatible with thermal and moisture stability requirements typical of mirror structures. NASA's large space-based optics programs, such as Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST), and the Far Infrared Space Telescope (FIRST), will be direct beneficiaries of this potentially critical enabling technology.
Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)
This research has immediate application to FIRST, NGST, and SOAR. The results of this effort will provide avenues of opportunity for significantly reducing weight and cost of mirrors for visible and far infrared applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Steven J. Connell, Ph.D.
Composite Optics, Incorporated
9617 Distribution Avenue
San Diego , CA 92121-2307
Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
James P. Gormican
Composite Optics, Incorporated
9617 Distribution Avenue
San Diego , CA 92121-2307

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Vanasil Ultra Light Composite

Application to Mirrors (VULCAM)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Vanasil, a metal matrix composite, has: 3 times the

microyield to weight ratio of beryllium; 10 times the

thermal conductivity of silicon carbide;

homogeneous optical surfaces, no moisture

sensitivity, nor thermal cycling problems, unlike

graphite epoxy; thermal expansion which matches

optical platings and coatings; non-hazardous,

non-toxic, unlike beryllium; and fabrication

technology which allows optimum lightweight

structures. Vanasil can be formed into complex

shapes by casting, and is low cost. Our Phase I

SBIR program will explor Vanasil optics by

fabricating hardware test items. Our team will

perform CTE testing at 30°K and optical testing.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A new option for ultra lightweight optics with a

unique set of properties will provide NASA a wider

range of choices. This option is potentially the

lightest weight of any known procedures. The low

cost, easily manufactured structures have

commercial potential for optical metering structures

as simple as optical breadboards and as complex as


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

R. L. Hartman

Advanced Optical Systems

2702 Triana Boulevard, Suite A

Huntsville , AL 35805A

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


R. L. Hartman

Advanced Optical Systems, Inc.

2702 Triana Boulevard, Suite A

Huntsville , AL 35805

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972170

Proposal Number: 15.01-9233

Project Title: Multidither Sensing for Wavefront Control

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Attractive concepts for space-based telescopes with large apertures include thin stiffened membranes and assemblies of lightweight mirror segments. Either may be quite stable at rest, but disturbances can produce small distortions that would degrade optical performance if uncorrected, and means must be provided to accurately sense and position to the tolerances required for phase coherence. Hartmann sensing or shearing interferometry have generally been used in the past with ground-based adaptive optics systems, and phase retrieval techniques have recently been proposed for NASA?s NGST program, but all require a relatively bright distant object, the first two effectively measure the local tilt instead of the displacement itself, all require intensive computations to produce the needed result, and phase retrieval may not converge to the correct result. Unlike those techniques which seek to determine and then to correct the wavefront, this proposal is based on the all-but-forgotten "multidither" approach that unambiguously maximizes the intensity of the image itself by individually "tagging" corrective elements with small high-frequency piston oscillations and then adjusting those segments until those frequency components vanish. Sirius proposes to resurrect this promising technique, using high-speed electronics, logic, and detectors to overcome its early faults and to exploit its strengths.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Multidither sensing for wavefront correction promises the use of commercially available components and relatively simple electronic hardware, it does not require a separate "beacon" as a reference source, and it provides an unambiguous solution for maximizing intensity in the focal plane. As such, it offers significant economic and performance benefits to the astronomical community, ranging from very large space-based telescopes to the amateur community, and to the potentially massive communications industry for both ground-based receivers and laser transmitters.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Glenn W. Zeiders

The Sirius Group

108 Spinnaker Ridge Drive SW

Huntsville , AL 35824

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Glenn W. Zeiders

The Sirius Group

108 Spinnaker Ridge Drive SW

Huntsville , AL 35824

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971805

Proposal Number: 15.01-9355

Project Title: An Inchworm Actuator For The Next Generation Space Telescope

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A new NGST Inchwormâ motor is proposed that meets the demanding actuator requirements of the Next Generation Space Telescope. Burleigh?s current Inchworm motors do not function at cryogenic temperatures. The interference fit between the motor and shaft gets tighter and breaks the clamps and 80 percent of piezoelectric (PZT) motion is lost at 30 K. Burleigh?s NGST Inchworm concept maintains a constant fit over a wide temperature range and the loss of PZT motion is compensated for by adding extra PZT material or potentially by incorporating new cryogenic active materials that are currently being developed by other companies. Another significant improvement of the NGST Inchworm is the ability to hold position when power is removed (i.e. zero charge on all actuators) with zero PZT creep. This makes it possible for the NGST Inchworm and electronics to dissipate zero power when holding position for days or weeks. The NGST Inchworm will have a new clamp design that has at least ten times lower "clamp glitch" than today?s Inchworm. Low clamp glitch makes it possible to move to a desired position with nanometer resolution and deactivated the motor without disturbing the output position more than 2 nanometers.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A significant commercial market is spaced-based telescopes and other spacecraft that need to operate over wide temperature ranges. The ground-based market also has significant potential. Burleigh's marketing and sales force consistently receives requests from scientists around the world who need Inchworm performance at liquid Nitrogen or liquid Helium temperatures to study materials and surfaces. This new technology will also help expand Burleigh?s non-cryogenic Inchworm sales in numerous applications because it is self-locking when power is removed, has very low glitch, and higher reliability.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

David Henderson

Burleigh Instruments, Inc.

Burleigh Park, 7647 Main Street

Fishers , NY 14453

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Peter Battisti

Burleigh Instruments, Inc.

Burleigh Park, 7647 Main Street

Fishers , NY 14453

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Sputtering Silicon Coatings for Large

Aperture (2 meter) Silicon Carbide

Optical Segments

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Silicon Carbide (SiC) optics have been identified as

a key technology for several NASA missions

including Next Generation Space Telescope

(NGST). SiC has superior thermal stability and

excellent specific stiffness making it ideal for space

based optical systems. NGST requires SiC optical

segments which are both lightweighted and large

(1-2 meter segment sizes). Polishing these large SiC

segments pre- sents a number of problems; the

pieces are very thin and cannot with- stand large

polishing pressures. Flat or spherical optical

surfaces can be obtained directly on SiC materials

using conventional polishing systems. The problem

has been in obtaining non-symmetric aspheric

surface profiles in the hard SiC material. A common

solution has been to coat SiC optics with a thick

cladding (0.005") of silicon. The silicon can be

easily polished with moderate pressures and the

coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) match

between SiC and silicon is very good. SSG has

extensive experience in the silicon coating of SiC

optics. In order to make the process feasible for a

program like NGST a number of technical issues

need to be addressed: (1) the sputtered silicon

coating process needs to be modified to eliminate

coating stresses and make silicon coatings suitable

for very thin, lightweighted SiC optical substrates;

(2) the metrology associated with the SiC substrate

machining needs to be improved to minimize the

amount of silicon needed in the cladding; (3) a

large-scale coating facility needs to be developed;

and (4) the current process needs to be modified to

address the uniformity requirements associated

with large scale optical segments. The proposed

Phase I work will address all these issues. During

Phase I a large sputtering chamber with a 2-meter

capacity will be brought on-line and the viability of

the processes proposed will be demonstrated with a

number of sub-scale empirical demonstrations.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The NGST application alone represents an

important Phase III application. The development

of the unique large-scale, sputtered coating

capability will also make the development of large

aperture (1-2 meter diameter), ultralightweighted

SiC optical systems viable for a number of NASA,

DoD, and commercial applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Joe Robichaud

SSG, Inc.

65 Jonspin Road

Wilmington , MA 01887

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Alan McEacharn

SSG, Inc.

65 Jonspin Road

Wilmington , MA 01887

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Starlight Fringe Detection and Tracking

Algorithms for Long-Baseline Space

Based Interferometers

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The goal of this SBIR Phase I project is to

demonstrate the feasibility of using advanced

nonlinear estimation algorithms as practical design

solutions to the challenge of micro-arcsecond

precision starlight fringe detection and tracking

with the first generation long-baseline, space-based

interferometers (e.g., the Space Interferometry

Mission, SIM), exhibiting long, flexible truss

structures excited by dynamical disturbances. This

goal is responsive to the topic on Space Based

Optical Interferometers, sub-topic on Metrology

and Starlight Detection System. The proposed

objectives to achieve this goal are: the development

of a truth model simulation incorporating structural

dynamics for SIM as focus mission; the

implementation and evaluation of state-of-the-art

tracking algorithms for comparison purposes; and,

the development, implementation, testing and

evaluation of new nonlinear fringe tracking


The use of the best tracking algorithms will reduce

mission costs through more relaxed hardware

requirements; and maximize scientific results

through faster tracking of bright stars and the

tracking of the dimmest stars. As a result of this

SBIR effort, we anticipate a software product

consisting of a core suite of high-performing

algorithms together with a simulation shell that will

enable researchers to project all design decisions

onto the ultimate measure of performance: the

astrometric accuracy.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The resulting software product will be invaluable for

current and planned, space- and ground-based

interferometric arrays world-wide, both military and

scientific. This technology will also be of use for

industrial interferometric metrology applications

such as the teseting of precision optical surfaces

and the precision motion control of systems for

nano-technology applications (e.g., semi-conductor


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Carlos Padilla, Ph.D.

Moldyn, Inc.

955 Massachusetts Avenue, 5th Floor

Cambridge , MA 02139-3180

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Chrystal L. Piskor

Moldyn, Inc.

5720 Oberlin Drive

San Diego , CA 92121-1723

Form 9.B Project Summary


Chron: 972055

Proposal Number: 16.02-2748

Project Title: Low Noise/Thermal Signature Electronics for Precision Space Interferometry

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Long baseline interferometric astronomy offers higher angular resolution than is possible with conventional telescope techniques. However, one of the major challenges to realizing interferometry is maintenance of structural rigidity in terms of pathlength control and tilt control. A promising approach under exploration at NASA is the use of the new generation of induced strain actuators which meet crucial adaptive optic and precision alignment needs. Switching technologies are particularly attractive as drive mechanisms due to payload reduction and low thermal signature characteristics. However, although attractive for space astrophysics missions such as SIM, existing switching designs have unacceptable high frequency radiated and conducted edge-triggered noise effects. The proposed advanced regenerative polyphase electronics would provide an innovative solution to excessive noise and thermal radiation levels in electronic subsystems needed for space interferometry.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Many applications of active ferroelectrics to commercial products are noise and thermal rediation level critical. Advanced regenerative polyphase electronics technology would facilitate their market introduction. The ability of lightweight, regenerative electronics, operating with up to 94% efficiency, has attracted significant interest from commercial users including TRW, Boeing, Cessna, Burleigh Instruments, SSG, ACX, BBN and others.

EMF is establishing strategic partnerships with, among others, TRW for satellite applications, Cessna for light aircraft, Quiet Power for electric power transformer quieting applications, Blatek for ultrasonic cleaning of semiconductor wafer applications, BBN for turbine engine quieting applications and MSI/TRS Ceramics for sonar applications. All these products would be beneficiaries of the proposed research. However, it is in the application to active optics and communication systems for military and commercial satellites that the reduction in thermal and noise signature could provide the greatest benefit.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Gareth J. Knowles

EMF Industries, Inc.

1700 Riverside Drive

South Williamsport , PA 17701

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Karla K. Sexton

EMF Industries, Inc.

1700 Riverside Drive

South Williamsport , PA 17701

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972439

Proposal Number: 16.02-2786

Project Title: Light-Weight, Low-Power, Thermally Stable, Large-Field-of-Regard High-Accuracy Gimbal

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed innovation applies to thermally stable, large-field-of-regard, high-accuracy gimbal technology for NASA interferometer applications such as SIM, NMI, SITE and ISIS. The classical approach is a solid ULE mirror in a mirror cell suspended in an external gimbal ring with actuators located outside the mirror?s perimeter. The moving elements weigh 46.5 kg and the whole mechanism weighs 63.4 kg. The proposed innovation allows direct attachment of flexure and actuator assemblies to a lightweighted mirror substrate via five INVAR backplates bonded to the mirror?s ribs to maintain 1/100 wave RMS surface quality over a +-30 degC temperature range. The attachment technique minimizes and isolates forces and torques due to attachment and CTE mismatches from the first surface. The combination of light-weighting and backplate attachment reduces the mass of the mirror by 65%, eliminates the mirror cell and external gimbal ring and reduces the footprint of the suspension and actuators for a smaller, lighter support structure. The total weight savings is more than 30 kg. It also increases suspension lateral load capability by a factor of 2, reduces heat dissipation at the actuators by more than 90% and allows operation at higher control bandwidths.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Primary applications are interferometric missions for NASA and other advanced astrometrics, including SITE, SIM, NME and ISIS. This technology would also be an improvement for airborne infra-red observatories similar to SIRTF and OAMP which require light steering mirrors with high optical quality.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Lawrence M. Germann

Left Hand Design Corporation

7901 Oxford Road

Longmont , CO 80503

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Lawrence M. Germann

Left Hand Design Corporation

7901 Oxford Road

Longmont , CO 80503

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972261

Proposal Number: 16.03-3400

Project Title: Self-contained Autonomous Vibration Control Actuator

NASA's development of large high precision

spacecraft for future interferometry missions will require extensive use of active control to quiet vibration of the structure supporting the measurement instruments. To date, such control systems have been unattractive to spacecraft designers because of their complex interfaces, inability to accommodate system changes, and high cost of design and verification. We propose to prove the feasibility of a completely autonomous vibration control actuator which requires only a connection for power and enable input. Design of the autonomous vibration control actuator is made possible by a novel adaptive control algorithm which is computationally simple and uses only a local measurement, and the high-bandwidth and linearity of our patented Linear Precision Actuator (LPACT). The new actuator design incorporates a chassis mounted accelerometer and an integral onboard electronics package. This package houses an amplifier to drive the actuator and a processor to execute the adaptive algorithm. This algorithm uses the accelerometer measurement to learn the dynamic characteristics of the structure to which the actuator is mounted (even adapting to changes in these dynamics), derives a vibration canceling control, and commands the actuator to exert vibration canceling forces.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The specific product that will be developed with this SBIR effort is a fully adaptive, autonomous vibration control actuator which requires only connections for power and an enable input. Its simple mechanical interface provides ease of retrofit to existing structures, and its simple electronic interface and self teach ability minimize the impact of applying the actuator to a new or existing structural design. This product can be applied to a wide array of structural control problems including: large lightly damped space structures, quieting of high precision measurement systems, semiconductor manufacturing, and optical systems. Initial development will focus on high-valued systems such as spacecraft where there is a large financial incentive for vibration reduction.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Larry Davis

Planning Systems Incorporated

7923 Jones Branch Drive

McLean , VA 22102

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Alan Friedman

Planning Systems Incorporated

7923 Jones Branch Drive

McLean , VA 22102

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Super Accuracy Locking and Self

Actuating Hinge Joint

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Future, large aperture space science missions such

as the Space Interferometry Mission and the Next

Generation Space Telescope will require large

mirrors and structures to be deployed with optical

precision. Current technologies require complex

drive mechanisms and latches that have intricate

contact mechanisms that have been experimentally

shown to make the structures inaccurate and their

behavior difficult to predict.

Foster-Miller is proposing a joint that is based on

the innovative combination of curved and flat

flexures. The joint provides 180 degrees of rotation

by elasticly bending unique sets of flexures. Once

the joint unfolds to its final position, the curved

flexures lock into a rigid, post-buckling state. In

addition to acting as a hinge and a lock to fix the

structure rigidly into position, the stored strain

energy in the joint's folded state provides the

actuation torque required to deploy the spacecraft

structure or instrument. Since the joint's flexures

are bonded in place, it is a monolith, giving it

sub-nanometer linearity and precision.

The monolithic, sub-nanometer accuracy joint would

provide future NASA deployed science instruments

with a single hinge, lock and actuation component

that would have optical performance and be

completely ground verifiable.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The super accuracy, locking and self actuating

hinge acts as a key component in a deployed

instrument and replaces traditional actuation and

lock mechanisms with a single, light weight, low cost

component, thus it is ideal for all deployed

structures as well as optical instruments. By

replacing actuation and locking mechanisms, the

joint would reduce the cost and weight of all

deployed components of commercial spacecraft

such as solar arrays, thermal radiators and heat


For terrestrial applications, the low cost and

strength of the joint make it a cost effective

component of rapidly erected structures such as

tents, emergency shelters, and police barricades.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Peter Warren

Foster-Miller, Inc.

350 Second Avenue

Waltham , MA 02154-1196

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Adi R. Guzdar

Foster-Miller, Inc.

350 Second Avenue

Waltham , MA 02154-1196

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972275

Proposal Number: 16.03-7351

Project Title: Active-Passive Precision Electromagnetic Vibration Attenuation System

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A system for mechanically mounting vibration-producing or vibration-sensitive components to spacecraft is proposed. The vibration transmitted to and from the mounted components will be attenuated significantly by passive dissipative components and active suppression components combined in a single device. The temperature-insensitive and non-contaminating passive isolation is based on magnetic eddy current damping. Active suppression is achieved by electromagnetic reaction mass actuators. Mass penalties associated with magnetic technology are mitigated by the dual passive-active functionality of several components within the device. The active system is controlled with custom space-ready control system electronics. The entire attenuation system can also be used in conjunction with existing piezoelectric-based microprecision vibration isolation and pointing mounts to enhance vibration attenuation. The feasibility of this approach will be confirmed by analysis, design, and prototype test. The proposed research answers the stated need for vibration attenuation and isolation for ultra-quiet precision systems. NASA's interferometry missions, as well as other spacecraft, will benefit directly from the low vibration mounting system. Noisy components such as reaction wheels and cryocoolers can be upported by such a system to minimize disturbance of the rest of the spacecraft. Quiet instruments can be supported by separate platforms attached to a relatively noisier structure.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The technology has direct commercial application on-board low cost satellite busses that host imagers and laser communication instruments while using relatively noisy attitude control. There is immediate terrestrial application in vibration suppression enhancements to a microprecision vibration isolation product introduced recently for semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)


CSA Engineering, Inc.

2850 West Bayshore Road

Palo Alto , CA 94303-3843

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,



CSA Engineering, Inc.

2850 West Bayshore Road

Palo Alto , CA 94303-3843

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972135

Proposal Number: 17.01-2827

Project Title: Novel Microchannel Plate Detector

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The purpose of this proposal is to develop new microchannel plate (MCP) detector technology for UV and x-ray radiation to support the NASA Structure and Evolution of the Universe mission. MCP are used in high speed, low light level photoelectron (UV-IR), x-ray, and particle (neutron, ion, electron, atom) imaging and detection. However, conventional Pb-glass based MCP suffer from: limited lifetime, relatively low temperature processing <450�C, intrinsic gain fluctuations from the Poisson statistics of the secondary emission in the first few channel gain collisions, cumulative spatial non-uniformities and channel-channel spatial gain variations from the intrinsic errors in the glass channel dimensions and array packing defects, limited particle fluxes due to the limited range of plate resistivities. NanoSystems, Inc (NSI) proposes to use NSI-developed silicon/silica photolithographically precise MCP substrates as the basis for a new large area MCP utilizing a novel negative electron affinity thin film coating which achieves both high secondary emission and controlled conductivity in a single uniform materials system, leading to: high gain and low single electron gain fluctuations, high temperature operation, long lifetime, high flux or low light level operation by controllable film resistivity, defect-free, high spatial resolution and spatial precision, and areal detection efficiency exceeding 90%.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The new MCP discussed in this proposal will lead to new applications in medical and industrial inspection imaging using x-rays, and particles as well as mproved night vision imaging with higher resolution and lower noise. The new NSI MCP fabrication capability permits much larger area precisely positioned channels and with appropriate readout circuitry are capable of imaging at extremely high speed with spatial resolution exceeding 100 lp/mm.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Charles P. Beetz

NanoSystems Inc.

83 Propkop Road

Oxford , CT 06478

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Charles P. Beetz

NanoSystems Inc.

83 Prokop Road

Oxford , CT 06478

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

High Angular Resolution Thin Foil

X-ray Mirrors

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The innovation proposed by RJH Scientific, Inc.

(RJHS) is to increase by a factor of 4 to 10 the

angular resolution of current foil-based,

grazing-incidence x-ray telescope mirrors. While

thin foil mirrors have already been used

successfully to fabricate large effective area, light

weight x-ray mirrors, the angular resolution

achieved by these telescopes has typically been

limited to a few arcminutes. We propose to

demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating and

aligning thin foils with reduced surface roughness

and sufficiently low figure errors to produce x-ray

mirrors with angular resolution (defined as the half

power diameter) around 15 arcseconds. This

angular resolution, combined with the light weight

and efficiency of thin foil segmented mirrors, will be

ideal for advanced x-ray astronomy missions such

as the High Throughput X-ray Spectroscopy

(HTXS) Mission. Specifically, we intend to

accomplish the following tasks:

1. Demonstrate that we can reduce the surface

roughness of completed thin foils from current

typical values around 6 Angstroms RMS to about 3

Angstroms RMS;

2. Prove that thin foils can feasibly be fabricated

with sufficiently good optical figure to produce

images with about 15 arcsecond angular resolution;


3. Align the foils properly and maintain this

alignment despite mechanical and thermal stresses.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The immediate commercial potential of the

proposed research is the manufacturing of x-ray

mirrors for space-borne x-ray astronomy

instruments on future missions by NASA and other

space agencies. The primary commercial

opportunity based on results of the proposed

research will result from adapting the technology

for use in medical diagnostic x-ray instrumentation.

Thin foil, multilayer coated mirrors can be used to

create spectral filters which will produce nearly

monoenergetic x-ray beams with energies ranging

from less than 10 keV to approximately 50 keV.

The capability to select the optimal energy of the

x-ray beam simply by inserting the appropriate

filter module will improve the performance of

diagnostic x-ray imaging instruments used for

mammography, standard computed tomography,

and multiple energy computed tomography. Other

potential applications include enhancing x-ray

instruments used for industrial process inspection

and for security screening. For these applications,

as for medical imaging applications, adding narrow

bandpass x-ray filters to currently existing

broadband x-ray sources can improve both spatial

resolution and the ability to detect low-contrast


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Richard J. Harms

RJH Scientific, Inc.

5904 Richmond Highway, Suite 401

Alexandria , VA 22303

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Richard J. Harms

RJH Scientific, Inc.

5904 Richmond Highway, Suite 401

Alexandria , VA 22303

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Innovative, Low Mass, Passively

Cooled, All Composite Material Tower

Structure for High Resolution

Charged-Particle Tracking in a

Gamma-Ray Space Telescope

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Hytec has conceived of an innovative structural and

cooling arrangement for a silicon-based high energy

gamma-ray (.01-100 Gev) tracking detector that will

measurably improve the resolution of detection

systems being pursued by NASA. We achieve a

compact, and passively cooled tower design through

an innovative approach to the structural design of a

tray concept, and the method of combining trays

into a tower configuration. Our concept offers a

means to reduce dead area between active tracking

regions, thus improving track reconstruction

efficiency and background rejection. By using

advanced composite materials, we achieve a low

mass structure, passively cooled tracking detector

with a high degree of temperature uniformity in the

silicon modules. Our design concept focuses on

minimizing structural mass in front of the

conversion layer to limit multiple scattering of

charged particles. The composite materials have a

high radiation length, second only to Beryllium, and

thus, further minimize multiple scattering.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The most immediate commercial application of this

technology is the construction of GLAST. It is

anticipated major aerospace system contractors

that will be constructing GLAST would be the

customer base for utilizing the developed

technology. Also, cooling of the electronics will lead

to solutions that should find commercial application

in printed circuit board cooling. Chip heat fluxes are

steadily increasing, cooling advances in this area

should be directly applicable.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Eric Ponslet


110 Eastgate Drive, Suite 100

Los Alamos , NM 87544

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. W. O. Miller


110 Eastgate Drive, Suite 100

Los Alamos , NM 87544

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971942

Proposal Number: 18.01-0460

Project Title: Light-Weight, Temperature-Insensitive, High-Precision NMR Magnet

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a well-known, powerful technique for detecting and identifying both inorganic and organic substances. Such a diagnostic may enable finding indications of life on remote bodies such as Mars. To do this requires an NMR system which is light-weight, has high precision, and is able to operate under the large temperature variations of the Martian surface. The magnets of conventional NMR systems are too large and heavy, and cannot tolerate large temperature extremes. We propose during Phase I to design a light-weight, self-temperature-compensating NMR magnet based upon a demonstration device, which we have already built. Our NMR magnet features uniform magnetic fields produced by permanent magnets. The design makes efficient use of the magnet, thereby reducing its size and weight. High field

precision is obtained using proprietary manufacturing and assembly techniques.

Self-temperature-compensation of the magnetic field also uses proprietary techniques. Measurements of selected components of the NMR magnet will also be performed during Phase I to verify the design parameters. Based upon the

Phase I design and measurements, a working prototype will be built during Phase II. This prototype will be capable of flying on a NASA satellite.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A compact NMR magnet would be an attractive alternative to current NMR magnets, which can be bulky in size and weight. It can also be used in new applications where the environment prevents using existing NMR devices. Examples are extreme temperature locations, such as the Antarctica; monitoring of in-line industrial processes, waste effluents, and water quality; and radioactive waste tanks.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Kem E. Robinson

STI Optronics, Inc.

2755 Northup Way

Bellevue , WA 98004-1495

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. William J. Thayer, III

STI Optronics, Inc.

2755 Northup Way

Bellevue , WA 98004-1495

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971719

Proposal Number: 18.01-1100

Project Title: Detection and Measurement of Large Chiral Organic Molecules Using Molecular Imprinting (MI) Technology

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The need for robust, compact in situ sensors which are easily cleaned and do not introduce foreign biological materials is a must for planetary exploration. Systems & Processes Engineering Corporation (SPEC) and Dr. J.P. Chambers of University of Texas at San Antonio propose to use molecular imprinting (MI) technology to fabricate artificial receptors for detection and measurement of large chiral organic molecules. The MI technology will provide a means of developing non-biological based receptors for the detection and measurement of large chiral molecules which currently do not exist. Recently, Dr. Chambers has successfully constructed, tested and demonstrated highly selective discrimination of molecularly similar compounds including m-conotoxins, fluorescein, and NATA using the MI technology. In Phase I, SPEC and Dr. Chambers propose to develop and demonstrate the MI technology for biosensor detection and measurement of a candidate large chiral organic molecule of interest to NASA. Polymer based MI receptors are easily cleaned and sterilized with little or no binding degradation. In Phase II, SPEC will proceed to develop, construct and fabricate a compact MI biosensor prototype for chiral detection and measurement. The final biosensor system will be small, light-weight and require low power and will be suitable for planetary applications.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The development of compact, stable biosensors based on MI receptors has significant commercial applications as home diagnostic devices, medical research tools, food processing monitors, clinical instruments and environmental detectors as well as for NASA and the Department of Defense. In addition to its use for discrimination of chiral molecules, the MI biosensor can be used to detect toxins, dangerous chemicals, and hazardous environmental agents. MI devices could significantly impact on the projected half-billion dollar market for biosensors in the year 2000.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Robert C. Chin, Ph.D.

Systems & Processes Engineering Corp.

401 Camp Craft Road

401 Camp Craft Road , TX 78746-6558

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James McNeal

Systems & Processes Engineering Corp.

401 Camp Craft Road

Austin , TX 78746-6558

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:



Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Current X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) systems for

space in situ analysis and experimentation are

inadequate due to one or more of their basic

characteristics. Thus there are no room

temperature XRF systems, presently, which

simultaneously offer: large detector active area and

high energy resolution. The goal of this proposal is

to develop a novel, high performance XRF system

based on large active-area Silicon Drift Detectors

(SDD) that can operate over wide temperature and

pressure ranges to provide precise and accurate

elemental analysis of rock and soil samples as is

necessary for the Solar System Exploration

program. During Phase I we will develop a

demonstration unit consisting of a miniaturized, low

weight and, low power x-ray spectrometer based on

the large active area (50-100 mm2) SDD structure.

The electronic noise level of this system will be less

than 250 eV (FWHM). This level of energy

resolution with such a large active area will already

constitute a better than ten-fold improvement over

any existing x-ray spectroscopy system operating

near room temperature. In Phase II we will further

reduce the noise level of the system down to 70 eV

(FWHM) by use of SDD structures with integrated

first stage FETs. The unit developed during Phase I

will serve as a basic building block for the

construction of the XRF system in Phase II of the

project. The finalized XRF instrument will contain

the spectrometer, an excitation source, processing

electronics, and supporting software for data

collection and XRF analysis. The overall goal for

total mass, power and volume of the XRF

instrument is less than 1 kg, 1 W, and 1 liter,

respectively. High data rate will be assured by the

large active area (large solid angle) of the x-ray

detector, optimized geometry for sample excitation,

efficient software, and unparalleled high

performance of the system.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

New small x-ray detector systems with unparalleled

high spectrometric performance obtained by new

large active area detectors which can operate near

room temperature with low power consumption will

be the basis of a new generation of novel portable

XRF spectrometry instruments. These new

instruments open up numerous important market

opportunities in the area of environmental

contamination monitoring and industrial process

control and material identification

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jan S. Iwanczyk, Ph.D.

Photon Imaging, Inc.

19355 Business Ctr. Dr., Suite 8

Northridge , CA 91324

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Bradley E. Patt, Ph.D.

Photon Imaging, Inc.

19355 Business Cntr. Dr., Suite 8

Northridge , CA 91324

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Non-Destructive In Situ Detection of

Nucleic and Amino Acids

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose development of a laser capable of

emission at appropriate deep UV and visible

wavelengths to enable a nucleic and amino acid

detection system with low mass, low power

consumption, low cost, and non-destructive

characteristics, making this instrument highly

attractive for in situ exploration of Mars and


All known examples of self-replicating terrestrial

organisms contain nucleic and amino acids.

Deep UV excitation (222-251 nm) of nucleic acids,

aromatic amino acids, or proline can produce a

Raman resonance event. Resonance response

increases signal strength by 102 to 104. Excitation

at these deep UV wavelengths avoids almost all

fluorescence activity usually encountered in

biological material, permitting (under controlled

laboratory conditions) the detection of a single


The enabling break-throughs for in situ use of this

technology are recent advances in hollow cathode

metal ion lasers and miniature, monolithic

spectrometers as detectors. It is now feasible to

fabricate deep UV lasers 10-15 cm in length, 2-4 cm

in diameter, weighing 50-100 grams with an

electronics package of comparable size, and

drawing only 2-3 watts of electrical power. These

lasers are the enabling technology for the

micro-miniature extant life detectors and the focus

of the proposed development.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Deep UV sources of light are of great interest for a

wide range of biotechnology instrumentation

applications because of the ability to induce

fluorescence or Raman response in fluorophors

which occur naturally in most biological materials.

Presently the only sources of deep UV light for

these instruments are deuterium lamps or xenon

flashlamps. Both of these sources of deep UV are

very limited in source radiance and therefore are

very limited in their ability to induce response in

small sample volumes.

Because of the ongoing need to increase the speed

and specificity of analytical instruments, lasers are

increasingly used as light sources. Because of the

lack of availability of inexpensive, reliable, deep

UV lasers, present instruments commonly employ

visible lasers in conjunction with dye tags to identify

the biochemicals of interest. These dye molecules

are often as large as the molecules being

investigated and significantly alter the chemistry

and therefore the reliability of the results.

The deep UV hollow cathode metal ion lasers being

proposed eliminate the need for dye tagging and

are capable of providing over 10,000 times the

source radiance of a deuterium lamp at comparable

prices. This will significantly influence the future

design of instruments such as capillary

electrophoresis instruments, high performance

liquid chromatographs, DNA sequencers, and flow


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mr. Ray Reid

Photon Systems

1518A Industrial Park St.

Covina , CA 91722

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. William Hug

Photon Systems

1518A Industrial Park St.

Covina , CA 91722

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Mars Micro Balloon Probe

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The Mars Micro Balloon Probe (MMBP) is a

project to create a low-cost airborne Mars

photographic probe with a trans-Mars injection

(TMI) mass an order of magnitude less than that of

any Mars balloon probe designed to date. This can

be done by approaching the gondola design in a

spirit of ruthless minimalism, reducing it to a single

instrument coupled with a computer, UHF radio

transmitter/receiver, and a primary battery power

supply suitable for a 1 day flight. In addition, large

mass savings and greater simplicity and reliability

can be achieved by replacing the traditional

complex high pressure hydrogen or helium inflation

gear coupled with superpressure or overpressure

balloons with a novel self inflating zero-pressure

polyethylene balloon using ammonia gas. By

combining these innovations, it should be possible

to create MMBP units with a total TMI mass,

including entry system, on the order of 10 kg. Such

light weight systems would be prime candidates to

fly as hitch-hiker payloads on any of the numerous

Mars orbiters or landers planned for the near

future. This would allow high resolution aerial

photography to be performed on Mars without the

loss of any of the surface or orbital science

currently planned.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)


The primary initial application of the MMBP

system is to provide a means aerial photographic

exploration on Mars. However the same system

could be used on Earth to carry out cheap remote

sensing missions for both scientific and commercial

purposes. For example small balloon gondola

systems of the MMBP type could be released by

fishing boats, and used to spot nearby areas where

plankton signatures indicate that fish are likely to

be plentiful. Meteorologists seeking look-down

data on cloud activity from altitudes of 32 km would

also find the MMBP systems extremely useful.

Oceanographers could use MMBP systems the

map the movement of polar ice. In fact, nearly

every form of commercial and scientific remote

sensing application in use on Earth today would

benefit from the development of low-cost, light

weight MMBP based photo-reconnaissance probe

that could be released by investigators on an

on-demand basis.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Robert Zubrin

Pioneer Astronautics

445 Union Blvd. #125

Lakewood , CO 80228

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Robert Zubrin

Pioneer Astronautics

445 Union Blvd. #125

Lakewood , CO 80228

Form 9.B Project Summary





18.02-6650 Project Title:

MCSM: A control strategy for

holonomic/nonholonomic robot systems

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed innovation is mobile-camera-space

manipulation (MCSM), a strategy to control robot

systems with a combination of holonomic and

nonholonomic degrees of freedom (DOFs), such as

a rover equipped with a low-DOF arm. MCSM will

control both the rover and the arm to move the end

effector to a target in 3D space. MSCM will be an

extension of camera-space manipulation (CSM), a

proven estimation-based control strategy which

controls tasks in physical space by achieving task

objectives in camera-space. CSM's advantages

include being calibration-free, robust, and highly

accurate, but CSM requires cameras at fixed

positions, limiting its use for mobile systems with

large working areas. MCSM will control the rover

and the onboard low-DOF robotic arm, using

cameras fixed to the rover, to accomplish higher

DOF tasks than either could achieve individually.

MCSM could function in autonomous or supervised

control modes without performance degradation due

to delay times. The innovation responds to

Subsection 18.02, giving rovers more flexibility,

robustness, and accuracy for Sampling,

Deployment, and Retrieval tasks by allowing

rovers with low-DOF arms to achieve high-DOF

tasks such as sample grasping, coring, deployment,

storage, and retrieval of stored samples.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed innovation will allow mobile

(nonholonomic) systems equipped with holonomic

degrees of freedom (such as rovers equipped with

arms, forklifts, earthmoving equipment, etc.) to be

controlled accurately, semi-autonomously, and

robustly. In addition, by combining both the degrees

of freedom of both subsystems, higher DOF tasks

can be accomplished without the need to add

additional holonomic degrees of freedom, which

would add cost, complexity, and weight. This system

would be ideal in two major several settings:

1) Control of rovers equipped with arms in order to

acquire or manipulate samples during exploration of

hostile environments, including Mars, deserts,

arctic environments, hazardous material storage

facilities, nuclear power plants, and potentially


2) Semi-autonomous control of industrial equipment

such as forklifts for automated warehousing,

earthmoving equipment, farm equipment, etc. In

this case the innovation could be used both in new

equipment and as a retrofit for older equipment.

The increased accuracy and reduced labor costs are

two major advantages of this approach. If addition,

such equipment could be controlled remotely for

work in hazardous areas, and one operator could

control several pieces of equipment, increasing


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. John-David Yoder

Yoder Software, Inc.

3100 Benham Avenue

Elkhart , IN 46517

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. John-David Yoder

Yoder Software, Inc.

3100 Benham Avenue

Elkhart , IN 46517

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Electrochromic Thermal Control

Container for Payloads

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The development of tunable solar absorptance and

infrared emittance coatings for active temperature

control of thermally sensitive payloads is proposed.

The coatings will be applied to the exterior of

payload containers on satellites and planetray

explorers. Selected coatings facing the sun will

have a tunable solar absorptance and to control

heat gain while coatings facing the ground or night

sky will have a tunable emittance to control radiant

heat loss. The solar absorptance coatings will

switch from transmitting-to-absorbing or

reflecting-to-absorbing depending on whether solar

illumination inside the payload container is

desirable. Absorptance and emittance modulation

are obtained with electrochromic films of

amorphous and crystalline oxides that undergo

reversible optical changes in response to an

electrically driven (typically <5 V) change in

reduction-oxidation state. The Phase I objective is

the development of a demonstration container

incorporating variable solar absorptance and

thermal emittance panels and an evaluation of the

thermal control properties of the container with

emphasis on use in Mars exploration activities. The

objective of the Phase II program would be the

incorporation of the thermal control technology into

a payload container suitable for flight evaluation.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Thermal control enclosures will find application on

commercial and military satellites, and on planetary

explorers. Terrestrial applications in energy

efficient buildings and greenhouses are also


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Stuart F. Cogan

EIC Laboratories, Inc.

111 Downey Street

Norwood , MA 02062

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


R. David Rauh

EIC Laboratories, Inc.

111 Downey Street

Norwood , MA 02062

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972164

Proposal Number: 19.01-0895

Project Title: Advanced Capillary Pumped Loop

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The capillary pumped loop (CPL) and the loop heat pipe (LHP) are passive heat transport devices that have several orders of magnitude greater capabilities than heat pipes, and are expected to become the thermal control systems for the next generation of spacecraft. The CPL can have multiple evaporators in a single system and its set point temperature is easily controllable. However, CPLs require lengthy startup/re-start processes, and other operational and design constraints due to its sensitivity to vapor bubble presence inside the evaporator liquid core. In addition, CPLs have been limited to low performance plastic wicks to mitigate this problem. The LHP is mostly insensitive to vapor inside the liquid core and use high performance metal wicks, but lack temperature controllability and may be difficult to plumb multiple evaporators due to fluid inventory sensitivity. Other LHP limitations include shorter lengths evaporators than CPLs. The Advanced Capillary Pumped Loop (A-CPL), whose development is proposed here, combines the unique features of CPLs and LHPs to provide a loop that is insensitive to vapor presence in the evaporator liquid core, can have multiple/long evaporators, is temperature controllable, and can utilize high performance / high conductance metal wicks.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

If successfully developed, the A-CPL would be one of the enabling technologies for the next generation of higher power / smaller government and commercial spacecraft. It will provide more than an order of magnitude greater heat transport and ground testability than state-of-the-art heat pipes, like CPLs and LHPs. However, the A-CPL will not have any of the undesirable functional and design shortcomings that currently limit CPL and LHP applications. In addition, the A-CPL will allow the realization of significant weight, size, and cost reductions that are not possible with any existing two-phase heat transport devices. The A-CPL would not be limited to only space based applications. Interest is currently growing in the aircraft, ship, and earth based electronics system industry for high performance, passive heat transport devices.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jeong H. Kim

TTH Research, Inc.

14625 Baltimore Avenue, #445

Laurel , MD 20707

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Jeong H. Kim

TTH Research, Inc.

14625 Baltimore Avenue, #445

Laurel , MD 20707

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Thermal Control Using Multi-Spectral


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This Phase I SBIR proposal presents a new and

novel approach to active thermal control. It uses an

electrically controlled film that can give

independent control on both the visible absorption

and the LWIR emissivity. This dual control gives a

degree of thermal control previously unattainable.

During the Phase I program, an electrically

switchable thermal control coating will be

fabricated. This coating is based on an

electrophoretic system with a special pigment to

minimize absorption in the binder so the IR

emissivity can be controlled.. This control coating

will be lightweight, rugged, low cost and require

minimal power. It will be switchable from a value of

1.5 (ratio of solar absorbence to thermal emittance)

to 0.24.

Sensortex has demonstrated the basic approach

with both single pigment and double pigment

switching, including the charging and attraction of

metallic flake pigments to the surface with the

desired orientation, initially thought to be a major

problem. Fabricating a practical coating requires

detailed system design but does not require any

technical breakthroughs.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A new and novel active control system will have

multiple uses in temperature control. It is

lightweight which will be a major advantage in space

applications while the active control of both

absorption and emissivity will be useful in solar

heating and cooling.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. William Biter

Sensortex, Inc.

P.O. Box 644

Unionville , PA 19375-0644

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Kelly Reuter

Sensortex, Inc.

P.O. Box 644

Unionville , PA 19375-0644

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A Constant Capacity High Lift Heat


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Future manned lunar bases will have thermal

control requirements that exceed the capabilities of

conventional heat pump technology. While prior

NASA studies have demonstrated the feasibility of

solar powered heat pumps for habitat thermal

control, a suitable heat pump design capable of

maintaining a constant cooling capacity over the

widely varying lift conditions encountered in a

typical equatorial lunar base has not been

identified. Magnetic bearing technology and

judicious refrigerant selection have allowed

Mainstream Engineering Corporation to develop a

highly efficient, compact, high speed, direct drive

centrifugal refrigeration compressor for terrestrial

chiller systems. This innovative patented

technology can be easily adapted to a high lift, lunar

heat pump thermal control system with minor

modifications. Mainstream Engineering

Corporation has demonstrated the potential of the

high-efficiency, lightweight, magnetic-bearing

centrifugal chiller to provide improved

performance, significantly reduced operational and

maintenance costs, and reduced life cycle cost.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Development of a high lift heat pump has

commercial applications in the development of

air-cooled condenser chillers. In addition, the

technology and control system enhancements

necessary to adapt magnetic bearing compressors

for lunar heat pump applications would greatly

improve the high efficiency operating envelopes of

current designs. Marketing studies have indicated

that Mainstream Engineering Corporation's current

design has an excellent opportunity to capture a

significant portion of the projected 80,000

commercial chillers that will be replaced in the next

five to ten years. Therefore, while Mainstream

Engineering Coporation's existing design is

comparable in initial cost, it provides significant

reductions in total life cycle cost, while also being a

completely environmentally-safe alternative to

existing CFC and HCFC systems. Development of

this technology will have enormous economic

benefits. The Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Institute estimates that over 80,000 CFC chillers

are still in operation and must be replaced or

retrofitted in the coming years.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Scott M. Benedict

Mainstream Engineering Corporation

200 Yellow Place

Rockledge , FL 32955

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Patricia Eder

Mainstream Engineering Corporation

200 Yellow Place

Rockledge , FL 32955

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Flexible, Lightweight Radiator for an

Inflatable Mars Spacecraft

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA has established an initiative for the manned

exploration of Mars using an inflatable

spacecraft/habitat. The inflatable nature of this

spacecraft implies that the heat rejection radiator

must be flexible and foldable. Overall feasibililty of

flexible radiators has been demonstrated, however,

limited work has been done to design and qualify

the flexible radiator materials for extended space


Accordingly, the objective of this Phase I is to

establish a baseline for the performance of the

flexible radiator materials with respect to atomic

oxygen, ultraviolet radiation, flex fatigue failure,

thermal cycling, micro meteoroid puncture and

optical properties. Several candidate flexible

radiator materials will be tested. The Phase I work

will conclude with recommendations for material

improvements. In Phase II, these improvement wil

be implemented and the materials re-tested.

Ultimately, the best material will be selected and a

prototype radiator will be constructed and thermal

vacuum tested.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The largest commercial application for flexible

radiators is satellite thermal control. Presently,

various organizations are planning to place

constellations of satellites into orbit. With the

demand towards smaller size and higher power, a

flexible radiator that can be compactly rolled or

folded, stored for launch and deployed in orbit to

present a large radiating area would be not only

beneficial but enabling for these satellites. In

addition, a lightweight radiator will have significant

economic benefits due to the reduced launch

payload weight and volume.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

John E. Fale

Thermacore, Inc.

780 Eden Road

Lancaster , PA 17601

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Donald M. Ernst

Thermacore, Inc.

780 Eden Road

Lancaster , PA 17601

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

High Thermal Conductivity, Tailored

CTE FCOB Packaging Concept.

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed innovation is an ultra-lightweight,

flip-chip-on-board (FCOB) packaging approach with

thermal performance and CTE matching to achieve

high reliability, low cost electronics. This new

product will feature a CTE, tailorable by design, to

achieve any value from 3-10 ppm/oC, an in-plane

thermal conductivity 20%-30% higher than

state-of-art metal-cored PWB substrates, and will

also weigh up to 50% less than conventional PWBs

with IC packages soldered to the surface. This new

system will achieve this performance by utilizing a

special AMT designed graphitized carbon

composite material for dimensional constraint and a

CTE-matched encapsulant resin system. The

encapsulant resin will be based on low CTE

epoxies/resins and combined with low CTE filler

particles to further drive down the overall

encapsulant CTE. This PWB system will allow

FCOB technology to be integrated into existing

circuit board practices by utilizing core and

encapsulant technologies to minimize stresses at

solder joints and leads due to PWB/chip CTE

mismatch. This new product will adapt current

practices for PWB fabrication to more efficiently

enable the use of FCOB for critical high power

dissipation/high electronic component density


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Increasing numbers of critical electronic systems

applications employ chip-on-board technology.

Examples of such usage are found in portable

computers and cellular and PCS (Personal

Communications Systems) telephones. The

availability of the proposed high performance/high

reliability substrate will enable smaller and more

powerful devices. This new laminated substrate

should also enable commercial and military

applications for FCOB in thermal environments that

were previously too severe for current technology,

i.e. satellite and avionics communications and

navigation electronics. This packaging approach

offers tailorable FCOB technology-enabling CTE,

higher thermal conductivity for higher component

reliability, and virtually half the weight of any

conventional solution unmatched by any PWB with

soldered-on IC packages to date.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Eyan Lee

Applied Material Technologies, Inc.

3611 S. Harbor Blvd., Suite 225

Santa Ana , CA 92704

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


William E. Davis

Applied Material Technologies, Inc.

3611 S. Harbor Blvd., Suite 225

Santa Ana , CA 92704

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Higher Energetic PEM Fuel Cells

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This Small Business Innovative Research Phase I

Project develops a compact proton exchange

membrane fuel cell. The design approach for this

fuel cell project is specific to the development of a

100 watt, 12 volt stack operating with ambient

pressure oxygen or air and hydrogen gases. The

modular arrangement of membrane and electrode

assemblies gives a wide variety of fuel cell designs

for low power and low voltage applications for

extravehicular activity. The improved packaging

design allows power densities much greater than 1

kW/liter to be obtained. Coupled with the

innovative design, the electrochemical reactions for

both anode and cathode are optimized to take

advantage of the design approach. The major

benefit of the proposed approach is a higher power

density fuel cell that is operational independent of

the orientation, a feature that allows wider

applicability and usage of the fuel cell for terrestrial

and extraterrestrial applications.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Successful development of this fuel cell concept will

find widespread use in low power (e.g., 100 Watts)

applications including electronics, portable tools,

and remote power generation.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Michael C. Kimble

Physical Sciences Inc.

20 New England Business Center

Andover , MA 01810

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


George E. Caledonia

Physical Sciences, Inc.

20 New England Business Center

Andover , MA 01810

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972475

Proposal Number: 19.02-0749

Project Title: An Improved Polymer Electrolyte Cell

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A research program to improve the performance of polymer electrolyte-based Li ion batteries is proposed. The cell will use a proprietary electrolyte, a high capacity insertion cathode and a high capacity intercalation anode. The major emphasis in Phase I will be to identify polymer electrolytes which will meet NASA's requirement of operating in low temperatures down to -60 degree Celsius. The cell will have high rate capability and a cycle-life of over 1000 cycles. The use of the high capacity cathode will increase the specific energy of the cell to >170 Wh/kg and volumetric energy density of about 310 Wh/l.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A high capacity polymer electrolyte Li ion cell having good low temperature performance will find immediate application in a number of consumer and military devices. These include cellular phones, camcorders, portable computers and other hand-held devices, as well as electric vehicles.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mohamed Alamgir

High Energy Technologies, Inc.

2800- Hitchcock Avenue

Downers Grove , IL 60515

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Tom Kulawiak

High Energy Technologies, Inc.

2800- Hitchcock Avenue

Downers Grove , IL 60515

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972243

Proposal Number: 19.02-1000A

Project Title: Passive Hydrogen-Oxygen Regenerative Fuel Cell Battery

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Phase I will demonstrate an advanced variation of the Technology Management, Inc. (TMI) solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) in a passive regenerative fuel cell (RFC) system suitable for space applications. The demonstration integrates both fuel cell and electrolyzer functions into a single device, eliminates all moving parts and heat exchangers, reduces stack mass and volume, reduces size and complexity of auxiliary systems, and operates like a rechargeable "hydrogen-oxygen battery." TMI has previously demonstrated the TMI SOFC/electrolyzer operating at greater than 90% energy storage efficiency. To operate as a passive reversible fuel cell/electrolyzer, the TMI stack must be able to operate with diffusion-driven reactant flows in place of the forced convection normally used in fuel-cell-only systems. The proposed Phase I will demonstrate the feasibility of diffusion-based cell operation using modified TMI?s cell components.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Development of the TMI Regenerative Fuel Cell Technology for space applications will benefit other civilian commercial and governmental applications for energy storage systems with similar requirements to the proposed NASA applications. These would include alternative energy storage (e.g. photovoltaic, wind, small hydro), peak shaving or load leveling, uninterruptible power supplies and electric vehicles.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Thomas L. Cable

Technology Management Inc

9718 Lake Shore Boulevard

Cleveland , OH 44108

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Michael Petrik

Technology Management Inc

9718 Lake Shore Boulevard

Cleveland , OH 44108

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971640

Proposal Number: 19.02-1140

Project Title: Low Temperature Ultracapacitor for Planetary Exploration

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Ultracapacitors for low temperature (-100�C) operation will be developed for use as power supplies in space and planetary exploration. These rechargeable power supplies are crucial for the deployment of exploration vehicles such as rovers, landers, and penetraters as well as for low temperature burst power communication. The sub-ambient conductivity and liquid range of present ultracapacitor electrolytes severely limit low temperature use. By extending our technology on imidazolium based electrolytes, we will develop a nonaqueous electrolyte for the low emperature

operation of ultracapacitors. In Phase I we will demonstrate a nonaqueous electrolyte with good low temperature conductivity (>5 mS/cm at -100�C),electrochemical stability, and wide liquid range (m.p. <-100�C). We will also measure the phase transitions of these electrolytes and determine the ultracapacitor performance from room temperature down to -80�C. In Phase II of this development we will optimize our prismatic packaging technology for low temperature operation and optimize low temperature electrolyte formulations. The innovation will allow for a long cycle life (>10,000 cycles) rechargeable electrical energy storage device with excellent low temperature energy and power performance facilitating planetary probes.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Success of this project will result in packaged nonaqueous electrochemical capacitors having increased energy density (>8 Wh/kg, >8 Wh/l) and power density (>0.5 kW/kg, >0.5kW/l) with a useful operational range down to -100�C. Electrochemical capacitors based on the developed system have commercial application in electric vehicles, cellular communication, uninterruptible power supplies, memory backup, and consumer electronics. The specific low temperature developments of this project will facilitate the commercial use of these power supplies in sub-ambient and extreme conditions such as in space (e.g. satellites) and in the arctic.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Alan B. McEwen, Ph.D.

Covalent Associates, Inc.

10 State St.

Woburn , MA 01801

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Margaret E. Langmuir, Ph.D.

Covalent Associates, Inc.

10 State St.

Woburn , MA 01801

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971646

Proposal Number: 19.02-1141

Project Title: Flexible Thin-Film CIGS High-Voltage Array for Space


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Spacecraft power is critical to any mission and is dictated by spacecraft power requirements and power losses. Minimizing power losses reduces the size and weight of the power system. Reducing current and increasing array voltage results in reduction of both power loss and electromagnetic drag/torques on the vehicle. Also, weight of ion propulsion power conditioning equipment can be reduced by high-voltage arrays. However, interaction between solar arrays and surrounding plasma in orbit can cause arcing on the solar arrays. Generally arcing occurs at sharp edges and exposed contacts, which are inherent with conventional crystalline solar array construction (solar cells, protection diodes, solder, thick coverglass). Our large-area, flexible thin-film copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS) photovoltaic technology (Fig. 1) provides high voltage arrays with less than 10�m profile changes through monolithic integration. CIGS does not need conventional coverglass; only an emittance-enhancing coating on the entire array surface after integration should suffice for thermal management and a dielectric barrier. Global Solar Energy?s proposed effort, "Flexible Thin-Film CIGS High Voltage Arrays for Space Applications" in response to NASA SBIR Crosscutting Technologies 19.02 is to evaluate the required material for use in high-voltage arrays and to assess the design of said thin-film CIGS arrays for future spacecraft.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

High-voltage photovoltaic solar arrays will have significant impact on both terrestrial and space applications within the consumer, commercial, and government marketplace. High voltages eliminate the need for heavy cabling which is a cost deterrent to cost-conscious PV applications, regardless of space or terrestrial applications. For space applications investigating ion propulsion, a high-voltage array is a natural in that the weight and cost of the power conditioning can be reduced, as well as reliability being improved. Such applications include communication infrastructure spacecraft Teledesic), orbit lifting vehicles, and deep-space missions. In terrestrial applications,utilities would prefer a high voltage array to reduce cabling cost, as well as to provide much easier DC-AC inversion and direct-to-grid applications. Many of the topics to be investigated within this program can be applied to safety-related issues for both space and terrestrial arrays, such as high-voltage isolation and fire safety. Furthermore, the flexible covercoat proposed to electrically isolate and thermally control array performance in space can replace costly Teflon™-based coatings for portable power applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Joseph H. Armstrong

Global Solar Energy, LLC

12401 West 49th Avenue

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Mohan S. Misra

Global Solar Energy, LLC

12401 West 49th Avenue

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Beta"-Alumina Solid Electrolytes

(BASE) by a Novel Vapor Phase

Process for AMTEC

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Considerable work on AMTEC has been reported.

The key component of AMTEC is

Na-beta"-alumina solid electrolyte (BASE). In an

AMTEC, the typical geometry of BASE is tubular

and is fabricated by a conventional process. The

conventional process requires encapsulation to

minimize the loss of soda by evaporation and the

resulting BASE is also extremely

moisture-sensitive due to remnant NaAlO2 at grain

boundaries. MSRI has recently developed a novel

vapor phase process which can be used to directly

convert sintered alfa-alumina into

Na-beta"-alumina. The MSRI process has several

advantage over BASE. There are: (1) Lower

processing temperature obviates the need for

platinum encapsulation, thus lowering the overall

coast. (2) Grain boundaries are completely devoid

of NaAlO2, thus making the material

moisture-insensitive. (3) The BASE so-produced

exhibits crystallographic texture, thus increasing

conductivity. (4) Thin-wall ( 500 micrometer), free

standing tubes can be made. The present work is

proposed to evaluate the BASE fabricated by the

novel MSRI process for application in AMTEC.

The technical objectives of the proposed work

include: (1) Fabrication of BASE by the novel vapor

phase process. (2) Evaluation the mechanical and

electrical properties. (3) Enhancement of the

process kinetics through manipulation of the defect

chemistry of BASE (4) Measurement of

conductivity and durability in sodium vapor.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The anticipated commercial applications of BASE

made by the novel vapor phase process include: (1)

Solid electrolytes for AMETC, both sodium and

potassium for power generation in terrestrial

applications, space nuclear power, and industrial

co-generation. (2) Solid electrolytes for sodium

sulfur batteries with application in utility industry

and electric vehicular applications. (3) Solid

electrolytes for sensors and metal purification in


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Jan-Fong Jue

Materials and Systems Research, Inc.

1473 S. Pioneer Rd. Suite B

Salt Lake City , UT 84104

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Dinesh K. Shetty

Materials and Systems Research, Inc.

1473 S. Pioneer Rd. Suite B

Salt Lake City , UT 84104

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Application Specific, Optimum

Performance Design for

Nickel-Hydrogen Cells and Batteries

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Given the high level electrical performance

requirements for a specific space application, it is

desired to select a battery configuration that most

effectively meets the mission requirements in terms

of energy density, life cycle cost, cycle life,

spacecraft orbit, and power system redundancy. In

determining the most effective cell/battery

configuration, large numbers of variables must be

traded in order to arrive at the most effective

solution. These variables include such items as

power system architecture, battery chemistry, cell

dimensions, internal component selection, heat

rejection requirements, etc.

The objective of this project is create a rule based

system that captures expert rules, i.e. collective

industry experience, for selecting the ideal

Nickel-Hydrogen cell and battery configuration for

a given application. All configurations designed by

this system would be in keeping with current

industry practices. This system would serve as a

foundation for a system that would ultimately

include all pertinent battery chemistries and their

associated cell and battery configurations. In

addition to an intensive focus on electrical

performance, a fully implemented system would

also evaluate complete structural and thermal

concerns; concerns critical to accurate weight


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Resulting from this contract will be a fully

functional, rule based technology, ANSYS finite

element interface. This interface will interpret

geometry created by a rule-based model and create

the corresponding thermal and structural finite

element models. This interface will enable

extremely rapid thermal and structural finite

element analysis (FEA). Rapid and accurate FEA is

an issue relating to virtually all

design/manufacturing organizations. Aerospace,

automotive and many other industries rely on such

analysis. Order of magnitude acceleration of this

type of analytical work is of great interest to

ANSYS Inc., the supplier of the ANSYS finite

element code.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Sean P. Sullivan

Design Automation Associates

40 Oakwood Street

Enfield , CT 06082

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


John C. Lambert

Design Automation Associates

40 Oakwood Street

Enfield , CT 06082

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971646

Proposal Number: 19.02-1141

Project Title: Flexible Thin-Film CIGS High-Voltage Array for Space Applications

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Spacecraft power is critical to any mission and is dictated by spacecraft power requirements and power losses. Minimizing power losses reduces the size and weight of the power system. Reducing current and increasing array voltage results in reduction of both power loss and electromagnetic drag/torques on the vehicle. Also, weight of ion propulsion power conditioning equipment can be reduced by high-voltage arrays. However, interaction between solar arrays and surrounding plasma in orbit can cause arcing on the solar arrays. Generally arcing occurs at sharp edges and exposed contacts, which are inherent with conventional crystalline solar array construction (solar cells, protection diodes, solder, thick coverglass). Our large-area, flexible thin-film copper-indium-gallium-dieseling (CIGS) photovoltaic technology (Fig. 1) provides high voltage arrays with less than 10�m profile changes through monolithic ntegration. CIGS does not need conventional coverglass; only an emittance-nhancing coating on the entire array surface after integration should suffice for thermal management and a dielectric barrier. Global Solar Energy?s proposed effort, "Flexible Thin-Film CIGS High Voltage Arrays for Space Applications" in esponse to NASA SBIR Crosscutting Technologies 19.02 is to evaluate the equired material for use in high-voltage arrays and to assess the design of said thin-film CIGS arrays for future spacecraft.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

High-voltage photovoltaic solar arrays will have significant impact on both terrestrial and space applications within the consumer, commercial, and government marketplace. High voltages eliminate the need for heavy cabling which is a cost deterrent to cost-conscious PV applications, regardless of space or terrestrial applications. For space applications investigating ion propulsion, a high-voltage array is a natural in that the weight and cost of the power conditioning can be reduced, as well as reliability being improved. Such applications include communication infrastructure spacecraft (Teledesic), orbit lifting vehicles, and deep-space missions. In terrestrial applications, utilities would prefer a high voltage array to reduce cabling cost, as well as to provide much easier DC-AC inversion and direct-to-grid applications. Many of the topics to be investigated within this program can be applied to safety-related issues for both space and terrestrial arrays, such as high-voltage isolation and fire safety. Furthermore, the flexible covercoat proposed to electrically isolate and thermally control array performance in space can replace costly Teflon™-based coatings for portable power applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Joseph H. Armstrong

Global Solar Energy, LLC

12401 West 49th Avenue

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Mohan S. Misra

Global Solar Energy, LLC

12401 West 49th Avenue

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Form 9.B Project Summary


Chron: 972104

Proposal Number: 19.02-6744A

Project Title: Low-Cost, Partially Fluorinated Nanostructured Polymer for PEM Fuel Cells

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The specific power of PEM fuel cells could surpass that of internal combustion engines if lighter, more conductive membranes can be found. Perfluorinated polymers (Nafion) have exceptional stability, because of their high fluorine content. However, the high associated cost and weight and need for complex humidification systems make perfluorinated PEMs noncompetitive for portable and automotive applications. A new class of proton-conducting polymers is proposed, which possess nanosized hydrophillic/hydrophobic domains like those found in Nafion but contain less fluorine. Unlike linear-chain polymers, the polymer-backbone structure is spherical and coated with functional groups to allow spontaneous formation of ion-conducting, interstitial cavities/surfaces outside the polymer core. This microstructure separates proton motion from polymer-chain motion, to allow unhindered ion mobility even when most of the polymer is dry. The functional groups forming the ion channel walls provide versatile reaction pathways for controlling the chemical environment surrounding the proton.

These groups will be derivatized with various quantities of triflate-based acids, fluorinated protecting groups, and hydrating/solvating groups to achieve improved PEM properties. TPL will leverage its production experience in nanocomposites and thin-film dielectrics to process polymers into cost-effective PEMs, that will be tested in prototype H2/O2 cells at Sandia National Laboratories to determine structure/performance relationships.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words) The cost of the proton-exchange membrane is the largest cost driver for PEM fuel cells. The benefit of a successful program will be the development of economical, lightweight fuel cells to power portable electronics, such as laptop computers, video equipment, lights, and electrically powered tools; a several hundred million dollar market. And the PEM fuel cell is the power plant of choice for zero-emission vehicles if the membrane cost can be reduced by a factor of six.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Larry J. Kepley, Ph.D.

TPL, Inc.

3921 Academy Parkway North, NE

Albuquerque , NM 87109-4416

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


William F. Hartman

TPL, Inc.

3921 Academy Parkway North, NE

Albuquerque , NM 87109-4416

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Inflation Rigidized Solar Concentrators

for Power Generation

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Current solar thermal power systems incorporate

rigid concentrators which are either assembled in

orbit or mechanically deployed. These structures

are relatively heavy, complex, require significant

package volume, and are costly. The development

of lightweight deployable concentrators for solar

thermal power applications would reduce weight,

and cost for these systems, making them

considerably more cost effective for large space

power applications. The proposed Phase I research

will apply innovative polymer film fabrication

techniques to design an inflatable concentrator for

subsequent ground testing. The concentrator will be

fabricated in a parabolic shape without seams or

gore sections. The one piece nature of the cast film

will reduce the inflation pressure requirements and

increase its tolerance to micrometeroid penetration.

The inflation rigidized thin film concentrator will be

designed to interface with solar dynamic power

systems. Deployment of a test article from a

storage canister will be demonstrated, and the

concentrator will be optically characterized. This

proposed innovation will result in an order of

magnitude reduction in cost for solar thermal power


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Lightweight large deployable collectors have

potential applications to commercial space-based

antennas, solar power generation, solar bimodal,

and Earth survey applications. The materials and

processes used in the fabrication of collectors have

application for thermal control blankets and low

dielectric materials for flexible circuit boards.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

James C. Pearson, Jr.

SRS Technologies

500 Discovery Drive NW

Huntsville , AL 35806

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Harold L. Pastrick

SRS Technologies

500 Discovery Drive NW

Huntsville , AL 35806

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Shaftless, Magnetically Levitated

Flywheel Energy Storage Systems

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

MagneMotion, Inc. proposes to design and build a

novel shaftless flywheel energy storage system

capable of achieving high energy density, long life,

and low cost. The concept utilizes a combination of

maglev and linear motor technology with a

simplified control system, efficient power

conversion and a shaftless rotor. If the basic design

is proven in Phase I, then the rotor will be expanded

to include a wound carbon fiber extremity that has

the potential to deliver energy and power densities

higher than the best electrochemical systems, but

with longer life and less sensitivity to temperature


A single, stationary permanent magnet structure

provides both suspension and guidance forces with

a control system that adapts the suspension to

operate at the most efficient position and also

provides damping of unwanted modes. The

propulsion system is based on a linear synchronous

motor with permanent magnets on the inside of the

rotor, and no ferromagnetic material on the stator

so the standby losses are very low. The motor

provides both power transfer to and from the wheel.

The combination of magnetic suspension and linear

motor propulsion is adapted directly from

MagneMotion's operational hardware for

automated transportation.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

There are many terrestrial applications ideally

suited to flywheel energy storage application if a

system can be built at reasonable cost and if it

provides rapid and efficient energy transfer for

hundreds of thousands of charge and discharge

cycles. We believe that the design proposed here is

fundamentally less complex and less expensive

than any existing flywheel energy storage system,

and hence has substantial commercial potential. For

example, automated transportation is the core of

MagneMotion's business and we foresee a number

of applications in this arena, including power peak

shaving for rapid transit systems and standby

power for personal rapid transit.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Richard D. Thornton

MagneMotion, Inc.

142-V North Road

Sudbury , MA 01776

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Todd S. Webber

MagneMotion, Inc.

142-V North Road

Sudbury , MA 01776

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972178

Proposal Number: 19.02-9450

Project Title: Long Cycle Life, High Energy Density Li-Ion Battery

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The battery is based on a novel lithium intercalation anode which we expect to a) double the capacity of graphite anodes, b) eliminate the irreversible capacity from electrolyte reduction, c) enhance safety over conventional anodes and d) greatly extend cycle life. Coupled with our advanced polymer electrolyte and high voltage cathode, we expect a fully developed battery to have a pecific energy of >150 Wh/kg, an energy density of >300 Wh/l and the capability to provide >1000 deep charge/discharge cycles. This Li-ion battery would also be safer than its carbon anode counterpart, especially in the larger sizes of 20-50 Ah needed for many space applications.The proposed Phase I effort is designed to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by synthesizing and physically and electrochemically characterizing the new Li intercalation anode host material. More extensive anode and cell development will follow in Phase II.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The new Li-ion battery will find wide application wherever high energy density, safety and long cycle life are important. This includes portable computers, communication equipment, camcorders, power tools and autonomous robots in remote locations.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dharmasena Peramunage

EIC Laboratories, Inc.

111 Downey Street

Norwood , MA 02062

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


R. David Rauh

EIC Laboratories, Inc.

111 Downey Street

Norwood , MA 02062

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

High Density DC-DC Converter

Modules for Satellite Applications

using Multilayer Hybrid Packaging

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

VPT proposes to design a series of innovative

high-efficiency, radiation-resistant, space-qualified,

standardized DC-DC converter modules using

several new VPT-proprietary technologies. These

technologies include a new high density multilayer

chip and wire hybrid packaging technology, a new

integrated magnetic power circuit topology, and a

new magnetic feedback control technique. These

modules will be compatible with the requirements of

several popular new high-voltage regulated satellite

busses: Space Station,+120Vdc; Space Systems

Loral, +100Vdc; Hughes, +100Vdc; and

Lockheed-Martin, +70Vdc. While such DC-DC

converter modules have become the industry

standard in the telecommunication, aircraft, and

military markets, the satellite industry has been

slow to accept their use. This is because the

modules often have low efficiency and often use

radiation sensitive parts (such as opto-couplers in

the feedback path). In addition, there is a relatively

limited selection of converters that can

accommodate the new standard high-voltage

satellite busses. The lack of available standard

space-qualified products has forced the vast

majority of satellite power converters to be costly,

long-lead-time, custom designs. VPT's modules will

offer higher efficiency by taking advantage of the

reasonably well-regulated satellite bus voltages.

They will also offer parallel capability to achieve

higher output power and separate EMI filter

modules to meet differing noise immunity


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This technology is applicable to all commercial

satellite manufacturers including Hughes, TRW,

Loral, and Lockheed. There is a vital need for high

density, low cost, DC-DC converters designed for

space applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ming Chen

Virginia Power Technologies

1700 Kraft Dr. Suite 2400

Blacksburg , VA 24063-0253

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dan Sable

Virginia Power Technologies

1700 Kraft Dr. Suite 2400

Blacksburg , VA 24063-0253

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972194

Proposal Number: 19.04-2490a

Project Title: Low Cost, Light Weight CMC Rocket Components

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Launch and satellite engine technologies are being driven concurrently to higher performance and reduced inert mass in order to make possible satellites, reusable and expendable launch vehicles, deep space vehicles, and single-stage to orbit vehicles with improved useable payload fractions. While NASA has been developing ceramic matrix composite (CMC) technologies for over a decade, for the first time propulsion companies are embarking on a serious effort to incorporate CMC components in engine designs in order to utilize CMC's light weight and performance enhancement potential. Unlike in the past, when it was thought only dramatic increases in performance would justify the costs associated with development, design, and qualification of new engine materials, use of lighter weight CMC materials which withstand even modest increases in combustion temperatures, e.g. 2700oF vs 2400oF, are now predicted to yield weight savings justifying such an outlay. In this SBIR program, Refractory Composites, Inc. (RCI) will fabricate and test CMC liquid rocket chambers in order to demonstrate that CMC fabricationtechnologies and design methodologies currently have the maturity level necessary to produce economically viable CMC components which satisfy newly developing industry requirements.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

RCI envisions a number of commercial advanced rocket propulsion applications including combustors on expendable launch vehicles, reusable nozzle extensions, light weigh components for Deep Space Missions, and components for divert thruster and ACS.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Frederick S. Lauten, Ph.D.

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Edward L. Paquette

Refractory Composites, Inc.

107 North Langely Road

Glen Burnie , MD 21060

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

High Efficiency Neutralizer for Electric


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The Physitron Team proposes to apply Chemical

Vapor Deposited (CVD) Diamond micro-tip field

emitter arrays (FEAs) to electric propulsion. These

arrays consist of micro-fabricated pyramids of CVD

diamond which have been demonstrated to have

extremely low thresholds for electron emission.

Current small electric propulsion systems waste as

much as 30% of the available energy in generating

electrons for ionization and neutralization.

Application of this technology will reduce the size,

weight, and power requirements of these

subsystems by utilizing micro electro-mechanical

systems (MEMS) technology and significantly

increasing the efficiency of electron production. The

long term objectives of this project are to deploy

Diamond MEMS FEAs in neutralizers for electric

propulsion and as plasma contactors for spacecraft.

During Phase 1, we will demonstrate adequate field

emission properties of the FEAs, design a CVD

diamond grid structure, and deliver FEAs to NASA

for inspection. During Phase 2, we will fabricate and

deliver a pre-prototype neutralizer with diamond

MEMS FEAs and a diamond grid which will provide

60 milli-amps at 2 volts bias with 95% efficiency

from a 1 square millimeter device.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Micro-fabricated CVD diamond FEAs have been

demonstrated to have the absolute lowest threshold

for electron emission and the lowest erosion rate

for ion bombardment. Therefore, numerous

commercial applications exist including spacecraft

propulsion systems, high power/frequency vacuum

tubes, and flat panel displays. The low voltage

emission and high temperature capability of

diamond is an excellent match to high power

microwave devices. The low threshold for and

uniformity of emission provided by the FEA

approach will allow lower power flat panel displays

for portable applications such as laptop computers.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Theron G. "Bo" Henderson

Physitron, Inc.

3304A Westmill Dr.

Huntsville , AL 35805

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


John M. McSwain

Physitron, Inc.

3304A Westmill Dr.

Huntsville , AL 35805

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Catalysts and Catalytic Thermal Bed

Materials for HAN-based


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

There are currently several hundred active

satellites in orbit, at least half of which use

hydrazine monopropellant. In addition, every year

approximately 20 upper stages use hydrazine

monopropellant for roll control and propellant

settling maneuvers prior to orbit insertion burns.

There has been increasing concern about toxicity of

hydrazine(s). Safety regulations have been

tightened to the point where fueling has become a

significant part of the overall cost of a spacecraft

launch. Nontoxic monopropellants as replacement

for hydrazine promise faster and more economical

fueling operations, resulting in lower life-cycle cost.

Nontoxic monopropellants would also enhance the

safety of future manned spacecraft such as the

Crew Return Vehicle. This SBIR proposal is in

response to NASA SBIR solicitation 97-1 which

under subtopic 19.04 calls for "High performance

monopropellants for small spacecraft applications.

Included in this area are ignition techniques for

these propellants that will meet the severe duty

cycle requirements of on-orbit propulsion

functions." The catalysts proposed here are the

most reproducible ignition technique and promise to

achieve the same reliability as that already

demonstrated with hydrazine thrusters. The product

of this SBIR has near-term applicability to NASA

and ties in directly with nontoxic propellant thruster

development in progress at NASA contractors.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

More than half of all U. S. satellites launched

between 1987 and 1997 were for commercial

applications. All U. S. launch vehicle upper stages

such as Delta II, ATLAS-II, LMLV or PEGASUS

are built by commercial launch service providers. In

most cases hydrazine monopropellant can be

replaced by a nontoxic monopropellant with

resulting cost-saving benefits that would be passed

on to customers like NASA and other branches of

the U. S. Government. In a few cases, it may be

possible to substitute existing systems with a

drop-in replacement using a nontoxic propellant.

The potential market for the catalyst to be

developed under this SBIR and its Phase II and

Phase III follow-on contracts is the same as that for

Shell 405. The material may eventually replace

Shell 405 in all monopropellant thruster and gas

generator applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Eckart W. Schmidt

Dr. Eckart W. Schmidt, Consultant, HazMat

55 - 151st Place N. E.

Bellevue , WA 98007-5019

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Eckart W. Schmidt

Dr. Eckart W. Schmidt, Consultant, HazMat

55 - 151st Place N. E.

Bellevue , WA 98007-5019

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971774

Proposal Number: 19.04-7970

Project Title: Laser Ignition of Liquid Oxygen/Ethanol Propellants

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA is continuously seeking non-conventional innovative technologies to obtain safer, more reliable and more economical systems in order to improve US competitiveness in the space industry. One potential area for significant cost reduction is replacing current toxic propellants with environmentally friendly propellants. However, these new propellants are not hypergolic. This presents a new challenge, demanding a reliable ignition system.

This proposal offers a novel ignition concept based on laser-induced plasmas (LIP). Attainment of laser ignition will require simultaneous control of several key parameters governing the interaction between laser optics and the propellants. The most innovative aspect of this concept is the employment of dual pulse laser with an adjustable gating to overcome the anticipated strong

attenuation of the laser energy by the optically dense liquid propellants.

The primary objective of Phase I is to experimentally determine the feasibility of the proposed LIP ignition with liquid oxygen/ethanol, which is considered to be one of the most promising non-toxic propellants combination. Consistent with this overall objective a detailed work plan is proposed, advancing the concept from laboratory experiments to subscale demonstration through progressive and well-thought stages.

Successful completion of Phase I will affirm feasibility as well as provide the technical data base for a comprehensive Phase II program, during which a prototype laser ignition will be designed, constructed and tested.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Laser ignition of non-toxic propellants will benefit the space industry by enabling the use of common propulsion systems and components across multiple vehicles and missions having generic requirements for space maneuvering and altitude control. This, in turn, will drive the cost down, improving U.S. competitiveness in the space industry.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Moshe Lavid

M.L. Energia, Inc.

P.O. Box 470

Princeton , NJ 08542-0470

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ms. Nira Lavid

M.L. Energia, Inc.

P.O. Box 470

Princeton , NJ 08542-0470

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Rapid, Cost-Effective Fabrication of

Fiber-Reinforced Composites for High

Temperature Operating Environments

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Current reusable thermal protection/structural

systems have a maximum operating temperature of

approximately 1700°C. Increasing operation to the

2000-2500°C range would provide an increase in

heat flux capability from two to five times that of

the coated carbon/carbon (C/C) used on the space

shuttle orbiter. Fiber-reinforced diboride matrix

composites are an attractive alternative to coated

C/C for various engine hot section components and

airframe leading edges due to their superior

performance in an oxidizing environment. In this

Phase I project, Ultramet proposes to demonstrate

the feasibility of a novel high-speed process for

fabricating high temperature fiber- reinforced

zirconium diboride (ZrB2) matrix composites which

will show tremendous cost savings over current

processing technology, which involves hot-pressing

of powder or prefabricated layers of matrix

material. Each of the steps in the proposed process

takes only a few hours (rather than weeks or

months), yielding tremendous time and cost

savings, and is readily applicable to large, curved

surfaces. This process has been demonstrated at

Ultramet with carbide matrices and braided carbon

fiber preforms but not with a boride matrix. In this

process development and demonstration effort,

Ultramet will investigate the effects of processing

conditions, fiber type, and fiber architecture on the

high temperature mechanical properties and

oxidation resistance of these fiber-reinforced


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The optimization of a high-speed process for

fabricating composites for high temperature

(2000-2500°C) applications will permit significant

advances in a wide variety of applications, including

uncooled leading edges for hypersonic vehicles,

nozzles for both solid- and liquid-fueled rockets

(including commercial satellite launch applications),

high temperature furnace heating elements, heat

shields, and hot section components for both turbine

and ramjet engines.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Brian E. Williams


12173 Montague Street

Pacoima , CA 91331

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Craig N. Ward


12173 Montague Street

Pacoima , CA 91331

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:





Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Curing of fiber-reinforced polymer composites and

adhesives using high-energy electron beams (EB)

offers impressive advantages for the manufacture

and repair of launch vehicle and spacecraft

components. EB curing uses low-cost tooling in a

room temperature process to significantly lower

composite fabrication costs. Novel designs using

EB co-curing and co-bonding have been developed

to reduce part count while maintaining good

dimensional tolerances. Science Research

Laboratory (SRL) has developed advanced curing

equipment and EB-curable materials for use in

fabrication of spacecraft and launch vehicle

components. These include high power and portable

electron guns and novel B-stageable composite

resins for high throughput applications. High power

EB curing equipment includes a new generation of

pulsed linear induction accelerators with

all-solid-state pulsed-power drivers that scale to

megawatt power levels at a capital cost for the

accelerator of less than $3/Watt. SRL will

collaborate with the University of Delaware to

develop and test new electron-beam curable

adhesives for fabrication of spacecraft and launch

vehicle components. Phase I will investigate three

approaches to increasing the strength and

temperature range of EB-curable adhesives for

fabrication and repair of spacecraft and launch

vehicle components to be demonstrated during

Phase II.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

In addition to its use in the manufacture of

lightweight composite spacecraft and launch vehicle

components, the proposed EB-curable materials will

be used in the manufacture and repair of vehicle

and aircraft structures for both commercial and

military aircraft.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)





Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,






Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A Low Risk, Low Cost Manufacturing

Method for Lightweight RLV

Expanding Wall Structures

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Foster-Miller will demonstrate a low risk

manufacturing method for high performance,

low-cost, lightweight ceramic matrix composite

structures for the RLV Aerospike Engine

Expanding Wall that is technically and economically

feasible. Foster-Miller will do this by employing

resin transfer molding, ceramic precursors, and

ceramic fiber reinforcement to build curved panels,

representative of those found in the RLV

Expanding Wall, with internal cooling channels. To

achieve the overall objective, Foster-Miller will

work closely with our commercialization partner

Boeing-Rocketdyne Division, the manufacturer of

the RLV engine, and NASA to address materials

selection, component design, and overall

performance requirements.

The proposed innovation address the need to

improve the overall performance of the RLV

Aerospike Engine by reducing weight and thus

increasing thrust-to-weight. The innovative

technique also is a low risk, potentially low cost

manufacturing approach to large, complex,

high-temperature continuos fiber-reinforced

ceramic matrix composites, often very difficult or

impossible with CVI techniques. The proposed

manufacturing can be employed for a variety of

rocket and turbojet engine components including

ducts, stators, cooled/uncooled nozzle components,

and turbopump components.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

At the end of the Phase I effort, NASA will have a

proven, low risk technique for fabricating fiber

reinforced ceramic matrix composites with internal

cooling passageways. The technique will be

applicable to a variety of ceramic materials systems

and rocket and turbojet combustion pathway

components. At the end of Phase II, a subscale

expanding wall article will be ready for testing in a

rocket environment.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. William J. Hurley, Jr.

Foster-Miller, Inc.

350 Second Avenue

Waltham , MA 02154-1196

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Adi R. Guzdar

Foster-Miller, Inc.

350 Second Avenue

Waltham , MA 02154-1196

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972568

Proposal Number: 20.01-4449

Project Title: Low Mass Metal Matrix Composites for Lines/Duct Flanges and Cooled Nozzle Stiffeners

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This proposal proposes the use of metal matrix composites to reduce launch mass of fuel duct flanges and rocket nozzle stiffeners by 64% to 87%. To accomplish this, it is necessary to optimize aluminum matrix alloys for reinforcement by B4Cp particulates (for flanges) and high strength alumina or carbon fibers (for rocket stiffeners). Corrosion problems usually associated with carbon fiber reinforced aluminum is eliminated by use of a thin ceramic paper surface ply that, after co-infiltration, isolates high strength graphite fibers from the environment. The project objectives are: 1) Optimize the matrix alloys for proper cohesion to particulates and fiber reinforcements while maximizing matrix strength; 2) Demonstrate a hybridized ceramic paper surface to graphite fiber cores that, after co-infiltration prevents graphite exposure at surface and eliminates galvanic corrosion; 3) develop a preliminary database for flange and hat band stiffener applications; 4) Demonstrate the Advanced Pressure Infiltration Casting (APIC™) technology by prototype manufacturing working flanges for the Aerospike fuel duct and demonstration hat band sections for the Space Shuttle nozzle stiffener; 5) The final objective is to demonstrate, through prototype manufacturing, 64% to 87% mass reductions and the cost effectiveness of the Advanced Pressure Infiltration (APIC™) process.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Potential Commercial Applications include low mass airframes, commercial space craft components, electronic packaging and space thermal management as well as automotive and sporting propulsion applications. Sports equipment such as golf clubs are also potential applications for derivations of this technology.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

James A. Cornie

Metal Matrix Cast Composites, Inc.

101 Clematis Ave., #1

Waltham , MA 02154

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James A. Cornie

Metal Matrix Cast Composites, Inc.

101 Clematis Ave., #1

Waltham , MA 02154

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972513


Number: 20.01-5671

Project Title:Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Epoxy Resins Based on Silsesquioxane Cubes for Use in High Performance Fiber Reinforced Composites for Aerospace Applications

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA has an ongoing need for new polymeric materials which possess high mechanical strength, high impact resistance, stability over a wide range of extreme temperatures, and resistance to intense UV and ionizing radiation. We propose the use of silsesquioxane hybrid resins ([(RO)SiO1.5]8, where R is an epoxy or amine terminated organic group] in combination with commercial epoxy resins (DEGBA and TGMDA) and polyamine hardeners (1,6-hexanediamine, diaminodiphenylsulfone, and piperazine) as high performance thermoset polymers for use in fiber reinforced composites (FRCs). Such hybrids would combine the ease of processing (for which thermoset epoxies are known) with properties enhanced by the direct incorporation of robust (SiO1.5)8 clusters into the polymer backbone, resulting in high thermal and chemical stability, high mechanical strength, and increased resistance to atomic oxygen and UV radiation. Our objective for Phase I is to demonstrate that enhanced performance FRC?s can be fabricated using silsesquioxane resins as major thermoset components. To achieve this we will 1) study the curing behavior of silsesquioxane resins with commercial epoxy resins and hardeners, 2) prepare a library of thermosets with varied compositions, 3) test the tensile strength, impact resistance, and thermal stability of the thermosets, and 4) fabricate chopped glass fiber/resin composites using thermosets which showed the best mechanical and thermal properties. In Phase II we will further optimize the thermoset formulations, investigate other fibrous components (i.e., ceramic fibers), and expand the scope of silsesquioxane resins into other potential uses such as advanced adhesives and coating materials.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The composite materials that will be developed in this program will be relatively low cost compared to all other high temperature resin materials commercially available. Because of this, it is anticipated that composite products made with these resins may be able to penetrate markets heretofore not possible with these materials. This includes many sports applications, some automotive engine components and if we succeed in making transparent materials, safety applications related to face shields. In addition, upon proper formulation, our materials can likely enhance the properties of epoxy resins used in many other applications, including adhesives and coatings.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Anthony C. Sutorik

Tal Materials, Inc.

1375 Folkstone Ct.

Ann Arbor , MI 48105

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


David R. Treadwell

Tal Materials, Inc.

1375 Folkstone Ct.

Ann Arbor , MI 48105

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971949

Proposal Number: 20.01-7653

Project Title: This proposal has not been assigned a title Advanced Low Density Tooling and Fabrication Processes for Reusable Launch Vehicles

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA launch vehicles such as X-33 and X-34 depend largely on composite technology to reduce launch weight. Composite cryogenic tanks have been fabricated and tested for liquid hydrogen storage (DC-XA Clipper Graham), but new innovations are required to produce LOX compatible composite structures. Innovative technologies are proposed herein to form LOX compatible liners for composite lines, ducts and cryotanks, The liners are produced in conjunction

with lightweight tooling foam mandrels which greatly reduce the weight of composite structure fabrication. The LOX compatible liners are applied either directly on foam mandrels and then overwrapped, or the liner can be appplied internally to the composite structure. Innovative thermal spray processes are used to form the liners out of non-metallics (i.e., fluoropolymers - FEP) and metal (i.e., aluminum). Tooling foam formulations will be demonstrated that dramatically reduce tooling cost and weight.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Applications include cryogenic storage vessels, ducts, manifolds, brewing tanks, water storage tanks, fuel oil and hot water tanks, medical and residential oxygen tanks, gas cylinders, hazardous waste containers, and protecting spacecraft from atomic oxygen. Tremendous potential in tooling for molds, mandrels, dies, and complex free form metal components near net shape.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Timothy McKechnie

Plasma Processes Inc.

4914 D Moores Mill Road

Huntsville , Al 35811

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Timothy McKechnie

Plasma Processes Inc.

4914 D Moores Mill Road

Huntsville , Al 35811

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972442

Proposal Number: 20.02-3437

Project Title: Bonded Composite Shells on Graphite Substrates for Thermal Protection Systems

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A new concept for thermal barriers will be investigated. Thin refractory composite shells bonded to graphite substrates will be developed to create a low cost and high performance thermal protection system. A well characterized refractory continuous fiber composite that demonstrates excellent properties for reusable thermal protection systems will be used for the thin shell material. The fiber is very expensive making techniques that minimize the usage of the fiber attractive. Techniques for fabrication of curved thin composite shells and for bonding to graphite and carbon-carbon composites will be developed in Phase I. Characterization and applicaiton oriented testing will be performed to verity feasibility of the proposed concept. The effort will be supported by computer based design analysis. In Phase II the fabrication procedures will be applied to complex surfaces and and larger components.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

There are many important commercial applications in the whole spectrum of emerging aerospace vehicles including reusable launch vehicles, hypersonic atmospheric vehicles, satellites and satellite delivery systems. The pplications include leading edge structures for reentry vehicles; inlets and control surfaces for scram/ram jets; thrust chambers, nozzles, and nozzle extensions for liquid rocket engines; aerospikes, and thrusters.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Kevin Stuffle

Materials and Machines Company

5775 S. Old Spanish Tr.

Tucson , AZ 85747

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Kevin Stuffle

Materials and Machines Company

5775 S. Old Spanish Tr.

Tucson , AZ 85747

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

New In-space Cured Preceramic


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The objective of this proposal is to develop a

preceramic polymer which can be used to make

flexible composite materials for future designs of

inflatable spacecraft. The uncured flexible

composite can be folded or rolled into a small

volume for transportation to space. It can then be

expanded in space and cured by UV or under

reduced pressure into a rigid fiber/polymer matrix

composite. The fiber/polymer composite is expected

to be strong enough for use as a space structure

material that is durable and erosion-free in the

space environment. The cured fiber/polymer

composite can be used to make the thermal

protection system for space sample return capsules.

During Earth entry the fiber/polymer matrix

composite will form a high temperature

fiber/ceramic composite.

* A silicon based preceramic polymer system will

be synthesized.

* Verification of curing methods will be conducted

by UV irradiation under reduced pressure or by

reduced pressure alone.

Fiber/polymer composite will be prepared and

curing study will be performed. These tests are

crucial in determining successful transportation,

expansion, and curing methods.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This material developed will be used for sample

return capsule from space. It also will allow for

possible in-space construction, repair and

maintenance of future space labs, stations, and

commercialized space vehicles. If the concept is

workable, it will provide a much needed and

innovative approach to volume considerations in

space transportation and structural assembly in


The material developed needs only ambient

temperature and pressure curing from flexible to

rigid structure. It will have numerous applications

on Earth and can replace the present epoxy,

phenolic composites for sports equipment, boat,

automobile and building constructions etc.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ming-ta S. Hsu

HC Chem Research & Ser. Corp.

15221 Skyview Drive

San Jose , CA 95132

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ming-ta S. Hsu

HC Chem Research & Service Corp.

15221 Skyview Drive

San Jose , CA 95132

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971708

ProposalNumber: 20.03-0883

Project Title: Low-Cost Surface Enhancement Method for Improved Fatigue Life of Superalloys at Engine Temperatures

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Surface enhancement, by shot peening or laser shock peening (LSP), improves the fatigue life of monolithic nickel-base superalloy turbine engine components by inducing a compressive surface layer. LSP achieves deep compression with low cold work, resistance to thermal relaxation, and superior fatigue life, but is expensive, and difficult to perform. Low plasticity burnishing (LPB) produces compression, cold work, and resistance to thermal relaxation comparable to LSP. LPB is rapid, inexpensive, and easily adapted to existing machine tools.

The feasibility of LPB surface enhancement of superalloys turbine engine components will be established in Phase I. Residual stress and cold work distributions will be measured before and after exposure to engine temperatures. High cycle fatigue life and thermal relaxation will be compared to shot peening and LSP. Tool life and processing costs will be established. LPB will be demonstrated on NASA superalloys. Successful completion of Phase I will provide a low-cost alternative to LSP for fatigue life enhancement which will be developed for specific applications in Phase II.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Low plasticity burnishing (LPB) provides a low-cost processing alternative to laser shocking (LSP) for improving the fatigue life of superalloy turbine engine components. LPB is a practical, cost effective, means of surface enhancement, producing deep stable compression in local high-stress areas of fatigue critical parts. The moderate cost and ease of implementation promise a broad range of commercial applications.

It is anticipated that LPB will be incorporated into manufacturing operations by turbine engine manufacturers and overhaul facilities. LPB tooling will be marketed for existing machine tools for incorporation into manufacturing operations and overhaul facilities.

Applications to superalloy turbine engine components include: leading edges of turbine blades and critical disk surfaces, dove tail features and slots, seal teeth, and other fatigue critical locations.

Beyond superalloys, potential turbine engine applications include titanium alloy fan and steel engine components, and the corresponding components of land based steam and gas turbines. Potential airframe applications include aluminum,

titanium, and steel structures. Automotive applications include gears, bearings, shafts, and springs.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Paul S. Prevey

Lambda Research, Inc.

5521 Fair Lane

Cincinnati , OH 45227

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Paul S. Prevey

Lambda Research, Inc.

5521 Fair Lane

Cincinnati , OH 45227

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972141

Proposal Number: 20.03-4085

Project Title: High Oxygen Affinity Doping of Boron Nitride Fiber Coatings for Tough, Durable SiC/SiC Composites

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Boron nitride (BN) fiber coatings have shown promise for toughening continuous fiber-reinforced SiC/SiC composites. However, these fiber coatings sufferfrom oxidative instability, particularly in high moisture containing environments as would be encountered in combustion environments. This instability adversely affects the composite lifetimes thereby limiting the utility of ceramic composites for high temperature, long life applications. Recent research at NASA has indicated that the stability of BN fiber coatings may be improved via silicon doping. Dopant affinity for oxygen is believed to be the reason for the marked increase in stability of the fiber coating. Development of BN fiber coatings containing dopants with even greater oxygen affinities would dramatically further the stability of the boron nitride fiber coating and subsequently improve the lifetimes of ceramic composites in combustion environments. Boron nitride fiber coatings doped with aluminum and titanium will be developed utilizing chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques. Tensile properties of SiC/SiC composites containing these fiber coatings will be evaluated at room temperature and elevated temperatures utilizing single-strand minicomposites as a screening technique. SiC/SiC composite panels containing promising variants of the doped BN fiber coating will be fabricated and tested. Successful development of an environmentally durable fiber coating that also provides oxidation protection of the reinforcing SiC fiber is a critical technology to the successful implementation of ceramic composites in high temperature, long life applications.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The development of advanced ceramic matrix composites with enhanced high temperature durability performance over currently available systems would directly support a number of NASA, DoD and DoE progrmas such as the High Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) or the integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology (IHPTET) demonstrator. Near term applications for CMCs could include replacement components for existing axisymmetric turbine engine augmentors (e.g. divergent flaps and seals). Advanced air-breathing propulsion systems for hypervelocity aerospace vehicles are potential intermediate term applications. Programs are in place for evaluating CMCs for land-based turbine components, catathermal combustion devices, heat exchangers, and radiant burners, which represent opportunities in energy and pollution abatement technologies that may mature over the next ten years.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Robert J. Shinavski

Hyper-Therm High-Temperature Composites, Inc.

18411 Gothard Street, Unit B

Huntington Beach , CA 92648

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Wayne S. Steffier

Hyper-Therm High-Temperature Composites, Inc.

18411 Gothard Street, Unit B

Huntington Beach , CA 92648

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A PMR Nanocomposite Resin Matrix

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Advances in fiber-reinforced high performance

composites have led to superior fiber technology

that has not been matched by improvements in the

resin matrix. The high temperature applications of

composites remain limited by the thermal stability

of the resin. The objective of this SBIR project is to

develop a new class of hybrid organic/inorganic

thermosetting PMR (in-situ polymerization of

monomeric reactants) resins for high-temperature

applications. In these materials, the inorganic

component is chemically bonded into the organic

matrix; it becomes an integral part of the resin and

participates intimately in improving the thermal

stability and toughness of the polymer composite,

essential properties of materials used in high

pressure and high/cryo temperature environments.

TDA Research, Inc. (TDA) has developed a

high-temperature resin that combines the

advantages of organic polymers, ceramics and the

engineered composites technology. In addition, the

proposed hybrid monomers provide a safe and

inexpensive substitute for the carcinogenic amines

currently in use. Potential applications for this

technology include molded components for the

aerospace industry, military and commercial

aircraft such as re-entry vehicles, missiles and

airframes. Other applications include automobile

engine components and industrial high-temperature


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Potential applications for this technology include

re-entry vehicles, missiles and airframes; engine

components such as seals, bushings, insulators,

wear rings, cams, rubbing blocks, wear strips and

valve seats.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Georgette Siparsky

TDA Research, Inc.

12345 W. 52nd Ave.

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Michael E. Karpuk

TDA Research, Inc.

12345 W. 52nd Ave.

Wheat Ridge , CO 80033

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Ceramic Matrix Composites for

Spacecraft Propulsion

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

On-board liquid rocket motors are presently used in

almost all NASA, military, and commercial

spacecraft for apogee insertion, maneuvering, and

station keeping. Present motors use film cooled

niobium nozzles coated with an oxidation resistant

disilicide layer. These nozzles are limited to a

maximum temperature of 1370C (2500F)and often

fail prematurely due to spallation of the coating.

Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) offer improved

nozzle materials since they exhibit significantly

lower densities, higher maximum use temperatures,

and better oxidation resistance. These properties

lead to more efficient nozzles resulting in motors

with greater payload, range, and/or lifetime. The

use of CMCs offers the rocket motor designer

many additional variables for use in the

optimization of the nozzle. For example, the CMC

can be used as a non-structural, oxidation resistant

liner, or as a free-standing integrated combustor,

throat, and exit cone. The fiber architecture for the

CMC can be manufactured using braiding, weaving,

filament winding, or involute constructions.

Potential matrix materials include a variety of

carbides, borides, and oxides, and the carbon

reinforcing fibers can be made from PAN, pitch, or

rayon-based precursors. One way to develop a

CMC nozzle, a method that has been used with

limited success, is to qualitatively choose the

constituent materials and design concept, and then

fabricate and test a design. An alternative method,

proposed here, is to quantitatively evaluate

potential designs based on models that have proved

accurate for C/HfC rocket nozzles and leading

edges, and to select the designs that are

theoretically most attractive. These rationally

chosen designs can then be fabricated,

characterized and tested in a Phase II program that

integrates the best combination of material

fabricator, nozzle designer, and component tester.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The results of the Phase I effort will be two or three

CMC material designs that optimize the

performance of spacecraft liquid propulsion nozzles.

These designs will be fabricated and characterized

in Phase II leading to spacecraft with greater

payload, range, or lifetime. Designs that are useful

in NASA systems are also directly applicable to

commercial communications satellites built by

Hughes, Loral, and Lockheed Martin, companies

with which MR&D has long-standing business

relationships. Additionally, the technology

developed on this program is directly applicable to

the Integrated High Performance Rocket

Propulsion Technology (IHPRPT) program.

Materials developed here are also of interest to

NASA and to the Defense Department for

applications such as leading edges for hypersonic


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Kent W. Buesking

Materials Research & Design, Inc.

1024 E. Lancaster Ave.

Rosemont , PA 19010-1449

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Kent W. Buesking

Materials Research & Design, Inc.

1024 E. Lancaster Ave.

Rosemont , PA 19010-1449

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Torque Limited Touchdown Bearing

System for Magnetic Bearings

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Magnetic bearings in space applications must have

mechanical backups for operation during launch and

for fail-safe operation while in service on station.

We propose a system in which preloaded ball

bearings support rotation during launch and then

stop when the magnetic bearing control loop is

activated. They will accelerate from rest during

subsequent shock touchdowns and then stop again.

Acceleration will be limited in the ball bearings to

prevent ball-race damage from gross slip. Torque

limitation will be provided by a solid film lubricated

bearing and a fluid journal bearing in series with the

ball bearings. In Phase I of this SBIR, the objective

is to accumulate a body of experimental

shock/damage data that will define the acceleration

limit for the system.

The subtopic requirement addressed is to extend

life of mechanical components under Machinery

Dynamics/Advanced Bearings/Magnetic Bearings.

NASA will benefit from this program by being able

to use magnetic bearings reliably in any space


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The development of a reliable magnetic bearing

system to support very high speed rotors has

tremendous potential for the space community. The

touchdown system proposed in this SBIR will allow

launch operation, sustain all shock loads, and a

general failure of the support system, thus

removing the major impediment to magnetic

bearings in space applications.

Reaction/Momentum Wheel manufacturers, who

are now developing magnetic bearngs, but who lack

a reliable and fail-safe touchdown system are prime

customers for this technology. With the current

proliferation of satellites, the cost advantage of a

magnetic bearing/fail-safe touchdown system will

make this concept very attractive.

TBC will ultimately plan to market Torque Limited

Touchdown Bearing Systems suitable for other

magnetic bearing applications: energy storage

systems for automobiles and buses; small factories;

aircraft gas turbine engines; air cycle machines,


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Edward P. Kingsbury

The Bearing Bearing Consultants, LLP

1063 Turnpike Street; P.O. Box 420

Stoughton , MA 02072

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Herbert B. Singer

The Bearing Consultants, LLP

1063 Turnpike Street; P.O. Bos 420

Stoughton , MA 02072

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Application of a Wave Fluid Film

Bearing to a High Temperature Gas

Turbine Engine

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A unique fluid film journal bearing concept called a

Wave Bearing will be designed to replace a roller

bearing in a high temperature area of a gas turbine

engine. Engine manufacturers will be consulted to

determine the operating conditions and application

requirements of a roller bearing located in the high

temperature region of gas turbine engines. An

existing code will be upgraded and used to develop

the best Wave Bearing design for the application.

The predicted performance of the Wave Bearing

will be compared to that of the roller bearing to

verify feasibility. In Phase II the Wave Bearing will

be fabricated and tested in an existing test rig.

Modifications of an engine required for installation

of the Wave Bearing will also be designed in Phase

II in preparation for engine testing in a Phase III

effort to be conducted in cooperation with the Army

Research Laboratory at the NASA Lewis Research


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The Wave Bearing concept has promise of

providing a journal bearing solution to the higher

bearing temperatures that are predicted for future

gas turbine engines. In addition the Wave Bearing

promises to be lower in both initial and operating

cost when compared to presently used ball and

roller bearings. The potential, therefore, is for use

of Wave Bearings in gas turbine engines for both

terrestrial and aircraft applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

William J. Anderson


5310 West 161st Street, Suite G

Brook Park , OH 44142

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Richard C. Klein


1111 Ohio Savings Plaza, 1801 East Ninth Street

Cleveland , OH 44114

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Multiphysics Simulation for

Aeropropulsion Systems Using Smart


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The development of aeropropulsion components

that employ "smart" materials with embedded

piezoelectric actuators has great potential to

ameliorate destructive problems such as vibration

and aeroelastic instability. To aid the development,

numerical simulations of the aeropropulsion

systems with embedded smart structures is

desirable. However, the analyses are inherently

multidisciplinary characterized by coupled

aerodynamics, structural response, electric charge,

and material properties. This proposal addresses

the need for coupled simulation of these

multidisciplinary phenomena by developing a

multiphysics finite element analysis software. The

innovation proposed herein is the direct coupling of

compressible flow and smart structure simulation

using a common framework that enables further

understanding of the smart systems. Traditional

approaches handle interactions by solving single

disciplines in a sequential manner with information

passed through a data translation. The single

physics approach can be lengthy, tedious and often

times inaccurate. The proposed work will relieve

these drawbacks, and permit a new class of

problems to be analyzed at higher levels of fidelity

than previously possible.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Potential applications of this product are in the

design of aircraft engines and turbomachinery in

general. Simulation of active materials such as

piezoelectric actuators to suppress vibrations,

aeroelastic instability, and noise emissions can lead

to reduced design-to-production time and improved

operation life-cycles.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Steven M. Rifai

Centric Engineering Systems

624 E. Evelyn Ave, Suite L,

Sunnyvale , CA 94086

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Gene H. Lamoreaux

Centric Engineering Systems

624 E. Evelyn Ave, Suite L,

Sunnyvale , CA 94086

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972610

Proposal Number: 20.04-8628A

Project Title: A Robust COnstitutive Material PARameter Estimator (COMPARE) for Characterizing General Nonlinear Material Models

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The DIAgnostic and integrated Problem Solving (DIAPS) Engineering team proposes to develop an automated, systematic, and computationally effective methodology to estimate material parameters for characterization of general compressible/incompressible mathematical material models for large deformation schemes (e.g., hyperelasticity, elastomeric foam behavior). Such constitutive models often require a large number of material constants to describe a host of physical phenomena and complicated deformation mechanisms. Extracting such material parameters for a model from the volumes of data generated in the test lab can be a frustrating task. The integrated COnstitutive Material PARameter Estimator (COMPARE) will enable the design engineer to predict an optimum set of material parameters by minimizing errors between the experimental data and the predicted response. The key ingredients of COMPARE are: (i) primal analysis tools (response functionals) for the differential form of constitutive models, (ii) sensitivity analysis, (iii) optimization of an error/cost function, and (iv) a graphical user interface. COMPARE formulates the material parameter extraction problem as a minimum-error, weighted, multi-objective optimization problem. Preliminary results from test data analysis of a certain class of viscoplastic and hyperelastic materials clearly demonstrate the great potential for COMPARE as a tool for material parameter estimation.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Demand for an automated material parameter estimator would be enormous in those industries that look to the finite element method to support product design. The most efficient means of bringing COMPARE to market , therefore, would be to offer it through those companies which specialize in developing finite element codes. We envision companies like the MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation (and their MSC/NASTRAN code) as our primary target for commercialization.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Wiley Graf

The University of Akron

Department of Civil Engineering

Akron , OH 44325

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Atef Saleeb

Diagnostic and Integrated Problem Solving Engineering,


691 Deerwood Dr

Tallmadge , OH 44278

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Terbium-Doped Optical Fiber

Scintillating Radiation Detector

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Future spacecraft traveling from earth to orbiting

space stations and planets must be able to

withstand extended exposure to energetic photons

and particles encountered during space missions.

High levels of radiation exposure have the

capability of injuring human occupants and

damaging sensitive electronics such as computers

and communications equipment. In addition, future

satellites (i.e. Iridium) will need small compact

sensors to detect radiation events in real-time, such

as solar flares, which expose them to high levels of

radiation and can potentially damage them. A

passive, lightweight fiber optic radiation sensor is

proposed to monitor the space environment for the

existence, and time of exposure, to ionizing

radiation. The unique design of the compact sensor

allows it to be placed in remote locations, allowing

signal processing to be done safely in shielded

areas. Other advantages of this detector over

conventionally available radiation detectors are

omni-directional detection capability, broadband

energy detection, small size, radiation hardness,

and low electrical power requirements. The

development of this sensor will provide NASA with

a low cost radiation sensor that can be reconfigured

for various space missions.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed photon detection system has strong

commercial applications in food irradiation, toxic

waste monitoring, and radiation monitoring of

commercial space vehicles. The passive nature of

the sensor allows it to be placed close to the

radiation source and performs measurements that

can be monitored from a remote location thus

ensuring operator safety.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jay C. Poret

Industrial Quality, Inc.

640 E. Diamond Ave., Suite C

Gaithersburg , MD 20877-5323

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Harold Berger

Industrial Quality, Inc.

640 E. Diamond Ave., Suite C

Gaithersburg , MD 20877-5323

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Modern Method for Computing


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to develop a suite of PC/workstation

programs (CCON) that greatly improve

contamination-prediction procedures. CCON will

reduce computation times by a factor of 10 to 1000

and engineering time by a factor of 2 to 4. CCON

will also be more user friendly. Several innovations

give CCON its advantages: (1) a powerful but

inexpensive graphical method for developing the

model either independently or from CAD, thermal

or structural models; (2) a method for modifying

models from other disciplines to meet the modeling

needs of the contamination discipline; (3) an

automated method for importing thermal data into a

contamination model that differs geometrically; and

(4) a much faster version of an industry-standard

simulation program. CCON addresses directly

NASA's 20.05 topic: Space Environmental Effects

and Contamination under subtopic

"…mass-transport models to predict molecular

direct-transfer, backscattering, particle transport,

and surface effects." The innovation would become

part of our company's software product line. NASA

and industry will benefit by the less costly, more

thorough models generated by CCON, and by

response times for contamination analyses that

permit the contamination technology to participate

more interactively in the design effort.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The innovation would become part of our software

product line. NASA will benefit by the less costly,

more thorough models generated by CCON, in part

because of great increase in computational speed

and the great decrease in engineering effort and in

part because the contamination technology will, as a

result of the proposed work, be able to respond

quickly enough to be an integral part of the design

team. Commercial space companies will similarly

benefit from the product of this work. The vacuum

industries, such those using vacuum vapor

deposition and vacuum pumping, are also potential

purchasers of the software.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Frederick A. Costello

Frederick A. Costello, Inc.

12864 Tewksbury Drive

Herndon , VA 20171-2426

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Frederick A. Costello

Frederick A. Costello, Inc.

12864 Tewksbury Drive

Herndon , VA 20171-2426

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972293

Proposal Number: 20.05-8400

Project Title: Open Atmosphere In Situ Processing of Thermal Control Thin Films for Spacecraft

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Presently, quartz optical solar reflectors (OSRs) are used to provide desired absorbance and emissivity properties to the exteriors of satellites. While a reliable and proven solution, OSRs are expensive and application is limited to flat surfaces. One possible solution identified years ago was thin film depositions. It has been demonstrated that thin films generated by chemical vapor deposition can provide desired absorbance and emissive properties comparable to OSRs. However, traditional vapor deposition techniques require a costly high temperature reaction furnace and/or vacuum chamber limiting their widespread use for this application. With the capability to deposit inexpensively in the open atmosphere, the Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition (CCVD) process has demonstrated the capability to deposit desired materials, such as Ag and SiO2, onto large and irregular surface areas. With a viable thin film deposition method, the weight reduction should be up to 80% versus OSRs. As a result, the CCVD technology offers a viable and compelling solution to address the needs of future spacecraft requirements.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Upon completion of the research contemplated in this Phase I, MCT will have developed a thin film oxide coating for use as a replacement for OSRs. Additionally, a prototype system will be designed for application of this coating using CCVD technology. In doing this, MCT will be uniquely positioned to capitalize on the $100M+ market for OSRs. With the current direction of industries headed environmental safety, CCVD can provide non-toxic processing, increased operational efficiency, and continuous coating onto large and irregular surface areas. Using Phase I and II award funding as support, the commercial objective of this proposal is to create a new, industry-wide standard process for environmentally safe production of these thin film coatings deposited via the CCVD process and then to place the process into commercial use as part of Phase III.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

John McEntyre

MicroCoating Technologies

3901 Green Industrial Way

Chamblee , GA 30341

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Jeffrey C. Moore

MicroCoating Technologies

3901 Green Industrial Way

Chamblee , GA 30341

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Piezoelectric Polyphenylene Materials

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Maxdem scientists have developed proprietary

technology that allows for the preparation of a wide

variety of substituted polyphenylene derivatives.

These polyphenylene materials offer many

attractive features including excellent mechanical

properties, excellent thermal stabilities, and facile

processabilities. In addition, the properties of these

materials are easily modified by varying the

substituents attached to the polymer backbones.

In this program, the development of a new class of

piezoelectric materials based on functionalized

polyphenylene polymers is proposed. These

materials contain polar substituents that are known

to align in the presence of an electric field. It is

anticipated that the substituted polyphenylenes

proposed in this program will offer use

temperatures of 150-200oC, along with piezoelectric

responses comparable to PVDF. At least eight

different substituted polyphenylene polymers will

be prepared and characterized at Maxdem. Films of

these materials will then be sent to Dr. Joycelyn

Simpson of the Composites and Polymer Branch of

NASA Langley to have their piezoelectric

responses evaluated.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Piezoelectric polyphenylenes could lead to a wide

variety of smart devices including active noise and

vibration controllers; micromachined devices that

integrate sensor, signal processing, and control

circuits; smart windows and display technologies;

fiber optic sensors, amplifiers, and signal

processors; nano-sized electromechanical devices;

and devices for optical data storage and computing.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Virgil J. Lee, Ph.D.

Maxdem Incorporated

140 E. Arrow Highway

San Dimas , CA 91773-3336

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Linda H. Gagné, CPA, CGFM

Maxdem Incorporated

140 E. Arrow Highway

San Dimas , CA 91773-3336

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972417

Proposal Number: 20.07-1980A

Project Title: High Thermal Conductivity C-C Composites For Chip-On Structure

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

C-C composites offer excellent thermal, mechanical and outgasing properties. Their commercial application in electronics is extremely limited due to their high cost. MER has developed a new process, which has the potential to produce C-C composites at $50/lb. This proposal seeks innovative solutions to extend this new technology to space applications, by providing dual (structural, electronic) usage of low CTE C-C composite optical benches. Novel approaches are sought to address the issue of strain isolation (CVD carbon) and dielectric insulation (polymeric coating). It is anticipated that this new technology will provide clear advantage over printed wiring boards (PWB?s) in chip-on-based applications.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The low-cost, C-C composite based integrated substrate has enormous (over $1 billion) applications in microelectronics such as chip-on-board (COB) and multi-chip-module-laminate (MCM-L). Specific applications include portable electronics, micro processors, and commercial avionics.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Witold Kowbel

Materials& Electrochemical Research (MER)


7960 S. Kolb Rd.

Tucson , AZ 85706

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. J.C.Withers

Materials& Electrochemical Research (MER)


7960 S. Kolb Rd.

Tucson , AZ 85706

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972577

Proposal Number: 20.07-1980B

Project Title: Isotropic Low CTE C-C Composites

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Low density/reduced mass materials with a low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) have many applications in a variety of aerospace systems. Low cost manufacturing is enabling to the utilization of these materials. Carbon-Carbon (C-C) composites meets the low mass requirement, but has an isotropic CTE and is prohibitively expensive. Through the selective use of graphite reinforcements in un;ique architectures along with unique matrix/binder formulations, it is possible to produce C-C composites for less than $50/lb. with an isotropic CTE at or near zero. The concept of low cost low CTE C-C composites has been initially demonstrated. This program will optimize formulation and processing to produce low cost C-C composites with an isotropic CTE at or near zero.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

In addition to mirror and instrument mounts as well as mirror blanks, isotropic zero to near zero CTE C-C has applications for a plethora of applications in electronics including substrates or boards and anyplace where dimensional control and/or light weight is important, including enginie components.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. J. C. Withers

Materials& Electrochemical Research (MER)


7960 S. Kolb Rd.

Tucson , AZ 85706

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. R.O.Loutfy

Materials& Electrochemical Research (MER)


7960 S. Kolb Rd.

Tucson , AZ 85706

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971665

Proposal Number: 20.07-6738

Project Title: Out-of-Autoclave Processing of High Performance Composites

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This project's primary objective is to demonstrate a unique means of pre-forming and curing composite parts; while providing the same strengths as obtained with current fabrication methods. The innovation of this proposal is the development of matrix resin systems that enable tow prepregs to be molded by ATP in seconds, at low temperature and pressure, on relatively inexpensive tooling. The proprietary matrix enables the parts to retain shape and compaction after removal from the tools allowing a freestanding unrestrained) cure by E- Beam or oven. This process could provide cost savings up to 50% compared to current fabrication methods. Aerospace structures will benefit from lower acquisition costs and, with EB cured composites, lower residual stresses. In Phase I, API will create formulation models for characterization and down selection to the two best candidates. The two will be made into net shapes and cured unrestrained, one in an oven and the other by E- Beam radiation at room temperature. In Phase II, the EB and thermal cure methodologies will be fully compared, down selected, optimized, and tow preg manufactured for part fabrication on an ATP robotic arm. If EB selected, a low energy generator will be designed on the robotic arm for resin advancement.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Polymer-matrix structures such as fairing, spoilers, flaps, and rudders have been used for some time in both and civil and military application. High cost has been the main impediment to more widespread usage. Lower acquisition osts will potentially expand the aerospace applications to such as wing boxes and horizontal and vertical stabilizers. Polymer-matrix structures may become cost effective for non-aerospace markets such as high-speed marine and rail vehicles. A promising niche market would be spacecraft structures especially with E-Beam cure where the dimensional stability would be enhanced. New polymer-matrix systems as envisioned in this proposal will increase the cost effectiveness of ATP (Automated Tow Placement) and E-Beam equipment.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Richard Moulton

Applied Poleramic

850 Teal Drive

Benicia , CA 94510

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Richard Moulton

Applied Poleramic

850 Teal Drive

Benicia , CA 94510

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

An Eddy-Current Inversion Algorithm

for Aerospace Structures and Materials

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The ability to solve inverse problems lies at the

heart of electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation

(NDE). These problems are difficult to solve for two

reasons: they are mathematically ill-conditioned,

and they are nonlinear, which means that they

involve considerable computational effort, often

requiring supercomputer capabilities. In this

proposal, we describe an inversion algorithm for

electromagnetic (eddy-current) NDE that will run

on a wide class of machines, from personal

computers and workstations to minisupercomputers

and larger machines. Furthermore, we expect an

improved robustness that will mitigate the effects of

ill-conditioning. The algorithm employs modern

mathematical ideas of set theoretic estimation and

robust statistical analysis.

The technology that we are developing in this

project will be applicable to the detection, imaging,

and characterization of flaws and other

integrity-reducing anomalies in aerospace

structures and materials. In particular we will apply

it to (a) the detection and characterization of metal

corrosion in hidden or inaccessible airframe

locations before significant material-loss has

occurred, (b) the detection and characterization of

cracking and multisite damage in metallic airframe

structures, (c) the characterization and qualification

of advanced materials for use in the repair and

retrofit of aging systems, and (d) the detection,

imaging, and characterization of surface and bulk

anomalies in metallic and nonmetallic airframe

structures or engine components.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The aging aircraft problem is one of the most

serious matters faced by airlines in the United

States. Air transportation is a multi-billion dollar

industry world-wide, but until it utilizes

sophisticated computational NDE techniques of the

type proposed herein, it faces a very grim prospect

for economic survival. If our research is successful,

then we will be able to provide to this industry a

reasonably-priced solution to this problem. The fact

that our software is able to solve complex, realistic

problems efficiently on personal computers and

workstations guarantees a commercial market for


There are other segments of this market, such as:

NUCLEAR POWER. One of the critical problems

in nuclear power plants is detecting and

characterizing integrity-reducing flaws in heat

exchanger tubes. This amounts to solving an

inverse problem of the type that we will study

during this research.

CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURE. An estimated 35% of

the nation's bridges are structurally deficient or

functionally obsolete. Corrosion of rebar in

concrete bridge structures is one of the contributing

factors to bridge degradation, and a range of

nondestructive inspections techniques, including

microwaves, are being actively investigated by


MEDICAL IMAGING. The inversion algorithms

that we will develop can be applied, in some cases,

to the problem of medical and dental imaging and


MATERIALS PROCESSING. In the manufacture

of conventional metals, one must assure that

prescribed qualities have been maintained, such as

the correct heat-treatment, or the correct state of

stress reduction. This requires the solution of

inverse problems. This holds, also, for the

metrology of thin-films, such as appear in the

manufacture of memory chips and other

semi-conductor components for computers.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Harold A. Sabbagh

Sabbagh Associates, inc.

4635 Morningside Dr.

Bloomington , IN 47408-3165

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Harold A. Sabbagh

Sabbagh Associates, Inc.

4635 Morningside Dr.

Bloomington , IN 47408-3165

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971660

Proposal Number: 20.08-9500

Project Title: An Infrared Microspectroscopy Imaging System

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

With the advent of tunable mid-infrared lasers it now becomes possible to capture spectral data using IR detector arrays. The resulting images would provide a spatial map allowing measurement of optical absorption, reflection or transmission as a function of avelength. We propose to exploit this capability by developing a new infrared microspectroscopic imaging system (IMIS) that provides both high spectral and spatial resolution. Such a system could be used to characterize the spatial variations in a specimen?s chemical structure, detect the presence of contaminants, and provide very sensitive surface displacement measurements using an optical technique known as shearography. The proposed system would consist of a tunable mid-IR laser configured for the 1.4 to 5.0 micron wavelength range and a high-resolution, long-working-distance thermal analysis microscope capable of 10-micron resolution.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Potential commercial applications include identification and control of contaminates during manufacturing processes such as semiconductor fabrication, observing chemical and structural changes in polymers and paints during the cure cycle, monitoring the ply-to-ply or fiber-to-matrix bond quality in composite materials, measuring oxidation rates and identifying oxidation products, and measuring the relationship between temperature and chemical reaction rates.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Gary White

QUEST Integrated, Inc.

21414 68th Avenue South

Kent , WA 98032

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Albert Chau

QUEST Integrated, Inc.

21414 68th Avenue South

Kent , WA 98032

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972017

Proposal Number: 20.09-4200

Project Title: Transparent Polymeric Bremstralung Radiation Shield for Space Welding

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Astronauts performing e-beam welding during space assembly EVA operations are subject to health-damaging secondary gamma and X-ray radiation called Bremstralung. Normal protective shields are metal and are not optically transparent. Triton is developing a transparent COR (clear AO resistant) polymer that will absorb Bremstralung by the unique molecular level incorporation of heavy metal salts within the polymer film. We propose here to develop a new COR-BA (Bremstralung Absorbing) 10 mil thick transparent shield, through which the astronaut can see to perform EVA e-beam welding in space, with the shield offering protection from the damaging effects of Bremstralung radiation. Triton computer simulations show that a 10 mil COR-BA film will absorb 98 % of 10 KeV X-Rays and 100 % of 5 KeV X-Rays, while still allowing the astronaut to see through the shield with X-ray protection. In Phase I, Triton will build sample COR-BA shields and test them for Bremstralung radiation protection and for optical transparency. In a Phase II Program, Triton will build optimized COR-BA shields in larger sizes needed to protect astronauts during a welding operation. Superstructure and support of the COR-BA shield will be developed. A space test of a small shield during Phase II is anticipated. In a Phase III Program, Triton, with a space manufacturer, would produce COR-BA protective shields for use in space welding operations.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Triton Systems anticipates that as a result of this Phase I program, new gamma and x-ray absorbing, transparent polymeric materials will be developed. Anticipated benefits include significantly improved safety for space e-beam welding operations, and potential for inflatable space habitats that protect against X-Rays and gamma rays produced during solar flares. The commercial applications are specific to providing a safe working space environment whose benefits are a healthy and well protected astronaut.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. John D. Lennhoff

Triton Systems, Inc.

200 Turnpike Road

Chelmsford , MA 01824

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Ross Haghighat

Triton Systems, Inc.

200 Turnpike Road

Chelmsford , MA 01824

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Braze Joining of SiC Composite RLV

Propulsion Components

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Joints between very dissimilar materials - e.g.

metal-to-ceramic, are required in a number of

aerospace, commercial and industrial systems.

Brazing is often the preferred joining technique

owing to compatibility, performance, cost and

scalability advantages. However, the traditional

brazed dissimilar material joints are likely to have a

relatively low strength because of the high residual

stress in the joint region. Also, brazing compounds

frequently use active metal additions to promote

wetting of the adherend surfaces. Though active

metal additions do increase the joint strength in the

short term, it has been shown that under elevated

temperature operation, the joint strength falls with

time. Foster-Miller's unique braze joint concept

approach overcomes both brazing problems.

During Phase I, Foster-Miller will demonstrate an

innovative, practical and low cost brazing

technology for elevated temperature RLV

propulsion components. The Phase I program will

involve selection of materials to be joined with input

from NASA COTR, design and build-up of the

braze product form, fabrication of joint coupons, and

testing consisting of physical characterization and

mechanical, thermal cycling. The follow-on Phase II

program will involve refinement of design,

materials, procedures and process parameters.

Phase II joint coupons will be subjected to a

comprehensive test plan. A demonstration article of

specific interest to NASA will be built during Phase

II. The Phase II program will involve the following

commercialization partners - braze product

manufacturer, brazing service provider, NASA

systems integrator.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Brazing is commonly used for joining of metallic and

ceramic materials. The proposed technology has

commercial applications involving attachment of

dissimilar materials. These include: compact

furnace components, hypersonic plane structures,

rocket and gas turbine engines, X-ray and

semiconductor sputtering targets, and industrial

applications such as attachment of tubular products

in pipelines, heat exchangers, chemical, oil drilling

and mining slurry transport tubes, etc. Additionally,

a reliable, practical and low cost joining technique

for dissimilar materials will provide a new

dimension for reducing component cost for

designers, e.g. use different materials in strategic

regions of a component.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Uday Kashalikar

Foster-Miller, Inc.

350 Second Avenue

Waltham , MA 02154-1196

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Adi R. Guzdar

Foster-Miller, Inc.

350 Second Avenue

Waltham , MA 02154-1196

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972069

Proposal Number: 20.09-5688A

Project Title: Compliant Pad Bonding for Space Shuttle Evaporator Furnace Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

In this program, General Systems is proposing to develop a furnace design which will include developing high temperature joining of graphite, molybdenum and alumina for use in evaporator furnaces for experiments on Space Shuttle and Space Station. Our design will not use any active, transition metal brazes, use a compliant pad to accommodate differential CTEs and also utilize a ceramic coatings on graphite for oxidation and fire protection. Our innovation will combine the use of high temperature braze such as nickel and palladium with a refractory metal compliant pad to accommodate the shear strains to off-load the high thermal stresses and will result in a mechanically strong joint. We will eliminate use of transition metals via use of innovative metallization of the carbon. We will also use refractory ceramic coating on the graphite to minimize possibilities of fire hazard in case of an accident. In the Phase II program we will fabricate and deliver to NASA ultra-compact furnaces for use as particle generators for space shuttle and space station experiments. We will also commercialize the compliant pad bonding technology in power electronics packaging and aerospace industries.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Bonding of dissimilar materials is necessary for use in aerospace engine components such as aerospike engine of reusable launch vehicles, use in high power electronic package for packaging SiC, GaAs and GaN devices. In addition there are uses in furnace components and recreational activities such as tungsten to titanium bonding for golf clubs.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Subhash Khatri

General Systems Company

41 Ramsgate Court

Blue BEll , PA 19422

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ms. Meeta Pherwani

General Systems Company

41 Ramsgate Court

Blue BEll , PA 19422

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971713

Proposal Number: 20.09-9191

Project Title: Laser welding, bonding and joining using diffractive optical elements

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA has expressed a need for innovative technologies for bonding and joining of materials to improve the performance and affordability of future aerospace systems. Methods of forming strong bonds between different aluminum alloys, as well as between dissimilar refractory metals and ceramics, are of key interest. Laser welding techniques are commonly used to join similar materials, such as steel to steel in the automotive industry. However, when dissimilar materials are used, different thermal sheer stresses are introduced at the material junction. These stresses introduce cracking and flaws in the weld and result in inferior joints if standard laser welding techniques are used. The proposed approach makes use of diffractive beam shaping optics to provide different laser intensity distributions on either side of the joint to eliminate these stresses, resulting in stronger bonds between the materials. Beam shaping optics can be used to join metals with ceramic materials using different bonding principles. This Phase I effort will demonstrate the application of beam shaping optics to the welding and joining of dissimilar materials. Both experimental and analytical studies will be used to verify the objectives of the proposed project.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This work will provide benefits to a broad range of manufacturing industries. The automotive and avionics industries in particular can make use of the ability to join metals with ceramics and other dissimilar materials to increase the performance and to reduce the weight and cost of their finished product. Similar applications and benefits can be envisioned for uses of lasers in the medical, information processing, and consumer microelectronics industries.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Thomas Suleski

Digital Optics Corporation

5900 Northwoods Business Pkwy, Suite J

Charlotte , NC 28269

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Eric Johnson

Digital Optics Corporation

5900 Northwoods Business Pkwy, Suite J

Charlotte , NC 28269

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Deployable Waveguide Deployment


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Waveguides offer an alternative for providing

transmit/receive communications for spacecraft.

The advantages of the inflatable waveguide

concept, in addition to its light weight and low

packaged volume, is the inherently simpler shape

(flat). Relative to parabolic antennas, the

requirement to make an accurate doubly curved

surface is removed. Langley Research Center

(LaRC), in conjunction with L'Garde, is currently

working in this area to develop lightweight

waveguide technologies utilizing inflatable and thin

film deployable methods. L'Garde is currently

supporting LaRC's efforts on the Inflatable

Waveguide Feasibility Study. This program is

funded, with only minor details to be finalized.

However, the purpose of the LaRC study is to

fabricate and test small elements of the waveguide,

with no support structure. Thus, the issue of

deployment remains unanswered. It is the purpose

of this proposed study to design a working subscale

waveguide unit and plan a series of deployment

tests in ambient and/or vacuum conditions. These

experiments will not only benefit the waveguide

community, but also those involved with deployable

SARs, solar arrays, sunshields and solar sails.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The deployable waveguide technology offers the

benefits of reduced mass, packaged volume and

system cost. These are improtant drivers for any

mission, government or commercial. The

deployable structure is not limited to waveguides

alone; once developed and tested, the design can be

applied to other applications, including solar arrays,

SARs, sunshields and solar sails.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Geoffrey T. Williams

L'Garde, Inc.

15181 Woodlawn Avenue

Tustin , CA 92780-6487

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Roger Garrett

L'Garde, Inc.

15181 Woodlawn Avenue

Tustin , CA 92780-6487

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Inflatable Solar Array Flight Test

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Under the ARPA-funded Inflatable Torus Solar

Array Technology (ITSAT) program, L'Garde

developed and tested a 275 (BOL) watt

inflatably-deployed solar array. The design consists

of two inflatable-then-rigidized aluminum cylinders

used as the structural members to support a flexible

solar array blanket. During the previous program,

the hardware was designed, fabricated, and taken

all the way through environments and deployment

in a thermal vacuum chamber. A follow-on flight

test program for the ITSAT was planned by ARPA,

but it never occured due to drastic funding cuts at

ARPA. As a result, the hardware developed under

the ITSAT program sits idle, awaiting flight testing.

During this proposed Phase I program, L'Garde will

outline the required tasks to fly the unit, define and

cost instrumentation, plan a meaningful flight

experiment, identify flight opportunities, and plan a

follow-on Phase II program. During Phase II,

L'Garde will perform the refurbishment tasks,

incorporate the desired instrumentation, perform

flight integration tasks with the chosen launch

agency, support the flight test, and perform

post-flight data reduction.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Once flown, the applications for the inflatable solar

array are numerous. The ITSAT technology is

currently being considered not only for NASA outer

planetary missions, but as primary power for a

privately funded array of telecommunications

satellites. A successful flight test of the ITSAT will

prove out the technology for future users. In

addition to their use as solar array deployment and

support devices, the ITSAT aluminum rigidized

tubes may also be used for other space structure


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Geoffrey T. Williams

L'Garde, Inc.

15181 Woodlawn Avenue

Tustin , CA 92780-6487

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Roger Garrett

L'Garde, Inc.

15181 Woodlawn Avenue

Tustin , CA 92780-6487

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972020

Proposal Number: 20.10-4200

Project Title: High Performance Polymer (TOR-RC)For Space Applications

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Triton Systems will develop a novel space durable material inherently resistant to AO-UV environments encountered in low earth orbits (LEO). This colorless polymer, designated as TOR-RC, characterized by high mechanical strength and low density, will be both solution and melt processable, providing films and coatings with a combination of properties previously unattainable. Expected applications of this material include reusable inflatable thin film concentrators, thermal control materials for LEO and GEO environments, solar array substrates, antenna reflector/collectors, and multilayer thermal insulation (MLI) blankets. In a Phase I program we will investigate and develop this material with an eye toward efficient scale-up synthesis and cost efficient processing designed to meet present and future materials needs in the aerospace community. The successes of the Phase I will lead to a Phase II which will roadmap the commercial production of TOR-RC for NASA and private sector space markets.

The proposed Phase I SBIR will focus on:

o Optimizing the synthesis of the TOR-RC polymer

o Scaling-up the production of TOR-RC in order to produce multi-pound quantities of polymer to ensure batch to batch reliability and repeatability

o Producing structures based on TOR-RC

o Metallizing rolls of TOR-RC film

o Characterizing the properties of the finished structure, and

o Forwarding prototype structures to potential end-users Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Anticipated benefits of the proposed Phase I research are more reliable and more space durable structures for a variety of commercial and research space programs. New lightweight protective coatings and inflatable structures will be developed for LEO and GEO satellites, spacecraft, and high altitude aircraft. This will lead to more durable space vehicles for both NASA and commercial interests

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Charles Herbert

Triton Systems, Inc.

200 Turnpike Road

Chelmsford , MA 01824

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mr. Ross Haghighat

Triton Systems, Inc.

200 Turnpike Road

Chelmsford , MA 01824

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Ultra-Thin Film Fabrication for

Inflatable Systems and Solar Sails

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Lightweight, deployable space structures made

from mechanically reliable ultra-thin films have

tremendous potential for enabling lighter, less

expensive space missions. NASA applications for

these films include inflatable antennas, solar

collectors, and space structures, in addition to uses

in solar sails, thermal blankets, and flat film

reflectors. The proposed research will demonstrate

the feasability of continuous roll fabrication of

colorless polyimide ultra-thin films with 1 to 2 µm

thickness that incorporate rip-stop technology,

anti-cling qualities for handling and deployment,

and high refectivity. Also, the fabrication process

will be refined to produce quality control

parameters for consistent and repeatable

continuous film production. In addition, the

mechanical and physical properties of the ultra-thin

films will be measured through standardized lab


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The production of continuous roll ultra-thin films

incorporating these advanced features are

commercially applicable to inflatable structures,

solar sails, thermal blankets, flat film reflectors,

and electronic thin film capacitor tissues. The

continuous roll film process provides increased

quality control, smaller film thicknesses, and cost

savings over current thin film technologies in

commercially available.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Chris Talley

SRS Technologies

500 Discovery Drive NW

Huntsville , AL 35806

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Harold L. Pastrick

SRS Technologies

500 Discovery Drive NW

Huntsville , AL 35806

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972434

Proposal Number: 20.11-2748

Project Title: Force-Output Microactuator For Precision Active Optics incorporating a Passive Thermal Release Lockdown Mechanism

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA is evaluating mission critical requirements for future astrophysics missions such as SIM, SIRTF, NGST and NMP. New approaches to optics for high precision angular resolution and figure control are needed to meet these challenges. Although position actuators might meet the requirements for rigid body motions of the deployed primary and secondary mirrors (i.e. edge alignment and tip-tilt mirror control), they are unsuited to flexible-body control of the active optics (i.e. shape control). Acquiring and maintaining the optical figure requires a different solution - force control actuation. Such force output actuators must maintain shape of primary and secondary optics against gravity release, thermal excursion, temperature gradients and structural creep. This proposal aims to develop a force-output actuatorthat will meet NGST active optics requirements during launch, deployment, recalibration and observatory phases of the mission. The design is based upon recent advances in active materials and flextensional actuator design. The design incorporates an optional passive (thermally activated) lock-down mechanism for the primary optics needed for launch that automatically releases without power or complex mechanical interactions.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

EMF and TRW will be seeking commercial telecommunication satellite application of the proposed technology which require precision alignment to include line-of-sight data transfer. Burleigh Instruments, a worldwide marketer of nonopositioning systems, is interested to investigate with EMF the use of the multilayer-multistack cymbal actuator to enable a new class of larger throw (340um v.200um) higher bandwidth micropositioners. The larger available throw and higher bandwidth of operation (600Hz v. 80Hz) of these devices will benefit optical alignment, micromanipulators and precision translators and create additional markets in lightweight, adaptive optical systems. The ability of the proposed force actuator development to accurately control the figure at high frequency, for ground applications, without inducing local stresses and accomodating local failure, is extremely attractive for commercialization. EMF is exploring such applications with SSG, Inc. and Hughes-Danbury Optical Systems. However, one of the greatest impact could be to early detection and non-intrusive surgery through advances in medical diagnotic equipment.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Gareth J. Knowles

EMF Industries, Inc.

1700 Riverside Drive

South Williamsport , PA 17701

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Karla K. Sexton

EMF Industries, Inc.

1700 Riverside Drive

South Williamsport , PA 17701

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971858

Proposal Number: 20.11-7351

Project Title: Electromechanical Systems for Spacecraft

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Individual modules or their combination will be targeted for multiple payload instrument platforms, spacecraft laser communications, and imagers on-board low cost constellation-type satellite busses. Further applications will be in positioning and vibration suppression enhancements to a microprecision vibration isolation product introduced recently for semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

A family of modular electromechanical mounting components for jitter suppression and microprecision pointing on satellites is proposed. The component family incorporates passive vibration isolation, active vibration isolation and suppression, and multiple-axis pointing. These devices will require little or no customization for incorporation early in or late in the payload and spacecraft design cycles, and will be suitable for use by either an instrument developer or a satellite payload integrator. A simple standard mechanical interface and overall component family characteristics will be selected based on a review of existing and predicted needs. The review will address the number of degrees of freedom of isolation and pointing required, and the overall restrictions on mount geometry. The vibration mitigation mounting system will support either vibration-generating or vibration-sensitive components. It will employ zero outgassing passive magnetic technology and piezoelectric actuators. The Phase I effort will include requirements definition, conceptual design, simulation of

satellite-instrument jitter and pointing characteristics, and build and test of a single-axis prototype mount. Phase II will develop the family of devices further with the goal of producing flight qualified hardware for use in a specific NASA instrument mounting application.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Individual modules or their combination will be targeted for multiple payload instrument platforms, spacecraft laser communications, and imagers on-board low cost constellation-type satellite busses. Further applications will be in positioning and vibration suppression enhancements to a microprecision vibration isolation product introduced recently for semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Eric H. Anderson

CSA Engineering, Inc.

2850 W. Bayshore

Palo Alto , CA 94303

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Conor D. Johnson

CSA Engineering, Inc.

2850 W. Bayshore

Palo Alto , CA 94303

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971977

Proposal Number: 21.01-3088

Project Title: Automultiscopic 3-D Display

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop an automultiscopic three-dimensional virtual interactive environment workbench display system in which innovative 3-D displays present distortion-free stereo 3-D images to multiple viewers. In this unique collaborative work environment, a crew of workers see 3-D images correctly located and oriented for each one's view position. Users experience an interactive and cooperative environment for dynamic maneuvering tasks such as engineering design or surgery. POC's simple stereo projection systems based on holographic optics will project the imagery onto a multiplexed holographic projection display screen. Holographic optical elements will produce full-color, high-resolution 3-D images with correct perspective for all viewers, overcoming the drawbacks of current 3-D virtual workbench devices. The system will be compatible with current multimedia and projection display technologies, and can also be adapted to many user-specific, task-related, virtual environments. Phase I research will include a thorough study and demonstration of COVE-3D display concepts, culminating in a prototype device that will display 3-D imagery in correct perspective for two users.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

3-D collaborative virtual environment 3-D workbench display systems will find a wide range of applications in military and commercial training and simulation, engineering design, molecular modeling, and CAD for manufacturing and medical imaging.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Andrew Kostrzewski, Ph.D.

Physical Optics Corporation

20600 Gramercy Place, Building 100

Torrance , CA 90501-1821

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Gordon Drew

Physical Optics Corporation, E&P Division

20600 Gramercy Place, Building 100

Torrance , CA 90501-1821

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Micro-Electric Propulsion Technology

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This proposal addresses a low cost, micro-electric

propulsion technology for microspacecraft. The

novel technology proposed can potentially fulfill

NASA requirements to develop a miniaturized

propulsion system in support of microspacecraft

planetary, space physics and Earth science

missions. To overcome the disadvantages and

processing limitations of current electric propulsion

techniques, an innovative micro-electric propulsion

concept is proposed based on electrohydrodynamic

(EHD) emission and acceleration of multiply

charged micro-cluster beams. A primary objective

of the proposed effort, using simulated MEM

micro-cluster emitters, is to demonstrate specific

impulses of = 1000 s using surface tension feed,

valveless operation and temperature control of a

glycerol propellant. Another objective is to

demonstrate that beam neutralization can be

achieved by the simultaneous emission of both

positively and negatively charged micro-clusters. It

is anticipated that by eliminating bulky and power

consuming electron emissive neutralizers,

component miniaturization for future

microspacecraft will be simplified.The approach

presented in this proposal is unique since it

provides the potential to achieve

order-of-magnitude reductions in mass, size and

thrust for micropropulsion components. Moreover,

the micro-cluster approach addresses the MEM's

material compatibility issue and meets the

conditions for potential microspacecraft masses

less than 1 kg.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Microspacecraft clusters are being proposed to

provide improved communication services (without

terrestrial links), global cellular telephone coverage

and low-cost message and position-relay services.

Microspacecraft constellations are also envisioned

for remote sensing commercial applications to

manage crops, detect pollution and to aid

meteorological observations for improved weather


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Julius Perel

Phrasor Scientific Inc

1536 Highland Ave

Duarte , CA 91010

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr.Julius Perel

Phrasor Scientific Inc

1536 Highland Ave

Duarte , CA 91010

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Light-weight Reaction Wheels for


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The objective of the Phase I effort is to develop a


Reaction Wheel for microspacecraft using


(MEM) technology. The reaction wheel uses a

novel micromechanical

motor to reduce the size and

weight. The micromechanical motor is of pancake

design so its magnet


doubles as a spinning wheel. It does not have an

iron core thus


motor-induced disturbances so yielding higher

pointing accuracy. It

will be

spun on compliant jewel bearings designed to

withstand launch


loads, thus facilitating operation in space. The jewel

bearings offer


friction thus ensuring long life. In Phase I we will

develop the


configuration of the MEM reaction wheel for a

typical microspacecraft.

This will be accomplished by conducting a trade

analysis between the


speed and weight. An optimal light-weight MEM

reaction wheel that is


for Microspacecraft is the end result of this effort.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The MEM reaction wheel technology has several

potential commercial

applications. These include robotics, miniature


miniature fans, pumps, etc. It will also find

application in

commercial satellites for remote sensing,

surveillance and

weather-tracking. The MEM motor developed

herein can also be used in

many markets such as turbomolecular pumps,

auxiliary power units and

air cycle machines.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dantam K. Rao

Precision Magnetic Bearing Systems, Inc.

36 Green Mountain Drive

Cohoes , NY 12047-4806

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dantam K. Rao

Precision Magnetic Bearing Systems, Inc.

36 Green Mountain Drive

Cohoes , NY 12047-4806

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Internet Web Technology for

Integrated End-to-End Instrument


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed innovation is an Internet

web-browser-based application (InterActTM) that

provides real-time integration and interoperability

of COTS instrument modeling and simulation

software applications. InterAct effectively

integrates into a single tool applications for

radiometric performance analyses, optical system

design, atmospheric modeling, image processing,

electronic circuit design, thermal analysis,

mechanical design and structural analysis. InterAct

will be developed using internet and enterprise

computing technologies such as Internet Explorer

4.0, ActiveX and the Distributed Component Object

Model (COM). InterAct will run in a

remote-computer, cross-platform environment on

operating systems such as Windows 95, Windows

NT 4.0 and various Unix platforms. This work

directly addresses the stated subtopic requirement

by providing an integrated end-to-end modeling,

simulation, and analysis tool for performance

characterization, parametric optimization, and

verification of NASA instrument designs. The

objectives of the Phase I work are to demonstrate

the feasibility of implementing the innovation and

its technical merit for Phase II. The effort proposed

to meet these objectives includes developing a

Windows InterAct prototype for demonstration of

feasibility. Expected near-term NASA applications

are instrument designs planned within the STAAC.

The benefits to NASA provided by the proposed

innovation include increases in instrument design

quality with reductions in instrument deployment

time and costs.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Design of remote sensing instruments for earth and

space observations including remote detection of oil

spills, crop and land resource management,

geological, man-made feature identification and

characterization, drug interdiction programs, and

feature characterization and composition of

extraterrestrial bodies. Defense applications

include design of remote sensing instruments for

intelligence gathering, military surveillance, and

missile tracking. Potential customers include

NASA, DOD, NOAA, NIST, DEA, universities, and

any organization or company, domestic of foreign,

involved in remote sensing instrument

development. The innovation can also be applied to

create integrated suites of software applications in

non-engineering disciplines such as enterprise

business systems.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Gerald M. Ressler


Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Gerald M. Ressler

Ressler Associates, Inc.

14440 Cherry Lane Court, Suite 216

Laurel , MD 20708

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Recycled-Energy Logic Circuits for

Ultra-Low Power Applications

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed innovative approach to reducing

power consumption is based on the realization that

most of the switching energy in a digital system

does not have to be dissipated as heat but it may be


The objectives of the proposed project are to

research, develop, and demonstrate experimentally

recycled-energy logic circuits operating reliably

above 500 MHz while dissipating one tenth of the

power of existing circuits.

A 32-channel correlator chip will be fabricated in

Phase I with a 0.5 um process to determine the

feasibility of operating reliably at 500 MHz with 10

mW power dissipation per frequency channel. The

Phase II effort will demonstrate an ultra-low power

256-channel correlator chip fabricated on a 0.35 um

CMOS process and dissipating only 1 mW per

frequency channel at 500 MHz. To achieve the

stated objectives, the following synergistic

combination of concepts will be employed: (a)

recycled-energy logic circuits operating with

alternating current, and (b) resonant power

distribution network implemented with artificial

transmission lines.

The expected benefits of the proposed project

consist of the development of recycled-energy

digital circuits which will enable the implementation

of ultra-low power, real-time digital signal

processing integrated systems for spaceborne and

commercial applications.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Ultra-low power digital signal processing integrated

systems implemented with the proposed

recycled-energy logic circuits operating at clock

frequencies above 500 MHz will be used by

commercial firms and research organizations in

applications such as digital cellular telephones,

wireless area networks, global positioning

navigation receivers, and satellite modems. The

256-channel digital correlator chip with a bandwidth

of 500 MHz and 1 mW power consumption per

channel, will be the building block of spectrometers

for radio-astronomy observations and for passive

microwave remote sensing of meteorological,

hydrological, and oceanographic applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Constantin Timoc

Spaceborne, Inc.

742 Foothill Blvd., Suite 2B

La Canada , CA 91011

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Constantin Timoc

Spaceborne, Inc.

742 Foothill Blvd., Suite 2B

La Canada , CA 91011

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

On-Board Maintenance for Affordable,

Evolvable and Dependable Spaceborne


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The proposed SBIR effort is aimed at developing

on-board maintenance methods, techniques and a

design-development working environment for

affordable, evolvable and dependable spaceborne

systems. In particular, we are motivated to develop

an on-board maintenance methodology that

minimizes the adverse effects from software

upgrading due to residual faults in software

modules. Differing significantly from the prior,

traditional approaches to fault-tolerant spaceborne

computing systems that rely on extensive

component replication and custom-built hardware,

the proposed methodology stresses 1) utilization of

the inherent, non-dedicated resource redundancy,

and 2) adaptation and integration of state-of-the-art

techniques across the areas of fault tolerance,

real-time systems and distributed computing. These

emphases will enable us to simultaneously achieve

the low power, low cost, high reliability and high

performance goals for NASA's new-generation

spaceborne systems.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The research results will benefit a wide variety of

commercial application domains (in addition to

NASA spaceborne systems). In particular, 1) the

guarded software upgrading techniques will be

useful for many other applications which are subject

to frequent software upgrading and require high

availability and/or safety, such as transportation

systems, airline reservation systems, telephone

systems and medical systems, and 2) the ideas and

methods of utilizing inherent, non-dedicated

resource redundancies and integrated use of fault

tolerance, real-time, and distributed computing

techniques will promote and accelerate the

transferring of state-of-the-art fault tolerance

techniques from research domain to real


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ann T. Tai

IA Tech, Inc.

10501 Kinnard Avenue

Los Angeles , CA 90024

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ann T. Tai

IA Tech, Inc.

10501 Kinnard Avenue

Los Angeles , CA 90024

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Plas-Pak Microelectronics Packaging

for Space

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This project is to develop for space use a packaging

technology featuring: low cost, improved

hermeticity and radiation shields for PEMs (plastic

encapsulated microcircuits). PEMs are high volume

products, but space use is inherently low volume.

This proposal describes the most cost effective

approach to retro-fitting PEM's for space use. The

technique involves attaching high Z metal shields to

both top and bottom surfaces of PEMs in a manner

which also reduces moisture absorption (on approx.

70% of the surface area), and maintains the

original component footprint. Depending on orbit

and use, these shields should provide a factor of 10

to 300 times total dose enhancement to the PEM.

As commercial PEM's get thinner and smaller, all

other known techniques such as spot shielding,

removal of plastic & insertion of shields, further

encapsulation, etc., all suffer serious drawbacks

ranging from: little to no improvement in

hermeticity; potential impact on device reliability;

shielding only one side of the device; loss of fit

interchangability; inadequate shield thickness; and

considerable re-work costs. The proposed

Plas-Pak™ packaging concept we believe will

overcome all of these side-effects at the lowest

possible total cost.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Since a lot of cutting edge technology microcircuits

are not available in die form, this technology would

vastly expand the number of microcircuits available

to meet natural space radiation environments for

military, NASA, and commercial space programs at

very low cost.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Michael Featherby

Space Electronics Inc.

4031 Sorrento Valley Blvd.

San Diego , CA 92121

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


David J. Strobel

Space Electronics Inc.

4031 Sorrento Valley Blvd.

San Diego , CA 92121

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Spacecraft Microaccelerometer


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Canopus Systems proposes to perform both

conceptual design and prototype test of a

spacecraft inertial sensing microsystem based upon

a unique MEMS high resolution, novel design

microaccelerometer. The innovative microsystem

design represents technologies sought by

integrating acceleration data sensors, and data

processing with high performance, low power, low

cost subsystem interfaces on a multi-chip module

using advanced packaging techniques. A conceptual

design for a real time in-situ sensor calibration and

test feature is also provided. The project objectives

are to: carry out the microaccelerometer

performance analyses and compare predicted

parameters with prototype test data; develop a

near-optimal sensor design configuration; and

perform an overall microsystem conceptual design

including control, interface and calibration


The proposed effort includes modeling, simulation,

analyses, prototype sensor test and evaluation,

preliminary system design and environmental

qualification planning. The results anticipated are

development of a recommended microsystem

design with optimized sensor subsystem features to

be implemented in a Phase II flight development

and demonstration program. Space microelectronics

systems applications will include acceleration

measurements for IMU's, structural analyses,

microgravity science, in-space propulsion and

related inertial sensing functions to significantly

reduce the spacecraft's power, mass, volume and

cost requirements via MEMS and microsystem


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The microaccelerometer microsystem can be

utilized for acceleration environment

characterization (structural modeling verification,

microgravity science process disturbances) on

commercial payloads flying on Shuttle, Space

Station and free flyer platforms. The design can

also be utilized in inertial measurement units

installed in commercial spacecraft, in military

avionics, in commercial and civilian avionics and in

personal or mobile navigation sensor microsystems.

The system can also be utilized in seismometry for

commercial oil exploration.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

James C. Fox

Canopus Systems Inc.

2010 Hogback, Suite 3; PO Box 130319

Ann Arbor , MI 48113-0319

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James E. Rice

Canopus Systems Inc

2010 Hogback, Suite 3; PO Box 130319

Ann Arbor , MI 48113-0319

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Light-weight Structural Materials with

Integral Radiation Shielding, Thermal

Control and Electronics

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Physical Sciences Inc., Textron, and TRW propose

to develop composite load-bearing materials that

provide space radiation shielding, incorporate

active or passive thermal control, and allow

embedding/integrating electronics and sensors into

the structure. These integrated materials are 25 to

40% lighter than aluminum for the same radiation

attenuation. We conceive the next generation

satellite not as a structure enclosing and protecting

from radiation complex subassemblies of sensitive

electronics, but as an integrated structure, without

parasitic cables/connectors, and with multifunctional

components. Implementation of this concept

requires new materials which provide greater

functionality per unit mass and more versatility

than currently employed. Furthermore, the new

materials must also be cost effective; i.e., greater

functionality per unit dollar. In Phase I, we will

develop design concepts for new composite

materials concepts, fabricate samples, perform

charged particle attenuation and mechanical

property testing, and recommend promising

concepts for optimization in Phase II. Our materials

development plan will lead to flight demonstration

hardware at the end of Phase II. We will build upon

our USAF Phillips/Wright Laboratories work on

light-weight radiation shielding, TRW will leverage

off their work for NASA Langley on advanced

space structures and provide electronics integration

expertise, with Textron providing expertise in

manufacturing of integrated composites.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The technology of multifunctional composite

materials has wide ranging applications to

spacecraft structures and electronic systems

throughout the industry, for both military and

commercial satellites. The benefits of reduced mass

and lower manufacturing costs for the same or

greater functionality should be particularly useful to

the communications satellite business. The

radiation shielding properties of proposed materials

are potentially useful in instrumentation used in

monitoring hazardous nuclear waste sites and in

radiation therapy hardware.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Prakash B. Joshi

Physical Sciences Inc.

20 New England Business Center

Andover , MA 01810-1077

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


George E. Caledonia

Physical Sciences, Inc.

20 New England Business Center

Andover , MA 01810-1077

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971699

Proposal Number: 22.02-3100

Project Title: Highly Integrated Radiation Shielding Structures for

Aerospace Systems

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The NASA Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) Program has recognized the threat of a variety of radiation ranging from low energy UV to cosmic rays, neutron radiation, etc. to the space-based systems. Amongst these, neutron radiation is one of the most damaging to sensitive instrumentation and humans. Various shielding methods have been considered for neutron shielding. These shields tend to add parasitic weight and volume to the space based systems. Hence, it would be highly desirable to develop a neutron shield that is multifunctional, either as a structural member or as a heat sink to further increase the overall usefulness of the shield. LoTEC, Inc. proposes to develop a multifunctional microcomposite materials system that is well suited for neutron shielding as well as other critical applications related to space based systems. Such a multifunctional material is expected to further improve the performance of the space-based systems and allow additional payload on the spacecraft. This multifunctionality is attained through the use of innovative polymers and use of enriched and surface-modified boron.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The primary civilian applications include shields for nuclear power plants, shielding for the commercial satellites, and shielding electronic equipment and personnel in the future commercial space activities. The military uses for these shields range from nuclear powered submarines and shielding for weapons program. Successful development of a cost effective multifunctional shields will find applications in the medical industry, especially where neutron radiation therapy is used.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Santosh Y. Limaye

LoTEC, Inc.

181 West 1700 South

Salt Lake City , UT 84115

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Santosh Y. Limaye

LoTEC, Inc.

181 West 1700 South

Salt Lake City , UT 84115

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Desensitized Optimal Guidance of

Uncertain Systems

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

It is proposed to develop a trajectory optimization

software package that enables the simultaneous

optimization of a user-specified cost criterion along

with reducing the sensitivity of the resulting

trajectory with respect to modeling errors, external

perturbations, etc. Such insensitivity is a highly

desirable feature for any MDO component or

systems analysis tool. In addition, trajectory

optimization with reduced sensitivity has been long

sought as a stand-alone tool. Specifically, the

project objectives are to extend the existing theory,

which has recently been introduced by the PI, to

enable the treatment of problems with free final

time, control constraints, and state constraints, and

to test ideas for a fast and efficient numerical

implementation scheme. It is proposed to achieve

these objectives through analytical derivations and

through numerical testing and verification. It is

anticipated that the theoretical ground work will be

developed for an easy-to-use desensitized optimal

control software package. The expected NASA

applications include practically all areas of today's

optimal control applications, such as launch vehicle

guidance, aeroassisted orbital transfers,

interplanetary space flight, rocket landing, etc.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Direct commercial markets for the software

developed in Phase II: All industries requiring

optimal control of uncertain or externally perturbed

systems, such as aircraft/spacecraft/rocket/missile

guidance, robotics, chemical process control and

optimization, industrial and civil engineering design,

and the control of economic systems. Indirect

commercial potential: Customization of the Phase II

software, consulting, and application of the

developed technology to non-linear robustness


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Hans Seywald

Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc.

17 Research Drive

Hampton , VA 23666

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Hans Seywald

Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc.

17 Research Drive

Hampton , VA 23666

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971793

Proposal Number: 22.03-5355A

Project Title: Autonomous Health-Monitoring and Fault Tolerant Control for Formation Flying Spacecraft using InteractingMultiple Model Estimation and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA's New Millennium Program (NMP) includes missions incorporating miniature spacecraft flying in tightly controlled (position and attitude) Autonomous Formation Flying (AFF) configurations. Unprecedented levels for autonomy, reliability, low bandwidth communication with their base stations, and robustness of AFF control to sensor/actuator/spacecraft failures are critical to mission success. We propose an Autonomous Failure Detection, Identification and Reconfiguration approach for AFF spacecraft, using the combined techniques of Interacting Multiple Model-Extended Kalman Filters (IMM-EKF) and Adaptive Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC), developed recently by Scientific Systems for single spacecraft. The proposed Fault-Tolerant Autonomous Control Architecture (FT-ACA) will compensate (detect and autonomously reconfigure the control law) for sudden or gradual failures of various sensors, including inter-spacecraft communications, GPS based AFF GNC sensors optical range sensors, SRU/IRU sensors, or in the worse case a complete unit spacecraft failure. Phase I tasks include the development and application of IMM-EKF and NMPC techniques for specific AFF mission scenarios, evaluation of its performance on a representative mission (such as the optical interferometer), and a conceptual design for an overall FT-ACA which will improve reliability of AFF mission success.

Prof. John Wen from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will serve as a consultant on this project. Dr. H. Rauch from Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center will provide technical and commercialization support.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

In the commercial sector projects involving miniature spacecraft formations are fast growing. Already, upcoming programs such as IRIDIUM or Teledesic propose similar multiple satellite constellations. The proposed approach for failure detection and control reconfiguration for spacecraft formations has a great commercial potential in this fairly untapped market. The development of the Fault Tolerant Autonomous Control Architecture as proposed in this SBIR effort also opens a range of applications in aircraft and process control industry. Scientific Systems has already established relationships with a number of commercial partners including Bell Helicopter, Lockheed-Martin and Orbital Space Sciences to discuss applications of such a control architecture system to meet their specific needs.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Sanjeev Seereeram

Scientific Systems Company, Inc.

500 West Cummings Park, Suite 3000

Woburn , MA 01801

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Raman K. Mehra

Scientific Systems Company, Inc.

500 W.Cummings Park, #3000

Woburn , MA 01801

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972054

Proposal Number: 22.04-5105

Project Title: Very High Performance RISC/DSP

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The PMEL (Processor Memory Element)architecture is a means of using internal parallelism in a chip design to perform DSP or RISC processing. The internal processing in the chip under a single program counter permits an 800% increase in performance. Although a VLIW instruction stream is used, this is NOT a classical VLIW design. The unique PMEL structure using on chip "intelligent memory" eliminates a von Neumann bottleneck in the data store cycle. This includes the path from the ALU data execution to the storage in register memory. This is accomplished by an efficient bussing scheme which permits a one cycle fetch, execute, and save. If a 250 MHZ clock is used to process instructions, the architecture outputs operations at 2000 MIPS, so that there is no additional power dissipation penalty associated with the significant performance increase. The increase in performance without severe power penalties offers NASA a computational device with potential for a variety of agency needs.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The commercial potential for the PMEL is quite significant because of the current demand for improved performance for RISC and DSP processors. A specific approach is to obtain a licenseing agreement with a DSP or RISC computer manufacturer, and clone that design using the internal structure of the PMEL, so that the PMEL functions as a "workalike".

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Sy Greenfield

S-Chips Technology

suite 300, 160 Speen Street

Framingham, , MA 01701

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Sy Greenfield

S-Chips Technology

suite 300, 160 Speen Street

Framingham, , MA 01701

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971613

Proposal Number: 23.01-0610A

Project Title: A Solar-Blind Silicon Carbide Ultraviolet Avalanche


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to design and deliver a high performance avalanche photodiode (APD) for 0.15 to 0.35 �m ultra-violet (UV) applications. The innovation is the use of high- temperature and radiation-tolerant, wide-bandgap silicon carbide (SiC) (4H and 6H) combined with a novel co-implantation approach which makes it possible to create p+-SiC guard rings. A unique feature of 6H and 4H-SiC is the very high k ratio (over 60) of hole/electron ionization coefficients which provides the possibility of fabricating very low noise APDs while maintaining high speed due to the high saturation velocity of both electrons and holes in SiC. In Phase I, we will demonstrate the feasibility of a p+/n-/n+ SiC APD using p-type guard rings created by C and Al co-implantation, determine the avalanche gain, and measure the k ratio for the CVD-grown 6H-SiC. We will also create a Monte Carlo model for ionization coefficient calculations and integrate it with the Sylvaco CAD tool to model the SiC APD for Phase II APD optimization. In Phase II, we would model the performance of 6H and 4H-SiC APDs and, based on Phase I results, fabricate and optimize a reliable planar SiC APD covering the spectral range of 0.15 to 0.35 �m. Prof. Jian Zhao of Rutgers University will consult.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A high performance visible-blind UV photodetector capable of high temperature and high radiation tolerance for spectroscopic imaging, UV radiometry, flame sensing/fire control, and missile guidance systems. Currently, the only devices capable of addressing these applications are the bulky photocathodes that are difficult to integrate with control electronics and in general require high operating voltages.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Marshall J. Cohen

Sensors Unlimited, Inc.

3490 U.S. Route 1, Building 12

Princeton , NJ 08540

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Gregory H. Olsen

Sensors Unlimited, Inc.

3490 U.S. Route 1, Building 12

Princeton , NJ 08540

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Micromachining of Cost-Effective Far

Infrared Spectroradiometer Imager

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

In phase I of the SBIR program, LEEOAT

Company will develop the

design and fabrication process of a

high-performance and

cost-effective far infrared spectroradiometric

imager, based on LEEOAT

Company's proprietary micromachining technology.

The design will also

include the data acquisition system for real-time


imaging analysis. LEEOAT Company will also

conduct a theoretical

modeling effort in which we will optimized the


spectroradiometer imager for the various space

imaging and commercial

non-destructive diagnosis applications. LEEOAT

Company will reduce to

practice the crucial elements of the concept and will

estimate the

cost/effort of the fabrication and testing of the

prototype in phase

II of the program.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The development of the small size,

high-performance and

cost-effective far infrared spectroradiometric

aerospace imager will

open a large window of oportunity for commercial,

industrial, medical

and military applications. Estimated commercial

market can exceed

$200M per annum.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Eli Wiener-Avnear

LEEOAT Company

2631 Colibri Lane

Carlsbad , CA 92009

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Eli Wiener-Avnear

LEEOAT Company

2631 Colibri Lane

Carlsbad , CA 92009

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Metalorganic Chemical Vapor

Deposition Grown GaAs Junction

Field-effect Transistors for Low-noise

Deep-cryogenic Readouts

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Low-noise readout electronics are needed in

cryogenic detection systems for applications

including earth- and space-based observation.

Compared to conventional electronics, Si- and

GaAs-based junction field effect transistors

(JFETs) offer the best low-noise performance. At

extremely low temperatures, GaAs JFETs are

preferred because they offer "hopping" transport

and do not suffer from freezeout problems of Si

JFETs. While several groups have fabricated GaAs

JFETs using MBE, these devices have not

achieved their theoretical performance due to a

variety of reasons. Spire proposes to develop GaAs

JFETs using metalorganic chemical vapor

deposition (MOCVD), since this process provides

material with longer carrier lifetimes and different

characteristic traps and defects than MBE-grown

material, to produce extremely low-noise devices.

In Phase I, Spire will demonstrate proof-of-concept

by depositing and fabricating large-gate JFETs and

identify optimum MOCVD procedures for the best

devices. In Phase II, the development will be

extended to develop devices and integrated circuits

for specific applications.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Low-noise JFETs will be important components for

enabling low-noise readout electronics for space-

and earth-based telescopes. In addition, they will

find applications in sensing and detection of

extremely low level signals.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Peter C. Colter

Spire Corporation

One Patriots Park

Bedford , MA 01730-2396

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Everett S. McGinley

Spire Corporation

One Patriots Park

Bedford , MA 01730-2396

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

High Resolution Room Temperature

Gamma Ray Detectors

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose an innovative structure that enables

the use of currently available low quality materials

to achieve high quality operation at elevated

temperatures. We anticipate 2.5% energy

resolution at 60 keV for room temperature

detectors in Phase I, and better performance after

Phase II development ( 1% energy resolution). In

contrast to standard detector structures, this

structure is extendable to higher sensitivities

without degrading energy resolution, in contrast to

standard solid state detectors. This structure can be

implemented in any material system, so

improvements in material quality will lead to further

improvements in the performance of this structure.

In Phase I we expect to build a monolithic detector

capable of room temperature sensitivity equivalent

to that of 1 - 2 cm thick high purity Ge. Phase II will

be directed at achieving high quality two

dimensional imaging while retaining the high

sensitivity, high energy resolution room

temperature operation provided by this innovative


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The areas of projected high impact for improved,

room temperature gamma ray detectors include

airport security systems, oil well data logging

sensors, and non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of

critical structures. It also provides an additional

approach to the crucial balance in sensor design

between resolution and sensitivity for space-borne

applications without the need for costly (and

power-hungry) cryogenics. Gamma ray detectors

are expected to become increasingly important to

the world's technological needs, including the

extension to two-dimensional imaging applications

for NDE and medical imaging.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

John L. Freeouf

Interface Studies Inc.

27 East Mountain

Katonah , NY 10536

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


John L. Freeouf

Interface Studies Inc.

27 East Mountain

Katonah , NY 10536-2614

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

New Ultra-Shallow Junction Technology

and Improved Oxides for Silicon

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The performance of silicon radiation detectors is

strongly dependant on having a shallow rectifying

junction which is characterized by a small dead laer,

a high barrier height, high break down voltage and

low leakage current. This project will develop a

radiacal new approach to diffused junction

technology which shows promise for fabricating

ultra-shallow junctions with excellent electrical

properties. It will also develop this same technology

for producing uniform, high sheet resistance layers

for fabrication of on-wafer, high-value resistors for

segmented detector applications. In addition, we

propose to use nonoengineering surface processes

to develop a new technology for thermal oxide

passivation. We expect these new passivations to

have superior edge breakdown characteristics and

low leakage currents so that deep depletion

detectors can be fabricated without the need for

complicated guard ring structures. We also expect

these new oxides to have superior resistance to

ionizing radiation damage.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The technologies which we propose to develop are

fundamental to all classes of Si radiation sensors

and if successful should have a major impact on the

performance and fabrication cost of a broad range

of radiation detector products. Additionally, the

ultra-shallow junction technology may make a major

contribution to the general field of sub-micron

device fabrication.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

John Walter

IntraSpec, Inc.

1008 Alvin Weinberg Drive

Oak Ridge , TN 37830

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


John Walter

IntraSpec, Inc.

1008 Alvin Weinberg Drive

Oak Ridge , TN 37830

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Polyimide X-ray Filter Substrates

Optimized for Strength at Cryogenic


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

New generation x-ray instruments for spacecraft

have very specialized requirements, notably

operation at cryogenic temperatures. The proposed

innovation is to produce polyimide films suitable for

use as x-ray filter substrates specifically optimized

for cryogenic applications. Earlier work by the

offeror showed that polyimide film strength (at

room temperature) was affected by the post-cast

processing or cure cycle. It is proposed to process

polyimide films using different cure cycles, and to

perform burst pressure (tensile strength) analyses

at 77, 15, and 4 Kelvin (K) on these films.

Cryogenic burst data will be compared to existing

burst data on Luxel-manufactured polyimide

developed for x-ray applications. Cryogenic burst

test data is presently not available for submicron

polyimide films. It is anticipated that Phase I will

demonstrate increased strength at cryogenic

temperatures for films processed using altered cure

cycles and that Phase II will permit further

optimization of films and processing parameters for

operation in the temperature range of 77 K to 4 K.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Targets (with thin film windows) utilized in Inertial

Confinement Fusion to be used at the National

Ignition Facility will be deployed at cryogenic

temperatures. Researchers in light element

analysis and kinetic studies could also utilize such

polyimide substrates as windows in their detectors.

Capacitive transducers could utilize polyimide as

dielectric membranes with metalized polyimides

serving as sonic energy emitters and receivers.

Dielectric multilayer stacks may be used in

microwave applications. Improved strength would

be useful in separation membranes and biosensor


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Heidi C. Hilfiker de Lopez

Luxel Corporation

P.O. Box 1879

Friday Harbor , WA 98250

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Pamela Hollis

Luxel Corporation

P.O. Box 1879

Friday Harbor , WA 98250

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

High Density Passive Component

Arrays for Analog ASICs

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

High density passive component arrays are

increasingly needed to meet the needs for

miniaturized electronics and to interface various

active components to analog ASICs. Existing

technology has inherently limits the packing density

and foot print size of reliable arrays. NRC proposes

a technology that can overcome this technology

barrier and yield high resistance, high capacitance,

high voltage, thermally stable, low pitch fabrication

of reliable passive component arrays. NRC's

technical approach during Phase I would be to

establish the proof-of-concept by producing

proprietary nanostructured materials and

fabricating arrays from them. Phase II will optimize

the proposed technology, develop prototypes and

field test the arrays with lead customers. Phase III

will commercialize the technology.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Arrays manufactured from nanostructured

materials can enable NASA to interface strip

detectors to ASICs in high-energy sensing

equipment. The proposed innovation can also

enable a revolutionary evolution in the way passive

components are integrated with active components

in modern day electronic products. The effort may

also provide the foundation for the anticipated era

of molecular nanoelectronics and nanotechnologies.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Tapesh Yadav, Ph.D.

Nanomaterials Research Corporation

2849 East Elvira Rd

Tucson , AZ 85706-7126

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Neil Lupton

Nanomaterials Research Corporation

2849 East Elvira Rd

Tucson , AZ 85706-7126

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Imaging X-ray Spectrometer using

Tunnel Junctions on Tantalum Crystals

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to radically extend the capabilities of

cryogenic X-ray detectors by building an innovative

imaging array with good quantum efficiency for

12keV X-rays and good energy resolution while

using conventional, room temperature,

preamplifiers. The thin-film superconducting tunnel

junction (STJ) X-ray detectors we have produced to

date, while setting the standard for such devices in

energy resolution, area, and count-rate capability,

still have been inefficient for high energy X-rays

and fairly small in size. In the work proposed here,

we will build an imaging array of STJ devices on the

surface of a large, superconductive, crystalline

absorber. The large, single absorber with STJ

detectors will provide position information so that a

large area can be imaged with a relatively small

number of detectors and readout electronics. While

not providing the absolute utmost in resolution, the

resulting spectrometer system will combine imaging

capability, large area, high efficiency, and good

resolution with the ease of use allowed by a relative

small number of conventional, room temperature

FET amplifiers.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The large area, high count-rate capability, high

energy resolution, and ease of use of the proposed

detectors will make them uniquely suited for

commercial application in X-ray microanalysis in

SEMs and for X-ray fluoresence. In these

applications, these devices will yield about an order

of magnitude improvement in resolution over

conventional detectors, easily allowing the

resolution of X-ray lines of light elements, while

providing performance that is otherwise


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Andrew T. Barfknecht

Conductus, Inc.

969 West Maude Ave.

Sunnyvale , CA 94086

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Charles E. Shalvoy

Conductus, Inc.

969 West Maude Ave.

Sunnyvale , CA 94086

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Efficient Backward Wave Oscillators

for Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This research will result in development of

advanced millimeter and submillimeter wave

Backward Wave Oscillators (BWOs). Successful

development will result in devices requiring

significantly less input power, require less cooling,

have reduced weight, and have improved mode

purity. Calabazas Creek Research, Inc. is

proposing to develop the first BWOs with a

depressed collector, spent-beam, energy recovery

system that will significantly reduce the prime

power requirement and allow air cooling instead of

water cooling. An additional goal will be to develop

mode converters between the slow wave structure

and the overmoded output to allow for single mode

operation. Finally, advanced permanent magnet

technology will be applied to reduce magnet and

system weight.

BWO sources are presently used for ground based

atmospheric sensing of trace chemicals, testing of

solid state sensors, and basic spectroscopy

research. This innovatve development will allow

these devices to be used for airbourne or space

atmospheric sensing missions, as well as reduce the

cost and complexity of BWO sources, making their

unique tunability and output power capability more

accessible to both private and government


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed program will result in the

development of efficient, lighter-weight, millimeter

and submillimeter BWOs applicable to the following

commercial applications:

* Laboratory and remote spectroscopy, material

analysis, aquametry, and medical research,

* Millimeter and submillimeter wave sources

available for airbourne and space missions for

molecular line astronomy and atmospheric

environmental sensing,

* Heterodyne sources for the new, proposed, large

array, radiotelescope system.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

R. Lawrence Ives

Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.

20937 Comer Drive

Saratoga , CA 95070-3753

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


R. Lawrence Ives

Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.

20937 Comer Drive

Saratoga , CA 95070-3753

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Ultralightweight, Compact, Thermally

Stable, SiC, Snap-Together Microwave


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A need exists to reduce the weight, size, power

requirements, and cost associated with next

generation, space-based microwave sensors. Trad-

itional optical materials, such as aluminum or glass,

are severely limited in their capability to be

lightweighted. More exotic mater- ials, i.e.

Beryllium, can be used to produce very lightweight

sensor structures but at a very high cost. SSG

proposes the application of Reaction Bonded

(RBO) Silicon Carbide (SiC), and an innovative

Con- tinuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic (CFRC)

SiC composite as ultralight- weight, thermally

stable, low-cost materials for these applications.

The two materials will be used in an innovative

snap-together design to facilitate

assembly/alignment, and offer significant cost

savings. The Microwave Instrument for the

Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) currently uses aluminum

as a baseline sensor material; the use of the SiC

materials would reduce the weight associated with

the MIRO instrument by a factor of 2x-4x. The two

proposed forms of SiC have the same coeff- icient

of thermal expansion and excellent thermal

stability. These properties will support a passively

athermalized instrument concept able to withstand

severe thermal environments ranging from

cryogenic to 800°C (suitable for missions to Mars

or Venus). During the Phase I effort SSG will

demonstrate the feasibility of the material based on

the MIRO requirements. Analytical models will be

used to generate a conceptual model of the off-axis

Cassegrain reflector system and project the weight

savings obtained with the CFRC SiC material.

Empirical testing of a smaller MIRO mock-up, and

a number of smaller test coupons, will be used to

demonstrate thermal stability, surface finish and

surface figure capabilities, mechanical strength, and

microwave reflectivity. The results of Phase I will

provide a basis for fabricating a full-scale MIRO

prototype during Phase II.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The lightweight and low-cost nature of RBO SiC

and CFRC SiC make it very desirable for a number

of airborne and space-based sensor applications of

interest to NASA, DoD, and commercial aerospace

primes. SSG has been successful in transitioning

SiC materials to Phase III applications which

require visible quality optical performance

(DS1/MICAS, EO1/Landimager), the proposed

SBIR will extend the use of these materials to a

whole new set of applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Joseph Robichaud

SSG, Inc.

65 Jonspin Road

Wilmington , MA 01887

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Alan H. McEacharn

SSG, Inc.

65 Jonspin Road

Wilmington , MA 01887

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Low-cost pulse tube oxygen liquefier

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Mesoscopic Devices proposes to develop a

low-cost, highly compact and efficient oxygen

liquefier using a pulse tube cryocooler. This

liquefier will be more compact and will have lower

input power than conventional designs due to its use

of a unique inertance tube geometry, a highly

efficient moving-magnet linear compressor and an

innovative and highly effective oxygen condenser

geometry that allows the oxygen to exit very close

to the cold tip temperature. We expect these

innovations to lead to a reduction in required input

power of more than 20% over state-of-the-art

double-inlet pulse tube designs. The core

technology for the pulse tube liquefier is highly

scaleable and can be adapted to machines with

cooling powers from a few watts to several hundred

watts. Our proposed design is an extension of

existing technology originally developed for

terrestrial telecommunications applications, and so

is both low-cost and extremely reliable. In Phase I,

Mesoscopic Devices will demonstrate through a

combination of analysis, design and prototype

fabrication the potential of the pulse tube


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The low-cost oxygen liquefier will find applications

in both DoD and commercial markets. Oxygen

liquefiers are used in mobile field hospitals by both

the military and by agencies such as the Red Cross.

Aircraft crews can use oxygen generation systems,

avoiding accidents associated with filling LOX

tanks. Our primary commercial market will be for

oxygen liqefiers for use in the home medical

market. Over 200,000 home medical oxygen

delivery systems are installed every year. Our

technology will increase mobility and quality of life

for these people. The basic advances in pulse tube

cryocooler technology developed in this project will

also find use in superconducting circuits,

telecommunications, and medical applications


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Jerry L. Martin

Mesoscopic Devices, LLC

16568 W. Ellsworth Dr.

Golden , CO 80401

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Jerry L. Martin

Mesoscopic Devices, LLC

16568 W. Ellsworth Dr.

Golden , CO 80401

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

High Efficiency 10K Pulse Tube Cooler

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The pulse tube cooler (PTC) has become the cooler

of choice for space missions for its inherent

reliability and low vibration. To advance this

technology Atlas Scientific proposes to improve its

efficiency and cooling power employing innovative

high heat capacity materials in the regenerator. We

propose to employ a newly developed material for

which the heat capacity exceeds that of all other

known materials in the temperature regime from

20K up to 85K. This feature will enhance both the

cooler's low temperature cooling capacity and lower

its no-load temperature. We propose to build a

single stage cooler in Phase I as proof of concept.

In Phase II a two stage cooler will be built achieving

high cooling power at the target temperature of

10K, the temperature required to liquefy hydrogen.

The superior properties of the materials employed

in the proposed cooler will enable sizable

improvements in the efficiency and cooling power of

the PTC making it more suitable for space

missions. The proposed advancement is particularly

relevant for costly missions such as sample return

from Mars. Commercially, the PTC is likely to

replace the widely used but less efficient G-M

coolers in such applications as MRI, cryopumps

and superconductors.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed pulse tube cooler can be employed in

a wide variety of commercial applications. The

following lists potential applications for this cooler:

- Cryopumps for semiconductor manufacturing (T ~

10 - 20 K)

- Cryogenic catheters and cryosurgery

- Superconducting magnets for MRI systems

- Superconducting magnets in maglev trains

- SQUID magnetometers for heart and brain


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ben Helvensteijn

Atlas Scientific

713 San Conrado Terr. #1

Sunnyvale , CA 94086

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Ali Kashani

Atlas Scientific

713 San Conrado Terr. #1

Sunnyvale , CA 94086

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:




Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA is presently developing an Ultra Long

Duration Ballooning (ULDB) capability. This will

provide low cost, satellite like flight opportunities

for durations of up to 100 days. Innovative

technologies will be required to realize this new

capability. GSSL proposes an Integrated Cryogenic

Helium System (ICHS) for both extending flight

duration and augmenting on-board instrument

cooling. The ICHS consists of a combination liquid

helium and high pressure storage system, balloon

envelope interfaces, and an integrated control

system linked to the balloon control system and

on-board coolers. Major ICHS components are

bundled into a single unit that can be safely

jettisoned. Additionally, the lift surge capability

provided by the ICHS will allow trajectory

modification through altitude change. Flying

multiple orbits of the earth will create significant

political, logistical, and safety issues. Trajectory

modification will be critical for avoiding undesirable

flight paths and allowing successful recoveries. The

Phase I program will define strawman ULDB

payload requirements, identify ICHS hardware

requirements, and provide detailed design

specifications. Phase I results will provide the

necessary basis for the detailed design and

fabrication of a prototype ICHS in Phase II. The

interim Phase I results will be significant to NASA's

continuing ULDB development.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Scientific ballooning is a small niche market that is

dominated by NASA's balloon program. The

Integrated Cryogenic Helium System is designed to

be a powerful tool in both vehicle design and

mission planning. NASA has immediate need for

such a system, especially in the current ULDB

development program. Concurrently, GSSL is

developing a small commercial superpressure

program using its WindStar technology that will

also benefit from having an ICHS. The modular

design and flexible control system allows the ICHS

system to be applied to a wide range of balloon

sizes and mission requirements. While the ICHS is

specifically designed for extended duration balloon

flights, the basic technology has applications to any

system that requires intermittent cooling boosts.

These might include solar telescopes, laser based

instrumentation, or motor drive systems. Any

cryogen could be used, including liquid helium,

nitrogen, or others. The modular design approach of

the ICHS along with its LabVIEW interface brings

a high level of flexibility to any application, allowing

easy customization and modifica-tions for any

specific mission or instrument.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Tim Lachenmeier

GSSL, Inc.

284 NE Tralee Court

Hillsboro , OR 97124-1592

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Tim Lachenmeier

GSSL, Inc.

284 NE Tralee Court

Hillsboro , OR 97124-1592

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A Lightweight, Low Cost, Long

Lifetime Cryostat and Magnetic


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to build a lightweight, low cost, long

lifetime cryostat and magnetic refrigerator for

cooling detectors to 0.1 K. The passively cooled

cryostat will be compact, highly reliable and will

have a lifetime greater than 100 days. The passive

cooling bypasses the use of active cryocoolers and

their associated vibration, reliability, and power

dissipation problems. The magnetic refrigerator will

have lower power consumption (0.2 W nominal), and

it will be remotely recyclable. This system makes

use of several innovative design features that

include: a two stage adiabatic demagnetization

refrigerator (ADR) that operates from a 4 K liquid

helium stage rather than a 1.5 K pumped helium

stage, a 17 K solid neon (SNe) reservoir that is

used as the secondary coolant, and very efficient

heat exchangers and two vapor cooled shields. In

Phase I we will build a prototype LHe-SNe ADR

that has a lifetime of at least 10 days, and in Phase

II we will build a LHe-SNe ADR with a lifetime of

at least 100 days that can be used in NASA's 100

Day Ultra Long Duration Balloon program. These

unique design features are readily transferable to

cryostats used in more conventional applications.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A long lifetime cryostat and magnetic refrigerator

can be used for cooling bolometers made from

superconducting tunnel junctions and transition

edge sensor microcalorimeters, for detecting

electromagnetic radiation in the millimeter, far IR

and X-ray regions. In addition to their usefulness in

astrophysical measurements, they can also be used

in conjunction with scanning electron microscopes

for precision surface characterization for

microanalysis of systems used in the semiconductor

industry. They can also be used as particle

detectors and combined with mass spectrometers

for applications in heavy molecule mass

spectroscopy for studying biological samples and

DNA sequencing. A low loss, vibration free

cryogenic cooling system would be a welcome

addition to these and other related applications,

especially if it also offers long uninterrupted

operation that would only require servicing three

times a year.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Munir N. Jirmanus

Janis Research Company, Inc.

2 Jewel Drive - P.O. Box 696

Wilmington , MA 01887-0696

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Thomas G. Pasakarnis

Janis Research Company, Inc.

2 Jewel Drive - P.O. Box 696

Wilmington , MA 01887-0696

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972139

Proposal Number: 23.05-1100

Project Title: Microhotplate Based, Palladium-Coated Metal-Hydride Thin Film Hydrogen Sensor arrays

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA currently has an urgent need for miniature, robust chemical sensors for in situ analysis. These sensors must be small in size, have low power consumption, be resistant to contamination, require infrequent calibration, have a large dynamic range, and be able to withstand the high stress environments required by NASA. We propose to use micro-machined structures known as micro-hotplates coupled with newly developed palladium-coated metal-hydride thin films to make hydrogen specific gas sensors. Palladium-coated metal-hydride films have only recently been fabricated and have not yet been used as the active layer on micro-hotplate structures. The have, however, demonstrated a remarkable degree of selectivity for the detection of hydrogen on bulk substrates. The micro-hotplate structure offers the unique advantages of rapid, precise temperature control and the potential for array fabrication. These sensors will have an active element size of ~100 mm and predicted power consumption of less than 60 mW. In phase I, Pd coated thin films of yttrium, and yttrium doped with magnesium, be deposited on micro-hotplate structures and their sensitivity to hydrogen will be tested. In the Phase II program, the sensing films will be optimized with respect to sensitivity, selectivity, and manufacturability, and robust calibrated testing algorithms developed.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The sensor market worldwide is estimated at $8 billion with a 7% annual growth rate. These sensors will enjoy a significant, unfilled market niche. In addition to addressing safety concerns in space and military applications, these sensors will also find use in the broad $ 200 million market of merchant hydrogen.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Frank DiMeo

Advanced Technology Materials, Inc.

7 Commerce Drive

Danbury , CT 06810

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Daniel P. Sharkey

Advanced Technology Materials, Inc.

7 Commerce Drive

Danbury , CT 06810

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972147

Proposal Number: 23.05-9903

Project Title: Microminiature Wireless Instrumentation System (MicroWIS)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA seeks advanced sensor systems to improve the effectiveness of structural and environmental testing by simplifying and minimizing sensor installation costs while improving the quality of measurements. The system proposed herein fulfills this requirement because of its small size and ability to be installed virtually anywhere with no support costs such as wiring for data or power. This integrated communications network, termed the "Microminiature Wireless Instrumentation System," (MicroWIS) can support spatially displaced sensory locations and accumulate the data into analysis centers where computers and/or human experts can use the data to analyze or manage complex processes. The MicroWIS system would be interfaced with and controlled by a wireless network currently under development by Invocon for the ISS. Data and command flow would be handled automatically by the wireless network of relaying nodes, making the system appear to the user as if the sensors are functionally "hard-wired" as with current systems. MicroWIS will be developed as a modular system, enabling easy customization to meet a wide variety of distributed data acquisition requirements. Initially, primary batteries or solar power will satisfy the power requirements with future development phases exploring other options. Flexible, low-power analog signal conditioning and acquisition electronics will be integrated with the transceiver and power systems to form a complete data acquisition system in a 5 cubic centimeter package.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Communications technology would be applied to Condition Based Monitoring systems for structure, machinery, systems, and geophysical applications. Further, the technique will be used in data acquisition systems where data points are distributed in space and not easily supplied with wired signal paths or prime power.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Kevin Champaigne


9001 I-45 South, STE 530

Conroe , TX 77385

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Mary Pate


9001 I-45 South, STE 530

Conroe , TX 77385

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Penning Ionization Electron

Spectroscopy for Gas Chromatography

and Trace Analysis

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A new analytical technique is proposed which will

provide direct molecular identification of gas

mixture components. The method is based on a

fundamental physical property of atoms and

molecules, the ionization potential, and relies on the

measurement of the energy of electrons liberated

by Penning Ionization in a gas discharge. Penning

Ionization is the same process used in MID

detectors and the advanced Helium IMS developed

by PCP Inc. and Ames Research Center. However,

the proposed approach rather than simply counting

the number of ions or electrons produced by

Penning Ionization, will measure the energy of the

electrons produced. Since the ionization energy is

specific to each molecular species, the resultant

data can be used to directly identify each

component. No optics or ultrahigh vacuum are

required. The technical simplicity of this method of

this method and its capability to directly identify

most known species with high sensitivity make it an

ideal candidate for analytical flight instrumentation.

The principal result of the proposed effort will be

the development of a compact, robust and simple

analytical device suitable for application as an

advanced detector for Gas Chromatography and as

a portable stand-alone analyzer.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed GC detector will be especially

suitable for High-Speed Gas Chromatography.

These methods require detectors capable of fast

responses, and the reading time of one millisecond

achievable by the proposed detector can be helpful

in this application.

As a portable stand alone gas analyzer the

proposed detector will be suitable and particularly

attractive for a wide range of applications for:

industrial, forensic, military, security, research,

environmental and educational needs. Some

specific applications include: monitoring of the

environment for pure industrial processes, such as

microprocessor manufacturing or plasma

processing; forensics field applications in general

and police work in particular;. landmine detection

and airport security; hazardous waste treatment

and others.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Valery Sheverev

Glimmerglass Science and Technology Corporation

1001 Broad Street, Suite 407

Utica , NY 13501

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Anthony Sullivan

Glimmerglass Science and Technology Corporation

1001 Broad Street, Suite 407

Utica , NY 13501

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Compact, Low Cost Gas Sensor for

Space Exploration

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

CoreTek, Inc., proposes to develop a highly

compact, innovative gas sensing spectrometer. The

two key innovations in this proposal are: (i)

integrtion of an agile, widely tunable Fabry-Perot

interference filter (500um x 500um x

300um)necessary for wavelength selectivity with (ii)

a proprietary, lightweight, fiber-based wavelength

meter. Due to the compactness of the filter and the

wavelength meter, the proposed spectrometer will

meet the stringent size, weight and power

requirements for NASA's space exploration

programs. Due to the wide (100 nm) and swift (10

nm/usec) tuning capability of the MEM tunable

filter, this spectrometer will be capable of sensing

multiple species of gases rapidly. To demonstrate

feasibility in PhaseI, we propose to devise this

spectrometer for sensing CO2 by performing an IR

absorption spectroscopy.

In PhaseII, we propose to develop a fully packaged,

compact multiple-gas sensor which comprises

tunable, broadband super-luminescent light emitting

diode (SLED) and the fiber-based wavelength

meter. This will provide an additional advantage

towards integrting both the broadband source and

the spectrometer.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed program is designed to develop

breakthrough products for unfulfilled market needs

for integrated, compact tunable filter and laser for

environmental monitoring of gasses, aerosol

characteristics, non-intrusive blood oxygen and

sugar level detectition, optical read/write heads in

CDs and wavelength selection and monitoring for

wavelength division multiplexing applications.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Manoj Kanskar

CoreTek, Inc.

25 B St

Burlington , MA 01803-3406

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Parviz Tayebati

CoreTek, Inc.

25 B St

Burlington , MA 01803-3406

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Compact Detector for Exobiologically

Important Polycyclic Aromatic


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Los Gatos Research proposes to develop a

compact innovative technology to make

ultra-sensitive absorption measurements over the

visible and near infrared spectral region. In this

effort we will

i) develop a broad band cavity ringdown visible

absorption spectrometer and ii) apply this

technology to the detection and characterization of

cooled low molecular weight Polycyclic Aromatic

Hydrocarbons (PAH). The broad band source

combined with the

technology of the visible cavity ring down analysis

will create a powerful spectroscopic technique that

has potential for miniaturization and stand alone

operation. Further, the detection and

characterization of PAH's has two important returns

for NASA.

These are 1) the identification of the carriers

responsible for the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs)

and ii)development of compact stand alone

instrumentation for exobiology studies.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This proposal will develop compact new

instrumentation for the stand alone and flight

capable analysis of species of interest in

environmental analysis. The instrumentation will be

compact and simple enough to make it useful as a

hands-off dedicated spec

tral analysis tool. This application will be important

in materials purity analysis and low cost laboratory


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Anthony O'Keefe

Dr. Anthony O'Keefe

1685 Plymouth Street, Suite 100

Mountain View , CA 94043

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Anthony O'Keefe

Los Gatos Research

1685 Plymouth Street, Suite 100

Mountain View , CA 94043

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972218

Proposal Number: 24.01-1320

Project Title: Tool Factory for Spacecraft System Components

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The long-range goal of this proposed effort is to overcome barriers to building and deploying spacecraft real-time embedded systems from verified, reusable software components. The promise of component-based applications is to enable developers to "snap together" new applications by mixing and matching prefabricated software components. However, the lack of a standard real-time distributed object operating system, lack of a standard Computer-Aided Software Environment (CASE) tool notation and lack of a standard CASE tool repository has limited the realization of component software.

Our approach to fulfilling this need is the Tool Factory. The Tool Factory takes advantage of emerging standards such as UML, CORBA, Java and the Internet. This work will build on the recently available CORBA real-time operating system services. Additionally, Unified Modeling Language (UML) is fast becoming the industry standard for object-oriented analysis and design notation for object-based systems. The key technical innovation of the Tool Factory is the ability to assemble and test new system configurations as well as assemble new tools on demand from existing tools and architecture design repositories.. Once the Tool Factory is in-place, spacecraft mission specific systems can be assembled from tools, system components and design architecture repositories located anywhere on the Internet.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Reusable tool and system components will result in significant reductions in the lifecycle cost of distributed embedded real-time systems. Application market niches include communication network management, patient bed-side monitoring and management, weapons system command and control, unmanned vehicle control, and on-board avionics systems

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Bruce Cottman

I-Kinetics, Inc.

17 New England Executive Park

Burlington , MA 01803

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


David Innis

I-Kinetics, Inc.

17 New England Executive Park

Burlington , MA 01803

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

An Onboard FDIR System for

Autonomous Spacecraft

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The goal of this work is to develop a real-time

diagnostic system that can meet the long-range

autonomy requirements of NASA spacecraft. In an

earlier effort with NASA-Ames and Boeing-North

American, we had developed and demonstrated

TEAMS-RT, a software tool for the diagnosis of

multiple faults in a system with up to 1000 sensors

and 1000 failure aspects in about 0.1 second. The

proposed effort will enhance TEAMS-RT by: (i)

developing an inference engine for real-time

monitoring in the presence of imperfect tests and

temporary failures; and (ii) adding the capability to

perform additional drill-down tests, results of which

will enable quick and accurate fault isolation. In

Phase II, we will add modules for prognostics,

feature extraction, sensor validation, and

reconfiguration to the core TEAMS-RT product.

The resultant diagnostic system will be efficient,

responsive and accurate, facilitating prompt

reconfigurations in the event of failures. The

proposed onboard diagnosis and prognosis solution

will reduce troubleshooting time in the ground

station, facilitate condition-based maintenance, and

reduce the likelihood of loss of mission due to

sudden failures. The resulting solution will be

integrated with the software monitoring and

troubleshooting solution, being proposed separately

(topic 24.03), to provide a comprehensive solution

for onboard Fault Detection, Isolation and

Reconfiguration (FDIR).

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed technology can be applied to several

applications that require automated monitoring and

diagnosis, including

1. Quality control and real-time monitoring of

manufacturing processes

2. Automotive diagnosis

3. Commercial aircraft diagnosis and prognosis

4. Patient health monitoring in Emergency Rooms

and Intensive Care Units

5. Monitoring of hardware and software systems in

safety critical systems, such as the various Wind

Tunnel systems at NASA.

6. Performance monitoring of computer

communication networks.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Somnath Deb

Qualtech Systems, Inc.

66 Davis Road

Storrs , CT 06268

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Krishna R. Pattipati

Qualtech Systems, Inc.

66 Davis Road

Storrs , CT 06268

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A Distributed Environment for Onboard

Planning and Scheduling

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Spacecraft autonomy has the potential for effecting

significant cost reductions in mission operation by

eliminating the need for dedicated ground staff. In

an autonomous operating mode, operators will

communicate only high-level goals and deadlines

directly to the spacecraft. The spacecraft will then

perform its own planning and scheduling,

decomposing the schedules into a set of primitive

actions by optimizing onboard resources, and then

execute autonomously. In this proposal, we present

a distributed approach to address this problem,

where a set of agents representing onboard

subsystems communicate and cooperate to achieve

goals. This kind of distributed planning and

scheduling emphasizes a decentralized organization,

where plans are generated and executed

co-operatively and concurrently by the subsystem

agents, taking into account system flight rules and

resource constraints. We address specifically the

resource optimization problem by its explicit

representation within the problem domain. The

reasoning performed by an agent will be based on a

constraint propagation paradigm, using hierarchical

knowledge structures popular in the AI planning

community. We are specifically targeting our effort

to enhance the existing planning and scheduling

capability of JPL's New Millennium Remote Agent

(NMRA) architecture.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

There are potential commercial applications for

three important aspects of the technology in the

proposed distributed environment: 1) intelligent

agents and multi-agent systems; 2) planning and

scheduling; and 3) resource optimizations.

Intelligent agent technology is directly applicable to

commercial satellite systems, telecommunications

satellites and remote sensing space systems.

Applications of multi-agent technology exist in

airport control towers, electronic stock exchanges,

and transportation systems. Planning, scheduling

and resource optimization technology is directly

applicable to transportation and inventory control.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Subrata K. Das

Charles River Analytics

55 Wheeler Street

Cambridge , MA 02138-1125

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Greg L. Zacharias

Charles River Analytics

55 Wheeler Street

Cambridge , MA 02138-1125

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971629

Proposal Number: 24.03-0688

Project Title: Ultra-high capacity optical memory device

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to develop a novel holographic volume memory that has ultra high data storage capacity and throughput (in excess of 1012 bits storage and 1 bit/second transfer). The proposed method is based on the revolutionary concept of Speckle Wave Multiplexing. The device has a compact architecture similar to conventional optical CD ROMs. We employ a spatially-encoded reference wave that permits recall of stored information by spatially-shifting the mutual position of the encoded reconstruction beam and the storage medium. Entire data pages (in excess of 1 Mbit) can be recalled in parallel. Phase I research will extend existing analytic models of the spatially-multiplexed 3D holographic memory to optimize system design, perform experimental tests to validate the model, demonstrate operation of a scaled memory device and estimate performance of a full scale system. The fully developed system will significantly extend the archival and retrieval data capacity of NASA in terrestrial and spaced based information systems.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed holographic volume memory has tremendous commercial potential in virtually every type of computer system for both the federal government and the private sector. In addition, the proposed system is particularly useful for security applications such as banking or proprietary data transfer where access to information needs to be restricted.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

James Millerd

MetroLaser Inc.

18010 Skypark Circle Suite 100

Irvine , CA 92614-6428

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James Trolinger

MetroLaser Inc.

18010 Skypark Circle Suite 100

Irvine , CA 92614-6428

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972268

Proposal Number: 24.02-3223

Project Title: 3D Flood Hazard Effects Visualization using NASA Regional Validation Center Earth Science Image Data

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Given multiple sources of image and non-image data, e.g. digital terrain elevation data, USGS topographic maps, and satellite images provided by NASA regional validation centers (RVCs), LNK proposes to research the feasibility of dynamic real time simulation and visualization that utilizes these data sources and products. Research objectives include the reconstruction of a sample flood plain using GIS and 3D modeling tools, examination of wavelet algorithms to represent dynamic changes to the terrain surface, evaluation of DoD modeling and simulation systems and standards for applicability to flood hazard modeling, and the evaluation of emergency management planning, hazard warning, response, and mitigation processes to determine the suitability of advanced distributed simulation technologies to support these efforts. LNK has acquired the services of Urban Regional Research, a leading firm in the area of hazard mitigation and urban planning to assist it in evaluating issues specific to the problem domain.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

This research will facilitate the development of commercially available simulation and data visualization tools which:

1. Enhance response capabilities to natural disasters and

2. Improve capabilities to mitigate the effects of natural disasters and reduce losses from such events.

In order to maximize response capabilities and minimize losses, simulation and data visualization tools must facilitate rapid decision making in the field, in real time. Simulating interactive effects and hazards will augment existing loss reduction tools. By establishing data links to the RVC infrastructure, it will be possible to develop interfaces to live satellite data feeds that provide earth science data based on real world conditions. No currently available commercial system is now capable of this functionality.

In addition to using its subcontractor, Urban Regional Research, as an advisor on potential clients and customers, LNK has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Maryland Baltimore County, to share data and products pertaining to RVC. LNK has also examined 18 private sector firms which provide products and services in the areas of remote sensing, geographic information systems, 3D terrain modeling, computer image generation, simulation technology, and image processing, for the purpose of establishing strategic partnerships and joint marketing goals.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

William Riggs

LNK Corporation, Incorporated

6811 Kenilworth Avenue, Suite 306

Riverdale , MD 20737

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Laveen N. Kanal

LNK Corporation, Incorporated

6811 Kenilworth Avenue, Suite 306

Riverdale , MD 20737

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971629

Proposal Number: 24.03-0688

Project Title: Ultra-high capacity optical memory device

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to develop a novel holographic volume memory that has ultra high data storage capacity and throughput (in excess of 1012 bits storage and 1 Gbit/second transfer). The proposed method is based on the revolutionary concept of Speckle Wave Multiplexing. The device has a compact architecture similar to conventional optical CD ROMs. We employ a spatially-encoded reference wave that permits recall of stored information by spatially-shifting the mutual position of the encoded reconstruction beam and the storage medium. Entire data pages (in excess of 1 Mbit) can be recalled in parallel. Phase I research will extend existing analytic models of the spatially-multiplexed 3D holographic memory to optimize system design, perform experimental tests to validate the model, demonstrate operation of a scaled memory device and estimate performance of a full scale system. The fully developed system will significantly extend the archival and retrieval data capacity of NASA in terrestrial and spaced based information systems.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed holographic volume memory has tremendous commercial potential in virtually every type of computer system for both the federal government and the private sector. In addition, the proposed system is particularly useful for security applications such as banking or proprietary data transfer where access to information needs to be restricted.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

James Millerd

MetroLaser Inc.

18010 Skypark Circle Suite 100

Irvine , CA 92614-6428

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James Trolinger

MetroLaser Inc.

18010 Skypark Circle Suite 100

Irvine , CA 92614-6428

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A Systematic Integrated Diagnostic

Approach to Software Testing

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The goal of this work is to leverage QSI's vast

experience and mature software toolset in

Integrated Diagnostics to assist software engineers

in writing quality software with fewer undetectable

defects, an optimized strategy for detection and

isolation of defects, and run-time support for fault

detection, isolation and possible reconfiguration of

safety critical fault-tolerant software. In particular,

such a solution will let a software engineer: a)

assess the testability of software, and suggest

placement of new tests or assertions to improve

coverage and defect isolation; b)identify effective

test sets to execute for achieving appropriate

coverage, while reducing redundancies in tests ;

c)provide optimized troubleshooting procedures to

isolate the faulty code segment or routine in the

event of faulty behavior; and d)provide a run-time

software monitoring and diagnosis capability with

minimal impact on performance by identifying a

minimal set of tests that need to be monitored to

assure software integrity. Our approach is not

aimed at replacing the current test-centric approach

to software testing - it will help design better, more

testable, software with statistically quantifiable

quality, by identifying where to put tests and how to

use them to maximize their benefits.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The technology developed here can be applied to

mission and safety critical systems that employ a

mix of hardware and software to perform their

functions. Such systems include:

1. Spacecrafts and satellites

2. Quality control and real-time monitoring of

manufacturing processes

3. Aircraft diagnosis and prognosis

4. Patient health monitoring in Emergency Rooms

and Intensive Care Units

5. Monitoring of hardware and software systems in

safety critical systems, such as the various Wind

Tunnel Systems at NASA, and major power plants.

6. Tele-diagnostics and help desks. Smart agents

for remote maintenance and monitoring.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Somnath Deb

Qualtech Systens,Inc.

66 Davis Road

Storrs , CT 06268

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Krishna R. Pattipati

Qualtech Systems, Inc.

66 Davis Road

Storrs , CT 06268

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972331

Proposal Number: 24.03-2191

Project Title: FLC-VLSI Spatial Light Modulators for Optical Memory Read/Write Heads

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

To handle growing needs for storing and accessing extremely large volumes of data such as generated by NASA missions, new high-capacity, high-speed, compact memory technologies are needed. Several companies and research laboratories are developing optical holographic memories that could solve this problem. However, viable systems need specialized, high-speed, electro-optic I/O devices such as spatial light modulators (SLMs). Optical write heads must contain a large number of pixels, must be capable of high-data rates, and must have optical characteristics unique to this application. Efficient recording requires a fixed random phase pattern to be impressed on the data. No existing SLMs have this capability. Displaytech builds SLMs using ferroelectric liquid crystals (FLCs) with speeds up to 10,000 frames/s. We have built 1,280�1,024 pixel SLMs capable of over 2,000 frames/s at data rates exceeding 2.6 Gbit/s. The innovation we propose is to combine two state-of-the-art photonics technologies, FLC SLMs and micro-optics, to build high-speed write heads with integrated random phase masks. We will collaborate with a leader in holographic memory development, Optitek, who will test these devices. We will also collaborate in exploring system architectures that are made possible by the use a advanced SLM and smart-pixel SLM technology for read and write.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed spatial light modulator (SLM) is targeted specifically at the emerging, commercial holographic storage industry. In order for these systems to attain the highest possible performance, smallest size, and lowest cost, they need key components such as electro-optic read/write heads which do not now exist. Aside from the obvious uses that NASA has for fast, high-density data storage, the commercial potential of the SLM can be estimated by looking at markets for current mass storage devices such as magnetic media, CDs, and DVD. Every holographic memory system sold will need one or more optical write, or optical read/write heads. The proposed SLM should also be useful for other types of optical and holographic recording, and for optical encryption of two-dimensional data sets.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Mike O'Callaghan

Displaytech, Inc

2602 Clover Basin Drive

Longmont , CO 80503-7603

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Mark Handschy

Displaytech, Inc.

2602 Clover Basin Drive

Longmont , CO 80503-7603

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971815

Proposal Number: 24.03-3088

Project Title: Liquid Crystal Volumetric Three Dimensional Display

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

State-of-the-art 3-D displays have various drawbacks, including the need for the user to wear headgear or glasses, conflicting depth cues in stereo 3-D, requirement for a supercomputer, need for mechanical movement, bulkiness of the system, and limited resolution and bandwidth (in holographic projection, moving screen, and vibrating mirror displays). Physical Optics Corporation proposes to develop a novel solid state liquid crystal volumetric display technology based on three unique electro-optic components: a high-speed VLSI backplane ferroelectric liquid crystal display chip; an electrically tunable variable focal plane liquid crystal micro-lens array; new switchable liquid crystal volume holographic diffusers, controlled by a personal computer. Combining these technologies will make possible a high-speed, large field-of-view, high resolution color multiplanar image projection system without moving parts. The proposed display will be even more commercially attractive because it can be manufactured using low-cost materials and mature fabrication techniques. In Phase I, a laboratory prototype system will be designed and its performance analyzed, and the concept will be characterized by means of experimental demonstrations.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

NASA applications envisioned include computer generated 3-D displays for spacecraft design, mission simulation, telerobotic remote exploration of planets, and navigation of unknown terrain. Commercial applications will include entertainment (including video games), medical imaging, CAD/CAM, surveillance photogrammetry, training and simulation, air traffic control, navigation, and

shipboard displays.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mingjun Zhao, Ph.D.

Physical Optics Corporation

20600 Gramercy Place, Building 100

Torrance , CA 90501-1821

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Gordon Drew

Physical Optics Corporation, E&P Division

20600 Gramercy Place, Building 100

Torrance , CA 90501-1821

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron 971612

Proposal Number 97-1 24.03-4646

Project Title Intelligent Information Acquisition For Aeronautic Measurement and Diagnostics

Technical Abstract

NASA seeks technologies to revolutionize missions in the next century. Accurate Automation

Corporation proposes to fly an enhanced neural network data compression/translated Global

Positioning System (GPS) range system (ENN/TGRS) on the fourth Hyper-X vehicle, scheduled

for launch at Mach 10 in 2001. For this effort, we will develop a prototype of a data

compression neural network; test the neural network on LoFLYTE(TM) (a Mach 5 waverider

shape operated under license to NASA and the Air Force) or one of our other flight test

vehicles; and develop the plan for integration of the ENN/TGRS capability into the fourth

Hyper-X vehicle. This will include analysis of the sensor, instrumentation, and vehicle

modifications necessary to acquire and telemeter interferometric data of the scramjet in

flight conditions. In Phase II we will test the ENN/TGRS system on the LoFLYTE(TM) vehicle,

incorporate it into Hyper-X, and provide the world with the first real-time video

transmission and interferometric data from an operating hypersonic vehicle. Such coupling

of sensor and GPS data will be invaluable, not only for the Hyper-X, but also for future

experimental vehicle research at high Mach, including the X-33 and X-34 programs.

Potential Commercial Applications

In addition to supporting research on other hypersonic vehicles, such as HyFLYTE, the

commercial applications could be directly applicable to safety of flight issues in the

national airspace. In the event of an emergency, an aircraft equipped with an ENN/TGRS

could instantaneously telemeter all pertinent information from the flight data recorder

(FDR) and cockpit voice recorder (CVR). This would provide extensive information on the

state of the aircraft during emergency procedures, aiding either real-time analysis of the

situation or subsequent analysis by investigators.

Name and Address of Offeror

Firm: Accurate Automation Corporation

Name: Robert M. Pap

Street: 7001 Shallowford Rd.

City: Chattanooga

ST: TN ZIP: 37421

Name and Address Of Principal Investigator

Firm: Accurate Automation Corp

Name: Barry Schrimsher

Street: 7001 Shallowford Rd.

City: Chattanooga

ST: TN ZIP: 37421

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

An Artificial Intelligence/Fault

Injection-based Approach to Software


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This proposal investigates tools for assessing

increasing the safety

and failure tolerance of safety-critical software. We

propose a

methodology that will allow developers and

certification officials to

assess the safety of software by using simulated

program state

corruptions that are injected into executing

programs. Our approach

uses fault injection techniques to observe whether

program state

corruptions can cause unsafe behavior. These

observations are then

classified using artificial intelligence techniques and


classifications form the basis for advanced software


mechanisms. Hence this technology is able to

derive, build, and embed

recovery mechanisms into safety-critical software

after it is known

that the software suffers from inadequate failure


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Potential commercial applications include avionics,

medical, nuclear,

electric power, financial institutions, e-commerce,


telecommunications, and even shrink-wrap software


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Jeffrey Voas

Reliable Software Technologies

21515 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 250

Sterling , VA 20165

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Jeffery Payne

Reliable Software Technologies

21515 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 250

Sterling , VA 20165

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

3 DOF Roll-Bend-Roll Epicyclic

Anthropomorphic Wrist

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA is committed to developing anthropomorphic

robots and devices to perform remote tasks in

space. Development of sophisticated mechanisms

such as multi-degree of freedom (DOF) hands and

end effectors with numerous wires and possibly

remote motors create demanding constraints on

other system components. Directly addressing this

need, MAR is proposing the development of a 3

DOF anthropomorphic roll-bend-roll wrist that

utilizes an epicyclic power transmission to provide

efficient packaging and a large internal passage

through the center of rotation for routing of wires

and drive cables. This innovative transmission

combines zero backlash planetary gearing and a

triple input differential with a triple load path cable

driven output stage that generates minimal radial

bearing loads and no thrust loads. In-line motors

and drive components produce anthropomorphic

kinematics with all 3 axes intersecting at the center

of the wrist. Joint motion is coupled and all 3 motors

contribute to the output of each axis, producing

wrist capacity up to 3 times that of traditional

designs. Phase I will develop the conceptual design

and perform detailed analysis and prototyping of

key innovative technologies. Phase II continues

R&D efforts producing and testing the 3 DOF


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Commercial applications include telerobotics,

industrial automation, prosthetics, surgical

manipulators, and camera positioning. Significant

features of the technology such as; zero-backlash,

minimal bearing loads, and an unobstructed central

wire passage provide marketing advantages for

epicyclic mechanisms in numerous markets. Three

specific commercial products targeted by MAR are

discussed in Part 10.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Joseph C. Matteo

Matteo Automation & Robotics Company

721 Summit Lake Court

Knoxville , TN 37922

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Debbie M. Matteo

Matteo Automation & Robotics Company

721 Summit Lake Court

Knoxville , TN 37922

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972004

Proposal Number: 25.01-4220

Project Title: Rock Driller

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Solid and annular probes have been used successfully for the disintergration of kidney stones percantainously for many years. This medical technology can be applied to fracturing stones of rocks during planetary exploration. Since these ultrasonic probes generate more than enough energy to pulverize the various types of large kidney stones found in humans they have the same affect on common rocks found throughout the country. In fact, sandstones, shales, etc. are used for testing new designs as kidney stones for lab tests are often difficult to acquire. The ultrasonix systems can be re-designed to suit the space and energy constraints inherent in a planetary exploration vehicle. We will in effect, miniaturize all the hardware but still develop sufficient power to drill, or fracture rocks. We will store and build on the solar energy provided. Upon need, we will pulse through the transducer from the generator in a manner that will cause the probe to hammer into the rocks at approximately 20Khz. The probes can vary in length (approx. 1-20inches and .020-.187 inches) and diameter to meet the requirements. The generator/amplifier will be packaged in a 5x5x3 inch housing to provied a compact unit.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The reduction in size and weight will provide the basis for a new medical instrument that will be easier bor the urologist to use as it will be lightweight and less bulky. Additionally, the device could be adapted for drilling fine holes into bones and skulls for the insertion of fine wires and probes for various procedures. Since this technique removes material at a faster rate than drilling with a bit, it is less traumatic, and will not get stuck, or dull. The insertion of fine probes is certainly more desirable procedurally, as opposed to cutting open whole sections of the body to perform the same task.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Thomas M. Peterson


5368 Kuhl Rd.

Erie , PA 16510

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Thomas M. Peterson


5368 Kuhl Rd.

Erie , PA 16510

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971653

Proposal Number: 25.01-9217

Project Title: Miniaturized Manipulator Sensing System Using GMR Sensors

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Sensors using Giant Magnetoresistive Ratio (GMR) materials can offer improvements in size, power, and sensitivity for position and rate sensing in remotely controlled robotic operations in space. GMR materials integrated with on-chip electronics can be very small and light weight and very sensitive to magnetic fields, while operating on very low power. On-chip coils or miniature permanent magnets used in conjunction with GMR sensing materials can monitor magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, or eddy currents to indicate position (rate) of ferrous or non-ferrous metal manipulators. The intrinsic reliability of GMR sensors (as proven in automotive qualification testing) combined with low power consumption should provide long term surviv-ability in space applications. Using the extensive internal technology base developed for inte-grated GMR sensors, the Phase I Program will study the feasibility of one-, two-, and three-wire GMR sensors for robotic space sensing systems. User needs will be surveyed to determine me-chanical and electrical interface requirements. Preliminary systems designs and feasibility demonstrations will be completed for the most promising applications in Phase I, and working sys-tems will be designed fabricated, and delivered for Phase II.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Sensor systems of this type would be applied in many industrial and medical applications, as well as being generally applicable to commercial robotic systems. Automotive applications would include in-bearing sensorsfor ABS pplications, where NVE?s sensors have already passed fleet tests.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Carl H. Smith

Nonvolatile Electronics

11409 West Valley View Road

Eden Prairie , MN 55439

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James M. Daughton

Nonvolatile Electronics, Inc.

11409 West Valley View Road

Eden Prairie , MN 55344-3617

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972457

Proposal Number: 25.02-2191

Project Title: Compact, Highly Integrated Optical Correlators for High-Speed Image Processing

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words) NASA, industry, and DOD agencies require

high-speed image processing technologies for machine vision, autonomous vehicles, and searching large graphical databases (such as satellite images). Although electronic processors have made great strides in performance they are still inadequate for many demanding applications because they are either too slow, too large, too expense, or consume too much electrical power.

Due to advances in spatial light modulator (SLM) technology and electronic imaging, it is now becoming feasible to perform key, computationally intensive image processing operations using light instead of electronics. Using an optical correlator, speed improvements of two to four orders of magnitude can be achieved. A difficulty with optical correlators has been that they are typically large, fragile, and expensive. Displaytech's innovation is a very high-level of integration (and small size) in the construction of optical correlators achieved by combining liquid-crystal-on-VLSI SLMs and diffractive optics. The mechanical and manufacturing simplifications inherent in this approach should substantially reduce the cost of building these systems and improve their ruggedness.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A large fraction of the customers who buy our SLMs are buying them to build correlators. Commercial markets include fingerprint recognition, machine vision, automated QC inspection for manufacturing, graphical data base searching, and real time image processing for automated manufacturing processes. A significant barrier to the commercialization of optical correlator technology is their high manufacturing cost due to the use of separate components. This proposal presents a solution to this problem which should significantly reduce the cost of manufacturing correlators and make them no more difficult to use than any other computer peripheral. Instead of selling only individual SLMs to our customers, we could instead sell them complete electro-optic correlator modules which will be smaller and cheaper than what anyone could build using separate SLMs.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Mike O'Callaghan

Displaytech, Inc.

2602 Clover Basin Drive

Longmont , CO 80503-7603

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Mark Handschy

Displaytech, Inc.

2602 Clover Basin Drive

Longmont , CO 80503-7603

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972410

Proposal Number: 25.02-3400

Project Title: New Balloon Envelope Material Specification

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The innovation described in this proposal will permit the rapid assessment of new superpressure balloon materials for use as an envelope in the Martian atmosphere and/or in the Earth's stratosphere. The use of scrim reinforced thin films has been considered for many years and occasionally used with polyethylene films. However, the high modulus property, required for superpressure balloons to prevent unstable deformations and resulting altitude excursions, limits the choice of materials significantly. The requirement to "design to cost" for the delivery of a balloon to Mars further limits the choice of materials to those that possess known, reliable properties. Polyester film has been successfully bilaminated to form a composite structure with the necessary strength, weight, and permeability at low temperatures. Although, the scrim reinforcement adds weight, it gives the resulting composite material the tear strength that is absent in the base material. This Phase I research will demonstrate the effect of packing density on the gas loss properties of two layers of three micron polyester film bilaminated with light weight scrim reinforcement.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The development of a superpressure balloon material with an areal density of half that of the thinnest nylon film available would create the potential for a new type of free floating communication relay network. This new material will make it possible to fly higher than previously considered possible with lighter payloads. However, electronic miniaturization is proceeding at a fast pace and the envisioned network may be possible in the future with extremely light weight components. The stratospheric network will make possible global communication from a cellular telephone at a fraction of the cost today. One balloon could provide telecommunications capability for the entire island of New Guinea where the terrain would make conventional transmission systems cost prohibitive. The commercialization of the stratosphere is waiting for the successful emonstration of this innovation.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

James L. Rand

Winzen Engineering, Inc

12001 Network Blvd - Suite 200

San Antonio , TX 78249

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


James L. Rand

Winzen Engineering, Inc.

12001 Network Blvd - Suite 200

San Antonio , TX 78249

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Planetary Rover Navigation Using

Landmark Recognition

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose to develop an automatic landmark

recognition system for autonomous navigation of

planetary rovers. Navigation on other planets and

moons is complicated by variable quality terrain

maps and the lack of a Global Positioning System.

Supervised navigation using imagery from the

rover's cameras has been demonstrated with

Sojourner, but future NASA missions call for

completely autonomous navigation over many

kilometers. To support this goal, we will design an

image-based navigation system that provides

autonomy via automatic identification of landmarks.

We will compare the use of imagery from

conventional camera configurations with imagery

from very wide angle views (up to 360°) which can

capture many landmarks in one image, potentially

providing better localization precision and

reliability. Once a landmark has been recognized

and its position correlated with an internal map, that

landmark can be used as a reference point to fix

relative bearings; multiple bearings providing a

position fix. Many such fixes over time provide

optimal dynamic estimates of changing rover

position. Key innovations are the coding of

landmarks in highly compressed form, as feature

vectors, and the use of a state-of-the-art

hierarchical neural network feature classifier for

view-and-lighting invariant recognition of many

similar landmarks.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Future NASA missions will benefit from the

localization accuracy and reliability provided by our

landmark recognition method. Commercial

applications for robotic appliances using our

navigation system include automated food delivery

in hospitals, mail delivery and vacuuming

throughout office buildings.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Magnus S. Snorrason

Charles River Analytics

55 Wheeler Street

Cambridge , MA 02138-1125

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Greg L. Zacharias

Charles River Analytics

55 Wheeler Street

Cambridge , MA 02138-1125

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Real-Axis Programmable Spatial Light

Modulator for Compact and Rugged

Optical Correlators

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The success of optical correlators based on

programmable SLMs has led to the desire for

implementing the same functionality in a compact,

rugged package for use in space, military, and

industrial applications. Boulder Nonlinear Systems

(BNS) proposes to draw on its expertise in the

development of high-speed binary and multi-level

SLMs to develop a high-resolution, high-contrast,

light-efficient, multi-level SLM specifically for

integration into compact and rugged optical

correlators. The proposed device leverages a

$450,000 investment in a high-speed 512x512

multi-level SLM. This device lacks the required

optical contrast, light-efficiency, and small pixel

pitch required to build a compact, rugged optical

correlator. BNS proposes during Phase I to perform

advanced techniques for die-scale planarization of

the optical surface of our 512x512 multi-level

modulator; and liquid crystal alignments. The

combination of these should yield a high-contrast,

light-efficient, multi-level 512x512 SLM. During

Phase II, a new 512x512 SLM would be developed

utilizing these advances, as well as implementing a

smaller pixel pitch. The combination of the smaller

pixel pitch and the improved optical quality would

yield a near optimum SLM for compact, rugged

optical correlators. As the only current supplier of

high-speed analog SLMs, BNS is highly qualified to

complete such a program.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

BNS has built substantial business around our

SLMs because we have designed them exclusively

for optical processing applications. This focus of

design objectives has so far resulted in three

successful SLM products, the 128x128 binary

SLM, the 256x256 binary SLM, and the 128x128

multi-level SLM. Most of our customers select our

product because our primary competitors are only

interested in the high volume display market, and

hence their products do not meet all of the

specifications that are important to the optical

processing community. Since the introduction of our

128x128 multi-level SLM, we have received

numerous requests for a higher resolution,

high-speed, high-contrast, multi-level SLM such as

the 512x512 SLM that we are proposing. Potential

customers that have shown interest in this

development include those in optical correlation,

holographic storage, beam steering, 3-D display,

printing, and optical computing. These inquiries

have come from the space, military, commercial,

and academic communities in our country as well as

abroad. With the successful completion of the

proposed Phase I and II efforts, we will be in a

position to offer this 512x512 SLM as a product,

the likes of which cannot currently be found


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

kipp bauchert

Boulder Nonlinear Systems, Inc.

1898 South Flatiron Court

Boulder , CO 80301

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


roylnn serati

Boulder Nonlinear Systems, Inc.

1898 South Flatiron Court

Boulder , CO 80301

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Interactive User Interface for

Telerobot Control

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Standard robot programming languages require

users to explicitly specify trajectories for any task

to be performed by the robot. In applications where

the environment and task change, it is difficult to

develop hard-coded programs using existing

programming tools. If robots are to share in

space-related tasks and function as more than

teleoperated slave devices, entirely new types of

programming mechanisms and user interfaces must

evolve. In this project a Teach By Showing (TBS)

system will be developed that observes and learns

from the performance of the teleoperator,

producing a sensor-driven procedural program from

those actions. The operator can associate a subtask

name with the learned actions and later invoke that

subtask to perform some portion of his/her

workload autonomously. During Phase I, the

method will be demonstrated in a simulated docking

application. As more and more subtasks can be

performed autonomously, the effects of time delay

may be less significant, possibly permitting ground

personnel to assume more control of robot

operations. Since ground-based Shuttle and Space

Station component mock-ups exist for training and

contingency planning, an intriguing scenario would

be to teach selected manipulator tasks on the

ground and up-load the TBS-produced programs for

execution in space.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Immediate benefits can be realized at commercial

and military installations where robots are currently

used in unstructured environments. Examples

include: terrestrial construction; space and

underwater construction, maintenance, or

exploration; transport and handling of hazardous

materials; tasks in environments hazardous to

humans such as nuclear facilities, munitions

handling, and firefighting; and in automated


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Donald Myers

Intelligent Automation, Inc.

2 Research Place, Suite 202

Rockville , MD 20850

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Joseph E. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Intelligent Automation, Inc.

2 Research Place, Suite 202

Rockville , MD 20850

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972374

Proposal Number: 26.01-5540

Project Title: Narrowband Filters for Optical Space Communication Systems

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Accuwave will develop a complete line of narrow-band holographic Bragg grating (HBG) filters with bandwidths ranging from a few Angstroms to sub-picometers. The filters will cover wavelengths ranging from 300 nm to infrared. These filters will be distinguished by high throughput (>60%) and excellent out-of-band rejection properties. They will have considerably smaller dimensions, lower weight, and lower cost than other filters with comparable performance.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Free space optical communications systems for commercial satellite systems, terrestrial wireless links, LIDAR and remote sensing receivers. In addition, the filters can be used in instrumentation and astronomical research filters.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Boris Volodin

Accuwave Corp.

1651 19th St.

Santa Monica , CA 90404

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Rochelle Zawodny

Accuwave Corp.

1651 19th St.

Santa Monica , CA 90404

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Ka-Band MMIC for Spacecraft


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The transponder on-board spacecraft is made of a

receiver for up-link

command and a down-link for data transfer. For

small spacecraft used

for deep space exploration, the microwave

transceiver for those

functions must be small and rugged and consume

little DC power.

Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits (MMIC)

offer methods of

integrating functions of such transponders into a

few IC chips, and,

thus, increasing the performance capabilities of


While X-band MMICs for SHF down-links are

being developed, additional

MMIC capabilities are needed to enable

integration of EHF (Ka-band)

transmitters. This proposal addresses that need,

and describes

several optional approaches of implementing a

Ka-band transmitter by

adding a frequency multiplier, a converter, a

modulator, or

combinations of those to an existing SHF

transmitter. For all of the

proposed transmitter configurations, MMIC chips

may be designed using

conventional commercial gallium-arsenide MMIC

processes. Examples of

MMIC designs and expected performance

characteristics of various MMIC

chips are presented. The proposed program would

lead to definition of

the optimum approach, selection of MMIC

architecture, and feasibility

demonstration of MMIC performance. The ensuing

Phase 2 program will

be structured for MMIC design/fabrication and


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The outcome of the proposed program will lead to

introduction of

low-cost generic MMICs that may be used in

commercial (as well as

military) telecommunications equipment. Such

MMICs may be used in:

ground stations for 20/30 GHz satellite

communication systems, local

multi-point distribution systems (MDS), and 38

GHz point-to-point


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Paul Blount

Hittite Microwave Corporation

21 Cabot Road

Woburn , MA 01801

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


S. Francis Paik

Hittite Microwave Corporation

21 Cabot Road

Woburn , MA 01801

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

A Low-Power, Low-Cost electron gun

for Microwave Power Modules

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The microwave power module (MPM)is seen by

many as the most promising means to satisfy

exploding demand for transmitters in today's hot

communications market. But it must be compact,

efficient, reliable and --above all--cost effective. A

critical component is the vacuum tube power

booster, normally a traveling wave tube (TWT).

The TWT has resisted efforts to reduce it to

commodity status via mass producitns techniques

such as are used on its cousin, the CRT. Substantial

progress toward this goal could be realized with an

improved, standardized electron gun. This

component very largely determines the

performance, efficiency, life span, and cost of the


We propose a new electron gun design that utilizes

a low power, miniature dispenser cathode. This

electron gun will dissipate less than 1.5W of power

and will be of generic design so that it can--with

slight modification--be used at most frequencies and

powers in many different TWT's. Thus, it aids in the

process of standardization--a necessary step if low

cost MPM's are to be realized. It is also very

compact and can be built entirely on automatic

equipment. Parts are joined entirely through spot

welding or mechanical capture. This reduces the

cost to below $40. We propose a program of study

and development plus prototype construction.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The target market for this device, MPM's

(microwave power modules) have many commercial

applications: telephone transmission, mobile and

satellite communications, television, data links,

military systems, etc.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Bernard K. Vancil

FDE Associates

21070 SW Tile Flat Road

Beaverton , OR 97009-8739

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Karen W. Vancil

FDE Associates

21070 SW Tile Flat Road

Beaverton , OR 97007-8739

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Low loss Ferroelectric Films Grown on

Ferrite Substrates for Adaptive

Microwave Applications

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The rapid expansion in the use of microwave

communications has created a need for dramatically

improved microwave devices. In many applications

of microwave electronics, it is often necessary to

tune the electrical characteristics of a microwave

signal. Ferroelectrics and ferrites are the materials

of choices providing the electrical and magnetic

tunability for adaptive microwave devices,

respectively. The adaptability will be increased

significantly if a microwave device combines both

the electrical and magnetic tunability. NZ Applied

Technologies (NZAT) already demonstrated the

use of its propriety metalorganic chemical liquid

deposition process (MOCLD) to produce tunable

ferroelectric microwave filters. The process is

suitable for low-cost high-volume manufacturing.

NZAT proposes in this Phase I program to use its

MOCLD expertise to grow low loss ferroelectric

films on ferrite substrates and open the door

leading to a new generation of microwave devices

which have the electrial and magnetic dual-tuning


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Success in the Phase I effort will lead to the

commercial fabrication of a new generation of

tunable microwave devices. These advanced

systems will have great applications in space,

military, industrial, medical, and consumer sectors.

Such as tunable phase shifters, tunable filters, and

tunable beam scan antennas.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Hua Jiang

NZ Applied Technologies

8 A Gill Street

Woburn , MA 01801

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Jing Zhao

NZ Applied Technologies

8 A Gill Street

Woburn , MA 01801

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972159

Proposal Number: 26.02-4822

Project Title: Bandwidth- and Power-Efficient, High Rate Burst Modem

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Over the past six years, SiCOM has researched two related areas of communications systems. The first area was devoted to Gaussian Minimum Shift Keyed (GMSK) modulation, the rapidly emerging global standard modulation format. The second area was related to developing efficient burst demodulation. These efforts have yielded innovative concepts that provide significant advantages in both areas. An M-ary form of GMSK, Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI)-free modulation, referred to as MGMSK, which has constant envelope and can be used with trellis coding was developed on SiCOM internal R&D, and characterized under a prior Phase I SBIR contract. Additionally, a new method of coherent demodulation of burst signals was developed on a separate Phase I SBIR.

Objectives of this proposed Phase I effort will be to determine the feasibility of combining MGMSK with the improved coherent burst demodulation method. This contract would determine the system sensitivities to implementation egradations, define a system architecture, and generate a plan for the Phase II effort. During Phase II, a demonstration unit will be developed and built to demonstrate the exceptional performances of a coherent MGMSK burst demodulator---spectral efficiency, power efficiency, multiple bits per symbol, and constant envelope operation.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The MGMSK family of burst modems to be developed under the proposed project will be applicable to a number of very large markets including: Local Multipoint Distribution Services (LMDS),Broadband Fixed Satellite Services (FSS), Terrestrial Microwave (LAN/WAN wireless interconnect, private video distribution, wireless cable, wireless fiber, coax), Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT), military communications, space-airborne communications and mobile communications. These modems will serve niches in these markets where spectral efficiency and large savings in cost and power dissipation of output amplifiers enabled by MGMSK provide substantial market leverage.

MGMSK modem products will be of particular value to communications terminals using active planar array antennas (which require saturated-amplifier operation to keep power dissipation low), and to mobile terminals (where battery life is crucial).

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Bruce Cochran

SiCOM, Inc.

7585 E. Redfield

Scottsdale , AZ 85260

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Robert Putnam

SiCOM, Inc.

7585 E. Redfield

Scottsdale , AZ 85260

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

A CVD Diamond Coated Silicon-Based

Cold Cathode For Space-Based Power


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A silicon based Spindt-type field emission cathode

exploiting electron emission properties of Chemical

Vapor Deposited (CVD) diamond will be developed.

This cold cathode will be capable of producing high

current densities at low applied electric fields and

will dramatically improve the performance of

microwave power tubes and other electron devices

for commercial and military applications. A

proprietary process is employed for selective

diamond deposition on emitter tips of silicon based

field emission arrays produced by state of the art

semiconductor manufacturing technologies. This

process which produces coverage of diamond

crystallites on emitter tips with no coverage of the

gate has been developed by General Vacuum, Inc.

and successfully demonstrated on Mo based

Spindt-type arrays provided by NASA LeRC. Due

to the Negative Electron Affinity (NEA) nature of

diamond, high electron emission will be achieved at

very low applied fields. Because power in satellites

can cost up to $1,000,000 per watt, very significant

savings can be achieved with the new diamond/Si

cold cathode since no heater is necessary to obtain

the desired current densities and input power is

orders of magnitude lower than state of the art.

Phase I will demonstrate feasibility of reproducing

this process on silicon-based field emission arrays.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Diamond-coated silicon-based Spindt cathodes may

be incorporated into high power amplifiers for

Doppler radar systems, satellite communication

systems, and field emission cathodes for flat panel

displays. These arrays will be a highly efficient

source of electrons, at high power, for commercial

communication systems and next-generation field

emission displays. The manufacturing technique is

easily incorporated into existing silicon-based

semiconductor manufacturing processes, and will

allow rapid incorporation of thin-film diamond to

enhance existing devices. The efficiency and yield

of these arrays will also allow the design of new

devices which had previously been limited by

conventional thermionic or cold cathodes.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Hsiung Chen

General Vacuum, Inc.

190A Alpha Park

Cleveland , OH 44143

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Gerald Mearini

General Vacuum, Inc.

190A Alpha Park

Cleveland , OH 44143

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 970573
Proposal Number: 27.01-0236A
Project Title: Ultralightweight Pyrolytic Graphite Mirror Structures
Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)
In previous work for NASA, Ultramet has demonstrated high optical quality ceramic mirror surfaces in combination with a lightweight structural ceramic foam reinforcement. Concave mirror structures up to 10" in diameter, consisting of chemical vapor deposited (CVD) silicon carbide faceplates (<10 � rms surface roughness) combined with an open-cell silicon carbide structural foam, have been shown to withstand thermal cycling from 200 to +120�C without deviating from a surface slope error of <1 mrad, with component areal densities as low as 6 kg/m2. In a recently concluded project for NASA Marshall, Ultramet attempted to use the same concept to fabricate a pyrolytic graphite (PG) foam/PG faceplate composite mirror. PG is perhaps the lowest density (2.1 g/cm3), lowest thermal expansion (1.0 ppm/K from 0-500�C) candidate mirror material available. In addition, when deposited at or heat treated to>2000�C, the thermal conductivity of PG rivals that of copper (390 W/m�K). Ultramet successfully demonstrated the ability to deposit and polish coatings of PG on flat graphite substrates, and to fabricate lightweight (200 kg/m3) PG foam support structures. However, after successfully depositing PG faceplates on 6" diameter x 72" radius of curvature PG foam supports, it was found that slight warping occurred upon cooling from the deposition temperature, which made polishing and testing impossible. The warping was caused by non-uniformity in the coating, which is solvable through continued deposition process optimization (e.g. reactant gas flows, use of substrate rotation), the basis of the proposed project.
Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)
The successful completion of this project will result in a significant advance in the technology of ultralightweight, scalable mirror structures. Potential commercial applications include space optical devices such as telescopes and fast-response laser pointing mirrors, particularly instrumentation for the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST), as well as structural and power system components (solar concentrators) for the Space Station.
Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Brian E. Williams
12173 Montague Street
Pacoima , CA 91331
Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Craig N. Ward
12173 Montague Street
Pacoima , CA 91331

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Lightweight Mirrors for Optics

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Silicon carbide (SiC) is a good candidate material

for use as substrates for laser mirrors, solar

collectors and concentrators, astronomical

telescopes and optics in vacuum-ultraviolet and

X-ray regions, since it displays a unique

combination of material properties such as high

elastic modulus, low coefficient of thermal

expansion, high thermal conductivity and low

density besides excellent oxidation and rain erosion

resistance. It is especially suitable for space

applications since it has adequate cryogenic

stability and high resistance to degradation from

atomic oxygen, trapped charges such as electrons

and protons, and high-energy photons. SiC obtained

from sintering, hot pressing or reaction-bonding

process is usually porous and multiphased material,

which does not produce a good optical surface. An

overcoat of CVD Si or SiC is required to eliminate

porosity and increase optical quality. In this Phase I

effort, MMI will synthesize nanoscale Si/SiC

powders using a combination of sol-gel/microwave

plasma processing technique. The nano SiC

powders will be consolidated by microwave

sintering and coated concomitantly with

nanocrystalline silicon powder. Nanocrystalline

silicon particles will enhance densification by liquid

infiltration and provide a homogeneous coating

together with isotropic properties besides

facilitating polishing. The centrifugal float polishing

technique developed by MMI will be used to polish

the lightweight mirror Si/SiC substrate to an optical

surface finish of < 1nm roughness.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Space applications with adequate cryogenic stability

and high resistance to degradation from atomic

oxygen, reaction tubes and furnace components in

semiconductor processing, optical materials for

synchrotons, vacuum ultraviolet and x-ray

applications, solar collectors and concentrators.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Zhengui Yao

Materials Modification, Inc.

2929 Eskridge Road, P-1

Fairfax , VA 22031

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


T.S. Sudarshan

Materials Modification, Inc.

2929 Eskridge Road, P-1

Fairfax , VA 22031

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Optimizing the Design of an Integrally

Formed Optical Bench, Constructed of

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Silicon

Carbide (C/SiC)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Silicon Carbide (C/SiC) is

a new, light-weight, high-strength engineering

material that features tunable mechanical and

thermal properties, in conjunction with a low cost,

rapid fabrication process that produces near net

shape parts using conventional CNC

machining/milling equipment. With regards to optics

and optical structures, the tunable properties of

C/SiC are superior to graphite/epoxy (Gr/Ep), the

state-of-the-art structural material of recent years.

The objective of the proposed investigation is to:

(1) carry out a series of detailed, high-quality tests

of the mechanical

and thermal properties of C/SiC over its full tunable

range -- from optical

grade to structural grade (i.e., from high

stiffness/high brittleness to

lower stiffness/greater ductility);

(2) confirm the test results by comparison with

earlier, less detailed tests of C/SiC by other

investigators; and

(3) optimize the design of an integrally formed

optical bench (using a finite-element computer

program) by specifying the appropriate choice of

C/SiC mechanical and thermal characteristics for

the bench's various components, namely the struts,

plates, and joints.

The bench design will have relevance to the

requirements of a variety of spacecraft, such as the

Next Generation Space Telescope and other future

space telescopes, Earth-observing satellites,

telecommunication satellites, and airborne

instrument packages.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

In addition to NASA applications such as the Next

Generation Space Telescope, the Terrestrial Planet

Finder, Space Infrared Telescope and other

missions, C/SiC, due to it's tunable properties, has

been identified to have an extremely broad market

place for commercial applications, including, but not

limited to:

telecommunications satellites, surveillance

satellites, airborne instruments and packages,

antenna systems, thermal protection systems,

engine components for automobiles, aircraft, and

rockets, bio-compatible replacement parts, etc.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Ana Cool

Schafer Corporation

26565 West Agoura Road, Suite 202

Calabasas , CA 91302

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Cheryl A. Beecher

Schafer Corporation

321 Billerica Road

Chelmsford , MA 01824

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971733

Proposal Number: 27.01-5450A

Project Title: Ultra-Smooth As-Grown Silicon Carbide Films for EUV Mirrors

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Silicon carbide is a superior material for the fabrication of lightweight mirrors for the extreme ultraviolet. However, these mirrors require a super smooth finish to eliminate scattering of these very short wavelengths - ypically 2-3 angstrom rms. Current state-of-the-art technology employs CVD SiC for the final mirror overcoating, which is then super-polished. SKION proposes to employ its unique negative metal rectilinear ion beam deposition (RIBD) technique to fabricate high quality silicon carbide mirrors with a super smooth finish without the need for a final polishing step. The need for polishing is eliminated because RIBD films actually become smoother during deposition,

unlike any other film deposition process. This innovation will make possible the fabrication of mirrors which (1) have less surface contamination from polishing (2) can be fabricated to final dimensions more accurately, since thinner overcoats can be used (3) need no high temperatures during the overcoating process (unlike CVD which requires temperatures up to 1300oC), reducing cracking and distortion, and (4) are considerably less expensive than any currently

available. The innovation addresses the need set forth in Topic 27.01 for novel materials and fabrication techniques for silicon carbide optics.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

High quality, super-smooth SiC films will improve the quality and lower the cost of military and space optical components, including mirrors and gratings. These SiC films also offer a breakthrough for electronic devices which can block high voltages, switch high current densities, and operate at elevated temperatures in the range of 500 to 700oC as encountered in missiles and aircraft.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Catherine E. Rice

SKION Corporation

50 Harrison St.

Hoboken , NJ 07030

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Seong I. Kim

SKION Corporation

50 Harrison St.

Hoboken , NJ 07030

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Fabrication and Polishing of Uncoated

Silicon Carbide Aspheric Optical


Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Silicon Carbide (SiC) optics are a key technology

for future NASA missions including Next

Generation Space Telescope (NGST). SiC has

superior thermal stability and excellent specific

stiffness making it ideal for space based system

applications. Flat and spherical optical surfaces can

be obtained directly on SiC materials using

conventional polishing systems. The problem has

been in obtaining non-symmetric aspheric surface

profiles (i.e.;hyperbolic, elliptical or parabolic

contours). A common solution is to coat SiC optics

with a thin layer of silicon prior to optical finishing.

Silicon can be easily polished and the slight

coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch

between SiC and silicon is not an issue for most

applications. SSG proposes to develop an

innovative fabrication process which will facilitate

polishing of uncoated SiC aspheric optical surfaces.

The proposed approach will modify and improve the

casting, machining and polishing steps in SiC

fabrication. Several innovative techniques will be

used including diamond micromachining, automated

lap polishing, high speed spot polishing, flow

polishing and ion figuring. SSG has already done

some preliminary work in these areas, producing a

0.75 wave pk-valley off-axis parabola in a 4.5"

diameter SiC sample. The effort proposed will

provide SiC optics which are superior to the current

state-of- the-art silicon coated SiC optics in several

ways: improved thermal stability, improved

reflectivity in the EUV spectral region, reduced

manufacturing cost/time, and eliminating residual

stresses created by the silicon coating process. In

Phase I SSG will develop and refine the innovative

manufacturing process proposed. The viability of

the techniques proposed, and the improvements

obtained with the uncoated SiC substrates, will be

demonstrated by fabrication and testing of a

proof-of-concept off-axis parabolic reflector.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The availability of cost effective, bare SiC aspheric

optical surfaces will open up a number of important

commercial applications. Reductions in cost, and

improvements in EUV reflectivity and thermal

stability make the technologies proposed here very

interesting for EUV lithographic projection optical

systems. SSG has already begun discussions with

Silicon Valley Group (SVG) Lithography with

regard to transitioning the optical

fabrication/polishing processes referenced here.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Joseph Robichaud

SSG, Inc.

65 Jonspin Road

Wilmington , MA 01887

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Alan H. McEacharn

SSG, Inc.

65 Jonspin Road

Wilmington , MA 01887

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Tunable, Single-Frequency, Fiber

Fabry-Perot Surface Emitting Lasers

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Micron Optics Inc. proposes a novel, compact,

tunable, and single- frequency semiconductor- fiber

laser that combines a semiconductor quantum-well

vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (SEL) within a

fiber Fabry-Perot (FFP) cavity. The "half-cavity"

SEL consists of one semiconductor Bragg reflector

as the bottom mirror and a multiple quantum well

(MQW) gain region. The top output mirror is

formed strictly by a direct fiber dielectric mirror or

a fiber waveguide dielectric mirror. The

combination of "half-cavity" SEL and fiber mirror

forms the fiber Fabry-Perot surface-emitting laser

(FFP-SEL). Wavelength tuning can be achieved by

air-gap tuning inside the FFP-SEL cavity.

FFP-SELs should enable (1) robust

single-frequency and thus narrow-line lasing in the

near-IR spectral region, (2) continuous wavelength

tuning, (3) wide frequency (wavelength) tuning

range >10,000 GHz, (4) moderate power levels

(>2mW), (5) small and compact device structure,

and (6) low power consumption. These laser

performance characteristics should provide elegant

and enabling solutions to NASA's need for

precision metrology, interferometry, and Doppler

measurement at a variety of near-IR wavelength


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The proposed single-frequency tunable laser

sources are the basic building components in

fiber-optic communication systems, sensing, and

spectroscopy. The success of FFP-SELs should

enable (1) the exploitation of the vast bandwidth

potential of optical fibers that leads to subsequent

advances in Information Technology, (2) distributed

fiber grating sensing for structural health

monitoring and smart structures, and (3) advanced

applications in spectroscopic remote-sensing and

trace-level monitoring of a broad range of

chemicals such as those of critical interest in

manufacturing processes and traditional

environmental monitoring.

In general, hybrid tunable laser structures

incorporating discrete bulk optical compoenets

have complex mechanical requirements and

incompatible mode-field coupling between lasers

and tuning elements, and thus do not lead to rugged

and cost-effective implementations for

commercialization. The requirement for tunable

lasers that are fiber-compatible, robust, and

cost-effective makes the FFP-SEL an attractive


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Kevin Hsu

Micron Optics Inc.

1900 Century Place, Suite 200

Atlanta , GA 30345

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Calvin M. Miller

Micron Optics Inc.

1900 Century Place, Suite 200

Atlanta , GA 30345

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972249

Proposal Number: 27.02-2344

Project Title: Solid State Electro-Optic Tuneable Fabry-Perot Filters (SSET-FAB)

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

This initiative designs and fabricates a robust solid state tunable filter for use in the 4000 Å - 16000 Å range. Two specific systems for narrow band remote sensing applications are developed. The first provides spectral resolution of better than 1 Å tunable over 1000 Å from 4000 - 16000 Å. This system is optimized for spectral rejection of the daytime Rayleigh background; The second system provides a spectral resolution of 0.02 Å resolution tunable over 32 Å in the same region. The methodology utilizes Fabry-Perot etalons with index variability provided by nematic liquid crystal control. These fully developed, mutiple etalon systems to be supplied in Phase II are based upon the design and fabrication of a single etalon with a 80 mm etalon spacing in Phase I. cientific Solutions Inc. (SSI) has pioneered and demonstrated liquid crystal Fabry-Perot LC-FP) etalons with resolutions lower than the 1 Å proposed here, and higher than the 0.02 Å resolution application. As such, this project expands a demonstrated innovation to intermediate resolutions specifically appropriate for daytime LIDAR applications, as one example. These LC-FP filters feature electronic tunability, vibration and radiation insensitivity, high throughput, and light weight design that are unmatched by any other current technology.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

An LC etalon is a single, lightweight unit, nearly impervious to vibration or shock. As such it is an ideal component for chemical imaging or spectroscopy systems for use in space or other hostile environments (manned aircraft, nmanned arial vehicles etc.). In addition, electronic spectral tunability of four etalons simultaneously is accomplished with very little power ( less than 200 mA at 12 V) and no moving parts. The capabilities and of the filter systems we provide are thus well adapted to NASA requirements for smaller, lighter systems for on-orbit, airborne, or sub-orbital platforms. The proposed tunable filters are also well suited to narrow band isolation required in LIDAR and general laser applications. Beyond that, numerous commercial concerns express interest in tunable filtering. Environmental and related applications can benefit from the ability to remotely identify chemical cloud composition and to precisely determine location and abundance of toxic chemicals. Both the textile and paper industries have communicated interest in robust, easily tunable filters for the purpose of monitoring product uniformity and defect frequency.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Robert Kerr

Scientific Solutions Inc.

22 High Street

Medford , Ma 02155

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


William Schneller

Scientific Solutions Inc.

22 High Street

Medford , Ma 02155

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972281

Proposal Number: 27.03-3010

Project Title: Laser Pattern Generator for the Fabrication of Blazed Diffractive Profiles on Conformal Surfaces

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Although many technologies exist for the fabrication of diffractive optical elements (DOEs) on planar surfaces, there does not exist any fabrication method that can produce continuous-relief DOE patterns of arbitrary symmetry on conformal surfaces. Rochester Photonics Corporation (RPC) proposes that a laser pattern generator (LPG) capable of addressing a three-dimensional work volume can address this dilemma. RPC is currently developing a conformal laser pattern generator that is capable of fabricating binary structures. RPC proposes to modify this LPG in order to perform grayscale exposure of photoresist-coated conformal surfaces. The resulting grayscale features can be transferred into a bulk material or into a replication polymer for high-volume production. For arbitrary surface and diffractive geometries, a single-point writing system is the only option. RPC is ideally suited to develop such a technology since it has five years experience in LPG-writing of planar continuous-relief structures, having designed and fabricated two LPG machines. The developed technology for patterning conformal surfaces will give optical designers increased design freedom, result in more compact optical systems, and will benefit such applications as curved focal plane arrays, wavelength demultiplexing, and imaging spectrometers.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The developed technology will give optical designers increased design freedom, result in more compact optical systems, and will benefit such applications as curved focal plane arrays, wavelength demultiplexing, and imaging spectrometers.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Daniel H. Raguin

Rochester Photonics Corp.

330 Clay Road

Rochester , NY 14623

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Joachim Bunkenburg

Rochester Photonics Corporation

330 Clay Road

Rochester , NY 14623

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971701

Proposal Number: 27.03-4003

Project Title: Low-Cost Manufacture of Glass Diffractive Optics

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The development of diffractive optical elements is opening the way to new and improved applications for both space and terrestrial requirements. Depending on the methods of fabrication, the reproducibility, capital investment, and operating cost may limit the availability and thus the application of these elements. Therefore new, cost-effective fabrication methods are required. In this Phase I proposal, the feasibility of a low-cost replication technique is explored for mass producing diffractive optics at a fraction of the cost of existing methods. The resulting diffractive element is in a high quality glass. The program objectives include process investigations for fabricating high quality optical elements, and an assessment of feasibility and limitations. The replication of both binary and continuous diffractive surfaces will be pursued. The proposed approach is potentially suited for a wide range in element size with surface features having different geometries, characteristics either difficult or impossible to produce by other methods, especially in large quantities and at low cost.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Diffractive optics can be used in a number of applications, including lenses and other optical elements, athermalization or achromatization of optical systems, aspheric testing, coherent beam addition, and beam steering, scanning, and storage. Other applications are array generation, imaging, optical interconnects, endoscopy, displays, sensing, antireflection coatings, fiber optic multiplexer/demultiplexers, filters, and optical computing.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Jean-Luc Nogues


3267 Progress Drive

Orlando , FL 32826

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Todd Childress


3267 Progress Drive

Orlando , FL 32826

Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

High Frame-Rate Analog SLM for

Active Diffractive Optics

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Spatial light modulators (SLMs) for implementing

active diffractive elements place unique demands

on both the modulator and the addressing structure.

The modulator is ideally analog phase-only, with at

least one wave of modulation depth, and a

reconfiguration time that is ideally sub-millisecond.

The addressing structure can update imagery at a

similar rate, is light efficient, optical quality, and

has a high pixel density. An SLM component such

as this does not currently exist. Boulder Nonlinear

Systems proposes to use expertise in liquid crystal

phase shifters and draw on experience in very large

scale integrated (VLSI) circuits and high speed

drivers to build an SLM that satisfies the required

specifications. As the only current supplier of high

frame rate analog SLMs, BNS is qualified to

successfully complete such a program. The program

would leverage a current $450,000 investment

specifically in the 512x512 development.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

BNS is dedicated to providing SLM products to

customers in non-display applications. Our study of

the market indicates that a 1kHz frame rate,

512x512 analog SLM with 15 micron pixels is

optimum for meeting the needs of most of these

customers. In addition, optical quality specifications

must be met that mandate planarization on the

VLSI addressing structure. Applications that are

targeted include active diffractive elements, target

tracking (such as beamsteering), optical pattern

recognition, atmospheric correction (adaptive

optics), interconnects, and optical data storage.

BNS intends to build an optical correlator

subsystem product around the 512x512 engine for

addressing high data reduction problems in machine

vision. This includes inspection of manufactured

parts and medical imaging, such as papsmear.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Gary Sharp

Boulder Nonlinear Systems, Inc.

1898 South Flatiron Court

Boulder , CO 80301

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Roylnn Serati

Boulder Nonlinear Systems, Inc.

1898 South Flatiron Court

Boulder , CO 80301

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 971712

Proposal Number: 27.03-9191

Project Title: Proximity Printing of Micro-Optics Using Phase Shifting Masks

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA has expressed a need for innovative fabrication methods for diffractive optical elements (DOE's). Such innovations are needed to fully exploit the inherent possibilities of DOE's to increase performance and to reduce the size, weight, and cost of optical systems. A prevalent limitation of diffractive technology is the inability to fabricate components with small enough feature sizes for optimum performance for many designs, particularly over large surface areas. DOC is proposing an innovative approach for fabrication of micro-optical components that makes use of the interference properties of phase shifting masks (PSM's). PSM's are used to introduce a controlled interference effect to lithographic exposures to enhance the effective resolution and depth of focus. While PSM techniques have seen extensive use in the microelectronics industry, these methods have not been applied to fabrication of diffractive and micro-optical components. Using this approach, it will be possible to make optics with smaller features and periodicities than can be made with conventional technologies. In addition, it is feasible to use interference effects to manufacture micro-optics with new properties and structures that are not practical to fabricate with more conventional methods. These methods should provide a cost-efficient method of fabricating submicron diffractive structures over large surface areas.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Development of the fabrication techniques outlined herein will benefit a range of industries, including the telecommunications and laser machining markets. Other industries that use anti-reflection coatings for high-powered laser applications will also benefit.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dr. Thomas Suleski

Digital Optics Corporation

5900 Northwoods Business Pkwy, Suite J

Charlotte , NC 28269

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. Eric Johnson

Digital Optics Corporation

5900 Northwoods Business Pkwy, Suite J

Charlotte , NC 28269

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972053

Proposal Number: 28.02-9737A

Project Title: Fluorescence Instrumentation for Cell Biology Microgravity Research

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The Space Station Biological Research Program at NASA Ames is funding the development of a CellCulture Unit (CCU) to support microgravity research in cell biology onboard the Space Station. The CCU will provide basic and essential infrastructure for space-based cell biology research. However, its full utilization will require additional instrumentation with fluorescence capabilities for quantitative cell analysis. We propose a next-generation instrument, which could be used as an adjunct to the CCU to bring sophisticated applications of molecular biology and fluorescence spectroscopy to the study of cell biology onboard the Space Station. The instrument will initially be aimed at performing measurements of intracellular calcium signals in living cells although it has much broader applicability. The instrument will be rugged, compact, with low mass and low power consumption. This technology will bring into space powerful research tools that are now only available in ground-based laboratories and which require large, heavy, delicate, expensive and power-hungry instrumentation. Areas of fundamental interest in microgravity research such as signal transduction, cytoskeleton organization, and many other cellular processes would become amenable to study in space for the first time. No instrumentation exists with the capabilities of the proposed instrument.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

A compact, rugged instrument capable of utilizing single-wavelength dyes to measure lifetime-based fluorescence of numerous cellular processes could be a very exciting addition to an already competitive market. The broad applicability of the proposed instrument would allow for a variety of cell systems to be monitored. A version of the instrument could also be reconfigured for application in the pharmaceutical industry as an advance for high throughput screening.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Salvador M. Fernandez

Ciencia, Inc.

111 Roberts Street, Suite K

East Hartford , CT 06108

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Arturo O. Pilar

Ciencia, Inc.

111 Roberts Street, Suite K

East Hartford , CT 06108

Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Tri-Spectroscopy Interferometric

Micro-imaging Sensor

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

MEDECO proposes to develop a true multiple

spectroscopy sensor in a single, compact package.



SENSOR, TIMS, provides for reflectance, Raman,

and fluoresence spectroscopy in a multifunctional

hyperspectrometer for extreme circumstances,

including microscopic studies of leaf cellular

structure, microbial mats, in situ hot springs

species, studies 'at depth' in oceans, and

gravitationally deployed for hard penetration into

ground/soil samples or ocean sediments.

TIMS enables measurement of hyperspectral

properties for organic and mineralogical species at

diverse sites in the presence of water, which blocks

infrared wavelengths, and has the capability to

acquire image cubes for diverse biological and

mineralogical samples resolved into size domains of

10 microns or smaller, as demonstrated herein.

TIMS innovations are summarized as follows:

> New interferometer design with two-orders of

magnitude pixel illumination gain.

> Multifunction capabilities for diverse

hyperspectral diagnostics in wet or dry samples.

> In situ Raman, fluoresence, and reflectance


> Direct images of the hyperspectral field of view.

> Microscopy at 10 microns or smaller dimensions.

> Penetrator capability with 360 degree field of


> Observations of motile species.

> Observations in boreholes, thin section

microscopy, or microscopy of opaque or transparent


> Ruggedized for sustained operation under

extreme circumstances of temperature, pressure,

acceleration, or in chemically active environments.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

MEDECO plans to propose this sensor for

inclusion in the sensor suites for NASA's program

for Mars exploration and other solar system

bodies' exploration. The low power, mass, and

volume requirements of a ruggedized TIMS is well

suited to those missions. TIMS has market

potential as a sensor for extreme environments

encountered in industry, in the ocean, and

particularly for medical diagnostics where the

multifunctional measurements together can provide

a better spectroscopic determination for

hemodynamics than any single function sensor.

There is also a potential market for TIMS as a

handheld "geologist's or environmentalist's hand

lens" where the sensor serves as a field tool for

prospecting and/or on-site pollutant analysis.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Dennis Angelisanti


89 Arundel Place

Clayton , MO 63105

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


K. M. Smith


89 Arundel Place

Clayton , MO 63105

Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972288

Proposal Number: 28.03-6941

Project Title: Detection and Quantitation of Rare DNA

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The study of evolutionary phenomena relies increasingly on the analysis of genomic DNA sequences, including fossil DNA. Because the samples to be studied are often available only in extremely small quantities, the capability to conduct analyses at very low copy number is essential. While PCR techniques have allowed detection down to a single copy, quantitation at very low copy number (less than a few hundred copies)has remained an unrealized goal.

BioTraces proposes the development of a quantitative direct detection of DNA method based on the ultrasensitive Multi Photon Detection (MPD) technique. MPD allows the detection and measurement of sub-zeptomole quantities of certain radioisotopes, including Iodine 125. Using a combination of MPD and BioTraces' proprietary SuperTracer technology, whereby several hundred radiolabels can be conjugated to a single DNA strand, detection of about ten copies and quantitation of a few tens of copies of DNA is expected.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The methods to be developed herein are generally applicable to DNA detection and quantitation for life science research and medical diagnostics. Quantitative direct (nonamplification) DNA detection assays at the level of 20-50 copies of DNA would be commercially important for detection of infectious diseases, cancer detection, and viral/bacterial load monitoring in connection with therapeutic treatment. The potential market for such assays is in excess of $1 billion per year.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Andrzej K. Drukier

BioTraces, Inc.

10517-A West Drive

Fairfax , VA 22030

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


E. James Wadiak

BioTraces, Inc.

10517-A West Drive

Fairfax , VA 22030

NASA 1997 STTR Phase 1 Solicitation

Proposal Number: 970029

Project Title: An Airborne Water Vapor Micro-Pulse Differential Absorption Lidar

Small Business Concern:
Science & Engineering Services, Inc
4032 Blackburn Lane, Burtonsville, MD 20866
Research Institution:
The University of Arizona
888 N. Euclid, #510. P.O.Box 3308, Tucson, AZ 85721
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. Coorg R. Prasad

Technical Abstract:

We propose to develop a new differential absorption lidar (DIAL) capability for remote measurement of atmospheric water vapor and aerosols, from airborne and ground platforms. This rugged, small, and efficient DIAL instrument will be based on the Micro Pulse Lidar technique using a novel diode-pumped Cr:LiSAF laser to enable routine operational capability on airborne platforms or remote field sites without requiring frequent maintenance. By appropriate choice of absorption line strength and agile tuning of the Cr:LiSAF laser in 813nm region, the MP-DIAL system provides high accuracy (5%) water vapor profiles measurements with good vertical resolution (~100m) from 5km altitude, and up to 3km range looking up from ground. Day and night-time operation is enabled by incorporating high background rejection filters. Combining the University of Arizona's lidar expertise with SESI's technology basis of tunable diode- pumped lasers and MPL system development, this innovative DIAL system will be demonstrated in this program as a baseline of the next generation active atmospheric sensor for earth observation. In Phase I, we will perform a feasibility study, and critical system performance analysis, as well as demonstrating a bread-board narrowband frequency agile Cr:LiSAF laser. After building a prototype DIAL system, measurements will be performed in Phase II.

Potential Commercial Applications:
This DIAL instrument has the ability to serve as an autonomous ground-based or airborne, cost effective sensor for atmospheric research, monitoring of trace gases and meteorological parameters, such as, H2O, temperature and pressure. Thus it has enormous commercial potential for a number of military, scientific and environmental applications. After some small modification the instrument can also be used for wind measurements.

Proposal Number: 970048

Project Title: Source-Channel Coding for Practical Digital Holographic Data Storage

Small Business Concern:
Optitek, Inc.
100 Ferguson Drive, M/S 5G61
Mountain View, CA 94039
Research Institution:
Arizona State University
College of Eng. and Applied Science
Tempe, AZ 85287-7206
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. Robert R. McLeod

Technical Abstract:

A principal goal of the Mission to Planet Earth (MtPE) is to produce and deliver to customers an immense quantity of information products. Data and Information Systems (DIS) is therefore a key support technology for the entire MtPE enterprise. Holographic data storage products will enable unprecedented performance in the collection, transmittal, and processing of the vast amounts of data to be generated. These holographic storage devices have applications as solid-state data recorders on board satellites, as data buffers through out the satellite data network to equalize data rates and increase autonomy, and as large-scale distribution and archiving systems for the delivery and processing of the final data. A critical component of this technology is a channel encoding optimized for holographic data storage. Optitek has a number of operating digital holographic storage systems including the storage engine and digital encoding and control hardware. ASU is developing advanced two-dimensional source-channel codes for this application. In this STTR program, we will combine these resources to instrument, characterize, and optimize a holographic storage system using this advanced channel encoding system. In Phase II these optimized codes will be implemented in Optitek's custom FPGA hardware to prototype a key component of EOSDIS.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Information storage is currently a $50B business and is growing at an explosive pace as users at every level demand fingertip access to bank records, medical images, online resources, home entertainment material and every other conceivable kind of information. Existing and anticipated data storage systems based on two dimensional media fall short of the requirements of new information services because they cannot simultaneously meet the need for high capacity, short access times, and fast transfer rates required for image files and multi-user environments. Holographic storage, which does meet these needs, is poised to capture a significant section of this large and expanding market.

Proposal Number: 970054

Project Title: Infrared Imaging Interferometer

Small Business Concern:
Poulos Technical Services, Inc.
7 Waterbury Court
Allentown, NJ 08501
Research Institution:
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Electronic Imaging Center
Newark, NJ 07102
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. Arthur T. Poulos

Technical Abstract:

It is proposed to research and develop an Imaging Interferometer for the Mid-Infrared Spectral Region. The instrument is designed for moderate resolution spectral and/or radiometeric measurement of each (x,y) point of any 2-dimensional image. This STTR effort will advance previous work at the RI on a multi- wavelength imaging pyrometer by replacing fixed wavelength filters with an innovative wavefront- dividing interferometer developed at the SBC; this will greatly improve spectral resolution and expand the imaging capability from 1- to 2-dimensions.

The proposed Imaging Interferometer is responsive to Topic 1, Earth Remote Sensing, with applications in multispectral thermal imagery and remote spectroscopy for atmospheric sounding, and monitoring of ozone, greenhouse gases, and pollutants.

Specfic project objectives include: fabrication and characterization of a wavefront-dividing interferometer (WDI); set-up laboratory-scale imaging interferometer containing WDI, IR-CCD camera, and readout/data processing system; development of image correction algorithms for background and pixel response variability; and measurement of spectral images from known point sources and 2-D test patterns.

It is anticipated that the instrument concept will advance a complete line of imaging spectrometers for the short- to long-wave mid-IR regions at moderate to high spectral resolution and useful image resolution, with real-time (video) image acquisition.

Potential Commercial Applications:
high temperature industrial processing applications, such as detection of impurities and temperature inhomogeneities in specialty glass and ceramic manufacture; imaging of biological tissue at wavelengths of diagnostic significance; air pollutant plume tracking; chemical warfare agent detection; advanced night vision for armored vehicles; and background discrimination in surveillance of airborne vehicles.

Proposal Number: 970062

Project Title: Application of a Semantic DBMS to Storage of Satellite Data on Compact Media for Educational Querying and Visualization

Small Business Concern:
CogniTek Management Systems, Inc.
1840 Oak Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201
Research Institution:
School of Computer Science
University, Park, ECS 354
Miami, FL 33199
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Michael Gurin

Technical Abstract:

We propose to use a semantic database management system (S-DBMS) to store remote-sensing data for educational and infotainment use. Semantic database technology developed with NASA support at FIU, and data acquired via NASA's Mission to Planet Earth and Regional Validation Center (RVC) programs will be combined to form an application product. This product will be CD-ROMs or DVD-ROMs containing Earth science data stored using a subset of FIU's semantic database management system. Users will be able to access the data interactively via a spatial query visualization system. The idea is to make NASA Earth science remote sensing data readily and widely available to the interested public. This effort will contribute toward a number of goals. The primary goal will be the successful transfer to the general public of university resident technology developed under government (NASA) support. The second goal will be the popularization of NASA data, specifically NASA RVC data, and the beneficial publicity and PR that will ensue. The third goal will be laying the groundwork for commercialization efforts of the full SDB at a later time as a general-purpose semantic DBMS, following the completion of its R&D and successful operation at NASA-GSFC and RVCs.

Potential Commercial Applications:
There is a significant educational market for this software and data. The NASA RVC data are relevant to a number of fields of interest, including geography, oceanography, agriculture, and environmental science. To take advantage of this, our primary target market will be educational with the secondary target being the home PC mass-market. While we hope to provide some valuable features to industry as well, we expect the home PC market to be considerably larger and the industrial market to be served by more complex packages detailed to each particular field of inquiry. As the dimensions of these markets are discovered we will tailor future offerings to each. The economics of mass-market production are excellent. Once the content has been developed, CDs can be produced in quantity for under $1 per copy. Plug-and-play software-and- content CDs currently retail in the $40 range depending on various factors. We believe that by taking advantage of technology transferred from FIU, we can use the special database and satellite remote sensing expertise to develop profitable offerings of educational and interesting electronic media displaying, for example, all ozone data recorded from satellites. With the proper marketing, and a wide target market, the venture stands an excellent chance of success.

Proposal Number: 970072


Small Business Concern:
Ewing Technology Associates
5416 143rd Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98006
Research Institution:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, MA 02173
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. J. J. Ewing

Technical Abstract:

We propose development of a new class of high efficiency, conduction cooled diode pumped solid state lasers. We seek to develop pulsed, high efficiency Yb:YAG lasers to advance the state of the art in laser transmitters for remote sensing. The laser technology we propose provides, if the effort is successful, higher efficiency than the DP Nd:YAG laser by a factor of ~ 1.5. The improvement is the result of a better quantum ratio, longer storage time (with concomitant lower fluorescence losses for fixed pumping time), and use of Al free InGaAs diode pump arrays. Space based lidars built around the proposed laser concept will place less demand on spacecraft power supplies and thermal management systems. The proposed effort targets short pulse technology suitable for altimetry. The benefits of the research extend to other earth surface and atmospheric sensing applications. The Phase I effort focuses on the demonstration and understanding of the extraction efficiency in a small, passively Q-switched laser head. The Phase II effort would develop an excellent beam quality, >10% efficient (15% goal) Yb:YAG oscillator amplifier in the 25W average power range. Lessons learned from the effort relate directly to prototype efforts for a cost effective DP laser.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The effort results in a compact, robust 1�m laser technology. With a short pulse output suitable for altimetry, the laser is also ideally suited for frequency conversion. Applications will be in UV marking, "desk top manufacture", and micro-machining, where the excellent beam quality will be an asset. The inherently lower potential cost of the pump diode arrays, in comparison to Nd lasers, will accelerate the acceptance and use of diode pumped laser technology in cost sensitive industrial applications at modest power and energy. Medical applications such as laser surgery or tattoo removal which use pulsed, 1�m sources will also benefit form the inherently lower cost of parts in the proposed laser.

Proposal Number: 970077

Project Title: Airborne Multispectral Imaging System

Small Business Concern:
Space Instruments, Inc.
Research Institution:
National Center for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
James W. Hoffman

Technical Abstract:

Airborne Multispectral Imaging System (AMIS) directly fulfills several objectives of the STTR Topic 1: Earth Remote Sensing. AMIS is a multispectral thermal imaging system that utilizes the newly developed, microbolometer infrared detector array which requires no active cooling. AMIS eliminates the need for mechanical scanning by operating in a pushbroom mode. This allows significant reductions in complexity, volume, mass, and power over conventional scanning sensors. AMIS features a removable filter wheel which allows spectral filters to be selected by users for different flights to obtain validation data and/or underflight data for various MTPE instruments. The objective of the Phase I project is to design the AMIS and its aircraft mechanical, electrical, and data interfaces. The objectives of the Phase II project are to: 1. fabricate AMIS 2. Integrate AMIS on the NCAR C-130Q research aircraft 3. obtain flight data sets over terrestrial and ocean scenes, and 4. correlate the data sets with theoretical model results and optimize the commercial instrument product line.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Potential commercial applications of the AMIS are:1. Obtain multispectral validation and/or underflight data for the MTPE instruments2. Ecology and land use research3. Power plant outflow water temperature monitoring4. Forest and vegetation health monitoring5. Oil spill and pollution mapping6. Calibrated forest fire temperature mapping for fire fighting and research7. Steam and oil pipeline leak detection8. Rooftop heat loss mapping

Proposal Number: 970092

Project Title: Imaging Gas Correlation Camera

Small Business Concern:
Opto-Knowledge Systems, Inc. (OKSI)
1737 3rd Street
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-6308
Research Institution:
Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91101
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Nahum Gat, Ph.D. (OKSI)

Technical Abstract:

This proposal responds to the Earth Remote Sensing research topic (Topic #1) and Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE) strategic enterprise identified by the STTR Program. Our objectives are to design (Phase�I) and build (Phase�II) portable cameras that will provide quantitative images of sulfur dioxide (SO2) plumes and clouds in the atmosphere (and other gases later on). Phase�I will include a series of laboratory experiments, involving two-dimensional focal plane arrays and SO2 gas cells, to evaluate the feasibility of basing the SO2 cameras on ultraviolet (UV) and thermal infrared (TIR) correlation spectroscopy. The experiments will compare detector technologies, characterize detector response to differing concentrations of SO2, define upper limits on the SO2 signal strength in the UV and TIR, and determine detection thresholds. The experimental results, together with optical, electronic, and radiative transfer modeling, will drive the camera design. The SO2 cameras will support the MTPE Natural Hazard Program (environmental and volcanic hazard monitoring), Earth Observing System Volcanology Interdisciplinary Study Team, and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Volcanic SO2 Team (validation of SO2 retrieval algorithms).

Potential Commercial Applications:
There is a very large market for instruments that can remotely monitor compliance with federal, state, and local emission regulations for various industries. Presently, non-imaging instruments (e.g., Fourier Transform Spectrometers, FTS, or Correlation Spectrometers , COSPEC) are in use. An imaging system has a major advantage in that its measurements can be used to derive total flow rates. The commercial potential of the specific SO2 cameras is likely to be high, given the success of non-imaging correlation spectrometers in the environmental and natural hazard monitoring markets.

Proposal Number: 970128

Project Title: Passively Q-Switched Water Vapor Lidar Transmitter

Small Business Concern:
Scientific Materials Corporation
310 Icepond Road
Bozeman, MT 59715
Research Institution:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, MA 02173
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Ralph L. Hutcheson

Technical Abstract:

Space based and airborne lidar systems require rugged, compact, high efficiency lasers. These lasers must operate at specific wavelengths which depend on the particular application of the system. For example, the 940 nm wavelength range is of particular interest for water vapor measurements. Diode-pumped solid-state lasers have proven to be good candidates for these applications. However, the lifetime, reliability and efficiency of such systems are limited by the materials and designs currently employed. Specifically, the active electro-optic Q-switches are a primary factor limiting the lifetime and reliability of such laser systems, and defects in crystals employed for the laser gain medium reduce system efficiency. Materials must also be available that operate at the specific wavelength required. This Phase I STTR project is aimed at developing a passively Q-switched microchip laser system based on compositionally tuned gain media operating in the 940 nm region for use in a water vapor lidar transmitter. This project will combine the expertise of Scientific Materials Corporation in solid-state laser crystals with the well known work at MIT/Lincoln Laboratory in microchiplaser systems to develop materials which address key limitations in lasersystem performance and implement such materials in a prototype microchip laser system.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The passively Q-switched microchip laser developed under this project would have a specific application in space-based remote sensing devices for water vapor measurements. Other potential commercial applications are in medical lasers, coherent laser radar to match atmospheric windows, and impurity sampling by remote sensing systems. Passive Q-switches based on materials developed in this project will have direct application in NASA, military, and commercial laser systems.

Proposal Number: 970169

Project Title: Airborne Hyperspectral Sensing and Ground Truthing of Selected Commercially Valuable Crops of the Mid-Atlantic Region for the Establishment of Spectral Signature Libraries

Small Business Concern:
3D Imaging, LLC
29111 Newnam Rd
Easton, MD 21601
Research Institution:
Karl Huemmrich, Ph.D.
University of Maryland
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
William Bernard, MBA

Technical Abstract:

This program is designed to collected crop information from an aerial platform with a hyperspectral sensor and correlate and combine the imagery with ground truthed field data to produce spectral signature libraries for commercially significant crops of the Mid-Atlantic Region. In addition, signature data will be collected from the ground to further define crop and pest information. Commercialization utilization of the agricultural data for crop management in near real time will occur as accurate spectral ignature libraries are developed from hyperspectral sensor data. 3DI will operate the hyperspectral sensor for data collection and provide the post processing data analysis. Farms with sample target areas will be supplied by USDA regional operational farms. Field observation and analysis will be performed by University of Maryland. Limited data distribution will be through NASA's Baltimore-Washington Regional Collaboratory at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. The potential commercial impact of the spectral libraries includes the management of crops by problem detection in near real time, and the precise application of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. There are significant environmental and economic implications in the use of accurately analyzed airborne hyperspectral images as a timely and cost efficient agricultural management tool.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The potential commercial applications of hyperspectral data in precision agriculture is directly related to the accurate and timely determination of crop problems. Early detection of problems in the field directly effects the cost of treatment as well as crop yields in a season. In addition, there are enviro- economic implications tied to the targeted use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Farm management companies will find a great deal of value in the near real time analysis of hyperspectral data, and allow crop management decisions to be made quickly. Farmers will realize greater yields and apply less agricultural chemicals during the growing season. In addition, it is anticipated that agri-business companies and research institutions will make use of these libraries for crop and field analysis. Over time, this data will become more valuable because it will bring to light farming trends that are currently unknown. The historical hyperspectral data for any farm will assist farmers in planning crops and treatments of problems. Potential users, buyers and sellers of this information range from the farmer, to the agrochemical producers, to the companies that collect and analyze these images.

Proposal Number: 970013

Project Title: Radiation Tolerant CMOS Design

Small Business Concern:
801 Univeristy SE #206
Albuquerque NM 87106
Research Institution:
University of New Mexico (UNM)
Institute of Advanced Microelectronics
Research Services
Scholes Hall #227A
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Jody Gambles

Technical Abstract:

Commercial VLSI designers have a whole set of CAD tools and standard cell libraries to use to create million plus transistor designs . This work will create a commercial path to allow the aeorspace and government space electronics designer to utilize the same CAD tools and a modern commercial CMOS foundry to produce radiation tolerant electronics with the same complexity as the commercial counterparts. A new space electronics industry is being proposed that will allow flight VLSI to produce a 20 fold increase in the number of devices on a chip than available with current radiation hard electronics (4.5 million gates vs. 200.000 gates per chip).

The new approach is based on a radiation tolerant advancement by the University of New Mexico,which is used in this commercial program.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Presently there are no commercial companies providing radiation tolerant electronics to the aerospace industry. SpAsics would be the very first. In addition to marketing radiation tolerant flight electronic components, it will offer design services to companies who wish to create their own designs, but desire to have some other entity performing the backend functions. For the first time, there will be a completer commercial radiation tolerant path for flight electronics that utilizes state-of-the-art CMOS fabrication processes and CAD tools.

Proposal Number: 970035

Project Title: 1.5 to 2.5 Micron Wavelength, Monolithic, InGaAs-on- silicon Infrared Avalance Photodiodes

Small Business Concern:
Discovery Semiconductors, Inc.
186 Princeton-Hightstown Rd
Bldg. 3A, Box 1
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Research Institution:
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
77 Massachusetts Ave
Room 13-4053
Cambridge, MA 02139
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Abhay M. Joshi

Technical Abstract:

We propose to design and fabricate, Separate Absorption and Multiplication (SAM), InGaAs-on-Silicon, 1.5 to 2.5 um Infrared Avalance Photodetectors (APDs), where the light absorption is done by the InGaAs region, while the multiplication or amplification of the detected photons is carried out in silicon. The "impact ionization" in the silicon multiplication region will be initiated by the electrons as they exhibit a higher ionization co-efficient than holes. The 40 and 80 um diameter APD will exhibit a gain (M) of 10 and excess noise factor (F) less than 3 at 0.98 Vb (Vb = breakdown voltage). The room temperature unity gain (M=1) responsivity will be 1.1 A/W at a wavelength of 2.3 um. This APD will be at least 10 times more sensitive than any present detector in the 1.5 to 2.5 um SWIR wavelength. Discovery Semiconductors (SBC) will use Massachusetts Inst. of Technology's (RI) proprietary "selective epitaxial" growth of InGaAs-on-Silicon to achieve the above goal.

Potential Commercial Applications:
There are several applications for the 1.5 to 2.5 um APD: (1) Optical Eye-safe Ranging (LIDAR), including collision avoidance, (2) OTDR instruments, (3) Environmental monitoring (remote sensing), and (4) Communications, including fiber optic and free space optical links.

Proposal Number: 970041

Project Title: Low-Power Micromachined Inertial Sensors

Small Business Concern:
Integrated Micro Instruments
35617 Pond Drive
Fremont, CA 94536
Research Institution:
The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley
336 Sproul Hall #5940
Berkeley, CA 94720-5940
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
William A. Clark

Technical Abstract:

NASA has an unfulfilled need for high performance yet low-power, miniature inertial sensors which facilitate spacecraft attitude stabilization, maneuver control, and instrument pointing. Macroscopic technology fails to deliver miniature size, while present micromachining technology fails to deliver adequate drift and noise performance. Integrated Micro Instruments proposes to manufacture novel micromachined gyroscopes and accelerometers providing both low-power and small size without sacrificing performance. Integrated Micro Instruments was formed from the core DARPA-sponsored Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center (BSAC) design team which produced some of the first integrated microaccelerometers and gyroscopes. This work has resulted in a medium performance micro-IMU with signal processing on a thumb nail sized silicon chip. These proven sensor architectures will be combined with a deep trench micromachining technology developed at BSAC. The extremely thick structures will dramatically increase sensitivity and hence improve performance.

Integrating circuits with these sensors will allow drift cancellation, exceptional miniaturization, and digital output. The goal of Phase I is to prove that micromachining can produce sensors and sensor systems with the performance required for space science. Complete mechanical sensor and electrical circuit design plus mechanical structure prototypes will verify feasibility and allow rapid fabrication of functional devices in Phase II.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Market research firms forecast inexpensive, micromachined inertial sensors to command a market of over one billion dollars with unit sales in the tens of millions by the year 2000. High volume commercial applications such as automotive safety, virtual reality, 3-D computer mice, and machine monitoring already incorporate miniature sensors which can be vastly improved using this technology. The high performance micro-sensors envisioned open new frontiers such as augmented GPS navigation, general aviation, robotics, and platform leveling. Integrated Micro Instruments has been approached by venture capitalists and a military contractor confirming the very high level of commercial interest.

Proposal Number: 970053

Project Title: Compliant Direct Chip Attach Technology

Small Business Concern:
Aguila Technologies, Inc.
310 Via Vera Cruz, Suite 107
San Marcos, CA 92069
Research Institution:
California, Los Angeles
6531 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1595
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
M. Albert Capote

Technical Abstract:

To reduce spacecraft mass, lower mission costs and improve return on investment, small spacecraft programs today emphasize using commercial technologies. NASA's emphasis on miniaturization and cost reduction parallels closely the emergence of commercial compact-information products such as personal digital assistants and wireless communicators. These products share with microspacecraft the attributes of being driven by small size, light weight, high-operating frequencies and low cost. There is a need for a simplified and reliable technique for flip chip attachment. Through underfilling, flip chip technology has been shown to be a reliable method for attachment of small chips to MCMs. The encapsulant redistributes stress in the package away from the relatively weak, fatigue-intolerant, solder joints. However, the encapsulant's main effect is to effectively force the chip and the substrate the take up the strain caused by CTE mismatch, bending or bulging the substrate and the chip. This causes its own new set of problems, making chips susceptible to cracking during bending. The objective of proposal is to demonstrate a new, reliable, compliant flip-chip structure that eliminates this bulging.

Potential Commercial Applications:
A program to improve flip-chip attachment technology is of the highest priority for industry. The realization of this technology will reduce the cost and increase the reliability of a myriad of space, military and commercial products that require high-density, chip-scale packaging. The improved cost and reliability will impact a broad range of applications with an annual market potential for the technology exceeding $50 million.

Proposal Number: 970079

Project Title: Precision, Inflatable, Permanently Rigidized Space System Structures with Reflective Coatings

Small Business Concern:
United Applied Technologies, Inc.
11506 Gilleland Road
Huntsville, AL 35803
Research Institution:
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Research Institute
E-39 RI Building
Huntsville, AL 35899
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Rodney Bradford

Technical Abstract:

Four synergistic technologies will be developed and integrated to enhance and enable the design and operation of next generation science and applications space systems: (1) preformed thin polyimide film inflatable structure elements and assemblies; (2) their permanent rigidization with lightweight structural foam; (3) non-vacuum highly reflective and other coatings for film component protection against long-term radiation and concentrated solar energy dispersion effects; and (4) use of polymer sealants for the repair of punctures from micrometeoroid impacts and other causes in non-rigidized elements such as film lenses. All four technologies are scaleable and can make very large 100+ meter deployable space systems practical.

Potential Commercial Applications:
This work can lead to demonstrated practical breakthroughs in large-scale long life lightweight inflatable structures for solar thermal rocket concentrators, solar sail propulsion systems, large antennas, microwave concentrators, next generation telescopes, and solar concentrators for electrical power generation and high temperature materials processing in space. The technology is applicable to ground structures such as emergency shelters in extreme environments and lightweight articles exposed to long-term weathering conditions.

Proposal Number: 970085

Project Title: Silicon Carbide Hollow Sphere Foams for Lightweight Space Mirror Support

Small Business Concern:
Ceramic Fillers, Inc.
1019 Collier Road, Suite C-1
Atlanta, GA 30318
Research Institution:
Dr. Theodore M. Besmann
Ceramic Surface Systems Group
Metals & Ceramics Division
P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. K. J. Lee, Project Manager

Technical Abstract:

For successful deployment of the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST), a low density mirror support is critical. The solution is a new lightweight mirror concept, silicon carbide hollow sphere foams. Thin-wall hollow spheres, ie. balloons, will be fabricated from reaction processed silicon carbide and the balloons will be bonded together to form closed cell SiC foams using similar reaction processing as for the balloons and/or chemical vapor infiltration (CVI). CVI bonding will be through the expertise of ORNL. Successful completion of both the balloon forming and bonding steps will provide a more weight efficient and cost effective NGST. This process allows practical forming of complex and large shapes to final dimensions as is required for a segmented NGST. Closed cell foams of balloon geometry have significantly higher stiffness and strength compared to open cell foams and consequently provide lower weight for the same properties. Silicon carbide provides optimum mirror support properties and CVI bonding is compatible with the process used by Morton Advanced Materials for deposition of mirror surfaces. Hollow sphere foams are 10-20% dense and made from monosized, millimeter diameter, thin-wall spheres formed from powder slurries at high rates in a very cost effective process.

Potential Commercial Applications:
1.Hollow sphere foams(ie. closed cell foam) of silicon carbide are ideal as the base for lightweight space telescope mirrors. As seen below, Morton Advanced Materials will evaluate our SiC hollow sphere, balloon, foam for space mirror support. In this venture, CFI will be a supplier of spheres and bonding technology in manufacturing space mirrors. 2.Development of resultant SiC foams will also extend existing businesses of Ceramic Fillers, e.g. allowing expansion of CFI's oxide hollow sphere kiln furniture and high temperature liquid metal filtration product lines into areas attainable only with carbide technology. 3.It will also provide opportunity to expand business into new areas such as lightweight, high temperature thermal and protection systems, e.g. for space applications.

Proposal Number: 970086

Project Title: An Integrated Payload Operations System for Autonomy Migration

Small Business Concern:
Design_Net Engineering Group LLC
1968 W. Mountain Maple Ave.
Highlands Ranch CO 80126
Research Institution:
Colorado Space Grant Consortium
University of Colorado Box 520
Boulder CO Zip:80309-0520
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Gerald B. Murphy

Technical Abstract:

Reliability concerns plus the context-sensitive behavior of space payloads make initial and total spacecraft autonomy elusive. Mission experience provides knowledge of performance indicators and appropriate responses, making it desirable to increase autonomy over time. The End-to-End Mission Operations System (EEMOS), developed by the Colorado Space Grant Consortium (CSGC) at the University of Colorado, provides cradle-to-grave software development for systems, their designers and operators. With multiple agent control approach and flight/ground system commonality, the EEMOS allows migration of ground developed algorithms to the orbiting platform agent, enabling the progressive migration of autonomy.

As part of a separate effort, the PI has developed the Integrated Payload (IP) concept for science missions to decrease integration cost and total payload resource requirements. This IP concept provides a single interface to the spacecraft, standard interfaces to sensors, conditioned power, functional partitioning of software, and a multiprocessor switched architecture. With all sensor data in a central processor and software constructs which allow sensors to control other sensors, the IP is an ideal platform for EEMOS.

Design_Net Engineering and the CSGC propose to combine these technologies creating the Integrated Payload Operations System (IPOS) which will simplify and lower the costs of payload development, integration and operations for a range of NASA, commercial, and DoD missions.

Potential Commercial Applications:
In addition to providing NASA with the IPOS for integration, test, and flight for a range of space payloads, the IPOS system will be actively marketed as a tool set to lower costs for development, integration, test, and operation of all satellites. Commercial applications include the cost-effective integration and changeout of flight avionics in military and commercial aircraft and support for a range of ground and commercial systems that need simple standard interfaces, flexible configuration, and improved operational autonomy through software migration.

Proposal Number: 970192

Project Title: New methods to Evaluate the Quality of GaN Materials using UV Radiation

Small Business Concern:
EMCORE Corporation
394 Elizabeth Ave
Somerset, NJ 08873
Research Institution:
Dept. of Physics
Rutgers University
Piscataway, NJ 08855-0849
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Ian Ferguson

Technical Abstract:

In solid state devices, the detective response to ultraviolet radiation is very sensitive to surface defects and other measures of material quality. This statement is especially true for low light levels at vacuum UV wavelengths. We propose to exploit this basic principle to develop new, cost-effective methods to test the quality of III-Nitrides and provide diagnostic feedback to manufacturers of these materials. We are in a uniquely well suited position to develop these methods as we played a key role in the creation of specialized vacuum chambers designed to evaluate detectors. These chambers represent a significant development effort undertaken by NASA's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) Flight Program. While being state of the art, these chambers can be replicated at reasonable costs. The proposed program will first develop UV test procedures specifically to evaluate material quality of GaN and in subsequent years transfer this knowledge-based technology to NASA investigators developing these types of materials. Our goal is to improve material quality of III-Nitrides, improve the UV performance of detectors made from GaN, and eventually to assist other NASA-sponsored investigators acquire this UV test capability.

Potential Commercial Applications:
This technology is potentially very beneficial to manufacturers of GaN and AlGaN materials which are used in ultraviolet (UV) detectors. Development of UV photodetectors is driven by applications in miltary counter measures, aerospace, astropyhsics, solar physics, automotive, petroleum, and flame detection.

Proposal Number: 970210

Project Title: Adaptive, Ground Compatible Flight Software System

Small Business Concern:
Jackson and Tull, Chartered Engineers
7375 Executive Place, Suite 200
Seabrook, MD 20706
Research Institution:
AURA/Space Telescope Science Institute
3700 San Martin Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Nicholas Jedrich, Project Manager
Dr. Larry Petro, Principal Investigator

Technical Abstract:

Jackson and Tull (J&T), in cooperation with Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), will significantly reduce the cost of satellite flight software and mission operations by advancing the state of the art in command and data handling systems. Flight software development, upgrades, and migration to orbit represent significant portions of these costs. We will develop a Common Integrated Processor Environment (CIPE) flight system model with an adaptive scheduler/executive (ASE) to reduce the end-to-end, life cycle cost of mission operations. The CIPE will utilize commercial operating systems, software, and network technologies to provide commonality between ground and deployed systems, enabling low cost development and migration of flight software to orbit. The ASE will utilize time independent commands to flexibly respond to activity failures. Phase I results in the design for a CIPE compatible with space environments, a conceptual system-level design for a flight-like system, and test methodology for the Phase II demonstration. Phase II encompasses build of the demonstration system to validate the Phase I design and test of innovative onboard scheduling techniques currently under development at STScI.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The successful design and validation of a CIPE that provides commonality between ground and onboard systems with the benefit of bringing significant cost and resource reductions to the flight software life cycle is directly applicable to the commercial satellite market. J&T plans to produce compatible ground/spacecraft systems based on the CIPE design model and make them available to commercial satellite providers based on the above incentives. The advanced development funded under the STTR Program will provide the Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) required to bring the J&T R&D and STScI research products to the commercial market in a reasonable time, at which time J&T will have the expertise and financial strength to pursue this commercially.

Proposal Number: 970002

Project Title: Three-dimensional path planning and execution for free-flying robots

Small Business Concern:
Metrica, Inc.
10010 San Pedro, Ste. 400
San Antonio, TX 78216
Research Institution:
Carnegie Mellon University
Scaife Hall, Room 315
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
David M. Kortenkamp, Ph.D.

Technical Abstract:

We propose to develop a provably complete, sensor-based path planner for robots operating in three-dimensions and to integrate that path planner with real-time intelligent control of a free-flying space robot. Currently, there are no exact or general path planning approaches applicable to three-dimensional environments that guarantee all points in the environment will be "seen" by a robot, even when full knowledge of the environment is known. In this project we will integrate two distinct lines of research:

1) The Hierarchical Generalized Voronoi Graph (HGVG) approach to three dimensional motion planning that has been developed by Professor Howie Choset of Carnegie Mellon University; and

2) an intelligent robotic control architecture developed by Metrica researchers. The first line of research will provide a method for planning paths and for planning inspection patterns in three-dimensional environments. When integrated with the second line of research, a robust navigation ability for free-flying robots in three-dimensional environments will be achieved. In addition, the HGVG representation also provides for planning a search pattern that guarantees complete coverage. The resulting system will have many applications within NASA and in the private sector.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Robotic inspection of structures, security robots, search and rescue robots, injection molding.

Proposal Number: 970010

Project Title: Microgravity and Hypogravity Compatible Methods for the Destruction of Solid Wastes Using Magnetically Stabilized Fluidized Bed Reactor Technology.

Small Business Concern:
UMPQUA Research Company
P.O. Box 609
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457
Research Institution:
Oregon State University
Department of Chemical Engineering
103 Gleeson Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-2702
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
James E. Atwater

Technical Abstract:

A novel microgravity and hypogravity compatible method for destruction of solid wastes is proposed to meet the requirements of future Advanced Life Support Systems. The innovation is based upon Magnetically Stabilized Fluidized Bed (MSFB) reactor technology developed at Oregon State University. Using a magnetic field in substitution for the gravitational field, fluidized bed technology can be deployed in microgravity. Variation in the strength of the magnetic field allows the degree of fluidization to be manipulated independently of flow rate. The separation and destruction of solids occurs in a three step process in which magnetic forces are used to manipulate the degree of fluidization of a bed of catalyst impregnated ferromagnetic particles. Initially, the bed is compacted via an external magnetic field and acts as a depth filter, removing solids from a slurry consisting of comminuted solid wastes. When the bed is fully loaded with solids, it is removed from the process, and fluidized using flowing air and heat. At a sufficiently high temperature, the ferromagnetic particles catalyze combustion and the entrapped solids are converted to carbon dioxide, water, and other inorganic constituents. Following termination of the catalytic combustion process, ash is removed from the catalytic surface of the bed's particles by fluidization in the reverse direction.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The primary commercial application for the government will be as mission specific solid waste treatment sub-systems to be incorporated into the Advanced Life Support Systems (ALSS) which will be required to sustain long duration human presence in space. For the private sector, development of MSFB technology for deployment in microgravity will allow the many benefits of fluidization to be employed where appropriate for materials processing in space.

Proposal Number: 970020

Project Title: Rapid Prototyping and Fabrication of Advanced Fiber Composites

Small Business Concern:
N NOTEK Instruments, Inc.
1915 First Ave.
Opelika, AL 36801
Research Institution:
Materials Research Center
201 Ross Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
C. Jeff Wang

Technical Abstract:

The methods and processes of rapidly producing composite processing tools, prototypes, and actual parts using novel solid freeform fabrication (SFF) approaches will be developed. These tools or prototypes will be made from either high-temperature polymer matrix composites or metal matrix composites with well-controlled dimensional accuracy (e.g. with a precisely tuned coefficient of thermal expansion, CTE, to match that of the intended production parts). The proposed tasks include (1) design of suitable nozzles for depositing tools layer-by-layer, (2) modeling of the mass and heat transfer processes involved in the deposition of preimpregnated fiber tow, and (3) establishment of a methodology to integrate proper textile structure-forming steps and nozzle movement sequence to manufacture complex-geometry parts. The present research will lead to the development of (a) several innovative processes for manufacturing continuous fiber reinforced composite tools and models and (b) the capability of producing complex custom manufactured composite parts on demand. Such a capability is essential to meeting NASA's and industry's needs to reduce the high tooling and prototyping costs that are commonly associated with the production of polymer composite parts. The technology will also reduce or eliminate unnecessary and out-of-date inventories of spare parts while ensuring availability of parts when and where they are needed.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The proposed technology has a truly great commercial application potential due to the following reasons: (1) The proposed processes are rapid (short lead times) and cost-effective for fabricating tools with a precisely-tuned CTE as well as prototypes that match the real production parts. (2) This net-form manufacturing technology has significant economic benefits since a part or tool is made from the raw stock in one integrated operation, thereby eliminating many intermediate machining steps. (3) The present technology can also be utilized to manufacture complex-shaped composite parts on demand (in addition to prototypes and tools). This technology will significantly broaden the scope of application for composites.

Proposal Number: 970025

Project Title: Solar Plant Growth System for Life Support in Space

Small Business Concern:
Physical Sciences Inc.
20 New England Business Center
Andover, MA 01810
Research Institution:
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
University of Arizona
Shantz Building, Room 403
Tucson, AZ 85712
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Takashi Nakamura

Technical Abstract:

Investigators in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at The University of Arizona (UA) have developed a Solar Irradiance Collector, Transmission and Distribution System (SICTDS) that is designed for growing plants in biologically-based life support systems (BLSS). This technology, which delivers heat-free solar irradiance to the growing plants in the biomass production chamber (BPC), consists of a solar collector, fiberoptic cable light transmitters and light-distribution systems. Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI), in the last few years, has been developing the Optical Waveguide (OW) solar energy system for application to plant lighting, materials processing, and PV power generation with funding from NASA/JSC.

Using the OW solar energy system, PSI has successfully demonstrated plant growing in an enclosed plant growth chamber with solar light delivered via 10-m long optical fiber cables. In the same study PSI showed that solar radiation can be separated into two components: plant growing spectra and non-plant growing spectra, and that only the plant growing portion was delivered to the plant growth chamber. The two technologies resident at UA and PSI can be effectively combined for development of the solar plant lighting system for life support in space.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Commercial of the Solar Plant Growth System (SPGS) applications include the use of SPGS for energy-efficient crop growing in the polar region, with the state of Alaska as a case in point. The government of Alaska is very interested in employing technologies that are designed toharness natural sunlight for growing plants in closed environments. The SPGS technology iswell adapted for growing plants in a remote location or in an enclosed chamber using solarirradiance. Another important application of the SPGS technology is for indoor lighting inhighly crowded cities wherein numerous buildings do not receive any solar irradiance.

Proposal Number: 970081

Project Title: Portable Sleep Monitoring System.

Small Business Concern:
711 Barbara Avenue
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Research Institution:
National School of Sleep Medicine
P. O. Box 524
Bath, OH 44210
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Eugene M. Zawadzki

Technical Abstract:

We propose the design, prototype construction and testing in Phase I of selected modules for a portable human monitoring system including signal acquisition hardware/software, analysis software, and calibration devices. The system is optimized for recording and interpreting sleep parameters and measures of sleep deprivation in a configuration designed for multi- channel studies. Any biopotential or transducer source is accepted. Signals collected from applied electrodes and driven transducers are conditioned in a portable, light-weight, battery-powered, fiber-optic or wireless infrared Isolated Biomedical Information Transmitter worn on the subject, assuring isolation from electromagnetic interference and primary (line) electrical power. Received data is synchronized and archived in the Sleep Acquisition & Analysis Station, where conventional time and frequency domain algorithms are supplanted by recently developed wave-form extraction techniques to identify sleep spindles, K-complexes and other characteristic signatures. The algorithms are capable of identifying characteristic waveforms from electrocardiogram data as well. A Calibration Controller Network provides continuous calibration and monitoring of system performance, and provides an external local area network interface to other systems. Though not inexpensive, an additional, low-light or infrared imaging camera system should be integrated with the data stream for overall body position and movement.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The proposed system will meet the technical specifications of the sleep community and be marketed to many areas, including clinical facilities with a need for inpatient monitoring that is clinically stable without constant technical supervision. Potentially much larger, the home health care market is small today but enabling, low-cost technology (as explored here) is now attainable for monitoring patient sleep disorders and related syndromes in a familiar environment where acclimatization is unnecessary.

Other potential commercialization areas include providing testing to airline crews, transportation firms, companies requiring night shift workers, and medical institutions where knowledge of key physiological parameters and control over circadian phases are crucial to overall performance and accuracy.

Proposal Number: 970126

Project Title: Advanced Heat Pump System for Spacecraft Thermal Management

Small Business Concern:
H&R Technical Associates, Inc.
151 Lafayette Drive, Suite 220
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Research Institution:
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2009
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6070
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Tony C. Chung

Technical Abstract:

Vapor compression heat pumps are still the most reliable heating and cooling systems for thermal management of spacecraft. However, system efficiency and adequate capacity are essential to their proper functioning. Current heat pump systems have five major components: compressor, evaporator, condenser, reversing 4-way valves, and accumulator. The energy efficiency and capacity of the conventional heat pump could be further improved by incorporating more advanced design features, such as liquid over-feeding and passive charging optimization technology.

Liquid over-feeding was developed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and was extensively tested on off-the-shelf air conditioners. The test results showed a 12% improvement in cooling capacity and 7.5% increase in system coefficient of performance. Passive charging optimization technology (patent pending at ORNL) would further improve the performance of the advanced heat pump at off-design conditions. The objectives of this research are the development of a computer model for advanced heat pumps to be used in spacecraft, and development of a prototype advanced heat pump unit.

Potential Commercial Applications:
A successful Phase I effort will lead to commercialization opportunities because liquid over-feeding and refrigerant inventory control could be implemented as hardware on conventional air conditioning systems. Some companies are already interested in the liquid over-feeding technology. Refrigerant inventory control to ensure the optimum amount of refrigerant charge will be attractive to makers of air conditioning systems for commercial buildings because such systems operate most of the time at off-design conditions.

Proposal Number: 970130

Project Title: Inflatable Module for Lunar/Mars Surface Facilities

Small Business Concern:
Orbital Technologies Corp
Space Center, 1212 Fourier Drive
Madison, WI 53717
Research Institution:
Colorado State University
Center for Engineering Infrastructure and Sciences in Space (CEISS)
Department of Civil Engineering
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1372
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. Eric E. Rice (ORBITEC)

Technical Abstract:

The long-term vision for Human Exploration and Development of Space (HEDS) (Topic #3) calls for the establishment of a human-tended base on the Moon and a human mission to Mars. Any activity on either planetary surface requires structures capable of supporting humans in a "shirt- sleeve" environment. On Moon and/or Mars, a structure behaves as a pressure vessel due to the lack of an external atmosphere. Consequently, the ideal approach is an inflatable structure made of a thin membrane. A generic lightweight (<300 kg) inflatable structure suitable for either planetary surface consisting of identical modules is proposed. The goals of the proposed research are to determine the optimum configuration of this inflatable structure through analytical modeling, technology development, component testing and to fully design and construct a prototype in Phase II. Specific objectives of Phase I include: construction of an integrated computer simulation for evaluation of the various options; a detailed structural analysis to ensure the structural integrity; selection of a suitable membrane material; and determination of reliable joints and framing among the components. Phase II objectives are the design, testing, and construction of a sub-scale and full-scale models for testing under simulated Lunar/Martian conditions.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Commercial development of space planetary resources requiring human oversight and labor, e.g., manufacturing and mining, is contingent upon the availability of a structure within which these activities can be conducted in a shirt-sleeve environment. The immediate commercial application of the proposed inflatable module is to provide a light weight, stowable, easily deployable, functional, modular, readily expandable and economical structure that meets this requirement. Development of advanced composite materials with low mass, high tensile strength, low leakage, high resistance to punctures, good insulation and shielding from radiation (if feasible) is needed to construct a planetary surface inflatable structure. Such new materials represent a significant commercial development with innumerable potential spin offs. Analysis, design and construction of the proposed inflatable module require numerical and computer simulation techniques not yet fully developed. These novel techniques possess the potential for a wide spectrum of commercial applications for both space and terrestrial membrane structures. Space-based commercial applications of these new materials and techniques are: Lunar and Mars inflatable modules for surface structures; precision inflatable structures; such as antennas; solar collectors and solar sails; low-cost orbital habitats and storage structures, and low-pressure storage tanks. Terrestrial commercial applications include: light weight storage vessels; air inflated recreational facilities; rapidly movable and deployable temporary structures for civilian and military applications; and emergency shelters.

Proposal Number: 970163

Project Title: High-Yield Fullerene Nanotube Production Systems

Small Business Concern:
MER Corporation
7960 S. Kolb Road
Tucson, AZ 85706
Research Institution:
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O.Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6070

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Boulevard
Golden, CO 80401-3393

Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. Timothy Lowe

Technical Abstract:

In cooperative effort between MER/NREL/ORNL the technology to produce high-yield single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) will be investigated. ORNL will provide the modeling expertise to simulate the SWNT synthesis process, thus defining the physicochemical condition to maximize yield. NREL will provide the mechanistic and haracterization aspect of SWNT growth. MER will provide a novel design of a laboratory scale reactor for practical production of the success of Phase I effort. The advantages of SWNT over multi-wall tubes in structure applications are related to the high aspect ratio of highly perfect structure of the SWNT, resulting in an exceptional specific strength. The proposed effort will culminate by designing and constructing an apparatus utilizing a flow-through design and allows independent control of production parameters including catalyst identity and particle size, identity of carbon source, catalyst/carbon ratio, temperature of reaction and annealing zones, and reaction time. The production rates and low cost, and assures a successful Phase II scale- up to produce commercial quantities of this novel and versatile material.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Potential commercial applications of SWNT include their use as field emitters, atomic force microscopy probe tips, electrode materials, gas and energy storage media, and as reinforcement in nano-engineering materials.

Proposal Number: 970195

Project Title: Carbon Aerogel Thermal Protection System for Reusable Launch Vehicle

Small Business Concern:
MER Corporation
7960 S. Kolb Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85706
Research Institution:
Southern Research Institute
P.O. Box 55305
Birmingham, Alabama 35255-5305
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. J.C. Withers

Technical Abstract:

Affordable, reliable, and safe access to space is considered a high priority goal of all national and global transportation systems and technology development communities. In the United States, NASA has been assigned the lead role for developing a new class of reusable launch vehicles capable of achieving this goal. This STTR response combines carbon aerogel materials technology residing at Southern Research Institute with affordable oxidation protected carbon-carbon materials technology in the final stages of development at MER Corporation. Our team believes these two technologies will yield highly reusable, waterproof, lightweight thermal protection system for Reusable Launch Vehicles which will have other significant commercial potential.

Carbon aerogels are a special class of low density, open cell foams that have high porosity (>90%), ultrafine pore sizes (<50 nm), high internal surface area (400-1000 m2/g) and a solid matrix composed of interconnected fibrous chains with characteristic diameters of 10 nm. Carbon aerogels have demonstrated thermal stability at temperatures in excess of 3000o C (>5432o F). Room temperature thermal conductivity of carbon aerogels indicate a factor of fivefold less thermal conduction when compared to other carbon foams of similar density. MER Corporation, a small business, teamed with Southern Research Institute, a non-profit research institution, proposes to perform the necessary research and material property evaluations to develop a new generation of affordable, low thermal conductivity thermal protection system (TPS) based on carbon aerogel materials. A Phase I experimental effort is identified which includes a preliminary materials synthesis and ultra- high temperature materials characterization, and thermal analog demonstration of a carbon aerogel subelement TPS.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Low thermal conductivity materials have extensive applications in all heating or cooling where heat management is required. These include furnace systems and refrigeration throughout industry and in consumer applications, transportation and aerospace. These markets are several billions of dollars which aerogels have the potential to capture a significant portion and with C-C sandwiches virtually all weight sensitive applications

Proposal Number: 970006

Project Title: A Weather Conflict Prediction and Avoidance Service for General Aviation

Small Business Concern:
Wyndemere Incorporated
4875 Pearl East Circle, Suite 301
Boulder, CO 80301
Research Institution:
National Center for Atmospheric Research
3450 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
William Nedell

Technical Abstract:

Despite significant advances in the distribution and display of weather information to GA pilots (both on the ground and in the cockpit), severe weather continues to be a large impediment to the expansion of general aviation. This is partly due to the complexity of making accurate conflict detection decisions and the difficulty of replanning flight routes while en route. The result can be unnecessary flight avoidance for the less-trained pilot, costly time investments for training and/or compromises in safety of flight.

This project proposes to combine new advances in tracking and prediction of severe weather at the National Center for Atmospheric Research with existing aircraft trajectory modeling software and conflict detection and resolution algorithms to create a decision support system for GA pilots. In Phase I, feasibility will be examined by determining the accuracy and efficiency of convective-weather- avoidance advisory information. If successful, Phase II will focus on development of a demonstration system and execution of field trials to evaluate system utility and refine human-computer interfaces. Existing NCAR software will be used to ensure that improvements in prediction accuracy and future icing-hazard products can be incorporated.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Wyndemere's primary commercial interest is the establishment of an affordable, easy-to-use, decision support service for GA - a service that would make use of the technology developed here as well as newly available datalink systems like GeoNet and AirCell, and new advanced glass cockpit systems. Additional potential applications include : licensing of software or algorithms for use in advanced flight management sytems or existing in-flight weather information suppliers, and incorporation of this or similar technology in air traffic control facilities via FAA contract.

Proposal Number: 970011

Project Title: Application of Unique Wave Bearing Concept to General Aviation Gas Turbine Engines.

Small Business Concern:
1111 Ohio Savings Plaza
Cleveland, OH 44114
Research Institution:
University of Toledo
University Hall
Room 3210
Toledo, OH 43606-3390
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Ted Keith, Project Manager
Florin Dimofte, Principal Investigator

Technical Abstract:

A unique Fluid Film Journal Bearing, called a Wave Bearing, was developed by Dr. Florin Dimofte under a NASA grant to the University of Toledo. The Wave Bearing will be designed and validated for applications as mainshaft bearings for general aviation turbine engines. The Wave Bearing has promise of providing bearings with improved reliability, safety, and lower initial and operation costs when compared to presently used rolling element bearings.

NASTEC, Inc. has extensive bearing design experience and will join the Wave Bearing inventor to apply this design to general aviation engines. Assisted by computer codes developed at the University of Toledo, the proposed phase I program will adapt the Wave Bearing to the design requirements of general aviation gas turbine engine. A test rig will be designed to the point of initiating manufacturing drawings in Phase I.

In Phase II, the design and fabrication of the test bearings and test rig will be completed and the bearing will be experimentally validated. NASA LeRC will provide facilities and test support for the Phase II effort. The Army will also provide technical support.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The Wave Bearing concept has promise of providing a journal bearing that is lower in both initial and operating cost when compared with presently used ball and roller bearings. Cost and operating reliability are dominant factors in general aviation turbine engines. Successful application of the Wave Bearing should lead to their use in not only general aviation turbine engines, but also in a variety of other rotating machinery applications. Typical examples would include power generating systems and air cycle machines.

In this age of focused environmental concerns, the use of Wave Bearings should lead to enhanced environmental efficiencies.

Proposal Number: 970057

Project Title: Air Modifying Membranes For Use With Unleaded Fuel In General Aviation

Small Business Concern:
Compact Membrane Systems, Inc.
814 First State Blvd.
Wilmington, DE 19804
Research Institution:
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Stuart Nemser, Ph.D.

Technical Abstract:

General aviation (GA) aircraft engines require large power/weight ratios to allow the vehicle to take-off and fly. Many GA aircraft utilize high compression ratio engines supplied with leaded gasoline to avoid engine knocking. With the decreasing availability and increasing cost from reduced production of leaded fuel, the growth of GA has been hampered. Additionally, environmental considerations require cleaner burning engines. An unleaded fuel offers environmental and supply advantages. Argonne National Lab studies have shown that the use of oxygen enriched air (OEA) can improve both engine power density and fuel efficiency simultaneously for a variety of fuels. Nitrogen Enriched Air (NEA) can be used in high compression ratio engines while avoiding knocking. Compact Membrane Systems, Inc. has recently developed compact membranes supplying OEA and NEA simultaneously. In Phase I, CMS will simulate the introduction of OEA and NEA to an unleaded fueled engines. In Phase II, we will optimize power, fuel consumption, and emissions levels to be equivalent or superior to engines currently used for GA and demonstrate on an actual piston GA engine.

Potential Commercial Applications:
This project introduces compact membranes supplying OEA/NEA for improved power to an unleaded fueled GA engine. Other applications include: (1) Reduced engine cold-start emissions (2) portable oxygen for respiratory patients (3) Nitrogen enriching for inerting applications and (4) Nitrogen enriching for reduced engine NOx.

Proposal Number: 970096

Project Title: Low Cost General Aviation Head-Up Displays

Small Business Concern:
Crew Systems
Post Office Box 963
San Marcos, TX 78667
Research Institution:
National Institute for Aviation Research
Wichita State University
1845 North Fairmount
Wichita, KS 67260-0093
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Richard L. Newman

Technical Abstract:

This proposal applies to NASA research topic 4, General Aviation of the NASA Strategic Enterprise: Aeronautics. We propose to con- vert the technical information and expertise resident at Wichita State University in human factors research to develop low-cost head-up display (HUD) for general aviation (GA) airplanes. Head- up displays (HUDs) have been used in military and transport air- craft for several years. These displays show flight symbols pro- jected to appear floating in the real world. Advantages to the use of HUDs includes reduced pilot workload, increased flight precision, improved flight safety and a reduction in the training hours required to obtain and maintain proficiency. In spite of these advantages, HUDs have not been successfully adapted to light general aviation aircraft because of the cost of these dis- plays. Several candidate technologies are in place to develop low-cost, yet functional HUDs for the GA fleet. The primary ob- jectives and effort proposed in Phase I are to (1) determine which of three candidate technologies are appropriate for GA HUDs; (2) Design a HUD system, suitable for GA airplanes; and (3) Initiate FAA certification for this system. With the expected completion of these tasks in Phase I, we anticipate completing the installation and its certification during Phase II.

Potential Commercial Applications:
There is a considerable potential market for a low-cost GA head- up display. Incorporation of HUDs should reduce both initial and recurrent training cost for GA pilots as well as providing im- proved flight safety. We envision that 20% of the US GA fleet would be candidates for a GA HUD, if this program is successful. There is a significant US aviation market for such equipment.

Proposal Number: 970133

Project Title: Lightweight Inexpensive Aircraft Diesel Engine

Small Business Concern:
Wiesen Engine
15 Beach Road
Great Neck, NY 11023
Research Institution:
Engineering Department
U. S. Merchant Marine Academy
Kings Point, NY 11024
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. M. David Burghardt

Technical Abstract:

We have designed and constructed a proof-of-concept, lightweight, inexpensive, aircraft diesel engine of axial configuration. It combines eight opposed pistons in four highly pressure charged uniflow scavenged cylinders and features a patented automatically variable compression ratio mechanism. This diesel engine is capable of producing 1.25 horsepower per cubic inch displacement while weighing less than 1 pound per cubic inch displacement. This engine design also offers many other unique qualities and features. The principal objective of this project is to demonstrate that this proof-of-concept engine merits serious consideration based on the clear advantage of specific power and the potential advantage of thermal efficiency, low weight and very low production cost. The purpose of the Phase I proposal is to undertake the detailed mechanical and thermal analyses that the engine requires, allow some modification and refinement to the fuel injection pump and injectors and also permit other design modifications as necessary. We intend dynamometer testing and emission testing of the engine and to also develop recommendations for the design and construction of a production prototype engine that will be constructed and thoroughly tested as part of the Phase II effort.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The General Aviation market offers a tremendous opportunity for a successful lightweight, efficient and inexpensive diesel engine for new and experimental single pilot aircraft; there are also numerous retrofit opportunities which can benefit from the significant advantages on cost, performance, economy and safety of operation that these engines can offer. The availability of a line of very lightweight inexpensive fuel efficient diesel engines in this market would find many customers who are also seeking increased safety and lower insurance costs. There could be derivative applications to other transport groups where lightweight and high performance using diesel fuel is desirable. When dealing with special equipment, a strong need exists for inexpensive lightweight diesel engines suitable for manufacture in small production runs. It would also make an ideal marine engine. Its low height, narrow width and low weight could permit installations not now possible. These engines could be produced for boat manufacturers, engine marinizers and individual boat owners.

Proposal Number: 970185

Project Title: Design and Implementation of an Integrated Landing System for Small General Aviation Airplanes

Small Business Concern:
Global Aircraft Corporation
424 Hwy 12 W
Starkville, MS 39759
Research Institution:
Research Triangle Institute
3040 Conrwallis Rd.
Research Triangle Park, NC 22770-2194
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Robert J. Stewart

Technical Abstract:

The proposed innovation is an airplane landing system that combines emerging technologies to provide intuitively clear primary flight information and precise control for landing the small airplane . The innovation will substantially reduce the pilot's workload, greatly aid pilot decision making, reduce training time and cost, and substantially improve the utility and safety of the use of the airplane. These improvements will contribute in a major way to increased demand for the airplane in serving the nation's transportation needs, to substantially higher production rates, and to the revitalization of the general aviation industry as set forth in Topic 4 of the STTR solicitation.

The project objective is to demonstrate the feasibility, in Phase I, of a design for a control and display system that incorporates spoiler/throttle control and flight path displays that are engineered to facilitate the human machine interface to simplify the approach, flare, and landing phase of flight. The effort proposed for Phase I will provide the basis for the development of an integrated spoiler/throttle control and flight path display in Phase II and for the certification and commercialization of the system in Phase III as an integral element of the Global Aircraft Corporation's production airplane.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The direct commercial potential is the manufacture and sale of general aviation airplanes incorporating the proposed innovative integrated control and display system. Global Aircraft is commited to and funded to complete FAA certification of its GT-3 Trainer airplane in 1998 and to start production by the end of 1998. Key elements of the innovative control and display system to be developed in this effort, including the guidance capabilities, display technology and formats, and control system, will be manufactured and sold by the participating avionics companies for retrofit into existing aircraft.

Proposal Number: 970186

Project Title: Design and Production of an Affordable Engine Exhauxt Muffler System for General Aviation Engines

Small Business Concern:
Global Aircraft Corporation
Address:424 Hwy 12 W
Starkville, MS 39759
Research Institution:
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
W. Graham Wells

Technical Abstract:

The AGATE Acoustics Technologies Program has identified both propeller and engine exhaust noise reduction as their primary goal to meet even more stringent European noise requirements expected in the near future. Topic 4 of the STTR solicitation also addresses the need for environmentally compatible, low-noise, affordable engine exhaust systems. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University has been working for several years to establish a faculty and facilities to support research on light GA airplanes, mufflers, and propellers. The technology the ERAU has developed in the field of engine exhaust noise abatement is directly applicable to the STTR project and the related facilities are necessary for the successful execution of the project.

It is imperative, therefore, that an affordable and effective engine exhaust muffler be design, fabricated, evaluated, and commercialized. This muffler must significantly reduce engine exhaust noise with minimal effect on engine performance.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) possesses significant expertise in aircraft acoustics, design and evaluation as well as prototype manufacturing capabilities and appropriate testing facilities. These capabilities will be used to implement the necessary technology transfer to Global Aircraft Company to produce an effective, small, light weight, safe and affordable GA muffler exhaust system.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Global Aircraft is currently is planning production of it GT-3 Trainer for late 1998. The improvements in low-muffler that are anticipated to result from this STTR project will be incorporated in production GT-3 Trainer. Certified versions of the low-noise muffler will be sold to new airplane manufacturers and to airplane owners for retrofit to existing airplanes.

Proposal Number: 970199

Project Title: Progressive Fracture Simulation Design Of Ceramic Combustors For Turbine Engines

Small Business Concern:
ALPHA STAR Research Corporation
5200 W. Century Blvd., Suite 340
Los Angeles, Ca 90045
Research Institution:
Clarkson University Division of Research
Box 5630
Postdam, NY 13699-5630
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. Frank Abdi

Technical Abstract:

Design of safe turbine engines utilizing ceramic matrix composite (CMC) combustors to achieve significantly improved efficiency and performance requires knowledge of structural/material integrity (resistance to creep/creep rupture, fatigue, and overload fracture) relative to thermal-mechanical loading, and design features such as air supply holes, and incorporation of sensors. Progressive fracture, involving crack initiation/growth, is a key aspect of this knowledge. AlphaSTAR and team members, Clarckston University and Allied Signal Engines, propose in Phase I to enhance GENOA, a software system for CMC structures, to simulate progressive failure in 3D woven/braided fiber reinforced combustors. The simulation will take into account the sensitivities of structural integrity factors to variations in: 1) design features, 2) mechanical and physical properties of CMC materials, 3) fiber volume fraction, orientation, and porosity of CMC materials, and 4) operational parameters (temperature, and pressure). Combustor integrity predictions made with the enhanced software, verified with existing AE full scale CMC combustor test data, will significantly reduce time and costs of both design and testing. Phase II will adapt software to real time processing of data for in service health monitoring of sensor equipped CMC combustors, and intelligent control of in-service parameters to avoid crack initiation and promote safe operation.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Provide software to significantly benefit CMC utilization by progressive fracture simulation in CMC structure to: 1. Significantly reduce design time and cost for the CMC air vehicle and engine parts (combustor). 2. Reduce the amount of full scale prototype testing by use of computational simulation to extend subscale experimental results to full scale prototype structures. 3. Accuratly predict performance and useful life limits of braided CMC parts (combustor liner, CMC blades)

Proposal Number: 970060

Project Title: High Performance Cryogenic Injectors for Pulse Detonation Rocket Engines

Small Business Concern:
Adroit Systems, Inc.
411 108th Ave NE, Ste. 1080
Bellevue, WA 98004
Research Institution:
Pennslyvania State University
Propulsion Engineering Research Center
106 Research Building East Bigler Road
University Park, PA 16802-2320
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Tom Bratkovich

Technical Abstract:

The opportunity addressed in this proposal is a high performance injector for pulse detonation rocket engines (PDREs). PDRE has many highly desirable features including increased performance (i.e., specific impulse, thrust/weight, and thrust/area). These features should result in a very low unit cost that should contribute significantly toward decreased per pound launch costs. Accordingly, the effort described in this proposal would positively impact MSFC efforts in the Advanced Space Transportation Program (ASTP) by enabling the development and commercialization of low cost, high performance PDRE technology.

The injectors will become a critical subsystem for the PDREs being developed by Adroit Systems, Inc. (ASI). The developed injectors would ensure good mixing and atomization in conjunction with the highly transient filling process of PDRE combustion chambers, resulting in an innovative and precise mixing and atomization technology for cryogenic fluid delivery. The Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) has broad experience in a wide spectrum of injector designs, and in addition, has appropriate injector design technology that is applicable to the proposed effort. This joint teaming of University capability and small business expertise therefore would ideally match the intent and spirit of the STTR program.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Propulsion applications for the injectors include reusable launch vehicle (RLV) boost and orbital maneuvering systems, SSTO/RBCC propulsion systems, expendable launch vehicle (ELV) boost and upper stage engines, and divert propulsion systems. Related applications include airbreathing PDEs for military and commercial usage, PDE-based power generation, industrial dryers, and hazardous waste incinerators.

Proposal Number: 970075

Project Title: Ultra-Precision Model Maker

Small Business Concern:
Sanders Design International
PO BOX 550
Wilton, NH 03086
Research Institution:
University of Michigan
HH Dow Building
2300 Hayward Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2136
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Al Hastbacka

Technical Abstract:

Advanced rocket engine turbopump turbine blades will need ceramic cores to be inserted into the mold during investment casting. Designing and prototyping these cores is a long lead item in designing new turbine blades and rotors. The proposed Ultra-Precision Model Maker (UPMM) shortens the development time of ceramic cores from several months to days. The ultra-precision capability of the UPMM also provides the ability to design small features such as turbulence reducing micro- grooves into the turbine blade design. Prior to the proposed UPMM, this has not been practical.

Sanders Design International (SDI) is the creator of the Model Maker Ink Jet Rapid Prototyping (RP) Technology. The University of Michigan has demonstrated the ability to create rapid prototypes made from ceramics using the 3D Systems SLA process. Working with the University of Michigan, SDI has performed initial testing of ceramic filled resins that have rheology suitable for jetting. These experimental results provide us the confidence that we will be able to jet ceramic powders in an advanced Model Maker System. Combining the University of Michigan technology with advances in the jet head design of the Model Maker will allow an Ultra-Precision Model Maker (UPMM) to be developed under the proposed program.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The proposed Ultra-Precision Model Maker has application in the following market areas: rapid prototyping for precise aerospace applications such as gas turbine engines, prototypes for electronic connector assemblies, rapid prototyping of multi-chip modules (MCM's), production of master patterns for jewelry manufacturers, design of miniature medical devices, and the production of caps, crowns, bridges, and implants for dental applications.

Proposal Number: 970106

Project Title: Initiators for Pulse Detonation Engines

Small Business Concern:
Advanced Projects Research, Inc.
1925 McKinley Avenue, Suite B
La Verne, CA 91750
Research Institution:
California Institute of Technology
Explosion Dynamics Lab
205-45 Caltech
Pasadena, CA 91125
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
James D. Sterling

Technical Abstract:

Advanced Projects Research, Incorporated (APRI) is currently involved in the development of Pulse Detonation Engines for subsonic airbreathing propulsion applications. Pulse Detonation Engines operate in a cyclic manner that requires filling the engine with detonable mixture, initiating a detonation, and allowing blowdown of the high pressure engine. These engines, as well as proposed pulse detonation rockets, require a mechanism to initiate detonations. Use of a stratified charge of highly reactive gases is one approach that has been used to initiate detonations in less reactive media. In contrast to this approach, APRI in conjunction with the Explosion Dynamics Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology proposes to investigate and identify the requirements of successful initiation of detonation by use of a separate detonation initiator. This will involve the analytical and experimental characterization of a novel detonation initiation device. This proposal represents a unique opportunity to identify the technological requirements of a detonation initiator subsystem for Pulse Detonation Engines

Potential Commercial Applications:
Advanced Projects Research Inc. intends to apply this technooogy to the development of detonation initiators for pulsed detonation engines. Application to low-cost airbreathing engines for UAV's and rocket systems are being pursued.

Proposal Number: 970114

Project Title: Intelligent, Gain Scheduled, Differential Throttling, H? Control of Aerospike Space Transportation Systems

Small Business Concern:
American GNC Corporation
9131 Mason Avenue
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Research Institution:
University of Southern California
3440 S Hope St.
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2563
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Ching-Fang Lin

Technical Abstract:

NASA is considering the Single Stage To Orbit (STTO) concept. The breakthrough technology of aerospike engines has made rocket propulsion so much more efficient that STTO vehicles can now be seriously considered in a foreseeable future. Both the X-33 and the Venture Star will be equipped with aerospike engines. However, aerospike engines pose new control challenges -- they cannot be gimballed like conventional rocket engines; they are fixed relative to the rocket structure; therefore, aerospike engine rockets will have to be controlled by differential throttling. This project is aimed to transfer our experience and techniques in Propulsion Controlled Aircraft (PCA) control system design to NASA and solve this challenging problem. Especially, a multilevel aerospike space transportation control system based on H? model matching, and topological, intelligent, robust/nonlinear gain scheduling control will be designed to ensure good performance of the control system over the whole flight envelope. Design and analysis algorithms will be developed and a software environment with a graphical user interface will be implemented to synthesize, simulate, and evaluate the designed control system. Our experience makes us uniquely qualified to design the differential throttling control system of such advanced aerospike space transportation systems as the X-33 and Venture Star.

Potential Commercial Applications:
With the commercialization of space afforded by aerospike engines, the need for "fly-by-throttle" concepts will be increasing. With more and more sophesticated aeropace structures being considered -- stealth aircraft without vertical fins, flying wings -- that do not have conventional control surfaces but that will be flown by pilots used to fly aircraft with conventional control surfaces, the need to make these structures "feel" like a conventional aircraft will make our model matching concept more and more important.

Proposal Number: 970132

Project Title: Bronze/B4C/60p Composites for Reusable Launch Vehicle and Spacecraft Components

Small Business Concern:
Metal Matrix Cast Composites, Inc.
101 Clematis Avenue, Unit #1
Waltham, MA 02154
Research Institution:
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Department of Mechanical Engineering
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609-2280
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. James A. Cornie

Technical Abstract:

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the RI, has established a consortium/center for foundry technologies and supporting the metalworking industry. WPI and MMCC, Inc. propose a new material that competes with Ti, Monel and stainless steel for aerospace, corrosion resistant and density/stiffnes critical applications. Copper alloys reinforced with B4C particulates (Bronze/B4C/60p) are 226% stiffer than Ti with only a 12% density penalty. Bronze/B4C/60p has 40% lower density and 46% greater stiffness than K-Monel, currently specified for the Simplex LOX turbo pump now being developed by NMSFC for re-usable launch vehicle applications. Substitution of Bronze/B4C/60p for K-Monel will result in a 67 to 97 kg launch mass reduction from the existing 167 kg for the Simplex demonstration pump. This proposal features the use of BCBronze� that, when combined with MMCCÕs near absolute net shape Advanced Pressure Infiltration Casting Process (APIC�), is potentially less expensive than Ti.. Program objectives include: 1) develop a slurry process for manufacturing defect free boron carbide particulate preforms, 2) select bronze alloy that promotes strong bonding between the reinforcing particulate and the matrix, and 3) develop matrix age hardening for overall composite strengthening. An optimum composite system and a preliminary database suitable for potential launch vehicle applications will be developed.

Potential Commercial Applications:
Commercial applications include components for commercial launch vehicles, corrosion resistant pumps, low density airframe components, pads, drums and rotors for train, truck and aircraft braking systems, industrial braking systems, abrasion resistant applications for earth engaging equipment. Derivative applications include infiltrated graphite for electrical connectors, power brushes, electronic packaging, thermal management systems and sporting applications such as golf clubs.

Proposal Number: 970135


Small Business Concern:
MSE Technology Applications,Inc.
P. O. Box 4078
Butte, MT 59702
Research Institution:
University of Texas, Arlington
701 S. Nedderman
Arlington, TX 76013
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. Jean-Luc Cambier

Technical Abstract:

A new concept that combines a pulsed detonation engine (PDE) with a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generator is proposed. This hybrid engine retains the high performance, low weight, and design simplicity of the PDE. The MHD generator extracts a fraction of the power available in the PDE as an electrical pulse to ignite the fuel-air mixture. An MHD generator is the most efficient method of power extraction from the detonation, and since only a fraction of the combustion power is needed, the interaction length and magnet weight remain small. The objective is to deposit sufficient energy for direct initiation of detonations that allows the PDE to operate at peak performance. By contrast, current PDE designs rely on deflagration-to-detonation transition, which is a slow and inefficient process requiring appreciable distance. This results in considerable losses in performance from the low pressures achieved during the deflagration regime along with increased engine weight and lower cycling rates. The proposed MHD-PDE hybrid eliminates these losses and provides an efficient method to obtain the peak performance potential of the PDE. The concept can also be applied on a larger scale for ground-based power generation, which is the focus of our commercialization effort.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The hybrid PDE-MHD concept can be used for the design of propulsion systems for a variety of aerospace vehicles and a variety of missions. One particularly interesting variation of the concept concerns its use in an ejector mode, similar to the steady combined cycle engines being currently investigated for launch vehicles. Other commercial applications concern terrestrial power generation on a large-scale basis. In this case, the magnet designs are not limited by weight issues; consequently, lower cost iron-core magnets can be used. Maximum power extraction is targeted in this case. The concept is particularly attractive for coal-fired generators as coal dust detonations can be easily accomplished and achieve high combustion efficiency.

Proposal Number: 970150

Project Title: Multi-discipline Framework and Cost Modeling for Rocket-Based Combined-Cycle Vehicles

Small Business Concern:
International Space Systems, Inc.
500 Wynn Drive
Suite 306
Huntsville, AL 35816
Research Institution:
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Aerospace Engineering
Atlanta, GA 30322-0150
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Thomas T. Stanley

Technical Abstract:

The ISSI team will develop and convert technologies with commercial potential to provide affordable access to space for advanced space transportation systems/aeronautics through a modular multi-discipline framework system which performs vehicle/propulsion design to operation, that reduces significantly life-cycle cost.

The Phase I objective is to establish and demonstrate the feasibility of developing a modular framework system capable of interfacing and integrating the multiple computer based modeling, simulation and analysis systems presently being applied to RBCC ETO vehicle development. The objective of Phase II will be to provide a working system ready for commercialization in Phase III.

The effort consists of further evolving GIT's "IMAGE" modular framework system to interface and integrate existing industry "standard" RBCC ETO vehicle/propulsion design and performance analysis models. The framework system will be extended to incorporate the modified GIT cost module to demonstrate cost based on an activity based economic methodology.

The results will be a prototype of an expandable, modular framework system capable of supporting multi-disciplinary design/cost optimization and being extensible to the remaining phases of the full life-cycle of RBCC engine propelled ETO vehicles and the general problem of the development of complex technological systems in the industrial, utility and commercial marketplaces.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The commercial potential is in the launch vehicle, propulsion systems and related areas: commercial, and space and defense corporations LV's used in supporting the burgeoning communications, TV, cellular phone satellites industries. NASA and DoD, especially the AF with its Military Space Plane or Trans-atmospheric Vehicle (TAV), will be potential users of the system and technology. This will include the growing small business entry to the launch vehicle and propulsion markets.

This proposed system with the enhanced IMAGE and activity based cost model, will be applicable to not only airbreathing and rocket based vehicles and engines, but any aircraft or spacecraft system; in general the proposed methodology is applicable to any complex system. At the present time, the commercial need for the proposed system and activity based cost model is expanding for the government, military and commercial entities is at hand. The proposed products provide for commercial spin-offs in the following technology areas: graphic modeling in simulated real-time, Internet application for graphical inventory techniques applied to cost model, Internet collaborative research capabilities, post-flight data bases and analysis techniques, configuration management, multi-disciplinary design optimization and system modeling.

Proposal Number: 970151

Project Title: Comparative Vehicle and Propulsion Alternatives and Cost Model for Rocket-Based Combined-Cycle Engines

Small Business Concern:
International Space Systems, Inc.
500 Wynn Drive
Suite 306
Huntsville, AL 35816
Research Institution:
The Pennsylvania State University
240 Research Building East
University Park, PA 16802-2320

University of Alabama in Huntsville
RI Building, Room E-33
Huntsville, AL 35899
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Thomas T. Stanley

Technical Abstract:

ISSI will develop and transfer technologies with commercial potential from PSU and UAH to provide a means to reduce the time for concept design for advanced space transportation systems/aeronautics. This effort includes development and integration of ejector-scramjet engine, trajectory, aerodynamic and other models closely coupled to an RBCC vehicle/propulsion. This can significantly reduce the life-cycle cost from design to operation. Inclusion of an activity based cost model would further provide the designer with tools to reduce costs, and a CAD utility to produce designs at a time savings as well.

Phase-I objective is to produce a feasibility prototype of the simple modular framework with integrated analysis and cost modules. Phase-II provides a working system capable of Phase-III commercialization. Phase-I effort consists of developing ISSI's modular framework system and integrating/interfacing the modified PSU ejector scramjet RBCC engine code, activity based cost module and component library, and other codes (trajectory: POST and DOF36, aerodynamics: APAS, weights and sizing: CONSIZ, CAD: ProENGINEER) resulting in a prototype of integrated and expandable RBCC system to support design, performance, and cost analyses. A feasibility demonstration will be conducted.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The commercial potential is in the launch vehicle, propulsion systems and related areas: commercial LV, and space and defense corporations supporting the burgeoning communications, TV, cellular phone satellites. NASA and DoD, especially the AF with its Military Space Plane or Trans- atmospheric Vehicle (TAV), will be potential users of the system and technology. This will include the growing small business entry to the launch vehicle and propulsion markets. This proposed multi-disciplinary modular system with the enhanced engine and activity based cost model, will be applicable to not only airbreathing and rocket based vehicles and engines, but any aircraft or spacecraft system; in general the proposed methodology is applicable to any complex system. At the present time, the commercial need for the proposed system and activity based cost model is expanding for the government, military and commercial entities. The proposed products provide for commercial spin- offs in the following technology areas: graphic modeling in simulated real-time, Internet application for graphical inventory techniques applied to cost model, Internet collaborative research capabilities, post-flight data bases and analysis techniques, configuration management, multi-disciplinary design optimization and system modeling.

Proposal Number: 970016

Project Title: Optical Fiber Technology for Simultaneous Measurement of Distributed Strain and Temperature

Small Business Concern:
Analytical Services & Materials, Inc.
107 Research Drive
Hampton, VA 23666
Research Institution:
Department of Mechanical Endgineering
University of Maryland
College Park, Md. 20742
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. Venki S.Venkat

Technical Abstract:

A single optical fiber technology capable of simultaneously measuring distributed strain and temperature is proposed. Contemporary sensor technologies for combined temperature and strain measurement, such as In-Line Fiber Etalon (ILFE) and superposed grating are either cost prohibitive or have limited multiplexing capabilities. The proposed sensor technology preserves all of the multiplexing potentials of Bragg gratings sensors and uses the same length of fiber to measure both strain and temperature. The sensor is easy to manufacture and extremely cost effective. This sensor technology yields a well-conditioned system of equations for strain and temperature, and does so using standard in-fiber Bragg gratings. The system can operate with demodulation technology already existing at NASA facilities, as well as with all other demodulation technologies to both enhance NASA relevance and the potential for commercialization. In Phase I, the feasibility of fabricating the sensor and simultaneous measurement of distributed strain and temperature using a single sensor will be demonstrated. In Phase II, we will fabricate a prototype system and will integrate it with existing multiplexing demodulation scheme of NASA LaRC to provide distributed simultaneous measurement capabilities of strain and temperature. We will commercialize this technology in Phase III.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The broadest anticipated market is in the process monitoring of advanced composites, and health monitoring of aircraft, spacecraft, and large civil structures. This sensor is easy to fabricate and cost effective, and will find ready commercial market

Proposal Number: 970017

Project Title: Fiber Bragg Grating Cryogenic Temperature Sensors

Small Business Concern:
Science & Engr. Applications Co
4317 Country Club Circle
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Research Institution:
Old Dominion University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Norfolk, VA 23529
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Jianli Zheng

Technical Abstract:

A cryogenic temperature sensor using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is proposed to measure down to 20 K. The grating period changes due to change in temperature causing a shift in the Bragg reflection wavelength. Since glass has a small negative thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) below 150 K, a bare FBG is not sensitive enough for low temperature measurement. Coating an FBG with a material having a greater TEC than that of the fiber to induce additional strain can enhance the sensitivity. Aluminum (Al) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) have been identified as suitable coating materials. Theoretical studies performed at Old Dominion University show that for a temperature drop from 273 to 20 K, a center wavelength of 1500 nm will shift by approximately 7 and 16.5 nm, respectively, for Al- and PMMA-coated gratings. The Phase I research will verify this concept by conducting experiments using a coated FBG and a cryopump. The fiber optic Raman backscattering technique used in the X- 33 project is not sensitive below 80 K. The proposed research will lead to a better method for measuring cryogenic temperatures. The optimum coating thickness required for producing enough strain on FBG will be evaluated both theoretically and experimentally.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The proposed FBG method is most suitable for cryogenic temperature measurement in presence of high electromagnetic fields and explosive environments. A well-designed system will have a good commercial potential:

There are approximately 40 accelerators in the U.S. and 1500 worldwide, which use superconducting magnets and cavities that require temperature monitoring in presence of electromagnetic fields.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems used in hospitals and industrial applications require superconducting magnets. Temperature monitoring using the proposed method will be most suitable.

Magnetic levitation rail systems where cryogenic cooling is required will need continuous temperature monitoring. Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) power generation and propulsion systems employ superconducting coils which require temperature monitoring.

Superconducting magnets required for tokamaks and inertial confinement systems can use the proposed temperature sensor.

Proposal Number: 970039

Project Title: Modulated FT-Raman Fiber Optic Spectrometer for Thermoset Composite Analysis

Small Business Concern:
Detection Limit
Laramie, WY 82070
Research Institution:
Old Dominion University
Department of Chemistry
Norfolk, VA 23529
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. John B. Cooper

Technical Abstract:

This STTR proposal addresses the unique need of remotely monitoring the chemistry of thermoset composites as they are cured/aged within an autoclave. Currently only indirect methods (temperature, pressure, dielectric loss, density, humidity) are available for monitoring cure chemistry within autoclaves. Correlation of such measurements with the underlying chemistry or ultimate material properties is often quite difficult since these techniques do not allow direct monitoring of the curing chemistry responsible for material properties. Raman Spectroscopy, however, provides a way of directly monitoring the curing chemistry. The two limiting factors for the use of Raman spectroscopy in such applications has been 1) fluorescent backgrounds arising from the thermoset when it is irradiated with the Raman excitation laser, and 2) thermal backgrounds resulting from the high temperature autoclaves. The proposed Modulated FT-Raman Fiber-Optic Spectrometer eliminates both fluorescent and thermal backgrounds. Successful completion of this project will result in a proven Modulated FT-Raman Fiber-Optic Spectrometer capable of remotely monitoring the direct cure chemistry of highly fluorescent thermosets/thermoset composites at high temperatures in real-time within an autoclave.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The Modulated FT-Raman Fiber-Optic Spectrometer will offer tremendous advantages to the Aerospace Composite and Adhesives Industry. It will allow the development of efficient autoclave temperature programs which yield maximum material properties. An efficiency increase of less than 5% per cure can result in $200,000 in savings on operating costs of a large scale industrial autoclave per year. In addition, thermal processing can maximize material properties to yield value-added products resulting in further cost savings. The instrument will also permit accelerated aging investigations of new high performance materials, and offers the potential to be used in feedback control for intelligent processing systems.

Proposal Number: 970059

Project Title: Advanced Sensor Design and Image Processing for Next Generation Magneto-Optic/Eddy Current Imaging

Small Business Concern:
Physical Research, Inc.
12517 - 131 Ct. NE
Kirkland, WA 98034-7725
Research Institution:
Ohio State University
174 W. 18th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1106
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
David K. Thome

Technical Abstract:

Physical Research, Inc. (PRi) has teamed with two research institutions, Ohio State University (OSU) and Iowa State University (ISU) to develop advanced magneto-optic imaging technology for NDE. PRi commercialized a real-time magneto-optic/eddy current imaging instrument, the MOI, that produces real-time eddy current images of defects. Next generation MOI systems promise more sensitive, higher resolution imaging for inspection of advanced aircraft materials, such as titanium/graphite composites skins, and for subsurface defects and corrosion in aging aircraft. OSU will contribute to advanced sensor development. In addition, OSU has ties with the Litton Industries, which produces the commercial grade magneto-optic sensors for PRi. ISU will contribute to image processing including image enhancement and mapping. Preliminary investigations with ISU demonstrated image re-mapping and stacking algorithms that greatly enhance the signal to background noise of MOI images. PRi will be involved in development of a real-time electronic background reduction method which was recently demonstrated in the laboratory. PRi will be responsible for overall management of the program.

Potential Commercial Applications:
This technology has already been proven in both the military and civilian sectors for surface crack detection, but the need exists for inspection methods with much greater sensitivity to detection of small cracks and subsurface corrosion and cracks. Successful completion of this research will lead to a new generation of real-time imaging inspection system for aircraft and other applications. PRI Instrumentation, an affiliate of PRi, has consistently demonstrated its commitment to commercialization of products resulting from the research efforts of PRi.

Proposal Number: 970068

Project Title: Flexible Sensor Array for Real-Time Imaging and NDT of Complex Parts

Small Business Concern:
TPL, Inc.
3921 Academy Parkway North, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109-4416
Research Institution:
National Institute of Standards and Testing
325 Broadway
M/S 814.05
Boulder, CO 80303-3328
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Timothy C. Tiernan

Technical Abstract:

NASA, the U. S. military, and civilian aerospace concerns all have a substantial interest in new materials for the fabrication of durable, low weight, high strength components. However, defects in components made from materials such as aluminum lithium alloys can be difficult to detect and analyze using available nondestructive testing (NDT) technology. TPL, in collaboration with the National Institute for Standards and Testing (NIST) proposes a new type of NDT technology based on two-dimensional sensor arrays made from giant magnetoresistance (GMR) material. Such arrays could form the basis of a three-dimensional, eddy-current NDT system that displays an image of the part and its defects on a portable LCD (e.g. a laptop PC) making defect detection both simple and intuitive. These arrays can be made with spatial resolution in the micron range for laboratory studies to determine defect generation and propagation mechanisms. In the field, they could be used for inspecting components and welds. New fabrication techniques using polymeric rather than silicon substrates would make possible flexible sensor arrays for inspection of curved surfaces and complex parts. In addition, the arrays could be stacked to result in three- dimensional arrays with real-time output capabilities.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The proposed technology will find markets in manufacturing, nondestructive evaluation (NDE), and basic research. It could be used for rapid imaging and inspection of parts used in the aerospace, automotive, transportation, construction, and chemical industries.

Proposal Number: 970122

Project Title: Piezoelectric Microdrive for NDE Applications

Small Business Concern:
EMF Industries, Inc.
1700 Riverside Drive
Phillips Bus. Park
Williamsport, PA 17701
Research Institution:
The Pennsylvania State University
Materials Research Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Dr. Gareth J. Knowles

Technical Abstract:

An exciting, new method under development at NASA Langley provides a method of distributed fiber sensing for Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring (IVHM) of the performance and structural integrity of the tank structure and cryogenic insulation throughout the operational life of the X-33. In a departure from previous methods, the system utilizes a series of Bragg grating of the same wavelength along the fiber. This new technology provides for rugged, lightweight optical fibers for strain and temperature sensing interrogated by varying the laser cavity of a Tunable Fiber Laser system. However, the disadvantages of this lightweight embeddable IVHM system is that it requires bulky electronics, controls and actuation mechanisms to achieve high bandwidth and stroke requirements. Revolutionary, lightweight, regenerative electronics coupled to a multistage micro-Cymbal stack piezoelectric actuator to replace the existing low bandwidth bulky positioners is proposed. Based on its small size, weight and power consumption, synthetic realization of this regenerative electronics architecture could achieve desirable high bandwidth drive/control in a compact package. This innovation provides a the necessary technology to enable Nondestructive Evaluation Sciences Branch, NASA Langley Research Center (NESB)'s tunable fiber laser system for the X-33.

Potential Commercial Applications:
EMF is seeking to combine its proprietary microdrive system with a novel tunable fiber laser distributed sensor to create a new product for a multifaceted commercial marketplace. The proposed piezoelectric microdrive system has a number of application to optical positioning systems and lenses. Burleigh Instruments, a major manufacturer of such devices is intrigued by the proposed technology and could be a Phase 2 partner for commercialization in addition to Lockheed Sanders, the integrator of the X-33 system. Three inviting opportunities for a small footprint distributed optical sensor system exist as an outgrowth of this project: Portable Precision Positioners, Sports Equipment/Sports Diagnostics and Racing Instrumentation. Exploitation of the size and power reduction achieved under this project would make the technology viable for these large scale applications. One of the most immediate applications is in the burgeoning area of adaptive optical systems. Adaptive optical systems are beginning to appear commercially. These systems rely upon high bandwidth control of silicon carbide or beryllium mirror elements. The ability to accurately measure both temperature and strain means real time compensation for temperature variation effects - a large concern for PMN driven units. These systems will be lightweight and impervious to RF/EMI.

Proposal Number: 970147

Project Title: Fiber Optic-Based NDE Systems for Space and Aircraft

Small Business Concern:
F&S, Inc.
P.O. Box 11704
Blacksburg, VA 24062-1704
Research Institution:
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Eugene S. Brown, Assoc. Provost for Program Development
301 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
Mark Jones

Technical Abstract:

F&S, Inc. proposes to demonstrate small-diameter optical fiber strain sensors embedded at and near the adhesive bondline between advanced composite materials to evaluate bond integrity . These sensors will also be demonstrated with composite repair patches on existing metallic aircraft components to directly measure strain transfer during the repair process and to measure the integrity of the repair in-situ. This work builds directly on F&S' unique capability to fabricate small-diameter optical fiber strain sensor elements. F&S' commercialized extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometric strain sensor product was invented as part of a prior DoE research effort by our development partner at Virginia Tech. By modifying this device, full three-dimensional strain field mapping at the boundary will be possible. The program also builds on substantial prior F&S and FEORC research work with DARPA, NASA and Air Force "smart materials and structures" programs involving the use of embedded fiber sensors for the nondestructive evaluation of PMCs and other materials. F&S envisions a short-term product consisting of adhesive bond testing system. Phase III product commercialization funding for the development of this product is committed by FCT which supports similar SBIR product development and commercialization.

Potential Commercial Applications:
A broad commercial market has been identified for the nondestructive evaluation of advanced polymer, metal and other materials and structures, also including the evaluation of adhesive bonds.