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Voyageurs National Park
Friends of Voyageurs National Park

The Mission of the Friends of Voyageurs National Park is to sponsor outreach that supports natural, historical, and educational activities available at Voyageurs National Park.


Park Stewardship and Cooperative Conservation

The Friends of Voyageurs National Park is an award winning non-profit organization working to advance the natural, historic, and educational activities at Voyageurs National Park. The organization was formed by a group of park supporters in 1995.

Currently, the Friends are promoting stewardship through projects, programs, and education to help meet the growing demand for outdoor recreation and natural resource protection.

By joining the Friends of Voyageurs National Park, you support the cooperative efforts of the organization that help people enjoy the beauty of this magnificent place.

Your membership dues are a great help but we also encourage you to become an active participant in the exciting projects we do. Remember, this is everyone's park.

The Friends are a registered, non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax deductible.

Click here to view a Friends of Voyageurs National Park membership form (PDF)

Click here to view information about the Friends of Voyageurs National Park Fund (PDF)

A collage of photos taken during the recent Beaver Club Dinner sponsored by the Friends of VNP.
Carl Breske
The Friends of VNP recently sponsored a Beaver Club Dinner.

Friends of VNP Sponsored Events

The Friends of VNP recently held a Beaver Club Dinner. Click here for more information and photos (PDF).



At their January, 2008 meeting, the Friends of Voyageurs National Park agreed to donate $4,000 to support programs at Voyageurs National Park for 2008.

Voyageurs National Park staff requested support for purchasing supplies for the children’s activity tables at all VNP Visitor Centers, as well as for sponsoring the 2008-2009 winter programs, summer special speaker series and National Park Week celebrations.

The Friends of VNP schedules Beaver Club Dinners from time to time to honor those early explorers and to celebrate winter.

The Friends of VNP receives most of its funding through membership donations.

New members are always welcome and meetings are open to the public.

Engraved wooden award presented to the Friends of Voyageurs National Park in 2006.
Friends of Voyageurs National Park were presented with an award for Excellence in Interpretive Support by Region V of the National Association for Interpretation. 

Excellence in Interpretation Support Award

In April 2006 the National Association for Interpretation Region V recognized the Friends of Voyageurs National Park with an award for Excellence in Interpretive Support.

Then, Friends President, Jo Kallemeyn, along with her husband Larry, attended the NAI Region V award banquet in Dubuque, Iowa, April 7, to accept the award.

In the nomination for the award, it was noted that the Friends of Voyageurs National Park recognized the importance of the park’s interpretive programs and special events as a means to invite visitors to learn about and explore the park. They also acknowledge the value of providing opportunities for area residents to experience the national park that is in their backyard. In 1996, the Friends raised funds during an Earth Day “March for Parks” event to help build a hiking trail in an area of the park where one did not exist. The impact of this contribution is significant because this trail is accessible by car. Being a water-based park, most of Voyageurs’ facilities are accessible only by boat. The Friends knew the value of providing a land-based trail for visitors who arrive without a boat. The park has used this trail for guided bird hikes. Two successful initiatives of the Friends that contributed to lasting benefits for interpretation were the purchase of snowshoes for park programs in 1998 and cross-country skis in 2000. The park conducts snowshoe programs with area schools and interpreters lead guided snowshoe hikes. The Friends sponsored a “Get the Lead Out” campaign informing visitors about the impacts of using lead fishing tackle on the park’s loon population. During this campaign the Friends provided non-lead alternatives for visitors to exchange for their lead tackle. The Friends have donated funds for the continuation of the following interpretive programs: weekly winter programs, weekly summer special speaker series, National Park week, children’s activity areas, program advertisement and publication of the park’s annual newspaper. The group clearly deserves the honor of the Excellence in Interpretive Support award from NAI Region V. For over ten years the Friends of VNP have repeatedly demonstrated that they recognize the value of interpretation.


Looking Back

Friends and Volunteers Aid Annual Youth Art Contests

More than 100 students participate in the National Park Week art contest. The Friends of VNP supply prizes and activities for the award program held at the Rainy Lake Visitor Center.

Friends of VNP Sponsored Summer Special Speaker Programs

Different speakers and topics are features every Friday evening from mid-June to mid-August.  Programs are held at the Woodenfrog State Forest Refectory Building, located adjacent to the campground.

Friends of VNP Celebrate with Voyageurs National Park Association (VNPA)

September 30 the Friends provided dinner at the Arrowhead Resort for VNPA and Friends of VNP trail clearing volunteers after an energetic day of trail maintenance on the Kab-Ash Trail. Good food and conversation opened a dialogue between members of these two organizations, who share a common commitment to helping out at Voyageurs National Park.

Volunteers of all ages participated in the
Volunteers of all ages helped to "Get the Lead Out" by exchanging toxic lead fishing tackle with non-toxic alternatives.

“Get the Lead Out”

We collected 70 pounds of lead last summer at VNP Visitor Centers! Helping to “get the lead out” of fishing tackle helped celebrate the Friends of VNP 10th anniversary.

In cooperation with the MN Office of Environmental Assistance, Friends of VNP representatives were stationed at all VNP Visitor Centers July 9-10, 2005 to exchange nontoxic tackle for anglers' lead fishing tackle.

Throughout the summer, anglers were able to exchange their tackle at all visitor centers. Lead fishing tackle is a threat to wildlife. One lead sinker can kill a loon!

Garage Sale Nets $1900

28 families donated a vast array of wonderful items to make the July 16th, 2005 garage sale a rousing success. Thanks to all who helped make this a fruitful project.

Junior Ranger Program and Birding Guidebook

In 2005, funding from the Friends of VNP National Parks Foundation account was used to support two funding requests. $1000 was donated to help with printing costs for updating the VNP Junior Ranger program materials being developed by VNP staff.

$1000 was also donated to help with the cost of printing a regional birder’s guidebook that will be used for future VNP Birder’s Rendezvous programs.

Fall Newsletter
Fall 2008 Newsletter
Read the Friends and Volunteers of Voyageurs National Park Fall 2008 Newsletter.
Join the Friends of VNP
Become a member of the Friends of VNP.
The Friends of Voyageurs National Park work in partnership with the National Park Service.
Beaver Club Medal
Click to read about the 2007 Beaver Club Dinner
The Friends of Voyageurs NP recently held a Beaver Club Dinnner
A metal wheel from the mining activities on Little American Island.  

Did You Know?
Remnants of mining activity, like the one you see here, can still be seen on Little American Island on Rainy Lake.

Last Updated: May 30, 2008 at 08:24 EST