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“How we eat determines, to a   
considerable extent, how the world is used.” Wendell Berry

Eating for Our Future


Eat Healthy Monday

Meatless Monday

Healthy Monday

Food System Mapping

Baltimore Food and Faith

Food for Life in Elementary Schools

Community Food Assesment

Eat Local

Meatless Monday

In collaboration with the National Meatless Monday Campaign, CLF provides scientific expertise to the national campaign that seeks to reduce the amount of saturated fat consumed by Americans. CLF’s activities have included  analyzing the Meatless Monday survey  to assess receptivity to the Meatless Monday concept, developing informational materials for the website, and providing input for the Meatless Monday tool kits and marketing materials, such as the the “Getting Started with Meatless Monday” booklet and the Meatless Monday recipe booklet.

Meatless Monday Initiative in Baltimore County Middle Schools

Research involved the comparison of two public middle schools in Baltimore County, meatless monday msMaryland where meatless lunch options were offered every Monday. One school’s cafeteria participated in a specially designed campaign with posters, table tents and "Shake It Up Monday" t-shirts, as well as messages that encouraged students to try new meatless entrees on Monday. Students were invited to register for movie tickets and t-shirts during certain lunch periods and to play a nutritional quiz online. meatless monday msStudents at the second school were not exposed to the messages. In addition to analysis of students’ food choices, surveys on attitudes about the Meatless Monday campaign and nutrition knowledge were administered to students at both schools. Finally, a website was developed for the students with interesting food facts, a quiz and nutrition tips for parents.


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