Southwest Region
endangered species grants

Endangered Species Grants


The Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund

peregrin falcon
Through Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act, states and territories can participate in, and receive funding for, a wide array of conservation projects for candidate, proposed and listed plant and animal species. The Division of Federal Aid works cooperatively with the Ecological Services Division and state partners to administer this program. Endangered Species Grants cover a wide range of activities from research and surveys to land acquisition and technical guidance for landowners.

Endangered Species Grants are currently funding state biologist's efforts to gather information on a diverse array of listed species, such as the Houston toad, Chiricahua leopard frog, ocelot, black-footed ferret, aplomado falcon, black-capped vireo and Chihuahuan chub. In the Southwest Region, plants, mollusks, insects, fishes, amphibians, reptiles and mammals have benefitted from the Endangered Species Grant Program.

Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)

The Habitat Conservation Planning Assistance Grants Program provides funding to states to develop HCPs. Planning Assistance Grants may support planning activities such as document preparation, outreach, and baseline surveys and inventories. The funding for the Habitat Conservation Planning Assistance Grants is competed for at the national level.

two black-footed ferretsHCP Land Acquisition Grants Program

The HCP Land Acquisition Grants Program provides funding to states and territories for land acquisitions that are associated with approved HCPs.

The HCP Land Acquisition program has three primary purposes: 1) to fund land acquisitions that complement, but do not replace, private mitigation responsibilities contained in HCPs, 2) to fund land acquisitions that have important benefits for listed, proposed and candidate species, and 3) to fund land acquisitions that have important benefits for ecosystems that support listed, proposed and candidate species.
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Recovery Land Acquisition Grants Program

The Recovery Land Acquistion Grants Program provides funding to states and territories for acquistions of habitat that support approved Recovery Plans.

For more information contact the
Endangered Species Grants administrator in your state!


Last updated: July 30, 2007

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