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Download the following articles about the Moscow Mountain Cedars Park Proposal:

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President Bush Mentions Moscow Mountain
For those of you who missed it the quote below is from President Bush's introduction of Governor Dirk Kempthorne as his next Secretary of the Interior as aired on NPR on 3/17/06.

"Dirk has had a long and abiding love for nature. When he and his wife Patricia were married, they chose to hold the ceremony on top of Idaho's Moscow Mountain. Dirk said, 'I don't think there's a more beautiful cathedral than the outdoors'."

Good work everyone and congratulations to the Governor! The mention of Moscow Mountain by the President is a direct reflection of the visibility of our campaign as seen by the media.

Photo: Roger Ames
Save the Cedars: A Proposal for a Moscow Mountain State Park
“They are a cathedral of trees” said then U.S. Senator Dirk Kempthorne of the ancient cedar grove on top of Moscow Mountain. He should know, he was married there. Shortly after graduating from the University of Idaho and moving back to Boise, Dirk and Patricia drove 300 miles of Idaho roads to be married at the lookout on East Moscow Mountain.

He wasn’t the first and won’t be the last person to appreciate this irreplaceable piece of Idaho’s ecological heritage. Largely spared from disturbance by its location on top of a steep 4700’ ridge, this 269-acre parcel of state school trust land is home to an ancient grove of western red cedars estimated to be 1000 years old. Nurtured by the headwater springs of Felton Creek and Hatter Creek, this stand of trees was nominated in 1974 to be a National Natural Landmark as the best extant example of western red cedar/larch habitat.

The Latah community has been working to protect these trees and their surrounding habitat buffer for over 20 years. As part of the school trust endowment, the Idaho Constitution requires the land be managed for the maximum long term economic return to the trust – money that helps pay for Idaho’s public schools. To avoid turning ancient cedars into rails, posts and shakes, ten years ago The Nature Conservancy arranged a special use lease for the land to gain time while a land exchange between the conservancy and the state could be worked out.

It didn’t happen. The Nature Conservancy and the state were unable to settle on an equitable exchange value for the property. In mid-January, The Nature Conservancy sent a letter to the state saying they were not going to renew the lease. It’s back in our hands.

A broad group of interested folks have now banded together to propose the cedars as a new state park under now Governor Kempthorne’s “Experience Idaho” proposal to upgrade the state park system. Please help this coalition save the cedars. There are only two short months to pass this proposal through the Legislature!

Click map image to download a full size pdf copy (825k) of the map.

Idaho Governor
Dirk Kempthorne
enjoys the outdoors.

What needs to happen
To pass a bill requires supporters to be citizen lobbyists. There are two important target dates: February 9 is when the Joint Finance Appropriations Committee will hear the state parks budget proposal. February 13 is the last day for regular bills to be submitted. To generate momentum write, phone and email the people listed below and any other personal contacts you may have in the legislature, parks department or the governor’s office. Download some sample letters (pdf, 16k).

Photo: Roger Ames

  • Randy Rice, IDPR Board Member
    1018 S Harding St
    Moscow ID 83843

Get inside the Idaho Statehouse.
Photo: Elaine Johnson
Proposed Draft Legislation
67-42….. MOSCOW MOUNTAIN STATE PARK -- CREATED -- LOCATION. Pursuant to 67-4201, the property consisting of about 295.6 acres, more or less, and more particularly described as:S1/2 S1/2 NW1/4, SW1/2 NW1/4 SE1/4, S1/2 SE1/4, SW1/4, Section 16 Township 40 North Range 4W Boise Meridian; is withdrawn from sale and transferred to the park and recreation board of the department of parks and recreation of the state of Idaho. There is hereby created on said property a state park to be known and designated as Moscow Mountain State Park.

67-42…. CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT. The control, administration and management of the Moscow Mountain State Park shall be vested in the park and recreation board of the department of parks and recreation of the state of Idaho. Management shall conform to the heretofore agreed upon management goals for this property as stipulated in department of lands lease # M-4011 and more fully described as: (1) to protect and enhance the habitat, including the representative vegetation, in particular the old growth western redcedar, and the wildlife it supports; (2) to provide an example of old growth forest for the education of both the general public and specific groups; (3) to provide a scenic non-motorized recreation area for the general welfare, use, and enjoyment of the public; and, (4) to provide opportunities for scientific research regarding old growth forests.

Photo: Elaine Johnson

67-42… CITIZENS ADVISORY GROUP –- ESTABLISHED –- MEMBERSHIP. A citizens advisory group is established to advise the department of parks and recreation on the implementation of management policies at Moscow Mountain State Park. Membership shall include (1) one representative of Latah County, (1) representative of the conservation social sciences department of the University of Idaho college of natural resources or its successor, (1) representative of the University of Idaho experimental forest, (1) adjoining landowner, and (3) three members of the general public.

$1.5 million to be appropriated from the Permanent Building Fund and paid to the school trust endowment fund. (this is an approximate cost pending confirmation of appraised value from department of lands)

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Photo: Brenda Guettler
Here is one cedar picture that I took a couple of years ago. That's my mom in the picture. It was a
cold misty day and the cedars were especially magical as day turned to dusk and the fog surrounded us.

last update: 4/11/2008

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Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
P.O. Box 8596 • Moscow ID 83843 • (208) 882-1444 • info@pcei.org