Solar Living Institute
Promoting Sustainable Living through Inspirational Environmental Education
HomeWelcome to the Internship Program!

Program Overview

Interns are an integral part of the success of the Solar Living Institute on a daily basis and the key to the organization's on-going mission of promoting sustainability through inspirational environmental education.  Under a work-trade agreement, interns assist staff and participate in all programs operated by  the Institute.  This includes: helping to coordinate and host our workshops; assisting with the maintenance and construction of our facilities; caring for our garden; tending to our landscape; supporting the planning of events; giving tours to the public and school groups; helping around the office; staffing special events; and much, much more! 

Internships are dedicated to the support of the Institute and are very demanding - however, with the right combination of positivity, high-energy, and determination, interns are able to reap the benefits of a living and working experience at a dynamic and cutting-edge organization committed to creating a better world for all individuals.

Interns come from around the nation and world to participate in the daily life and work of the Institute. Previous interns have come from throughout the United States, as well as Poland, England, South Africa, Chile, Colombia, Israel, Thailand and more.  The Institute makes a strong effort to create a diverse intern community as possible.  Regardless of defining characteristics, the internship program is open to all individuals who share a passion for learning about sustainability and working hard to create a better world.

Internships last nine months and all are unpaid.  During their time at the Institute, interns are required to work a total of 32 hours per week in the direct support of a staff member and/or a specific program.  In exchange for their time and energy, the Institute provides interns with free access to workshops, simple accommodations on-site, a weekly food stipend, and the opportunity to experience the benefits of being part of the Solar Living Institute family.  Interns are also expected to help maintain and develop the Institute's garden on a weekly basis, as it is a food source for the intern community.

Interns live closely with each other in our intern village and campground.  Our village features cooking and eating facilities, common space, a library, wireless and desktop internet access, indoor and outdoor showers, a wood-fired oven, fire-circle and much more.  Interns live indoors during their time at the Institute and housing is communal and coed.  We will be working to build our second intern house in 2009 and, until it is completed,  some of our 2009 interns will share space in one of our village yurts.  Individual interns are expected to participate in the communal nature of the intern living arrangements - assisting with cooking, cleaning, community meetings, and other activities as necessary.
All 2009 internships will be from March 1st to November 30th, 2009.  Due to recent changes in the program, we will be extending the application deadline for all internship positions (listed below) until February 1st, 2009 with the understanding that all internship start dates will remain March 1st, 2009

To apply, please click here

General Schedule:

  • interns work 32 hours per week under the direct supervision of a staff member within a particular area;
  • intern schedules may vary on a week-to-week basis to best meet the needs of the Institute and is created by the intern's supervisor.  However, the Institute makes a strong effort to create consistent schedules well in advance;
  • interns work with targeted, but at-times limited, supervision from staff and are expected  to be self-starters and excellent communicators;
  • and interns are expected to cooperatively share chores associated with caring for the Institute's garden (planting, watering, harvesting, etc) and Intern Village outside of their daily work hours.

Work-Trade Agreement
  • the internship program is built up on a work-trade agreement in which interns receive simple, on-site accommodations, a weekly food stipend, free access to Institute hosted workshops, participation in Institute events, access to on-site food (gardens, chickens, etc), Real Goods discount, and networking opportunities in exchange for 32 hours of work per week;
  • interns are expected to be professional during their working hours, adhering to a set of Institute expectations;
  • and interns may attend workshops offered by the Solar Living Institute on a space-available basis at the discretion of the Workshop Department during and after their time at the Institute.

Intern Lifestyle:
  • Interns share a communal living space (30-foot diameter yurt). The Yurt houses a kitchen and dining area and is part of the Intern Village.  The Village also includes a cob fire circle, greywater recycling system, shower house (indoor and outdoor showers), office/library yurt, chicken coop, developing garden space, housing unit and more;
  • interns receive a weekly food allowance as well as full access to all produce generated from garden and chicken coop. Generally intern food allowance is pooled and interns conduct a weekly group food shopping trip to a local cooperative market;
  • interns should expect to participate in group and individual meals on a regular basis, sharing the chores of cooking and cleaning equally;
  • intern housing is in the process of being constructed, with one housing unit completed in 2008 - an additional housing unit is scheduled for construction in 2009;
  • interns are housed cooperatively and are expected to live harmoniously with each other during their time at the Institute;
  • interns are able to camp onsite during their internship if they so desire - they must provide their own tent and sleeping supplies;
  • and interns should expect to participate in democratic or consensus decision-making and conflict resolution within the intern group - open, mature, and positive communication is strongly encouraged and expected.

Internship Focus Areas:

The following descriptions are illustrative of the types of  internships positions available at the Institute. Every intern is expected to remain flexible, and could be asked to assist in any program area, on an as-needed basis.


Site interns will work closely with staff and other interns to help keep the 12-acre property in tip-top shape and to educate and inspire the visiting public. These interns are key to the upkeep and smooth facilitation of the site by promoting the long-term health of the property’s facilities, thus ensuring an enjoyable, inspiring, and educational experience for the public.

Tasks could include: natural building planning and construction; solar panel maintenance; educational displays construction and maintenance...(read more details.)


The landscape intern will work closely with the Landscape Manager to assist in maintenance and design of the 12-acre demonstration site, with the intention of establishing both an aesthetically pleasing and functional learning tool in support of the Solar Living Institute’s workshop program and public demonstration. The intern’s physical assistance and knowledge is important in maintaining the landscape on a daily basis. This ultimately will promote the long-term health of the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, thus ensuring an enjoyable, inspiring, and educational experience for the visiting public.

Tasks could include: individual garden care, irrigation maintenance, pond and water system management,  tree pruning and care; compost system management;  landscape design and implementation...(read more details.)

Workshops: Renewable Energy Focus

The RE Workshop Intern will assist Workshop Department staff in coordinating a wide range of renewable energy workshop priorities, including curriculum preparation, workshop hosting, and instructor support for hands-on activities.

Tasks could include but are not limited to the following:  preparing equipment and materials, creating and distributing promotional materials, helping to write press releases and maintain our web presence, workshop setup, hospitality and cleanup, administrative/ office support (data entry, file mgmt, photocopying), customer service (responding to inquiries and helping resolve problems), and, depending on skills, helping with solar panel and electrical repair & maintenance onsite as well as tool and equipment upkeep....(read more details)

Workshops: Sustainable Living

The Sustainable Living Workshop Intern will assist in coordinating a wide range of sustainable living workshop priorities, including curriculum preparation, workshop hosting, and instructor support for hands-on activities.

Tasks could include but are not limited to the following: preparing equipment and materials, creating and distributing promotional materials, helping to write press releases and maintain our web presence, workshop setup, hospitality and cleanup, administrative/ office support (data entry, file mgmt, photocopying), customer service (responding to inquiries and helping resolve problems), and, depending on skills, could also help with garden management, natural building projects, animal (chickens and bees) care, and other systems related to sustainable living workshops...(read more).


Event Coordination Interns will work closely with Institute staff, production staff, and other interns to assist with the production of in-house and outside events.  These interns will assist with various aspects of planning, implementing, and wrapping up those events.  By doing do, these interns will learn what is necessary to plan and operate functional public education events.

Tasks could include but are not limited to the following: event planning and program development; logistical preparation and materials development; children’s and adult education programming; venue planning and coordination; purchasing and merchandising; volunteer coordination and management; event staffing and execution...(read more)


To apply, please click here

Program Overview
Meet the Interns
Intern Village
Where are They Now?
Intern Wish List
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