West Virginia University

Extension Service

April 2001

Dr. John F. Baniecki, Extension Specialist in Plant Pathology/Entomology,
Pest Management Program

Pesticide Tidbits

Pesticide Facts

Registered Pesticides-20,000

Registrants with Active Pesticide Registrations - 1,963

Farms and Business Sites Regulated Under Pesticide Programs -2,246,512
- Farms- 2,194,070
- Domestic Pesticide Manufacturing Establishments-11,305
- Foreign Pesticide Manufacturing Establishments -1,137
- Commercial Pest Control Firms -40,000

Farm Workers -2,952,600
- Self-employed Farm Workers-1,570,000
- Hired Farm Workers -890,300
- Unpaid Farm Workers -487,500

Certified Applicators -1,187,515
- Private Applicators -803,423
- Commercial Applicators-384,092

 (EPA, 2-14-01)

Helping you put knowledge to work

The West Virginia University Cooperative Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture and West Virginia counties cooperating. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.