NJ Information Network for Pesticides & Alternative Strategies

The New Jersey component of the Northeastern IPM Center

The New Jersey Information Network for Pesticides & Alternative Strategies (NJinPAS) is part of a grant-funded network designed to provide a structure to gather and transmit information on issues relevant to both current and transitional pest management strategies.  The NJinPAS project is directed by Dr. George Hamilton, Specialist in Pest Management for Rutgers Cooperative Extension.  Funded by the ‘Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Center’ (NEIPM Center).  NJinPAS collaborates with other land-grant universities including mid-Atlantic partners Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, and New York.   New Jersey’s participation in this network maximizes regional resources and communication, and assures New Jersey’s representation at the national level.  Click here for a one page one page fact sheet on NJinPAS  (posted 12/05).

Its purpose is to improve the level of knowledge, awareness, and understanding of local, State, regional, and national pest management practices. New Jersey stakeholders are instrumental in identifying State pest management issues; these are then outlined in crop profiles and strategy plans.  The information gathered and distributed by NJinPAS is key to informed decision-making by Federal regulators on pest management issues that will impact New Jersey.  Further, NJinPAS will provide New Jersey stakeholders with timely advisories of regional or national changes in pest management strategies or regulations that may impact them. 

NJinPAS goals and objectives are guided by an Advisory Committee comprised of New Jersey stakeholders representing a diversity of perspectives and technical expertise.  This committee includes representatives from commodity groups, grower organizations, environmental and public interest groups, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, research faculty of the Rutgers University College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, the Pesticide Control Program of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, and pesticide registrants. 

NJinPAS provides the following services to its stakeholders:  

  • NJinPAS Listservs:  Expedited delivery to New Jersey stakeholders of more timely pesticide-related information (such as regulation advisories or requests for comment).  NJinPAS set up and maintains an email listserv and mailing infrastructure that includes growers, crop consultants, pesticide users, public interest groups, environmental groups, and Extension faculty and staff.  See the web page on Listserv Enrollment for a full listing of the listservs available and how to enroll. See the webpage on Listserv Postings for access to an online archive of all open listserv postings made since October 2001.
  • New Jersey Pesticide Registration InformationTimely announcement of non-routine pesticide actions, such as Section 18 Emergency Exemptions, Crisis Exemptions, and Section 24C Special Local Need Registrations is first made to the appropriate NJinPAS listservs.  Each pesticide action is then archived online chronologically, providing the only web-accessible listing of past and current pesticide registrations and exemptions granted for New Jersey.
  • Pesticide Use Surveys: NJinPAS gathers pest management data and input from researchers, growers, crop consultants, pesticide users, regulators, and Extension faculty and staff in New Jersey. The most currently available  pesticide use survey reports are provided on this web page.  NJinPAS compiles and analyzes New Jersey pesticide survey results for regional and local distribution subsequent from raw pesticide user survey data.  This data is used in the preparation of crop profiles and pest management strategic plans (PMSPs) that will be utilized by government agencies making regulatory decisions. The NJ SNP received funding for surveys for use in three new crop profiles for 2006: arugula, basil, and leeks; these will completed within the contract period of July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007.  
  • Crop Profiles: NJinPAS also assesses use data to forecast impacts of changes in pesticide regulations on agricultural productivity in New Jersey. Crop Profiles are one of the key ways this information is shared with New Jersey stakeholders, other mid-Atlantic states, the NE IPMC, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 

Accordingly, NJinPAS-funded Workgroups have prepared new crop profiles for apples, bell pepper, carrots, eggplant, field corn, honey bees, pumpkin, cucumber, kale, new tomato, and new arugala in New Jersey. See previously published crop profiles based on 1997 data for asparagus, cranberry, alfalfa, spinach, and squash. Thus far, the crop profiles for alfalfa, asparagus, cranberry, peaches, spinach, and squash have been revised with 2000 data (most currently available dataset from NJDEP; 2003 pesticide use data is projected to be released in 2008). 

Revision of a Crop profile for blueberry using 2000 data is pending. Two new crop profiles are underway: basil and leeks; these will be completed in early 2008. View Crop Profiles completed throughout the United States.

  • Pest Management Strategic Plans: Pest Management Strategic Plans focus on commodity production in a particular state or region. New Jersey has produced State plans as well as participated in the production of regional plans.  Using a pest-by-pest approach, the plans identify  current management practices (chemical and non-chemical) and those under development. Plans also state the priorities for the commodity for research, regulatory activity, and education/training programs needed for transition to alternative pest management practices.

We have published a PMSP for Peaches for New Jersey and PMSP for Carrots for New Jersey.  We have also collaborated on regional PMSPs for apple, spinach, lima bean, and watermelon. We will be collaborating on a PMSP for Green Pepper with Delaware in 2008.

See the New Jersey PMSP webpage for more details on the collaborative process for all of our PMSPs. See the presentation EPA Perspective on PMC Products. This is a presentation made at several PMC meetings by Nikhil Mallampalli, Entomologist US-EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs, Biological and Economic Analysis Division (BEAD). View PMSPs completed throughout the United States.

For further information, contact Pat Hastings hastings@njaes.rutgers.edu  or NJinPAS Project Director Dr. George Hamilton hamilton@njaes.rutgers.edu.  Both may be reached by phone at 732-932-9801.

This site is supported, in part, with funding from the Northeastern IPM Center.

