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Featured Q & A - John Grunsfeld, STS-109
STS-109 Mission Specialist John Grunsfeld

STS-109 Mission Specialist John Grunsfeld answered this question live via air-to-ground transmission.

Listen to his answer:
#1.4 Mb .wav file
#Netshow Audio
From: David Tonner, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Age: 42

Question: When exiting the shuttle for a space walk, do you sense a temperature change?

Grunsfeld: David, that's a great question. The temperature in space is kind of hard to define 'cause there aren't very many molecules on which temperature is defined. But we certainly do radiate in our space suits and we certainly generate a lot of heat inside. So it kind of depends on what your workload is and whether it's day or night. I find that at nighttime my hands and feet do get a little cold, and to compensate, we have heaters on the gloves. And then during the daytime or when I'm working hard -- I get nice and toasty inside the suit -- we have a little thermostat that we use to adjust the temperature so that we can make sure and stay cold. Good question!

Read more answered questions from STS-109.

Curator: Kim Dismukes | Responsible NASA Official: John Ira Petty | Updated: 08/13/2008
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