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Environmental Studies Dept.

405 ISB
1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

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      Academic Services

      Academic Services Coordinator

      405-H Interdisciplinary Sciences Building
      University of California, Santa Cruz
      Phone: 459-2634, Fax: 459-4015

      Academic Services provides support to faculty, lecturers, and and other instructors in the Environmental Studies Department. The following information explains what the Academic Services office can provide:

        Services are available to:

        • Ladder rank faculty
        • Senate members
        • Emeritus
        • Lecturers
        • Visiting teaching faculty

      Academic Services Budget covers the following services and supplies:
      Typing or text processing; message-taking; on-campus & domestic faxing; photocopying and postage for course work; University business correspondence, reports, reprints and research proposals which are not otherwise financially supported (i.e. grants).

      1. Course Work
      2. Department administrative support
      3. Letters of recommendation & correspondence
      4. Bio-bibliographies
      5. Grant applications
      6. Scholarly research papers, reports, etc.
      7. NES (miscellaneous evaluations, not entire classes)*
      • University letterhead stationery, envelopes
      • Pens, pencils, markers
      • Tablets, file folders, index cards, post-its
      • Paper clips, scotch tape and dispensers
      • Paper for department photocopiers/printers
      • Various UCSC forms
      • Transparency film

      • Graduate students, non-teaching visitors and research associates must provide their own supplies.
      • Teaching Assistants may use copy cards to make copies for instructional purposes only, i.e. examinations, class handouts. All department personnel can purchase copy cards for personal use from the campus libraries.
      •  Copyright law forbids photocopying of copyrighted materials without written permission.  Permission request forms can be obtained from the Academic Services Office or the Campus Copy Center.  Please plan in advance.
      •  The Academic Services Office provides audio-visual equipment, which may be reserved and checked out.
      •  Academic Services will photocopy at request two copies of a course reader—one for library reserve, and one to take to the copy center for duplication. 

      The Academic Services Budget does not provide for the following services:
      Postage for:

      • Expedited mail
      • Return of student papers
      • Moves from campus (unaffiliated students, faculty)
      • Non-University correspondence
      • Mass-mailings
      • Personal correspondence
      • Consulting
      • Mailing for supported research
      • Forwarding of non first-class mail

      Photocopies of:

      • Student authored papers
      • Entire textbooks
      • Student materials other than handouts
      • Conference/consulting/research materials
      • Readers for distribution or sale
      • Personal items

      Other campus services not covered by this budget:

      • Receipt of student papers via fax
      • Printing of dissertations
      • Unsupported international faxes
      • Library photocopy service
      • Hand-delivery service

      * Submit entire class performance evaluations to script@ucsc.edu; direct questions to nes@ucsc.edu.