ACDI/VOCA's Culture

Expertise. Accountability. Collaboration. Innovation.

The ACDI/VOCA team of professionals has established a worldwide reputation for expanding economic and social opportunities. At its best our work forever changes the lives of others, and thus a positive and congenial spirit underlies our culture.

The ability to achieve true and lasting development is made possible by our emphasis on impact. In particular, we achieve results through our expertise, accountability, collaboration and innovation.

Fundamental to our culture is a commitment to building our own capacity to implement development projects. Our expertise is embodied in our understanding of the problem, sound project design, the application of superior resources and proficient implementation.

High standards of accountability demonstrate our dedication to beneficiaries, donors and each other. By clearly defining responsibility and measuring performance, our teams are better able to apply effective development methods as well as ensure wise and scrupulous use of donor resources.

ACDI/VOCA’s commitment to collaboration manifests our belief that our talented and experienced staff can discover, develop and deliver the solutions to virtually any challenge encountered. As an organization we value communications and learning. Our small, flexible teams are dedicated to finding entrepreneurial approaches to winning and successfully managing projects. When appropriate we engage in partnerships or secure the best outside resources available. Above all, we treat our beneficiaries as true partners.

With the plight of so many at stake and with many of the world’s problems seemingly intractable, innovation is required from development practitioners. While we utilize proven, replicable approaches where possible, we regard each country, each community and each person as important and unique. We have a record of pioneering important development methodologies and performing well even in trying circumstances. While this obviously matters to those we serve—it is also extremely satisfying to us.