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Graduate Students

   Graduate Students
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Holly Alpert
Holly Alpert
Title:  Doctoral Candidate
Email:  halpert@ucsc.edu
Phone:  (831) 334-0873 Message
Personal Page:  http://people.ucsc.edu/~halpert/

Nicholas Babin
Nicholas Babin
Title:  Ph.D. Student
Email:  nbabin@ucsc.edu
Phone:  (831) 459-5818 Office

James Barsimantov
James Barsimantov
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  barsja@gmail.com
Phone:  (530) 554-2567 Message
Office:  459 Nat Sci II

Sara Bothwell
Sara Bothwell
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  sgb@ucsc.edu
Phone:  (831) 325-3052 Office
Office:  ISB 420

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Peter Brewitt
Title:  Ph.D. Student
Email:  pbrewitt@ucsc.edu
Office:  420 ISB

Rose Cohen
Rose Cohen
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  rcohen@ucsc.edu

Rebecca Cole
Rebecca Cole
Email:  rcole@ucsc.edu

Amy Concilio
Amy Concilio
Email:  aconcili@ucsc.edu
Phone:  (831) 295-4359 Message
(831) 459-4015 Fax
Office:  475 Nat Sci 2

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Tara Cornelisse
Title:  Ph.D. student
Email:  tcorneli@ucsc.edu
Office:  421 NS2

Brian Dowd
Brian Dowd
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  bdowd@ucsc.edu
Phone:  (831) 459-5288 Office
Office:  437 Natural Sciences II
Office Hours:  Monday 10-12pm

Brian Emerson
Brian Emerson
Email:  bemerson@ucsc.edu

Getachew Eshete
Getachew Eshete
Title:  Graduate Student
Email:  gtadesse@ucsc.edu

Adam French
Adam French
Email:  akfrench@ucsc.edu

Sean Gillon
Sean Gillon
Title:  Ph.D. Student
Email:  sgillon@ucsc.edu
Office:  449 ISB

Kathleen Hilimire
Kathleen Hilimire
Title:  Ph.D. Student
Email:  khilimir@ucsc.edu
Phone:  (510) 847-3679
Office:  NatSciII 427, PICA A1
Personal Page:  http://www.agroecology.org/Kathy.html

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Pete Holloran
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  peteh{at}ucsc.edu
Phone:  (831) 459-1774 Office
Office:  Nat Sci II 469

Kristen Hulvey
Kristen Hulvey
Email:  khulvey@ucsc.edu

John Hunt
John Hunt
Email:  jwhunt@ucdavis.edu
Interests:  John Hunt is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Environmental Studies at UCSC, and a Research Specialist in the Department of Environmental Toxicology at UC Davis, where he has conducted aquatic toxicology research at the Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory at Granite Canyon for the past 20 years. His work focuses on the biological effects of anthropogenic chemicals in coastal waters, estuaries, streams, and watershed systems. He has participated in the design, implementation, and scientific review of large-scale water quality monitoring programs, including the California Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP), the Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program (BPTCP), and numerous statewide toxicity assessments. He currently focuses on watershed-scale studies of pollutant fate, transport, and biological effects.

Julie Jedlicka
Julie Jedlicka
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  jenvs@ucsc.edu
Office:  418 ISB
Personal Page:  http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/~dletour/lab/members/jenvs.html

Paula Jones
Paula Jones
Title:  PhD Student
Email:  pkjones@ucsc.edu

Michiyo Kakegawa
Michiyo Kakegawa
Title:  Ph.D. student
Email:  mkakegaw@ucsc.edu
Office:  473-NS2
Office Hours:  by appointment

Daniel Keck
Daniel Keck
Title:  Ph.D. Student
Email:  dkeck@ucsc.edu
Office:  421 Natural Sciences 2
Office Hours:  By appointment

Timothy J. Krupnik
Timothy J. Krupnik
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate, Emphasis in Agroecology
Email:  t.krupnik@cgiar.org
Phone:  (831) 227-6433 Office
(831) 706-2652 Message
(831) 401-2520 Fax
Office:  469 ISB
Office Hours:  By Appointment
Personal Page:  http://envs.ucsc.edu/shennan/Directory/Tim.html
Interests:  Tropical cropping systems ecology, especially in rice; international agricultural development; low-external input agriculture; resource conserving agriculture; participatory agricultural extension and education, ecologically based waste management; beekeeping; riding bikes and ocean kayaking.

Taal Levi
Taal Levi
Email:  trlevi@ucsc.edu

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Blair McLaughlin
Email:  bcmclaug@ucsc.edu

Hilary Melcarek
Hilary Melcarek
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  melcarek@ucsc.edu

Carlo R. Moreno
Carlo R. Moreno
Title:  Ph.D. Student
Email:  crmoreno@ucsc.edu
Office:  485 Nat Sci 2
Personal Page:  http://www.agroecology.org/Carlo.html

Amy Morris
Amy Morris
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  awmorris@ucsc.edu
Phone:  (831) 566-8380 Message

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Joanna Nelson
Email:  jolektra@ucsc.edu

Tim Norris
Tim Norris
Email:  tbnorris@ucsc.edu

Jennie Ohayon
Jennie Ohayon
Title:  Ph.D. Student
Email:  johayon@ucsc.edu
Office:  429 Nat Sci 2
Interests:  Urban ecology, environmental justice

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Joanna Ory
Email:  jory@ucsc.edu

Jae Pasari
Jae Pasari
Title:  Ph.D. Student
Email:  jpsari@ucsc.edu
Personal Page:  http://www.jpasari.org/

Brian Petersen
Brian Petersen
Email:  petersen@ucsc.edu

Alex Racelis
Alex Racelis
Email:  aracelis@ucsc.edu

Leighton Reid
Leighton Reid
Email:  jlreid@ucsc.edu

Leah Samberg
Leah Samberg
Email:  lsamberg@ucsc.edu

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Devon Sampson
Title:  Graduate Student
Email:  devon@ucsc.edu

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Cindy Schmidt
Title:  Graduate Student
Email:  clschmid@ucsc.edu

Daniella Schweizer
Daniella Schweizer
Email:  dschweiz@ucsc.edu

Ana K. Spalding
Ana K. Spalding
Email:  aspaldin@ucsc.edu
Office:  ISB 449
Interests:  marine conservation, governmentality, latin america, social organization, cultural heritage

Diana Stuart
Diana Stuart
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  dstuart@ucsc.edu
Office:  469 ISB
Interests:  Political Ecology, Wildlife Conservation, Environmental Governance, Sustainable Agriculture

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Jorge A Torres Ortega
Email:  jtorreso@ucsc.edu
Office:  NSII 429
Office Hours:  Non-Governmental conservation in Central America.

Michael Vasey
Michael Vasey
Email:  mvasey@ucsc.edu

Yiwei Wang
Yiwei Wang
Title:  PhD Student
Email:  yixwang@ucsc.edu
Office:  419 Nat Sci 2
Office Hours:  Monday 3:15-4:15 Wednesday 10:30-11:30
Personal Page:  http://y.wang82.googlepages.com/home

Benjamin Weil
Benjamin Weil
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  bsweil@ucsc.edu

Biao Zhu
Biao Zhu
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  bzhu@ucsc.edu
Office:  413 ISB
Office Hours:  Monday 11-12, Thursday 9-11, ISB 413 (Winter 2009)
Personal Page:  http://people.ucsc.edu/~bzhu/

Anna Zivian
Anna Zivian
Title:  Ph.D. Candidate
Email:  azivian@ucsc.edu
Phone:  (831) 706-2621 Message